.mu,fcwi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBERS, 1911 EVEMING EDITIOH- I? i f COOS BAY1 MES M. O. MALONEY Editor mid lub. HAN E. MALONEY News Editor Entered at the postorflce at Marsh Bold, Oregon, for transmission through the mails as second class mull matter. SENSELESS WAU. ffilH BEND IS AGIST PUN (Continued from pago J.) w said that he and others In the Marsh- E HAVE a striking Illustration uoltl chamber of Commerce thought of what Is called defending tau tmo wn8 ri1)0 for the commercial "national honor" In tho muss Italy and Turkey nro getting Into. Whnt spectaclo could more movo tho civilization of tho world than to seo tho masses of tho Italian and tho TurklBh peoples, Just as the dnwn of a period of prosperity and pro gress, Is bursting on them, burden- organizations here to merge. He said it was but u stop in advnnco of tho Inevitable consolidation of tho towns on tho Day. Ho pointed out that Just as soon as transportation facilities nro afforded, tho thing to do will bo to consolidate tho school districts with the high school at cd with tho awful obligations of n North Dend nnd the others ns grado wnr that has no moro reason than nil tho other Bonselcss wars. It should not take, an Intelligent Jury ton hours to adjust tho differ ences botweon Turkey nnd Itnly. Such a war Is a criminal wasto of Bchools. Ho suggested that In merg ing tho' organizations, there bo two vice-presidents with one from North Uend and tho other from Marshfleld, that memborB be taken on tho Bame terms In both cities and that tho rlos and waterfront docks, etc. Ho said that while North Uend factories got considerable business from Mnrshflold, business houses In Mnrsh flold received business from North 13 end. He also opposed promiscuous advertising nB bringing In people who wore unable to find anything to do hero and had to go away. Ho said that Instead of this kind of ad vertising, ho thought tho efforts should bo concentrated towards get ting factories. In conclusion, Air. Wornlch stated, that ho was voicing tho opinions of others ns well ns Ideas of his own. Ho said that ho hnd tried to got expressions from tho North Bond men but that they evidently didn't want to expross their ronl views while tho Marshfleld vis itors wcro presont bo ho thought ac tion on tho question Bhould bo de ferred until the club was alono. At tho business sosslou, tho North Dond Commercial club last evening voted non-resldont memberships to W. P. Murphy and W. T. Merchant of Marshfleld. Inimnn llfo nnd opportunity. Tho, meetings be held alternately in men who engage their countries i; Marshfleld and North Uend. Ho said It Bhould bo hung ns common trai-1 thnt it was his desire to bco the two tors. , I towns" one some day and pointed out .that he recently bought a block bo tweon North Uend nnd Marshfleld on Sherman avenue where ho expected to build his home. Peter Loggle tho next speaker said that ho had changed his mind about tho matter alnco his visit In Marsh Hold and thnt he did not think tho tlnio wns rlpo for It. Also thnt ho didn't think It was right for Marsh fleld to take the nnmo Coos Uny be- Former Coos Bay Man Arrest- cause some day both cities wouui ie MOSS CHI , IN DIG II1 I ! Tho J. W. mOOS' STUDIO which hns been closed for somo tlmo, is ngaln ItEADY for business. Wo will bo pleased to welcome our old friends nnd now ones. Rlggs & Stlckney. cd on Serious Charge In San Francisco. . together nnd thnt North Uend then tSX DEAFNESS CANNOT 1E CUItED lyl in) nijllAtliii, n tliuy rniimit rcnrli tho iIIk'iim'iI purtlnii of tliuvHr. Therein n )' tone uny to rit'oilrnf- vi .nmlthiit In livcon ntllitti'iimln'iuril . Doiifnc n niticI by hii Inlliiinnlt'o illtlm of tin' intirnuo lining l tlic KitctHt'lilnii Tuliv. When tills tube I In. Itntnril you Imvon rnmbllim oniinit nr ImpT to t lit-urliiK. aid) uIiimi It l entirely elpcil, l)eiifne Ik the reMilt, ninl unlet the Inttitin mittliitl run be lukeii mil nnd IIiIn tiilorctnrril t It" minimi condition, lieiirlnu will bo ile M nu'il fori'Ve'!nlnet'HM' out ol ten nreemifeil by (ntiirrh. Milled l nolliltiK but nil I ti It Ktn meil t'onilltlou (it llnMiiriimiirfiire. We will L'lve One llmnlred Dollar for nny run' nf ilenfnei (enineil bv rntnrrlil tint run- vi u oi ri mi- un.i cnurrn t'ttrc. retnl I had n right to have Momothlng to say jnbout tho nnmo of tho consolidated plp.ee. In view of this, ho presented a II. A. Moos, who platted tho Gins- resolution providing that when the row Townslto ami who Is well known towns nro consolidated, tho merged to tho older residents of tho Hay" i municipality bo known as "Mllllco In serious trouble In Sun Frnnslnuo. ,, At h, Derbyshire, J. 0. Mullen Mr. .Mobs loft here sovornl years ago am, otjlura objected to tho resolution whon ho disposed of his local Inter- , . , f ord nU, chnlrmnn cuts. Concerning his ttttesl trouble, San Francisco dispatch of October '.'. nny a: "Ten dollars deposited on a mar- j of untcd t,ffortf I'.llini purctinxo in wukuuiiiit ii';t today rosultcd In tho raiding by tho Iinllcu of tho brokerage olllcos of Moss & Co., at 339 Montgomery Htroot, tho arrest of II. A. Mobs, tho Wornlch so ruled nnd it was laid on " tho table. C. It. Peck spoko briefly urging consolidation nnd pointing out the W. E. Uest, tho next speaker, pro ceeded to tnko n fow raps at Marsh Hold. Ho declared that Marshllold had shown u tendency to try nnd lit. .- ..iy,i,lllii, .i.1 nitunaik li'lint mnniiKor of tho concern hovoii cm- "K ''b u,.,.ov ployos nnd 20 visitors, and cn'ifld &" " wanted. Ho declared tho conflscation of books, momoran- that when North Uend hud tried to ln, tolograph liitruuuuita. ropous got a road Opened through to Ten nnd all tho glniuoroiiB paraphernnlln MIlo and tho Coos Itlver section with necessary to an establishment of this u ferry across to North Uend that character. Thomas II. Mlnot, ittor- Marshllold men hnd gono to tho coun noy for Moss, was nlso tnken Into cus- ty commissioners und tried to got tody, nil ho wns In tho otllccs trims- (ho forry placed over by tho creamery acting legnl business when they were Dr. McCormac lustnntly nroBO nnd rnltled. declined Mr. Uest wns mistaken. Ho "Tho chnrgo Is violating nu ortllu- pointed out that ho had appeared bo- mice, tho nntl-buckot shop law, uai;- foro th0 Coos county commissioners Ing It n Itnsdcmennnr to buy or sell ,, nrm tno construction of tho ntockH, liondH. grains or anything rf ,.,, 0 way Nortl, i)U,ltl wniited It tho like on it mnrglnnl basis, or ,, tll0 ictl0n of tho forry whoro wnnro tno pun-mui'ti articles nro nn X()rt,, ,, ,slrod. Superintendent iictually tlollvorod. . ,, HiiliHUuitlutua Dr. McCormnc's "AH wore taken to tho city prUon HtuRmont of It. in jiiunn M"m. I Ti.nn Ml. I,.,,,, Wnoli 0 know If I'HKN'KY Je CO.. Tole in. O. Hold by DtUircUtn, 7.V Trt'e llnll' KiimlM' rill (or eoiniirnllcin. "This inornlng Captain of Police Thomas Diinto, of tho central pollro stntlnn, detailed Policeman Jones to proceod to tho olllcos of Moss & Co. nnd nurchaso tho Decouihor whppt. Muruhlloltl proposod to conttuuo tho fight agaliiBt allowing n railroad to bridge tho bay nt North Uend and got access to that city. Dr. McCor- .lanes. wjth ton dollars Jingling In Mi '"c loiiiled that probably some Joans, entered Into his contract, nnd of tho.n would but thnt so far ns ho Immediately gavo n signal to n squall w Porsonally concerned, ho did not of policemen nttlrod In citterns' Ititoml to oppose bridging tho bay. clothes outside. Whon they ontored U. M. Jennings, tho next sponkor, tho olllces ovorythlng was thrown In- Bald that ho thought thoro woro only to wild confusion. Tho tolegnph enough peoplo horo for one town and Instrument clicked on, but tho pr- that the consolidation or tho Chum ntors failed to follow Its tips raid bors of Commerce would bo n step dips. I In tho right direction, tho consollda- "Moss hnB been fighting to conMn-'tlou of tho municipalities, no h'a brokerage establishment for j Herbert Armstrong, local manngor months. During tho lust legislature Uf the Monushn Woudouwnro com ho had a lobby thoro and circumvent- ,,,., t)l0 next spenkor snld thut ho oil thondoptlon of n law nlmod nt tho dU,n.t Eeo uny miVantngo In allowing bucket-shops. Then when tho 1"1 ,. Marshllold to "gobble up" any part ordinance was minuted, Moss sought or Kmh om Ho mM mt ,0 to nullify It by applying first to tho ,,, t int ,0 keo thom B0,mrat0 Btato nnd subsequently to tho tedi -,...,... , ,, ,,,.... ., I might bo a good thing by making n ul courts for roller. ni.. i....i.... .....i ........in.... "District Judgo William T. V.rii""" '"" ' ",' . , ,, . I it- A. Wornlch, tho llnnl speaker, Font grunted him n temporary re- .,,,.,, ,.,,,, , , .ti i .... .....i.,.T i,,i.,ir. i. I aUl that Mnrshflold had shown n Btrnlnlug order ptovontlug Intoini-l ,,,.,.,.,. onco with his business, but after a tendency to slight North Uend. that hearing last Friday Judgo Van Kl.t houBli North Uend men woro in Olssolvod tho order and refused to vltod to Chamber of Coinmerco ban Ibsiio n pormnnont Injunction." ntB 1'ore none of thom were Invited , to speak, thnt visitors to tho bay Don't forgot Coos Hay IIAN'DI woro takon through North Hond In DANCE at EAOI.KS UMAi, FItll.vniitoB by Marshfleld mop without bo nlKjlt, lug shown tho North Uend facto- Electric Power Liked in Woodworking Factories The economy oi! electric power in woodworking factories can be shown in a number of ways. The most convincing is the expression of satis fied users. "For instance, Mr. John II. Bohn, Manager of tho Idaho Match Block "Works, at Sandpoint, Idaho, says : " We havo used electric power for our four motors for two years and it has given us full satisfaction." Mr. E. L. Bennett, Secretary-Treasurer of tho Riverside Shinglo com pany, Ltd., says: "AVo are using electric power for tho manufacture of shingles. Wc find tho electric current to bo vory efficient, handling our work at reasonable cost. The motors havo given us satisfactory re sults in every manner possible." We will supply experts to solve every power need. Oregon Power Co. Telephone 17S. Light, White Always Right You Know tbe Rest, Drifted Snow Flour Have That Roof Fixed xow See CORTHELL Phono 8131 Tho implicit conftdonco that many peoplo havo In Chamborlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Romedy Is fqunded on their oxporlonce in the use of that romedy and their "Know ledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, cholera and dysootry'that it has effected. For sain by all dealer. Great Big Blankets WIIKX 10U IIKAK I.OU- PIIICK9 QUOTBI O.V IllASKKrS V.)U OliXMtAM.Y MSB TUB 9I.I3 1AI,I A.VI) Till! QUAUTV NOT WHAT IT SHOULD UK. HERE IS GOOD QUALITY HERE IS LARGEST SIZE HERE ARE LOWEST PRICES Dost size, Dost Quality cotton blankets with locked stitched edges, compnro slzo and qual ity. Our price, &A C 'per pair $' " Wool Finished Blankets, Into colors, genorous sizes, heavy weights, comparo frry r whoro you will. Our price s)&4"J Dainty Plaid Blankets, fine weight nnd quality, compnro theso with $4.00 blnn- rty A kots, our price, per pair PJV V Extra Quality Scotch plaid blankots, Pinks or Ulucs, something vory except ional. Our price, per pair... $5.00 Extra Superior, tho Last Word whon it comes to llnoss, quality, bIzo, finish, just' tho best there is nnd no mistake C.G0 and $7.50 PERRY NICHOLSON FOUMKItliY PKItllV, MOXTCO.MKItV & CO. Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would do well to call at tho Paclflo Monumental vorK, South Broadway and make selection from tho largo Btock now on hand. Mr. Wilson haB In hia employ tho only practical marble and gra nlto cuttor In Coos county. And none but tho best worK Is turned CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP COOS HAY At tho Close of IIiisIiichs, September 1, 11)11. ltesourccs. Loans and Discounts . 1209,719.02 Bonds nnd wnrranta 88,852.40 U. S. nonds to socuro circulation . . . 26,000.00 honl cstato, furnlturo nnd nxtures 81,172.94 Ciwli and Hluht exchnngo lOO.OJJl.OO Total resources ' $,1(13,070.02 Liabilities.' Capital Btock 1100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits. . ; . .' 0,880.20 Circulation 25,000.00 Deports i ia.1,100.00 Total liabilities $3(1.1,07(1.02 OITICIMtS AND IHKKCTOHS: W. S. Chandlor, president; M. C. Hortou, vlco-prosldont; Dorsey Kroltzor, Cashier; John P. Hall, John S. Coke, S. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglns, P. S. Dow, Win, Grimes, w. P. Murphy. Hello! Hello! IIousowlvcs of Marshllold uie Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocer docs not keep It call up PHONE 73-J. Free dollvory 8 a.m. to p.m. also STEIMLIZEI) CHEA.M & MILK ICE," UUTTEHMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE PrWESSIOrJAL OIRECTORY PROP. C. DAVIDSON PIANO AND VOICE Phone 461 Norlh Bend STATEMENT OP CONDITION Flanagan (Sh Bennett Bank -of- , MAHSHFIELD, OltEOON At tho closo of business September 1st, 1011. ltesourccs. Loans and Discounts $397,393.93 Banking Houso , 60,000.00 Cash and Exchanges 141,540.53 Total ... 9388,010.10 Liabilities Capital Stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 54,105.72 Deposits ' 484,774.74 Total $588,0 JO. 10 Dlt. E. P. WINKLKIt, Naturopath and Chiropractor. All chronic dlsenses treated. Coaul tntlon frco. Olllco houra: , 9 to 12 n. in.; 2 to 5 and 0 to S p. m. 'Naturopath Institute Room No. 1. No. 130 Hroadwny, Marshfleld, Ore. DU. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic l'hyolcbui Qraduato of tbe Amerltan Bcbool of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Rlk. Hours 10 to 13; 1 to 4; Phono 101-J; Marshfleld; Oregon. D It. C. C. TAOCIAHT, Phvslclnu and Surfieon. Ofllco 209-210 Coke Dulldlnff. Phoncsi Hesldenco 01IL? Olllcel62J J W. HENNETT, Lawyer. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. 1IENKY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coquille Offl:e Phone 191 Marshfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Genaral Agents "EASTSIDE" Offlee over Flanagan & Dennett Bank larahfleld T DU. J. T. McCOItMAO, K Physician and Surgeon " ' Marshfleld, Oregon. Offlco: Lockhart Dulldlng, opposite Pot Oflta. Phone 105-J r it a. o. nuiuiouGiis, - Scientific Massnglst, Treats all diseases - Office, corner Second and Central Avenue. Ofllco hours 11 to 12 a. w- 2 to 5 p. What's the Use? To tako chances on having your clothes spoiled by Inexperienced mon. Glvo us your work. We do everything and do it first class. Our work will excel any work on Coos Day. Make us prove it. We do dyeing, cleaning and pressing, alter ing and repairing. Wo make old hats now. Wo Call For and Deliver Your Suits UNIQUE PANTATORIUM rilONK 250X 230 Central Ave. U C 11 ( Wcas- v!ho have tam" Inventlvo ability IIEHP.!eai,o.w.rlt0,UK':,'KV A Mcl.M'IIIK, We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J DH. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlor We are equipped to do MJS ' work on short notice at tne lowest prices. Examlnatloi J Lady attendant, Coke building, m- site Chandler hotel. ALL KINDS WF JOI PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE D R. n. B. MOORE, Chiropr Clironle Diseases a bjh" t 203 Coos Bldg f ,.S0 Ofllco houra 1 to 5 o;v - Sunday 3 to o urAMTCnl!! CARPCTS UPHOLSTEIUNO PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tue r .. . rv,mnflny. Ord UC UIOttUiUB "- work taken at GOING & HABV j. I timU 1W l-'l y H - '..'vi'nu , 1 -a i- ,y ,...