THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION I' I I COOS BAYTIMES M. V. MALONEY OAN E. .MALONEY Editor mid Pub. ALL OVER COOS COUNTY .Ni'ws Editor L Entered at tbe postomee nl Marsh fleld, Oregon, (or transmission through the malls as second class mail matter. NEWS OK ALLEGANY "KEEP YOUR WORK AT HOME" THE following advertisement un der tho above head appears in tho Grand Forks, North Dakota, Dally Herald In a space three col umns wide- and seven Inches deep. Tho Commercial club of that city contracts for It by the year, with tho privilege of making changes at an' time. The Herald is sent to every , man who writes the club for lnfor-j niatlon regarding Grand Porks or the country around It. "Whatever you do, keep your mon ey In North Dakotn. Invest It In your own business, whatever that Is. There arc fow businesses of any 'Itlnd In this stato that do not need or that cannot profitably use addi tional capital. Buy North Dakota lands and dev elop them. Buy Grand Forks city property and develop It. Start a man ufacturing plant In a small way and let It grow with tho country. Invest In any of n hundred differ ent ways, but Invest at home. Wo all uso tho dollar that works at homo. Tho other fellow gets It .when you send It away. And, ten chances to one your In "vestment at homo will prove a more successful venture than It would abroad You know home conditions You aro familiar with the situation In North Dakota. Whntovor you do keep your money At .homo. Grand Forks Commercial Club This club has nothing to sell Its fauulncvB Is to promote Grand Forks nnd North Dakota It represents all interests alike. Jack Parker and wife of South Marshfleld are visiting at the C. A. llodlue home. Clifford Hastings Injured his hand severely while cutting brush. myrtle point news. MYRTLE POINT, Ore., Sept. 30. Mrs. C. 13. Mnybee, who has been L.....1I..M .1.- ...n1. ... Xt..M.l t)ntn. returned to her homo In North Bend, Saturday. COOSTOX CULLINGS. C. Elford Is eroctlim a neat dwjll flng lioiiBO on IiIh lots here. Frank Sanborn has been ongngod to teach tho Coostou school an clght month term. Mrs. U. B. Edinun, whoso homo near Cooston, wan recently destroyed ty lire, has u""o to Washington for mi extended stay. Several of tho young boys of tl'U locality are numbered umoag the fUtidouts, seeking a higher educa tion at Corvullls. Mrs. 10. J. Homme of Glondalo. Ore., arrived with tho lust Upjak wntor for a visit with her son, Wil liam, tho postmaster. CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET THIS EVENING Frank Prny and wife of Springfield, Ore., arrived hero yesterday to visit at tho home of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Itobt. Itooke on Coos Itlver. Mr. Pray went to Myrtle Point today to visit his mother. CATCHING IXLKT NEWS The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hallcnbeck is quite 111. Mr. Byron Hodson nnd party re turned from thblr fishing nnd hunt ing trip at Sunset Bay this week, well satisfied with tho time spent there. Bishop H. L. Barkloy, who has been tho gUest of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Boss, this week, will hold ser vices' next Sunday at 11 o'clock at Mosler Chapel on Coos Blver. Mr. Clifford Doano, who met with that painful accldont In haying time, has so fully recovered that ho can walk without crutchos and says, "If weather permits ho will soon stnrt sawing on another ono hundred cords of wood." XOHTII IXLKT XKWH. , Mr. J. II. Andorson, an old tlmor resident of North Bend, was visiting frlonds on tho Inlet Inst week. Ho has been In Central Oregon for tho past four years. The North Inlot Sowing clrclo mot at Mrs. John Hope, Thursday. Thoy expect to remove to Spokane in tho near future where Madge and Bud will attend school. Mr. Win. Jnmos of North Bend pasuod through from Scbflold whero ho has been building a house for Mr Craig. Ho reports much activity In tho surveying pnrtles thoro. Mr. Eddy, right-of-way ngent for the Pacific Coast Itnllroad company, Is around acquiring right-of-way. They ngreo to begin construction within six months and to hnvo trains running within two years. Mrs. L. Loom Is and mother, Mrs. Jncobs, who has spent the week In Myrtlo Point, returned to her home In North Bend, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Roberts nnd Mrs. Benson, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. L. Phelnn nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Mac chado of Myrtlo Point were In Marshfleld attending the Women of Woodcraft reception. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens, who has spent the week In Myrtle Point, returned to their homo In North Bend, Saturday. Miss Florence Mason, who has spent tho last week with her paronts nt Flshtrnp, went to Marshfleld to open her school on Catching Inlet. CURRY COUNTY XKWS Events Tlu-iv iih Told by the Gold Bcncli Globo News of Col. Muncey's death was brought to town by ono of his party, nnd Will Bnlley and Dnvo Colvln went up to the mine to assist In giv ing the body a respectable bur nl near tho McKlntey cabin. Deceased has a sister living In Salem, and n daughter and other relatives In Wash ington. He was 74 years old. W. 12. Smith nnd Moso Averllt hnvo bought tho Smith sawmill at PlBtohjTO,vor,'and will movo It to tho W.nchu&'c River before the fall rains sot In. r. Averlll started for east ern 0; via Portland, to boUIo up son. i .slncss nffalrs, and wl'.l bring n. iso tyio horses. On his re iqum, iwhrK" 'moving ttiso mill w.ll eommonce. Tho best senson's catch of salmon with a hook and lino was mado o.'" evening last weok by Will Bailey, Will Chlldors and Floyd Huntley. Tho three of them, w'th threo linos, In less than thrco hours, cnugut twenty thrco lnrgo chlnooks. Market Avenue I '111 Quest Ion Likely Uo Come Up mill Xortli Front Street Grade. Tho regular meeting of tho Marsh flold city council which will bo held tonight promises to bo n rather live ly ono. Tho old question of filling Market nvonuo and tho Interesting ntreotB will come up and It Is oxpect d that Levi HeUner and CnrI Al torocht will again enter protest -against tho use of the dredgo. Al though tho Oregon cannot fill tho rttroet boforo spring, It will be ne cessary to mako preliminary arran gements soon so that there will bo no dolay when the dredge gets ready for tho work. The question of establishing grade on North Frtont Htroot Is also expect ed to rniiio 'up. This being tho regular quarterly KOHBlon of the council, tho meeting comes on Monday Instead of Tues day. "'. GetH New Auto 1). L. Foote ro colved n telegram today from George Cloodrum announcing that tho new 1012 Cndlllac ear whleh he has pur chased, has reached Portland and will bo down on tho next Break water. This will be the first 1912 model to reach Coos Bay. Mr. Foote will mid It to his other car for public servlro. 1MIOMPT AUTO SKUVICK day or night, Phono 9S-J. Ray Martin. CATCHING IXLKT XKWH. Mr. D. Cuthcart of Marshllold was the guest of II. S. Bonobrnko and Mrs. Nowland nt dinner Thursday. Mrs. John ' Conklin nnd daughter of South Slough are tho guests of rel atives and frlonds on tho Inlet. J. C. Doano nnd son, Clifford, and Will Hlgglnson were In Marshfleld Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Knowlton of North Bend nnd Mr. John Huntloy of Rnseburg came up the Inlet In a row bont Thursday on a plonsuro trip Mr. Allen Jnckson went to Coos City on business todny. Mrs. Byron Hodson Is a Marshfleld shopper todny. Cl'LLIXGS OF COQl'ILLE. Coos County Het.kX'is lis Told by The Sentinel. Mayor Quick announced Thursdny that there had beou many complaints regarding the recent prize light hold here. These complnlnts hnvo been so numerous that in future nil prize tights in Coqullle will be prohibited If It Is In his power to do so. .Tuines C. llnhlumii, "Cmlmy" Mayor of Oiualui, "Throws the Lariat" Mayor Jas. C. Dnhlmnu started his career as a cowboy, and Is at pre sent Mayor of Omaha, and has tho following record. Sheriff of Dawes Co., Neb., throe terms; Mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic Nat'l Committeeman, eight years; TMnyor of Omaha, six years, nnd In j IS) 10 Candidate for Governor of Neb raska. Writing to Foley & Qo Chi cago, ho says: "I have taken Foley Kldnoy Pills and they hnvo glvon ' ino a great deal of rollof so I oheor rully lecominoud thoni." Yours truly, (signed JMRS C. DAHLMAN. Tho Coqulllo Mill & Mercnntllo company Is loading four hundred and thirty thousand feet of lumber on flat cars for shipment to Mnrshflold where It will bo transferred to tho Snn Pedro to tnko to San Francisco. Tho San Pedro's cargo will bo com pleted and will probably leave next week. While Win. Camilla was at lunch Tuesday sonio ono fired n rlflo bullet through his otllce window above Laird's store. Tho hole was In n lino with his head whero ho usunlly stands. The bullet loft n round hole about two Inches In diameter In tho window, Tho window which Is of heavy plate glass was not shnttored showing the bullet was not a spent one, Tho bullet was found In the conter of tho room and was about tho size of a .22 special. The party who shot the gun has not at tho pre sent tlmo been found but the matter Is being investigated. Saw Mill Refuse too Valuable to Burn Many saw mills and wood working factories no longer burn their refuse or sell it for fuel. The refuse is used for vari pus purposes including tho extraction of alcohol, acids, etc. It is made into a by-product of great value. Klectric Power, therefore, has replaced the steam en gines in many saw mills aii'J box factories. It is employ ed becauso it enables a sub stantial redaction in the cost of operation. In "West Virginia, electric power is being used in min ing the. better grades of bi tuminous coal. It can do the work cheaper oven at tho mouth of the mine. We will sappliji experts who van solve every power need. Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178. Band Dancej Eagles9 Hall, October 6th Music Will be Furnished by the Entire Band of Thirty Pieces Admission $ 1 .00 Ladies Free Proceeds to be Used in the Purchase of New Instruments STATESU3NT OF CONDITION' Flanagan Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELI), OREGON At tho cIoho of business September 1st, 1011. Itcsourccs. Loans nnd Discounts $397,303.93 Banking Houso 60,000.00 CnBh nnd Exchnnges 141,646.53 Total 9388,010.40 Liabilities Capital Stock paid in $50,000.00 Surplus and Undlvidod ProfltB 64,165.72 Deposits 484,774.74 Total 9.188,0 10.10 CONDENSED 8TATKMKNT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK COOS HAY At tho Closo of HusInoNS, September 1, 1011. Resources. Loans and Discounts $209,719.62 Bonds and warrants 88,852.46 U. S. Bonds to Bccuro circulation 25,000. 00 Roal cstato, furnlturo and fixtures 81,472.94 Cash and sight exchango lOO.OJU.OO Total resources 93()5,H7(i.U2 Liabilities. Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 6,886.20 Circulation 25,000.00 Deposits 4:ia,100.00 Total llabllltlos 9305,070.02 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: W. S. Chandler, president; M. C. Horton, vlco-prosldont; Dorsoy Kroltzcr, Cashlor; John P. Hall, John S. Coko, 8. C. Rogors, W. U. Douglas, , F. 8. Dow, Wm. Or mos, W. P. Murphy. WANTED!!! CARPlTTS UPIIOLSTKHIXO AXD PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneumj. tic Cleaning Company. Orderi for work takon at GOING HAUVKV PHONE 100 Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good hones isi careful drlvors nro now at tthe dl posai 01 1110 uoos uay public at HEASONAI1LE HATES Riga or rigs with driven ready for any ir p anywnoro an time. Horw boarded nnd rigs cared for. Now hcarso and special acomn. datlons provided for funeral parllet W. L. C.ONDRON'S ' LIVKRV AND l-'EKI) 8TAI1LES PI I ON K 27iW What's the Use? To tnko chances oa having joir clothes spoiled by IncxperitocH mon. Qlvo us your work. We di ovorythltiK and do It first clan. Oir I work will oxcol any work on Coci I Day. Mako us provo It. We di Idyolni;, cleaning nnd pressing, altec lug nnd repairing. Wo make old bi'il now. Wo Cnll Kor mul Deliver Your Soldi I UNIQUE PANTATORIUH PHONK S30X '-.1U tonirai .wi Have That Roof fixt VOW See CORTHELL Phone 8181 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fjire and Marine Insurance? Title Guarantee and AbstractCo. HHNRV 8ENG8TACKKN, Mgr. Coqullle Onl: Phoaa 191 Marshfleld Office 14 -J. Farms Timber Coal and Plattlni; Lands a apeclalty. Genaral Agents "EA8TSIDE" T Blanchard's Liver Wn imvn sccurod the llrerr &i noss of L. IL Holsner sod sre P"J pared to ronaer exceucu '"".i tho poople ,ol 'Coo. Dr. OgJ ai Ivors, gooo ris """,,' i J not win mean nauivv. t -: ,vj Iino puDic. r.uuiio " - -.-, lhorso.arIgoranytb.alr 1110 uvcry iiuw. S DU8inoss 01 ll Riu" m.AvrifAItD nnOIIIElU Livery. Fel nnd Bales 1 8enl 141 rirst ana Aiusr"" I'tiono iji-j A new stock of tho latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send in Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J FOU RKNT Houses $17. $1H and $20 iter month. 5-room house at Bunker Hill. . . .$12 Furnished Flat $12 Furnished rooms close In $8 and $10 AUG. FHIZEEN 68 Central Ave., Marshflold, Ore. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57.J Urilf Uu. who have aoma Inventive ability rinl Mlurn.r., WlulilMKteii, l. T. J. SCAIFE A. II. HODGI'S Marshfleld Painti (3b Decorating Co: MASHFIELD,' Orofjon Estlmntes Furnished Phono 140L Prof. A. Richards A GHADUATINO TEACHER; Pupil of Carl Chrlstensen, tho well known New York Swedish concert pianist, will tnko a limited number of students for private lessons. Applicants call at Studio, Sengs tncken Dldg., 10 Rrondwuy. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash these garments cleauer and better than the work can be done elsewhere, and they aro not worn sp much. We do not shrink them, even woolen garments are returned the same size as when sent us. Wo Iron the garments nicely, make ordinary repairs free of charge and you havo fresh clean, sweet under wear ready for each week's change. Bundle yours up with next week's laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PUON.. 234KJ Business Directory Following Is a list of Ittul niminflss Firms that I Pay to Patronlie. STADDEN All Undi of photograph bromide enlarging "o " finishing. t r K-noNTZ Mhln'e and GENERAL w"" Steam and ua .- At Holland's boat - .treet, MarshneldOrt. .IM HllOP Complete lino of D J" J . . . for w' 1 second-nann uiw,v- bicycles, etc., rePa-- j Umbrellas covered anjw I B,I't fit Pbo No. ? v- Fro"' St. iu Z "TTl. r..a POPP FAMILY H0lWi THE 1M J R;ea reduced to: jay. j ti'flfl- week 2.U w u keeplnis P"mnenn m" oJ UA1UU " '- A . V WBKT- "J-g