The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 17, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 3, Image 3

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    'SWfr-i(J '
. .
with n profit. A son of Rev. Leo,
Chnrlton Lee, made Ills home with
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Frledberg In
Marshlleld until n few months ago.
day. Ho reports that everything Is
booming at Bandon, as usual.
J. M. XYE, Jr., of Coqulllo !s lit
Mnrshfleld on business and pleas-
ltiwlimilii r,iiiilmr.Tlin rfnclnmln ' UIC.
Is expected to reach North Bend GUY WARNER, manager of th
nbout o clock this evening from San ; Lockhnrt Grocery, and wlfo and
bnby, arc expected homo on the
Hedondo today from an extended
visit nt California points.
(By Associated Press.)
The Guaranteed Cell
I ,.u y Jl;ir,KED SEAL DRY BATTERIES do not
.niti? mit,l,fn50r' epv'n fr IGNITION OR OTHER
win . , n VXZtUt ,,c,,"' "''"'"I ""y or replace
wllh new cells. We IIV,,. comparative u.s wlth' nnv
!!:!, , ""7' ,"i,,(,',' ""'' ""BW"- Ql'AMTV Is what Is
wanted and Is what WE GUARANTEE to give, and n
roniparatlvo test will demonstrate tlmt wo enn snfoly
guarantee satisfaction when the results nro compared
with any other dry coll of the same size.
Pioneer Hardware Co.
5l(diii;IImjn Ij
OREGON. Oct. 17. Fair to
' night and Wednesday.
Ht.i'itos Crew. Tho David Evans,
a stonm ftchnnnnt whtnlt win Imllt mi
Coos Hay in 1901, readied. Astoria DAVE ROBERTS brought in a fine
Saturday with the crow of tho schoon-1
or William Nottingham, which slto '
.UlSn.dljl Tim llntll.1 1a.... I ....I '
Hying tho Hrltlsh ling, her homo port
being Victoria, I). C.
llvo point deer head to bo mounted.
It was killed by Ooorgo McGuI
lough anil Is snld to bo ono of the
best specimens seen hero in many
n day.
WM. TURPEX of Emplro was In
Marshflold today on business. He
reports that his son, W. S. Turpon,
who hns been spending tho summer
In Portland, will return hero nbout
tho first of November.
Ti Washington. Word has been
received here that Frank IJ. Tlchenor
who was recently hero endenvorlng
to secure n position as publicity man-
SELLS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo Sells ngor of tho Chamber of Commerce,
or linnnor. Miuuinv. neinimr in. mi l' Kono to Seattle to bccoiuo stnto
eight-pound son." Mother nnrt organizer for the Maccabees In Wash- ed MOHLER, tho lumber Inspector
child are doing nicely nnd tho fnth- ' "" " M "8, recently neon wun WH0 recently undorwont operation
or is overjoyed nt tho arrival of l,,u " Ul " b.
his first boy
.Mane uoor. mo ilglitnouso sor
Nfv Orchestra Harry Brndflbld vlco ,m8 recommended that a largo
slug n new orchestra In neotyleno and whistling buoy bo es-l
nt Mercy hospital, was ablo to
leavo tho hospital yesterday. Ho Is
getting along flue, much to the
gratification of his many friends.
Is orgnulz
Marsh Held
Port Orford roof until a light ship
Ounce Tonight Tho Coos Uav cnn ,MJ rented there. Tho root Is
Concort bnnd will entertnln the sun"- lKrous nnd has caused a number
ImirliM-fl of the orirniiizntlnn nt iImiu- "' "ml accidents, ono of tho last be-
,' lug party nt the Odd Fellows hall
,tabll8hed off Capo Ulanco to mark tho MRS. JOHN BUTLER and son, who
this evening.
tlonnl affair.
It Is strictly an Invltti-
Played Willi Cnindnll R. O.
Grnvos recalls tl'o fact that he used
'to piny second base on an Indiana
'"bush league" team with Cnindnll
'who wns on the Now York pitchers In
tho world's championship series yes-
terday, Marqunrd also got his start
In baseball In Indiana.
Ing tho damage to the Saglnnw which
was saved by the Hedondo.
"TiTe Busy Corner"
Wouldn't n Fnco Cream that wns not greasy and contained
Poroxldo Interest you?
'Thnt'a Nynl'a Faco Cream exactly.
Clears tho skin, makes It soft, smooth nnd will not promoto
tho growth of hair.
Wo nro exclusively agents for Nynl's ontlro lino.
nuili Athletic club of Portlnnd.
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
Phone Main 298 Us
Wins Game. Eric Bolt In n lot
tor to his father, Geo. X. Bolt, says
List of iinclnlmoil letters rnmntiiliic Hint " played on the Willamette
In tho Mnrshilold, Oregon, postolllco, I University tenm ngnhiHt tho Cheinn
October Id, 1911. Persons calling wn '"'Han school tenm InBt Saturday,
for the sumo will plonso say adver-' winning by a big score. Xext Sat-
tlsed nnd nnv ono cent on oneii loiter nrdny, Wlllamotto will piny Multno-
called for:
E. S. Adams, Mrs. J. II. Illnck,
James Dnrklnw. Bay View Hotel, New HoldoiitH. Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Bnker. Mrs. C. E. Chamberlain, IJ. H. Fish and family consisting of four
E. Coiirtrlght, Miss Nancy Cunning- children, Misses Helen and Shirley,
hnm, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo Davenport, nnd Masters Edward and buby are
I). T. Danlols, Jou Doo, Miss Pcnrl moving from Bnndon to MnrHhllold
Enrloy, Miss Helen Freolund, Miss where tlioy expect to innko their per-
Ilolon Fish, Mrs. A. M. Fish, Frank mniiont residence. Mr. Fish Is now
Ornnt, C. W. Gnrrott, Nathan Gngo, connected with tho Bradley Candy Co.
II. Q. Hall, Mrs. Norn Hill. W. II. I of this city.
Klrby, A. J. Landoker. Alox Lnrson, I
Mra. Lllllnn Long. J. Lassen Jr., A.1 Kills Unr Glon Rozollo, Al
N. McoLnn, Joo McKay, Mrs. M. II. Nichols and Stnnloy Oldlnnd killed
McFnrlnnd, M. T. Mntthows, Egnncns another big bear on Joo Nny Inlet
.MiKutis, a. Munsoy, Josoph Ottor- tho other day. Tho almost got a
man, John Obwngor, Miss Barbara second ono tho samo dny. Howovor,
Pfou, .las Pyburn. Sid. Parry, C. II. t,l second ono wns too much for tho
Rush. R. a. o. Stone. Mr. Ornvn rnrn dogs nnd whipped thrco of them ho
of schooner Sadlo, Joo Slovens. John foro tl10 "untors could got within
Smith, wnitnr cjniiu.nn .Mvn Twin- shooting distance. A short tlmo ago
Joff Wnllaco Roy H. Wakomnn, Ralph f"?y k"lod ll bonr ,H tho 8a,no v,cl"-
have been visiting rolntlves in Cali
fornia, aro expected homo on the
Rcdoudo today and consequently
the City Recorder Is feeling hap
pier tlmn ho hns forBovornl weeks.
JAY TOWER returned yesterday
from an ovor Sunday stay at tho
Glasgow Gun club nnd ho only got
nlno ducks. Very fow of tho many
hunter's out Sunday got mnny
darks nnd tho reports that tho big
lllght 1b now on wore evidently a
little preninturo.
Personal Notes
A. S. HAMMOND of Coqulllo Is In
Murshneld on buslucss today.
In Mnrshilold today on business.
C. CORDELL nnd wife of Isthmus In
let aro Marshlleld visitors today.
ranch nnd stock."S," enro Times.
Parties Desiring Monu
ments to be Erected
Would ao well to call at the PnclQo Monumental Vrorxtt, South
Broadway and make solectlon from tho largo stock now on hand.
Mr. Wilson hns In his employ tho only practical marble nnd gra
nlto cuttor In Coos county. And nono but tho,bcst wortc Is turned
C. Wheolor, Otto
Wood, IJ. C. Yates.
Wright, Magglo
W. B. CURTIS, I lf,,,s Mny Henllons Al Nichols
Postmaster, i wnH "I trom Emplro todny nnd ro-
' ports that ho killed n largo numbor
of senllous near tho oar. Tnoso ho
didn't kill beenmo frightened land
IIIU Ulllllllim 1)1 imiKSIOn IO HIOOl loft Ah n -nanll tlm ...... f i
rnlsos tho tenslblo strength nnd olns- nion ,B Krcntor and the nota In tho
tie llmltH In proportion to tho amount lower Bay aro not bolng molosted.
Present. ,H0 was hired by tho Southern Oro-
A hydrnullo hrnko has boon gon cannery to kill off tho aonllons
oroiigm oui in imginnu to opornto which kill mnny hundreds of salmon
on nil four wheols of nn nutnmobllo each season.
nt tho samo time
Don't forgot tho Turkish
WANTED Girl or elderly lady to do
cooking for small family. Apply
Blnnco Hotel.
WANTED tthl for general Iiou-e-work.
Apply or phono A. II.
Powers' residence.
FOUND Pair of gold eyeglass,
ovldontly woman's. Ownor cnn hnvo
samo by Identifying enmo nnd pay
ing for this ad.
FOR RENT Small house furnished
or unfurnished. Apply 0C5 7th St.
WANTED. Girl for General house
woitk. One that can do cooking.
Apply F. S. Jonnlng'a Dry Goods
Store, North Bond.
Improved Marshflold nnd East
Marshflold lots from owners. Renl(
estate men need not apply. P. O. ,
Box CGI, Marshflold.
WANTED A man with $:JI3 to buy)
i" cast .Marsniioiu miis ior ., , . nllnl,nn ti10 u.ii
Terms cash, balance 3, C nnd 9 '"'" u',"'' "7" ;';"
months. See Title Guarantee and known New York Swedish concert
Abstract company. pianist, will take a limited numbor of
studonts for private lessons.
WANTED Some ono that can seo AnnHcBnts call nt Studio. Sengs-
Hello! Heilo!
HoubowIvcs of Mnrshfleld use
If your grocer does not keep
It call up PHONE 73-J.
Freo delivery 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Prof. A. Richards
a bargain when offered, to buy two . , 1Jrt iron,i.v.,y.
lots 90x100 on Improved streets tncken Bldg.. l.m nroauwa.
with soven-room modern house
nearly now for 11,800. Seo Tltlo
Guarnnteo and Abstract company.
houso and four lots 95 by 200, In N ,. n j
South Marshlleld. Apply within ten Phone 461 HOrMUgng
n ,to Mrs. M.F. Campbell. Phono of Qf
I Chamberlain's Liniment for lame
fcT . T naok. soreness of the rauscles.spralns
t"OR SALE My farm 000 acres In dK;hBoumatlc pans. you would never
one lot or will cut up In parcels to wJah t0 be wuhout It. For sale by all
suit. C. W. Santord, Marshfield. ' dealers.
Damages ItiMit. This morning tho
O'Kolly launch Bonltu was hndly
dnmnged In n peculiar way. In Htnrt-
Ing tho gnsollno onglno, tho man got
In too much of a hurry nnd turned
TLL I-, ri-.-. T2. on t0 much J,,,C0, Tlm ruH,llt wnd
I nlS In r Prflr I IITIP u,iit u 1lcke(I 1,,u'k niul ,lirow tliu
uij nj r viui i iiiivj cra,,ic Wtj, 81Icll forco n8 t0 )ren)c ft
holo thrniiKh tho bottom of tho
Wo hnvo soino eholco Coos Rlvor launch and slio had to ho put on tho
PoarH which wo will soil
At, $ 1 .50 and
$1.75 a Box
Whllo Thoy Last Phono your, orders
early as thoy will not last long nt
thoso prices.
ways to bo patched.
The Bazar
Phono 32
The IJousg of Quality.
Rig Day at Library. Last Satur
day was tho biggest dny tho Mnrsh
ilold Public Library hns known. Dur
ing tho dny, ovor 100 peoplo visited
tho library and eighty bookB woro
taken out by pntrons. Tho library Is
having n gradual growth and noarly
ovory family In Marshflold Is now
availing ltsolf of Its bonodts.
BosldeB this, mnny others nro nvalltng
themselves of Its freo rending room.
At Huntington. Coplos of tho
Huntington. Ore, Herald received
hero Indlcnto that How Robort C.
Loo, who wns formorly pastor of tin
Marshllold Methodist church, Is tak
ing an nctlvo part In nn nntl-gnmbllm;
crusado there. Ho Is pastor of th
Huntington Methodist church nnd ml
vortlses thnt If nnyono will furnish
hWn evidence of losing money nt gnm
bllng, ho will recover It for thorn
(Joes to IJnutlim. Roy Rozollo left
today for Ilnudon where he will as
sist In dynamiting a couple more
largo rocks out of tho harbor there.
The Lnrson dredgo Oregon has com
pleted tho work on the Coqullle pro
ject and is now waiting for good I
weather to bo towed over to Coos Bay. j E. E. Hlnkley, tho well known pla
iner, Is ngiuuablo to bo around nr
tcr being laid up for thrco wooks
as n result of having ono of the
bones In his right leg cracked by
'i log rolling on It whllo at work
in h camp on Catching Inlet.
W. E. CARPENTER of Sonttlo arriv
ed hero yesterday on a trip of In
spection through this section. Ho
Is enthusiastic over this section
mid snys from what Information he
has been ublo to glean that work
will bo Btartod shortly on both tho
Southern Pacific nnd Coos Bny and
.M. C. HOFFMAN wns down town to
day greeting his friends for the
tlrst tlmo in two wooks. Ho has
been laid up as n result of an In
jury to his right foot which was
badly crushed whllo ho was at
work In tho C. A. Smith black
itulth shop. Ills frlonds aro glad
to see him out again nltho ho will
not bo ablo to roturn to work for
some tlmo.
W. F. JEWETT, head of tho Gardi
ner Mill company, nnd wlfo and
daughter enmo down yostordny for
a short visit with frlonds hero. Mr, ,
Jowott Is tho wealthiest man lit
tho Umpqun vnlloy and probably In
Southwestern Oregon. Ono of his
old friends thnt ho mot yostordny
was Joiib Hanson to whom Mr. Jow
ott gnvo his first Job nftor'Mr.
Hnnsou's arrival In America, ovon
before Mr. Hunsen hud mastered
the English lnngungo.
Tho Ladles of ST. MONICA'S
church will glvo n PROMENADE
SOCIAL at I. O. O. F. Hall, FRIDAY
evening. Oct. 20. DAXCIXfl nnd
CARDS. Cnko, enrfeo nnd punch
sorved. TIckotB GOc.
CAPT. JAS MAGEE of Emplro Is a
Mnrshilold business visitor today.
MRS. E. E. NAGLEY of Coos Rlvor
was a Marshflold shopper today.
MRS. B. F. 8AVAGE of North Coos
River Is a MarBhfleld shopper todny
NED C. KELLY of Coqulllo Is n
Marshflold business visitor todny.
CHAS SELANDER or Sumnor Is n
Mnrshfleld business visitor todny
MRS. GEO ROSS of Catching Inlet
wns n Marshllold shopper yesterday.
MRS. L. A. LILJEQVIST of Coqulllo
wns tho giiost of Mnrshfleld friends
HEXRY LAIRD or Loon Lake Is In
Mnrshllnld today on business mul
MISS MAY BENNETT loft today for
n short visit nt tho A.' O. Rogors'
homo on South Coos Rlvor.
North Bond wns in Marshflold on
business and plcnsuro today.
L. II. KEATING, agent or tho stenm
er Brenkwator, Is oxpectod homo
Thursday from his vacation trip.
Glass is upending n fow dnys In
Marshflold on business nnd pleasure.
C. II. MARSH and family yesterday
moved from Hall nnd Broadway to
Third street, nenr Andorson avo
nuo. JOHN KRICK has moved his family
from tho Coffolt ranch on Coos
Rlvor to Emplro, whoro 1m hna do
clded to engngo In flailing.
Grapes Are Here
That expected shipment of Grapes arrived today
on the Kcdondo. Don't delay placing your orders
They are the choicest products of the California vine
yards and the price is right. All varieties.
Tokays, Muscats, Seedless, Blacks
Get Your Grapes Now
Lockhart's Grocery
Two Private Phones -
85 and 305
A. IJ. SARGENT loft yostordny for
Ollalla where ho will build n Ann
flroplnco In tho ranch homo of Coll
Ireland nnd brothors there.
let Is n Marshlleld visitor today.
Tho ontlro family aro moving to
Bay City to makojlholr home.
qulllo waa tho guost of Marshllold
frlonds todny whllo en route homo
from a visit wjth relatives at Sum
nor. F. F. SMITH an oxporloncod restau
rant man hns arrived In tho city
and expects to locato hero. Ho has
taken apartments In tho Sacchl
GEO T. TREAUaOLD of P.andon Is
a Marshflold business visitor to-
Ask For
"When yon order fla
voring extracts do you
specify the kind1? If
not, tho chances aro that
you are getting a ridic
ulously small hottlo for
tho money, and a weak
and poor-flavored ex
tract. Specify
and get tho most for
your money, both in
quanity and quality.
Vov sale by us and tho
leading grocers.
Brown Drug Co.
Graduate Chemists.
Drifted Snow Flour
Always Right