THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 C JOS BAY1 iMb and Mrs. Arthur McKeown, a Bong by Master I'asquln IJrndlleld, a rcclta- tldn by MnHter Tlmmcrmun, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Max Tlmniermnn and the dancing of Miss Edna Ullven; OTICK We" lt l8 ''"l'03911' e to 'ct'on Owing to an unexpected rush of "icm nil Individually but all of the AI. O. MALOXEY Kdlior Pub. IAN K. .MALOXKV Noun Alitor advertising Into this afternoon, a Jnrgo nmount of local news nnd edi torial matter Is crowded out. LOCAL OVKHFJiOW. Mrs. J. Albert Mntson Issued Invi tations today for a bridge lunchon at 1:30 Saturday, October 7. MISS TALLENK WILLD left today for Elk Point, S. D., In responses to a mosBngo stntlng that her moth er, Mrs. L. E. Wllld, who Is visit ing there had been tnlen serious ly 111. Tho Wlllds resldo at East side. Logger Hurt. A Christian, a log ger employed In tho Smith-Powers camp on South Inlet, was pretty bad ly hurt yesterday afternoon by be- nerforniers shared equally In the honors that tho audience so liberally conferred. In carrying out the program, Prof. Beggs was assisted by Mrs. J. V. Hennett, Mrs. Otto Schetter, Mrs. Rebecca Lusc-Stump, Mrs. Arthur McKeown, Mrs. Harry McKeown, Mrs. J. II. Flnnngan, Mrs. Eugene CroBthwalt, Mrs. E. K. Janes, Mrs. M. C. Horton and Mrs. Henry Sengs tneken and others. Prof. Hoggs' dancing nlso elicited much npplauso. Among the little folks participating wero Eleanor Flanagan, Holen Flana gan, Alice Flnnngan, Gladys Ferry, Jeanetto Upton, Grace McKeown, Ena McKeown, Katherlne Stump, Lucllo Douglns, Doroihy Hylor, Elslo Ullven, MYRTLE POINT BADLYBEATEN (Continued from page JL.) Myrtle Point seeming to be comple nearly every department, but espe cially in the Interference given the runner with the ball. Time nnd again tho backs or ends made runs of from 15 to 40 yards with perfect Interference from the bnckdeld. The line, too, showed up remarkably woll. Although grently outweighed, It suc ceeded In holding the Myrtle Point backs in check, the visitors making tholr wnrdngo only threo times dur ing tho whole game. At tho beginning of tho first qunr- ter, Myrtle Point kicked off to Mnrsh fleld, Stutsman taking the ball on the 20-yard Hue, nnd making ton yards before ho was downed. Marsh Held iniido in yardB on the first piny, n forward pnss to full back. From there the ball was sent Into Myrtle Point's territory by n series of end runs nnd plnys. On tho visitors' 1 yard line Johnson took the ball and cnrrled It to Myrtlo Point's 20-ynrd lino before he was downed. From thcro n touchdown was mnde In three plnys, Stutsman taking tho ball over. No goal was kicked. Mnrshflold then kicked off Myrtlo Point, but time wns called nfter the ilrst piny. In tho second qunrtor, Myrtlo Point took the bnll on per Hi" -yard line, but lost It Immodlntoly on downs. Mnrsh flold then mado her second tnucli- j down In four plnyH, Larson taking the ball over. No goal was kicked. Marsh Held then kicked off to Myr tlo Point, but by good defensive work got the bnll on tho visitors' 40-yard dully pleasing featunm by tho little Mary Metlin. Dorothy Uyler, Mnrlnn ! " After a few plays. Stutsmnn 2ng struck by a branch of a falling nm, Mnflter8 JMm Mnt()on KodorIck tree. One kidney was crushed and n.r.nnn. KlIw,n Rwnn,nn. Morton t i ... I1U 13 lib ,.1, 1.-..,1rtlnl. C3nli,i,t..t. Trim. VIJUt.', r ItHCl IUIY UbllV.M wvj tils hnck sovoroly injured. Worcy hoBpltal. VISK 1'ItOOItAM I'KKSKNTKI). Keown, Eugene Crosthwnlt, Max Mc- Joncs, Eugene Tlmmcrmnn, Jay "With ono of tho largest audience MUner nnd I'asquln Hradflold. siBsombled thnt tho Masonic Opera House has known in many a day, nnd one of tho finest programs ever tnttompted'by local talent, tho benefit, porformnnco given last evening for Tho program was as follows: 1. Grand Mnich. 2. Scottlsche Sword Dnnco. (n) Highland Fling. (b) Highland Scottlsche. tho Mnrshflold Public Library wns nn jjnry Metlin, Marian Horsfall, Ilelon unqunllfled success. From the open-1 Ing niimbor to tho last, there was n continual round of npplausc nnd tho little performers scored a hiiccojs that few do on tholr Initial nppunr mnce. Tho progrnm was under the direc tion nf Prof. Ueggs nnd consisted Inrgoly of dancing numbers. Voonl numbers by tho now Coos Lyric 'CJunrtctto. cnitRlstliig of Motwrs. Ilnl linger, Ostllnd, UlchnrdH mid Joihm wore especially plctmlng. Other espe-1 Merchnnt, Florence Flnnngan, Uess Flanagan, Doris Sengs- tucketi, Ednu Ullven, Jane McLnlu. 3. Toddy Hears nnd French Dolls Hy twenty Uttlo people. 1. Mule Quartette Messrs. Halllnger, Ostllnd, Richards, and Jones. ' 5. Exhibition. 0. Skirt Dance with North Bend in tho near future nnd the Mnrshflold boys are confident of success. The lino tips: Mnrshfleld Pos. Myrtle Point Curtis center Dnrgolt nnd Flanagan Patterson r g Wylnnd Stead 1. g- Miller Carlson r. t. Robbins Seaman 1. t. Woods Jensen 1. e. Dement Johnson r. e. Reed nnd Horton Smith f. b. Adams Larson 1. h. Davenport Harrington r. h. Nenl and Hyerly Stutsman (Cnpt) q. b. Rackloff Tho Myrtle Point team camo over by auto nnd wero able to return last evening. There wns n good turnout for the game. COAST L13AC1UK HALL SCORES. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 30 Port land and Vernon both won yesterday The -Coast league games resulted as follows Friday: At Portland R II Portland 4 8 San Francisco 2 4 At Los Angeles R II Los Angeles 3 9 Vernon G 7 At Los Angeles R H Sacramento 4 13 Oakland 0 0 A Great Atlvnnlngc to Working Men J. A. Mnplo, 125 S. 7th St., Stoub cnv'llo, O., snys: "For years I suf fered from wonk kidneys nnd a Rovoro bladder trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and their wonderful cures so I began taklnh them and ' sure enough I I) ad as good results as any I heard nbout. My backache 'loft mo nnd to ono of my business, ox pressman, that nlono Is n great ad vantage My kidneys nctcd frco nnd nnrmnl, nnd that s..ved mo n lot of misery. It Is now a pleasure to work jwhoro It used to bo n misery. For Salo at Red Cross Drug Store. They're Here Just arrived, from fc'ic cast the swellest lino of Clothing over shown in M'arshficld, We especially want the young men to. come in and look at them, for they have CLASS, and the price, $20.00 to $25.00, WELL, we just ask you to judge. Our wet-weather goods are here too, Swell Eng lish Slip-Ons, and Light Rubber Tourists Coats for street wear. Slickers and Rubber Boots for work; so, get ready NOW for that rain. THE TOGGERY folk wan tho appearance of Uttlo Miss draco IcKeown, daughter of Mr. SPECIAL attention given to ('Mil,. 3)Iti:.V at Ql'ATKIt.MASS Studio. 1JEST motor-cyclo intbo WOULD See HKItLAI). Ask Ekblnd about that now mo torcycle best In the world. Ml'SIO nt tho CHANDLER on SUNDAV evening. Arrange to tulco y'OVU Sunday ItyN'.VKK there. SHOUTS and ALL KINDS or i'i:i:d at halves'. U'h none too early for CllltlSI'.MAS J'lIOTOS hoo (jl'ATEUMASS Htlldlo. If VOl need FLOl'lt got It of HALVES'. -AVOID Horsfall, Helen Merchant,, Flor ence Flnnngan, Uess Flnnngan, Ednu Ullven, Jane McLnln, Doris Sengstnckon. 7. Exhibition. Waltz Minuet. Sailors' Hornpipe. Exhibition. Mule Qunrjette Messrs. Dulllnger, Ostllnd, Richards, and Jones. Irish Tilt Edna Ullven. Exhibition. Maypole Dance Hy sixteen young girls. 15. Exhibition. 10. Grand Mnrch. S. 0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1 I. got nwny for a 30-yard run, carrying the ball to within n foot of the goal Mue. It wns then scut over the line by n well executed fake play. The last half was nlmost n repeti tion of tho first, with the exception thnt n few comedy stunts were In serted. Mnrshfleld contenting them selves with holding tho visitors' for downs. In tho third qunrtor, Hyerly was substituted for Harrington at R II. Will Horton for Johnson nt R E nnd Flanagan for Patterson nt gunrd, nil tin co playing u good gnmo. In the third nnd fourth quurters Lursou nnd Hyerly each mado touchdowns by long end num. During yesterday's game, two of the Myrtle Point players were In jured, one sustaining n bud gash over the eyo by striking another player's heel mid tho Neal had his shouldor Injured. It whb fonred at ritOl'ULi: by lU'VIVG Ih your husband cross? An Irrl- your flour and Food of HALVES'. "V' num-;i mug iiihiiuh uoii ih i.u . ! tin duo to n disordered stomach. A ArMutu mtii.ii'ltila futfi uinttillna 1,1. .......i .11.. ...-., t.... i ........I.. ni ' " 'i ""I'l'"-" . Willi Willi Kllllll UIHUBllwii in 111:111 I) i-I - -- -- - nnd finishing Walker Studio. I ways good natiired. A gront niniiyj first thnt his collar bono had been linvo noun permanently curou ot atom- liroken. ncii trounio uy iiuc ug uiinuiiieriaiu s For snlo by nil dealers. Artistic picture framing, foto mip pllus nnd finishing Walker Studio. 'Tablets Are You One of Those Who Think They Can't Own Real Estate? You are working for wages or a sal aryAs the salary irorleiity for joit. Certainly then1 is no normal man who don't want real estate; if you don't own any, why don't you ( Probably because you don't Icnow how easy it is, if you only start. if you wait to save the lump price, probably you won't do it. If you do, prices i:ise while you wait. 117 sure and aim at I he .same lime? WAY PARK OPPPPS YOU TUP CUANCP. You can secure a pair of lots there on the small payment of $20.00. Then pay $10 a month. One of the nearest additions. Direct ly in the "line of march." Telephones, water, and lights. Puilding up, good homes. Good roads or deep water ac cess. Is there a single reason why Day Park investments should not prove profitable? No. Let us (ell you about it, and what others have done there. Lots $)0 to $10,"). Cash and easy pay ment prices exactly the same. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 150 Front St. Tho next gnmo will probably bo Hot Tamales and HOT DRINKS THE GOOD KIND You know what Stafford makes faffenfy TWO STORKS. Heating Stoves o Don't buy until you see our line. "It is the largest and finest in Coos County and we can prove it if you will give us a chance. Come in and see us before you buy a stove. It will pay you. Times Want Ads Bring Results WHAT ABOUT YOUR SAVING Every month you are putting aside a good part of your monthly income. That's the best kind of bank ing on the future, but are you putting your savings to work, or are they idle? Put them to work. Buy real estate and buy it in Marshfield. Dight here in this city awaits the grandest opportunity i'or the small investor and his savings that has ever been offered. AVill you take advantage of it or wili you let the investor from outside who appreciates the situation grasp our opportunity? FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD -4 !" ITS THE LOCATION) ZS 1L. ZZ" Put a part of your savings in a lot in this addition. 50-foot lots for .$300, only $25 cash. The cheapest property in the city ; the addition is only 2,500 feet from the High School. Level, sightly lots at prices away under adjoining property. You can't afford to be without one of these lots for investment or home. Call at our office, see the plat and lot us arrange terms. Your savings invested in real estate now will double with the building of the rtiilroad. EYNOLDS DEVELOP! MEN (Owners) COKE BUILDING, OPPOSITE CHANDLER T CO. TELEPHONE 1G0-J l ayijtitearr- mxsisri-jm