, "th . ,1"" rV AGhiX'l'S jt OR 'I'll h ChisMMATED "W-E-A-U - E-V-U-l!" ALUMINUM CuKING UTENSILS. J Why Should You Trade at The ARE CO? A t Because We Carry The Largest Stock of Hardware in C CMinitj THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, .OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1911 EVENING EDITION. PIONEER HARDW MARSHFIELD Always- "lEeBusy u Cut Wo linndlo tlio Famous Quakor City Cut Glnss. It Is tho product of tlio best Enstorn .Mnntifncturur. Tliu stuck Is largo nnd of ninny varied doalgiiB, rightly priced. Look over our Htoclc l)oforo deciding; wo'ro glnd to allow It. si:i-: our windows Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PJione: J'Olt SALE lon-nri-u fnrin, an ncivs clenred, romnlndor alder land. S. P. railroad survey runs through ranch. Plenty of routes. nnvlgablo stream throughout plnco. '4-mIlo from n creamery and good store nnd poatolllco! $2,000 down and I1.G00 In live yenrs at 0 per cent. This vlll doublo your monoy In n year. If you moan business, ad dress Dox 75, City. j ' i .ANY WOMAN can ADD greatly to family INCOME HY fow minutes' work nt homo. Particulars Box C06 WANTED CmiViiHHliiK ngcntH at onco for tho salo of "COMPEN DIUM of Evoryday Wants," th book of general necessity, prlco $1.50; aUo for "Tho DEVIL'S "BRIDE," n wonderful rollglous nl logory, prlco $1.00. Either outfit sent postpaid for 10 conts. 00 commission to ngonts. nig sellers. Address A.n. KUHLMAN, Publish er, 130 West Lake St., Chicago, III. TOU SALIC Gasoline launch 20 feet long and 0-foot beam, first clas3 ordor. Call nt 427 Broadway. T - -M WANTED Young man, good habits to board nnd room In modern home. Phono 129-R. FOR RENT 7-room houso with bath, cor. No. Broadway and Cedar Ave. Apply to C. J. Bruschke. WANTED Woman or girl to euro for elderly Invalid. Inquire of MrB. Sengstackon. WANTED Flvo boarders nnd room ers In private homo. Handy loca tion for mill hands. Nicely furnish ed rooms. Rates reasonable. 977 South Fourth street. Phone 18SX T"OR RENT Three- furnished rooms for gentlemen. Inquire nt this offlco. FOR SALE Ono -l-passcnger uto' In first class condition, 1910 mod el. Or will trade for real estate. Largest Stock of Hardware1 Largest Stock of Aluminum Ware Largest Stock of Crockery Ware Largest Stock of Granite Ware Corner" Glass" Main 298 Us Would jmy somo dlfforonce. Call nt Itood Apartments, ground door, South Side. FOR SALE Pure .ler-ey mill;. Phone 108X. Mrs. 1). Haines. I'Olt RENT Furnished lints A. F. Williams, Phono Cl-R. FOR RENT luriiUlifI apartments In tho Sacchl building. Steam heat. Apply Nasburg's grocery. I.OST Purse containing $1 ' K"'1' and four or llvo dollars In silver and Bomo koyB. Howard half con tents If finder will return nt Tliuoa' FOR SALE Furniture for seven room houso. Enquire Times' ofllco or nddress Box 792, Marshflold. )VsT Turquoise- stick !u betwce.i O'Connol building and Palace res taurant. Reward for return to tho Times ofllco or pliono 289-J. FOR SAIiK Pure Jersey milk. Phono 10SX. FOR RENT Four-room, partly fur nished houso, next to Catholic church. Inquire on promlsos. AUTOS AIAVAYS READY Two inn chines careful drivers. Stands at Blanco hotol and Ed's Billiard par lors. Day phonea 4C nnd 231R. Night phono 181X. WANTED Hoy to deliver Times In South Marshlleld. Must bo at least In fourth grado ut school. FOR SALE CHEAP Plnno, 1072 Anderson Ave. FOR SALE My farm 000 acres In ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C. W. Santord, Marshfleld. FOR SALE Two choice 20 acre trncts, close In. 1,1500 each, ono I third cash, long time on balance. 1 Seo J. C. Doano, phone 314x2. WANTED O experienced coal mln- ors Beaver Hill Company. FOR RENT Two furnished house keeping suites. Pleasant and con venient. E. M." Brown, near Park, North Bend. FOR SALE-Cbuggy cheap. Apply Club Cigar Store. T. Maas. 330 Aur.NTS V - A - L - Y - O - L - All Children's Eyes should lie examined before H('llllllg them (o school. -a wm TTLk A child's eyes aro dellcato things. Hence It Is only by tho rnrest skill, arc children oyes fitted with glasses, which aro in nccordanco with their requirements. Years of cxporlonce onables mo to guarantee satisfaction In such cases. We Do Our Own Grinding Ofllco over Norton & Hanson's Store. F. J. HAYES. Optometrist Optometrist. A now stock of tho latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J FOR RENT Houses 17, 91H and $20 er month. C-room houso nt Bunkor Hill. . . .91'- Furnlshod Pint - Furnished rooms close In $8 nnd $10 AUG.FIilZEEN G8 Central Ave, Marshlleld, Ore. MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75o nnd $1.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping npnrtraonts with gas rnnges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. T. J. SCAIFE A. II. IIODGINS MarshfieldPainL CSh Decorating Co. Estlmntos MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phono 140L Oregon MEN of Itleaa. wh J havoaomo Inventive nbltlty niid tulu mu'.-l I't1 ti.lhTllrl. plfuta write illt:t:t.i:v .1 Mcl.M'liir, t'Mtvu. ll!uruv). WuIiIiikUu, It. U fjjP" Bfc- Special Sale on Steel Cut Coffee Edwards' Depondablo Vacuum Packed Steol Cut Coffee. A spe cially selected coffee that I? guaranteed to glvo absolute satisfac tion. Strong nnd Delicately Flavored. Make It as you mako tho coffee you havo been using and Its superior merits will appeal to you. Notice the lUnorenco. Regulnr prlco 45c, now only Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 Largest Stock Largest Stock Largest Stock Largest Stock FRONT ST. LN - E" GAS ENGINE OILS SEE THE Tailor Window at tho FIXUP Suits Made to Measure from $18 to $30 Remember our price is the lowest The Fixup Royal Music With All Pictures. PROGRAM I'OR SATURDAY. "Hunting Rig Game In Africa" 'Foolish Head Telegraph Errand Roy' (Oood Comedy) 'Crow Cillers Defeat" (Exciting Indian Picture) Song "Oh, You Dream" SUNDAY PROGRAM "War Time Wooing" (Exciting War Picture) "Such Is The Kingdom" (A Storn Father). 'ClrclesWew Ross" (Cow Boy Comedy) Song "Star Spangled Banner" Horonftor tho Royal Theatre will run three now rools ovory day, bo you will nover seo tho samo reel twlco. ADMISSION 10 and f CENTS. Tho boy's nppetlto Is often tho Bourco of amazoment. If you would have such an nppetlto tako Chnmbor Inln'a Tablets. Thoy not only creato a healthy appetlto, but strengthen the stomach nnd enahlo It to do Its work naturally. For sale by all dealers. .35 Cents Royal 1Kb of Paints and Oils of Stoves and Ranges of Ship Chandlery of Fencing .MtEu. jyojP''" MB i Ti HORN. , ANDERSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. John Anderson, Jr., of Union nvenue, North Bend, eight-pound twins Friday, September 29. Ono Is n boy nnd tjio other a girl uinl tho parents nre tho happiest people Coos Bay has scon in ninny n day JACOBSON To Mr. nnd MrB. Ouh Jncohsflii of Empire, n twelve pound son, Saturday, September ' 30. BRUNER To Mr. nnd MrB. Clms. llrunor of Ton Mllo, n boh, nt Mercy hospital, North Bend, Snt- I urdny, September 30. Mothor nnd i child nro getting along nicely. I Is Improving. E. C. Ilenld who him been 111 at Tho Chnudler hotel tho last fow days Is reported soinn whnt Improved todny. Season Opens. Tho opon soason for snlpo, geoso, plovor, mud hens nnd nil wading birds Is now on nnd many hunters nre planning to tako udvnntngo of It tomorrow. dots Pony. Joo Housor found n strny pony tho other dny nnd yes terday Inserted n found nd. In Tho Times. In n fow hours nftor Tho Times wns out, tho owner wns lo cntod nt Llbby. Mnny lind boon searching for tho anlinnl for sovoral days. ..In Washington. Bobblo Wilson, tho clover llttlo Mnrshflold Jockey, Is now making tho Stnto of Washing ton circuit, nccordlng to n card from Norman Wilson who Is Aiding nt Roseburg. Norman rodo CardwHl'H Faith Macallesto at tho Rnsohurg fair races thla week. Return to Ray. Jny Doylo, former' ly connected with tho Going & Harvey WANTED Girl dMnwisher nt Hotel Oregon, North Bend. FORRENT House on Enhtslile, fat-' Ing bay. Partly furnished. Good woll of water. Enquire nt styro A. W. Myers & Co. FOR SALE Houso of 12 rooms, Btoro-room nnd bath with large basement, nil In good ropnlr. Housh just painted. 4G foot front, 100 foot deep for $3,000 or 110 fef front for $4,000. Borry bushes and fruit trees. (Iub and electricity. Also furniture cheap If doslrod. Ad dress Box 330, North Bond. Light, White Always Right You Know tbe Rest Drifted Snow Flour OREGON store, nnd Mr. Trunx who hnvo been In Alaska tho past season nro now en route to Mnrshflold. They wore nt Drain en route hero nccordlng to tho last word from Ifiom. Wetl at Vancouver. A Portland announces that Carl V. Johnson nnd Miss Carlo Gray were 'granted n mar riage 1 censo thoro Wednesday, Rob rt Mnrsden, Sr., of Mnrshflold bolug the witness. Mr. Johnson nnd his hrldo formorly conducted Iho Breakwater rooming houso on North Street. Delays Trip. Owing to tho rail road strike, E. I). McCrary, Sr., and wlfb hnvo postponed their return to their old homo in Missouri. Thoy hnd planned to lenvo tomorrow on tho Rcdondo but now thoy will ro mnlu horo until tho strlko Is over. Improve Inlet- Simon Erlcltson wns n Marty field visitor todny, ho Ing en route to Lnkcsldo to spond Sunday nnd look nftor business thoro. Bids on tho Improvomont of I.nrson's Inlot by dredging tho ehnnuol will bo npouod Oclnbor 23, and It Is hoped to get undorwny this winter. Mr. Erlckson has boon iid vocntlug tli's Improvement for a long time nnd Is elnted over tha prospect of Its early completion. The Season of Colds and Grippe Is here. The old saw about an ounce oi! pre vention still holds good. Hotter got a box of B. & S. Cold Capsules NOW and bo prepared to make short work of theso 1 roiiblesoino affections. B. & S. Cold Capsules is the most successful remedy yet discovered. 25c and 50e. Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists. PHONE 111. MARSHFIELD. $.-r