EiEMHJHEE TfJVIWW,'A'iMI 2yjWaMiifcin ,7-H r- j :r . t. '( nrajaw-r jM VJ I., THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSKFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBEil f6, idn EVENING E'DITIoMJ IHELLO! HERE :.&e3cwwsw ti- 4T 1 , !&& '" Wit ' ' ' "I'JJwQTDu " . GROWTH OF i (. wps HMnL ' ItV ,i,:- WMKmtto.. DOUGLAS FIG MB, mwsL :m .t. OK' ?& ' ' r i Big Social Doings At Eagle's Hall Wednesday, Night October 1 1 th AH Eagles Requested to Be Present WANTED!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tlio Pnoutnu tlc Cleaning Company. Orders far work taken nt CiOINO & harvey PHONE 100 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PRoiDAviDSON PIANO AND VOICE Phone 461 North Bend One City Saved $ 1 5,000 By Installing Electric Pumps rp T"E. E. J'. WINKI.I.lt, Naturopath ami Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation free. Olllco hours: 9 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 and C to 8 i. in. Naturopath Institute ltooin No. 1. No. HO Ilrondway, MarBhlliild, On) ru. a. xv. lehlie, - Osteopathic Physician . (Iraduato of tlio American school ol Osteopathy at Klrkavllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Ullc. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1G1-J; Marnhtlold; Oregon riC a c. tacoartT Physician mid Surgeon. OIUco 209-210 Coku Ilulldlm:. Phones: RcnIiIviico .MIL; Olllco 102.) J V. I1ENNETT, lawyer. Dfllae ovor Flanagan & Dennett nank larahfleld Oregon J. T. McCOHMAO, Phyalclan and Surgeon Mnrahflold, Oregon. Jmco: Lockhart Building, oppoalto Poat Ofllia Phono 10 5-J r it a. o. iiUHitouaiis, Scientific Mnssoglst, Treats all diseases Olllco, cornor Second and Control Avonuo. Olllco hours 11 to 12 a. tn. 2 to 5 p. in. rU. A. J. HENDRY'S - Modern Dental Parlors. We nro equipped to do high class work on short notlco nt tho very loweac prices. Examination froo. Lady attendant. Coko building, oppo filto Clmndlor'hotol. The low investment cost of elect ri cully driven pumps, operated by central electric stations, make them especially attractive for water works and high pressure fire service. The city referred to a b o v e is S a pulp a, Okla., which rescinded an order for steam driven pumps after learning of the advan tages of electric power. During the past year many cities of largo and small sizes have installed electric pumping service invariably with great- eco nomy and success. For any kind of jumping electric power is lest. Oregon Power Co. Telephone No. 178 QIC II n. MOORE, Chiropractor. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos Bldg Phono 81-L Office houra 1 to Dj 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to 5 Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers aro now nt ttho dla posal of the Coos Day public at REASONAHLE HATES Hlgs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. Now hearso and special ncomrao datlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED BTAI1LES PHONE 273-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone 8131 ' Prof. A. Richards A GRADUATING TEACHER Pupil of Carl Chrlsjonsen, the well known New York Swedish concert pianist, will take a limited number of studentB for private lessons. Applicants call nt Studio, Songs taeken Dldg., 1.10 Broadway. After the show try a Turkish Datb Phone 214-J. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (2b Bennett Bank MAltSHFIEU), OREGON N At the close of business September 1st, 1011. Resource. ' Loans and Discounts $397,393.03 Hanking Houso 50,000.00 Cash ami Exchanges 141,640.53 Total $080,040.40 Liabilities ' Capital Stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus and Undlrlded Profits 64,105.72 Deposits 484,774.74 Total B88,D40vlO CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS RAY At the Close of Husluess, September 1, 1011. Resources. Loans and Discounts '. 1209,719.02 UondB nud warrants 88,852.46 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Real Nstate, furniture and fixtures 81,472.94 dull and sight exchange . 100,031,00- Total I esourcea $005,070.03 v Liabilities. Capital stock 1100.000.00 Surplus and undivided 'profits 0,880. 26 Circulation 2B.00.00 Deposits 433,100.60 Total liabilities .'..'. .' $505,070.03 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: W S, Chandler, president; M. C. Horton, vice-president; Dorsey Kreltzer, Cashier; John F. Hall, John S. Coke.'S. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglas, F..S. Dow, Wm. Qrlraes. W. P. Murphy. Times Want Ads Bring ;Resull Government Foresters Itunto Piuii phlet On It. "Tho growth and management of Douglas fir In tho Pacific Northwest" Is tho title of a circular Just Issued by tho foreBt scrvlco, which will bo of llvo Interest to tho luinbcrnion and timbor Innd ownors of Oregon and particularly of Coos county. This Is ono of tho first publica tions of tho government which dcnls Eololy with a foreBt problem of tho Pacific northwest, and It goes at tho very most Important toplo of tho re gion, namely how to manngo Dou glas fir timbor land so as to got n second crop. Tho publication Is the result of n thorough study of virgin forests, "second growth" stands nnd logged off lands of tho foothills of tho Cascades of weBtorn Washington nnd Oregon, mado by foresters Iron tho Portland oftlco of tho forest sor vlco, In which 1807 trees woro "ana lyzed" and over 250 samplo acre tnoasurod. Tho circular presents in Its 27 pages tables showing tho rate of growth of this trco and tho yield of "second growth" stnnds. Somo of tho figures show n ylold that will be surprising to thoso who do not rea llzo tho wonderfully rapid growth that Douglas fir attains In westorn Oregon. Tho tablo shows Hint tho nvcrngo trco from 10 to 20 yenra pld grows .43 Inches In dlamotor nnd 2.G8 foot In height each year, and that whon It Is 60 years old It Is adding to Its volumo 12 bonrd foot a year and that whon it is 140 years old it Is adding 19 board feot each year. The table showing tho ylold of nvorago stands of "socond growth" shows nn equally astonishing result. Ono hundred year old timber has 79(800 foot per acre, which Is equi valent to n growth of 800 board feet of inorchantnblo timber on tin I acre every year during Its first contury of growth. Ah to rcforcstrntlon tho circular nays: "That tho growing of crops of Douglas fir on cut ovor lnnd will bo financially profitable to prlvalo ownors socmH assured In vlow of the cor tain rltto in tho vnluatlon of stum pago, tho growing security of limber land investments, and tho increased market for young timbor, provided only that tho systom of taxing tlm borlands Is reformod no that such lands bear only tholr Just sharo of taxation." MINISTERS MUST REGISTER nut fow minister hnvo registered tholr authority to porfom marriages slnco this pnpor called attention .o tho fact that vory fow had compiled with tho law. All thoso that haio not complied with this law should do so immediately as all marriages per formed by thorn aro not legal under Chnptor 2 4, Section 7019, Oregon Codo which wont Into effect Mny 23, Those mlnlstors which hnvo reg istored their authority slnco this pap er callod attention to tho fact that ell ministers should roglstor aro as fol lows: F. Zeko, J. T. M. Knox, An drew J. Irvln, Charles Hamilton Cleaves, Do Wayno Carpenter anl Frank J. Chatburn. Coqulllo Sontl-nol. EMINENT SCIENTIFIC AUTHO ITYSAYS THE HUMI1LK 11U HIGHLY ESTEEMED POTATO 1 RESPONSIIILE. Do you feel tired, languid, run down, nervous, lrrltnblo and low splrltod? Is your heart action Ir regular? Aro you oxhaustod after slight exertion? Do you have spells of dizziness? Or Is your linlr com ing out and nro you losing llcsh? No, this Is not an advertlsoment for n strong tonic. Tho Bymptoms enumerated have nothing to do with tho medical advertisements. For whllo spring fovcr would hnvo boon tho diagnosis of nn old-fashioned practitioner, modern medical sclcuco recognizes no such 'dlscnso, outarfdo tho realm of tho Imagination. A Cleveland physician who has been tracing original cause finds that pota toes aro tho source of these and many other disturbances of tho hu man systom. Tho human Btomnch, ho declares, was never intended to digest pota toes. They nro tho foes of long llfo nnd good tempor. Persons who wish to bo healthy in body and sunny and alert In mind Bhould never eat them. This npplles particularly to those who, In tho phraseology of tho pro fession, "lead sedentary lloves." Po tatoes aro responsible for "starch Indigestion," and that is an affliction between which and ringbone, mumps, liny fever nud grip there Is small choice. Honor thy father mid thy mother that thy days may bo long In tho land," was tho scriptural In Junction; but nowadays, In addition ono should walk with extreme care and circumspection among tho mini erous pitfalls that must be passed beforo reaching the haven of a healthful diet. Ten, coffee, moat nud pnstry woro long ngo pronounced dnngeroiiH. Now potatoes aro added to tho list. Posterity will bo for tunate If tho medical men leave a slnglo Itom on tho bill of faro that can bo freely nnd fenilessly eaten without terrible consequences. IttJTmVX ttr . MMi --- wmmmt.. - , in TTOiHrEj. , "...' '. ' : "-1' tho flHrcreK) ilium i ii i i i i hi "iicuuHauity,T simbT ' t"B 191'"M3BhP ierprippKW83fS' tho ntVHBrabL tornrlscH. tiniiVS iUi MJ 11EAUTY HINTS. A TURKISH nATII will do yon GOOD. Phono 214-J. Hitb your Job rhe Times office. printing don m "It Is a pleasure to toll you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough medicine I havo ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavonla, Ga. "I hnvo used It with all my children and tho results have been highly satisfactory." For sale by all dealers. A new stock of tho latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send in Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J T. J. SOAIFE S9 A. H. HODQINS Marshfield Paint (& Decorating Co. Estimates MARBIfPIELD, .Furnished' Phon 140H. Or w. l . e ' . Throw nwny tho ehoap cosmotlcs and tlio powder nnd tho dyo; cut out all the frenk athletics and tho cir cus stunts you try. Pass up Lillian, also Laura (though these girls are truly nlco), for thoy'll bring you only sorrow If yon follow tholr nd vlco. Thoy will loach you that your duty Is to spend your passing days trying to Increase- your beauty In a hundred foolish ways. Powders, lo tions, paints and gi eases aro tho washed-out spinsters' hope, nnd young girls nro simply gooses who will uro that sort of dope. If a dam sol's cross nnd sulky, every thought will leave Its trace, and no bottle, howo'or bulky, tell-tnlo wrinkles will orfneo. If n maiden's bold and loud er than a modest maid should li( forty tonB of paint and powder will not mnko hor fair to roo. If her thoughts aro mean nud sordid, If slio fills hor homo with ntrlfo, benuty'H palm won't bo accorded to that girl, you hot your llfo. Hero's tho truth, or protty near It pasto It, maidens, in your sox beauty of tho mind and spirit is tho kind of stuff that knocks. WALT MASON. 'WKmti Vt L itoiWi A KfrfeN) ' I V. '!iaa:ti7v SHOIHU-'ll mEmv . irfKWMir-rxw ' mtm:; iWBfys n'ri' 7wBEaj 8A v'll H t-VUf ri wi ffl DEAFNESS CANNOT RE CURED liy I ml iiiillratioua, nn (liejr rannot reai li tliu Ultram! iwirtlon of lliomr. 'IlivreU mil) tone way to cine ileafi ea , anil that li tiyiou tltutloiialreinvil'e. l)ea(ni- U raiiKKl b an lnHaini'ilrnmlltlniiol the iiiiiooiih linlliKof the KiiHucIiIhii 'lulie When thti tiihe In in Haiiird nu have a rumlillliK iniinit or lni-r-fe t hearhiK. ami uhen it l cntlnly ilnrnl, IKalneia In the remit, ami unlem the Inllam. inatiou can lo taken out ami Ihia tuhu re'torrd t ll normal condition, hrarlnt! will be ilo trocl (oreve'inlnetakeaoiitol le laretatitcO by ('atarrh. whlili la nothliiK but an Inllam laiileoiiilltlon of tlivmiuoiiamirfacea, Weulll Khe (Hie llunJrtl liullara for any ratrof ileafiiiu (raiiRHl by catarrh) that tan not he cured by lla.i'a Catarrh Cure, tk'iiil forclrculara.free. . . K. J. OIIKNEY A CO., Tole Jo, 0. Hold by l)rngi!l.U,7V TaVe liall'nlainilv rillt for ronatiratlon, We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits t Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Batea'm Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J uflft&s?1 MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75q and $1.00; week 12.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges 8.90. per naoai V M. f'Ti.fnut iWtf??fv. lTI URAUt ' - . ' k ywt!! -tina-.en ?B " aiinnlwlna ...vlk. nWiJiMh WjMfc ipeajwt OH- Illlllllinr nt rnenriritlfe AUuAltvi Aft m.. orvolrs, numbor of flowing Veils, II iimuuui; ui wens jmmpou-lor-irr tion, tlio numbor of pumping pli nnd engine capacity Of vpumi plants. Tho acreage Irrigated classified by tho tyno of WteraC supiiiying wnior nnu ny tiieOHre water supply. Z n-i lin not tt rmi?MtM t9 nAlAi.tttaw'O 25, 1910, under which tbe.cNwiwW'. Irrlgntlon Is being takon, provllj iur coiiocung run information. uuniiiiK i"o location, character coBt of Irrlgntlon onterprlses , national, state, or private eoi tho acreage of land Irrigated; price nt which land with wftler, l can bo obtained; nud the quautl; ....vvii i.uj, ,m, luiAuiiuit. a It should bo .noted that therjlg aro subject to revision after comnleto tabulation, hut It In not arJ I)ectcd that there will be any HtaUr-A Inl modification of the totals or Mfr' contages renortcd. -t.JrJ Aerengts Kqiilpmeiit, aa1i Om4. Tho total number of farms Irrt ted 1909 wns G.COO, against 4.Mt1 1899, nn Incroaao of 2,033 &r '43,1 iur emu. wiiuiii ' mo HHUlf tho number of farms In the at Increased 27 per cent, Indies tli Irrigation Is Incronsng more.S innu ury ranning in tno stkt Tho total acreagu IrrlifirC was flHfi.lliO nerns. nrPi1 . acres In 1899, nn ncroH, or 7U.7 p tho Hnmo period t) age of rarniH lucrer Indicating again tho lirlgatloi), The area) Ki.l por cent of tho farms In 1909 and 11. 1899. Tho totnl acreago which prises woro capablo of Irrlf 1910 wan 830,520 acres, an 141,397 acres ovor tho area in i'juu. tuo acreago inciuut- prnJpptH either comjiloled, ojURu, cnustriictlon In 1910 was 2.527,3f acres, an excess of 1,841,079 act ovor tlio nren Irrigated in 1909. Tl Indicates the area which will fi.fntli.1tln ..tl.l.l.t ,lif hnv, ffAU, fj.3 IIVIIIIIIIMU l.lllllll 1,11, UV.L .WW Jy for the oxteiiHton of Irrigation, ) shows that tho nroa Irrigated cauV nlmost tripled with nut tho 'eonstrimpJ lion oi nuiiiiioiini wonts. A Tho uiimobr of Independent eat prises repnrtod In 1910 was 3,744 The ton! length of main dltehMjj 1910 wns 5,019 miles, against 2, m'lcs lu 1899, nu Increase of 3,1 fi ml es. or 147.4 por cent. The h hor of reservoirs reported In Iflf wns 270, having a combined car of 1.317,370 ncre-foet. The numi of wells pmnpod for Irrigation, was,, and tlio numbor of Dumping pli wiir ''L'9. Tlio iiiiulno (Minaoltv.-i"' pumping plants was 3,278, JiOroii er. Tlio uerongo irrigated witu pun nod wator was 5,711 acres. Tho total cost of Irrigation eyati reported In 1910 was $1,089,044 against i, .;., ru in ihuu, an, ii cronso of $10,845,273, or 588.2 cont. The average cost por acr 1910 was $15.28, agnlnst $4.76 1899, nn lucreaso of $10.53, or 22j por cent. The averngo cost of ot Hon and iiiulntemiuco por acre 1909 was 75 conts, agnlnst 22 In 1899, an Increase of 53 cents, O I O O iiiim f.f... , , Dlklribiilion by TyHi of EiiturMf niitl by Koiiiy'o of Witter Bupplf' Tho ncreugo Irrigated Jn 1909 boon classltlod according to tho is nud Federul laws under which works were built or aro operate follows: United States ReclamJ Service (act of Congress, Jur 1302). 22.000 acres, or 3.2 pei tho total: United States Indian ice (various acts of Congress), acres, or 0.1 por cont of tho tc Carey act, (uct of Congress, Aug. 1894). 24.750 acres, or 3.0 por of the total; Irrigation districts, l.jj acres, or 0,2 por cont; cooporaN enterprises, 149,985 actes, or por cont; commercial enterprJ" 410.078 acres, or 11.3 per cent;.fc Individual or partnership ontorprhl 77.387 acres, or 5U.K per cent, wo built by tho United States Recltu t on Service and by uarey Act tonrlses uro to be turned over to til wator usors for operation and naW touanco. Including these, 58.7 cont of tho acreage Irrigated lalS was supplied by works controjlMi the wat;or users. Streams supplied 046,800 94.3 pot cent of tlio total rlgated In 190?;,., 730 oora.-Mr-if,,l Pllod lftU.T BnrlnitRKaU.inllwd W,l Wi tt,'.l reeervptTs; m. A1 T ft $$& ' i ii fr : i l!. .,1 '