J.,. V' -s7 ' Sff FIRST THAT THE UNDER DOG HASN'T AN UNFAlR HOLD ON THE TOP 'UN ADVERTISING INFLUENCES PEOPLE Till: I'KOPLE WHO ARE "HALF IVCI l.VI-:i-TO-UV" THINGS AL IJost'aIiWAYS MAKE TUB FINAL ircisiox under the influ. J-VCI OK SOME PARTICULAR AD. (&nm WxmtB MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRKha GOOD THINGS ARE ADVERTISED LET TDK NEXT THING YOU IIUST AT A STORE HE AX ADVERTISED IT MEWS KETTIiH SERVICE. ARTICLE AND, IK POSSIBLE, TUB NEXT DOZEN THINGS VOU IIUY. VOL XXXV Established In 1S78 us Tlu Const Mull --.. I UH boiarknt OF TRIPOL MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Tlliuw. Const .Mull and Coos Buy Advertiser. No. 68 OPENED AT 10 O'CLOCK TDOAY ' First Real Engagement Be tween Italians and Turks Now In Progress. REPORT IS CONFIRMED FROM MANY POINTS FS IS But Meager News of Struggle Between Nations Is Ob tainable Yet. . By Associated Press to tlio Cons Day Tlmuri.) GLASGOW, Scotland, Oct. 3 A private message todny from Jorbn, n Islnnd off Tunis, tmyH, "A helio graph mcsBiiKo from Tripoli snys tlio bombardment has begun. Ships nro bombarding sovoral places. Tlio In habitants nro leaving." ROME COXFIIt.MS IT. Ofllclid Information Given Out About Bombardment. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da Times.) PAUIS, Franco, Oct. 3. A dis patch to Lo Temps from Homo snys according to Information from nn of ficial source tlio bombardment of Tri poli began at ten o'clock this morn ing. Tf OF WAR TUT Italian Cruiser Said to Have Brought Turkish Warship Prize Into Port. (By Associate Press to Coos Uj Times.) LONDON, England, Oct. 3. A news dispatch from Rome says n tele gram from Tnranto states that nn Italian cruiser, the Marco Polo, has arrived at Tarnnto with n captured Tlrklsh warship having on board n Turkish Uonurnl, two hundred sol dleiH, two hundred horses and Mvo thousand rlllos. FORFEITS NEARLY $2,000,000 TO WED ffl OF HER CHOICE TODAY CHANGE NAIE TO COOS BAY LONDON HEARS NEWS. Gtvnt Da) l)llntch From Homo Buyn Hattlo Is On. (By Associated ITobs to Coos Times) LONDON, England, Oct. 3 A dis patch from Homo Buys tho bombard ment of Tripoli hns begun. Tl'HKISH SHIPS HACK. Fourteen of Sultun'H Fleet Return u DardauelleK. D; Associated Press to the Coos Buy Times.) PARIS, Franco, Oct. 3. A dls pitch to Lo Temps from Athens says fourteen Turkish warships havo re entered tho Dardanelles. 1 ER TRIAL MURDER CAUSE Two Killed and Third Officer Shot While Trying to Serve Subpoenas. (Br Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) M1DDLESDOHO, Ky., Oct. 3., In attempt to subpoena witnesses ted for a murder trial at Gibson Station, Va two sons of James Col lins were killed and another fatally funded today. Tho subpoenas wore w have been sorved on women whoso wi navo not beon learned. Tho fleers met resistance and when they 'mptea to force their way Into homes of tho women, woro shot. POSSE OUTS IIUSV. glnlans After Slayers of Deputy SIlPi.KVu 1 Associated I'resa to Coos Day Times.) J0NESVILLE. Va.. Oct. 3. A Wsse has been organized here to re- u the Oodles of the officers shot ni arrest the men bolloved to bo rePOnsible. The Hrnrt mon nro John jMVilliara Collins, deputy sheriffs 1 Belle County, Ky., and Geo Tuc er sheriff of Leo county, Virginia. POCAHONTAS XOTICE. of the Pocahontas U UemW. 8 are mmmatiij , ,, n m 8edlsh hnii ., - fM,.- : -iuujr ou.Mb, ww- rcr . at ""t basin. Plan For New Title For Marsh- field to Be Submitted to ' Vote of People. Tho Mnrshfleld city council Inst evening adopted a resolution provid ing that tlio proposed change of tho namo of Mnrsbriold to Coos Day bo submitted to tho voters at tho an nual municipal election to- bo held December G. Tho chnugo will ne cessitate an amendment to tho city chnrtor and this Is what will bo vot ed upon. Tho innttor was brought before tho council by Dr. McCormac, pre sident of tho Mnrshftold Chamber of Comiuorce. Ho pointed out tho rea sons advocated for It In discussions boforo tho Chnmbor of Comtnerco and stated thnt the Chnmbor of Commorco wished tho stop taken. Ho said that tho reputed objections of tho United States Postofflco Depart ment to tho namo Coos Hay worn without foundation and thnt tho De partment had approved of It. In fact, ho said, that tho Department has given instructions that letters addressed to parties at "Coos Bay, Oregon" bo sont to Marshflold. Ho said thnt upon request of tho Cham ber of Commorco, City Attorney Goss hod prepared a resolution pro viding for tho submission of tho question at tho next municipal elec tion. Councilman Coko objected to tho Idea. Ho said It looked to him like n real estate boom schemo and ho didn't bollove It would do any good. City Recordor Butler objected to It becnuso tho submission of tho question would mean a lot of nddl- tlonnl clorlcnl work In his office. Anyway, he thought, It was proma turo and thought tho chnngo In namo should bo mado when tho towns on the Bny are consolidated. Councilman Albrecht declared him self In favor of It and said that It was anothor step to aid In reaping tho rewards of the boosting and ad vertising that havo been given this section In the past. Coko objected to It as being sprung without sufficient notice and he sal.d he didn't think there was much In a namo anyway. He saia r. u. Ali enor was claiming the honor of be ing sponsor for It and aside from a few In the Chamber of Commerce, he didn't know of anyone desiring the change. He said atarsnneia nuu grown and prospered under Us pre sent name and was now tho best Mrs. David J. Dunlop, Sr., of Pittsburg Gives Up Inheri tance From First Husband to Marry A. M. McCrea. ( Uy Associated Press to tho Coos Ba Times), BALTIMORE, Aid., Oct. 3. The mnrrlngo of Mrs. David J. Dunlop, Sr., mid Archibald Montgomery Mc C.'en, of Pittsburg, n son of tho pres ident of tho Pennsylvania Unllrond which took place In a New York ho tel was of much Interest In this city. .Mrs. MeCron forfeits $l,9",0,000 left OVER 240 DIE IM in i Terrific Loss of Life In Wrecks of Vessels In Sunday's Storm. Dy Associated Press to th3 Cos Uny Times. ANTWERP, Belgium, Oct. 3 Two hundred ml forty lives nro known to havo been lost In tho wrecks of coast ing craft during tho storm Sunday, more thnn ono hundred being wash ed iiHhoro In tho North Sea. her by Mr. Dunlop, when ho died ten yours ngo on the condition thnt she never renmrry. KILLS GIRL AND SELF. KILLINGS AID SH001GS IRK STRIKES 01 RAILROADS TODAY I'tirequlltcd Love Cause of Double Tragedy In Hock Island, i By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.; ROCK ISLAND, 111., Oct. 3. Be cnuso site refused to mnrry him, Erk shlno S. Walker shot nnd porlinps fatally wounded Miss Madeline Komp and then killed himself horo Inst night. MTU i'CABE QUITS SEA WAD HU10STLY Senator Stephenson of Wis consin Spent $107,793 For Campaign. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) MILWAUKEE, Oct. 3. That $107,793, which was expended by United States Sonntor Isaac Stephen son In his campaign for nomination at the primaries, was used legitima tely for brass, lithographs, but tons and other campaign advertis ing was the gist of tho testimony today. Opponent of Pure Food Ex pert Relieved From Duty With Chemist. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. a, Oct. 3. Solicitor McCnbo of the Department of Agriculture has been relieved at his own request of furthor duty on tho Puro Food Board. McCnbo was tho opponent of Dr. Wiley In tho con troversy nlred beforo tho recent con gresslounl committee. Wiley re mains on tho board. TAFT UPHOLDS UY HURT IN STRIKE FIGHT Several Wounded or Struck by Stones In Trouble at Houston. ' By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny Times) HOUSTON, To., Oct. 3 J. .1. Pipes, n spoclnl officer from Athens, Texns, wns shot nnd killed Just In side tho gntcs of tho shop yards to dny whllo en route with n Biunll party of officers nnd strlko-breakcrs from n train to tho yards. S. B. Crockett, another special officer of tho party, nenr Pipes, who wns wounded, snyb tho shots were 11 rod from within the yard where tho guards were stationed. Captain II. S. Slsk, who wns also wounded, says tho shots wero tired by strikers nnd thnt ho tired one shot In reply. J. II. Day, ono of tho company's employes, snys tho shots enmo from n side direction, In ad dition to thoso shot and stoned, Gor don Knight, n strike-breaker, wns stabbed In tho face. All tho Injured nro expected to recover. Discharged Strike Breaker Kills Switchman at Mounds, III. HOUSTON YARDS IS SCENE OF CRIME By Officer Wounded by Mysteri ous Bullet and Others Also Injured. Associated Press to tho Coos Hay" Times., CAIRO, 111., Oct. 3 Robert Mit chell, uu Illinois Central Bwltchmnn. was shot and killed today In tho rnllroad yards at Mounds, nenr horo, by a machinist, brought horo ns a Htrlko-hronkor but who was dlschunc ed ns Incompetent. U (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MILWAUKEE, Oct. 2. With tho charges boforo It that United States .Senator Isaac Stophenson of Wiscon sin secured his oloctlon March 4, 1909, by means of bribery and other corrupt uses of money, a sub-com mittee of tho committee on privileges and elections of tho United Stntes Senate formally began Its sessions hero today. Stephonson wns sum moned ns tho first witness after the preliminary proceedings. FLOOD'S TOLL IS President Disagrees With Public Lands Convention Resolutions. By Associated Press tu tho Cons Bay Times) DENVER, Colo., Oct. 3. In a speech to tho Public Land Conven tion horo todny President Taft flat ly disagreed with tho sentiment of that convention In regard to leas ing public lands by the federal gov ernment as expressed In tio reso lutions adopted yesterday. Tho President declared that tho west needed capital to develop Its lands nnd said that only through tho fed oral leasing system could such cap Ital bo induced to come west. (By Associated Press to the Cooa Buy 1 tines, f CHICAGO, III., Oct. 3. Julius -Kruttschnltt, vice-president of tho -Hnrrlmnu lines, will not plnco n tlmu limit within which tho Bhopmou may return to work. Matters of that klurl ' will bo left In tho hands of presi dents of tho roads comprising tho Hnrrlmnu systom, ho said. Kruttsch nltt snld tho strlko was not ns seri ous ns tho company oxpected ns a number of old employes applied for.' rolnstutomont. RTHIKKHH ARK ENJOINED.. IIIIiioIn Central Appeal to Courts- , For Protection. (By Associated Pross o Coos Bay Times) CAIRO, 111., Oct. 3. Tho Illinois- Central rnllroad has nppllod for and' obtained nn Injunction In the United.' Stntes District court for tho Eastern1. Division of Illinois nt Cnlro today., directed against tho strikers and! strlko-sympathlzors nnd preventing: thorn from Interfering In any Way with tho conduct of tho company business. ALL OUT AT PORTLAND. MINER'S ARE RESCUED. town of Its sue on mo cuu. u- 7:30, on very Impor- Bl(JeB ne said to change tho name ess. By orriar of ...i. inm. thn exnense of getting MARGARET METLIN. Pocahontas l. (Continued on page 6.) Bodies of Some Victims Disaster at Austin, Pa., Are Recovered. ' of Fourteen Entombed In Alaska Mlno Escape Alive. ,(By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) FAIRBANKS, Alaskn, Oct. 2. Fourteen men entombed in the Shn kespearo Placer Gold Mino on Nome Creek wero released this morning nono the worse for their S4 hours confinement. AVIATOR IS HURT. RodgerH Meets With Accident In In diana Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) HUNTINGTON, Ind., Oct. 2 Rod gers, the const-to-const aviator, met with n serious accident near hero today. Ho had Just resumed his flight when n sudden gust of wind toppled his machine over. Rodgers was caught In tho ruins nnd badly bruised. It will be several days be foro he can proceed. HAINES GETS PARDON. By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Tlm.u I AUSTIN, Pa., Oct. 3.Elght nun- 8,aer of EdUor wil- Gven Frec dred laborers are at work here clean-' "p " Coo3 Ing up town and searching the de- Times) bris for bodies of victims of Satur- OSSING, N. Y Oct. 3. Captain day's flood. The list of known dead Peter C. Haines, Jr., who killed Wll stood this morning at 32 with 54 Ham E. Annls in August, 1908, re still missing as shown by a tbat.ty celved a pardon today and left Sing town census. Sing accompanied, by his father, Gen- A survey of the flooded district eral Peter C. Haines, U.S.A., retired, shows 167 homes were wiped out They took a train for New York, besides 64 stores, four hotels, five churches and five factories. w.1 Read the Times' Want Ads. CITY CAUCUS IN MARSHFIELD Candidates For City Offices to Be Nominated by Old ' Charter System. Tho city caucus systom still ob tains In Marshflold and tho candi dates for city olllco will bo nominat ed In tho old way Instead of tinder tho primary olectlon system. Such was tho decision of City At torney Goes todny after having care fully looked into tho law nnd city chnrtor. Ho found that the direct primary law was onactod by tho peo ple In 1904 in Oregon whllo tho spo clnl charter governing the city of Marshflold wns onacted by tho Ore gon legislature in Februnry, 190C, soveral months subsequent to tho primary law. Tho charter, being later, Its provision for tho nomination of candidates for city offices at a general caucus, gov orns Instead of tho provision of the primary law that candidates bo nomi nated at a primary olectlon, This fall tho terms of Mayor E. E. Straw, City Recorder Butlor nnd Councllmen Albrecht and Coko ox plro. Who will bo candidates re mains to bo dotormlncd. It Is under stood that City Recorder Butler will bo a cnndldnto for re-election. Mayor Straw last ovenlng in discussing tho matter beforo tho council Joshlngly suggested to Mr. Butlor thnt ho (Straw) and Butler could cscapo tho bothers of election by not bolng enn dldates aguln. Thought Primary Necessary. Last evening, it was thought that tho primary was necessary but City Attorney Goss discovered today that tho city charter regulation would govern, Tho Oregon primary law provides that tho primary shall ap ply in all cities or towns having 2,000 or more population according to tho last stato or federal census and the 1910 federal census placed .uuroiiiio.a in wns ciass. uuy uecoru- Tno theatre managors say thoy -wILI er Butler and City Attorney Goss said employ non-union men. that they would like to avoid the work and expense Incident to tho Gray OATH for SEED city primaries but that thoy then ftt HALVES' thought the state law had to be com-' If you have APPENDICITIS. Sm IMrkctH IHiIiik Duty Hut rractfcally No Men Aro AVorking. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Oro Oct. 3.--Prac-tlcally no mon aro at work In th Harrlman shops horo today. PIckctH aro doing duty but to all appear ances tho shops nro desortod. FEW IN LOS ANGELES. Clulm Only Forty-Nino .Men nt "Work; In Shops Tliero. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 3. Union leadors declare that In place of tho fifteen hundred mon snld to havo struck Saturday, tho railroads) havo only forty-nlno mon at work. SHIP KTHIKE-HHEAKEHS. Southern Pacific KoikIh Many Men to Oakland. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) SACRAMENTO, Cal., Oct. 3. Throo carloads of strlko-broakors from mining camps nbovo Gold Run, PIncor county, passed through Sac ramento todny on routo to tho South ern Pacific carshops at Oakland, Two- moro cnrlonds are said to bo on tho way. MUSICIANS OX STRIKE. Playei-s In Los Angelct) Theatres Go Out. (By Associated Press to Coob Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 2. Tli union musicians In six of soven thea tres struck today for higher wages. XContlnued on page C.) DU. WINKLER. i ; fl ?j i l"s V