The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 04, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 2, Image 2

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    7 y -v
01. O. .MALONI'Y
DAN K. tAI.()Ni:V
l.'dllo' nnil I'nti.
XfH I Mil or
Entered at the poatofllce al Marsh
Gold, Oregon, for transmission
through tho tnalts as Bec6nd class
mall matter.
Wat-rins' Por.j'
Siough Reflections
i III women Jmors of Washington
state are attracting considerable
attention, and nniong the vari
ous criticisms which have been haz
arded Is the suggestion that they will
probably prove obstlnntc. They will
"hang up" tho Jury. It Is reported
thnt one womnn has already been
utility of this Indiscretion. Hut It
If you hne a thought the know
ing of which might help some one.
give It wings nnd speculate on whnt
folks will think of you afterward.
The world Is full of people who
have tho courage to face death In
all Its forms, but who, face to face
with rldlculo of any kind, or the
prospective loss of fifteen cents scur
ry to tho woods like frightened rabbits.
Any soul who leaves the world n
trifle better than he found it has
cannot be denied that she has had j heon a success, though the shouts of
plenty of mascullno precedents for
tho action nnd if tho case Implies
obstinacy this cannot bo described ns
a distinctly feminine trait.
The significant thing about the
whole mntter seems to bo thnt the
pot prcjudlco ngalimt a womnn's lo
ulc or Inck of logic, Is about to bo
overthrown. Either this or the
courts will profit by her power of
Intuition, which has always been
conceded to bo a pretty safe nnd
trustworthy criterion. At any rate,
the womnn Juror must bo presumed
to possess certain powers of discrimi
nation which permit her to welsh
evidence and render an Impartial
Judgment. Her presence In tho court
hosts and the blare of trumpets
have never proclaimed his praise.
It Is a curious fact that n largo
mnjorlty of the men who, In this
world have done most for mnnklnd
have been rnted poor. Kven the
Savior of men didn't have a place to
lay his head.
(Continued from page 1.)
four tunnels on tho route between
here nnd tho, but he thinks
thnt the ruck Is nearly all sandstone '
which is comparatively easy excavnt-1"B-
Ho said that when tho construc
tion work Is commenced It will prob
ably be carried on at both ends nnd
at Eoveral Intermediate points, ns
supplies can easily be shipped In by
I can't see tiny difference between
tho man who gets nil his feet In tho
trough nnd trios to gobble everything
In Bight and any other hog.
In the iiccuinulntlon of great
wealth no mnn oer did or can hnvo
nny rospect, or nny regard for any
room in this capacity would Imply "?' " "-""""' "' '" "-
imiiHfii. i ncro is no law 01 uou or
-11 h much. Anil tlniiiuli shit miiv bo
!,! ic. bo .I..II..III...4I morn RUHcnotl ' ll0 "''W" "r rospertB.
He Is a
all who
LlA An Itt H'tl IMi l-F.t'44 ..
l.f -. ,... I... I .......,... Ih.iti ni.iJr','IHII MMIt'l IJUIUIU 11(1111
men, it Is often Mated, with good ","(,H0 "r Hnn '" tho wn' ro n,lh
reason, that the sternest Judge which
nn erring woman has to meet is hor
sister who hns not sinned.
lossly ridden down nnd crushed. His
heart In and must needs be u heart
of stone. Ills ears arc deaf to tho
However, there can bo no ndequtto n"pnlfl , of tho wl,lmv' t,lp 0,hn"
nnd ncrurnto weighing of the various
or of huiunn misery or
sorrow or
attributes of sex In this or nny other (H,,,rcr",K ot """ k,nd
connection. What the more conspic
uous nnd nggressivo woman thinks
nnd docs Is too often taken as rep
resentntlvo of tho wholo ot woman
kind. Whether most women urn en-
pnlilo of making good Jurors run nlvl",0"011 ,oot t0 ,l,,rnr,e8' t0 BC,,oolH' t0
i, ..r..i ... i... i..i.. ii. i. chnrchoH nnd tho llko and tho world
ftJU lUIIItU UIIV UJ fjlVlllfi 1IIUIII uai'uii
No Hoftenlng lulluenco from with
out appeals to this human hyenn. At
Inst, after ho is fully satiated, to
gratify his vanity ho donates his III-
onco; they are being nllowod nn Iso
lated clianco at tho Job hcpiuh t
dubs such nets, "chnrlty" and tho
donor "chnrltnblo."
Biiggest thnt thcro Is n growing spirit
of appreciation of tho breadth nnd
ncopo of human Justice. That Jurors
will sometimes go wrong is to ho
oxpocted, for they nro humnn ns woll
JudgcH, who hnvo long been conceded
nn to bo fallible.
Tho problom of orltuo and punish
ment Is ns mnny-Hlded as humnn life
Itself nnd It bcpiiih only retiHonnblo
thnt thoro nro occnHlons when tho
womnn's point of view would be
morn soundly and humanely lutelll
pont than thnt of the man's. Tho
duty of serving on Juries Ih certainly
not a pleasant or deslrahlo one, but
If tho women nro ready to assume
tniH added rospnimlblllty tney may
not bo found wanting In tho qunll
tle that make up a clear-headed
When the Children Co to School.
Southern 1'ncHle Acquires Property
Xear I'iism,
The Eugene Ounrd snys: An
agreement for tho sale of 13. 19 acres
ot land about five miles west of Eu-
gone to tho Southern Pacific company
from Mrs. Murle Hunsen, widow of
IlatiH HnuKcn, was filed for record
with the county clerk. Jt Is not
known whnt tho Southern Pnclllc
company wants with this land unless
It intends to establish a station there
nnd desires tho land for depot
grounds nnd switching purposes.
Tho land is very close to the Chris-
tenor pass In tho low range of hills
to tho west of the city and which Is
held by tho Lane County Asset com-pany.
Preferred Stock
come out whole can be scrvci
as stewed tomatoes, or any way,
at less cost than fresh ones though
equally as good.
Notice the ordinary kiiw"-
more like soup than tomatoes;
then open a can of Preferred
Stock the kind you would pick
from the vine if you had
your choice.
i ii h
Stock Canned Goods
) Packed Wherever the Best are Grown
where the tomatoes are prown, by one
of the neatest, most expert canneri In
all California. Tomatoes are a staple
necessity in every household. Even the
United States Government regards them
as an important food from an hyeienlc
and nutritive point of view. Preferred
Stock Tomatoes may cost a trifle more
than some kinds, but look at the way
they come out of the can and mostly
For our tomatoes we ro to the famous
Santa Clara Valley In California. These
tomatoes are finn-r. with more meat
and less water. Only the best of these
are selected for Preferred Stock uie
they must be just a red, firm ripeness.
We pay more for our tomatoes
than most canners do, and we insist
on havlnp the first pick, accept
only the best fruit, of uniform, me
dium site, and have it put q right
treat I observe the quality and flavor
-and the quantity.
Be sure the Tomatoes are Preferred Stock, jrom your Grocer
ALLEN & LEWIS, Wholesale Grocers, PORTLAND, OBEGON, U. S. A.
((toil Piourcss.
Tnggnrt Anton, chief engineer of
tho Coos Hny and I'nstorn Electric
wits In from camp today anil reports
that good progress Is being made on
that survey. Hotter than a one per
cent grndo is being obtained and tho
only dlfllculty Is keeping tho curva
ture down to a maximum of six per
cent. The locating survey will stnrt
immediately after tho completion ot
tho preliminary survey.
Clius Codding nnd Tom Coko wero
in Marsh field today running some
lines here for the Tormina! Hallway
All Eagles Attention!
IkSWs WpiuWsffjiv
Night, October 4
Your Presence Is Requested
Nature Is a good doctor, but hIio
Tmnkes hor patients pay to tho InHt
The Iloreafter does not seem ns
Important to most of us as whnt wo
nro horo nftor.
"Ah n romiuder of tho evils of
wnr," snys tho St. Louis Globo-Do-mocrnt.
"It may bo observed that
Chtnn Is still borrowing money."
Huh! In thnt respect China Isn't a bit
more persistent than some fellows
on Coos Hay who never Htnolled gum-powdor.
Tho Nnnn Smith nailed this morn
ing for liny Point.
Tho Ilrenkwater Is duo In early to.
morrow morning from Portland.
I love my children dearly
And bless tholr merry way
Ah they romp around tho kitchen
Or rush outdoors to piny.
Hut I confess thnt Romotlmes
I hloHH tho trunut rule
And thank my Htnrs for quiet
When tho children go to school.
They rouse them with tho chickens
And start tho morning din
About the time thnt grownups
Their morning sleep begin.
And then there's getting breakfast
With such u kltchenful.
No wonder I am thankful
When the children go to school.
It's truo tho hnuso bcoius silent
And I miss tho morning riot;
Hut there's some tlnio In tho morn
ing That a body must bo quiet.
And so I do my duties
With thnukful heart and cool
And bless tho silent reuplto
When tho children go to school.
It won't bo long, they tell mo,
. Iiuforo they'll lenvo the nest,
For lledglngs grow to eagles
I know It's for tho best.
And a future day Is coming
When I'll know I nm a fool
For hoping for tho hour
When tho children go to school.
MHS. C. M. BYLER of North Bend
was a Mnrshfleld business visitor
North Bend News
Byron Hndsou of IIosh' Inlet was
visiting rolatlvcs in Mnrshfleld Monday.
Dr. Hurmlster Ih erecting n gnrngo
near his resilience for his now auto.
Mrs. C. Y. Hurko nnd son nnd Mrs,
Stewart nro Marshflold shoppers today.
Dr. Knox of Mnrshfleld and other
ministers wore down hero today mak
ing plans for beginning the revival
meetings thnt nro going to ho held
nt tho Tnbernnclo In MarHhfleld.
or coos hay
At tlio Close of Business, September 1, 11)11.
Loans and Discounts $1209,719.62
Bonds and warrants 88,852.4 tl
U. S. Bonds to securo circulation 25,000.00
Itonl ostnto, furnlturo nnd fixtures 8t.472.P-l
Ciudi mill Night exchange KIO.OISI.DO
Total resources 9.103,070.02
Capital stock $100,000.00
Surplus and undivided profits , 6,880.26
Circulation 25,000.00
"oposlts IJJiMOO.flO
Total llabllltlc f?"(J"I,07(l.t)2
W. S. Chandler, president; M. C. Horton, vice-prosldont; Dorsoy Kroltzor,
Cashier; John P. Hall, John S. Coko, S. C. Itogors, W. U. Douglns,
F. S. Dow, Win, Grimes, P. Murphy.
Tom Stnnff and llttlo daughter,'
who wero the guests of Mrs. Wnltor
Sinclair In Coqulllo. returned to tholr
homo on Coos Hny yosterday.
Mrs. T. Dlmmlck of Coqulllo City
camo ovor yosterday to visit frlouds
nnd relatives on the Hay.
Mrs. It. Smith nnd baby of Daniels
Crook is shopping nnd visiting rela
tives on tho Hay.
Tho Presbyterian Ladlos' Aid so
cloty will meet Thursday afternoon
nt tho homo of Mrs. William Vaughn
of North Hencl Heights.
The fast man is pretty certain to
fall behind.
Tho Allliiuco will sail from Port
land tomorrow for Coos Hay,
Tho Kxcolslor nnlved in this morn
ing from San Francisco nnd will load
with lumber at tho Smith mill.
Whnt threo vowels express trou-
blo? 1. O. U.
It will probably never bo known
what the hand-saw.
Tho ongluo from the old tug As
toria Is being taken out and will bo
put In tho now steam schooner which
in being built at the North Heud ship
yards for tho Simpson Lumber com
pany. Tho laying of tho deck on
tho now vessel Is nbout comploted.
HI (J HONIi issim:.
Ho sure you nro right, and then
don't make a fuss about It. '
Thoio Is many a man
worth what It costs him
who Isn't
to live.
""very dog has his day, and too
many of them hnvo their nights nlso.
Tho steamer Anvil arrived hero on
hor regular trip front Portland Wed
nesday montng Tho vessel crossed
tho bar about S o'clock or at low
tide nnd found twelve feet of water
on tho bar. This would show about
17 feet at ordinary hluh tide. Flor
see West.
The blacksmith may bo an expert
forgor without bolng arrested 'for
You may think that public officials
are servants of tho people, If, as one
of the latter, you novor tried to got
one of the former to do something.
LuKsoii County Votes $l,i()(),0()0
For Good ltimds.
MNDFOUD. Ore., Oct. L The
$1,500,000 bond Issue for good roads
wns passed at tho Jackson county
election Saturday by a majority of
200. In tho passage of this bond Is
sue Jackson county sots a precedent
in tno state regarding good ronds
construction. The action was tnken
by the advice of attorneys who main
tained that tho amendment to tho
constitution clearly implied the right
of n county to bond Itself for n sum
over $5,000 to quell rebellion or
construct permnnent roads. It Is be
lieved thnt this Interpretation will
bo maintained by tho courts.
Flanagan (3b Bennett Bank
At the closo of business September 1st, 1011,
Loans and Discounts $397,393.93
Dunking House 60,000.00
Cash and Exchanges , 141,546.53
Totnl $388,010.40
Capital Stock paid In $50,000.00
Surplus aud Undivided Profits 54,165.72
Ooposlts 484J74T4
Total $-.88,010.10
Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire
and Marine Insurance
Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.
Coqullle Offlje Phone 191 Marahfleld Office 14-J.
Farms --- Timber Coal and Platting Lnnda a apeclalty.
Qenaral Agents "EASTSIDE"
Electric Power
Liked in
The economy of electric
power in woodworking
i'm-lorics can bo shown
in u number oi' ways.
The most convincing ig
tho expression oi' satis
fied users.
For instance, Mr. John
II. IJolin, Manager of
the Idaho Match Block
AVorks, at Sandnoint,
Idaho, says: "We have
used electric power for
our four motors for two
years and it has given
us full satisfaction."
Mr. ID. L. Ucnnell. Secretary-Treasurer
of the
Kiverside Shingle com
pany, Ltd., says: "We
are using electric power
for the manufacture of
shingles. "We find the
electric current to bo
very efficient, handling
our work at reasonable
cost. Tho motors have
given us satisfactory re
sults in every manner
Vc will supply c.r perls
lo solve every power'
Oregon Power Co.
Telephone 178.
Phone 461 North Bend
T It. K. 1 WI.VKLKIt,
Viitintiatli mid Chiropractor.
All chronic diseases trentcd. Consul-
tntlon frco. Office- hours:
9 to 12 a. in.; 2 to C nnd G to 8 p. m.
Naturopath IntUltuto Iloom No. 1.
No. lac Drondwny, Mnrahlleld, Ore.
- Osteopathic 1'liyolcIflD
Uraduato of the Atnorltan school ot
Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. 00c
In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 16 to Hi Uo
A; Phone 161-J; MarshUeld: Oregon.
Dlt. C. C. TAGQAI.T,
ll-ul-.f. nnil ClttMrfrtn.
nniPrt 209.210 Coke Building.
Phones: Hesldonco 0UL Qfflco -ftg
Offlee over FJanauan & Dennett Bok
larshfleld Oregon
, Physician and Surgeon
Marahfleld, Oregon.
Jnice: Lockhart Dulldlng,
opposite Post Ollte.
Phone 105J
r a a. c. nuitnouGiis,
Scientific Mnssnglst,
Treats all diseases Office, corner
Second and Central Avenue.
Office hours 11 to 12 a. in.
. 2 to 6 p. m.
A TUltKlSn HATH will do you
GOOD. Phpne 2U-J.
Don't forget the Turkish
piio.VB auj, 4I
Read tho Times Want Ads.
After the sbow try a Turkish Batb
Phoae a 14-J.
Read the Times -Want' Ad."
What's the Use?
To tako chnuces on having your
clothes spoiled by inexperienced
men. Give us your work. Wo do
everything and do It first class. Our
work will excel any work on Coos
Day, Make us provo It. We do
dyeing, cleaning and pressing, alter
ing and repairing. We make old hats
We Call For and Deliver Your Suits
rilONB JWOX iM Oeataa Ate.
Have That Roof Fixed
Phono 8131
Complete line of Bicycle supplies,
second-hand bicycles for sale. Guns,
bicycles, etc., repaired.
Umbrellas covered and repaired.
B. BANDEL, Prop.
Mwi..-.. ii, Parlors.
Wo o nnnlnnoH f(l dO high ClSS3
work on short notice at the jw
lnnroat nrlxo- RxamlnatlOn re
Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo
site Chandler hotel.
"TVR. II. B. MOORE, Chlropracwr.
L Chronic Diseases a Special
203 Coos Bids Pone J1
Offlco hours 1 to Bi 6:30 to 7:3.
Sunday 3 to B
PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Fneu-
tic Cleaning Company. Orders
work taken at
phoxk in ;.' J
N. 7 Nes Frswt St. phoae t0-H
' i'ii t -
KBSi -Msisj