The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 03, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Image 2

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' I
'flik t
St. C. MAI.OXKY Ktllior t.nd Pub.
' ISutered at tuc po3tomco nt MarBli
fleld, Oiegon, for trniiBinlsslon
through the malls as second class
tnnll mutter.
Olllolal Paper of Coos County
AddrcRs nil communications to
t'tirshflclil :: :: :: :: Oregon
Dedicated to the Borvlco of the
people, that no good ctuise shall lack
. champion, and that ovP shall not
thrive unopposed.
One year $6.00
Per month , 50
Ono year $l.b0
When paid strictly In advance the
itibscrlptlon price of the- Coos Day
Times Is SD.00 ptr year or $2.50 tor
fllx months.
An Independent Republican news
paper puhllslied every uvonlng excopt
Butiday, and Weekly by
Tln Coon Hay Tlittci Publishing Co.
coos hay, tiii: city hk.u'tuti
OM!'! of the greatest and
beautiful cltleu In tlio
- hnvo reached tholr glory through
battle royal with nature, the environ
ment inllltntliiK against the nmbltlon
of "the city builder.
Cities like Seattle. Kiuuuh City
nnd other, that might he named,
wherein crumpled uattiie left little
to bo desired uh to the Ideal for city
Inilldlng, have had the energy and In
dustry hslilud them In ambitious
citizenship that has leveled the
crumples, cut down great embank
ments and ploughed delightful boil
levardH through what, Ur tho Umh
onorgetlc and delermlnod, would
luivo been eoiiHhlered Impregnable
ImrrieiH Hut, It I oltlon like these
with great and utmost Intiunnonut
iiblo nlmtiu'let to overcome that
usually accomplish the greatest and
most wonderful iuhuIU.
CltleH like Marshllold, favored of
nature an few cities In the world,
often fall to appreciate the advan
tages they possess In this direction
feeling that, nature having done so
much, there Is little else that the
hand ran do to add to the beauty
nnil symmetry of the Hiirroiindlng.i.
No city on the Paellle coast com
pares with any of the cltleu on Coos
Day for beauty of location. .Joaquin
Miller, the poet, gave expression to
this bsniity when requested to write
n poem on Coos Hay mid lie replied,
"Tho Almighty has written u poem
on Coos Hay and bound It in green
nnd gold."
Hum Is nu Ideal situation, with the
onclrellng hills and the wide stretch
of wuturs. Ood has given one or
more of the elements of beauty to
every city but here ho has combined
them all.
Nowhere ran be found grander
nronlc beauty than Coos Itlvor offers.
Tho old Cammanu road, beautiful
ns some dim cathedral aisle cannot
ho duplicated any place In the
The proposed boulevard that could
bo made glorious with Its parkways
Is one that should not be neglected
or poiimtted to languish. A feu
thousand dollars spent now In parks
nnd parkways would ntako It possible
to hnvo some of the finest drives and
parks on the roast.
There Is every opportunity here
for making tho coming city of Coos
Day the most beautiful In the west
With an abundance of water, that
only ronulros to be taken advantage
of, Ideal contour of surroundings
and every contribution almost that
uftturo has to offer as a help there Is
no reason why Coos Hay should not
become tho most beautiful city In all
of the glorious golden west.
been so ndmlttad from tho day tho I
pact received tho president's signa
ture, i
It will be with grent d'fflculty that'
emigres can be persuaded to repeal
the pact. This counti.- will never
go back ngaln to taxed paper and !
wood pulp nnd never ought to. More
over, the 8entlmont for reciprocity,
Is strong nnd there will be)
a disposition to nunlt a new turn In j
the affairs of Canada when a calmer I
nnd fairer view of tho situation will
Just what Premier Lnurlor mny
hnvo In mind In deciding to remain
iu pnrllnment Is not nnnounc?d, fur
ther than his own declaration thnt
It would not do to nbandon his
friends nt this time. Hut the premier
Is a long-headed man nnd nn adroit
political leader nnd nobody knows
better than he does that there will
be a reaction from the nbsurd scaro
Into which Cannda has worked It
self. Nobody knows better than he
does tho difficulties Mr. Harden Is
going to hnvo In organizing a gov
ernment with men who have been
out of touch with the popular ma
jority for many years, for tho promo
tion of principle that tho people
have not Indorsed.
It Is not difficult to foresee the
possibilities. On one stdc there Is
n icclproclty pact already agreed to.
and from which It will be hard to
get a congress to recede, and on tho
other there Is the natural lendershlp
of the Cnnndlon people not ou'y
most committed to tho pnet, but now hav-
world . lug n personnl pride In converting
the Canadian innwes to Its nccent
nnce. Tho Americans have put the
pact up to Cannda, ad will continue
to hold It up to them. All the saga
city nnd porsunulveness of I.nurler
will bo devoted to bringing about Itj
It will not do to dlmilss recipro
city too Hpoedlly from tho nntlorul
programme. Reciprocity Is not kill
ed bv the adverse vote of Caiinda
There Is a great deal yet to be done
to dispose of tho matter finally.
Harry Dlmmick and Wife and
Son Arrive Here From
San Franclsoo.
You Cant Obtain Good Service
0V THAT the first Hush of sur
prise has passed there are two
slgnlllcant f.icts of tho sltua-
tfon that might as well be taken Into
necount tho reciprocity act Is still
hi full force and effect In so far as
tho American congress Is concerned,
nnd Premlor I.aiuior has decided to
remain In parliament us leader of
the opposition.
Not only does tho act of our own
congress stnnd until It Is formally re
pealed nnd thus become a permanent
tnvltatlon to Cannda to reconsider Its
rejection, but the second section of
tho pact becomes operative without
any action on the port of tho Cana
dian parliament wood pulp and
Harry Dlmmick nnd wlfo nnd
family arrived hero Saturday night
after completing tholr 700-mllo
wulk from San KrancUco to Coos
Hay. They uru guests at the homo
of Mrs. Dlmmlck's grandmother,
Mrs. George Wolf, In Ferndnlo.
The Couulllo Sentinel says: "Mr. I
and Mrs. 11. It. Dlmmick and soul
finished their long walk from San i
rranclsco to roqulllo Thursday. The
eiitlie trip was made In threo months
Including u atop of u mouth nnd a
half at Dunsmulr. The actual walk
ing time was seven weeks. They
walkod very slowly making from ton
to fourteen miles n day. Illnnkets,
cooking utensils and a Hiuall army
tent were carried by them. Provi
sions were bought as they needed
Ilium, hardly ever carrying more than
two days' supplies.
Leaving San Francisco Juno 12th
they crossed the bay to Suusallto on
the ferry. Prom there they walked
to I'klnh. and crossed the mountain
to Hartlett Springs. After a short
stay they walked' to Dunsmulr by
way of Williams. A stay of a month
and a half was made here. From
DuiiBinnlr the party walked to Ho
schurg and from there to CoqulUe.
The entire three months wero
spent In the open, only sleeping In n
house thieo nights. Tho weather
was Ideal mid the roads wero In good
shape until they reached Orogon
when they wero In bad condition.
The little boy who Is only six years
old, carried his blankets all tho way
and his gun most of the distance,
The trip wns taken as a vacation.
Their friends considered thoni Insnne
to think of a trip of this character
as none of them were used to long
wnlklng trips, especially taking the
little boy with them. Tho little lad
onloyed the hip greatly however,
and was a picture of health whon
they arrived In CoqulUe.
The Inst few days tho roads were
vot-y muddy but they wero determin
ed to finish tho hip as planned, aft
er coming so far. No accldonts of
anv kind marred the pleasure of tho
At nrerent Mr. and Mrs. Dlmmick
are staying with Mr. Dlniinlck's fath
er T. M. Dlmmick, County Treasurer
of Coos county."
Price should naturally receive sonic con
sideration in tjie selection of your clothes
hut quality should come first. AVlien you
get quality you haven't paid too much, re
gardless of how much it is. Don't let the
foregoing induce you to think that oui
clothes are high priced for they certainly
are not, but they are absolutely g o o d and
guaranteed for true service.
When you make your p u r h a s e, you
might just as well get the best in style, tail
oring and fabric. You might just as well
get garments which cannot be criticised
from any point of view. Pay $1."5.00 or $10 '
or any price you wish, but remember this:
Our name on a garment guarantees special
value and satisfactory service. If you can
see your way clear to make your selection
now, you'll have the advantage of choosing
from a great assortment of "Sit hi Mock
Smart Clothes'
We Specialize on These:
Wet Weather Goods
Magnes & Matson
- - -
' " " i
: toastandtea:
Wo are alwnys spending our
tlmo woll when our work dnlly
compola us to dovolop towards
higher things. Gootho.
than to climb up, which explains why
tho top Is never crowded nnd why
thero Is always room there.
Sometimes whon a mnn Is pre-
t !1 ill ML' to lie lnillfllll' fnn n ivlfn ha
Is merely hunting for n good cook.
uewuro 01 sucii.
There Is somo Indignation becauso
a Topeka man recently stole another
man's wlfo. Petit larceny is to bo
deplored, ai course, but It is nothing
to become- excited over.
Tho mnn who Biiggosts n compro
mise has usually been whipped.
Wo often declnre wo nover forco
ourselves on people, but many of us
to bo all right to onsnnro a woman's
nffectlons, but nowadays It Is safer
to make n uolso like a bank necount.
What tho corn heard with Its own
ears, the potato saw with Its own
Few men know what Is good for
them until some wlso woman has
told them.
When people say you havo "fun
ny" ways, thoy menu you havo fool
ish ways.
A story on n married man Isn't
really Interesting unless his wlfo
Somo follow suld once, "To bo In
teresting you must toll tho truth nu
daclously." Thnt's one wny to got
punched In the fnco, too.
Shnke8ponro may have been n four
flusher, but It took a suspicious pub
lic n long tlmo to find tho deck wns
MVKTIjH point XK1VS.
P. S. Dow of Mnrshfleld H
business visitor In Myrtle Point today.
If women hnd boon daffy . over
clubs In Hrlghnm Young's tlmo 19
wives would hardly havo been suffi
cient to keep tho house in order.
Tom Siimmorlln of Myrtle Poiotii
n business visitor lioro today.
Miss Mnmlo Orny, who bai WJ
visiting her sister, Mrs. Matt Kl
trom, loft Sunday morning .on tHI
stnge for her homo In Seattle.
W. O. fioonor of Myrtle Point HJ
i - .....a
'gone to Roseburg and San Francu-i
on business.
The money that a woninn spends
Is nover for tho bonnet,
Hut alwnys for tho fancy things
Tho milliner puts on It.
Hvery time n scandal Is whlspored
around a public Investigation should
bo started to soo If It is true. Wo
don't believe ono-flfth of tho senn
dnl is true.
Tho mnn who Is simply bubbling
over with enthusiasm todny will
print papor will bo admitted free probably exhaust hluisolf and be dull
from Canada In any event and have and stupid tomorrow.
Tho rich nro known by their dol
lars, but the humble onion Is known
by Its scent.
caught him at It.
No man has such a good friend
that ho will not try to work him to
Invest In his schemes.
When a mnn pnsses a bnrber shop
on Saturday and sees a big crowd of
men ivnlilm. . .... .... .....
n i-" I tiuip (COIlIlgl
thrifty lMhe doesn't need n shnvo. I Rend tho Times' Want Ada-
Mrs. Robt. McCnnn nnd Mlsi
linn McCann, who havo been P"
lnir tho weok in Myrtle Point, rt
turnod to North Hend touaj.
Whnt has become of tho old-fashioned
wlfo who used to be able to
toll hor husband's step half way
down the block?
The farmor who lost his half
bushel measure was In more than a
peck of trouble
Tho foolish trust to the safety-pin,
but the wise see to It that tho but
tons are well sowed on.
It is easier to climb down a tree
" It Is frightful reflection on men's
originality when we see so many of
them going through life trying to
produce something just as good.
Some fond believers In the Adam
story never quite recover from tho
discovery that men have the same
number of ribs on each side.
Murmuring Iweet nothings used
All Eagles Attention!
Big Doings Wednesday
Night,. October 4
Yur. Presence JsJ&equested