A PROMOTER IS A MODERN ALCHEMIST WHO CAN TRANSMUTE HOT AIR INTO GOLD " .... l7n......nI..M fit Coos A Lilt 0 A.iii"i"b" .1VT 'A I)VKHTI8IX In The TIMES ull I IMit Vour IU'I Itotnlo "In ScMiirkct'Mtfrocllvolir! t w II nut tho facta about your S ',!",?!" " o,,8l,t ' aftm?g WANT ADVERTISING in TIio TIMKS Will KiH'p the Income from Voiu Furnished ltiiiiins from Lapsing! YOU cnn really help tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished" rooms and. If you knw how and when to use the classified columnsi you may keep that little extra Income ns "steady as n clock." MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS 0'D ' " Established In 1878 M Tito Const Mall VOL XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of TlmcA. Const Mali and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 82 Saw POTS ROAD BUI5 FIFTY ACRES NEAR NORTH INLET Deed For Property at Sand Point Is Filed at County Clerk's Office. BEGINS RIGHT-OF-WAY CONDEMNATION SUITS Developments In Coos Bay Railroad Situation Are Coming Thick and Fast Tho Pacific Const Hallway nnd tho pacific Great Western luivo purchas ed fifty acres of tldo flat nt Snnd Point, near the mouth of North Inlet re. irom the Ilnnk of Oregon, It. L. Shlno Tnf( SEC. WILSON TO QUITJFFICE Rumor That Head of Agricul tural Department Has Fin ally Resigned His Position (Hy Associated Press to Coos Bay and Associated Press Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 19. Humors are in circulation that Sce nt Sand , retary of Agriculture Wilson has given his resignation to bo effective or as soon ns President the uniiK 01 urubu. . . ...- Tftft nmy npM0lnt a BUCCCaaor,but it is F. II. Wnlto. Tim deed for tho iIn,0HBllilo to verify them. WIIfoii Ib ELI IS KILLED TODAY Noted Aviator Victim of Acci dent at Macon, Georgia, This Afternoon. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times-.) MACON, Ga., Oct. 19 Aviator Ely fell from an aeroplane this afternoon nnd died shortly after. Ely had just risen from the ground and was making his first turn In a dip over the crowd when tho machine plunged to the ground. Ely was well-known on tho Paci fic coast where he made many flights last fall nnd winter. He was one of the first to successfully alight with his machine on n ship at San Fran cisco nnd also to alight on tho water and Btart again from the water. DIG LIST ON -GOAL IS 1 BREAKWATER Steamship Arrives In This Millicoma Development Com- rrorcrty has been filed at Coqulllo. The prlco has not bcon given oui, mi. Hit gnld that It was n high figure. Besides HUB, me cmnimuy i"ik v,,.n n the Hnnn ranch nnd tho other across tho Resin rnnch, ad ininine the Mono ranch. Other con demnatlon proceedings nro nlso ox' en routo hero from Chicago. Former Representative Scott of Kansas, far some years chairman of tho Houso Committee on Agriculture, nnd As wv . . .. t rtt,..t I.. .... .. . -. . .. .. ill Portland attorneys nun mm i" hihuwu accreiary oi Agricuiiuru fondemnntlon suits nt Coqulllo. Ono Hnyes nro mentioned nmong thoso li for a right-of-way acrosH whnt is likely to succeed Wilson. I'roitMHor Moony n. nancy, iiean of tho Now York Agricultural col lego and head of Roosovolt's Country Life commission, was recently re Morning With Large Num ber of Passengers. pany Takes Over Ward Property on Bay. nected to be filed shortly, covering ported to bo under consideration to property whip Itlght-of-way Agent , succeed Wilson. Eddy was nimble to obtain. Mr. Ed- PLOT TO KILL dr la now at Portland where the pa per In these cases arc being prepar ed. The above news complicates tho Coos liny Railroad mystery nnd tends to confirm the report that It Is to bo battle royal between tho Southern rulflc nnd other big Interests as to nblch will reach Coos Bay first and control the situation hero. By many, ft li taken as an Indication thnt tho Hill system, nnd poRslbly tho Cana dian Pacific, Ih behind tho Sumner road. In addition to this, it Is also learn fd thnt right-of-way men nro working In north Curry county below Bandon. Cashier Itnhcrts of a Bandon bank la reputed to bo handling tho tlnnuces for the operations there. So fnr as tanle learned, the operations In Cur rrarelnrgcly on an option basis. Tho PRESJ10ER0 Rumor of Plan to Assassinate Head, of Mexican Govern ment Causes Stir Today IIIO UreaKWater nrriVed In tills Thn MIIHrmnn nnvnlnnmnnt mm morning with n capacity list of pas- puny has Just been Incorporated by Hungers irom rortianci. nicy had n n number or Coos Bay men to dovol- good trip down tho const. op tho Wnrd conl property near tho Among thoBO arriving on tho mouth of Coos Hlver, just below tho Breakwater woro tho following: creamery. Tho company Ib lncor- Mrs. C. M. Leo, C. F. Knox, Mrs. poratcd for $200,000 nnd tho officers J. Knox, D. 11. McLood, MrB. Jennlo nnd directors nro: Jones, E. W. Forrls, L. H. Keating, Presldont nnd general mnnngcr j. a. warn. Vice-president II. G. Kern. Secretary .1. G. Mullen. Directors P. L. Swenrlngor nnd Chan. I. Rclgnrd nnd nbovo nnmed ofllcors. It Is stated thnt soma nutsldo cap ital lias been Interested In tho p ro ot! to tho coal mlno the company Is figur ing on a brlqtiottlng plant nnd nlso tho dredging of the Coos Itlvor chan nel so thnt ships cnn bo londcd di rect. Somo of tho property mny bo plnttcd and sold, tho mineral rights being reserved. Concerning tho eompnny's proper CHINESE REBELS REPORTED TO BE EAST GAINING CONTROL Chns W. Hlgglns, Mrs. C. L. Bral nard, C. L. Bralnard, O. T. Mlsh, L. II. Illch, Will Wright, I.. J. Juston, Itev. Prank Adams, O. .1. Mink, Mrs. A. Lattln, Mrs. D. Andrews, Ellzn HortliHhone, II. 0. Ilorthshone, Mrs. Guy C. Lattln, Miss Flossie, Jou Hnr- MniC;..L' Adn,m8tJolm DoJJcc, Cnmu Jcct, In n(J(lltl McLean, A. F. Hodgson, Frank Ve- development tl Inlr, Frank Grant, G. A. Graham, nB on n briqm unus. iMiuison, oust Anderson, Carl CnrlBon, W. M. Huftlll, G. Brown, P. Holoy, J. II. Brady, Chns Crook, 13. Sutterland, D. Sannuhon, M. Mock- wlth, MrB. !: W. Ferris, Mrs. M. B. Powndo, Mrs. Anna Howe, C. F. Mc- Knlght, Mrs. McKnlght, Itobt. Clarke, ty and development work, Mr. Wnrd Itov. T. F. Brown, M. J. Dnbney, Dr. C. W. Tower, It. P. Pendergnst, .Mrs. PondergnBt, A. J. Stownrt, Adessu Stowart, J. C. Walling. C. W. Thorn, Mrs. F. II. Couch, F. II. Couch, P. F. Smith, F. D. Arlington, Win. W. Lnthnn, Mrs. A. Cnrlson, Mra. E. Ar chumbenu, Mrs. John Graham, E. It. Evans, W. J. Hatfield, Mro. Minn Hnr rls, Miss I. M. DoWitt, Mrs. Bert Ed wards, MrB. K. A. Grlinln, Mrs. Anna EvniiB, Mrs. O. Hancock, Chns W. Brown, D. Andrews, Cyrill Herbert, Kont. Herbert, Geo Unyore, F. W. T. 0. made the following statement todny "Tho property consists of tho Millicoma coal mine, constituting 750 ncrcs with options on additional lnnd. This land lies east of tho bay with n water frontage of moro than half a. mile hear the mouth of Coos river. "Besides numerous cuts nnd small tunnels nlong tho cropping of tho veins which provo the regularity nnd continuity of the veins throughout tho trnct, the main working tuniiol, 9 x o4 feet, In tho clear, Is down T REBEL MARK Revolutionists Order Chinese to Cut Off Queues or Lose Their Heads. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 19. Short hair is the distinguishing mark of the Chinese revolutionists accord ing to n message from Hnnkow re ceived here. The revolutionary gov ernment has given tho mnlo Inhabi tants of Hankow nnd Wu Chang un til October 22 to cut off their queues. This menns Hiobo refusing to loso their queues will loso their heads. An other message says the American consulate at Nanking hnu asked tho American legation nt Pekln for war ship protection, Indicating a serious condition there. (Silence of Pekin Government Poilcoc Annrnlinncinn flwor Situation. I HANKOW IS CUT OFF FROM REST OF WORLD Report That Four Divisions of Imperial Army Will Desert to Rebels. ' (By Associated Press to tho Cooa BuJ Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 19. A cable from Hong Kong received today by tho Chinese- Frco Press says tho government is oxtromoly nppro hcnslvo bccniiBo of tho revolution ary feeling in tho district of Huong Sang nnd fenr tho four Imporinl rog ImcntB thero will likely desert to the enemy. POSSE CLOSE TO SOSPECT (By (By Associated Proas to tho Coos Bay '.'lines) SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Oct. 19. same kind of contracts as are being To prevent any attempt to kill Frnu- mA bv the I'aclllc Coast Lino, and clnco I. Mndero during his visit to Ibe Pacific Great Western nro being, Plcdras NograH, Bcores of tho Made-iGrlmln, Gust Frederlckson. uied nnd provide thnt construction list sympathizers and secret servlro Schnlodcr, Ira Stevens, J. c. Stevens, raust bo started In six months nnd inon leave tomorrow for Eaglo Bill Schloveultcs, N. Xalucatls, Luu clny partings each nbout 3 Inchos In the road completed In two years or ' Pass, Tex., opposlto tho Mexican Luck, Go Sam, Go Coy, On Lee, thickness. Gnngwavs and air cour Ihe option will be null nnd void. Tho town. Tho local Mndcrlsts say they, Fred Roth, A. G. Hutcheson, Q. sob nro run from the slope nggrega- Sheriff's Force Closing In On Murderer of Family In Kansas. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ELLSWORTH, Kan., Oct. 19. Nenr Genesseo, Knn., n sheriff's posse Is believed to bo close on tho trail of Charles Mnrzyck. sought in connec tion with tho murder of five members of the Showman fnmlly here. The suspect seen nt Goneseo Is said to bo . ... ...V .! M .W.. ...,. ,. , . ,.. , n-r. fw, I.. vlnn Vn J nn n ,1h nt WIU WIIIIO I11IIU WHO HIIIIIIHMI m 11 IIIIIUI 25 degrees. This vein Ib better than !'oro .? ?" BOmo !'loo,l' clothing C feet In thickness, containing two STILL CLASH operations are said to extend ns fnr have discovered a plot to shoot Mir as Port Orford and If it Is tho Pact- dero who has been warned. l!c Coast Lino, it Is evident thnt Vice- president Sumner's fitntonient thnt they were going to conllno their netl ltles to the section between Cooa Bay and EiiKcne until that section of tho line Is completed, was possibly for tho tftect of keeping things quiet until hat they desired In nnd around Ban don nnd In Curry county was obtain The property purchased nt Sand Point Is considered strategical In that It lies In the routo of tho Southern Pacific, Whether the lnttor tries to Irldge t!xbay and renrji North Bend direct or whether It proceeds to tho f-t side of Coos Bay and utlllzos tho and flats Is not known. According to reports from Portland, Southern Pclflc otllclnls thero lmvo expressed He claim thnt attempts wero being nade to block or holdun tho South- m Pacific by a former employe of tho luko, Sam Hicks, I. Mervn, Jos ting nbout 2i0 feet. Shook, John Shook. U. S. Pertlr, E. The plan of tho development Is to G. Mellom, F. Potorson, F. Luca, W. continue tho slope In No. 4 vein to n Brown, Itobt Moore, Ben Smith, C. II. convenient depth, probably nbout Hnckctt, Jas Knox Jr. ' BOO feet boforo rooming off exten- Tho Brcnkwntor will sail at 9 slvely. Then by driving gnngwnys o'clock Saturday inornliic for Port- 'oth ways in the vein, thnt Is, north OVER JURORS lnnd. But Little Progress Made McNamara Case During Forenoon Session. In By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Times) LOS ANGELES. Oct. 19. Ed- ijstem who lmd gained knowledge of ward C. Robinson, n talesman who i-e routo to Coos Bny and wns bo- ' nays ho Is opposed to labor unions "ring tho strategical points on tho d believes tho Los Angoles Times line. .wns blown up by dynamite, under The stnrtlmr of tho rnniinmnntlon we'1 nu oxtonslvon examination in PrwePd .?;,, """, ""!"' tho McNamara murder trial nt tho -- -.. -...v. hmju --.-- !'" RAIN DELAYS I World's Series Has to Be Post poned Until Tomorrow on Account of Weather. By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) PHILADELPIA, Po Oct. 19. T)nlti nirnlit r1rtt nfninninl T)lil1n 11111111 WILT II" .... . --- i it-utu .uuilJ lUVlViUV- I I Ull' - - -n--i -- ... ...... rty i nisn aitrntdnn., ti. if.,n hands or Attornoj LttLompo iJai8,i ,,,,,, N Yok ... t, et our coal and will increase nro "ch was bought a fow months ago lvho wns 8eol,S a bna,s. to challenge WorId.B Sorlea chnmplonshlp. It is tluction ns fast na conditions wnrrant. ? Dr. H. P. Hownril c ! Everett iUH' .T l., ? "a).l.n a, '"!,loped thnt tho weather will Improve Tho conl s prnctlcnlly tho same --- - . " so too iramo mnv uo ninvcu tomor- '""'" mv "vuict mu iiiuuur- -'" .., ., - nnd south, nnd by extending n tun nel horizontally to the west to cnteh No. 3 vein which lies nbout SO feet nbovo No. -1 vein, nnd nlso extending n tunnol to tho east from tho snmo Is about 100 feet below No. 4, thou all threo of the veins cnn bo worked through the present slopo with ono level to catch tho No. fi vein which hoisting plant nnd tho mlno cnn bo given nny desired capacity, tho only limit being In tho extent of develop ment nnd equipment for handling tho conl. The equipment consists of a hoist ing plant capable of handling 250 tons por dny. Chanlng bunker with washing arrangements at tho mlno nnd n loading bunker at tho water front: ramway, 1950 feet long from mine to the wnterfront nt n point hnlf n mile north of tho Coos Bny Crenmery; cars nnd everything nec essary for present operation. Wo expect to begin soon to mnr- tlio night of the murder. Associated Press to Coos Bar Times.) PEKIN, Chlnn, Oct. 19. Tho court's official announcement this, morning thnt telegraphic communica tion with Hankow has been Interrupt ed since siinsot Inst night caused con. Hternatlon today. Tho wildcat ru mors of reverses to tho Imperial Arms-, have been spread. Much significance is attached to the fact tho government has refrained from Issuing nu olllclal' announcement of a victory In yestor day's cngngomcntB with tho rebels. The government officials contlnuo ta express tho utmost optimism. FUNDS FOIl REBELS. PLAY THIRTEEN SI 1 Vaih At tho time, somo clnim.)d brought many u. . i. .. A "u "' Bomo citHnwH ney Fredericks nnd 1 Puis w n , r . r"1'101' rulings from Judge Wnltor Bordwell thiM-ii . r' Hownnl malntnlned but tn0 ,ntter i,ns not yet rendered cnii merely bought it for so- hjs decision In tho matter of opinions "am e purposes nnd also to gratify, 0f talesmen whether Tho Times was mm to own a lino rnnch. Ho lives blown up by dynamite, It being tho ,' , retti Wash., and tho Sumner ; contention of tho defonso that the wopie could not arrango satisfactory talesmen holding such n viow ore '"rns with him for n right of way unfit to sit on tho Jury which will cross tho property, although it ia determine whether James McNa "Merstood that they sent an .'.pent , mnra killed Charles Haggerty. 10 See him nt v.vart nnn.. i, .Tudun nnrilwell Is exnected to decide ...4. - " M,vn,m ltouuJ r..j .-" . . . V '"uemnatlon suit. r- JJ0,,U', ,)mls moa. cbmi ,t,on ,0 tno above, deeds route ,n th0 SlmP-on logging road ttvml other right-of-way bo W?iii .rth I,,let and Ten M1I liavo thest2,ed- Tho transfors nro from Udllw e. Illnmetto Pacific, tho sub tlil ot th0 Southern Pacific that Coos n? t0 bl,1,d th0 "no from deed, hL , El,8eno. As yet, no ton -im? .been flled covering tho Ulawiilt. iract or 420 acres which this nionitentoiis point todny. No challengo. however, wns offered (When tho court adjourned nt noon, Robinson's steady insistence tnnt no had no prejudice against the defen dant remained unshaken. f. "?ly reported that tho South Menasha w hs ac1ulred from the tte Slmnrl0Tdenwaro company and Simpson Lumber company. It Is understood that S. Backey and C. S. Wlnsor maintain that they have not yet disposed of their stock In the tide-flats across the bay which tne Southern Pacific has secured control of. They admit that tho other stock holders have sold their stock but do not say to whom. a Tuiunsn n.vrn win do you GOOD. Phone 2 14-J. row. CITY POLITICAL TALK. tion.' STRANGE SHOOTING ACCIDENT Thomas Howard stated today that unuer no circumstances wouiu no uo wi,n 0imi .. i, fl i a candidate for councilman or any her homo oaBt of BlIthorn Tuesday ?."L0.p,d llC.?' .! Ll ""?.??! ?5:l afternoon, Mrs. G. W. Archambeau XT IlZ "'" i"" , 'Iw" erlously wounded in her right Ing ns candidates. Mr. Howard's ' f"e n" b.rola8t by n 32-callbro car decislon in tho matter is final. rilsh'ch ln 60,ne manner had got Today, tho name of E. A. Ander-I1"10 ,the "replace and exploded. A son was mentioned nmong the-possl- '"'clan was summoned and whilo hie candidates for mayor. Mr. An- ho found both wounds of n serious derson served In thnt capacity a num-1 nature, ho said they were not dan her of years ago and also served ns.BerB. Mrs. Archambeau Is an old resident oi wio sumeriin vicinity mm Is well known throughout the county. Roseburg News. Coos county commissioner. L. W. Trnver's namo wns also among thoso discussed today as pos sible candidates for councllmen. Tho Ladies of ST. MONICA'S church will give a PROMENADE SOCIAL nt I. O. O. P. Hall, FRIDAY ovening, Oct. 20. DANCING nnd CARDS. Cake, coffee and punch served. Tickets 50c. Don't forget the Turkish i'JHOXE 214-J. Baths DON'T FORGET our numbor 1.10 NORTH BROADWAY, PHONE 110J ANONA CASH Grocery. Llbby CPAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Livory & Transfer Co. Read the Times' Want Ads. Portland and San Francisco In Hard Fought Contest Vernon Wins. STANDING OF LEADERS. Won Lost P.C. Portland Ill 75 .597 Vernon 110 S5 .577 (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 19. Port land and Snn Francisco played a thirteen inning tie game yesterday, tho contest having to be finally call ed on account of darkness. Tho score was six to six. Yesterday's games in tho Coast Leaguo resulted as follows:, At San Francisco R II Portland C 1C Snn Francisco 0 11 At Los Angoles R II Vernon , 9 15 Los Angeles 2 S At Sacramento It II Oakland -I 0 Sncramento 3 6 Chinese In America Rnlto Larfjc- Sums to Aid Revolutionist. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times) SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 19. Contributions to funds for tho Chi ncso revolutionists contlnuo to pour into tho coffers of tho local agents or tho rebels. It is stated thnt $500,000 haB nlrendy been forwnrdod to Po nynng where tho executive commlttoa of tho Young Chinese Party lino headquarters. Tho Chlncso Freo Ma sons in Vlctorln, B. C, recontly mUl their building for $50,000 and turn ed tho monoy over to tho- revolutionists. SHERIFF S G big mm Makes a Haul of Eighteen Hun dred In Two Days on Coquille. ' During n lull in his olllclnl duties Inst Sunday, Sheriff W. W. Gaga hied him from his ofllco to his Bolnlnn grounds near Bandon nnd in two days, Shnday and Monday, got moro thnn 1.S00 fish, or to bo exact 1,813 fluo salmon. Sheriff Gage's fishing grounds nro In clinrgo of Frank llolmnn and ha has boon doing very well, having turned In over 7,000 fish this season, but tho Sheriff's greater oxporlonco In pulling peoplo doubtless qualified hi in to break this season's record when It comes to pulling fish. It nil goes to show that tho shorKt has some pull In other things than poll tics. Tho two canneries on tho Coqulllo expect to make their emmclty paclc of 10,000 cases each 'his goason. There are moro Chlnooks thnn woro over known before. Mr. Gngo thinks this Is n lesult of tho system of feeding tho young fish bofore turn ing them out to care for tliem solvos. This Is tho first year for tho fish to return slnco tho now systoin was Instituted nnd it is expected that tho run will lncrenso annually fom this time forward. Tho annual output of tho Coqulllo hatchery Ib now 0,000,000 fry nnd that of tho Coos Rlvor hntchory la 9,000,000. This section Is fortunnto In having ono of tho best fish mas tors In tho stnto. Frank Smith, su perintendent of theso hntcheiieaii. .,... , .,.,r,. ,-.t ,t.xT t00k flrst prize with his cxhihlr att BAM) DANCE nt EAGLES HALL tno Seattle fair and undor his- rai- Saturday evening, OCTOBER 28. ML'- nl))o dmlnIstratlon thero has ?.sn SIC by FULL band. a Btcn,iy dovolopment In ofllcfoncy , nnd productivity, nnd tho fish In STOP! THINKS And then SAVE dustrv nromises to become nn Imnor- MONEY by ordering with HAINES, tnnt factor In Coos county commerce. AUTO RACER KILLED. Billy Pleico Fatally Hurt While PiactUiiig t Slouv City. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SIOUX CITY, Ia Oct. 19. Billy Pierce, an auto rncer, wns killed hero today whtlo practicing. ALL ROADS nnd STREETS LEAD KREP your EYE open for IIA1NES TO the ANONA CASH Grocery. FEED STORE. r f-i