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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 191 1 EVENING EDITION. A COOS BAYTIMES ftl. O. MALONE1' Editor and Pub. DAN 12. MALONEV News Editor Entered at tbo postodlco at Marsh Bold, Oregon, (or transmission through tho malls .as second class mall matter. A TRULY tilt EAT MAX. THERE Is every evidence heforo the country tha,t .Innies J. Hill Is one of tho great men of tho na tion. Ho Is broad minded and .Is truly an empire builder. He has been saying of late some of tho very bent things to encourage men who havo lost their nerve. Ho says that tho best times the country has ever bad are just ahead, with nothing but confidence' needed to mnko the turn In tho road. If tho Chamber of Commerce or tho pcoplo In conven tion nssemblcd on Coos Uay would Invito Mr. 1111 and could prevail him to visit this city and make one of his practical talks, It would help amaz ingly. Wo have too many fellows liero who, If told thnt times are go ing to be booming In the not distant future, will say: "Well, I hope that will prove true," with nn evi dent leaning toward tho doubt.. Mr. Hill, with his magic touch, would llx thesa fellows all right with one of Ills half hour talks, but then of course, tliero are men In this com jimnlty who are never hnppy unless thoy are miserable. These nre the Jtnockers. LITE'S HURREXS. The scrap for existence Is much llko a fray that leaves Its deep scars on the body and mind; but when I go home at tho close of tho day 1 leavo nil my workaday worries be hind. My home Is my rofugu from trouble and care, and nothing but pence shnll go In nt tho door; I won't bring distress to tho loving ones there by tolling my worries nnd thrashing them o'er. Tho dny, with Hh struggle and profit nnd pelf, shall have nil tho effort thnt I can bestow; tho evening belongs to my wife nnd myself', nnd naught that Is sordid or mean shall It know. Some dnv J may meet In my pathway a grief too big nnd too husky to tackle alone, nnd then I will go to my wife for relief, nnd we shnll o'ercomo It, I'll liot my Inst bono. Hut all tho small worrloH that mnko a man grny, whon blows tho night whlstlo nro laid on tho nholf; such troubles belong to tho strenuous day the evening belongs to my wlfo nnd myself. WALT MASON. CLUB WOMEN Oregon Federation Adopts Strong Resolutions at Ro- seburg Meeting. HOSE1JURG, Oct. S3. Portland wan chosen as the place for the next annual convention of tho Oregon Federation of Woiiioii'm Clubs. This year's session came to a successful closo Thursday, followed by it ban lii(t mid reception by the ladles of tho Eastern Star lodge, lleforo ad journment tho club adopted several resolutions, two of which follow: "Rosolved, That a couimltteeo bo uppnlntod by the president of the iilato federation, wliluli shall confer with tho committees appointed by the Individual clubs, for the purpose of collecting the best Oregon Uteratiue, the same, at some future date, to he compiled, edited and published by tho ntnto federation. Also that a simi lar committee be appointed for the purpose or collecting Indian loie. legends and historical happening of Oregon pioneer dii. On Suppression of Had Shows 'Resolved, That eneh dull In the ninie feneration appoint n committee SE5 -.... 1 .. ...... ..i. .......i...-. i SYHtrlilnii the vaudeville and regular theaters, mnklug jiu effort to sup press any harmful or immoral fea tures, nnd nuking the co-operation of city councils In tho mutter." Resolutions were adopted that the legislative commlttoe of tho clubs be Instructed to present to tho next ses sion of the legislature a law requir ing Htcrlllzutlou of continued crlm limls, feeble minded, Incurably In- rciu' nun roiiui uii'ii aieouoi ami urugi users; proposing a net weight amend ment clause to the state pure food law to bo presented nt tho next leg islature; that the clubs adopt tho third Sunday in April ns state clean ing up dny nnd that thore be created! n Htnle board of music commissioners in examine una issue certiucnies o teachers. iue ii. h.i iib own. ere cnosen to guide the destinies of the Federn- lion for tho ensuing yoar: Presldent-r-Mrs. Sarah A. Evans. iiio taiiowing oiucers were cnosen nr wmi'ii in cfii.uie in wmi-n iuuViiik operating expenses nuioiiutliiK to picture shows, nlno n committee foi$3.05i Thu lt.avoa .. 11B. lleril,illir VtW - m-vm-ir;,, .1 VARIOUS RENAMING PRESS AXI) PEOPLE COMMENT OX PltOPOSEl) CHANGE AXI) SUGGEST OTIIKK XAMES FOR COM I NCI METROPOLIS OK OREGON. WATKINS SAYS WAIT. EDITOR TIMES: I am opposed to naming Mnrsh fleld Coos liny. The principal rea son is because It will lead to endless confusion. Adopt that name and there Is nothing to distinguish tho town from tho bay proper. It is ap parent. Suppose Portland was called Willamette. In speaking of either tho town or the river nbout half the time you would be obliged to say, I mean the town, or I menu the river, or I nm now speaking of tho town or of the river as the case might be. Names nre used for tho purpose of distinguishing ono person or one thing from another. Wo use names for identification thnt Is what names are for, otherwise wo wouldn't need names at all. Again, the town would loso Its Ideuty en tlrejy Cods Day don't suggest tho name of a town to anybody In tho slightest degree. A bay suggests a body of water only. It don't sug gest n town nt all. Adopt this folly and you will have endless trouble In one way nnd another explaining that tho town nnd the hay bear tho same nnmo. Anyway, is It discreet at this time to- apply tho nnmc of Coos Uay to the present limits of Mnrshncld7 Thcro nre thoso whoso good will and co-operation wo want outside of Mnrshfleld. Mnrshlleld is not tho only ngato on tho Coos Day bench. There nro others. Would It not bo more discreet, Just and wise to wait until consolidation Is n fact nnd let our neighbors have a hand in select ing a name? Our neighbors havo some Interests and some rights thnt wc ought to respect In tills matter, It occurs to me. Mllllcomn Well now thnt Is n pretty nnmo In n way. Tho pro nouncing of it brings recollections of our fuzzy days, when everything looked pretty to us, days when wo wore our hats askew,, cultivated a curl on our forehead nnd invested all our spare earnings In cologne, hair oil and goose- grease. It classes along with "Adown the dimpled Doon," Willie, Algernon nnd tho like. It Is suggcstlvo of thnt far away look and pipe drcnniB. It Is n most ap propriate nnmo for n small club, or a fcmnlo kitten or a ewe lamb but for a thriving, bustling, strenuous llttlo city NEVER. GEO. WATKINS. PATSY RUNS ASHORE. Tho gasoline schooner Patsy, which was completed nt tho North Rend ship yards n fow weeks ago to take the placo of tho Ill-fated Osh kush, ran nshore near Newport last week. Tho Patsy has tho cnglno of tho Oshkosh which was lost on tho Columbia river bar several mouths ago. A Newport dispatch of last Thursday snys: "Tho gasoline schooner Patsy wont nshore Wednesdny morning nt 9 o'clock nt the entrance to tho SlioU River. She lies in an easy position on the south spit, Insldo tho bar. Ef forts nro being madu to edgo hor off, All freight has been safely landed on the beach nt low tide." of Portland. First VIce-ProRldent Mrs. E. L. Moorhouso, of Pendleton. Second Vlco-Presldent Mrs. J. II Ziirehor. of- Rosohurg. Treasurer Mrs. Graco Cohen, of Portland. Recording Secrotnry Mrs. F. II. Davidson, of Hood RIvor. Corresponding Socretnry Mrs. Sa die Orr-Dunbar, of Portland. Auditor. Mrs. W. J. Uoynton, of Eimono. Directors Mrs. Agnos Ilrndshnw. of Tho Dalles; Mrs. C. J. Edwards, of Newberg. MA RSI I Fl ELD ROAiTl.OSES. Report lo Railroad Commission Slum- Delicti of S'N.i. SALEM. Ore.. Oct. 23. -The re port of the Murshtleld & Suburban Railway i'ouipHU. received by the StHte Railroad CnmmlMlon shows loneiutliiu revenues of S1.76S and deficit of S2S3. The report of tho C. A. Smith Lumber company's logging rami, near Mnrshlleld, shows operating io venues of $3S nnd operating ex penses of ?C37, or a deficit of 253. As the two reports show that tho C. A. Smith Logging company is In control, It Is believed by tho commis sion thnt these nre two reports of tho same road for different periods of time. NOTED CATHOLIC DEAD. (Hy Associated Press.) SACRAMENTO, Cal Oct. 23 Monslgnor T. J. Cupel, n world famous Catholic dlvlno 4 ,, (K.0 ,,r vnt0 mml,orlnll, (o 4 th ,,, ' ,s ,,liml ,.,, T i1"' L" 12', Z Olympic Flour Highest Quality VIEWS ON MARSHFIELD COOS RAY OR MILLICOMA. (From Portland Telegram) The people of Murshfleid nre dis cussing a change of name. As wo understand from tho report ut the matter, they nro to vote upon the alternative of "Coos Buy" or "Milll coma." Tills is ono of those cases where no outsider has any business to butt I In; but with this fuct lu mind, out ' aiders are apt to have an opinion one i vuy or the other, nnd If that opinion be expressed with becoming modes Ity, they nre to bo purdoned for giv ing it uttoraucc. There seems to bo doubt nbout tho orlKln of tho word "Coos." its ns- sumed Indian derivation is disputed, it is held to be a corruption by tho "canny Scotsman," who ns nn early traveler lu that country designated It as n "coo's" or a "cow's" country. This may not bo the strictly anti quarian account of tho matter but it ls substantially the statement of one I side of the case. On the other side I there is Coos county lu New liump I shire, tho derivation of which Is in 'dlsputably Indlnu. The proposed nnmo "Mllllcoma ' is vouched for ns u slmon-puru Indian word, oii4' advocate claiming for it that it menus tho equivalent of wel come, or thnt tho "latch string Is out," or something of thnt sort. An other advocate of the name suggests n romantic legend centering about tho (laughter of nn indlnu chief n mnlden who boro this molllltuous cognomen. About nil this there Is n haziness that Is extremely unsatisfactory. Wero it not so, ns it seems to iib, it would ho u case of plain sailing, If tho pcoplo of that community decided that thcro should bo u chnugo of name, that tho nnino which is of ap proved Indian origin should bo pro served by all menus, for wo nro let ting such names slip from us nil too readily. HONOR CAPT. HEHOMAX Uiupe-un Life Saving Station Crew Pi'cxcnt Him Loving Cup. Tho Florence West has tho follow ing concerning nn honor conferred upon Capt. Bergman who recently returned as keoper of that station: "In 1891, Mr. Bergman recoived an appointment ns keoper of tlio-Ump-quu Life Saving Station, serving twenty years, resigning on October 1, 1011. "Upon leaving tho sorvlco ho was presented with n beautiful solid sil ver loving cup standing ulno inches high nnd sovon Inches ncross with the following Inscription upon it, "Ump qua River L. S; S., Oct. 1st, 1011. presented to Keeper John lie rg in an by his crew." Whllo ho cannot thank tliom sulllclently for this mark of esteem It will servo as a connecting link between thorn In n separation which ho feels vory much. "Captain Rergman lias a solid gold medal authorized by sjieclnl net of congress for taking tho leading pnrt In tho rose no of people from tho Ill-fated steamer "Tnconin" tho stranding of which occurred January 29, 1S83. Finding such nn interest ing recital of tho wreck In the letter accompanying tho medal wo asked permission to publish it: Such n modal nnd such n letter nro rare things to receive nnd nro never given uiiloss well merited." FLORENCE REJECTS FRANCHISES Voter Turn Down Several ut Special Election There. FLORENCE. Oro Oct. 23 -At tho special election hold hero Monday, the three propositions submlttod to the pooplo wero nil voted down. It rotiiilrod u two-thirds voto to enrry any of them, and whllo there was a majority for tho electric llwht uad telephone frnnchUo, tliero wero nntl enough votes for a two-thirds ma jority. The voto was ns follows: Ordinance No. 09, to grant n fran chise to the Orogon' Eloctrlc com pany Yes. 2.1; No, 21. Ordinance No. 70. to glvo tho hoard of trustees authority to penult the Florence-Mnploton Indopondent Telophone company to erect nnd maintain polos and wires in tho town: Yes, 25, No, 19. Ordlnnnco No. 71, to mnko nn np proprlotlon of $1,500 out of tho gen eral fund for tho purposo of opon Ing Sownrd streot south from Main streot to tho Slusluw river Yes, 10; No, 20. Whllo the pcoplo of Floreuco nro In favor of electric lights, telephouo companies and other public improve ments, it was claimed by ninny that tho ordinances wero uot properly drawn and tho franchises wero not suitable to the best Interest of the people. James C. Daliliiiau, "Com boy" Mayor of Omaha, "Throws the Lariat" Mayor Jus. C. Dahlman started his career ns n cowboy, nnd Is nt pre sent Mayor of Omnhn, and has tho following record. Sheriff of Dawos Co., Neb.,, three tonus; Mnyor of Chadrou, two terms; Democratic Nnt'l Cotnmltteomnn, eight years; Mnyor of Omnhn, six years, nnd in J 910 Candidate for Governor of Neb raska. Writing to Foloy & Co., Chi cago, ho says: "I havo taken Foloy Kidney Pills nnd they havo given mo n great deal of relief so I cheer fully recommend thorn." Yours truly, (signed JAMES C. DAHLMAN. Silver Spoon Sweets Are Delicious Chocolates inntle of Pure Materials, iu a Sanitary factory by Clean and HEALTHY workmen. They are packed in 3-pound boxes at 25c and 1-pound Send One Full Coupon, (or 2 half Coupons) and 10c for One Spoon G Coupons and 4Sc for Six Spoons. i . LIVES ARE TOO PRECIOUS to risk by the use of gasoline cook stoves. Tho gasoline stove has a long and ugly record of death dealing calamity. It is shunned by those whose homes it has burned down. The fire insurance companies fight the gas oline stove whenever they get a c h a n c e. They know what an extremely dangerous thing it is. But they offer no objections to Gus Stoves because the proper use of gas is SAFE, If you value safety in your home you cannot discard your gasoline cook stove too soon. Tomorrow may bo too late. You may think it expensive to have a gas range put in but we think wc can help you solve this problem. m Telephone 2sTo. ITS Oregon CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK . OF COOS HAY At tho Closo of Business, September 1, 1011. Resources. Loans and Discounts $209,719.62 Bonds nnd warrants 88,852,40 U. S. Honda to securo circulation 25,000.00 Real ostato, fiirnlturo and fixtures 81,472.94 Cash mid sight exchange 1(10,(1:11.00 Total resources I , S505t070.02 Liabilities. Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits..... 6,886.26 Circulation , 25,000.00 Deposits I.IJI.IOO.OO Total liabilities S505.070.02 OFFICERS AXI) DIRECTORS: W. S, Chandler, president; M. C. Horton, vice-president; Dorsoy Kroltzer, Cashier; John F. Hall, John S. Coke, S. C. Rogers, V. U. Douglas, F. S. Dow, Wm. Grimes, W. P. Murphy. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho closo of business September 1st, 1011, Resources. Loans nnd Discounts , $397,393.93 Banking House 50,000.00 Cash and Exchanges 141,546.53 Ttal S588.010.-10 Liabilities Capital Stock paid in ,' $50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 54,165.7a Deposits 484,774.74 boxes at 50c. Each package contains a Coupon which will help yoTi to got oiie of these beautiful Silver Spoons everybody sells 'cm. Bradley Candy Co. Marshfickl formerly The Modem Com puny. Power Co. fflStKVv We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and caroful drivors nro now at ttho dig posnl of tho Coos Bay public at KEASONAIJLE RATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywlioro any time. Horsoi bonrded nnd rigs cared for. Now hearso nnd special acommo datlons provided for funoral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S lilVKUV AND FEED 8TA11LF9 PHONE 27!l-J WANTED!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERINO AXI) PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pncuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders fpr work taken at GOING HARVEY PHONE 100 Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND HEPAIRING ALL KINDS OF HAT AVORK. 256 Central nventio Phono 250X ROSS Al PIXEGOR. TIMBER LAND 240 Acres of flno timber 40 per cent Cedar. About 10 million feet $8,000 100 millions feet In ono body. $1.00 por M. Cnll or Writo AUG. FJUZEEN Mnrshlleld, Oregon. A now stock of the latest la tho-- MAZDA LAMPS Bond In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237.4 A. Modern Drlck Building, Electrlo Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Wntor. HOT K L .C O OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents n Dny nnd Upwards. Cor. Rrondwny nnd Market Marshflold. Orogon. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wnoli thoso garments cleaner and bettor than tho work can bo dono olsowhoro, nnd thoy nro not worn io much. Wo do not shrink them, oven iwoolon gnrmonts nro returned tho same slzo ns whon Bent us. Wo Iron tho gnrmonts nicely, make ordinary ropalrs frco of charge and you hnvo fresh clean, sweet under wear rendy for each weok's change. Rundlo yours up with next week's laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PIION 220-J NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OP SPECIAL IMPROVED .UOXIW Notlcojs horoby given that pur suant to tho provisions of tho Chap ter V of Tltlo XXVI, L. O. L , ind in nccordnnco with tho tonus nnd coi dltlons of said bond, tho dty Mnrshlleld will tako up and cancel tho special Improvement bonds of said City of Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, Issued on the 1st day of Novombor,. 1909, nnd numbered from 0 to 22 inclusive of said Issiw respectively, bolng each for tho sum of $500 nnd bearing Interest at 6 per cent per nnnum, and will on tho next soml-nnnual coupon period of W bonds, to-wit: on tho 1st day cf Novombor, 1911, pay to tho proper owners and holders of said l)0"d8 face vnluo of each thereof with ac crued interest to said date and the owners and holdors of said above de scribed bonds are hereby notlfW to present tho samo for payment ani nnnpollntlnn in fho undersigned, Treasurer of said City at his lfflf? In tho Flnnacan & Bennett DanK u said City of Marshflold, Coos Coun ty, Orogon, on said dato for pay ment, cancellation nnd redemption, nnd nro further notified that nte. oat Hifirnnn win cease at said Inter est payment period, to-wit: on Nov ember 1st, 1911. Dated this seventh day ol uwu 1911, r, v WILLIAMS, Ttal $588,040.40 Treasurer ot tho City of Morsnflert- :-:v rfr 1. rt rr.iri uXumtmtMu titaygsg"1"1""1"'! " . ),. ) , .