The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 14, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 2, Image 2

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IW"'" im-miih.. i -1 - ., ,.-.., .,,.1 ...... .,.,., J .T! i
-.1 .
PERSONAL notices of visitors
In the city, or of Coos Day pooplo
who visit in other cities, together
with notices of soclnl affairs, aro
gladly reqpived In tho social de
partment. Telephouo 133. No
tices of club meetings will bo pub
lished nnd secretaries aro kindly
requested to furnish same.
(HevlBod Version.)
Backward, turn backward, O time In
your lllght,
And show us a woman that Isn't a
Theso terrible fashions lay nil In tho
And tllsgraco tho best thing that
God ever made.
"Wo'ro weary of looking at switches
and rats,
And hny-rlcks and brush-heaps and
nests for tho bats;
O glvo us s(fmr women who aro will
ing to wear
Their blessed homo-grown, beauti
ful hair.
Wo used to wrlto sonnots 'bout tress
es and curls,
Thnt beautified tho heads of tho
beautiful, girls,
But now 'twoufd dlsgraco tho deli
cate tntiRO
To rhymo nbout Juto-pllcs and
Chinamen's queues.
When Indies go forth on tho streets
to parade,
Thoy'ro wonderfully, fearfully,
scnrofully inadol
Thoy lmVo on a hobble that Is twelvo
Inches wide,
And look like n parosol that's shut
up and tied I
With pitiful pig-steps they wabble
'Twould bo most outrageous It
printed In song!
Turn bnckwnrd, O Time, n vlBlon un
fold, Of n mnld that ran walk llko tho
women of old!
Tho hats aro so tall thoy reach up to
tho sides,
And como down bo low that you
can't nee their eyes,
Or spread out across tho dominion no
Tho bonutlcs of naturo thoy shame
fully hldo.
And when wo nsHomblo on Lord's day
to pray,
TIi'h terrible hend-genr Is much In
tho way;
Wo enn't seo tho preacher, tho Illblo
or cross,
And muuh of tho sermon's n pal
pablo loss.
Dnckwnrd, turn backward, 0 Tlmo
In your ll'glit.
And clvo us In murcy just ono
blosscd sight
Or women thnt lived In tho cms of
And woro not dlslli;ur'd by tho cos
tumes they worol
Hurnott's midgut.
THERE nro lovers who delight !n
making their sweethearts happy
and thoro nro other nonuuder
Btnndnblo men who seem to (nice a
delight in spoiling the hnpplness of
the womnn who looks to thorn for
pleasure. I
Tho contrnry mnn Is llko tho cow
who kicks nvor nit iinuiunllv good
ylold of milk spoils all his othorwlso
excellent qunlltlos.
Such n ouo milked the worst posil
IjIo kind of a mate, says I.aura Jean '
lilltbv. Ho cen Horn n wlfo'u titan,-'
wit to such nn extent ho spoils her
tiai'iinoim. f ghe wants to go to tho
theater he 1ms a wor or objections
Tl advance, its to why she should net
witness that pnrtloular play. K she
t hnppv with her family visiting her,
Vu treats tliin so shamefully, thnt hor
liHppIness Is spoiled. If alio looks
forward to n few qu'et weks. ho In
forms her that ho has luvltod his rel
atives for the Interim.
She likes them, of eourue. Iipcmis
thev aro his folks, but will sho have
a eontentod llfo while they aro undr
tier roor? H ho knows sho loves tlio
wonahore, why should he be dotor
nilnod to socuro hoard ror hor nt
oomo farm house to spoil hor summer?
It mny bo possible that thoso bus
Jnuids nro nmong tho best intentlonod
wen in tho world Tho trouble Is,
thoy do not study their wives' wishes.
When affairs go contrary to n wife's
hopes nil hor hnpplness Is gonoriily
Tho married man who Is conMn
uallv stlrr'nif up Joalousy In his
wUo's heart Is material for tho whip
VliiR post for keop'ng her In a on-
inunl rernient nnd ruining her pence
anil hnpplnoss. Tho ijood husband.
Vowover, has our entire sympathy ir
Vie sternly removes his wiro from tho
nfluen(H of a home-dospollor, wno
1Jrt begins h's tai-tlcs by a wild flir
tation, though Hip wife doos pout,
tAorlarlnK lu Is "anoll'iig hor happi
ness" by his absurd Jealousy. Thero's
another kind of happ'noss which It
la neodful to spoil and thnt Is a
young girl's doslro for girl compan
ions who huvo fow other thoughts in
Oiolr minds but tho masculine gen
lr. It Is natural ror maidens to think
oT beaux, but not to tho oxolus'on of
vory other thought and Interest
IRven In women's lives, lovp should
social happenings, Intended for
publication In tho society depart
ment of Tho Times, must bo sub
mitted to tho editor not later
than G o'clock p. m Friday of
each week. (Exceptions will bo
allowed only In cases whore
events occur Intor than tho tlmo
... I ....
spend the winter in southern uaiiror-, friends nna cinss mates, tne occasiuu
not be tho alpha and omega of vholr
every aim, thought, and purpose, to
prevent their happiness from being
spoiled. Love, in womnil's llfo ns
well ns man's, should bo "a thing '
nla nnd It Is possible they may spend
11 part of It there.
J. Marhoffcr and wife or Crescent
City, Calif., arrived here thlB waek
for a short vis t at the home of thtlr
son, Frank Marhoffer.
Miss Ellen Flook of Portland, who
hns beon spending a fow weeks on
tho Day as tho guest of her mint, Mrs
Levi Smith, nnd other relatives, left
today for her homo In Portland.
Mrs. J. V. Dennett will entertain
tho Drldge Club nt tho Chandler next
Wednesday ntternoon.
Tho Women's Auxiliary or tho Ep
iscopal Church will hold n meeting
noxt Tuesday with Mrs. J. W. Den
nett. It was organlzod during the
recent v'bU or Dlshop and Mrs. Scad
d'ng nnd tho following officers wore
President Mrs. J. W. Dennett.
VIco-pres. Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr.
Sec. Mrs. It. E. Drowning.
Treas. Mrs. Geo. F. Murch.
Cnrl W. Evertson nnd bride arrived
apart." Spoiling a woman's hnppl- ." " , ' . " i " " ??"
torest. Thoy will bo at home to
rrlends nUer Novembor 1 In their now
ness is moro orteu curclcssuess on
tho pnrt or men than deliberate in
tent. True love, sympathy and compan-
lonsuip can seldom exist wnero mo
Is opposed to tho other In thought,
word or deed, ir tho girl becomes
homo at Tenth and Commercial.
Mrs. Lumb nnd Mrs. Hatch or Do
ton who hnvo spent tho summer on
convinced thnt her lovor Is willfully tho Day as tho guests of Mrs. -Morton
opposed to tho Innocent amusements Tower or Empire nnd other Trlonds
that make for hor hnpplness; If tho will lenvo shortly via Cnllfpmln for
s unnDio to convince him of tho mis-, their home.
-n .
Tho Slstors or Dethnny hold tho In
itial meeting of tho yenr Thursday
afternoon at tho homo or Mrs. J. T.
Hnrrigan, when tho following olllceVs
woro elected:
Presldont Mrs. Hnrry 'nradfleM.
Secrctnry Mrs. F. A. Sncchl.
Treasurer Miss Evelyn Anderson.
Executive Committee. Mrs. Ar
thur McKeown, Mrs. A. 11. Campbell,
tnko or his ways, sho should glvo him
up ir sho does not want a mnrtmot
In tho homo nttor mnrrlnge.
Some men nro verltablo angels In
tho mattor or scattering" Joy around
thoso who look up to thorn ror happi
ness. Womon should not bo so ut
terly bl'nded by admiration nnd nT
rectlon ror a mnn thnt thoy cannot
sco so glaring n dorect bb a deliberate
Intcnt'on on their part to forestall
-.... tll I. ....!... i,. ,. , . II"
' ;'""V,V"'" "7-. " "my " ,OOK Miss Agnes Htitchoson nnd Mrs. J
lumuiii iu uiijujjiiK. I Hnrrigan.
0 I Tho noxt meeting will bo hold on
Mrs. F. A. Hnznrd and Mrs. C. A. ncxt Wednesday aftornoon nt tho
Motlln returned this week from their nomo of Mrfll Brndfleld when plnnB
not thorn trlii. thn inttnr nnrf t,t for tho ensuing year will bo perfected.
.which was spont nt CorvalllB. Oregon, Among those prosont Thursday woro
'where they attended (ho mnrrlago of Mosdnmos Downing. Drndflold, Perry,
. their brother. C. F. McKnlght. nnd "nrry Nasburg, A. D. Cnmpboll, Ar-
Mlss Spangler. Mrs. Mary McKnlirht tnHr McKeown. F. A. Sacchl, J. T.
'their mothor, hns gono to tolling- "nrrlgnn nnd Misses Agnes Hutche-
hnin. Wnsli.. where sho will v'nlt nt 80n nml Evolyn Andorson.
tho Geo. W. Logglo homo with her ' 0
irrnntldnnishtor, Holon. whllo Mr. and, Tim nimfinrr niah ninii win tm nn.
'n!nv lM?l"$? Ln?,L?!! i"tBJ?Sd JL0' Wedno.dny ovon Pnrty.. nnu those present 'voted
the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Logglo j. W. Dennett homo.
left a week ngo Thursday with their r,
I eldest daughter who will enter n som-' , ,t ,, ,
'innry nonr Washington, D. C, and nov. and Mrs. Robert E. Drowning
Mr. nnd Mrs. Logglo will mnko nn n,ro'nK congratulations ovor
nxtendod tour of nbout six weoks' tho ulrMl Thursdny or n fine boy. Ho
duration through tho oast nnd Novln 1S Ul0,r "r81 C.",IU
being her sixteenth blrthdny.
young lndy was assisted by her moth
er, Mrs. L. A. Roberts, hor nunt, Mrs.
W. F. Hendricks, nnd grnudmothor,
Mrs. J. R. llenson. Tho early part
of tho evening wns very pleasantly
spont In'gnmes. Dainty refreshments
were served. Miss Roberts wns the
recipient of n number or nice girts
as mementos or the occasion. Myr
tle Point Enterprise.
The Art Club mqt nt the homo of
Mrs. J. W. Hildebrnnd on Third
street Friday aftornoon. Tho ntter
noon wns spent In sewing. Tho next
meeting will bo held next Friday ntt
ernoon, October 20th, nt Mrs. William
Hoaglaud's residence on South
Mrs. C. M. Dyler Is entertaining
the Altnr Guild or tho North Dend
Eplscopnl church nt hor homo there
this afternoon.
Tho members of tho Mlnnlo-Wls
club of Mnrshflold nro plnnnlng to re
organize It shortly. Its memberhslp
is confined to former residents of
Minnesota nnd Mnrshflold.
Mrs. I. S. Knufmnn, who hns been
visiting Trlonds nnd relatives In Hele
na. Mont., Spokane nnd other north
ern points is oxpectcd to return next
week. ,
A big soclnl event or the c6mlng
week will be tho colebrntlon ot Its
fourth nnnlversary by Pacific Com
mnndcry, Knights Templar of
Marshlleld next Thursday evening nt
tho Masonic Hnll. A reception, n
program Including an nddress by tho
Rev. J. T. M. Knox and dancing nnd
enrds followed by rorreshmonts prom
ises to mnko It nn unusually enjoy
nblo ovont. ,
Lnnt Tuesday evening, Mrs. Hnrry
Drndflold wns tendered nn unusunlly
onjoyublo surprise parly, the occasion
being her thirty-fifth birthday. Tho
nffnlr was nrrnnged by her husbnnd
nnd tho surprise wns complete. Fan
Tnn nn (I various other names and
'diversions woro followed by refresh
ments. Among thoso present woro
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnx Tlmmormnn, Mr.
nnd Mrs. .1. W. Umstnttd, Mrs. D. J.
Recs, Miss Helen Rces, Miss Clurko,
Fred Unrnard and Fred Wilson. I
Lnst Thursdny ovenlng, Mrs. Dan
Keating wns hostess nt a "Ladles
- -, I
! Scotia. n
I o Thn ladles of tho Mnrshflold Epls-
I Mrs. E. C. Paddock returned this ?lml V'F0,1' '" Rl ftotcn1f01r J"0"1"
'week from Sun Frnnclsco whero sho bors nnd rrlends nt tho Swedish Luth-
hns spent u tow wceka with rolntlvcs n clmrch lin11 Tuesday, Octooor
and friends. ""
0. 0
Mrs. Robt. McCann and Miss Lll- , " A- cr"lrl' nn'.1 S'm Wl n.0,t0r;
linn McCiuin of North Rend havo' "' 1 10 Nort.h ""' 15rlJ jBo Club nt
.spent part of tho week with Mrs. Mc- r nomo in ioriu uonu hum
Cnun'H other dnughtor. Mrs. E. R. Tuesday ovonlng.
.Hudson, of South .Mnrshflold. 0
0 Mrs. Mary Mnrk who has Hpont tho
1 MrH. Rosa Prouss, who has boon a"1"""0'1 i'' '10'o of her daughtor.
Hiioiiilliii! tli mmimnr In AlnKlm l "- " "onneu, nnu wun menus
( , .. ,, .. ............. ... ....,,.,, p ,.,
now In southorn California whero sho
1 expects to Bpend tho iiiujov part of
.tho winter.
Mrs. J. S. Coko wns tho winner of
first prlzo nnd Mrs. Geo. F. Murch or
M'pond prize nt tho Drldgo pnrty ten
dered Inst Saturday afternoon by
Mrs. J. Albert Matsou nt her homo In
West Mnrshflold.
Mrs. Horbert Lockhnrt has Issued
Inv tatlons for n Rrldgo pnrty Satur
day, Octobor 21.
0. F. MeKnlKht nnd his brldo nro
it ono of tho most cnjoynblo func
tlons they hnvo attended In many a
dny. Each guest wns In mnscullno
garb and music nnd gnmos wcro fol
lowed by n delicious lunch. Tho.
Kentlng homo wns prettily decorated, I
hucklebcrrlos and ferns predomlnnt-
Ing'ln tho flornl effect. Among those
presont woro Misses Mnrjorlo nnd
Myrtle Cnwnn, Edith Hlldcnbrnnd,
Desslo Flyo, Dentrlco Smith, Martha
Dornltt Dolln Pratt, Cora Dowron
nnd Mosdnmos Alfred Schroeder, Rnss
Smith, Gordon Smith, Dnn Keating
nnd George Snyder nnd Ilnby Frank
lin Snydor. j
Miss CInrn Myron loft this week
ror u short visit with rrlends In San
Frnnclsco nnd otlior California
Children's and Misses'
Long Coats Here
This week's express brought
us the Children's and Misses'
Coats you have been Availing for.
And a handsome assortment it is.
There arc the durable cheviots
i'or school wear, witli the newest
collar effects, also plain tailored
.styles. The English reversible
materials in either plain or plaid
back come made up with the
sailor round collar, large pock
els, etc. Color combinations are
gray and Coronation purple,
uray and green gray and old blue,
brown and tan, brown and blue,
etc. Then there aro fur coats
find corduroy coilts for the Miss
from ( to M in Black, Brown, etc.
And the ever popular bear cloth for the little tot.
Charming New Dresses
."For Formal and Semi-Formal "Wear. Many pretty
adaptations of .French Costumes for Dance par
ties, etc,, just received at Surprising Low Prices.
Among others Ihe following:
Fine Crepe de Chine, with "Shadow Border" of
Pale Tan looses.
Pale Blue Marquisette, with Messnline bands.
Blue Silk Crepe de Chine, with new knife pleat
ing in white silk.
Tan Serge, with TJrown Velvet, rovers nnd
Buttons. Si'.cs 1(5, 3-I, 3(5, 38.
In this section, loft this wools for her
homo nt Pacific Grove, Calif.'
Tho Coos Day Concert Dand has Is
sued Invltntlons ror n dancing pnrty
Tuesday ovonlng, Octobor 17, nt tho
Odd FellowB hnll. It Is nn Invitation- but oxpect to roturn horo shortly
nl affair and Is ror tho supporters ot
tho organization.
Miss Doris Seng8tnckon colebrnted
E. W. Xovors nnd wlfo ontortnlncd
W. T. Merchant nnd wiro nnd Tng
gart Aston nt a HtUo fnrowell din
ner pnrty nt Tho Chandler Tuesday
ovonlng. Mr. and Mrs. Nevors loft
on tho Redondo for Snn Francisco
rn. a
j cup
) OF
That's what wo aro-propar-log
to servo nt our fountain.
An olognnt nnd scientific
now coffee filter Is lining In
stalled nnd in n day or two we
will bo prepared to servo tho
finest cup of coffee In tho city
nt our fountain.
Wo will nlso sorvo sand
wiches bo thnt when you want
n ulco light lunch, somothlnir
out of tho ordinary, drop In at
Lewis' Confectionery
Harvey Walter nnd his cousin,
Goorgo Thompson, entertained n fow
Miss Doris Sengstnckon coieurnteu i of tho;r 8choolmntes nt tho homo of 0,n .. nf n ,.,. in linr rnn.
hor elovonth blrthdny on Thursday Mr. mi Mr8. C. 11. Walter prWny - Aorca of flno tlmbor 40 por cont
t'diir. jviiuui iu minion
'ovmopIoi! Iinmfl nn M. nnvl TlrflnV. I u"""! """l ." l,,u ""' I I'OWOrS, KVOIjrn
.water Thov will VnW thMr immn'"'0 n"""'""'8 niiiiiBomoni, i-rocior powers, Mario Seaman
I. .. ' ... - -- .":"'v , Finnni!!iii wliinlne thn linv'a nrlzo nml liiovtmi hnmiiiv
iftiiinnrnriiv wiiii mi Mi.n h.ttt'ai " " ' ,-..- i., ,.,...., ,w...j
autlp m,. ? a ii,.,i ...i ' rl Mlllnn Sonmun tho girls prize for. Sidney Clnrko. Will
-;, !?. i, tl.(ll! tllllt ItllUi 1
.VII probably occupy tho Motlln .-osl
donee In South Mnrshflold.
F. 12. I.eefe and wlfo nrrlvod homo
tiis wepk from n ton days' visit at
San Francisco and other California
points. ,
W. A. Hold nnd wlfo nnd dnughtor,
Helon, nrrlvod this wook from Alas
ka, to bpend tho wlntor nt tho homo
of Mrs. Reld's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
C A. Sehlbredo. Mr. Rold Is in
churgo of tho Y. M. C. A. work In Al
uska. Thoy had been planning to
We Are Candy Makers
Not Jewelers
Wo put nil tho money that
Is possible Into puro Ingre
dients of tho highest Standard
and Quality. That's what
Tho Dost to bo found on tho
Pnclllc Coast. Host In flavor,
Dost In delielousuess, Rest in
wholesomoness. Whon you
buy Stafford's Chocolates you
get pure goods.
Take home a box this ovo
nlng. Tho tasto tells the
nftrirnnnll IU thlfl'WeOk With nil lit- nvnnlmr Vnrlnim .'.mine, nml .IK'.if,
......... .. --. ...... .. ...... viuiimt,! ,....w..a ..iiiva ...... wj
ornonn party nt which Mr? II. Seng-.8onB Woro followed by refreshments,
stnekon assisted by Mrs. G. A. non-,,110I,K thoso invltod woro Misses
nott wns the hostess, limnoi nm: ")Myrtlo Cowan. May Myron. Lucy
Flnnngnn, Hazel
nnd Ruth
Hnrton nnd Messrs.
Horton. Wesloy
tho lnrgost niimbor found. At luncl Senmnn, John Ferguson nnd Fostus
eon when .tho enko with Its cIovom Wultor.
rnndlos was cut tho jiloco coiitninlu i n
tho nlekol, n prophocy of p enty or. ,, T ,,, Qf ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,.
...,. . .i. ,.vf v.,,,- fii tn w.iih. ' Tho I.ndloa ot St. Monlcn's Catholic
.T""'.V.V 'ViT-"::. ' .:.:;.;;.. , church will give n dnnco nnd
"11' " i"" t"i.J M"l'vwin ... nt ,,, n.,.i pnllmvo llnl
dny ovonlns.
t 0
Miss Ruth Horton entortnlnod
feet JjtH.OOO
100 millions feet in ono body. !j(I.O(t
por M.
Cnll or Wrlto
Mm-slifleld, Oregon.
Xntiu-oputli mid Chiropractor.
All chronic diseases treated. Consul
tation freo. Olllco hours:
9 to 12 a. in.; 2 to C and 0 to 8 p. m.
Naturopath Instltiito Room No. 1.
No. 130 Rroadway, Marshfleld, Ore.
travol to Dorothy Horton. Anion
thoso prosent woro: Mnrlnn Hnrsfall,
George Horstall, Wllllnm Horsinll.
Proctor Flanngnn, Eloanoro Flnnn
gnn, Floronco Powers, Floronco Fln
nngnn, Doss Flanagan. Ltlllnu Sen
man, Edith Ayre. Ruth Goldon, Vir
ginia Clnrko. ICathorlno Horton.
Knthorlnn Nicholson. Dorothy Hor
ton, Dorothy Rylor. Hornco Ryler.
Helen Merchant, Iluttnn O'Connor,
Pasqiiln nrndflold. Jennotto Upton.
Miss Helen Rrndloy entortnlnod
Friday aftornoon with n smnll sow
ing party tho occasion being tho rou
nlon or sovornl or tho members ot
the High school sot. Miss Drndloy's
guohts woro: Mrs. Herbort Coloinnn.
Mls.3 Frances Williams, Miss Ruth
Allen, Miss Norn Towor.
An onjoynblo event In Xorth Dend
soolnl clrclos this week was n reci
tal glvon by Pror. C. A. Davidson nnd
his pupils nt Logglo's Hnll Thursday
ovonlng. Somo exceptionally flno'
numbers were rondered and the nu-
dlenco wns delighted with thorn.
Lnst Saturday ovonlng, nt Don
son's opera house, Miss Rowonn Rob
erts ontertnlned a number ot her
I Phono Nn
sirull party or rrlends nt hor liorao i ' '
Wodnosdny ovonlng. Dancing nnd
enrds woro followed by refreshments.
Among thoso presont wero:
Cownn. Mny Myron. Lucy Pow
'SK, Public Stenographer
All Work Confidential
162 No. Broadway
IS Unique Pantatorium
(Continued on pngo 8.)
Prof. A. Richards
Pupil of Carl Chrlstonsen, the well
known Now York Swedish concert
pianist, will tako a limited number of
students for prlvato lessons.
Applicants call at Studio, Sengs
tackon Rldg., 130 Rroadway.
250 Central avonuo Phono 2B0X
Good Livery Service!
Phone 461 North Bend
A new stock of tho latest in
Send In Your Order
Fancy new rigs, good horses and
careful drivers aro now at tthe dis
posal or the Coos Ray public at
Rigs or rigs with drivers ready ror
any trip anywhere any time. Horses
boarded and rigs cared ror.
Now hearse and special acommo-
uuuuiia iiutiucu u luuuioi jmtliuo, f ll,vi'C
W. 1. JrNUK.OIN'5
Coos Bay Wiring Co.
nioxn 237-j
rn. :. w. livhlik,
'' Osteopathic Physician
Graduato or tho American school ol
Ostoopnthy nt Klrksvlllo, Mo. 0fflc9
In Eldorado Hlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to
A', Phono 1G1-J; MnrBhilold; Oregoo.
Oflleo over Flnnngnn & Dennett Bank
larshflold Oregon
Physician and Surgeon
Marshfleld, Oregon.
Jfllco: Lockhart building,
opposite Post OUt
Phone 105-J
A. O. lIUltUOUGllS,
Sclentiflo Mnssaglst,
Treats all diseases Offlce, corner
Second and Central Avenue.
Ofllce hours 11 to 12 a. m.
2 to 5 d. o.
UFU of Ueos. who have some Inventive ability
Pil pleajw write UU1XLKV JL Ul.Tllu!,
!! tMai Allurucy, Wuhlatftua, U. U
(PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma
tic Cleaning Company. Orders for
work taken at
PHONE 100 -jt
Modern Dental Parlors.
We nro equipped to do high claJ
work nn short notice arw ver'
lowest nrlces. Examination itee.
Lady attendant. Coke building, oppo
site Chandler hotel. .
DR. H. 11. .MOORE,
Chronic Diseases a SclnHjr .
203 Coos DIdg P'one S1U
OfflpB hours 1 to o.
Have That Roof Fixed
Phono S1S1