"& irS BEST TO TEMPER YOUR SENSE OP JUSTICE WITH SOME INVESTIGATION ADVERTISING INFLUENCES PEOPLE Emwz GOOD THINGS ARE ADVERTISED let the next thing you ituy at a ktohe ite an advertised it means iietteii sehvicic article and, ik possible, the next dozen things you buy, THI2 PEOPLE WHO ARE "HAM'-.jfCIjlNED-TO-HUY" THINGS AL MOST ALWAYS MAKE Till! FINAL nrCISIO.V UNDER Till! INFIX jNCE OK SOME PARTICULAR AD. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PltESB VOL XXXV Established In 1878 ns The Const Malt MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Time. Coast .Mail and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 67 sxxmtr-1 (Eons Saw iii Burnside, III., Scene of First and Only Violence In Strike So Far. STRIKERS ENJOINED IN MISSISSIPPI TODAY Trains Moving on Normal Schedule Today Few Men Work at Portland. xo TROUBLK in a COOS HAY SHOPS T . a. 1 nnnr nH can bo ascertain- Jed the Coos Bay, "Surg J I anil Fnstorn Itnllroiul and Nnvl- gallon company's- lino between hero and Myrtle Point, Is tho only Hnrrlmnu road In the country that Is not In any way affected by tho present strike of shop employes. There nro ten employes In tho local shops but thcro has not been the ullgfitest difference between them and Superintendent Miller over the points Involved In the controversy on tho other Hnr- rlmnn lines. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Oct. 2. Of the SG0 men employed In tho two local shops of tho Hnrrlmnu lines lest thnn ton per cent of tho old employes returned to work this morning. There hns boon no trou ble and trains nro moving approxi mately normal. Gim KTIIIKIMIHEAKHHS. Southern Pnclllo Smugulcx In Liu-go I'm at Santa Hnrlmrn. (Br Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FHANCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 2 All li quiet In this city In connec tion lth tho strlko of Ilnrrlman cm p!oyej. At Oakland, n number of itriKe-urenHors nro reported smug- W Into tho stockndo onelosure dur loit the nlKht, and nt Santa Barbara a commissary Is being Installed eap Me of caring for two hundred men. It It reported tho Southern Pnclflc l!l coneontrnto tho repair work of wmo or tho smnller shops nt thnt point. Ql'liri' IN LOS ANGELES. lullroml Strikers Peaceable H'liciv So Fur. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS AXflELKR. r-ni.. rw. . 1'let Kill characterizes tho railroad "opinen's strike In Los Angejos. Tho inkers are orderly and hopeful. The """nem I'ncltic ofilclnls have an loonrH tholr Intentions to import inke-breakers. WOT AT HUKNSIDi:. Vint Violence of Illinois Central I. Strike Today. "v Associated Press to Coos Box , Tlmos.) CHIPAnn III r. n -,, v.. --" i,i, uit, , -v jimiiiuw row out todny among tho striking rPIO)es of tho Illinois Contrnl ws at nurnsldo which resulted In ttiii W ' ,,elnB Bent t0 Uie l)0,lc0 'o deeiin,i ,..,. ''.'::..,.' i ,'"" men. was assaulted bv four ' Pickets as ho was colnc to .'today. Tho strikers gnthored " WatPhmnn mlin ,........ 'erfere ,..' , ,""""" '" hom.. luuguiy nnnuieii. 0 ,' 'as rescued by tho police -...., ero mndo, To huniirp.i o,ii,i.-i.. ...,. -. il'ii. iiiiiii.. "Ssled in i , .. - ... nt .i C. ih minim oi iiuriisuiu , . n wt according in iiiinnia pn. Til m . ."'" U1"K li uai8. They nlso declaro ono uZ i , str,keis have quietly re It I. .i rork Blnc Saturdny. W. almea 80 o tho 3,000 ,.;? Wtployed nt nurnsldo nro tin iftA D oiriKers declare tower " "0 aro nt .-!, ,3fJl'.CTlO. IS SECURED. r Ccntiid Uiilimc T,. AricUci..,.! Br a.. . "SI "o OooI. "uci 'ated Press to Coos Bay Times.) '"VIVNIIV ,,. JL . lorarr ,". "0'. uct. 2. a tem- Nion i .. n' sweI''nB 8 ctsitoU.1"?.1?.!?!0"" ttirhv, ,5,S1SS'PPI was Issued here Tbvv j '" wua iBHueu aera teemederal Jui,b Nlles against 1 imv. aeral Ju'1bo Nlles against the nil ?l a1' unions on strike ae Illinois Central system. L't torTTv' :... .... 0Vb . UD turxiia uaias. LINES ARRANGE 10 PUT SHE BREAKERS IN PUCES 0E SHOPMEN NOW 111 STRIKE SMALL Southern Pacific Vice-President Alleges Only 40 Per Cent of Men Quit. (I)y Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) SAN FRANCISCO. Oil.. Oct. 2. Vice-president Cnlvln of the South- ! '""" U"J "ib of the men at work and on strike In his Jurisdiction. Accord- ling to his figures out of the total ni i-hkiiic pnsseu oununy compiling of 7,f00 employes, 1,500, or per cent remained at work. sixty SITUATION ON SUNDAY. Both Sides Devoted Day to Prepar ing For Omit .Struggle. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAOO, 111., Oct. 2. The railroad olllclals and shopmen on the Hnrrlmnu lines passed Sunday in preparation for tho strugglo which begins In onrnost today. Little or no violence wns report ed up to Sundny night. The number of men whd quit work In tho fifteen stntes was estimated between fifteen nnil twenty thousand by the union lenders, but Julius Kruttschnltt, vice-president of tho Hnrrlmnu lines, stated tho number was much smnller. Trnfllc on tho Hnrrlmnu lines continued Snturdny and Sunday, without Interruption. Tho response to tho strlko order wns most gouornl In tho Middle Went n nil South. In the Far East, rail road ofilclnls declare, only n smnll percentngo quit. In tho wostern stntPH, crews have lion working on short time and only emergency crows reported on Saturday. The union men say the nion will not re port for work Monday. ALLIANCE IN Steamship Arrives From Eu reka and Sails For Portland Few Hours Later. Tho Alliance arrived In this mor.n ing from Eureka and sailed about noon for Portlnnd. Among tho Incoming passengers On lior were llio lununiub. a . Tniinson ami wlfo. L. John-' . ... . ..ii...i..... son. II. JohiiBon. Lillian J. Hanson, the Alllnnce wero: Grnnt White. J. W. Woods, J. Cyril Toyno, Mrs. C. E. Hawkins, C. E. Hawkins. F. B. Tlchenor, Frank Lytto, Mrs. Hatch, Mrs. Llzzlo Lumb. r.n A nnnnnl. PllHR T.I VIS. Ml'S. 'm. v Tinilvwood. Mrs. Moore, J. IL uiiiiicra v.. ....'. ...- . --- Tin...i w n. T.nvolnce. O. II. "i . - Shnnkllii. Will Holverson. xo devi:lop.mi:nts here. Nothing New I !" ms Bay Rail road Situation Today. Rn fnr ns could bo nkcoriaineu, there wns nothing new m the local railroad situation today. Vlce-presl- J dont Sumnor of tho Pacific Coast lino left this morning for Portlnnd but will return here soon, tus son, Rmrinoar Sumner, wns In from Ten Mile where ho has a surveying crew nt work today. Rlgnt-oi-way rtgem Eddy Is busy getting options uuu m V. A. Trlnn. V. Borg, V. Jolinonson, Tlnkor nnd clilld, Hnns u. wniby, . " ..., '..." ....,. , ;,. fmm i.f, Amroioa nn.i pnin nmvinii. for the guns would nnvo B. Clancv nnd wife, Edw. Schmnrk, Cnrl Lnrson, E. A. Solnx. Thomas C. "" ",.,:" "'"S .,.'...... '" ..V .. .. .,. t,...".. o.. '...' on tho stenm.ir Castlo Ga Wm. Larson. Gust Thorn, Ernest Storn. Henry Hnverkamp, P. Clen- "" - "" 'l " .' .""' ' "A ,' ,,l,,,",,ou" r,H,,,!,MU Km""". loft Tripoli shortly nftor Cave. denning. P. Young. II. Anderson, C. " """'" '" ' """' "Ib" fd ol-l"1 J orUnna- T" 8COrea Sum,ny: " rrlvod at Malta today. Among those sailing from here on Albertson. W. Helm nnd E. Watts. nXl credit for It ",8lom,u nim 0I At Los Angeles R II ' on tho sltuntlon at Pro PUNothVngSnew has "developed In the Twenty-four coasting vessels went'open aeeom wlth the Slranson Lum Southern Pacific project from Eugene ashore nnd forty small crafts wero ber company since 1901 and that nithouch It Is understood tnni iney have a man getting pieces of right- of-wny over small holdings, vnthlne new has been given out in tho Coos Bay ana uoise project and whether anything will follow Chief Engineer Haines" trip is not known. ESTIMATE LOSS FLOOD Exact Number of Victims Qf Disaster at Austin, Pa., Still Matter of Speculation Damage $6,000,000. (By Associated Press to Coos Da; (Dy Associated Press A,JgTN( vt Th,8 town . is uesoiuteU todny. Kuln every- ! where testified to the power of the rushing water from the collapsed (,nm of tno Dylcss Paper company i8 desolated todny. Kuln and cropo on many doors gives mute evidence of tho terrible death toll exacted by the Hood. Just how ninny victims were claimed by the mnd waters. haH not yet been nscertnined but tho most careful investigators aro Inclined to ostlmnto tho number nt two hundred, and others place tho llguro ns low ns ono hundred and fifty. Tho property loss Is estimated at least at eight million dollars. The policing conditions nro prnc- tlcally perfect and tho work of clour- Ing away tho debris is progressing RntlHfnrtnrllv. Tim ilnunlntn fnmllliia nro being cared for as well ns com!!- tions will permit. Tents, clothings nnd food nro being distributed nt this plnco, Costcllo nnd other points whore tho flood carried death nnd destruction. Tho health authorities nro nt work and overythlng posslblo Is being (Iono to bring about Miioro sanitary conditions. I (By Associated Press to Coos Boy i lines.) AUSTIN. Pn.. Oct. 2. With tho Steamer Leaves With Larga List of Passengers For San Francisco. Tho Rodondo snlled yostordny aft ernoon with a capacity passenger list for San Francisco. Her prlnclpnl i I outgoing cargo as usual was lumbor. ' SAIL SUKDAY 'SCHLEY DROPS -ON REDONDOi DEAD IN EAST Coo ' ?, 7ta here B unday and "or of ,1, street and Fifth avenue will sallgaiii from here next Tues-, nX'aT cE'retS ' ' him thf followSS'0 "a,"nS hr WOrl D'r- Mll,or ot Flowor ,108"Un1' Bn"1 E. M. Simpson. W. E. Taggart.lsch,0',;,ftln ;n8c d"?,,t" ""0,,,oxy Messrs. Nlohaus, C. II. Richards and . , . " c . i i , wife nnd child, Arthur C. Werdon. , A,,,,,lr"1 Coded One of Mr Arthur C Werdon Mrs C FleetH at Santiago. Qu rtit s.VErdTagga JllS Admiral Schley Jumped Into fame M. F. Mullen, Alex Fouchor. H. nt. ' t!"1?, 0foUl0, 1 08, ru,ct,,on n."'1 l.nrhOII, N . IIIIIII1IH, A. rilllLllts, i M. Mndsen, P. Dam, II. Hansen, Clin Merchant, R. P. Adrian, Wesley Tay- lar. Mrs. Mao Mclntyro, Mrs. A. R. I Senrs Lott(o Taylor, E. F. Morris .. .. .,. ..,ir aid v'i i in Hu'on t Tinker, L. A. Tlnkor, Mrs. L. A. VESSELS SI IN Large Number of Crafts and . . . People Go Down In Ter- rific Storm. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay , Times.) ANTWERP, Belgium, Oct. 2. sunk Jn a storm mat swept me moriu Sea today. Many Byes were lost. TESTER JOHNSON of Coaullle was a business visitor In today. Marshfleld . Read the Times' Want Ads. oc; uu ". o. .'... w..u.., u. . ,- ,Jih vlplnrv Minrn a. Trnubnuuh. G. G. Brown. Irai""10. n".or. Uie Vct0.r'. tu?ro. ITALY MAINTAINS STRICT CENSORSHIP ANO BUT LITTLE DEFINITE WAR NEWS GETS OUT OF LIFE IN FROM 100 TO .estimates ranging from that of Bur gess Martin, who places the loss of life at not more than 1G0 and per haps less than 100 to thnt of Chief of Police Baker, who took an Infor mal census Sunday, which is at least 300, the extent of the loss of life Saturday when tho great dam of the Bnyless Pulp and Paper company burst, Is still a matter of specula- Hon. Bt tho Burgess and othora familiar with conditions here, cstlmnto tho dnmage by flood waters which swept over this place to be about $G,000,: 000. Threo hundred houses wero destroyed. Auto Saves Let. At Costcllo, threo miles bolow here, warning was brought by a man in nuto n-id practically ove'ry person in tho vlllago of 500 people made I escape to the hills. J&lll Sundny was spent in iMllef work, 'nnd boiuo nttompt to i Vjiovo tho wreckage. Thero ha- n no or- ' imnlvn.1 nffar no vf fr Tho stnto coustnbul .VoVon tho scono and InBt nlgluKno ,oYie with- out n pass could ReouroTeurnnco to tho town. During the day, however, there was considerable pillaging. An effort Is to be mado to rellovo tho somewhat chnotlc condition which exists. Tho district nttornoy will summon several experts employed In tho con- structlon of tho dam, In nn effort to And tho cniiBo of tho disaster. 'Hero of Santiago Suddenly Stricken on New York Street Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Ba Times.) NEW YOItlv, Oct. 2. Admlrnl "'" ov;ui1 "'Vf ""i'i'-u uu , - ..,,,., r,. , a-.. mnnd of Admiral Cervora, at San tiago, during tho Spanlsh-Amorlcnn ,A "?,r!"'l'3 """""" WU U illU 411IIUI ILttlt 1IVUVO (411 1 d mirnl Schloy tho other. For a long Was much debato as to which of tho two SOES TO GET E T Jorden Schapers Begins Ac 1 tion to Collect $18,000 From Simpson Co. Jorden Schnpors of North Coos River, near Allegany, today began null in HiA Plrmlt pmirt nunlnnt Him 'Simpson Lumber compnny for f 18,- 579.30 which ho alleges Is due him j"' ,ufia i"Bi " u umw or vices. Ho alleges that he has bad an .uuuut, uw t"ID muuoy mvuivou totals about 3G,000 and that thero remains unpaid and unsettled the amount ho Is suing for. Ho alleges tnftt ne as repeatedly demanded a settlement o; tne company uut lias instituted the suit (or Mr. Schapers. 1ml nil trcHt Iirt nr Hfl It fst nna rt lin I TURKS LEAVE TRIPOLI CiTY Sultan's Forces Evacuated Soon After Italian Bombard ment Began. By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay TimcB) TKIPOLI, Septentrional Africa, Oct. 2. Tho Turks evacuated this city Saturday Immediately after fire wnB opened on the forts by tho Ita lians. The Turks apparently rotrent- j ed with the Intention of preparing for rcststcncc In tho interior. SINK ITALIAN VKSSKLS. Humor That Two CiiiImmm Wei-.' Ltwt Sunday. (By Associated Press to tlu Coos Hay Times) iu.mju.n, ijiiginiiu, uct. :'. a dispatch to the Chronicle from Cons tnntlnoplo snys a wireless luesugo to tho ndmlrnlty says two Italian cruisers havo been sunk nt nn un nnmed point in tho archipelago. ASK AID OF FOWEKS. Turkey Wimtn Eiiioikmiii Nations to 111! ,.(V.,. ' (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay ""Irnes) CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey. Oct. 2. It is ofllclnlly announced that tho Italians havo bombarded tho port of Roschndlo. Ono of theiTurklsli tor pedo boats thcro was damaged. Later they entered tho port of Musto and took tho captain of tho port nnd threo boatmen prisoners. Tho cab inet hns proparcd a messago to the powors urging Intervention. Itl'.MOKS OF BATTLE. Itcport That Turkish Fleet Evaded Italian Squadron. (By Associated Press to tho Cons Bay Times.) PARIS, Franco, Oct. 2. Agouco Fournlor nt midnight Sunday sent nut n dispatch undor n Itoino dnto that a great bnttlo was In progress Saturday in tho strnlts of tho Dar danelles. Later tho Agouco sont out a dispatch that this roport Boomed confirmed. A messago under a Constantinople dato Sundny, liow ovor, snys that tho fleet Is safo and tho Turkish commnndor evaded the Italian fleet. COAST LEAOUE HALL SCORES. By Associated Press to the Coos Buy Tlmos.) PORTLAND, Oro., Oct. 2. From lending tho Const Leaguo by n frac tion of a point, Portland slumped lntn Kopntifl nlnrn vnutni'ilnv liv twn ,. . ,..,,.,., HillllL'B. VL'lllllll WUII il UUlllllU-IIUilllUI Los Angoles 0 Vomon 4 (Second gamo.) Los Angoles . . Vernon 10 At Snn Francisco R Sncramonto 4 Hi 10 Oakland 1 7 Sat ii i day's Games, Tho scores of Saturday's games wore as follows: At Oakland Oakland , . , Sncramonto At Los Angeles Los Angolos Vomon .... At Portlnnd R 1 3 It 3 0 R II E 10 2 8 1 II E 9 3 9 2 II E 1G 2 7 2 2 19 1 10 Portlnnd 12 San Francisco .... 4 (Second gamo.) Sacramento Oakland Portland-San Francisco games called off on account of rain. Seed ItVE at HAINES'. Conflicting Rumors Keeps World Guessing as to What Is Happening. GERMANY TAKES STEPS TO BRING ABOUT PEACE Turks Reputed to Have De serted Tripoli When Italy Opened Bombardment. KAISEK ATTEMITS TO KKKTOKE PEACE (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, Germany, Oct. 2. 4 It wns stnted nt tho Foreign Olllce this evening thnt nlthouglt no offer of medtntlon hns boon made, the Oerman ambassador 4" I nt CmiHtniitlnntiln nlrenilv In working nctlvoly nt tho Turkish - j capital to effect a peaceful sot- i Moment botween Italy and Tur- - I hoy. a '4fc CAL'Si: OF TROUBLE. Italy, In demanding tho right to occupy Tripoli Immcdlntoly, mado three allegations against Turkey, which owns the rich F'nto In tho north of Africa. Theso nllegntlons nro: That Italian subjecta havo been arbitrarily arrested hi Constantinople nnd havo been Imprisoned, desplto romon- strnuces mndo by tho Itnliun gnvornmont. Thnt tho llfo and property of Italian subjectp aro not socuro In Tripoli. - That tho Turkish niithorltfcs. - refuse to force tho roleaso of un Italian girl hold by an Ottoman, 4 nfter being nsked to do so by tho Italian government. i- lTnquestlonnbly, Itnly wnntn Tripoli for trndo purposos nnd for colonization. I'nctN About Ti-Ipolf. Tripoli, domain of the Turku for years, has n commercial bus- 4 InesH valued at $1,000,000 nil- -niiully, which Is derived from domestic products, consisting: of wool, wheat, oil and cattle, uud tho Central African exports of gold, fenthers, Ivory nnd ruti beri Its area Is -100,000 squnro miles, equal to tho combined areas of the threo Pacific const states and Nevada Included. 4 Tho population, consisting mostly of llorbors nnd Moors, 4- Is ostlmnted at 1,000,000. (By rsbodated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) LONDON, England, Oct. 2. Strict Italian censorship Is kcoplug tho world In tho dark In rcgnrd to tho progross of ovents In tho Mediter ranean. Conflicting rumors nnd re ports contlnuo to como in. Onot cablegram announced doflnltoly tliac Tripoli had been bombarded and oc cupied, and another thnt no uftaclc on tho city had beon mndo. It Its certain tho Italians bad not uttackuuT tho town up to midnight Saturday boon hoard rdon wlilclt that hour Reportii rovosu nro- equally competing. ACTIVE iMolilll.c.s Hk Force to bo PrennrotE For Emergency. I Tit Aonnnlntnil Proua tr t) Pna TtfiVP x"' """--"" " ' Times) CONSTANTINOPLE, Turkey, Oct. 2. It was ofllclnlly announcod Sat urdny that Greece Is mobilizing It si forces. MRS. ROBERT GEE of Coqulllo Is 111 tho city to mnko an oxtended' visit at tho homo ot her sister, Mrs. W. F. Harmon. FRED SLAOLE camo ovor from Co qulllo In his auto this morning on a brief business trip. RKMOVAL NOTICE Harry G. Hoy has nioveii nTa law ofllco from tho Bennett & WaF tor Block to tho new Coko Betiding; opposlto tho Chandler IioteL TTo occupies the suite composed of rooms 213, 214 and. 21&. ghei:ci: is O 1ft . r r - r- r pa ra ve li txa fth est om jml eon met tint, the hey nil- ver ker liter : ugh tr'- u , I