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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1911)
'" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. jicns. rv,smrw lmv - .'. Ja.'.-j --w-'i jrm n & . wmffjmmm s XlAWJXm ( VmifSS 5 vf$&W Mill HW''''' ' ji: jjaL iia Ikfe n .... our Two uozen nun AppIyJL0 SecbiuljtrcoU ZTkutY wIiii took coat from Ho v. ,T' K ludy nt llnntlBt church Kindly report or return us tho "wrong" coat has been taken. r:(VTM) i:K;rloiicfcl stationary Wglnccr. thoroughly reliable do- Ires l-osltlon. State wugos paid. Address "Competent" care Times' JiTsM Two Amerlcim Imi.v Imll 'Alleys In line condition. Cash or feJS,. Address A. U. Campbell. .....yrjIDItnoiii iinil board Willi "'.'... fumilv by young married ZT. Address "X" this offlco. rwf-etwcoii the top of tho AVost Marslincld hill nnd Ollvnnt, & ;....v..r crocery on Central Avo., u man's dorlMirown coiit. Return to "" . ... - .1 ...mi. lln V.lMMIVfl. Times' onico mm ... ...... ivaxti:i -Ton or twelve geiilleineii boarders. Hoard $18 p. mo. Rooms nearby If preferred. Phono G3X. nearby IHKlKKmJI'Klt-TIMKKKHI'KK -' sires position, accurate. Would do other work In connection. "Man" caro Times. VOIt SAM! Household iuhhU clionp If taken nt once. 23C No Second St. iyNTi:i Slim do gcnernl work 'around ' building nnd grounds. Steady work, iuqulro Morcy hos pital. tflXTKD (SIrl for general liouso work. Family small. No children. Call on, or address I. S. Kauf man & Co. 1011 SAM J CHIMP Tv American box ball nlleys In lino condition. Carl or TeaniB. Address A. U. Campbell. FOIl SAliK Cheap If tiiUen soon, a good piano. Apply ntF. Tlmmor man's residence, North Front St. Francisco with a cargo of from the Railroad dock. lumber Wry III. John Nye, a veteran of the civil I home there. 1 Personal Notes he civil war who resides on NorthJ nlot, Is reported very 111 at his T1I10 AVEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) Is Receiver. E. A. Dodge of Myr tle Point, has been appointed tempo rary receiver for the business of E. iV. Hermann who recently Hied a pe tition In bankruptcy. MRS. C. F. JOHNSON of Isthmus In let 1b In Marshlleld today. OREGON, Oct. 23. Fair east with occasional rain west tonight nnd Tuesday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE PORT. For twenty-four hours ondliiB nt 1:00 p. m., Oct. 22, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum GS Minimum DO At 1:00 p. m r4 Wind, Southwest; partly cloudy Klsh Warden licit'. Angus Goar, llsh warden for this Bectlon of Ore gon, Is spending a few days on the Ray and visiting the South Coos Riv er Hatchery. Mr. Uoar Is uu old time friend of Captain J. A. O'Kelly. ED NOAH of Allegany Is a Marsh field business visitor today. North Bend News Miss Pearl Rlggs spont with relatives nt Mays. Sunday GEO ROSS and wife of Catching In let are Marshlleld visitors today. lA. It. McDONALD of Dlack Creek, Ten Mile, is in Mnrshllold today. Mrs. Henry Johnson of Mnrshfleld spent Sunday with North Bend friends. Dredge Brought Here. Tho Lar son diedge Oregon wiib brought over from Unndon today by a tug. The dredge completed the work on tho MRS. HERBERT HAINES of Isth mus Inlet Is a Mnrshfleld visitor today. Coqiilllo river project u few days ago mid' has been watting fo ? Sii."ln Ti.ilny Tho Rnndolph Is tak ing a cargo of general morchnndiso hero today for Port Orford nnd Gold Dench. Copcljtt llatt SchilTner & M.rjt TVANTM) Nine gentlemen roomers. Will board two. Enquire 388 First. St. or Homo Realty Co., 3C1 North Front St. IMPORTANT Try the Hnlllmnro for lunch. Speed, quantity nnd qual ity our motto. WANTED Flvo Hteiuly roomer nml boarders, nice quiet placo. Reason able rates. Closo In, 3-10 First St. Phone 1CCL. D.UHY FARM FOlf SALE Ono of the best Improved nnd equipped dairy forms In tho vnlloy. Will nil on easy terms If sold noon. For further Information lnqulro of II. L. Cnrl. owner. Phono 101, Myrtle Point. Oregon. I'M MINT A Mimll Iioiim cIoio In corner Second nnd Hall. $10 with water. Knqulro of F. II. Allen. VAXTKI) .Young lady liookkvcjier. Mutt bo nccurnto and cnpablo of taking chnrgo of sot of books. Ad dress In own handwriting P. O. Pox 42C. TO Itr.XT !l furnished housekeep ing rooms. Phono 49L. AlANTITI) From an to 50 loads of rood manure. Freo from Biiav 'S. L. J. Simpson, North Bond. MTICD Rno Hrndliold's orches Ira furnish music for thnt banquet, dance or party. Phono 3-J. ton 8AI.E My fnrm joo ncres In ne lot or will cut up In parcols to "It C. AV. Santord. Marshflold.j I OTS of men have worn the Shape- maker suit; and it's growing in favor; trousers that stay up around the waist with out suspenders; a good idea Hart Schaffner & Marx nmkc it f op us ; we sell it for your advantage. Some very snappy over coats to show you, too. Suits $1S and up Overcoats $10.50 and up Child Sick. A littlo daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Enimett Plerco was taken to Mercy hospltnl this morn ing to undergo n minor operation. Diuiro Sudmlny. Tho dnnco to bo given by tho Coos Bay Concert bnnd nt tho Eagles hull will ho next Sat urday night and not Friday night ns hns been erroneously announced. or for good wcntli- to be brought here. Get Many Ducks. II. J. McKcown, R. K. Booth, It. A. Wcrnlch nnd Russ Tower returned today from an over Sundiiy duck hunt at the Snnd Hill lnkes. They brought back about sixty-two but they killed u number of others which they were unablo to secure. Meet Wednesday Tho Altar Guild of the Marshlleld Episcopal church will hold nn open meeting nt the Lutheran church hall Wednesday af ternoon from 2 to 0 when rcfresh Imeuts will bo served. It will bo tho first meeting of tho season nnd will bo an open one. Mrs, P. Sanderson has returned from an extended visit with relatives In Coqultlc. The North Bend city council w'll meet tomorrow night to take up tarl ous city matters. Miss Moody of Coquitlo City is guest of her mint, Mrs. Geo Painter of Union nvcniic. II. S. TOWER nnd family and MIs3j Grace Kruso spent Sunday at Sun- MBB Ncttlo Snvng0 of MuncM Bet Utt. ! Snnilnv with rnlntlvon nnd MRS. ANDREW STAMBUCll of Catching Inlet Is a Mnrshfleld shopper. frlonds In North Bend. RAY NOEL of tho Pierce Logging en nip nt Allegany Is In Marshlleld on business. MISS OLLIE RICHARD of Sumner Is spending the day with Marsh llgld friends. Mrs. 55. P. Johnson nnd Merle Johnson visited nt the homo of Mrs. M. J. Pratt yesterday, -c Mrs. A. AV. Myers and Mrs. E. J. KettrhiK of South Mnrshllold attend 'cd sorvlces hero yesterday. The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid so ciety will meet Thursday afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the homo of Mrs. L. F. MRS. A. II. POWERS, who has been Fnlkenstoln on Union nvonuo. quite sick, was reported slightly ' Improved today. Tabernacle Tonight Tho program committee decided yesterday to hold tonight n continuation of tho testi mony meeting which was abruptly concluded Inst Saturday evening. Has OiM-ratlon. Mrs. Rhodes of South Inlet underwent nn operation nt Morcy hospltnl yesterday for np pondlcltlH. It was n very ncute enso. Sho Is gotting nloug ns well ns could bo oxpectcd. IluyH Hotel. Frank Bowroit wns In from Ton Mllo today on business Ho bus bought tho Chas Norrls hotel property nt Lakeside And will occupy well kll0Wll on Coo8 ny ,invInB rc It allill v!lntlm lin lino M.n ' . . . . . . KtiirtH Restaurant. Tho rear of the building nt the corner of Front nnd Commercial Is bolng remodeled. Tho Lnngworthy barber shop will bo slightly altered and a new room con structed between it nnd tho Moore saloon In which Mr. Smith of Port land will open n restaurant. MRS. II. E. BESSEY nnd Mrs Piper of Coos River wero Marsh Held shoppers today. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Arnott and children of Cooston spent yesterday AV. B. ns tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. AVIII Rclchert of Old Town North Bond. A. N. GOULD, the Coob county sur veyor, Is here from Coqiilllo today on buslireas and pleasure. AVwl til Salem. Tho Snlom States man announces that Louis Dolmnn Pettyjohn nnd Miss Aldn Eldred Cannon wcra mnrrled there Octobu 18 by tho Row P. S. Knight and thai thoy will ho at homo nt 41G SoutL Tweirtli street in tlint city niter n short honeymoon trip. Both nro D. M. MOORE, n prominent morchnnt of Gold Bench, was a Marshlleld buslncBB visitor today. NELS RASMUSSEN nnd Fred Ben nett spent Sunday at the hitter's ranch In tho Sand Hills. A. W. Myers, who has boon spend ing several weeks In Boston, Now York, Philadelphia mid different parts of tho cast, leaves today for his homo on Coos Bay. AV. AV. HOLLAND nnd Frnnk Lowo brought bnck n lino buck yesterday from their hunting trip. Miss Ellen Andorson of Shorman nvenue, Mrs. Albert Matson of Marshlleld, and Fred Andorson leavo today for a wook's outing on Catch ing Inlet. It soon. Whether ho has closed tho Bldod horo n nlimboP 0I ycnr8, nI,a deal for tho salo of his ranch could inows of thor niititlnls will vomo ns a not bo ascertained. lJiiyn Home. Col. R. J. AVnlrnth Hiirprlse to tholr friends horo. Mr. Pettyjohn was formerly a momber of tho firm of Pettyjohn nnd Nichols Woolen Mill Store COOS RAY r This store Is tho homo of Ilnrt Schaffner & Mnrx clothes has nurchnsod from tho Knufmnn nnd Miss Cannon was bookkeeper for company tho bungalow nt tho comorltho firm. Mr. Pettyjohn is now on of Elovonth nnd Andorson, known nslKn.KOu' in tho real estate business at tlin RwniiRon nnil rinvla nrnnnrtv. fnr . anieill. --.w ""-"- ..... .. ,-.. ., . nbout ?2,C00. Mr. AVnlrath is tho proprietor of tho Rogors' hotel. .AlakoH 1"III Complete. Tho dredgo Oregon this morning began pumping In near tho Hirst resldonco property on North Brondway. Nearly nil of tho proporty owners have decided to hnvo tho lint filled and those who do SURVEYORS 11USY AVork on tho Electric Lino to Rose- bii rg Is ProgreRslng. (From Roseburg Nows.) Goo. Mnrsh was in tho city today from Looking Glass. Tho gentle mnn Informs tho Nows that the rail- i road ourvoyors, who It Is ncknowl- not wmit their ynrda filled hnvo hud i e,,K0(I rorOHOt tho Aston Intorcsts, dikes built nround their property tonn(, nro nt t,,H tlll0 workB tho nvvv me wiuur uhck. i no mi wm vicinity of Looking Glnss. nro nro- CHAS AIKEN Is down from tho Mc Donald and Vnughan camp on Da niels Creek for a fow dnys' visit. Ar. AV. GAGE nnd wifo of Coqiilllo wero oror-Sundny visitors nt tho R. A. Church homo in South Mnrshflold. S. B. CATHCART has returned from Bandon nnd tho lower Coqiilllo whoro ho has boon surveying for a fow days. L. L. ROGERS and wlfo or San Die go, who hnvo been visiting nt tho Merchant ranch nt Dullards, spont Sunday lu Mnrshllold. greatly onhnnco tho proporty In that section. TEe Royal TONIGHT! New Pictures Good Program ka i:ni wm: , smo. "HIIPID AMD THE COMET" KrdV,;S Good Comedy, Bright, Ore Valued ntja.OOO for ncrongo' WIlOlGSOIllO aild LaUgliablO, Property near or In Mnrshflold, Or. ftnnh Fill tn 9pa It " I am tin owner of this bungalow.! U0" l ' an I0 eB 'W - p;uiii oniy cicai direct witn nnmnrnriiAi i nnMAhinn HOUiMocni nHLL numnnou (A Pretty and Interesting Drama,) oer of property. lnqulro of L. J. wien, i.ioycl lioel, Mnrshflold. A. II. IIODGINS T J SCAIFR Marshfield Paint, Decorating Co. Eitlmates MARSHFIELD, uiiusneu Phono 140L Orocon ADMISSION 5 and 10c Aftor the stsow try a Turkish Batb Phono 214-J. Road tho Times' AVant Ttds. Alwayj "TEe Busy Corner" Scissors That Cut sorV nZ now l,renared to show our comploto lino of Scls snii y aro tno famous Meteor Brand and each one Is sold under n posltlvo guarantee. mini a1ssortn'nt is largo, ranging from button-hole and ana is sclssors to 10 inches shears. Keep thia in mind a wlle down town step in nnd wo will gladly show you. grossing rapidly with tho Biirvey. The party consists of nlno men, tennis nnd nil tho necessary equip Fine Conrert. Ono of tho bostmont for tho work In hnnd nnd Is programs thnt has been rendored by I making n thorough nnd nccurnto sur- tho Coos Bny Concert bnnd wns ey. ji is quiio prounuio iiiey win L.lvnn nt flu. fillv Pnrlf vfntrilnv nft. rencll tills City 111 about tWO WCokS. omoon. Not ns largo n crowd wns ' '8 noted In tho Nows n fow days ago, nut nn Min rnnrnrt ilnsnrvnil. lint i " r. .uiiibii m ui wio uiniiiuu nun uiu ..... .. ... . .. ' . I tuose present suowca tneir npprcciu tlon of tho lino work of Director Fon ton nnd his organization by liboral applauso. IloJtilcH Oi'er Daughter. Coob Bay frlonds have bcon apprised of tho nrrlvnl of n bnby girl at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Goorgo Mnrso nt tho family homo In Berkoloy, Cnl. Bolng tho first daughter, thoro Is much Joy In tho homo ovor hor nr rlvnl. Mr. Morso Is chlof onglncor on tho tug Columbia and his many friends will hasten to extend congratulations. Council Meets., city council will -Tho meet Mnrshflold tomorrow survey wil cross tho Uuipqun in tho in tho vicinity of tho Henry Conn farm nnd ontor this city by wny of Edonbowor with dopot facilities In North Rosoburg. The Aston penplo roprcsont tho proposod olcctrlc lino. LIhhy COAL. Tho kind YOU hnvo ALAVAYS USER. IMIONI2 72 Pacific Llvory & Transfer Co. Don't forgot the Turkish PHONE 2M-J. Baths City Auto Service Good Cnrs, Caroful roasounblo charges. Drivers nnd Our motto: night. AVhllo a iiumbor of mnttors ' ..WJU 0 nnywhoro nt nny tlmo." will como up. tno principal oujoct ot stnnds Blnnco Hotol nnd Blanco tho mooting la to glvo nil tho prop-. oiKar Storo. Day Phones 78 nnd 40. orty owners nffectod by tho proposod , jcjK,t Phones nj nnd 40. Improvomont or Mnrlcot avenuo nnd u.RKi:R & GOODALE. Proprietors, tho Intersecting streets nn omiortu-1, wi nlty to bo hoard nnd ovoryono who wishes to m alto any suggostlons rein tlvo to tho work Is roquosted to bo prosont ns tho doflnlto plan for It will bo adopted thon. 8. BOLSINGER nnd family of near Roseburg hnvo moved onto tho Shorman Cutllp ranch on Coos Riv er to make tholr homo. Travis Hyzer nnd Miss Dorn Sin Clare woro mnrrled last ovenlng In npnrtnicnts In tho Pioneer block, which tho groom had fitted up for occupnncy ns tholr futuro homo. Rev. D. A. MncLood ot the Prcsbytorlan church porformod 'tho coromony nbout 9:30 p. m. Percy Pratt acted ns best man, nnd Miss Vlolot John son was bridesmaid. A numbor of Intlmnto friends of tho young couple wero tho only Invited guests and aft or congratulations all Jolnod lu a sumptuous wedding feast which had boon prepnrod. Tho groom Is an omployo of tho North Bond Box fac tory nnd In every way a worthy young mnn who hns won nn esti mable young woman for his bride. Tholr frlonds nil unlto In wishing them n long nnd linppy mnrrled lifo. TRAGEDY IX .MISSOURI. L. D. SMITH of Coos Itlvor Is a Mnrshllold business visitor today. CHAS THOM of North Bend Is n Marshlleld business visitor. Youlli KIIIh Girl nml Self 1 Wcuso She AYoiildu't Marry Him. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) PIERCE CITY, Mo., Oct. 23. Becniise of tho rotusnl of Minnie Hnlnes of Joplln, Mo., to mnrry him, Leo Guthrie, ngod 28, of this city, shot nnd killed hor In a hotel ourly today nnd then shot hlnisolt to death. day en routo to Coqiilllo vnlloy points. Ho brought down somo lino apples which woro nddod to tho exhibit nt tho Murshflold Chnmbor ot Commerce. MRS. O. Q. EARHART nnd Mllllgnn hnvo returned to Gnrdl-,DEL CATHCART has returned from nor aftor a brief visit on tho Bny i Bandon whoro ho has boon doing whoro thoy enmo to nttond tho Homo survoylng. Snubort-Larson wedding. JUDGE nnd MRS. CYRUS HAPPY of Spoknno nro expected horo tho latter part of tho weok to visit nt tho homo of their dnughtor, Mrs. G. AV. Knufmnn. MISS GERTRUDE AVILCOX of Portland Is oxpectcd horo on tho noxt Bronkwator to spend n fow weeks with Miss Mnmlo Mnhouoy nnd Mrs. Ellznboth Adams. J. EUGENE SCHILLING camo down today from Gnrdlnor on business. Ho reports everything booming ut tho Metropolis of tho Umpquti ns n rosult of tho rnllrond prospoctB. i Public Stenographer All Work Confidential Takes Out Lumber. Tho San Po dro sailed this morning for San FRED SLAGLE drovo over In his uutn from Coqiilllo todny to visit friends. Mrs. Single, who hns been visiting nt the C. E. Nloholson nnd A, E. Noff homos, returnod with him. Phone No. 156 No. Brodaway Campbell's Tomato Soup Is the best, and you know that you are right in offer ing it. Your most critical guest appreciates this perfect soup at the first taste, and approves and enjoys youj;. whole dinner more because of this appetizing course, QUICKLY PREPARED Just add hot water,' bring to a boil, and serve, 2 1 Kinds, 1 Oc a Can at Lockhart's Grocery GUY AV. CHAMBERS, Honry Hug gins, Low Prlco, It. L. Cavnnngh nnd wlfo, nnd Misses Ellznboth and Gonovlovo Tellofson composed n party who spont Sunday nt tho Price ranch nt Sumner. I MRS. F. B. ROOD and Miss Blnncho Lnndrtth of Coos Rlvor woro i Mnrshflold shoppers today. F. B. MORSE, mnungor of tho Co qiilllo Electric company, was In Marshlleld today on business. Ho rotiirnod with Frod Single by auto this, nftornoon. JIM COWAN and Jnko Cnbo, inoui bors ot tho D. C. McCarthy's Coos county tlmbor cruisers erow camo In from camp Saturday to spend u fow dnys In the city. D. C. MCCARTHY, tho tlmbor cruisor who Is cruising Coos county tim ber for tho County Commissioners lot urns to ills crow tomorrow after a couplo of days In Marshlleld on bualnoss. A. J. MENDEL nnd Tom Bonnott hnvo returned from nn auto trip to Bandon nnd Coqiilllo. Thoy took tho const rond to Bandon nnd thonco the rond up tho Coqiilllo to Coqiilllo. Asldo from one or two bad places between Bandon nnd Coqiilllo, thoy report tho rond In unusually lino condition for this season of tho year. FREE- lp. M. HALL-LEWIS, Coos county fruit inspector, is in Mnrshflold to- First Class Auto Service I 4 ...... v, u . ,. . - Wessons in rlldlmonts of Instrumental service nt ill hours 'nnywhoro at rea- voca, mm por ehMnu from JKUIIIIUIU IIUU3. X-.IUUU UU-J 1. 1. 1. 1 11 I p. m. after 11 p. m., Phono C-J. Resl donco Phono 28-J. J). X. FOOTE, Proprietor, tho ago of olght to twelve, modntlona for thirty. Call P. M. nt studio. PROF. RICHARDS. Acconi 1 to 5 ;i I . Light Drifted Snow Flour ; White j Always Right, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main 298 Us Tavo Private Phones- 85 and 305