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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1911)
JIM HILL SAYS BUSINESS IS GOODAND IT GENERALLY IS, WITH JIM HILL A LIUIO -jiuiiiub ui 'WT ADVERTISING In The TIMES Will Put Your Heal Kstnto "In . .. ...i...,ii i.'f t n n I Ivnlvl WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Kwp tlio Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing YOU enn ronlly help tlio family revenues by renting n few furnished rooms nnd, If you luiuW how am when to use tho classified columns, you mny keep thnt ll'tlo extra lucomo as "ptendy ob a clock." (lie iinii"-' " - - - - - -lt Wlll put tlio facts about your nrnnorty bcroro tho cyca of nil "pos ff buyers" in town. And If Micro's ono of thorn who ought to Jin It. youMlMlHU MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PR .so VOL XXXV Established in 1878 ns Tlio Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Time. Const Mall mid Coos liny Advertiser. No.. 86 (E000 afattra PHILADELPHIA FROM H Are Easy Victors Over Giants In Third Game of World's Series. IS THIRD VICTORY FOR CONNIE MACK Matthewson Batted Out of Box Phillies Outplay Giants at All Points. (Dy AssoclatoJ Press to Coos Baj Times) PHILADELPHIA, I'll., Oct. 21. In the fourth giitno of tho world's championship series, which wuh post poned ilvo times, tho Athletics todny defentcd the Giants by n Hcoro of I to 2. The American League ehuin jilons outplayed their opponents at all points of tho game. They hit Mathewson hnrdor thnn ho had over been hatted In a world's series iukI the hits ciiiuo when they meant runs. lleiider on tho othor hand pitched n sternly, effective gumo throughout, nnd In no Inning, except tho first when they inndo two runs, wero tho Olnuts nblo to bunch their hits. Tlio runs wero seorod on a single, triple and an infield out. Mnthowson retired in tho olghtlt o ni.ow i ecner o u u, ..... ...... Wiitso imisiicu uio guniu wun uuu hit being scored against him. The scoro: New York 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll 11 El 0 02 7 a Phlladel- phln 0 0 0 3 10 0 0 I 11 1 " Mlnttorles-Mat1icVfioriYiAVIlfBO 'nhd Meyers; llender nnd Tlio'mnr. The totnl uttendanco todny was 24,3r.C. Tho total cash taken was $IQ,9B7. Today's Biuno ends tho players participation In tho rccolptu. They will recolve n totnl of $127, 91C.C1. or this amount, tho winners receive CO por cent nnd tho losers 40 per cont. Twonty-ono men on each team aro ollglblo to participate in the division of tho money of each club. McNamara's Attorneys Chal lenge Juror Who Is Opposed to Labor Unions. Dy Associated Press to tho C003 Buy Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Oct. 24. P. J. Mullen, n real estnto dealer, NO JURY YET FOR BIG CASE was challenged by tho defense nftorlpnny's franchise on Fifth street, will he said ho believed James D. Mc-jhnvo no effect upon tho negotiations Nnmnra was guilty of blowing up Tho for thnt company's proporty. Times. Kor twelve years ho has bo- Tho Southern Pacific company is lloved labor unions nro associated known to be making extenslvo prep wlth violence. Ho snld he could not nratlons In this city for active con- set asldo this opinion If ho was cho sen ns n Juror. Tho stnto resisted the challenge. I-'IIIK place SCHEENS, ANDIHOXS, and F1UK SETS at MILXEK'S. SANDWICHES nnd COFFEE or CAKE and COFFKE 10 CENTS at UTHKUAX hall, WEDNESDAY from 2 to 5. EVEUYONE INVITED hy Episcopal AIFAIl GUILD. IN KENTUCKY Double Murderer Kills Deputy Sheriff and Is Himself Wounded by Posse. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. J MIDDLESDORO, Ky Oct. 24. Jn a running fight with a sheriff's Posse early today, Cal McRalle, want- for a double murder at Pluevillo, was shot and Deputy Sheriff Thomas of the posse received wounds from which he died later, FOUR ARE SHOT WINS TODAY YORK 4 10 2 - THREATENS TO KILL PRESIDENT TAFT (Dy Associated Press.) MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 24. Having repentedly declar ed ho would kill President Tuft on tho hitter's arrival hero to night, Julius Uergersou, 52 years old, was placed In tho county Jail todny, pending nn Inquiry Into his mental condi tion. Boise Man Uses Shotgun Enact Horrible Tragedy In His Home. . IU (By Associated Press to Coos Baj Tlrnoa., I101SE, Ida.. Oct. 21 "Conimo - doro" Cury discharged both barrels (,f n Bi,0t KUI, nt0 his wife's buck 'yesterday whllo sho was busy about )10l. liousowork, killing her Instant - y ,l0 tiicn urea mini unrreis into ll8 wn urenst, (lying willtin a low mltes. No reason for the action i . . ' Is known. TO S Agent Buell of Southern Pacific Says It Waits on Asset Company Deal. ' EUGENE, Ore., Oct. 24 Hlght-of-wny Agent Duell of the Southern Pad He compnny, Is authority for tho statement that construction work on the compnny's Eugene-Coos Buy lino will begin just as soon ns tho deul for the Lano county Assot compnny's rlght-of-wny is closed. Tho otllcers of tho Asset company have been busy with their lawsuit in tho circuit court, or the deal might hnvo been consummated. Mr. Duell Is rapidly closing up tho small odds and ends of his work and lacks only n small piece or two of right-of-way adjoin ing tho city limits, asldo from tho Asset company's holdings, to iniiko It possible to start grading out of Eu gene on a largo scalo. Tno action of the city council in voting not to grant tho extension of tho Asset com structlon work In a very short tlmo It Is definitely asserted that tho contract for the first twenty miles of tho road has been let, but tho com pnny olllcluls decline to confirm tho report. NEWS "VJMHTGEXE. l'millc d'lfttt Western Men Causing Stir Here. Tho Eugene Register says: "F. E. Taylor has Just returned from a visit with his mother and brothers on the lower Sluslaw. He says the peoplo down there aro very curious as to who the Pacific Great Western Hail road company Is. It Js reported thero that grading is soon to Btart on their survey from .Mnpleton eastwaru wun n big crew, Conditions have shaped a big crew, Coiidltloiis navo sua pea themseves down that mj so that will only be a short tlmo until it will be revealed who Is back of tho com pany and what its real plans and pur poses tire. "Engineers Ralph B. Hunt and Brnnton, accompanied by W. S. Fos ter of Portland, left for the lower Sluslaw In a nrlvate rig last ovenlng to look over railroad matters between tho coast range mountains and tho head of tide; It may bo thero will bo something to announce soon." Winchester Shot Gun? and Lender SHELLS will reach at MILXEU'S. BAND DANCE at EAGLES HALL Saturday evening, OCTOBER. 28. MU SIC by FULL band. nEATING STOVES at JflLNER'S. SHOOTS WIFE AND HIMSELF EXPECTS IK ION COOS COUNTY'S PROGRESS TO BE TOLD BY BIG ILLUSTRATED EDITION The Times Will Issue Souvenir Number to Exploit Re sources of County. COMING OF RAILWAY TO BE FITTINGLY OBSERVED Old Coos' Progressive Past? Prosperous Present, Prom ising Future Set In Detail. Every week In tho yenr The Times ciirntoly. The varied resources and Is In receipt of from a half-dozen to industries will bo treated in detail a score of letters from all parts of through conservatively worded artl the country requesting sample copies ciC8 nnd K00d illustrations, that will tell something of Coos Day wo bollevo the eastern man who and Coos county. Theso letters sug-contoinpite8 locating in Oregon, Bested the Idea of telling in ono is- wnntB rct8( unombollshcd by too suo Bomo of tho splendid opportunl- lltci, ornnto verblnco nnd with extra- . ties for tho hoincscoker that may bo found In all parts of this favored section, tho Times ueneves mat a proper presentation of conditions as they obtain horo, an honest show- ing of tho opportunities for honm- milking nnd Investment, would, If placed In tlio hnnds of Interested par- ties throughout tho country, result ',"1 rait ad vaiitngo to this section "" ,U',,B ,'""'"' l Believing further that an nttrnctl- voly Kotton-up special edition altera ,0110 af t,lu ,)eat ""'" f dissouilnut- .-""" ,' , "" - ' - " "-"" - . .... ., ..UIV "8I tc Issue at an early da to n r n icri i if irirr)inun tiiiii iirnuiiiiHiiit .ii tlon. which we fool snfo In snylmr will meet wun tlio unquuiiiica approval or tlio-ublle when it comes oft the proM. Any parson who lnys claims to progrcsslvoncss ndmlt thnt Coos county's greatest need now thnt a rallwny nnd prob- nbly sovoral aro assured, Is more men nnd money for tho development or tho latent resources nnd tho strongest appeal for now homo-1 milkers Is nnturnlly to those who, I T TO GET Additional Evidence to Be Gathered In Sensational Murder Case In Massachu setts. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 24. In pro- pnratlon ror tho special session of tho Suffolk Grand Jury Thursday, When tho case of tho Rev. Clnroneo V. T. Hlcheson, pnstor of tho Immu-lwna left In tho pockot of tho bnth nuol Bnptlst church of Cambridge robo, which was burled with tlio under arrest on tho chargo of mur - NOTED HOTEL Former Literary Center In Lon- don Ends Existence Gos sip of English Capital. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay '.'Imes) LONDON, England, October, 24- After nn uninterrupted existence ns a hostelry ror over a century and a hair, Long's hotel on New Dond street has closed Its doors. In namo at least, lt Is ono or tho oldest liotohv in London. It wns nt Lonc's thnt Bv- R fl 8, WnUor ScoU -flt for th'0 duo to the murderer, ,ul tlmo ,n 1815( ..jIo alned or Dr. Knabe's body wa ,uncheu wth ,no wroto Scott nt'her nsslstunt, Miss K Long's Hotel In Bond street. I nev- er saw him so full of gaiety and good bed on which tho body lay was cov-lT humor, to which tho presence of Mr.'erea with blood and no weapon was! .Mattnows, mo comedian, auueu now0llud !n nny ot tho room8 nor Was u jiiuu. i-uui joiif wi hibu ji.ud- ont." Tho hotel Is frequently men-1 lioneu in iuu merury uiuuiuna ui tho day siieIjLS will reacn at .iiiu.M-.iits. DON'T FORGET tho Seventh An-1 mini BALL, NORTH BEXI) PIREborhood and no persons, so far as has DEPARTMENT. Eckhoff Hall, SAT. URDAV night, OCTOBER S8. Tick ets n.oo. AaiITE and GOLD DISHES In Cldna and semi-porcelain. MILNER'S through tics of blood or friendship, nro already more or less Interested In nnd attracted to this section. Since tho Hallway Progress Edition will go largely Into the hands of pco plu nil over tho East tunny of whom hnvo friends nnd relatives In Coos county, the results cannot be other than highly bcuellclnl. Printed on a good quality of book paper which will show hnlf-tono il lustrations to good advantage, In at tractive form which will permit of convenient mailing and llllng for fu ture referoneo, tho Hallway Progress Edition will be one that any citizen of Coos county will be proud to mail to his friends back East. It will tell tlio Btory of life, pro gress and opportunity In Coos coun tv. hIimiiIv. forrnfullv nnd wltluil nc- vagant statements eliminated, unci that tho truth itsolf Is good enough regarding this country, Naturally, tho expenso of getting out na coinprohonsivo an Issue as this, many thousand copies of lt. and itH distribution, Is considerable. Since its primary object, howover, Is to herald abroad the fair namo and " famo of Coos county, and the towns therein, The Times coulldeutly ex pects tho honrty co-oporatlon nnd mibstuntlnl support of 'tho progros- Blvo business Interests and proporty u"' " ." ". .l. "" uu"" .. .......... ruiiu.uK us iirm.j uHiuuiiNiiuu io- ley, there will be no sectionalism In ,1 a . i . j. m mi., mi..... ....a.. r rna m.tniv win im trnntmi fniriv nnd Impnrtlnlly. Tho Times has at nil times been a consistent believer i j In nnd ndvocate of tho principle that JlULSliKM kX; anything thnt helps build up any part s will reudlly'of Coos Day or Coos county Is a Uoiio- .fit to nil other sections. Dy firmly fixed principles Tho Times Is devoted, first of nil, not to 'private gnln but to public sorvlco, and this Is the spirit In which tho work on this Bpeclnl edition will bo done dorlug Avis Llnncll hero October II. niRtrlot Altnrnnv Pnllnllnr fmlnv wont nvnr Mia m'l.lnnm In Mm l.n.wlH nf Mi linllf-n nfllnlnln WIM. ntnnln ID .. . . ...... ...... . . '...nln Pnlnf. Imvlnir ilrlvnn frnm ItnKn iiniincini uncKing. uicneson s wwyore will contest tho caso vigorously. Thu roport of the analysis ot tho stomach or Avis Llnnell Is ongerly awnlted. On nn order or District Attorney Po" J wu, "h U acnl mnnager; Herbert Arm- lotler, lt wns nrrnnged to exhumo tho'Btron,, nt tho lnttor's office thore. body or Miss Llnnell todny, mid havo t jiolatlve to his trip or his plans, Mr. It brought from Hyannls to Boston. omm. stated thnt ho wns nretty 'busy Incidentally It will bo deflnltoly known whether tho recoptnblo which rnntnlnpd tho cvnntiln nf nntnRslum lbody. F T Dr. Knabe of Indianapolis Dis covered Dead Body Badly Hacked Up. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Hid., Oct. 24. Dr. Union Kniiho was founil dpn.l with her body cut and bruised In a bedroom or her upnrtments today. The police are sure she was murder- ". ""i imuuiu 10 uiscuvur uu) as found when Katherlno Mc- pherson. entered tho nnnrtmont. Tho Jt npimrent that robbery had been coimitted, Dr. Knabo was last seen alive by Miss McPherson, to whom she had said late yesterday that sho Intended spending tho ovenlng In her i Btudyi Sho uved nnd hnd i,or offlCo on the ground floor ot an apartment house in a nrosnerous nuiet neiuh been learned, heard any sounds of a struggle In Dr. Knabo's apartments last night. She was 35 years of age, a graduate of tho Indiana college of medicine and was not known to have bad any enemies. mm ESTIMATE 4,010 CASUALITIES IN BATTLE OF ITALIANS AND TURK! USED 1),10I),U." 0,000 STAMP! ,s , WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 23. The extent of the mnll communication of the Anicrlcnn people themselves nnd with the entire world is shown by the fnct thnt 1.109.2G0.000 postage stamps were turned out by tho bureau of engraving nnd print ing during the last fiscal year. This Is an Increase of nearly 9 per cent ns compared with the proceeding year, PASSES All Big Eastern Financier Suc cumbs Today After Brief Illness. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Associated Press Times.) NEW YOUR, Oct. 21 Hobort Mnthor, clinlrman of tho board of Di rectors of tho WestliiB'noiiFo Electric Manufacturing compnny nnd director of ninny railroad and banks, 'lied here todny after a short Illness. Ho ' hero today after a short Illness. formerlv chnlrniaii of tho Donrd '(1?1,"r,n "" , , ' ' " ' hi v a.v avva --.-.. ..... ronu. C. R. Smith and His Two Boys Arrive Here Today Too Busy to Talk. C. R. Smith, head of tho Mcnasha Woodonwnro company, nnd his sons, Mowry and Carleton .arrived hero today lor 11 mtllOr CXtClldcd Visit 111 ' COOS COUIltJ'. TllCi' CO CI1IIIU 111 Mil M)t' --" :"- " After getting lunch hero, Mr. Smith mid Ills SOUS loft Immediately for I VahM. Ilniwl nn CnOtli iclalinrl rrt ftntlfnv in inr liiar nntt. ROOT. I BRINGS- m TO COOS BAY . .. Slmnson Lumber company nnd thoi , Menasha peoplo, thus putting a quie tus on tho roport circulated yester day or "something doing" between tho concerns. Ho said that somo North Bend man who had nothing elso to do must have dreamed it. PAYS 9(100 FOR "EVERHEAR IXG" APPLE-TREE. ALBANY, Ore., Oct. 23. Be lieving that a now variety of applo treo has been discovered, a local nursery company has purchased an "everbearing" ap plo treo from David Jenkins, paying JC00. For sovoral years tho treo has bomo ripe fruit from May until November of each yoar, having blossoms, green and ripe fruit on Its branches at the same time. Tho company will at- tempt to propagate tho "ever bearer." Mr. Smith endonvored to reach horo "" "" " M'i last evening, hnvlng hired a special bounty systoin which ralsos tho prlwr rig at Roseburg yesterday morning taMor, tho Prussian Minister or and offered the owner C0 to got Agriculture has Issued a docroo lu them to Myrtle Point in tlmo to cntch which ho points out tho groat dltTor tho aftornoon train ror Marshflold. IC0 hotweon wholesnlo and roUII Tho Monnsha Woodonwnro com- prices, ospcclnlly In regard to porkr pany owns about 30,000 acres or tlm- which Is tho favorlto moat or tho Ger bor land In this section exclusive of ins. forming moro thnn half of tu tho 10C.O0O acres, or thereabouts, lt totnl of meat consumed. Tho MIuI ncqulred whon It took ovor tho South-' er enjoins tho cities to endeavor to ern Oregon company's holdings. Ev-.plng about an uiidorstnndlng with on boforo tho Soulhorn Oregon com-1 tho retailors, and If tlioy aro uuabl pany wns acquired. Mr. Smith Is to do so to tako effectivo action by known to havo considered putting In soiling meat, vegetables, fruit nnff a plant hero to cut up this tlmbor "'oro especially fish, tliomsolrcs, and: Just ns soon ns ho could bo assured of , p this ond ho promises to arranKa rallroad transportation, so thnt It doos that reduced rnllrond freight tarlll out necessarily follow thnt ho wlJU . 1)0 accorded o munlcipnIIUea. havo to wait until tho title to tho whldi provldoro all food Htores for Southern Oregon company tlmbor is tho benefit or their elzons. cleared by a final decision In tho gov AVHmordorr and other suburbs or ornmont suit, ns was Intimated yes-' nrl In have already started munlcJ terday by parties In close touch with,""' "" "tores, which aro a great suo hls affairs cess, and Berlin has Just decided to Capt. Edgar Simpson stated today Pn 70 stalls for a similar purpos that there was no deal or negotlu-' "io public markets. Many pro Ions or any kind on between tho T,nc,B cltLes nro oowlnB buU. ' Hoauv I ncc nf I ifn Rnnnnfnr - ., - v. - -I In Bombardment of Beng hazi, Tripoli. DETAILS KEPT BACK BY ITALIAN CENSORS British Consul Wounded, Con sulate Wreck and Other Subjects Killed. (Dy Associated Ptcss to Cooa Day Times)' , MALTA, English colony, Oct. 24. In letters from Benghazi. Tripoli, thef I writer's estimate casualties to Inlm- 1 bltauts resulting from tho bomburd- ! incut by tho Italian llcot at 4.00l, The Drlttsh consulate was bndlyduni- ' aged, Consul John F. Jones wounded nnd several Jowlsh subjects of Groat Drltntn who hud taken refugu In tho consulate woro killed or wounded. AFFAIR WAS HAD. Kalian Censors Keep Hack News of I tat tie In Tripoli. Dy Associated Press to tho Cous Day Times.; LONDON, England, Oct. 21.- Cor respondents of tho London TimtW. other English papers at Tripoli ro nart ,lV of Malta that tho affair ii.....i.,.7i w.,u m.iPii mnm roHo.ii ?. . ?' " "" ft l.?,0-1 ii.iiii .iii.aiiii i.i'.i nu i nil iiui iiiilluli ab bo known. Horseflesh Article of Common Consumption as Result of High Prices. K ' 0y Associated Press to tho Coo Taj ' Times) BERLIN, Oct. 24. Tho prfcoa ot all kinds of meat havo risen to such ! an axtant throughout tho Einiilra Uut horseflesh has becomo nn nrtfclo- t minnmn miiHiimntlon. In thn flrsL 8,JC 7ntl,B ,f t,ll oar 3B.27T.4 pounds or horseflesh wera sold a against 4S,43S,G83 pounds of mutton. I vlow of tho great agitation for a. iiecrensu in inijiuri uuiiua uu iuuu 4 .. lt ...! Aim v.1b.1IAI.. 0 4.. jpwr& E TRUST sun js m ftnwnrnmnnt Ronino Aotiira lvv,v" Ul" "wymu nuuui. Against Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin Men- By Associated Press to th r'ooa-- lliijr ' Times) ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 24'. Tk The government's fifth sulr I'm Us fight to break up tho so-called lumbar trust was begun In the Uafredf Statu court today. It Is directed ugulnmt Minnesota, Wisconsin pM lawn; ht dlvlduals and ossoclatfonsy Ford CHOPPERS at MILNER'. MEAT -FAMINE IN GERMANY LUlu A