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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1911)
TCfif T" k ' V ' 4- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1911 -EVENING EDITION We Can Fit You in Fall Overcoats or Suits Value Coo s m i . TPL ihe Very Best County B BECAUSE "MONEY TALKS" You probably have been fitted time and again in hat, collar, shirt or shoes at our store, and because you were treated to the square deal, you came back again, . Just this .treatment and piethod crown our Clothing Methods. Our Department of Smart Clothes fills a big need for value giving in clothes. i You come to us with your clothing problem, and we can solve it for you, Our clothes are Benjamin Clothes, and no clothes we have yet seen can equal them in value, style and fit. ' For Men and Young Men $10.00 to $45.00 "The Store Where Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. The Last Steamers Have Replenished Sizes and Our Assortment Is Complete Benjcmjn Clothes aiAPSHFIELD BANDON RAILWAY NEWS OF COOS MY But Few Developments In Lo cal Situation Today No Bridge Across Bay. M T I 1 II North Henri on its homo grounds for the liiBt gnmo to bo played here this senson. Preparations uro already un derway for n rally and a big time. It Is honed that tho supporters of the ! Mnrshlleld team will pull together and ring out the biggest crowd that ever attended a football game In Southwestern Oregon. Thero was a decided dearth of railway news or rumors hero today. Engineer Sumner of the Pacific Const line, who has established his Far Outweighed Marshfield High School Football Aggre gation Saturday. BROTHER IS DEAD. Itelntlve of E. II. Jochnk of March Held I'hsm'H Away at Oregon City Word has Just been received hero of the death of a brother of E. II. Jochnk at Oregon City. Tho latter left here a fow days ago In responso to a message announcing the critical condition of the latter. A dlspntch Tho Marshfield High school foot hill 1 team captured Its first cham pionship game of the senson Sntur- winter survey eatnn at Winchester iinv win... it .inrnt..i n... xivri Hay, enme down today on business. point boys by a scoro of 5 to 0 on f ro,n 0reBn City gives tho follow- Howover, he wasn't talking rolatlvo tho hitter's grounds. Tho gamo wuS'"B Pm'tleulars of his demise: to tho company's plans. Ho snys eve-!fnBt nnd hnrd fought nltho It waB ovl-l "Acloluli William Jochnk, a son of dent from the start thnt Marshueld 'Y"-. nnu. Mrs. n. u. joomik, or .Mount had Myrtlo Mint outclassed on tho ' 8nnt. died at the family home. lino points of footbnll. Myrtlo Point J 'e V0""B " w,ns tnko nUot was strong on tho defense but did J.' 'cnrB n" w,Uh, typhoid fever. not show up cjulto so well In cnrrylnV-11", YaH rccovcrcd fro" '8 IHoobb tno tin and hopes wero entertained for his The grounds wero about as hard recovery, when ho was taken 111 as they could possibly havo been, and iroe W00K8 'If0, w,th t0"108'8 f Ir vvn n flr-t fnr,1 .l.nt ,,...,,.,w...a HlO 8)IIC, Which Was tllO CaUSO Of PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for Marshfield from San Francisco Wednesday morning October 25, at 3:30 p, m, INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. P. McQEORGE, Agent. xythlng is going nicely with the sur vey. Thoro havo been no new develop ments on the Coos Day nnd Ilolso, or In tho Coos Hay and Enstom Elec tric, so far as can be ascertained. Engineer Bnndberg Ih still busy with a forco of men on tho prelimi nary survey for tho Terminal rail way, Ilelatlvo to tho Southern bridging tho liny declnrcd today th tely thnt tho com to hrlrigo tho liny. Ho said that the only question now was whether they would ferry across from North Inle EQUIPPED WITH WIDE LESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT H P. M. ON" OCTOBER .1, JO, 17, 21 AND ill. SAILS FROM MAUSIIFIELD AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX OCTOBER 7, II, III AND 'M. L. II. KEATIXG. AGENT PHONE MAIN JW-L Prof. A. Richards A fi AIH'ATIVn rr,.. Pupil of Cnrl Chrlstcnscn, the well known Now York Swedish concert i..UMi, win inKo a limited number ct students for prlvato lessons. Applicants cnll nt Stmiin c... tnckon Illdg., i;m Broadway. jWESSIONAL DIRECTORY Naturopath ami Chiropractor. " unronic uiscngCB treated. CodjuI- tntlon freo. OiTlco hour- 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 nnd C to 8 p.'m. inturopnth Institute Room No. 1. No. 13C Ilrondwny, Mnrshfleld, Ore. n C W. LESLIE, Ostcopnthle Phrolckn Urndunto of tho Amerhnn school ct Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. 0fflc In Eldorado Hllr. Ilniira iai.imk I i . . """ " w 1 1 4; Phono 1C1-J; Mnrshilold; Oreson. Injuries would result. "Puskey" his denth. Ariolph Joehuk was born 13, 1SS9, death ho was employed but lias In Kir., tlu, Mvrfl,. I'aL.f In,,,,. "PCIll 111081 01 HIS 1110 111 IKS CUV. HO ' would conumro favorably 'with most If1, be8l,k'8 Mf l'rent. ot,M,mt t.of tho varsity tennis. Mnrshlleld was Monront. ono Uter. Miss Wllhol- ii Southern Pacific Johnson, howovor, wns the only mnn t Mount I lensnnt May 1. . n Coos liny mnn who 'wns forced to retlro. tho cause U"'1 nt tho .t,mo of1,I,,s dont1' nt ho know nbsolu-l being an ugly gash In his right hand " 'enrB f n8e- wn". puny wns not going over a half-healed wound. for B0I1U) t,ino nt lrtlund, to Pony Inlet or follow tho route In- (iutu-..ii.ii...i Viniii in .. on ..,..t. il"a Jochnk, a Journalist of New dlcated by their ttdo-llat purchase on iK,r mnn n,i n, times It w'ns humor- Yorl5 two hrothers, Edward Joehuk, ous to beo tho way some of the small- "" '"tornoy of Marshueld. and Cnrl or men of tho Mnrshlleld tenia buck- ''"c""k' rt'l8t0,;' -'lerk of tho Oregon ed up ngnlnst their much Inrger op-.uty l08t0'ce. I pononts. I Marshnold stnrted tho gamo by'XOTICE TO TRAVEL1XG PUBLIC.! kicking off to Myrtlo Point. Myrtlo' Tho O'ICelly Boat Line will operate . tho east sjrio of tho bay f XOTICH TO FISHERMEN. Wo want frosh snlmon nnd arc prepared to pny tho hlghen cash prlco fbr thorn. For further parti culnra seo C. G. HOCICETT, Emplro City, 01 GEO. F. SMITH, Pooh IJ'vo- "THE FRIEXD OF COOS BAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for Coos Bay from Portland Wednesday, Oct. 25. COXXECTIXG WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 'PHONE 44 c. F. McOEOROE, Agent W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Look Before You Buy A glanco at the Toggery Clothing Will convince you of their superior style and, tailoring and no other clothes at the price, ?2U to $25, can surpass thorn. AVo do not con- iuso our buyers by ad vert ising suits from $10 to $10. One price, good goods and on the square is our motto. The Toggery Point, however, wns nimble to mnko on tho Sunday schedule from now un much headway and lost the bnll on ' til spring, J. A. O'KELLY, downs. Mnrshlleld carried tho bnll Proprietor, close to the Myrtlo Point lino nnd It' This menns Sunday only. remained In .Myrtle Point's tnrritnry' "-'- n n . for tho rest of the qwncr. sen-saw-1 ,,,, ,,,,'- rn lug between tennis. . , ),ll, ,, "V1 " .,, r.. ,v, c,..i ....... x. ...... i. n,.i ' A medicine that gives conlldence tort thrBTrvi.7nd .fto?; carrying tho bnll to Myrtle Point's TA , A,lam8: c "- Ka"8as 12-y.ird line, sent G. Johnson around A.7... ?0,,""buB' Kns" wf C8: Fm end for a touchdown. The goal wns. ' """"rV "' fliUB mS reii novo : uivu nuuji'i'i l" CUUK.lB 1111(1 COK1S, 1 ! used Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Com pound and found thnt It cured their coughs nnd colds, so I keep It in FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stages lenvo Mnrshfleld for Rosouurg nt 7 o'clock every evening nnd nfford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Railway. Fnro $G.OO. COOS BAY ROSERUHG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AW, Mnnhfleld. C. P. BARNARD, Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PHONE 11 Offleo over FInnngnn & Bennett But larshflold Ortjoo I TR. J. T. McCORMAC, Physician nnd Surgeon v Marshfield, Oregon. Jfllco: Lockhart Bulldlns, opposite Poit OVte. Phono 105-J jT R A. C. BURROUGHS, Sclcntlflo Mnssnglst) Trcnts nil diseases Office, corner Second and Centrnl Avenue. Omco hours 11 to 12 a. n. 2 to 5 p. m- mlbsed In tho third and fourth sessions, Myrtlo Point plned a somowhnt Biroiiger gnmo nnu ino result wns Business Directory Following Is a list of Reliable Busluess Firms that it will Pny to Patronize. STADDEN All I.I mis of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. that the bnuVmnlned welVhi the I'1"!!0"80 SB """i" "e'"8 8ub center of tho field until tlmo was ' '""''" ""-" "' called nt the end of tho contest. . " Muny of tho supporters of tho'DDAF f HANIHCAM Mnrshlleld boys expected to see them I lUI L. UAYIlOUIl pile up n much larger scoro against . . .. . .. .,.. Myrtlo Point thnn they did In the PIANO AND VOIfF previous sumo when tho score wns ,r,MV rilii TVIV.U 25 to it, but Myrtlo Point niiido so Phone 461 Norlh Bend ninny changes In Its llnoup nnd -- sueiigti euea its team In so many "k Mint It had nn entlrelv now : team on the field. Tho trip over and tho condition of tho grounds took sonio of tho ginger out of tho Mnrsh lleld team and also holped to hold down tho score. Conch Grnnnls of Mnrshilold. nnd Coach Johnson of Myrtlo Point gnvo entlro satisfaction ns otllclnls. There wns a lnrge crowd out, most of tho business houses of Myrtlo Point clos ing for tho game. .'oxt Saturday tho Myrtlo Point, team plnys nt North Bend. Tho game I Is looked foreword to with much In terest as It Is tho first scheduled gnmo North Bond hns this year, nnd it will give rise to much speculation ns to whnt team will win tho 1911 cham pionship. Today tho North Bend tenm plnys Its alumni team. The following men will ho in tho lineup for tho high school: Dewey. Hanson, Welling, Da vis, Golder, Weir. Conro, Shoppnrd. vuu ziio, Grout, Newklrk nnd Hunt Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO XD JOSSOX CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. PUitor, Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders materia HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201 T" R. A. J. HENDRY'S f 1 .tiouern licuiiu rnriur. Wo nro equipped to do high c!t work on short notlco at the rery lowest prices. Examination Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotel. DR. II. B. .MOORE, Chiropractor f.wi..f. lllcmikna n iwrlaltf 203 Coos BldK Phone 8M Office hours 1 to 5. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Offloe Phone 191 Marshfield Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gonarnl Agents "EASTSIDE" Blanchard's Livery! Wo havo secured tho livery tn pared to render excellent service y tho people of Coos Bay. i"'" dtivera. good rigs and over)t Hill Will IIIL'UII BUlloluviuw , , ,.r the public. Phone us for a dririw horse, a rig or anything needea tho livery line, wo aisu g business of all kinds. ilLAXCHARD 11IIOTIIEBS Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets Phone 138-J BEARVT'S GUN SHOP Complete lino of Blcyclo supplies, second-hnnd bicycles for sale. Guns, bicycles, etc., repnlred. Umbrellns covered nnd repnlred. E. BANDEL, Prop. MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAJHLY HOTEL TnE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and 11.00; week ?2.00 to J5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges tiu.uu to tis.oo per month. FREE Ou November , Marshfield meets JN'o. 007 No. Front St, Phone 180-11 . BATHS E? W. SULLIVAN, Prop! Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone Siai $ 1 00 Reward For any sowing machine I caD,'pSC,! In first clnss order. Supplies machines furnished. . Leave orders, drop a postal c nr nhnnn T7ncrrH hotel. C. S. Leibendorfer Exiert Machinist. r.. I I.T. Reference O. O. Lund, leather d". MEN KUua mlitllfllMI please write UUKIO:,.! l'et AUnncfi, WM' r,AimMHe)mmmmimii'