THERE'S ALWAYS SOME SAVING SATISFACTION IN THE MIGHT HAVE BEEN ADVERTISING INFLUENCES PEOPLE TIM' PEOPLE WHO ARE "HALF-IXCLIXED-TO-BUY" THINGS AL MOST AIAVAYS MAKE THE FINAL pKCISION UNDER TIIK 1XFLU VSCK OF SOME PARTICULAR AD. Cons itra GOOD THINGS ARE ADVCRTISED I,KT TIIK NEXT THING YOU BUY AT A STORE 1112 AX ADVERTISED' IT MEANS BETTER SERVICE. ARTICLE AND, IP POSSIBLE, TUB: XKXT DOKX THINGS YOU BUY.. HU.MI!i:it OP ASSOCIATE!) PREiso VOL. XXXV Established in 1878 as Tho Const Mali A Consolidation of Time. Const Mall mid Coos Bay Advertiser. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1911 EVENING EDITION. No. 7T Saw WISCONSIN DAMS BREAK AND FLOODS ENDANGER MANY TOWNS II I I.. I . , Settlers of .'Valleys 'Near Chip pewa,... Falls ,Flee , 'Wills Today. TERRIFIC .RAINFALL .CAUSES DISASTER Many Buildings In Black River Falls Washed Off ' .Foundations. ii.VMAGKM BUILDINGS. 4 (By Associated Press.) LACROSSE, Wis., Oct. 6. Telephonic -communication with Hlnck River Falls was ro-ostnb- llshod nnU It la lenrned thnt a number of houses nnd business establishments were wnshed off their foiindntlons. (By Associated Press to Coos Boy Times.; LACROSSE, Oct. C. Breaks hnvo occurred In both tho upper and lower dams of the LaCrosso Water Power company nt .Hntflold on tho Black River, sixty miles northeast of horo. Tho ilvo-mllllon dollar property of thin company Ih monucod and n largo district including tho city of Black River Falls is under water. A. Brent section of tho Black Uiver valley Is submerged. Tho breaks in tho dnniB followed tho Accumulation of water nftor weeks of rain which tilled tho resor volcs lo an unprecedented extent. Early .todny tho water broko through W . ,r .. -- -- - IPU1IVU UIHIVID1U "I ltU w w. jtftvw tho embankment an tho west sldo or gul,r(IU0 court, nnd .assorted anew me upper uiiui iiuu uviuiu huuu 1 .-.!- I u. il... An Illjl.K llf I Ireak occurred In tho west sido of the lower or main dam. Tho dam proper Is .still holding but the waters hnvo washed around It, and are pouring thraugh In tromcu dons volumus. People In tho threatened localities """ " ,...-..- .... - are moving their goods nnd lomllies interpret .tho law us It ought to be to hlsh grouad. j to havo it condemned and Attacked Telcphono connection with Blnck nn(j t8 motives questioned for mora Itiver Falls ceased at noon when tho oIltlrnI purjioscs v.-Jthout noy solid operator reported the telephone Bround for ibo nttack, It goes to my building was Burrounded by wnter. iJeart and I rsent It yJth tho Ceepeat Thereafter It wati Imposslllo to ralso indlguation." Black Hirer Fnlln on tho telephone, i ' IMIet parties aro being organized TALT AT hAUT J.KL. nd scouts aro being dispatched ini.ltijil fllvtui Warm iVelcoiun J U .1 . ........ . !. i ub uiruiuent'd aistricis to -arn wiu Inhabitants of tho danger. .Sovoral irm hoiiEes lloated down tat river d It Is feme d there has beet somo 1 of life. Hatfitltl Is Miulor vat(M- but Jt is thonght no Hvi wore lost there. WORST S1XCK 11)01. Howl 1I(k-, .Mm-h Damage Svur City- By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CllII'PKWA FALLS. Wis,, Oct. 0. -To dams wont out hero today and riTI.. Til ... . a...... .1 I fh tuuumer. i no eouiury ih u'i plains uerore me wmunu j i ti In every direction. Tho Chippewa : graph for wUen a request that ell has risen eight feet In ten hours wJid hnd come west n foot, In wagous Is overflowing its banks. Con-'or on horse-bsxk, tlwiisands of the WeraUe railroad trackage was wash- j old jnen and women roso to their t oat and several bridge have fal- feet. jyuvvaaj "U. hOVArnl l.l .Inmo n riiin.fl1l I " V have gone out. It Is tho hea t.. i . Ht deluge since January, 1$M- EARLY F IXK)I) IlKPOKT. AtO Parti,.,, lliiston in Sr-.'il. of ' linger In AVIsconsln. BT Associated Press to Coos Boy , , Times.) LACROSSE. Wis., Oct. 6. Tele Phone advices Just received at the of icc of LaCrosso Water Power Co., y the west end of tho main dam at .lltf!l,i A .... . . -.-,-.,. v. noni out at iu:oo a ciuch. Tne dam is a solid concrete structure "rty feet high and 100 feet deep at ll base. U wan ronsldered strong S&gh to hold any flood of water might be, turned against It. rt8 "e being made to confine the .0rrent whlch has broken through the " w a canal, and thus out of tho ,' rlTer but It Is admitted the slt ltln is desperate. Rellet parties HE G DCTflBER 16TH Pacific Coast Rate Case In junction Application to Be Argued. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) .WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 6. Tho commerce court lias Issued An order firing October 10 .as tho dato of hearing on tho application of the transcontinental railways ior an in junction AgalnBt the orders of the Jn- tcrstnto Commerco (Commission In .tho Pacific Coast casee affecting an lni nioiiHO amount of general IriUght trafllc TAFI IS IN Prcsidant Again omes to ihe Defense of ihe United Stales Supreme Couri (Dy Associated Pres to tlu Coos Bay Tlraeb) rOCAXELLO, Ida., Oct. 0. In n speech nt the Chnmher of Commcrco hero today President Toft bitterly jib- njg yJewfl on too relation oi govern- . ment to uusuufs. "1 lovo JudgeH nnd J lovo courts," said the President. "They nro my j,ilaiB ou earth that typify what wo shall nuvl afterward in heaven under a Just God. And when a court Is .inlii.. l.a l..ti tiOinn lia trvlni? ta UUIIJft u umj, ....I-,. ....o - Morityjn IjuiiI. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tiroes.) SALT LAKE, Oct. 5. President Taft was given a most enthusiastic reception wbn ho arrived bore thli. morning accompanied by Governor Spray of Utah. momUirs of congress nnd others who hnd welcomed him Into Utah nt Oden. Taft spoke In ibo Salt Lnke Tabor- naclo here today to goveral thousand "old folks" gatuoreu ia uio i- u 'capital In annual reunlou- Probob- .. innJorItj' of tbcm crossed ibo . . . . .... II I loir- I a being organic, here to go to 1.1... L..nn liv nll.nv. tho scene by auto. J.OSS IS HEAVY. IWlls Dam Wont Out Before JIattleld Dam BroKe. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay v ' Times) BLACKR1VER FALLS. Wis., Oct 6, Telephone advices from tho Dells dam, eighteen miles up the river, say that dam has gone out and that noth ing can save the Hatfield dam. If the great Hatfield dam Is swept away, the loss will be great. People are moving to the higher grounds. Salmon "tROLUSG SPOONS and Lines at MILNEIVS Hasty MESSENGER SERVICE day or night PHONE 08-J. WE OABKY a FULL lino of IN. NKK TUBES. The GUNNERY. IDAHO TUUAY IIALIANS NOW Arab Chiefs Come In and Lay Down Arms, Anxious to End Conflict -N aval Battles In Sight. ' (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay '1 tines.) TltlPOLI, Africa, Oct C The Ita lians have established a now govern ment for Tripoli, near Admiral Bc reddollno has been appointed gov ernor. After the Italian seamen had been lnndcd, the chiefs of the Arab tribes adjacent to Tripoli, went aboard tho Italian Hag ship. to gave their submis sion. They begged tho Italians not to re sumo tho bomburdment. Tho Gcrmnn counsel has Informed Vlcc-Admlrnl Earavclll that during tho shelling of tho town no hnrmwni dono to Europeans or to European property. MASSOWA.lErltrca, Africa, Oct. G. Tho fort at'Hodcldah, a seaport of Arabia, fired imnny shells nt tin; Ita 'SIRE Hoist Republic's Flag Over Part of Morocco But Without ', Official Order. (By Associated Press to Cooo Bay Times.) BERLIN, .Ciirniany, Oct. (i6. A group of Frenchmen holstctl the French flng over the Fort nt Agadlr, Morocco, threntnnlng grave Interna tional complications. It watt an nounced (that Franco has proclaimed a proteatornte. Tho French govern ment imnicdlntvty disavowed lis ac tion nnd ns it Is not represented nt Agattlr has nsketl'thc Moroccan nuth orltles to romovea'he flag and enll tho IncUltuit. ARE THE! OR ARE THEY NOT? G.J. JOHNSON Says His Parly Are Timbermen Not Rail road Contractors. C. . Johnstui, head of tho partj consisting of himself, C. E. JoIiiibou and W. J. Conif of Seattle, who ar rived hero lato yesterday from Ro seburg, last evening emphatically drilled that they .nro railroad con tractors, despite tho rumors to the contrary. "No, wo aro not railroad contract ors," said Mr. Johnson wheu seen at Thu Chandler last sight. "We are interened In tho logging business nnd nro down herfl looklDg over some timber with a vJow of buying IL I had never beeu in Coos county be fore and was anxious to make the trip. We certainly saw some mighty fine tlmbor en route In here." Appnrontly this statement put nn end to tho report that tho party had come over the route of the Coos Bay and Bolso to Inspect it with a view of building it or arranging to start construction. However, this morning friends of John Smith of Roseburg who drove the party In quoted blm as stating that they had told him that they were bidding on tho construction of the Coos Bay and Boise and that If their bid was accepted work would be started Inoido of thirty days. Fur thermore, he is alleged to have de clared that they had got out of the rig and walked over considerable por tions of the Haines survey. S. D, Harper, who returned today from a trip to the Coqullle Valley, -(Continued on pije 4.) FPIENCH RM GOVERN TRIPOLI'OAIE DEAD AS RESULT OF STRIKE lian cruiser Aretusa which was cruis ing In tho'Hed Sen to protect. Italian commerce- The shots were without effect. The Aretusa replied with her gone. ROME, Italy, Oct. C Provoked because Bho was fired upon by the Turkish fort at Hodeldah, the Are tusa attacked and sank a Turkish gun boat. The Italian warships In tho Bed Sea hnvo been ordered to chnse the old gun boats that Turkey has In the Bed Sen nnd to attack the port of Yemen If necessnry. NOT HEADY TO QUIT. Germany Says Italy Will Not Accept Mediation Yet. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.; BERLIN, Germany, Oct. C. Al though the Italians have landed mu rines nt Tripoli, 'it Is understood hero thnt mediation will not be acceptable before tho city lias been occupied by nn expedition from Italy, tho first ship of which 'is duo to sail for Tri poli tomorrow. Junk Buyer Wants to Be Be- ceiver of $20,000,000 Seattle Corporation. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. C Tho suit of Anrim Nome, n scrap-iron dealer nnd n creditor of tho Western Steel Corporation, to bo ojtpolnted receiver for alio twenty-million dol lar corporation, was postponed ono week when the enso came uj today. A OAIXOX of RIIEItWrNAVII. LIA.MH White PAINT WEIGHS aiMb at MILXEH',8. TALK OF LINE A Conference Relative to Pacific Coast Project Arouses Comment. According TepnTts In circulation '.here today, lmpoitunt developments in tho Coos Bay mtlroad sltuttlon are to mnrk a meeting of the ofllcln's iXS the Pacific Const Lino nnd tho Great Western Paelfle to bo be' I In Tortland today or tomorrow. Just what is to tnke place thoro Is a mat ter of speculation. Vice-president Sumner when Iito the tlrst of the week said ho hnd to be back In Portland by tho 1att3r part of the week on matters connect ed with the road hut ho did not Inti mate whnt they were. One guess Is that the meeting I", about starting construction work und . the construction of n large wharf tn property on the Bny, near the ninth, of North Inlet, thnt Right of Way Agent Eddy Is said to have secured, whero construction equipment and supplies are to be unloaded. The fact that the meeting Is to bei held In Portland about tho time that officials of the Hill line are to bo there, theyhaving come west osten sibly to attend the big doings nt Bend marking the completion of the Oregon Trunk line to that point, has also revived the suspicion that Hill maybe behind the project, .las. J. Hill was personally at Bend. , To Start Work Unless someone misunderstood ofilc'als of the Pacific Coast line and its allied corporation, the Orcit Western Pacific, work will be started on construction on the Coos Bay end of the line within thirty days, The vs. (Continued on pK 4.) 0 G W WAVNMWWNSftAAAAA LTO E Mississippi Executive Offers Plan to Arbitrate on Illi nois Central. By Associated Press to the Cons Boy Times) CHICAGO, 111., Oct. C President Mnrlthnm nnd Vice-president Pnrk of tho Illinois Central Railroad replied today to Governor Noel of Mississip pi who proposed to nrrnngo a settle ment of tho strike of tho shopmen by arbitration. Markham refused to rnako his reply public until Governor Noel acted on it. ROSEBURG IN 0 Tiouble With Shopmen Blamed For Wreck of Freight Officials at Work. ROSEBURG, Ore., OcL 0. Obser vation of conditions In the local Southern Pacific railroad yards tend to Indicate that the striking shopmen have the best of tho situation, nnd that tho officials of tho company will bo practically powerless to operato their trains tn the ovent tho contro versy continues for any length of time. Troublo commenced when n mes sage was received to the effect that northbound freight train So. 222 had' been wrecked nt n point about two miles north of Gleudale, and that ntf slstnncu was needed immediately. Owing to the fact that tho shopmen were on Btrlke, Superintendent L. R. Fields nnd Assistant Superintendent Martyu of Portland, and Foreman Frank Cavendnr of Roseburg, were called nnd left for tho scene shortly before three o'clock. With them they took the wrecker, which Is usually In command of no less than fifteen of tho more experienced shopmen. The men arrived at the scene of tho trou blo at' four o'clock, and six hours Inter succeeded In restoring traffic. According to Mr. Mnrtyn, who return ed hero nt noon five freight cars were derailed. In ono of the cnrB wero 20 head of hordes and mules con signed to Portland. Ten of tho nnl- mnls were killed outright, while sev eral others were moro or less Injur ed. . Division Superintendent L. R. Fields and Assistant Superintendent C. W. Mnrtyn continue to direct th'o coupling nnd uncoupling of cars In this cltj, even doing the work with their own hnnds to fncllltato ( tho transit of passenger trains. Travel lug Engineer Richard Morris Is also assisting In thnt work.' The trainmen absolutely refutso to perform this ser vice. J. L. Grimes of this city, and Harry Wooster of Yoncalln, havo been deputized for police duty In the ynrds, but there Is no disposition on part of the strikers to create any disturbance. They feol supremely confident of victory and rely on tho accumulation of unserviceable equip ment to bring It about. Tho short ago of serviceable locomotives was evidenced upon the arrival of tho Shasta Limited from the south, In stead of the customary change of en gines here, the same engine that drew the train from Ashland was sent on to Portland with the train. Loaded SHELLS at MILNER'S. SALMON TROLLING outfits at Tho GUNNERY. Winchester and REMINGTON shot GUNS at MILNER'S. W S YESTERDAY Entire Police Force and Many, Detectives and Deputy Marshals on Guard. MORE TROUBLE IS THREATENED TODAY More National Guard Compa nies Called Out to Handle Situation In Mississippi ONE VICTIM DIES. (By Associated Press.) NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. C. Louis Lackauor, ono of the men Injured In yesterday's riot- Ing, died todny. ,,, RIOTS IN NEW ORLEANS; Ijirge I'ort-o of Pol lev, Marshals until DctcttlvcK In District. (By Associated Press to Coob Bay. Times.) NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 0. Practically tho entire pollco reserve forco of New Orlenns Is on guard la. tho rnllrond district todny to provont a repetition of the rioting which yes terday nnd Inst night marked tho Harrlman lines strlko In this city. Tho forces of rnllrond dotectlvea and deputy United States marshals wan. also Increased. Eight strlko-brouker and n deputy United Stated marshal, wore wounded In yestordny's clashes. Twelve strlko-brcakors, a half-dozoai strlkors nnd n detcctlvo aro In.JnlL chnrged with rioting. TROOPS AT McCOMIi;. Over IOO SoldlrrH With Cannon Guard Slrlke-llrrakerH. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) McCO.MB, MIbs., Octv 0. Four hundred nrmed troops with nu auto matic cannon nro on guard horo. LEAD FLOOD MORE TROUBLE THREATENED. Mob Attacks Quartern of Now Or leans Strlkc-llrenkcrri. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times, i NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. C Fol lowing nn assault nt 11 o'clock today on n brick building In which nro quartered 21G strike-breakers, eight hundred ox-employes of tho Illinois Central railroad and strlko sympa thizers withdrew on tho approach of the police and nt noon duclurod &' truco until 1:30 o'clock to permit the railroad company to conform to tholr demand to transport the strike breakers out of tho city. REPORT MOHiriUOTIXa. National Guard CoutpnulcH Sent to Water Valley, Miss. By, Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times., McCOMB, Miss., Oct. C. Tho- Gulf Port and Aberdeen companies oC the National Guard have boon sent to Wnter Valley whero there has boom rioting growing out of tho Illinois Central strlko. DO NOT FEAR ACTION. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tiroes.) KANSAS CITY, Oct. C Union la bor leaders today discounted tho ef fect of tho posslblo action of tho of ficials of the Harrlman Hues against tho striking employes under tho pro visions of tho .Sherman anti-trust law, suggested yesterday In a mes sage from Chicago to Martin F, Ryan,, president of the Brothorhood of Rail way Carmen. "No such action baa been taken yet," said Ryan today "We are not worried as wo boffevc such an attempt will havo little aa no effect." MONOGRAM oil at Tho OUNNERV Stiletto POCKET KNIVES will hold edge at MILNER'S. Hunting COATS at The GUNNERY V L