THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 30, 1911 EVENING EDITION. w '- ' JH COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS SYNOPSIS OF TIM2 COUNT V COURT l'ltOCHKDINCS, AR.IOUHXKD JULY 1011 TERM In Re HiK'clal InipioveiiieiilH J. J. Burns, nc Contract, R. D. No .26, Speclnl Fund,.. $1,600.00 II. A. Johnson, Services ns Spec ial ltd Master, No. 26 27.00 Albert Bnrklow, nc Contract It. D. No. 2C, Speclnl Fund, ..600.00 II. V. Holveratott, nc Contract It. D. No. 11, Speclnl Fund, 500.00 E. N. Harry, ac Contract It. D. No. 12, Speclnl Fund, .. 1,000.00 Miller & Crowley nc Contract It. D. No. 30, Speclnl Fund, 400.00 U. F. Snow, nc Contract It. D. No. 30, Spec'nl Fund 250.00 Al. J. Krnntz, ac Contract It. D. No. 30, Speclnl Fund 120.00 Itobt. C. Train, ac Contract It. D. No. 30, Special Fund, . . 600,00 In He Hon (Is mid Bridges 1 Hilling, Lundy & Sons, Powder, Freight, etc., Lnbor, Supplies, I Itock Crusher 541.42 Hilling, Lundy & Sons, Pump, etc 26.75 Coqulllo Hnrdwnro Co., Miscel laneous, 7.65 Mars'hflcld Hnrdwnro Co., rivets, etc 00 Coqulllo Mill & Mercantile Co. Lumber 5.CS Labor. J. D. Clinton $70.50, T. E. Loach 87.50 Enrl Ooodmnn, 9.50 L. Hnrrtson 1.50 Isom Clinton 71.50 T. W. MeCloBkoy 04.50 Geo. Krlbs, , ; 5S.25 Fred Shunke 72.50 P. Cook 3S.75 Lester Cook 10.00 J. FInley Schroeder, 13.25 George Illrd, Wood C.00 ' Gcorgo Hnughton 16.10 Leon Smith 22.50 It. F. Cook 2C.2.'. C. C. Carter, 14.00 II. J. Itailnbnugh 8.15 ncft Clinton 47.50 Frank Nelson S 1.50 Walter IJarklow 5S.25 Theodore Clinton 3S.75 Enrnest Cook 11.25 John liny 30.00 Cnl Hny 16.50 Percy Schroedor 10.50 In Ho Olllen-H W. II. Ilunrh, Expense of Tench era Institute, General Fd... 300.00 Stnte of Oregon: County of Coos: ss. I, .Tames Wntson, County Clerk for Coos County, Oregon, ox-ofllclo Clerk of tho County Court for said Coun ty nnd Stnto, rlistndlnii of tho records, archives nnd Hies of said County, do hereby cert'fy that tho foregoing Is n true and correct statement of t'ho ninnunt of IIIIIh of expense, In whom fnvor drawn or allowed, on the vnr Inos fundH of the County as nudlted by tho County Court of sn'd Cmintv nnd Stato nt the adjourned July 1911 Term thereof, ns the samo appear In tho Jnurnnls of salr Court now In my offlce and custody. WITNESS my hand and the sonl of tho County Court nlllxed this 1st dny of Soptombor, A. I)., 1911. JAMES WATSON. I County Clerk. SYNOPSIS OF THE COl'NTV COURT T'' ,3, nrano' M,,l,p 103.9" proceedings, si:pti:.mhi:r 'Tl Al ,'n,n,, & Co- U,lw 1R 1011 TFHM "' Si Kl'0"'"l Drugs 9.40 In Ho V.m.lloi, lenses July .....1 Wal,or C""- -w-- Att0- AnguM, Iflll. , nncp 17- Ofllcers Salaries $2,108,32 23 T'vo & """. Ml, 3n-7n Janitor 100.00 rli'lle II.lw. Co.. Hdw 9.30 Circuit Court 26.00 w- r- "" s"'' . Ind'geut 306.0 K,,rl Hutchinson. Lnbor 20.00 Indigent Soldiers 355.00 "' MeLeod. Snlarv ns Supt. 10U:t Scalp Hounty, County 123.00 r,,v Mo"t Mnrl(0t- Mont 17.71 Scalp Hounty, .-i State 92.00 .-vn'nnil & MeAdnms, Smlth- lu He Justice Courth. ,n'r :,,5 J. P. Dlst. No 2 M" " nnro,,v, Snnd 5.10 Sta'te'vs. Mnrsden ,Skw,, Ron- M,,f, aA C. L. Pennoek. J. P. Fees 9.60f',o A- Holilnson. Mdse 14.60 J. W. Carter. Meals, etc 9.40 " T''z- M'1 in- W. 11. Co, Constnhle 4.70 T ,m"' l. Labor 20 00 Wttnosaos. Luelln. Sewart, allowed $10.00 per T. T. Dennett ' 1.70 month, sunport of self. Arthur MoKodwn, '.'.'. '.','..',', ','. 1.70 ,v,,r nr,t,r- nllowed $25.00 per J. W. Dennett 1.70 month, support of self. Mndoc Gulovson 1.70 ' Re lupine. Stnto vs. Hatnvln J. T. MeCormne. Exnni'ning Cot C. L. Pennook, J. P. Feos, .. ..1.93 hv ,c- Huvnnn. tnsnne 10.OO State vs. Plndn J. w. Caiter, Care of Cothy, In- O. L. Pennoek, J. P. Feos 1.55 t'nn 3.00 J, W. Carter, Meals, otc 1. 00 Tin 11. llartle. Exam. Covey. In- W. H. Cox, Constable 1.70 sane 5. 00 State vs. Floyd C. E. Edwards & Son, Speclnl C. L. Pennoek, J. P. Fees 5.90 Trln with Hrown 15.00 Hlllls Short, Witness 12.40 Georco Woodruff, Cnro of Hux- Stato vs, John Doo I man 3,00 C. L. Pennoek, J. P. Fees, .... 4.95 Wm. Hlehnrdfon. Transportation Ernest Johnson, Witness, 3.10 and Caro of Huxmnii 5.10 John Elliott, Witness 3.10 Arthur Elllngsen, nurlnl of Gnm- Fny Elliott, Witness 3.10 on $20.00 "William Hrainard, Witness 3.10 Walter Culln. Examlng Jackson. .'.!oo Ed, Motcnlf, Witness, 3.10 W. n. Cox, Cnro nnd Meals for i J. P. Dlst. No. 3 Stato vs. Manning Witnesses E. Dave Llljeroth 1.50 .Simon Llljcroth t 50 qulllo 7.70 .Ic'nn Llljcroth 1.50 E. M. Dlnckcrby, Stnto vs. Jess, E. Q. D. Holtlcn, J. P. Fees, Stnto Conveying Prisoner to Co vb. Ynylor '. . 3.20 qulllo 7.70 E. G. D. Holdcn, J. P. Fees, Stnto CJreult Court I vs. Perks et nl 3.45 I. n. Nosier, Livery for E. O. D. Holdcn, J. P. Fees, Stnto i vs. Hnughton .6.95 E. G. D. Holdcn, J. P. Fees, Stnto vs. John Doe 345 Stnte vs. Klrshtnan E. D. G. Holdcn, J. P. Fees, . . . .6..i5 Stnte vs. Jess E. O. D. Holdcn. J. P. Fees,. . . .8.25 Fred Felger, Witness 6.70 II. Mnnclct, Witness 0.70 Stnto vs. Cnso E. O. D. Holdcn, J. P. Fees 7.30 J. C. Drown, Constable, 5.30 E. O. D. Holden, J. P. Fees, Stnto vs. Smcnton ct nl 2.73 Stnto vs. McKcnz'o E. G. D. Holden, J. P. Fees, ..12.30 W. W. Gage, Constable 10.10 Witnesses Cyrus Ferret 4.50 Mary Ferret, .. .50 Thomas Fcrrel 4.50 Stato vs PortcY B. G. D. Holden, J. P. Fees,.. 12.50 W. W. Gngo, Constnblo 7.85 .Mnrcclln Smnfloy, Witness, ...3.30 IW. W. Gngo. Witness 150 I Stnto vs. Plcrco E. O. D. Holdcn. J. P. Fees, ..10.15 E. C. Ilnrker, Witness 1.50 W. W. Gngo, Witness 1.50 W. W. Gngo, Constnblo 3.00 Cbtudo Moon, Witness 1.50 E. G. D. Holdcn. J. P. Fees, Stnto vs. Monk ct nl 6.55 L. A. LUJcqvlst, Telephone, Mile- ' ngc, otc 21.06 I In He Juvenile Department Teresa Haughton, Delinquent , Witnesses. Estn Lnnc, Witness 2.00 Hattlo Lano, Witness 2.00 Mrs. M. M. Lnno. W'tness 2.01 Witnesses before ProB. Atty. Etc. Philip Gondheart 8 4 J A. 11. Fltchnor, Constable 9.11 Tom Drown 12. 2ft W. W. Gngo, Constnhle S.00 In He Circuit Court D. M. Charleson, , Ralph J. Young, It. I). Giles.- I Howard for tho Recovery of tho Hotly of Hoy Perkins 100.00 Umpqun Valley News. Pfint'ng Hrlefs. Stnte vs. Gnrrlson, ..42.00 M. Albrlgh, Stenographic Work, Stnto vs. Gnrrlson 10.50 I'M. Joenk, Witness before Grand Jury. Apr. 1911 1 70 In He Stationery mitl Prlnt'iit: Coqu'llo Valley Sentinel, Printing . Hlanks, Notices, Ktc 71.5.S loos nay unrunr, rriuuug lllnnla iVfl.t Coqullle Herald, Printing Hlanks, Letter Heads, etc.,.. 6.50 Onzoot Prlntory, Printing Tnx Hero'pts . .2 00 It. P. Knowlton. MIscoIIiuioiih Stationery Supplies 21.S5 James Watson, Postage, Freight Exnressnge. etc,, 20.00 Hushong &. Co., Reeor'tlH, Hlanks Pencils, etc 32.KB Howe, Davis Company, Supsr's Reports, Hecords, ete .. 111.00 'Phe Irwin Hotlson Company, Re cords, etc 53.0" In He Indigent & Insane I. O. O. F. Cemetery Corporn- I lion, itur hi wrouutis uu.ij'j Arthur- Elllngscn, Launch hire, Hurinl of Jacobs 5.00 Wm. Vliipnmp, Cnro of Crooks. 40.00 , Mr. Jeff n. Wilson. Care of Hos pital Patients liv Contract,. 48 1. 50 In He Poor Farm Huxman 3.7 .Iiiht'ce and Constable M. Blackorby, State vs. Lund, Convoying Prisoner to' Co- Grand Jury S.00 T. A. Walker, Expense In Re State vs. Pierce 12.50 Stationery mid Printing Coos Day Times, Notice to Con tractors, Pub. Court Pro,, etc., 35.90 In He Taxation Coqulllo Volley Sent nel, Pub. Notice of Delinquent Tax es, 1,989,15 Coos Dny Times, Pub. Delin quent Taxes, 1,989.13 Abraham VanZlle, Refund of Il legal Taxes 14 13 M. H. Horsey, Refund Doublo Assessment, 9. SO D. J. Mitchell, Refund of Tax es 26.48 In He HoatU, Bridge Ferries John L. Koontz, Fitting Head & Keying Wheel 9.50 Nelson Iron Works, Cnp Screws, Repairs etc 25.05 Pioneer Hnrdwaro Co., Supplies Furnished, 6.15 Coos Day Oil & Supply Co., Oil, furnished, 36,65 W'lllam Hollnnd, Ironwood, pnlnt, etc 3.90 Mnrb'hfleld Hnrdwnro Co., Drnss Elbow, etc 3.95 Ishnm A. Hnll, Salary as Cap tain 140 00 Gcorgo Elliott, Snlnry ns Engl 1 neer 140.00 Gcorgo Rhodn, Snlnry ns Deck Hnnd 80.00 Alex Hnll, CnBh ndvnnccd aa Ex- j prcssngc 9.40 Coqullle Ferry J. N. McNnlr, Snlnry ns Forry ninn, etc 212,00 Coqulllo Hardware Co., Ropo, 1 Paint, etc 8.30 Wm. N. McICny, Skiff Complete, 35.00 R. W. Hullard, Oporatlng and Maintaining Hullnrd Forry, 120.00 Ira A. Albee, Salary ns South Slough Hr'tlgo Tender 100.00 E. Cornell, Lnbor 8,75 j Heads mill Hrldgrs City Auto Service, Livery HIro for Cw. Ct. Exnm. Rds. Hrldg- I ges 18.00 W. II. Lyons, Livery HIro for Co. Ct. Exnm. RiIb. Hrldges S.00 Gene Wlckhnm, Livery HIro for Co. Ct. Exnm. litis. Hridgcs, 30.00 Gcorgo W . Urynnt, Lnbor on Hrldge 79.75 Sugar Lonf Lumber Co., Lumber for Hrldges, 43.16 M. M. Young, Lnbor on Hridgcs, 31.61 .niiiit-'H E. Hall, Lnbor on Uriel 1 ges, U.25 S. D. Clarke, Lnbor and Pile- Hrldges 21.70 Chns. Rlchcrt, Lumber, 2 Mile Hrldge 175.00 Hilling. Lundy & Son, Supplies for Hrldgo Work 12.00 Daudon Hnrdwaro Co., Nulls for Hrldge Work 1 1.50 J. L. RennMLabor R. D. No. 20, (1.00 Hilling, Lundy & Sons, Powder 'Freight and Commission,. 236.91 In He Columbia Ave. ltd. C. R. Flnnngnn. Viewer, & Ml,.. 8 60 Lloyd Spires, Vlower & Ml 7.60 A. N. Gould, Surveying & Ml., etc 15.60 Densel Kay, Chalnman,- 3.00 In He Ostein Dedicated Horn! C. H. Flnnngan, Vlower & Mile age 8.C0 Lloyd Spires, Viewer & mllngo,.7.60 A. N. Gould, Surveying, Mile- 1 ne, etc., 15 60 Denzel Kay, Chalnmnn fS.OO ( A. N. Gould, making maps & Profiles vnrlous roads 52.50 In He Fnlrvloiv-Siinuier ittmd. C. It. Flanagan, Vlower & Mlle- age 31.00 Lloyd Spires, Viewer & Mllo- nge 76. RO A. N. Gould, Survey'ng, Pro files. Mnps, etc 211.75 Denzol Kny, Chnlrmnn 54.00 C. L. Dooue, Axmnn nnd Rod- ninn 1S.50 L. D. Norton, Axmnn tO.oe A. V. Hntcher, Axmnn 10,00 !. C. J. Glllmnn, Amnn 2 ."0 ' Ir He DiriwClierry-Creek Hond C. R. Flnnngnn, Vlower nnd Mileage lu.60 Lloyd Spires, Vlower and mile age 18 00 A. N. Gould. Surveying, Mile- 1 nnd Lovelllng 38 80 Mnsnn Wilcox, Axmnn 7.00 Grant Wilcox, Axmnn, .... 7 00 Denzel Kny, Chniniunn 10.30 In He Catching Creek Hond C. R. Flanagan, Viewer nnd Mileage 23, SO Lloyd Spires, Vlower and M'le- ago 20 30, A. N. Gould, Surveying nnd Mile- nge 58.50 Denzel Kny, Chalnman, 11.25, W. R. Pohl, Rodman 6,25 j John Fabry, Axmnn, 9 50 D. Dnrtlett, Axmnn 9.50 A. N. Gould, Mnps, Proflles.etc, Various Roads 52 50 C. R. Flanagan, Viewer, making out reports, H day, 2.00 (Continued on page 7.) Who Wants This Grand JERSEY BULL? Norrls Humphrey, tho well-known Dniry nnd cnttlcmnn of Euguno, writes n letter to Tho Times, nsklng the editor to prepnro nn ntlvcrtlsoment offering for snlo his fino Jersey bull "FLY 1XO FOX." Ho encloses a pedlgrco nnd an adv. which says: "I nm offering for snlo one of tho finest Imported bulls to bo found In tho world. A. P. Wnlk er pronounces him a wonderful bull. Ho Is cnBy worth $1,000. For n quick cnBh snlo, tho first check for $500" gels him. Ho Is a most beautiful solid fawn color with black points; very gentle nnd flno disposition. Look nt tho pedigree. Correspondence Bollclted." But I think tho best ndverttsement Is pnrt of Mr. Humphrey's letter In which ho snya: "I nm offering ifor snlo to tho dairymen, around Marshficld nnd Cooa Hny, ono of tho grandest bred Jcrsoy bulls thnt tho "Islnnd of Jersey" over produced. I bought him for myself, but circumstnnces nre such that I desire to sell htm at a great sacrlnco, this bull, 14 months old, im ported from tho Island last year, will mnko grent money for tho dnlrymon of Coos county. I havo never offered him less than $500, but I nm now going to offer to tnko $350 Bpot cnah for him f. o. b. Eugono If tnken nt once. I consider him woll worth $1,000 todny. A. P. Walker, tho greatest Importer of Jerseys from tho Island, says that ho Is a wonderful bull. It Is nn opportunity thnt some of your dairymen cannot nfford to lot pass. Whoever gets him finds tho best bnrgnln In Oregon thnt I know of. I enclose nlso his pedlgrco. "I forgot to sny thnt dnm of tho bull Is n vcry'lnrgo milker nnd tested 7 2-10 April 14, 1911. You will sco from this ad. thnt I havo reduced my prlco to $350.00 In order to mnko n quick snlo for cnBh. Tho bull is very kind and easy handled, nnd nil right In ovory wny. I nm now lcnvlng tho whole matter to you." Dairymen Interested mny sco I'cuigreo nnd pnotogrnphs of tho bull nt Tho Times' offlce. Address nil correspondence to f$kto jfhii.' NORRIS HUMPHREY EUGENE, OREGON. R. F. D. NUMBER 3. COOS MY. j'l'iM Tho pnst has proven thnt Invostments cities nro tho meit profitable. Tho O. Diuschko, Mnrshflold, Oro. 5QUART Zr nrni iii Miw. y. s cvs xTy ri (jpRESMTED NX or "THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED Willi WIRRLKSS CON'NKCTINO WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Sails from Coos Jiuy for Portland, Monday, Octo ber 2, al service of lido NORTH PaJIFIO SI'EAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 4 C. F. McGKOHGE, Agent FAST AND Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Mars h field for San Francisco, Sunday, October 1 at 4 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 44 C. F. McGEOROE, Agent. EQUIPPED Reamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON SKPTEMHKR 8, 8, 13, 10 AND 2(1 AT 8 P. 51. SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON SEP TEMHICR B, 10, 10, 23 AND 30. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PnONE .MAIN 85.L FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our nutos, leaving MnrslifK-ld nt O o'clock every morning, con nect Kith tho evening train to Portlnnd. Faro $0,00. COOS HAY HOSKHL'RU STAGE LINE. OTTO SCHETTEH, Agent, O. P. IJARNARD, 120 MARKET AW, Marshfleld. Agent, ROSEnURG, Ore. PHONS 11 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAHLO ND JOSSON CE.MENT. The best Domeitlc and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201 ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING fflZGW. ,!' i i'I I I I IT or COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS J& AGCNTS COAL COLONIZATION LA1M. FARM FDUfT. MMML OMli TIMBER. LAKDS. Organizim or ftaumw COMPANIES A WZCIALTY In smnll ncro tracts near growing D. R. S. has such to off or. Chas. J. COMMODIOUS Vmil WIRELESS DONE AT THE TIMES1 OFFICE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PROF. C. DAVIDSON PIANO AND VOICE Plionc 4G1 North Bend D"- E. F. WINKLER, Naturopath mill Chiropractor. Ml chronic dlscnsos trcnted. Consul tation frco. Ofllco hours: 9 to 12 n. m.; 2 to 5 nnd 6 to 8 p. m. Nnturopnth Institute Room No. 1. No. 136 Drondwny, Mnrshllold, Oro. pvlt. G. W. LESLIE, U Osteopathic Physician Qrndunto of tho Amorban school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllc, Mo. Offlefr In Eldorado I) lie. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Mnrshllold; Oregon. rvit. c. c. LJ Phyi TAfiflART, 'liyslclau and Surgeon. Ofllco 209-210 Coko Building. Phones: Residence IKiL; Olllcc 1U2X J. W. DENNETT, Lawyer. Offleo ovor Flnnngnn & Dennott Dank Inrsliflold c Oregon D1 R. J. T. McCORMAO, Physlclnu, nnd Surgeon Mnrshflold, Oregon. Jfllco: Lockhirt Uulldlng, opposKe Post O.Tk. Phono 105-J D" A. C. IIURROU'aHS, Scientific Massnglst, Treats all diseases Ofllco, corner Second and Contrnl Avenue. Ofllco hdurs 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 6 p. va. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wo nro equipped to do nlsn cla work on short notlco nt tho very lowest prices. Examination tteo. Lndy attondnnt, Coko building, oppo site Chnndler hotel. . DR. II. B. MOORE, Chiropractor. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 203 Cooa Dldg Pbne 8lJ Offlce hours 1 to 5j 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to 5 Prof. A. Richards A OHARUAT1NG TEACHEK Pupil of Cnrl Chrlstensen, the well known Now York Swedish concert plnnlst, will tnko a limited number oi students for private lessons. I Appllcnnts cnll at Studio, Sengs- ttneken Bldg., 130 Hi-oatiwaj. Have Us Launder Your Underwear I We wash these gnrments cleans and better than tho work can be don elsewhere, nnd they are not worn i much. We do not shrink them, eje ! woolen garments are returned same size as when sent us. We Iron the garments nlcely' nd ordinary repairs free of charge- you have fresh clean, sweet una wear ready for each week's cbang Bundle yours up with next wee. laundry bundle. Mar-hfield Hand & Steam Larf phon- saso-J JL V