OyMMlMlV" i(W '"'" , -ffr-rft"yyryy,jfM'' jctt"-- f MMMMMMfM" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1911 EVENING EDITION. Important Announcement to the Music Lovers of ,Coos We Have Just Added to Our Line THE FAMOUS BALDWIN PIANOS These pianos are acknowledged among the best in the world. They have been the Standard in the musical world for over half a century. IlCn WC dCCided to add "Pi.'llins in miv lino nf flnninlnli TTnnin "WiiiaiisVmin'S vn milIn n nvvfii1 iiivnetinrntinn nf flm vnvinns ninnno liniiirr nffYivnrl fn rlin -raililifi- after thorough search decided on the Baldwin Piano. The Baldwin Company was established in 1862 and now has a capital of $1,800,000, with five factories and a ca 1 f ort nnn. . , ... ...... ......... . t cny ox tiu,uuu instruments annually. This will convey an idea to the people of Coos County the important place the Baldwin piano occupies. The Baldwin Piano Took the Grand Prize at the World's Fair, in Paris in 19 Purchaser. 1 Again m 1904 at the World's Fair in St. Louis, the Baldwin was awarded Grand Prize A Strong Guarantee with absolute Security to Everv Pure )ver all competitors. Don't Buy a Piano until you see us and Talk It UTer. EVERY INSTRUMENT IS FULLY WARRANTED. The Same Easy Terms on Pianos as in Our Other Departments Going Harvey Company C(BIPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS ' K ho & "COOKING is a More Im portant Factor of HAPPI NESS than the Fine Arts," Says Dr. Wiley, Chief of , the United States Bureau . of Chemistry. . Dr. Wiley is one of the greatest authorities on the preparation of food, And Dr, -Wiley has heart ily endorsed the GAS . RANGE. ' Cooking with gas is the scientific way, . Besides being the scienti . fie way, it is the CHEAP : EST WAY and the EASI EST for the cook, Madame, our New Busi ness Department is ready to give you the prices," facts and figures, to con vince your husband, It cpsts you nothing to investigate, . Call us up today and men tion this advertisement, Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178. QflMF. &&Q, m&gs NEIGHBOR! F W vsj mmM I i -&sh xi:vs or n.uiixi-:it. r.Anr'KIl. Oro.. Oct. 14. Tlio cronmory situated wot of town wiis destroyed by firo. No ono seems tn know how tlio lire stnrtcd. Ono man wns asleep In tlio building nnd was awakened by the nolso of the j Hnmes nnd escaped. Tlio building nnil mnchlnnrv Worn n tntnl loss. PSti- i mated nt $3,000, Insured for $1,800. The property belonged to tlio T. S. Townscnd Company of Creameries of which warren r. uecci is a inrge stockholder. Tlio company hns nl romlv lot n contract to build anothor creamery larger and with all tlio Int est Improvements and up-to-dnto nin- nltlnnrv. TIIO 11BW CreftlllOrV Will I1IH im imiiii nn tlio nlrl site, but across i the rjver In ueeuspori, wnero ueuer facilities nro onerea ior wiu mltuub inn imsiiinsH. i.nnt vonr this cream ery turned out 100,000 pounds of butter, besides supplying uio numoi mfi.int t. s. Tnwnsentl of Portland wns In Gardiner this week nrrnnglng for tlio ro-bulldlng of tho creamery. Ho was accompanied by H. S. Rnd cllff, who adjusted tho Insurnnco on tho building recently destroyed by tiro. the rond Is built where tho surveys linvo been mndo It will necessitate tho removal of soveral residences nnd bnslnoBs places. v-yo-SrV CUItltY COL'.NTV NEWS servlco examination, stopped few days with relatives. off North Bend G G.llbcrtson, of Glondalo, who owns considerable real cstnto In this section, was hero this week on business. tlio Port Events Thero ns Told by Orfonl Tribune. Dr. H. S. Holton, who was In tho A. N. Gould with county vlowora nnd crow, wns hero this week survey ing tlio wnter-levcl rond from Coos ton to Kontuck. An excellent route , wns found. II r. Ilnrtln nnil wlfo nnd J. 1 1 len will spond Sunday at the1! coos Gun Club'u Cabin nt tho h North Inlet. YTVntilr Tint iitttll t sitV T?I1a ' nf.ornnnn nt Pn.mi Pronfc. nonr Ron.- t Gold Bench In tllO Indian War burg fell from n shoot, striking on 186C-C, Is now living In Mer.In.l tho bnck of hlH head, being rendered Josephine county, Oregon, enjoying ons unconscious nnd for a tlmo It was good health, at the ripe ago of 80. Cal thought ho would not recover, but Dr. Holton was tho first Representa- !lJf Lli'iBhftJmnJi,,l.0 nbfnhS t,vo (rom Joi.ephlne county In U.o o bo removed rom the camp to his Torrltor,nl icgBinture, and the first home nenr Scottsburg In n few days. WMen 0rc0l. ,iecaino Btnto In 18B9. His llfo has been nn nctve ono In mines, medicine, in politics and in all progressive ways. CUIIIIY COUNTY AVKDDINGS Warren Painter wns cpaff his homo by Illness ycstoidy Harry Linden wns acting inu Auianco ouicu. nor. R. AVnlfrom of Portland South ern Pacific locating engineer, Is here with Engineer Weir. w. it. nomont of Myrtlo Point, Is here this week buying cattlo. T,. f!lnrk nnd William Luco, who have been cruising timber on Smith rMvor tor two monthB, returned to Portland the first of tho week. They have been working in uio mierebi of eastern capitalists. Mrs. Cornwall, wlfo of Captain Cornwall, who resides In Berkeley, Cal.. arrived In Gnrdlner this weoK on a visit. Their two sons arc 6tu i dents In tho University of Califor nia. A cutting fray took place at tlio Ueed cannery between two Jnps Sun day night, ono bolng cut with n knlfo In tho hnnds of ono by the name of Nnknka. A third one who attempt ed to prevent the trouble was cut in tho hand. It sooms thnt tho trouble started over ten dollars that Nakakn claimed tho other owed him nnd ho refused to pay, Thero had been trouble before botween tho two men, terminating by ono trying to enrvo tho other up. Tho knlfo wlelder wns nrrested by Deputy Justice Schilling nnd taken before Justice Hnskel nnd was placed under a bond of $250 to appear before tho grand Jury, nelng unable to secure bonds ho wns taken to Itoseburg Tuesday by Constable Sy Goodman, Tho victim wns brought to Gardiner and had his wounds dressed by Dr. llnrber. Although wounded severely nbout the body and arms he Is now thought to be out of danger. CULLIXG8 Or COQUILLE John Fromm, Jr., bought tho Xlol son store build. ng last week, this closing the letter's Intores't In Port Orford property. nonny Parker nnd Miss Knto Ow- nindo a trip to Crescent City, n short time ago, returning ns man and wife. Justlco of tho Pcnco C. M. nen ham olllclntod at a wedding which occurred at the resldenco of tho bride's parents on upper Chetco i Iv or last Sunday. The contracting parties were Miss Tllllo Polnl nnd Mr. Albert Yoakam. Gold IJoacli Globe. Mrs. Mildred Hovcnor. went nn oporntlon for up pi J Mo rev hOHnllnl voHtonlavJtfl gettng along nicely. J iSli i J. II. Groves and wifi byshlro and wlfo, and. ! and Mrs. It. J. CoUofwJ a .party of North Boadj will lenve In tho momH wuitlior is favorablo, tota till? nnil anltin ttliniltnry .S T. L. Carey, who had chargo of Johnston's store during tho lattor's .visit In California, started to Gckley yesterday on business connected with tho port election. MYIITU: POINT POIXTKHS Noun if I'pjH'r Coqulllo Valley as TM by tlio Ilnterprlw. Gustavo Schroenor last weak bought his partner, Elmer Blade's Interest In the Jewelry business, which theso two gentlemen have been conducting for about a year, Mr. Black left Friday morning for Jeff Thrift. Assessor of Coos coun ty, was in town Monday, shaking Flagstaff, Ariz. hands with old frJonds It bolng 221 years since he visited Port Orford, The Junior Class hns ana no noieB many cnauges Bincowith linnet Margeit as men. , organized President. Miss Myrl McCloskey, Vice-president, nnd Forrest Greeno, Secretary. A barrel of machine oil was wash ed ashore near Batle Rock Monday l j, it. Bunch was In this city Tues- morning, and was found by MivDov- day nnd Informed tho Enterprise that er. It was sold to Breecher Jess for tho Gravel Ford Academy opened on $20. Charles Crew, It Is said, found the 20th of last month. Miss Comer another barrel near the mouth of Elk is principal and has charge of tho Coo County News ns Told Ity the Herald. A three pronged white buck deer was seen on tho Bear Creek divide, by Walter Loomls and James Red fern, who fired several shots at this freak of nature but failed to get it. river. It Is evident that some i eel lost her deck load, or met disas ter in the storm last Saturday. COOSTOX CUIJilXGS. (Special to The Times.) normal department, while Prof, nnd Mrs. Hammond havo charge of the high sulioo Thoro are about 20 enrolled for tho high school and nor mal studies. At a recent meeting of tho Co qullle Valley Creamery Company, this locality which is a now organization of val-' ley farmers, u was ueciuea 10 ouua; 0tha Ray came down Attorney J. O. Stommlor left last Friday morning for Bandon, iiiIiaha Via lilnnflmi 4tA 0 nn i h Tl The recent rains are Interfering r V ", "cc"u " .'"" D" " ?,P8,?lroaml wltU Ptat dlgglnB lB nler Is on a month's trip east and expects to go as far as the Atlantic I Coast boforo returning, Dame Ru from Co- nior hna It that he will not be alone An article that has real merit should In tlmez-become popular. That such Is tho case with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here Is one of them. II. W. Hendrlckson, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remo dy Is the best for coughs, colds nnd croup, and- Is my best seller." For sale by all dealers. Rev. J. S. Green will remain In Gardiner at least another year, hav ing been returned by the recent con ference, held at Salem. Tho new Methodist church Is Hear ing completion and preparations are being mado for dedicating the same Tho engineering crew of the South ern Pacific have been busy during the week placing grade stakes through the principal streets of Gardiner. If Ptn0,?m.a Th u?ZZf7 I"1116 a f ew days ago for a brief vl-, when ho comes to Myrtle Point Vw., ........ ...- -..- .. . n Wlu, relatives. again. cured Is about midway between tho, &. imnk nf tho rlvor where Eood dock-1 Frank Demarest, afteran extended age for milk boats Is afforded. The f." ZIT' new building will be 45x75 feet ana "- - -"."" """ will be equipped with all modern, mnnhtnorv nni rnn vpnifnppH. w. ti. Mrs. E. J. Homme leaves today i w i . m ii i' --vm i "i s mt mvi ttir y TiiTitf ni Hull went down tho river today to " uw ureaKwaier ior ioruanu aiiur4.Awiivri -iw luavr.uiu irnuiv. . . . n Viilaf ittatf mltti roloilitao liAn TVi a i"kt'ol1F Tlftat Tina will nnoontn MUSIO nt Mm CHANDLER on has ve- isux1)Ay ovoning. Arrange to tnke YOUR Sunday DIXNER there. contract for tho necessary nlllnc. a uriei visit wun reiauvea here. Committees are bIbo busy dlstrlbut- " ing stock among the stock holders Lisle Ray, of Morton County, Kan., and the contract for the building being enroute to San Francisco after and dock will be awarcTed soon . having successfully passed the civil The O'Kelly Boat Line will opernto on the Sunday schedule from now un til spring, J. A. O'KELLY, , Proprietor. This means Sunday only, W. G. Barnes and Hw nave served notico of app decision of City Recorder! fining them for tcninISyJt Bend without a Ikons M liv tho nrillnnnpo TeaWM n.i.1 Inkn t t..l '& i. ..it u win, . )VDV r I the bond thoy had to ;p enso which will Involve of tho teamsters' UceiuM will come up for hearing,! term of circuit court, 'r O STORY OF THEil I Men Are Liars, A Tho report wbh carried! (aln thnt the passenger Iaj No. 23 had died, nnd thaS dered n deckhand to gqj cue uoay overboard. a lew minutes atterwa? hand reported. Ho was cal porsplrntlon and gave all el having hnd tho fight of hlsj face was scratched and ht torn. "Did you follow my Inst asked the captain, "I did," he roplled. ' ger In stateroom No. 33 overboard ns nor yovs. Iim "No. 33," shrlekeeW t didn't sav stateroom No. No. 23." l "Well, I guess that's mj replied tho deckhand. 'II in No, 33 told mo he wnsnl some men Ho so nowadayaj believe a thing they snyl -? FOLflER'S SPECLJ For one week beglnulr in, any grocer in jMursnj thorlzed to give ono 6-ou Golden Gate Baking Poi with each purchase of a II at the regular price, 5( tin. Don't forget the Turkl PHONE 2H-J. 1 :: t' fi cpr -l . .. .AvV. -- - '