The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 14, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Image 4

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    l JfffflfflfSW
rSTZ. is
ILONBY Editor and Publisher
MALONEY News Editor
il at tlio posffllco at Mtirahnold, Oregon, lor transmission through
I ns second class mall matter.
' t M.
Saturday Evening Thoughts
S been observed that It Is thj nature of the human mind to un-
luo tlio present, to look forward to the future or bnckwnrd to the
and In a senso this la true. But, nevertheless, there Is n vital
n tlio 1 1 mo that Is passing, nnd tlio place which events of tlio day
u tlio average life is an Important one.
cares to read yoHterdny's paper, oven If ho hns seen nothing that
fus7 ltls,nn old story bojniiBo It happened away buck some
our hours rtgo. Tho crowding, chattering, moving present
lio nttcntlon and yesterday and tho day before grow dim and In
nnd correspondingly dull. Of course when events become sufll-
'nnclont a curtain romantic charm attaches to them, but they
illy significant also for some other reason and, anyway, that is
ital Interest which tho present holds can never bo quite Biiper-
y any romoto antiquity or tlio glamour of expectation for tho
Tlio men unu women who uru doing things In tho world today
appeal which no dead greatness can command. And one can
,' too securely on his lnurols. That you onco did something worth
i not enough for tho hungry, active present. To bo timely you
cop forever demonstrating tho fact that you arc still on tho job.
dy cares mucn about Christians stories on the fourth of July, and
I that a man was born llfty or a bundled years ago on a certain
akes tho wholu world turn their attention to his career and pause.
ricf moment to examine his sins and virtues. Anniversaries aro
Illustrations of tho sentiment of timeliness. Out of tho herl-
f tho past something striking or significant has linked Itself with
sent. Hut tho link Is an Important consideration, which cannot
o bo uoglectod. Columbus Day observed us a legal holiday tlio
ock Is an Illustration of this. The life and deeds of Ceo Wash
.is the same ovory day in tho year. Uut tho centonnnry of his
a U Jjccullurly attractive, with Columbus It was tlio chief
mo and wu unserve 11.0 uirinaay or a continent iustend or
bor poem on tho front pago of a new fall magazlno will have
o readers than If it appeared at any other season of the year,
or things being equal, tlmii if it dealt with n subject that was
niublo. People want to know what is going on at tlio theaters
, do not attend. They read diligently of new productions In
k',- but they don't care a rap for the ones of n year and a halt
nowest fuBhlonn nro always diverting, oven to tho scornful mas
mind, but what Is so doleful as a last year's bonnet?
fcimetlmcs soomu rathor nearness and niBO quito llcklo, this fond-
tho hour that Is passing, this treasuring of tho things It contains.
l(i protty consistent point of view, after all. Out of present enpa-
hymont miiRt come tho appreciation of nil that Is enjoyable.
iwho stops to hug tho past to his heart lias a rather dreamy
t'ow scenes, now friends, new duties they surge Into our
out tho old memories and replacing the dead Joys with
'aro vivid and personal. Whore is tho girl that you wero
out bIx months ago? Unless Bho hnppenod to bo tho very,
fnl ono, tho ono that was forovor "different" for you, tho
that you have ovon forgotten tho color of her eyes.
lent is tho richest possible time, tho only rcnl tlmo for living.
bo concerned with It, and along with tho feverish, Impatient
ho now and tho tlmoly cultivate a deoper sonso of uppreclu-
' romance of today. Thero Is much that Is Intimate and por-
Montlally human about tho Journalistic spirit of timeliness.
i N THIS stnto tho tax assessed
against tho Pacific States Tele
phone nnd Telegraph company Is
In pursuance of a statute enacted on
the Initiative of the people
The Pacific States Telephone and
Telegraph company has illod a brief
in the supremo court of the United
Stntes. In protest ngalnst this "des
potism of tho multitude," In which
tho court is asked to dispose of tho
wholo referendum, Inltintlvo and re
call business.
"Despotism of the multitude" la
an ample phrase and It might mean
something under somo circumstances.
But what does it mean ob applied to
an orderly process of finding out
what the people want? Would it not
mean exactly tho same thing If np
pllcd to one of our annual elections?
And do not tho men who it so It gen
erally have thu whole system of popu
lar government In mind?
It would bo Interesting to know
how many pooplo really believe in
democracy. Too mnny who shout for
tho right of tho people should rule
under lending strings.
Tin: woman teach nit.
Friendly Life.
Tho people of the open life
aro always happy people. We
call them generous, largo heart-
ed, not because they aro easily
imposed upon by every mendl-
cant, but because they have the
senso of our common life; they
seem to enjoy sharing llfo with
us: thoy both give and tako free-
lv of nil that we may have to-
Such n life Is hanny. because
It Ib neither bent on nutting tho
enrth In Its pocket, nor Is It bur-
dened with a senso of a mission
to carry tho world on Its back;
It simply shnres llfo freely. It
Is the typo of tho friendly life.
This Is tho kind of pcoplo wo
like to know even though wo
cannot easily estimate or mnko
Inventory of tho advantages of
tho acquaintance. Henry F.
IE complaint Is often lienrd now
adays that tho schools, public
ond private, aro becoming femi
nized owing to tho denrth of malo
leiichors wllllnir In nrnnnt tho mnile-
ra'e emolument and the alleged op- To the music of tho whistles
portunities of tho teaching profes- That hayo blown tho end of. day,
It may be true, as President 0.
Stanley Hall of Clark university
points but, that three-fourths and
perhaps nine-tenths of the tenchors of
Amorlcn nro women. Hut If this bo
Baby at the window
And n light heart on tho way
A face bosldo tho casement
And n fist upon the pane
A light heart hurrying homeward
To tho arniB of lovo again I
Steamship Sails This After
noon For Portland Out
going Travel Lighter.
People's Evangelistic Cam
paign Starts In Real Earnest
at Tabernacle Sunday.
Every christian Is ready to help all
Haby at tho window
tho fact there aro other reasons than To ht tlu, ,mtl, wlth ,)0nvcM
tho Inherent or extrinsic unattractive-1 Kor t, ron,i of Hghtheurt feet;
nosB of tho profession to tlio mnlo a iiimmnm In the twlllcht
teacher. Thoro aro excellent positive And a sunbenm on tho door
rensotiB why women do most of tlio with lips of silvery sweetness
teaching. Singing sweothenrt o'er and o'.vl
Those qunllllcd by personal export-'
euro and Investigation to Judge uroi n, ni p .wmuo:
nwnro that, as pedagogues at least. th .ll0 11)R of ,,ov. n,mRonm
women nro moro sympathetic and 'io iirpnK uio gray uuhk-hm. iuuwh
Tho Ureakwatcr sailed at 1 o'clock
"."L' ",""",,' ,'anr 'a - that is possible In the religious move-
go of freight. The outgoing Tinsson- mont which has boon launched In our
gor travel from th6 Tiny Is not as city. Sunday promises to be a great
great as it has been. ,iay, the meetings which hnvo boon
waffXWA? ;,o,d ; ; Ua,:t,Bt cburoh w,u bo
Harriett Lococq, Margaret I.ccocq, transferred to a larger meeting phco
(Inbrlello Lococq, Fordlncnt Lecosq, for tlio romnlndor of tho cnmpnlgn,
Elma Lococq, Henry Lococq, Mrs. A. nl will bo held In tho largo tabernacle
Newberg. Alma Cllnklnbenrd, George building, ilrst used in tho campaign
Cllnklnhenid, F. II. Harstow. Mrs. F. undor pan Shannon.
H. Harstow, Elmn Oustovson, A. C. Whlo no ovongollBt hns been en
Ullory, Ellen Flonk, Mrs. Arthur 55. Kgod for tlilB norles of meetings, ev
Downs. 'Miss H. Hrohmnn, (A. W. oryono Interested In tho cause Is now
Ilurd, Mrs. .1. Forwood. 0. W. Shaver, putting nwlllllig shoulder to tho of.
John Leknvol. Don Lokavol, MIsb Le- fort n"'l J'10 "lootings thus far havo
kavel, Miss Eva Lokavol, Mrs. Eva ,co ;8t gratifying to tho commit
Lekavol. Mrs. Coo Honrko. .1. L. Kel- 00 charge. Tho ocnl pastors will
so, C. F. Anderson. C. II. Martin, II. ''" ft? 'I1"?",? '''f "J"1 0"ch Individual
C. Durborson. II. 1'latz. I, Plat. K. cl,d?'n" "" " ,B, , )r?nc,u i ,
Dervoy, J. T. Ilullmnn, ChnB. Mc- Tho ,a gospot hymns
Manns. L. Carey. Mr, St. Haynor. O. n, "?'' n"( ,n "rB c,'r? choir
E. Olson, Miss UobbliiB, MliiT Maud " ',0 ''rcR0"t vory "'Bt to load
Thorn. John Thorson. Henry Trom- ' , noi ,.', t na? i , V ,,oar
bloy, Paul Peterson, Ford Hackmnn,1 H0., '"" "?J' ?h,TLnnd lho 0,d
midJJckJ and J!to-now." Vr """'
notion that tho renl trouble starled ,. .,,.. ,i.,.i ...., . , ,
when the king of Italy was stung In '' B ' ' ll0," '" ,,Is raln
n Turklnh rnir ilonl. , mill.
a Turkish rug deal.
I for tho things ho Is dally receiving.
has hud within tho past 'Ah society grows Increasingly moro
fnother exposition on tho complex, this bnlanro botwoen tho In-
H nf tiui Intllvlitunl to ,,,v"""" "" lllu uroiip win neeu n
h or tno individual to , . . ..,.., .,,, ,.,, nu
Rils tlmo Kloyd C. Itoiup In n ., cnu l)0 tn,y UBOful , tho
on "Socialism" presented world only by developing his Imllvl-
lof tho extremist In coin- dual powers and productiveness, so
jltflon of labor and Its pro- his llfo us n dotached personality Is
fullest and richest whon It reaps tho
ono question is moro bonellt of a dlvorsllled social relation
interesting to scholau ship.
to than tlllt of tllO Tills IncronRlnir nrnRiirn nt nvnri-
dividual and tho function of society, governmental, so-
Rft V. lrrilfll th.l tlllllt f.ltll rillltlillia n.l.l nnntinnltn Iaii.Id
ViJu stumbled upon a ever to retina and specialize the in
$ wt'd brother In tho dividual nnd ultimately for his own
L..S it liecoSMIirV in ill- llltllnnlc lniullt In inii.l...... llf.. It
itf.o spoils of the hunt Is leading to tho Introduction of
)f tho wilderness, man vocational schools to fit children to
mod with the problem nssnmo tho responsibilities of n nlaco
Jnlnlly or uncongonlally.ln society which demands more and
man. .moie some useful servlco on tho imrt
)rth has touched upon of the Individual. It Is leading to the
ldameu'als of tho mat- evolution of women from crontures of
jo, "What of tho Indl-, Idle habits to earnest workers In
ho October number of . somo realm or other which gives
Imorlcan Review. Ho, them an element of usefulness. Any
person who renders nothing to tho
Idual and tho comma- social whole of which ho Is a imrt Is
no quarrel over the .coming to bo recognized as an undo-
more patient thnn men. They nro
readier to go back and explain for
tho snko of tho dullard. Tho plod
ding fulfilment of dally, routluo docs
not ordinarily exasperate them; thoy
do their work without tho galling
consciousness of their superiority to
their occupation. A man Is a llttlo
too likely to bo thinking of how ho
can better his situation, rather thnn
of sacrificing himself for tho sake of
his Juvohllo chnrges. If tho'presonco
of a womnn In tho schoolroom Is con
ducive to roflnotnont, If by example
ns woll ns precept sho Inculcates poll
tenoss and gentle breeding, tho result
Is not to bo dismissed by a suporclll
ous censor ns "feminization."
And to load to llghthcart dream;
Tho toll and core forgotten,
And hor bluo eyes nil nshlnc,
Hor nrms of lovo my necklnce
And her lips on lips of mine.
things o'or?'
Ips. Nature has seen
,ono needs evoryhody,
not wnnt ovorybody.
IMON PATTEN, professor In tho
Unlvorslty of Ponnsylvnnln,
thinks the dlvorco evil will bo
eradicated whon women nro rogardod
as socially, financially, politically and
personally Independent of their hus-
bnnds nnd other men. Then, ho snys,
tho homo will becomo the place of
perpetual penco and tlio family will
roach Its highest estate Ho holds
tho tlmo has passed whon normal wo
mon nro actually or even theoreti
cally dopendont on men for their liv
ing, nnd women should got out of
their heads tho iden they must mar
ry for a homo and fall In lovo after
ward. He also snys It Is wrong to marry
on Impulse. Ho points out that mar
riage Is a contract; that womnn
should rcnllzo sho Is Independent and
should npprorlnto her ability to tako
care or herself. Knowing thnt fact,
sho will enter tho mnrrlngo contract
relying on hor own strength and not
before she Is fnlrly In lovo with tho
iiinu to whom sho Is married. Ho
holds it falso doctrino to toll n por
son to get mnrrled nnd fall In lovo
afterward. Such Ideas, ho says, me
rospaiiBlblo for tho fact thnt ono mnr
rlngo In ovory nlno ends In dlvorco.
sirublo parasite. Tho tendency of mo
dern civilization Is to domnnd Its
price nnd to establish a closer and
mess tho potoncloa of yet moro hnrmoulous compromise bo-
tno iMMieiu of Himself tut'iMi he Individual and tho kiouii
noil) is a question or , it u iiuturu s rule,
Rend tho Times' Want Ads.
Moving pictures of tho bombard
mont of Tripoli may bo expected very
Somo Coob Day men drop n penny
In tho contribution box and then find
fault with the sermon.
Tho "sick mnn of Europe" doesn't
like this Iden of Italy prescribing
leaden pills for his trouble.
Down in California tho suffrngotto
with a ballot and an axo seems to bo
nftor tho scalp of tho man with a
hoe. '
Whon a Coos Hny man knows only
n llltln nlimit t lin' rnllii'n v artlintlnn
ho hates to learn that half of that
Isn't true.
High dlddlo diddle,
Tho small ono's a flddlo,
Next size n viola thoy cnll;
Tho noxt biggest follow
Is a violoncello,
Hnso viol's tho largest of nil.
Rock-n-bye, baby, on the treo top,
nottor como down or look out for tho
For you by tho limb ho Is llnblo to
'Cnuso thoy don't nllow babies nt
largo In tho trees.
Thoro wob n mnn In our town
Who wnsn't vory wlso;
lie stood upon tho street ono day,
And didn't mind his eyes.
An nuto camo nlong thnt way,
And struck him lmrd, oh, very;
And now tho daisies deck his grave
up in tlio cemotory.
Somo day tho nrt of photography
may bo porfected so that moving pic
tures will show how rapidly rallwny
rumors grow on Coos Hay.
Somo Coos Hay pooplo nro so sus
plclous that they can't got rid of tho
A San Francisco paper Bays: "A
woman comes to San Francisco nnd
hns hor husband arrested who mn
W. N. Ekblad: "Now If tho fllo awny nnd left hor In Portland."
In n rasping tono should call Serves him right; that's no plnco
tho auger a boro to leavo a lady.
Frank llnguo: "And tho monkey ov the OTiirit ii.wii
3 1 n ,V Ut ,fr0,n. t!' vIcm' I'ootB must rhyme "Ilro" with
wouldn't the plnno Just smooth, "hluher "
'Twonld hold tho rhythm somewhat
In lienor.
I (F'r Instance:)
I If cost of living sonrs much higher, .
nermnno I doom it to luqutghor
E. C. Paddock: "If a bullfrog Which roiiBqquonco will bo more dig
woro a hobble skirt, would tho I ,lcr
lllly pad? nnd hnrk" To cut tho grub or quench tho
Kho'nio'r3 JS'r 't?nt wr. to spell it ilghor
d tho hose reel nil around?" Wlinnonr they twnng their bloo
II. Flnnngnn:
W. II. Painter: "And If tho wn
tors could spenk ns thoy flow
how would Pugot Sound?"
Franklin C. Birch: "If n thief
hroko Into n drug storo do you
think tho dogwood bnrk?"
Alhort Mendol
flro would n parachute? Tills
stuff glvcB mo n pain."
Ivy Condron: "If Doc Straw
woro King of Coos Bay how long
would tho wlntor rain?"
A. T. Haines: "If no grass In
grown north of Alaskn what
does tho Eskimo?"
D. Y. Stafford: "If n Coos R'vnrl
fisherman rows a boat what does
a shad roo?"
C. C. Doing: "If the water nines!
In 'Eagles hall hurst, would the
dnncers uso tholr pumps?"
J. Albert MntBon: "If Cant. M.ic-
gpiin wnii on th Bridgo whist!
wiiiii nil you IIIIIIK would no
i . . .
"If n gun missed UL'n- Hhormnn wns dotlnlng war,
"It's what J. W. Hennott usually
raises with tho Port Commission,"
he said.
His definition wont Into history,
howovor, In tho shorter and uglier
pint will bi workod out
urn debuting and oxperl-
blslntlug nnd court docl-
i nil emiltnliU, molliiul nf
will be found. The balance
mnlntulnod, for thnt is nu-
ro's rnlo" Is one of tho lne-
Luslderntlons. This Is u thing
llngrnnt Individualist is I
noon luck:
OOD luck to tho newly
oiiHtltuted Coos County Horti
cultural Society! Mny it pros
per long und exceedingly and become
a peimuuent nnd reliable source nf
credit to tho fanners nnd orchnrdlsts,
verlook or to value lightly. M Old Coos. It hns been needed for
pis soon to it thnt hor chll- many n year mid tno orcnunusts ami
not niodo to live nlono or fruit men should get right behind It
Silver Spoon Sweets
Increasing regard for tho
ovorybody olse. As the de-
f civilization becomo stendlly
trlngent the ludivldiinl must
uid moro rooognlzo tho rights
s of his fellow men. Com
tiplles unceasingly tho in-
nee of man upon man.
i doponds upon whether
" nro proporly oporated,
FFmEfm '"clol'es aro I'lmiPiiuy pro
'Vfl!r nnd whether ovory citizen is
back into the scheme of so
Ice something to compensate
ami stay there, us u puioly business
Tho world is revolving nt n revolu
tionary rate these days. Witness thnt
Justice who intends to send drunkards
to church every Sunday for sK
months. Tho theory Is thnt prisons
do thorn no good. Tho faith that
hearing sermons will, forms striking
M'pulur testimony to tho roformiiig
power of tho church.
Read tho Times' Want Ads.
JC .
Olympic Flour
Highest Quality
Aro Dolioions Qhocolntos innde of Pure ratorinls,
in a Sanitary factory In- Clean and HEALTHY
workmen. They aro pnekort in -pouiul
boxes at 2oc and 1 -pound
boxes at 50o. Each package
contains a Coupon which
will help you to get one
of these beautiful
or Spoons
e r y b o d y
sells 'em.
Vic Modem
k Silv
m "
2 A Ji!l
and w0S
Spoon l06fj
-b C oupons and 48c for SP l
Pretty soon now wo will bo hear
ing thnt old story nbout tho quartor
back and tho hnlfbnck having n Inmo
Ho thought ho was n football star
Alas tho young man blundered;
For when they Jumped upon his nock
no saw anout n liundrod.
Tho llntol low enough
To keop out pomp nnd pride;
Tho doorway high enough
To turn deceit nslde;
Tho dnor-huudlo strong enough
From robbers to defend;
This door will open with n touch
To wolcomo every friend.
Shoshone, Idaho, reports a dophr
nblo scarcity of children of school
ago. It scorns thero nro a nunibor
of plncos whoro Roosovolt's speeches
failed to "tnko."
In Washington thoy hnvo nrrostod
a man for dancing on tho root of h's
houso whllo arrayed only In his night
clothes. Wonder what thoy would
do to a man up thoro who sold his
" ii--i I, I,
It Is the
Suit You
The Best for
The Least
From $8.50 to
Every Garment
One Full
'Coupon, (o:
half Coupons)
10c for One
Has it ever occurred to you that the RED CROSS em
blem was adopted long ago as an insigna to show the
sick, wounded and afflicted where to go for relief,
This emblem having been adopted with the estab
lishment of this Pharmacy, it has always been our aim
to place before the public a quality of medicine and
professional service worthy of the highest confidence,
Our friends and customers may rest assured that
our constant efforts will be directed toward continuing
to serve them with the highest quality of goods obtain
able, the most courteous and prompt service and the
lowest price possible, . i m8&&i&
Come to the sign of the RED CROSS.
A phone to 122J will bring our quick messenger
service to your door, fcj&.
, X
- t-
Six Spoons.