Taantl THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OBEGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 3911 EVENING EDITION S' II COOS BAYTlMti 01. O. MALONEY Editor tmd Pub. CAN E. MALONEY News Editor 4 I WITH THE t t TOAST AND TEA Entered at the postoince at MarsU field, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mail mottcr. .. goodt.vening. OFFICIAL l'All:it OK THE env OF MAHSHFIELD. Oltlcinl Paper of Coos County Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. MnrMilleld :: :: :: ;: Oregon Dedicated to the Borvlce of tho people, that no good cause shall lack . champion, and that evil shall not tlirivo unopposed. ttLllSCKIPTION HATES. DAILY. ''Duo year $6.00 Per mouth 60 WEEKLY. One year $l.t0 When paid strictly in advance the irubscrlptlon price of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 ptr yeur or J-'. GO (or iiix months. The city that might ho tho city that ought to he this is the object of our faith of our devotion. This Is tho city that Is coming down out of heaven f i om God, coming ns fast ns wo make room for it. It comes eiy slowly, because theto nro bo fow who believe In It, nnd look for it, nnd mnko ready for It; according to our faith It must bo onto us. For Just ns soon ns the people begin to bo llevo in n city like this It will be hero in nil its glory. Nothing hinders its coming nothing In Home, Sweet Home Aw Independent Republican news paper published uvery evening except Holiday, aud Weekly by 7Im Cooi Hay Times Publishing Co. ROOSTING! Til 10 letter published In The Times yesterday from O. I. Sehlossor .1 secretary of the Itoueburg Com jncrclal club, and which he iortliled by tin CO letters which The Times has turned over to the Chamber of Com merce, is a strong argument In favor of tho persistent and paid booster. Money invested In exploiting u Bin to or county is for the henellt of tho property owners the tuxpayers. Jn .Minnesota the last year ubotit .19,000 people have been brought hi. according to Governor Eborhurt, ns n .prcsult of land shows and soil exhibits. Tlio average wealth brought Is at .least $1,000 por capita. California is spending $10,000 per county for advertising; Kansas Kixjnds $20,000 per annum; Governor Iludlcy of Missouri states the legis lature there appropriated $25,000, and tho money not being uvuilnblo i'or the llrst yeur's work, the banks of KiinsuH City and Saint Louis, rea lizing tho Importance of tho work, .subscribed thu $25,000 that the work might start; Wyoming has $40,000 .Iter annum to spend for the next two .years; Nebraska which has little to mlvortlso Is talking $25,000 por an num nnd lown is putting on a cam paign to soctiro $100,000 per annum to tell tho truth about tho resources of that state and keep people from iwitmlng It up. With those facts before us, it would seem that Coos Day, with all tho things It has to advertise, should liavo a fund which would enable us to better participate In tho various expositions and shows, which will Htireiy aid In increasing our popula tion nnd bring in capital for the de velopment of our natural resources. v. The Cactus Center Stage. Tho stage from Sngo Urush City was four hours overdue, And wo wondered what could all It, when wo seen It comln' through; It was ctnwlin' o'er the prairie like an engine shy of steam, Aud vo seen that Its nigh wheeler was u-mlssln' from the team. There wns two scnlrt women In it. and n bunch of frightened kids; They had crossed the Trouble Moun tains when tho hind wheel sorter skids; The driver, old 11ml Jackson, got 'cm bnck upon tho road, Hut hls-team had started runnln' and he couldn't hold the load. Tho road was straight some dtstnnco, then It curved around n point; Hud pulled upon the leather till ho creaked In every Joint; He knowed that death wns certain if they over struck that curve, Uut he hung right to them ribbons like n innn of Iron nerve. He seen he couldn't stop 'em, so he pulls a gun, nnd "Unngl" Ho shoots n chnrgln leader, and tho dyln' equine sprang And dragged his teammate with him when ho tumbled In tho dust, Aud 'the Htago wna stopped tho min ute that tho works wns goln bust. A hero? Well I guess so, hut that ain't so much, you know; The woinon roasted Duddy causo'tho shootln' senrt 'cm so, Aud when someone told tho story nnd praised Hud to his boss. Tho comp'ny docked tho drlvor for the price of that blamed hoss. Solectod. (An adapted p6em ndopted by L. J Simpson on a trip to Ten Mflo this sum in or.) Home wheio the bath tub is watting, Homo where the gas stove Is found; HomoMvhoro there's hot and cold wntor Home where the beefstenks abound Home to the self-draining Ice box, Home where there's something to see, Homo where there's real cigar stores. Thnt's where I am longing to be. Chorus Home, homo sweet, sweet home! Oh, how I long to be there! Ton Mile may bo fine, Hut a paved street for mine. And n sent in the qld Morris chair. Home where tho napkins nre linen, Homo yhero tho feather beds are; Homo whero tho menlB nre worth eat ing, Homo whero Ha not far to n btu' Home whero the lights nre electric. Homo where tho phonographs play, Where the picture shows drag in the money, I wish I were bnck there today. Chorus ' Home, home, sweet, sweet homof Oh, how I long to ho there! The lake may ho fine, ' Hut tho bath tub for mlno, And n shnvo In n real barber chair. Thoro nro fow things In life more despicable than the man who blames It on his wlfo. So many wicked men nro riding In aeroplanes that modest young ladles nro forced to put blinds on their skylights. HOME-MAKING IS AN ART TO HE ACQUIRER. Till' homo Is more than the cen ter of the affections. It Is tho menus through which u child fKalns Its llrst knowledgu of tho world. TThu nation whoso homos nro the . liost ordered will enjoy the greatest amount of happiness and excel in i vigor nnd olllcleucy the nations whoso homes are neglected and without dls- clpllno. The Anglo-Saxon race is perhaps tho most home-loving of all races. So It hi characteristic that an association In England has decided to give $00 . annually for thu best kept home. .The Idea that n money prize will .Induce many people to take more In teriiht In tholr homes may seem nb trnrtl. Hut It Is not so far-fetched .as at llrst sight It appears. Prizes for gardening have often worked re volutions, In small communities es pecially. Prizes for homu-mnklug nro only carrying tho Idea to Its lo Klcal conclusion. llomu-muklng Is tin art that has to bo ucqulied. It can scarcely ho taught, since the Incentive to have a homo npatt from one's parents comes only nfter ono has grown up nnd hns evolved Ideas of one's own n tho subject. PrUos for tho best homes should theiefore stir Indivi duals to perfect their Ideas. At tho nltnr: "I, thoo, with nil my worldly goods endow." Two yours lator: ".Moro monoy? Whoro's tho dollar I gnvo you last weok?" Tho woods tnko on moro sober tints, The meadows whisper autumn hints; The distant hills lift through tho hazo While nature crowns tho Oqtoher days. Till-: HACHELOH (illtb SAYS: If a man makes n mistake ho may acknowledge it to his lawyer, or to his valet, or even to his wlfo but never to himself. It takes n genius to conduct him self In n way to please tho people who think they know him. If you hnvo saved Biifflclont funds for your Christmas shopping, now Is tho tlmo to nmblo to It. What hns become, of tho o. f. wo man who used to put up 387 quarts of fruit, 124 glasses of Jolly, n bar rel of sauerkraut nnd 20 gallons of, npplo butter each fall? Chances nre she's playing brtdgo, Ezra. PAY TIIK PRINTER. .PORTLAND VIEW OK IT. to (From Portland Oregonlan) Tho people of Mnrshllold are vote on u proposition to chaugo the municipal niuno to Coos Day. Tho new name will he distinctive, to he auro, aud when hoiuo st)le-mnkers at Washington makes It Coos Hay It will bo moi o so. Coos Hny peoplo thoro aro who become angry when they seo tholr names in the paper, but their total voto wouldn't help elect any man mayor In a close election. "Tho last census embraced 17,000,- 000 women," reports tin enstern con temporary. How would you llko to be the census man? Some embrac ing, believe me. An Iowa editor says; "It Is so dry that wagons nro going around with their tongues out. Ico has to be soaked In water all night hoforo )t Is wet enough to mnko lomonnde. Tho cattish kick up such a dust In tho bod of tho river that tho rjver ha to bo sprinkled hoforo you can go llshlug. A spark from nu engine set Hie to a pond mid burned up a lot of bullfrogs. Tho ground Is so dry nnd hard that crawfish holes nro bolng pulled up and used for gns pipes." Hut peoplo stay there nnd stand It whon they might como to Coos Hay nnd bo happy. (Written, for Tho Times.) Thoro's no fuel In tho wood-shed; No corn within tho bin; ' An ompty purso thoughts In my head That fill my soul with sin. Stern creditors do mo pursue And somo who tend tho'nows, Tho best I have thoy misconstrue, ' And do not pay their dues. All debts of honor should bo paid. A bond Ih made to keop. Thoro'H honor In an honest trndo Thnt ho who pays will reap. Then pay tho doht whllo thoro Is time, Health and tho means as woll; 'Twill bo too Into In that hot cllmo Whoro debtors' go thnt's h 11. STAR KEY, PHEUSS DRUG CO. A medicine that elcx confidence Is Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr Compound Mrs. T. J. Adams, 522 No. ICnnsas-l Ave., Columbus, Kob., writes: "Foi, a number of years my children have. been subject to coughs nnd colds. I used Foloy's Honoy and Tar Com pound nnd found thnt It cured thelH coughs and colds, so I keep It In -I tho houso nil tho tlmo." Refnso sub stitutes. PHEUSS DHUO CO. lllOCRlGiJC Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Hot Tarn ales The kind llko thoy mnko for tho King of Spain aro ilo'no too good for "His Royal Highness" Tho Citizen of Coos Hay. That's tho kind you got nt Stafford's. Hot drinks nt the fountain nlso and thoso who have tried them say they nro "Hot Stuff" TWO STORES. Big Social Doin gs At Eagle's Hall Wednesday, Night October 1 1 th All Eagles Requested to Be Present One City Saved $ 1 5,000 By Installing Electric Pumps .The low investment cost of el eel ri call y driven pumps, operated by central electric stations, make them especially attractive i'or water works and high pressure fire service. The city referred to a b o v e is S a p u 1 p a, Okla., which rescinded an order i'or steam driven pumps after learning of the advan tages of electric power. During" the past year many cities of largo and small sizes have installed electric pumping service invariably with great eco nomy and success. For any kind of pumping electric power is lest. . Oregon Power Co. ' Telephone No. 178 WANTED!!! CARPETS UPUOLSTEHI.VO AXD PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho 1'ncuma tlo Clennlng Compnny. Orders for work tnkon at GOING HARVEY phone inn PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PROrXDMiS .PIANO AND VOICE Phone 461 DH. North Bend R F. WINKLER, Naturopath nnd Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. ConiuN tntlou free. Olllco hours: 0 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p. a. Naturopath Institute Room No. 1. No, 136 Urondway, Marshaeld, Ore. rH. G. W. LESLIE, -' Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho Amcrltan school ot Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Offlcs In Eldorado Hlk. Hours 10 to 12; lto 4; Phono 1C1-J; Marshtlold; Orejoa. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (Sh Bennett Bank of MARSIiriELI), OREGON At tho close of business September 1st, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts . . . , (307,393.93 Hanking Houso , 60,000.00 Cash and Exchanges .' 141,546.63 Totnl 9588,040.40 Llabllltle Capital Stock paid In J50.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 64,165.72 Deposits 484,774.74 Totnl $388,040. 10 r. O.C. TAGGART, "- Physlchui nnd Surgeon. Olllco 209-210 Coko Ilulldlng. Phones: Residence 0(1 L; Ofllco 102) J. V. HENtyHTT, , Lawyer. Oflleo over Flanagan & Dennett Bus farshllold Oregon Vyi. J. T. .McCOlt.MAO, j Physician and Surgoon Marshflold, Oregon. i)Rlco: Lockhtrt Dulldlng, opposite Post OHM. Phone 106-J D" . G. HUKKOUGIIS, Scientific MuMtugltit, Treats nil diseases OWco, corner Second nnd Central Avonue. Ofllco hours 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. Unique Pantatorium DYELVG, CLEANING,, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OP HAT WORK. w 256 Central avenue Phone 250X . ROSS PINEGOR. CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK l OF COOS HAY At tho Close of Huslness, September 1, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts f 209,719,02 Honda nnd warrants "88,852.46 U, S. Bonds tcsecuro circulation 25 000,00 Real stato, furniture and fixtures oi 470 94 Cash nnd sight exchango 100,031.00 TR. A. J. HENDRY'S ' Modern Dental Parlors. We nro equipped to do high dm work on short notice nt the Trf lowest prices. Examination free. Lady nttetidant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel. II. II. MOORE, Chiropractor. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos Bjdg Phone 8i-I Office hours 1 to 5j 6:30 to 7:80 Sunday 3 to 6 Good Livery Service lirinw now i-lrro cnnil 1lOrS6S 801 careful drivers aro now at tthe dis posal of the Coos Hay public at REASONABLE RATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. How bonrded nnd rigs cared for. New hearso and special ncommo datlona provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED 8TAMES PHONE 273-J Total resources tt Capital stock Surplus and undivided profits. Circulation Deposits , tttt Liabilities. $305,070.02 U00.000.00 6,886.26 25,000,00 13.1,100.00 Total liabilities $505,070.02 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: W."S. Chandler, presidents M. C. Horton, vice-president; Dorsey Kreltzer Cashier; John F. Hall, John S. Coke, S. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglas, ' F, S. Dow, Wm. Grimes, W. P. Murphy. Ijm&'Wftt Ads. Bring Result S Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone 8131 Prof. A. Richards A GRADUATING TEACHER Punll of Carl Chrstenen, the eli known New. York Swedish concert pianist, will take a limited number oi students for private lessons. Applicants call at Studio, Senp- tacken Dldg,, 130 Broadway. After tjii itiew try TurkUH Phone 214tJ. ,.- 3tVjJVl,J