The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 13, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 3, Image 3

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    V ""
nnd through his hand yesterday, In
dicting n rather painful llcsh wound
Oiio Reversed. A Salem dispatch
says the Oregon Supremo Court has
reversed tho case of Mael vb. Stuts
mnn et nl from Coos county becnuso
no evidence wns hud on the reason
ableness of tho attorney fee Involved.
Wulte Is Watching P. B. Walto
was over from Sutherllu on business
yesterday. He has lute ndvlccs from
Coos Pay saying railroad builders nro
Marshfleld, near Mr. nnd Mrs, EV
A. Sacchl's new homo.
.MRS. S. W. SHOOK of Coos River
is n Marshfleld shopper today. ,
MRS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos River
Is n Mnrshflold visitor today.
MRS. Win, BONEBRAKE is reported
very 111 nt their homo near Marsh
flold. tin: wk.v
(By Associated Press.)
W. H. MORGAN nnd wlfo of DnnleU
Creek nro Mnrshflold visitors to
il ny.
OREGON. Oct. 13.
-Hnln to-
night nnd Saturilny.
Cipyr!4Li lUit hhiitiwi & Mai
Gen. Pittnnm b Escnpo; ono of six -historical pictures by Edward
Pen licit). m cnn got tho six iilcturoi. In the original colors, size
11x12 4 Inches, frco of chnrgu by leaving your address at our store.
PUTNAN attempted something that the other
fellows didn't dare to do; and he "made good'
We're making good here by doing something that
others don't follow; we're making this store known
as the headquarters for
. . , i .
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes; which is only another way of saying headquarters for best
quality; and we live up to that in every department.
DROWNING To Nov. and Mrs. Ro
bert Evans Hrownlng, Thursday,
October 12, 11)11, a son, Robert
Warwick. Mother nnd child are
doing nicely and tho happy father,
as becomes an Episcopal minister,
Is doing his best to suppress undue
exhibition of the Joy that woIIb up
In his heart over the nrrlvnl of
this future bishop of tho church.
The proud parents nro tho reci
pients of congratulations from
their hosts of friends.
I'lilurky Day. If there Is anything
to the hoodoo today sure Is a bad one
becnuse It Is Friday nnd tho 13th
day if the mouth. If anything goes
wrong today, Just blame It to the
double hoodoo.
On Glee Club. Henry W. RubboII,
a brother of T. C. Russell of Ueaver
Hill who Is attending Oregon Agri
cultural college nt Corvnllls, has been
chosen ns one of the live who will
slug first bass on tho College Glee
Suits $18 and Up
Overcoats $ J 6.50 and Up.
The Woolen Mill Store
This storo Is tho homo of Murt-Schaftnor & Mnrx clothes
Prettiest llnby. Word has boon
received here that Jub Hall, the
Bovcu months old grnndiion of Mrs.
M. M. Murphj,. n former Coos Hay
woman who lives In Portnlnd, wub
voted the hnudsomest child In tho
baby show nt the Klickitat county
fair nt Qoldendnlo, Wash., recently.
Mny Kilter Business. A. M. Pren
tiss is now figuring on purchasing n
linlf Interest In a Portland photo
studio which does n large amount of
work for the Hnrrlmnn lines. Ho will
return to Portland shortly to close
tho deal but Mrs. Prentiss expects to
remain hero for somo time.
buying more lnnd there, presumably
for terminal purposes. Itosoburg
In Itiitimlup. A current number
of Leslie's Weekly which contains
photos of the roundup nt Pendleton
recently contnliiB tho picture of Glen
Cox, a former Mnrshflold boy, ns one
of the lending bronco busters parti
cipating In It. Cox left here u couple
of years ngo but up to that time spent
most of Ills life here.
Is Arretted. Clnronce Gould, who
conducts u logging camp on the North
Pork of Coos Ulver nbovo Allegnny,
Is In Mnrshflold today for trlnl before
Justice Penuock on tho charge of
constructing a dam across Coos Riv
er without n flshwny. Tho charges
were filed by Deputy Game Wnrdon
SI Noah. Tho (lain, It Is understood,
wns built for floating out logs.
REN SMITH of Coos River Is look
ing ntter business in Marshfleld
S. JACKSON and N. Hatcher left
on tho utago for Itosoburg Inst
PRANK DOWRON of Ton Milo was
n Marshfleld business visitor yesterday.
ALBERT MENDEL of tho Hub loft
tills morning for Handou on n bus
iness trip.
Eagles' Smoker. Wednesdny eve
ning the Marshfleld Aorlo of Eagles
held nuother big spread nnd banquet,
there being nil unuBiinlly largo turn
out. Tho program waB Informal nnd
wiih very enjoyable. It wns decided
that the candidates secured In iho
membership campaign should bo Ini
tiated in two largo clnsses about tho
first of tho year unless something un
expected makes It ndvlsnblo to niter It
some more than a score applications
wore read nt tho Wednesdny ovoulng
Decorate Window. Somo of C. P.
McKnlght'a friends yesterday or last
evening got busy ami decorntod tho
windows of tho Intter's olllco In tho
Coko building with various Inscrip
tions apropos of his recently becom
ing a benedict. Hnlf a dozen differ
ent oxplnnnttons lire offered for Mr.
McKnlght's absence.
: mi, i ,'.'' i i
Personal Notes 1
Stays In Alaska. Alox Hnrtlo of
Myrtlo Point, who hns boon working
on tho government survey In Alaska,
hns written friends hero that ho will
spend tho winter in Alnskn. Eckley
Giierlu, another Myrtlo Point man
who has been working on tho govern
ment Htirvey, paused through hero
yesterday iai route homo.
"TiTe Busy Corner"
Wo now hnvo n complota lino of Scissors In all sizes from
C-Iucli to 12-Inch in common shears nnd also mnnlcuro nnd but
ton nolo scissors.
Theso nro tho products of ono of tho best Enstorn Mnnu
fnethrors nnd nro nil guaranteed.
Rcmonibor this Is an ontlroly now Stock. Tho solectlon Is
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
Phone Main 298 Us
South Mnrshflold. Apply within ton
days to Mrs. M. F. Campbell. Phone
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, rea
sonable. 487 No Brondway.
FOR SALE Half Interest in five
yoar lenso of 480 aero Nichols
ranch on Joo Nny Inlet. Address
J. L. Rriggs, Mnrshflold.
Stuck on Piling;. Whllo enjoying
n trip In his launch Wednesday. C.
P. McGoorgo ran onto nn old piling.
IIIb launch stuck fast nnd tho offorts
of W. N. Kkblnd to pull him off with
Hinnll lnuuchoB wero futile. Plnnlly
Guy Chnmhora, Booing tho predica
ment of his boss, hired n largo
launch nnd went to tho scono and
soon hnd Mr. McGeorgo's Inunch
nflont again.
WANTED To rent nn organ direct
llox 184 North Pond, Oro.
CITV AUTO servlco stands. Day
phono, Blanco Cigar 78, lllnnco
Hotel phono 4G, Stands night:
Smokohouso Phono CO-J, Palace
restaurant phono 5-J, Blanco hotel
phono 4G.
FOR SALE My farm HOO acres In
ono lot or will cut up In parcels to
suit. C. W. Santord, Mnrshflold.
fOK IU:,T Small furnished
'. 74H Fourth street.
I . . RI.VT Warm rooms'. reiLsOll
able 1CS 2nd Street.
T i . ,,,, ,., ....... ,
l ".. K'U WHICH Willi IIIIMI-
JECaie' sonowhero on Sherman
wnue. Finder return to Everitt
anTmacy or Dr- Bartlo's olflcB
: a receive reward. North Bond.
I .!!,lf'rx'co sunny furnished
iC? in. Sacchl building. Steam
APPly Nasburg's grocery.
fin- VEXT Funilshed housekeep
ing rooms. Phn. oonT
w47 tttli' t
kJjXE Iiavlng a first class Re-
dny or night PHONE 08-J.
Read tho Times' "WanfAilB.
Works Fine. Englneor C. W.
Shayer. who Is opornting tho olectrlo
donkey onglno on Isthmus Inlot
which 1b bolng used by tho Westlng
houso Electric company for tho
Smith-Powers Logging compnny to
donionstrnto tho ofllcloncy of olectrl
clty for thnt purposo says It Is proving
nn nbsoluto success. Although thoy
ennnot got nil tho olectrlclty required
to opernto tho engluo up to Its maxi
mum powor. sufficient Is secured for
demonstration purposes.
Oet Nevs. Fred Endlcott. night
dork nt tho Grnnd Hotol, received n
tologrnm from Mnrshflold to tho ef
fect that lila cousin. Henry Conloguo,
was accidentally killed In n logging
camp nonr thnt city. Ills fathor, who
was visiting with friends on Door
Crook loft for Mnrshflold. Rosoburg
Visit OH Field Cnpt. O'Kolly
turned good sninnrltnn booster ycfltor
duy nnd donated a boat to convey n
delegation stockholders In the now
Coob liny Oil compnny to tho field of
prospective operations on Cntchlng
Inlet. In addition to Capt. O'Kolly
nnd Promoter Mnupln thoro wero In
tho party; Dave Rcos, Al Smith, Wil
lis Kennedy nnd Mr. Ilonedlct of Myr
tlo Point. Promoter Mnupln Bays
thoro Is no question of oil bolng thoro
ns it may bo seen floating on pools
of wntor nil around tho Wlllinma'
ranch. About n milo nbovo tho Bo
nobrnko ranch, thoy found sumo po
ctillnr doposlt which Mr. Mnupln do
nlarcR Is oil rock. It rosamblos vho
bltumon found nonr tho California oil
ROSS SMITH nnd wlfo hnvo moved
Into n lint in tho Williams building
on South Broadway.
A. LILJEQVIST, deputy prosecut
ing attorney, eamo over from Co
qullle today on business.
will entertain a fow friends nt her
homo tonight complimentary to
Miss May Dennett.
HARRY HOY Ib slowly recovering
from n rnthor Bovero nttnek of
bronchitis nnd oxpectB to bo nblo
to bo down town tomnrrow.
GEO W. MOORE, W. E. Crnlno nnd
A. I). McKciina of Dnudon enmo
over last evening to nttoml tho
funeral of Henry Conloguo today.
R. II. ARMSTRONG of Bnndon,
county commissioner, nnd wlfo
came over last ovoulng to nttond
tho Conloguo funornl today and to
visit frlendB on tho Bny.
HARVEY WALTER Will ontortnlu a
number of his young frlonds at
tho homo of his paronts, Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Walter, In South Mnrsh
flold tonight.
MRS. A. M. PRENTISS loft this aft
eriioon to spend a fow weoks ns a
guest nt tho Frnnk Rogers homo
on Coos Rlvor nnd Inter at tho
homo of Mrs. Carl Smodburg.
JAS S. HUGHES of Port Orford Is a
Murshllold visitor.
JOE NAY is horo from Dnndon to vis
it old tlmo frlonds.
E. E. JOHNSON of Coqulllo
Mnrshflold on business.
is In
Creok Is In Murshllold today.
, L. PHELAN of Myrtlo Point is n
Mnrshflold business visitor todny.
TOM' HOWARD returitod yestordoy
from n business trip to Gurdlnor.
J. C. DOANE was down from his
Catching Inlot ranch todny on business.
A. B. SEAMAN wns down from his
Coob Rlvor ranch today on business.
. F. DENNING nnd wlfo hnvo mov
ed from apartments in tho Sacchl
building to n cnttngo Ui South
Injures Hand. Fred Rncknian
hnd tho mlsfortuno to run a rusty
Smith typowrlter for salo on terms,
address Box 2C3, Coqulllo, Oro.
FOR KENT Good rooms, cheap.
Close In. Third nnd Commercial.
FOR SALE 10 horsepower gusollno
boat ?050, practically now, has full
cabin and fully equipped, willing
to exchange for real estate. Ad-!
dress P. O. Box C12, City.
WANTED Good dairy farm. Answer
giving full description as location,
number of cows and improvements
and price. Address P. O. Box 75.
WANTED Good modern house.
Price reasonable. Well located and
close in. Direct from owner. Ad
dress E. W. K. care Times.
WANTED Competent girl for gen
eral housoworkMrs. II. S. Tower
phone 252-J.
JuiiuwuJrt, fmnUAtaO'-'"
Buckwheat Takes and Maple Syrup
And to tasto tho real delights you must have tho real maplo.
hnvo it in
The purest and finest flavored maplo syrup on the mnrket.
Wo guarantee this Maplo Syrup absolutely puro nnd mndo only
from tho sap of tho Sugar Maplo tree. Tho makors who aro stock
holders In tho company, deliver It dally from sugar camps near tho
placo where It Is put up. It is sealed whllo fresh and retains tho
now flavor nnd tasto Impossible under olhor conditions.
Lockhart's Grocery
Here's TfaaL
Sunday Dinner
Rend It over. Call up Phono 32.
Glvo us your order nnd then propnro
for tho fenst:
Hell Poppers Hweet Potatoes
Ciiciiiubers Parsnips Red Reels
Carrot. Green TnmiitocH
Ripe Tomatoes Cauliflower
Cabbages Celery
Green Corn l.fa Dozen
lliibbaid Squash Quinces
Oranges Ranaiias Pears
Tokay Gnipcs Concord GraK?H
Apples Cranberries
The Bazar
Phone 32
The House of Quality.
WATT SHORT roturnod yostordny
from his Full Crook homestead. Ho
snys ho was not nblo to sco Chas
Hlckox nnd W. A. Corbus who aro
hunting big gnmo In thnt vicinity.
FRED ELLIOTT of Emplro loft on
tho Inst Alllnnco for Eureka to tnko
chnrgo of n salmon cannory on Eol
rlvor, nenr thoro, for Tallont Ornnt.
Recently ho hns boon working lu
nn Astorln cannory.
MRS. A. Z. DOWNS will lonvo on tho
Hronkwutor tomorrow ion route to
McMlniivlllo, Oro., whoro alio will
nttond tho Baptist Stato Conven
tion to be hold thoro noxt woolc.
Sho will also visit hor son, Clifford,
who Is nttondlng collogo thoro.
MESDAMES LUMI1 nnd Hatch, who
hnvo boon visiting nt tho homo of
Major Towor at Emplro nnd tho
C. W. Towor homo In Mnrshflold,
will lonvo on tho noxt Rodondo to
vlnlt nt tho Morton Towor homo nt
Eureku boforo returning to tholr
homo in Boston.
C. A. SEHLBREDE roturnod today
from Coqulllo, Ho remnlnod tho
night boforo Inst to look nftor
Bomo legal business mid when ho
started out yostordny morning to
nttond to It, ho found It wns ft
lognl holiday, so ho hnd to mnko
nn oxtrn trip todny.
CAL LANOWORTHY of tho Coos Bay
Wiring company roturnod yostor
dny from Gardiner. Hu reports
thnt tho woodB thoro nro full of
railroad surveyors nnd tho air is
permeated with railroad rumors,
oven moro of them bolng nflont
thoro than on Coos Bay.
limo resident of Coos Bay returned
today after olovon yours spent In
Eastern Oregon nnd tho Willa
mette valley. Unclo "Belly" says
ho is aftor tho Myrtlo Crook train
robbers now nnd thinks ho will
catch ono of them so mow horo In
this section.
J. E. EDMUNDS has roturnod from
a buslnesB trip to Coqulllo and re
ports thoro is nctuul railroad con
struction in progress thoro. How
ovor, it is tho work undor Walt
Condrnn who has tho contract for
moving tho Coos Bay nnd Myrtlo
Point railway's lino from Front
streot In Coqulllo,
BOXING GLOVKS and Punching
Drifted Snow Flour
n. Kmllh. .nunln. an .!