t afw' J THE PHYSIQUE IS ONLY ONE HALf OE THE BATTLE; THE SPIRIT IS THE OTHER ADVERTISING INFLUENCES PEOPLE Tlli: PEOPLE WHO ARE "HAM'. ixolined-to-hu" THINGS AL most always make the fix a i, decision under the infix kxci: of some particular ad. 3ftmwi GOOD THINGS ARE ADVCRTISED let tiii: next thing you nra AT A STORE Hi: AX ADVERTISED IT MEAXS BETTER SERVICIJ. ARTICLE AXD, IF POSSIBLE, THH next do.ex things vou buy. UEMREH OF ASSOCIATED PltKSy .1 VOL XXXV Established in 1878 as The Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1911 EVENING 'EDITION EIGHT PAGES1 Col"Z 1""" No. 72 (too Saw BUCK RIVER FILLS INUNDATED; RESIDENTS FLEE 10 THE HiLLS Wisconisn Town Practically In undated by Terrific ' Flood. APPEAL FOR AID IS SENT OUT TODAY Ovcrh 2,000 habitants Spend Day and Night Without Shelter. 4 TOWNS1TE RUINED. 4 4 (By Associated Proses.) 4 LACROSSE, Wis., Oct 7. The wntcra nro receding this nftcrnoon nnd tho worm la over 4 4 nt Dlnck Rlvor Falls. Tho town cannot ho rebuilt on tho 4 old Bite ns tho river has cot a -4 new chnnnel through tho center of tho town. Tho loss In estl- 4 mated at one million dollars. 4 4 Itcports that threo lives were -4 4 lost cannot ho verified. 4 I (By Associated Press to Coos Ray Times.) LACIIOSSI3, Wis., Oct. 7. The 2,000 Inhabitants of Rlack River Falls today nro without food or shelter nfter spending tho night on tho hills watching tho waters of tho flood of Ulack Rlvor overrun tholr town. Through Mnyor Mcaillorvny thoy rent an appenl to tho pcoplo of tho country for nsBlstnnco. Tho town continues to bo cut oft from tho world by regular telegraph and telephone hut a station was established Just outside tho town from which a cry for help was rent out. Tho population spent n dlsagree nblo day ycBtordny under tho pltllosB rain but In tho evening tho weather cleared nnd there wns less suffering from expoHtiro during tho night. All along the hills enmp fires burned while below could be heard the rush ing waters engulfing tho city. It will be several days boforo the water recedes sufficiently to permit an exa mination of tho ruins. DIG DAM BREAKS, l.ike Wiimiii Forces Out Ilig Km. lmnkuient. (By Associated Prcbs to th Coos Hay Times) WASAU. Wis., Oct. 7. Tho water In lako Wnsnu broko through tho embankment nt both ends of tho Rothcrchlld dam today carrying des truction which will amount to mnny thousnnds of dollnrs. GERMAN'S AGAINST TAFT. Are Angry Over Treatment at Port of New York. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 7. That the German-American votes In the United States will bo turned against Pres. Tnft unless ho makes changes nt the Port of New York nnd removes Immigration Commissioner Williams, was the declaration made before the National Germnn-Amorl-fan Alliance today by Henry Weiss wan, president of tho Germnn socie ties of Brooklyn. TROUBLE OVER DOGS The Coqulllo Council meeting was nearly disrupted when a change !n the ordlnnnco regarding tho taxation "' dogs came. Thoso members who wre tho owners of dogs declared 'hat under tho present statute thy dl(l not have to pay tnxes if their dogs were under pontrol or kept home. Tho dlqtr'ct nttornoy was finally Instructed to drnw up pn amendment to tho present ordinance 'Mch will compel all owpers of rfogs to Pay a llconso. All dogs will have to wear the license tng on tholr col lars.coquiue Sentinel. Pictures and frnmlng nrt goods nnd ttaterlalg.-.'syalker Studio. 4444444444444 4 REWA'nn t-Y -imvTiiTiii.' 4 OF PAPER THIEVES The Coos Bay Times will pay $5,00 reward to any party fur- olshlng evidence that will con- ylct men or boys who steal co- Pies of The Times from sub- wribers after Tho Times' deliv 4 4 4 4 4 , .' I ery boy8 have delivered it. 4 44444 4 4 44444 444444444444444 4 HAVi: YOU YOUR ijtai.SJS OF cash? 4 WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 7 4 Each citizen of ' tho United 4 States, under an equal division, 4 would hnvo $34.3ii, the per ca- 4 pita circulation on October 2, 4 according to the circulation stn 4 tcment or tho Treasury Depart- ment. Tho total money In clr 4 ctilatlon amounted to $3,242,- 182,715, an Increase over the 4 preceding month, when It wns 4 $3,22S,9 13,034. On October 1, 1910, tho money In circulation 4 totaled $3,1G4,827,GS1. 4 4-4 r Practically Every Business Block In Black River Falls Ruined. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis., Oct. 7. Only a few of tho slxty-ono busi ness lilprks hnvo tints far escaped the fury of tho flood nnd they seem doom ed to destruction. Many homes hnvp been demolished, especially in tho lower portion of town. Mnny fami lies nro Impoverished and hungry. Un less tho speed of tho flood waters diminishes many more houses will bo washed from their foundations. LITTLE NEWS Italian Schooner Reported Sunk and Turkish Forts Bombarded. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) FIUME, Hungary, Oct. 7. An Ita lian sailing vessel having been sunk by tho Turkish guns nt Saint Jean Do Medua, two Italian cruisors shell ed tho town and proceeded to sen. BRIEFS OF HANDON. News of CHyby-tlie-Sea as Told by Tho Recorder. Tho cannery of tho Coqulllo Rlvor Fishormen's Co-operntlvo Canning Co., at Pnrkorsburg, reports a good run of llsh considering tho cnrllness of the senson, In fnct, much bettor than at the corresponding tlmo last yenr. Yesterday's catch wns 1,500 fish, made by two selns, nnd the enn-...,-.. . i,na a.rtnn cn9.cn of this run m nuuaca ARE DOOMED If WAR TODAY "v,f :".;:.::."..,-.. ,!mook nlrendy pncKen. wuhj- iiuuihu rnninrohond tho magnitude or inis this i company's business, for last year It nnrkpii S3C.000 worth of goods, ana. If conditions art favorable the full pack will run between $50,000 nnd 155,000, nnd a force of 30 men Is required to operate tho plant. It Is rumored around town that our popular young man, G. R. Mc Nair went to Coqulllo tho other day in lioKnmn a benedict. Who the fortunate young lady was. tho rumor j does not say. Ray nas not reiurneu yet to either confirm or deny tho report, so rumor has it that the honeymoon is being spent "abroad." MUSIC at the CHANDLER on SUNDAY evening. Arrange to take YOUR Sunday DINNER there. PROMPT AUTO SERVICE day or night, Phono 98-J. RayMartJn. -1-i : ' l.n.m I, iiiT.TA'inia MEET me at HILLYER'S. PRESIDENT TAFT Readies First Pacific Coast Washington, nnd former United Sta tes Senator Ankeny were waiting to State Today Willing tO Be welcome Mr. Taft to the state. Im Prescription Ills Again. For Nation's (By Associated Tress to tho Coos Bay Vimes) WALLA WALLA, Wash., Oct. 7 Coming Into Washington today, President Tnft finished tho first half of his swing around the circle and touched tho first stnte bordering on the Pacific since ho loft Beverly Sep tember 15. Up to date, the Presi dent has traveled 0,450 miles and traversed llfteeu states. He has mnde mnro than one hundred speeches on all sorts of subjects nnd more than 2,000 railroad men, ac cording to ofllcials, have been con corned In hauling his train. So far the President has stood tho trip re markably well. When tho President's train reach ed Walla Walla, Governor Hay of ALLEGE FRAUD Government Attorneys Charged With Misrepresenting Railways In Case. (By Associated Press Times.) to Coos Bay WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 7. Accusations that tho counsel for, the government hnvo mnde n studied and dcllberato nnd InoxcuBnblo misrepre sentation of important portions of tho record in tho so-called "Hnrd co.il cases," woro made In n brltrt filed today In tho Supremo Court of tho United Stntos by Robert W. De forest nnd Jackson E. Reynolds, counsel for tho Central Railroad Company of Now Jersey nnd tho Le high nnd Wllkosbnrro Conl company. store is huhglarizi:d Burglars Roll Bryan Jewelry Store in Roseliurg and Ecsnpo ROSEBURG. Oct. 7. Sheriff Geo. Qulne Is searching for tho person or porsons who entered tho Jowelry storo conducted by John Brynn, nnd situated in tho Sheridan building, on Jackson street, shortly nfter 3 o'clock In tho morning nnd appro priated Jewelry valued nt approx imately $100. IS NEARLY DONE SOUTH ERX PACIFIC'S EXTEXSIOX TO TILLAMOOK TO HE READY FOR TRA1X SERVICE NEXT WEEK. PORTLAND. Oct. 7. Tho line cf . .tho Pacific Railroad & Navlgit on Company from Hlllsboro to TU!a- will bo completed next vek, ' but win not oo uirown open ior pus- senger service until some time In It is desired to have November, as the track in first class shape with the opening of trafllc. Whether there will bo any special spike driving ceremonies or not next week has not yet been decided, al though President E. E. Lytlo and other ofllcials of the line and repre sentatives of tho Harriman system here will probably make a tour of Inspection .a, the , work .at tho time. Tho Pacific Railroad & Navigation Company Is a subsidiary company of the Southern Pacific, the articles of Incorporation of the Southern Pa cific preventing It from engaging in the construction of branch lines. Tho line has been under construc tion for more than two years. KODAK finishing at the STUDIO. RIGGS' Have your ctlllng cards printed at The Times office. IN WASHINGTON mediately nfter breakfast, tho Presi dent was tnken for an auto ride. Ho spoke to several hundred people nt the city park. , "1 feel so very much nt home here," said Mr. Tnft, beginning his address, "that 1 want to stay." Governor Hay Introduced the Pres ident nnd said he was u "good pres cription." The President laughed and said that if the people wanted a second doso ho would try to do his best. Tho President repented part of his speech on agriculture which ho deliv ered at several state fairs in tho west nnd spent n few minutes discussing his tariff vetoes. From Wnlla Walla President Talt Will go to Lewlston nnd Moscow, Ida., nnd Spokane, Washington, nnd then go to the weste.'n part of the stnte, thence Into Oregon, rcnchlng Port land Wednesday evening ADDS CLARK TOTHE LIST Democratic Chairman Mack Announces List of Presi dential Possibilities. (By ABSoclntcd Press to Coos Baj Times.) BUFFALO, N. Y., Oct. 7. Chair man Norman E. Mack of tho demo cratic nntlonnl committee In tho Oc tober number of the National Month ly presents Speaker Champ Clark of .the House of Representatives as a possible candidate for tho democratic presidential nomination. Chairman flack's list of possibilities now in cludes Governor Woodrow Wilson of Now Jersey, Governor Judson Har mon of Ohio, Governor Thomns H. Marshal of Indlnnn, Governor Eu gene N. Fobs of Massachusetts, Gov ernor John As Dlx of New York nnd Spenker Clark. COAST LEAGUE. HALL SCORES By Associated Press to tho Coot Bt.) Times) PORTLAND, Ore, Oct. 7. Port land won again yesterday, defeating Vernon threo to nothing. Tho scores yesterday: At Vernon R II Portland 3 8 Vernon 1 3 At San Francisco R II San Francisco . ., 2 8 Oakland 9 11 At Sacramento R II Sacramento 17 23 Los Angeles ..,, 2 11 OPEX NEXT SATURDAY. World Championship Series Starts In New York. NEW York. Oct. 7. Tho worl l's series between the New York Nat ionals nnd tho Philadelphia Ameri cans for premier honors In baseball for 1911, begins Snturdny, October 14. The gamo will alternate be tween tho two cities, tho first gamo being In New York. With tho clinching of tho national league pennnnt by Muggsy McGraw's New York Giants, tho calcium switches to tho p'tchlng corps which McGrnw will send out to hold tho hoavy-hlttlng Hhtladelphlans under leash. 'Rube' Marquard. the "lemon" for" whom McGraw paid Indianapolis $10,000 has fully .lustlfled nil of Mc Graw's confidence for he Is leading the league with a percentage of 793. Alexander of the Phillies ranks third In the league after Crandall, with 27 wins and. 12 losses, Math owson standing sixth following Cole and Drucke. Leon Ames is a much better heaver than the figures alio", for he has been followed by the hard est luck, losing numerous 1 to 0 af frays. Hasty MESSENGER SERVICE day or night PHONE 08-J. NO. 40 gets the AMBER PIPE at HILLYER'S. MUSIC at the CHANDLER on 'SUNDAY evening. Arrange to take YOUR Sunday DINNER there. OS GUI 444444444444444 REPUBLICANS FIX COXVENTIOX CITY NEW YORK, Oct. 7. After n meeting hero between former Governor John F. Hill of Au gusta, Me., acting chntrmnn, and Wllllnm Hnyward of New York City, secretary of the republican nntlonnl committee, n cnll wns Issued for n meeting of the com mittee In Washington on De cember 12. At this meeting tho claims of various cities for tho convention will bo henrd nnd tho plnco will bo decided. Among others, Buf fnlo,' St. Louis nnd Chicago will bo applicants. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 41 44444444444444 FIND SLAYER IN Frank Calum Wanted For Mur der of Mrs. Irving at Eaton ville Is Arrested. (By Associated Press to Cooi Bay Timet.; CHEHALI8, Wash., Oct. 7. Frank Caluln, who shot Mrs. Vivian' Irving, a nurse, at Entonvlllo, two weeks ago, was captured last night near Toledo by. Sheriff Urqtihart of Lowls county without trouble and wns taken to Tacomn toduy. Y OF COOS BAY C. J. Johnson's Actions Did Not Conform With Statement Other Development. With railroad surveyors to tho right of It, to tho left Of It, In front of It and all around It and with rail road contractors swooping down upon It, Coos Bay 1b liable to awaken one of these mornings and find a full Hedged railroad has slipped in dur ing tho night. Today O. J. Johnson, C. E. John son anil Mr. Cnm nr f'mrix nf Sonttlo left on tho Breakwater for .rornanu. Aiinougn .Mr. Johnson Btaicu taut no aim nis party were hero to look over timber, his actions on tho Bay Indicated that ho was mora interested In the Coos Bay and Bolso survey than in logs or forests. Of course, this is not Intimating that Mr. Johnson did not toll tho truth but, Gcutlo Header, these are homo of tho things ho did; Secured figures from tho Simpson and Smith Lumber companies on tho probablo cost of bridge timbers. Secured prices on buy and feed and other supplies. Secured prices and data from Chns Noble on probablo cost ot piling and driving piling around tho Bay. Is reputed to have told eomo that Int.- i . . " unuvu l ,e c"irnIcl acnuu con DUUU.IUU UI wiu LUU IHty 1UK1 IJUlbU Would begin within a couple of months. Sulci that his construction equip ment was at Seattle and that if transportation companies would notJ. give him the right figure on bringing It here, ho would cmirier a vessel himself and bring It down. It was reported today that ho had contracted for 15,000,000 'feet of bridge timber at North Bend and seven thousand piling of Chas Noble. Maybe Mr, Johnson said that he did but Chas Noble stated that he had not made any such contract for piling. But anyway, It was also reported here today on pretty good authority that Mr. Johnson was a railroad con tractor and In fuct that there are men on Coos Bay who knew of some railroad contracts that he bad for tho Hill lines in Minnesota in years gone by. ' These are about all- tho fas-'lni the casethatcanbe secured, and It (Continued on pace 4,) WAS NGTON RAILWA W NY MEN TO S Allege That Nearly 1,800 Are Now Working In Shops at Sacramento. : SAY STRIKERS RETURN TTJ BURNSIDE SHOPS No Further Trouble Reported In Strike Centers on Harriman Lines. !(By s8odntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Oct. 7 Bo- tween 1,700 nnd 1,800 men reported for work In tho Southern Pacific; shops this morning nnd slnco yestor dny between twenty nnd thirty nddl tlonnl men hnvo been ndded to the working force. RETUHN'AT IIURN8IDE.! t. Illinois Central Otllclnls Say MfjQArtf IU'tumlng. (By Associated Press to CoosBnyj BE Times.) CHICAGO. III., Oct. 7. Fifty bol Icrmakors nnd helpers who went out a strlko a week ngo returned to work: nt tho Burnsldo Illinois Central shop todny. Tho officials declaro that more than 350 strikers havo returned tov tholr places. FIRE AT COQUILLK; Flro of an unknown origin coin plototy destroyed tho barn of Frank Burkholder Sunday. Tho flro wait first soon about 4: Tho building was 1 30 In tho morning, entirely burno,' ' down nnd nothing wntt savod. Tit)r wcro no stock In tho barn nt ther tlmo. "Tho loss Is cstlmntcd'at ?H3T" fully covered by tho Insurance Co qulllo Sentinel. J'RORATE COURT CASES Tho following cases woro hold wllli tho probato.cpurt this' week: , Tllllo OreenT"k"'A-.-I., Volkmgr ap pointed administrator. Estimated value of estate $1,500. B. M. Green. A. L. VolKnior op 'potntcd admliKlRtjrntor. llUllntiteil value of estato $700. Maria Border. L. V, Travor ap pointed administrator. Estimated value of estato $3,820. CoquHto Sentinel. LEAVE TDDAY Steamship Sails For fortlanri This Morning With Good Passenger List. Tho Breakwater sailed this morn ing for Portland. Tho outgoing pas senger list this trip was less thuit usual. She had a good cargo of mis cellaneous freight. Among thoso Bull ing on her were tho following: Peter Hiohl, Mrs. Brohl, Jns Biohl, Miss Larson, Mrs. H, L. Huutor, C II. Freeman, B. II. Grant, W. IX Smith,, Dnvo Lancaster, R, F, Scott, Mrs. Scott, Herman Kruegor, R. E. Thorn, 11. M. Arrowsmlth, Mrs. W. Lowls, F. W. Kern and wife, Mrtu K!eo I), Mnudlgo, Rev. D. A. Mac Leod, Mrs. Jennie Jones, H. B. Haui nor, Mrs. J. R. Pago, J. T, M. Kuor, C. W. Towor, Mrs. J.T.M. Knox, H.W. Dexter, M. Foulks, .Mrs. McCrary, A. D. McCrary, Henry Tournoy, A. C Sullivan, W. J. Cono, C. J. Johnson,. K. E. Johnson, J. F. Glllcsplo, Mrs. J. M. Mclntyro, Frank Grant, W. W. Doylo, Mrs. Emily Buttors, Miss Ma haffey, W. M. Umenhoffor, R. 04. Wright, E. R. Thorsby, R. T. WbfUjr J, N. Beggs, Mrs. Jas Ellerby, Mia Ellerby, A. Dawson, J. C. Wullliijr. I. Montalbettl, Rev. H. C. nartranft, J. T. M. Knox, Jr., Mr. Murnhr. Misa M. Pointer, Mrs. Moody, Joo MaBtlgr. P. M. Hussoy, M. Olsen, T. Okamuru, A. Olsen and L. H. Keating. ON BREAKWATER j s.-lat--'-. l,i...ii' Zjl?'r