-1Vf(Jn!! Si THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911 EVENING EDITION. w itfnf i)Wi' f r Mr ATTEND WEDDING HERE Roy A. Sanber and Miss Han nah Larson United Last Evening. A most pleasant nnd largely in tended wedding took place Inst night nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. 0. Larson In South Mnrshfleld when their daughter, Miss Hnnna T. Lar son, was united In marriage to Mr. Roy A. Sanber from Acme, Ore. Rev. G. LcRoy Hall of the First Baptist church conducted the ceremony. At tendant upon the bride and groom were Miss Slgnn Larson, n sister of the bride, as maid of honor; Miss Emma Erlckson and Miss Esther Kel son as bridesmaids; Hemming Lar son, a brother of the bride, and Char ley FrodolhiB as best men, and Myrtle Nelson as (lower girl. The bride appeared In n beautiful gown of white Bilk and lace, the bridesmaids and Hower girl also be ing dressed In white, the maid of honor wearing a beautiful dress of cream colored silk. The home was elaborately decorated with flowers nnd greenery, the wedding ceremony taking place under a canopy of roses and ferns nrranged In one comer of the parlor. The wedding mnrch and music dur ing tho evening were rendered by n noted violinist, accompanied by pia no. The bride and groom having re ceived the congratulations and wishes of friends nnd relatives, a most deli cately prepared and sumptuous supper was served. Tho new mnrrled cou ple received a number of vnluable and useful presents. As evidence of the popularity of bride nnd groom, n great crowd of young people essem blcd outside giving expressions to their Interest In the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Sanber will In a few days leave for their future home nt Acme, Ore., where Mr. Sanber Is In terested In a combined sawmill and etoro business with his father. Those present were: Miss 0. G. Erhnrt, Or vlllo Erhnrt, Eurllla Erhart, Mr. and Mrs. Chns Thorwald, Johnny Thor wnld, Clifford Thorwald, Lucy Thor ivald, Lily Thorwald, Graco Johnson, Anna Gldmark, Lily Gldmark, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. M. Nelson, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Carlson, Erinnn Carlson, Ucntrlco Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walmnrk, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Olson, Mr. nnd Mrs. August Carlson, Mr. nnd Mrs. August Krlzecn, Hetty Krlzeen, J. E. IlellonltiH, David D. Hill. Mrs. Simp sou, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. G. Larson, Ellz nbeth Anderson, Mrs. Green, Doris Green, Roy Green, Arthur Wllld, Al fred Erlckson, Willie Illinium, George Hamburg. Mr. Harry Ilorln, Miss Mll- llgnn, Mrs. Egnn Allqulst, Irmn nnd Heunlng Allqulst. Following the nmrrlnge ceremonies a large number of boys nnd friends gathered around the Larson homo nnd Indulged In a most vociferous chorlvnrl, the echoes of which could be heard for a mile or more. IMG PROFIT IX OREGON. Southern I'nclllc Miiile llltf Sum Limt Year. SALEM, Ore., Oct. 10. The an mini report of the Southern I'nclllc company has been filed with the Rail road Commission. The report cover ed the entire line, sepnrate reports for Oregon being in up to the date of the report. Operating revenues were $91,108, 7C1.40, and operating expenses $52, 234,137.34. leaving n net operating revenue of $38,874,024.00. Divid ends of $21,020,282.08 on stocks were declared during tho ruling year. Tho company has hnd during the year 4 3,704 employes nnd hnB paid out $39,190,g39.82 to them In wages. The mileage of lines operated Is given at C198.2S, number of passengers cnrrled was 34,199,159, and the num ber carried one mile was 1,429,000, 3S4. Over 1S.000.000 tons of freight weie cnrrled and over 4,000,000.000 tons cnrrled one mile. Tho totnl freight revenue for tho year wns ap proximately $53,000,000, and the pns- senger revenue $31,000,000. Details for Oregon will bo sent later to the Commission. Opcrntlng revenues for the stnte of Oregon total $S,777,2C0. The total operating expenses for the stnte were $4,580,471. Tho dining nnd special car service for tho entlro lino amount ed to $1,071,824 In revenues, nnd ex penses wero $1,983,331, or n deficit for this sorvlco of $311,500. LOCAL OVERFLOW. Sails Tomorrow. Tho Redondo will soil tomorrow morning' nt nlno o'clock for San Franclsoo. On Vacation. Postmaster W. U Curtis Is taking his nnnunl vacation nnd on It he will icturn to his old love the high sens. He has gone to Portlnnd where ho will Join n steam freight of which his brother Is cap- ! tnln nnd will mnke tho ' trip from there to Snn Diego and return, and will bo nbscnt about two weeks. Mr. Curtis followed tho sens for many years nnd nt one time wns ship wrecked on tho const of Africa. YOUR DRUGGIST STOPS THAT ITCH If you arc Buffering from Eczema, Psoriasis or any other kind of skin trouble, drop Into our storo for In stant relief. We will guarantee you to stop that Itch In two koiimiiN. A 25c trlnl bottle will prove It. Wo have bold other remedies for sklu troubles, hut none that we could recommend moro highly than the well known compound of Oil of Wlnter grcoii, Thymol nnd a few other Ingre dients thnt have wrought hiicIi won derful euros nil over tho country. This compound, known us D D.D. Prescription, will cool and heal the Itchy, burning Bkln as nothing eUe can. Get a regular bottle and see on our no-pay offer. Red Cross Drug Store. Look Before You Buy A glance at the Toggery Clothing A V ill convince von of their superior style and tailoring- and no other clothes at the price, $2U to $25, can surpass them. AVe do not con fuse our buyers by ad vertising suits from 10 to $10. One price, good goods and on the square is our motto. The Toggery WANT LIFE SAVERS. Papers wero circulated hero this week setting forth In the form of af fidavits tho rensons why n life saving stntloii should ho established by tho government nt tho mouth of tho Slus law river. Florence West. NORTH REND NEWS. There will bo n rcgulnr meeting of the North Rend Mother's nnd Teach er's Club at tho Central School house nti 3 o'clock P. M. tomorrow. A full attendance is desired ns the nn nunl election of olllcers will tnko place. RANI) DANCE at EAGLES HALL Saturday evening, OCTORER 28. MU SIC by FULL bnnd. Sick hendochc Is caused by n dis ordered stomach. Take Chamber. lnln's Tablets and correct that nm! tho headache will disappear. Fori sale by nil denlcrs. What Is Socialism Come out tonight and hear a scholarly and Interesting an swer to this Timely Question1 by Floyd C. Ramp A Graduate of the Univer sity of Oregon. Free Lecture at Socialist Hall on Front street, Thurs day and Friday nights, Oc tober 19 and 20. DON'T MISS IT. FOR WIRELESS STOCKHOLDERS. Tho story of tho United Wireless Telegraph company shows how much real value an Investor In wildcat stock getB for his money. Of $4,000,000 received, only $900,000 went to tho company, the rest being divided among the promoters. Whnt the Investors- really did wns to donnto for tunes to tho astute men who nro now wearing stripes. Portland Orego-nlan. Step In and sec something you never Haw In COOS county. ANONA CASH grocery. Rend tho Times' Want Ads. Special for Two More Days Only One 6-bunce tin of J, A, Lodgers' high grade Baking Powder with every One-pound can you buy which gives you a saving of 40 per cent on your Baking Powder. Just Arrived Today Fresh shipment of Concorrd Grapes. We also have a fresh supply of all fresh, seasonable fruits and vege tables for Friday and Saturday. Phone us your order. OLLIVANT WEAVER The Pure Food Grocermcn. A Good Place to Trade. Phone 275-J Corner 3rd and Central Don't Buy a Piano Until vou see our elegant new line of instruments .lust liceoivcd from the fa mous Baldwin Piano Co. This company's pianos have taken first prize at the World's Fairs in Paris and St. Louis in competition with the entire world. We Sell at Lower Prices Than any mail order house or any person who sells from a catalogue when you consider values, tonal quality and general satisfaction. Remember : AYe carry these pianos in stock. You can sec and hear them before you buy. 13 very piano is backed and guaranteed by a company with a capital of $1,800, 000 and in addition you also have our personal gu a rnnteo of satisfaction. Come in and see these pianos, hear them and then we will talk over the matter of price and terms. Going (SB Harvey Company Clif JV,i COMPLETE HOUSE AND HOME FURNISHERS. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. If it's in style wc have it. New 3-4 length over coats. New Benjamin clothes. New raincoats and gaberdines. New Stetson hats. You know why we sell for less Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD "MONEY TALKS" BANDON "THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY" S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPI'ED WWII WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay forl'JurcJca, Wednesday, Oct. 18 in the afternoon. CONNECTING WITU THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 O. F. McGEOHGE, Agent FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Marsh field for San Francisco Friday morniny October 20, at 9 o'clock. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 44 C. F. McQEORGE, A Rent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT H P. M. ON OCTOIinil , 10, 17, 21 AND 1. SAILS FHOM MAKSIII'IELD AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON OCTOIIEK 7, 1 1, 21 AND 28. L. 11. KEATING. AGENT PHONE MAIN 33-L Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAHLO 4ND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho heat Domestic and Imported brands. Plastor, Llmo, Drlck and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201 Abstracts, Real Estate,, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offke Phone 191 Marshfleld Office H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Genaral Agents "EASTSIDE" FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stnge8 leavo Marshfleld for Rosrburs at 7 o'clock every evening and afford quickest connections with Southern Paclflo Railway. Fare ?C.OO. COOS RAY ROSERURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCRKTTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Mnrshfleld. C. P. HARNARD, Agent, ROSEHURG, Ore. PHONE 11 Wc Clean and Press i Ladies7 and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses an careful drivers are now at ttha dis posal of the Coos Day public at REASONARLE RATLS Rigs or rigs with drivers ready tor any trip anywhere any time. norser boarded and rigs cared for. New hearso and special acommo datlons provided for funeral parties. w i. r.niMnRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLE3 X'iiJx "" NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. culars see We want fresh salmon and are prepared to pay the highest cash price for them. For further parti- C. O. HOCKETT, Empire City, or GEO. F. SMITH, Coos River -aaaBOsutautnuauamaaa