THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1911 EVENING EDITION. German Prunes Boxes nvcrngo about 55 pounds, only $1.25 Lonvo your orders for canning to jnntoos, green nml ripe. Wo lmvo como choice ones. Tliono your orders to The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's SuiJs Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 07-J A now Btock of llio latest In the MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses nnd careful drlvors nra now at ttho dis posal of thu Coos Dny public at REASONABLE hates Mrs or rigs with drlvors ready for any trip anywhoro any tlmo. Ilorsoi boarded nnd rigs cared for. Now honrso and spoclal ncommo datlons provided for funornl parties. W. L. CONDRON'S lilVIiKY AND FEED STABLES l'HONB S73-J Always- "liTe Busy Hand Wo aro offering our ontlro lino of these at greatly i educed prices, practically rot. There Is a largo stock to solect from nt prices from 11 to $20. This Is n splendid clmiico to pur chase n now handbng at a Heal Bargain Price. see Jun window Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main 298 "ANTED A' WIFE Tho under signed, a middle agod gentleman of tho ago of 45 years, nnd well-to-do desires to marry a middle aged woman, n widow preferred. Dated at Mnrshfleld, Orogon, this 4th dny of October, 1911. Address Joseph Henry Richards, Mnrsh fleld, Oregon. WHOSE IS IT A nerkahlro bore. Call and pay for this ad nnd got yo'ir hog. W. A. Luse. FOR SALF 100-ncio farm, 25 acres cleared, remainder alder land. S. P. railroad survey runs through ranch. Plenty of routes, nnvlgnblo stream throughout place. -mlIo from a creamery and good storo nnd postofflce. $2,000 down nnd $1,500 In five years at 0 per cent. This will double your money In a year, if you mean business, ad dress Box 75, City, AGENTS WANTED First class for this and surrounding counties, for tho "NEW STANDARD 1910 Cen us ATLAS of the World." Agenjs f "" " Corker Different from any high toe shoe you ever saw before. An exclusive Florsheim "Natural Shape" model that we know will please by reason of its individuality as well as style. Most Styles $5.00 Woolen Mill Store .Ml MrTO-JI AN CLOTH I ERS MAHSHFIELD, OREGON. HI - Corner1' Bags Us making $40 to $00 por week, nest of terms. Also agents for low-priced, easy soiling JUVENILE nnd HOLIDAY books. Combination Outfit postpaid only 20c. G09fe commission to agents. Full parti culars freo. Address A. B. KUHL MAN, Publisher, 130 West Lake St., Chicago, 111. FOR HUNT New modern ."J-rooni bungalow sultnblo for small fam ily. Phone 1C7-J. FOR SALE fiuMilliio launch 20 feet , long and G-foot benm, first claBS order. Call at 427 Broadway. FOR HENT 7-rooin house with J bath, cor. No. Broadway and Cedar ; Ave. Apply to C. J. Bruschke. I WANTED Woman or girl to care for elderly Invalid. Inquire of Mrs. Sengstacken. FOK SALE CHEAP Piano, 1072 Anderson Ave. FOH SALE Pure Jersey milk. Phone 108X. Mrs. D. Haines. FOR SALB My farm 000 acre In oat lot or will cut up In parcels to ult. C. W, Santord. Mnrshfleld. FOB SALE Complete set, of ( Personal Notes FRANK TANNER was In from South Inlet todny. ED NOAH of North Coos Hlvcr Is lit Marshlleld todny. MUS. SAMUEL SHOOK of Allegany is a Marshlleld shopper today. IltIS ELROD has accepted n posi tion with thu Woolen Mill store. GEO ROBINSON of Ten Mile la n Mnrshfleld business visitor todny. MATT HOWRON of Isthmus Inlet Is a Marshlleld business visitor today. !'. C. SCHULTJC was a passenger on this morning's stnge for Hoscburg. MHS. WM. SHROCK of Emplro was the guest of friends In Mnrshfleld today. T, A. ANDERSON of Uaudon Is In Mnrshfleld on business and pleas ure today. CIIAS AIKEN came down today from Daniels Creole for n few days' visit In Murshllold. PETER HHOHI, nnd wlfo will leave Snturday for Portland nnd othei northern points. MHS. JOHN S. COKE linn Issued nn Invltntion for bridge for Wednes day, October 11. MRS. .IAS ELLERI1Y nnd llttlo dnughter, Junnltu, expect to lenvo Saturday for Astoria. ARTHUR McKEOWN has returned from a trip to Canada nnd other northern points. It. E. SHINE mid wlfo nnd family returned to Coqulllo todny after n few days' visit on tho Hay. GEO SENK returned today from n trip to tho Sluslaw and will lenvo shortly for his homo In Snu Fran cisco. R. T. STREET and family hovo re turned from a fow wcoks' outing nt Goodwill's ranch on South Coos Hlvor. HOY McCLALLEN loft Mondny aft ernoon for Portlnnd, on routo to Marshlleld to remain Indollnltely. Hosoburg Hovlow. HERMAN KRUGER, who recently ture for sovon-room houso. Muat bo sold altogether. Cheap It taken at once. Enquire nt Times. NOTICE Will tlu party wli took my coat from tho wntorfront to day kindly return It to Nnsburg'H grocery. Nnmo "Harry Nnsburg" Is on Inside of lusldo pocket of coat. WANTED 0 experienced coul mill ers Boavor Hill Company. WANT TO 1UY Hoi-M", weight 12.10 lbs. Must drive slnglo or double. Apply at Connor & Hongland storo FOR It ISN'T Two furnished house keeping suites. Pleasant and con vonlont. E. M. Drown, near Park, North Dend. FOU SALE A buggy cheap. Apply Club Cigar Storo. T. Moos. ; CITY AUTO service Mauris. Day phone, HIanco Clgnr 78, Blanco Hotel phono 40. Stands night: Smokehouse Phono CC-J, Pnlaco restaurant phono G-J, HIanco hotel phono 40. WANTED Glil to wait on table nnd to do general housework. Phono 285 or call nt ofllco nt mill. C. A. Smith Lumbor Mfg. Co "The Men We Love and the Men We Marry" Is tho tltlo of nn article In a lato Issue of a popular ladles' perio dical. Tho ladles aro genorally agreed that If thoy got a chance to feed him woll thoy could mnrry any man. Ono of tho first nnd finest things of any meal Is the soup or Bouillon. Tho host of theso Is LIEBIG'S BOUILLON CUBES Squares of Delicious Concentrated Bouillon Ono cube. A cup of boiling water. Drop tho cubo In and stir. The result is bouillon that no chef In tho world enn surpass. And you can got these cubes at 10c and 25c per tin. A trial will con clnco you of their merits. Lockhart's Two Private 85 and sold the Owl Saloon, will leave Sat-1 urdny for Portland and other, northern points nnd will then con tinue his trip to his old home In tSermnny. GEORGE SHERIDAN left Mondny for Portland, from which city he will proceed by steamer to North Bond. lloseburg Review. MRS. A. CHRISTIANSEN nnd Mrs 1. arson and Miss Larson of Fcrn dale are guests at the John Tel lefson home In Eastslde todny. W. DENNETT and wife are spend ing u few days at The Maze on South Coog River, -a. P. Owen Is nlso spending a few days thore. MRS. J. T. LEWIS of Dandon was In Mnrshfleld today en routo to Portland whero she will niako her home. A son resides In Portland. J. O. OLSEN, who recently located at Heaver Hill, will leavo Saturday for Portland to meet his family who nre en route hero from the east. MRS. J. T. McCORMAC arrived home last evening via Drain from n few weeks' visit nt Portland, Salem, Albany nnd Corvnllls and other northern points. . W. TIPPETS, cashier of tho Coo Hay Homo Telephone company, Is expected back In n day or two from a vacation trip to his old homo nt Grass Valley, Cal. MRS. EMILY O. McFARLIN of North Inlet, la a Marshflcld shop per today. She reports that the cranberry crop this year will bo hotter than tho nverngo. WM. E. HOMME of Cooston was In Marshlleld today on business. It Is understood nt Cooston that O. C. Set her contemplates platting and selling his land on Kontuck Inlet. W. U. DOUGLAS oxpects to lenvo In a day or two for Portland on biip Iness. Ho will also visit his son, Duncan, who Is attending Oregon Agricultural dollogo nt Corvallls S. C. BROWN has roturned from Co qulllo whore he had tho contract for moving buildings for tho local railway to enablo them to chnngo their tracks through that place LOUIS II. ' KEATING, tho local agont of tho Breakwater, plans to lenvo Saturdny an his annual vaca tion trip. Ho will visit Portlnnd, Eugene and other northern points DR. C. W. TOWER" plnnH to lenvo Saturdny for Portland for n short stay. Ho oxpocts to also visit his daughtor, Miss Nelllo Tower, who Is taking a musical course In Seat tle. O. A. SIGNALNESI wib horo from Portlnnd Saturdny. Ho recently roturned from Coos Hny nnd re ports business good thoro, with numerous railroad surveying par- Hob In tho flolil.Ilosoliiirir Hovlow i SIMON ERICKSON of Lnrson's In let was in Mnrshfleld today to oin- ploy mon to holp dig his potatoes. J Ho hns a pretty fair crop. Tho prices aro high this year, bringing $1.75 por hundred wolght already. . D. SMITH and wlfo havo returned from a few days' visit at Hosoburg to whoro thoy accompanied their son, Tom, and daughtor, Annie, on routo to Philomath whore tho hit ter will attond school. Mr. Smith roports that tho rainy weather greatly Intorfored with tho Dou glas county fnlr. Just beforo thoy started from here, Mr. Smith had n tooth extracted nnd ho caught cold in his Jaw diirlnir tho trim I causing Illness which detracted I much from the pleasure of his vis- It. T Grocery Phones w 305 ' i"i TTT mX. o THE WEATHER. (By Associated Prof s.) OREGON. Oct. 4. Occasion al rain tonight and Thursday. FnitMU'll Party. Tho farewell dancing party to bo given by Prof. Ueggs nt I. O. O. F. Hall this eve ning promises to be largely attended. Huy Store. ChnB. 13. Fox and Geo Cook havo purchased the second hand store on North Front street which was formerly conducted by W. A. Ketchuin. Camp Moved. Tho removal of the Smith-Powers Logging enmp from Cunningham creek to McKnlght'd landing on South Coos Hlvcr was completed yesterday. Reception Tonight. Tho Congre gation of tho Mnrshfleld Methodist church and their friends will toudor a reception to Row H. I. Hutledgo and wife In tho cli iron parlors this evening nnd a large tvUcudnnco Is expected. Tench ut CoivhIIIm. Prof. Apple white and Prof. Hewitt, who wore members of the faculty of tho Marsh lleld high school last year, aro In structorH In the preparatory school of Oregon Agricultural collcgo nt Corvallls this year. Cut Out Hill. Road Supervisor Taylor Slglln has a forco of men cutting through n new road opposite Ilenryvlllo. Tho now piece of road Is nbout n half mtlo long and when completed will cllmlnnto tho worst hill on tho Coqutlle-Mnrshfleld road. Is Bankrupt. Creditors of .Ins. W. Duncan, who formerly conducted u furniture factory In North Bend, havo boon npprnlsed that ho hns been ad judged a bankrupt and that tho flunl hearing of creditors will bo held In fedornl court nt Portlnnd November To Hosoburg. L. D. Wnlrath, of tho Oregon Life Insurnnco Co., ac companied by his family, nrrlved horo Saturday evening to romnln per manently. Mr. Wnlrath has boon looking nfter his company's Interests for tho pnst threo montliB, nt Mnrsh fleld. Hosoburg News. On New Paper. Miss Sponco Wil son has received word that Miss Fny King of Portlnnd, n close friend of hors, Is tho cnrtoonlst on "Tho Blonchor," n now sporting weokly which hns been started In Portlnnd -1' IMchnrdHon who formerly hand- vi " " " I Journal. Somo copies of tho now 'p " 8P" "ow u ''""IIUKl minor havo been received hero and lBV0 nlni,0 n vory fftVora,,,0 ,,. . slon. Engagement Announced. Friends of Claudo Nusburg and Miss Holon Doblo havo been npprlsod of their ongngoment, although no formal an nouncement has yot been mndo. Tho marriage will tako placo In Decom- bor, probably. Miss Doblo Is woll known on tho Bay, having visited hero a numbor of times at tho W. S. Chandler homo. Sho Is prominent In Portland society, her homo be ing In Portlnnd. Goes to Ten Mile. Ivy Condron Is organizing a hunting nnd flailing Prty today to go to Ton Mile for a few duys outing. This Is Mr. Con- (Iron's first trip thoro nnd ho Is nr- PHEl'SS DRUG CO. A medicine that gives confidence Is Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Compound .Mrs. T. J. Adams, 522 No. Kansas Avo., Columbus, Kns., writes: "Foi I a number of years my children havo ! boon subject to roughs nnd colds. I used Foley's Honey and Tar Com , pound and found that It cured their coughs nnd colds, so I keep It In tho houso nil tho time." Rofuso sub stitutes. PHEl'SS DRUG CO. ' Light, White Always Right You Know tbe Rest Drifted Snow Flour ranging to have tho event properly celebrated. Is 111. Davo Stioddon of Llbby was taken to Mercy hospital last night for treatment. Ho Is suffering from peritonitis nnd other complica tions. To Moriford Rev. W. T. Gouldor, who has been pastor of tho Methodist church South, nt Coqulllo tho past year, has returned to Mcdford, Rev. C. H. Cleaves succeeding him nt Co qtiillc. Trouble Hivwlng. It was reporto.l todny that serious troublo Is browing between somo fishermen from tho Columbia river and Coos Bay flsher men over tho division of tho local salmon Hold nnd a clash Is expected any tlmo. May Not Meet. Owing to tho opi nion of City Attorney Goss that It would not bo necessary to hold a prlmnry election In Mnrshflold owing to the special city charter providing for tho nominating of city candidates by a caucus, City Rccordor Butler stnted today 'that tho special session of tho city council called for tonight probnbly would not bo hold. Long Auto Trip. Mr. Plxloy, a tobacco salesmnn, arrived horo yes terday from Snu Francisco In nn auto, having made tho trip up tho coast with ono or two other sales man. They visited nil tho principal points along tho coast, traveling about 1,000 tulles In threo weoks. Thoy got through without much dif ficulty but owing to tho rainy wonthor havo decided to ship their nuto back by steamor from here. They had n 30-h.p. flvo possongor car. Hunied Whiskers. 13. 13. Johnson, tho well-known Coqulllo lumborninn, and Inspector Mohlor drove over to dny In Mr. Johnson's car. Mr. John son hnd n lino Van Dyck heard grow ing until tho other night when ho took tho generator tank off his nuto to clean It, whllo overhauling tho machine. Ho thought nil tho gas was out of tho tank nnd lit n match ovor It to sco whothor It was clean. Thoro was nn explosion nnd his lino beard, tho pride of his many Coqullla frlonds, was a sight to behold. Lucki ly there wasn't sulllclont gas to In jure his eyes. Left All to Wife. Judgo John P. Hall has roturned from Coqullla whoro ho held tho monthly session of probntocoiirt.ndjournlngiintll next Monday. Somo got It confused with tho mooting of tho county commis sioners but tho latter will not bo hold' until tho first Mondny In Novombor. Tho only mnttor to como up In pro batn court was tho final sottlomont of tho estnto of John Krononborg, tho woll known Coqulllo plonoor who died sovornl months ngo. Mr. Kro nonberg's estnto wns npprnlsed at nbout 9:14,000 and It wns nil boquon thed to his widow with tho excep tion of $10 nptoce to oneh of tho four children. Couldn't Find Hrltt. Constable Cox wont to Emplro nnd to tho Life Saving Station todny to sorvo a war rant on Cnpt. Brltt of tho U. S. Llfd Snvlng crow charging him with as sault nnd bnttery. Tho chargo was preferred In Justlco Ponnock's court by T. II. Barry of Emplro who al leges Brltt attacked his son. Con Btablo Cox was unnblo to find Mr, Brltt today but will return lator to sorvo tho wnrrant. Major Tower of Emplro today filed an affidavit beforo Justice Peiiuock that ho saw Brltt kick tho Barry Boy. It Is said tho trouble resulted from troublo be tween tho nnrry boy and a stop-spa of Cnpt. Brltt. Fine Apples. Chad Stauff has placed on exhibit at tho Marshflold Chamber of Commorco a flno box of apples that he secured from tho J. D. Donhnm orchard. REV. J. T. M. Knox nnd family of Mnrshflold and Rev. I). A. McLeod of North Bend will lenvo Saturday to attend tho annual Synod of this Presbytery of tho Presbyterian church. Thoy will go via Port land. DR. WINKLER or knife. uses NO DRUGS v . , mrj--nj--22