ILOUf ui-i;--, HLH '1,1 jK flX Always "IKe Busy Corner" Those Hand Bags We have a well selected stock of these which we must reduce, Look at them in our window and you'll agree they are great values, SEE OUR WINDOW, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main 298 Us wfirmit TOR SALE Pure Phono 108X. Jersey milk. FOR HUNT Four-room, ,rtly fur nished house, next to Catholic church. Inqulro on premises. WANTED Five bonnier mid room ors. Handy location tor mill bands. Nicely furnished rooms. Rates reasonable. 977 South Fourth street. Phono 188X. FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono homo and wagon. Call at 433 So Broad way. i FOR nENT 8-rootn house, partly furnished. Key at 386, N. Second St FOR SALE Furniture for seven room house. Enquire Times' ofllco FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms Apply 433 So Broadway. or address Box 792, Marshflold. WANTED Hoy to deliver Times In South Marshflold. Must bo at least In fourth grado at school. FOR RENT Three neatly furnished rooms for llghthousokeoplng Ap ply nt 547 So. Broadway. LOST-Lndles' gold ring opal and two diamonds. Leave nt Times' of llco nnd get rownrd. FOR SALE IRRIGATED ALFAL FA and fruit land. California un der beat Irrigation system In thoj state. 4 lines transportation.. ! Great dairy country. Prlco $126 1 per aero 6 years to pay. Wrlto fori ( Htoraturo to A. E. Polloxfon & Co., No. 3 Market St., San Fran- Cisco. Headquarters for Coos Bay people. FOR RENT 7-room house vrlthj ,bath, cpr. No. Broadway and Cedar Ave. Apply to Anson Rogora or C. J. Bruschko. FOR SALE Double barreled' shot j gun nearly new, apply Times offlca FOR nENT Nicely furnished room In private family. Inquire 1044 , Central Avenue. AUTOS ALWAYS READY Two ma- chines careful drlvera. Stands at Dlanco hotol and Ed's Billiard par lors. Day phonos 40 and 23111. Night phono 18 IX. FOR SALE CHEAP Piano, Anderson Avo. 1072 U bAUi My in nil OOO perm In ono lot or will cut up In parcols to ult. C. -W. Santord, Marshfleld. POSITION WANTED)? experiene od young woman, nt ofllco work. "B" Box 717, Marshflold. . FOR SALE Two choice 20 Mere tracts, close In. $,1500 each, nnoi third cash, long tlrao on balance. Beo J. O. Doane, phono 314x3. WANTED 0 experienced coI iula dm Beaver Hill Company, WANTED(!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pnouma tlc Cleaning Company. OrdorB for work taken nt GOING & HARVEV PHONE 10(1 We Clean and Press I afllPV find (lPIU S NllllS Lauio aim uuu o uuna Goods Called for and Delivered COOS Bay StCafll LaWK-iy PHONE MAIN 07-J "Found It," A superior quality of Borax Soap A soap that washes, cleanses and pleases. It Is known as White Satin Borax Soap It is a puro white soap and being made entirely of oils la supe rior to any other soap now In tho market. Only 10 cents per bar. Ask to seo It. We also have 1'20 MULE TEAM 110RAX SOAP. GOLD MEDAL RORAX SOAP. Lockhart's Two Private 85 and SELZ Royal Blue Sho es In the Nobby and Staple Lasts. We Guarantee Every Pair $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Woolen Mill Store MILL-TO-MAN" CLOTHIERS A Grent Advantage to Working Men J. A. Mnplo, 12G S. 7th St., Stoub envllle, O., says: "For years I suf fered from weak kidneys and n severe bladdor trouble. I learned of Foley ruunoy iMlls and tholr wonderful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I hpard about. My backncho loft mo and to ono of hiy business, ox pressman, that alono Is a great ad vantage My Kidneys ncted freo and normal, and that Bved mo a lot of misory. it Is now a pleasure to work wnoro n used to bo n misory. For saio at Hed Cross Drug Storo. Special Program nt the Royal Theater Wednesday, Thursdny, Frldny and Snturday. Entlro chnngo of program each night. TONIGHT'S PROGRAM PROF. GUYONt-TIio world'B chnm- plon lightning artist. Also will sing 801110 comic songs and will draw some of tho llucst pic tures you ovor saw. "THE MAN-OF HONOR" A thrilling Indian plcturo "OVER THE SHADING EDGE" A good comedy. SONQ "HONEY LOVE" Entlro change of program each night , Friday wo will show "THE FALL OF TROY', A $30,000 Italian Moving Picture. Ovor 4,000 pooplo in this plc4 turo. i Don't miss any of these scenes . AdmltMlon 10 and O cents. Prof. A. Richards A GRADUATING TEACHER Pupil of Carl Chrlstonson, the woll known Now York Swedish concert pianist, will take a limited nutnbor of studonts for prlvnto lessons. Applicants call at Studio, Songs tackon Bldg., 130 I! roadway. Blanchard's . Livery Wo havo secured tho Jivory busl- P'ed to render oxco.lent sorvlco to o of Cooa Bny CantuX dt Ivors, good rlga and everything hat will moan satisfactory Borvlce to tho public. Phono ua for a driving horse, n rig or anything needed in tho livery lino. Wo also do truck- g buslnoss of all kinds. RLANCHAIU) BROTHERS Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets Phono 138-J Grocery Phones 305 THE WEATHER. - - . J (By Associated Profs.) OREGON, Sept. 27. Fair to night with light frost, In east. Thursday, fair. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 1:00 p. m., Sept. 20, by Mrs. 15. MIngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum GG Minimum 49 At 4:00 p. in GO Precipitation 90 Wlmf, Northwest; clenr. Due Tomorrow. The Breakwater will arrive In early tomorrow from Portland. Postpone Smoker. Tho Smokor to oe given by tho Mtlllcoma Club, In honor of W. S. Chnndlor hns been postponed until Thursday evening, lag. Due Tomorrow. Tho Alliance, will arrive In enrly tomorrow from Port land, having boon delayed In getting away from the Columbia River points yesterday. Gets Big Game. Chns Hickox has returned from n hunting trip on tho South Fork of Coos River nenr the hatchery. Friday ho killed two wild cats and Sunday ho got u big boar. .Move Here. F. M. Mnrhoffor la closing out his storo nt Bay City and will Hhortly move to Mnrshfleld. Ho hns rented tho house on North Sec ond street, nenr Commorclnl, former ly occupied by Ilnrry Nasburg. ReturiiH From Survey. Taggart Aston, chief engineer of the Coos Bay nnd Eastern Eloctrlc returned yes terday from a visit to his; various sur vey camps. Good progressja being made. Has Rig Cargo. The Nana Smith snlled this afternoon for Bay Point with a cargo of nenrly 1,700,000 feet of lumber for Bay Point. Besides n deck load of lumber, sho carried a number of empty oil casks. Postpone Itcceitlou. The recep- j tion by tho congregation of tho Marshflold Mothodlst church for Rev. and Mrs. Rutlcdgo has boon postpon ed until noxt week on account of tho Library benoflt. Make Dig Catch. Jack Farley, who Is fishing at tho forks of Coos River this year ronprts that the run of salmon has beori increasing the past fow days. Mdndayho delivered G70 pound? to tho ennnory. Eye Ih Dettr. Worl wa'sVocelv od this morning from'M,rs, O O. Gosnoy that tholr llttlo sona oyolls Improving. The sight Isn't entiroly gono, so there la hopes of yet saving It. This 1b cortalnly good news for Mr. Gosney nnd family as woll as to tholr many frlonds. Huyn Shop. Ben Bellou has sold tho O. K. Barber shop on Front street, near Central nvonue, to Lloyd Mynatt of Gnrdlnor. Mr. Mynatt took possession this morning. Mr. Bellou has not made any doflulto plans for the futuro but expects to remnln on tho Bay. Sister Vds, Word has beon re ceived horo of tho marrlago In Port land last week of Miss Annotte Gar rlgua and Maurice Almy Aldrlch at tho homo ot tho brldo's parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. C. Gnrrigus. Tho brldo Is a slstor of Mi's. F. A. Golden of Marshllold. ADD Muncoy Oil Company. Win. Cox roportod today that, about $9,000 worth of stock in tho company which Is be ing organized to drill for oil at Cat ching Inlet had beon subscribed for. A meeting of the subscribers will bo called soon nnd tho company organ ized to bogln business. May Open Mine. As a result -of coal prices along the coast being bet ter than In many years and the de mand greater, Pat Hennessey Is fig uring on opening n new mlno. Ho has Bonio valuable coal lands on tho pe ninsula, near tho old Llbby vein, tho workings of which ho superintended for yeara. First -Test Success. The first test of Fo electric donkoy engine by the Sml pPowors compuny was a sue cesJL the engine nulling Itself up tho steep ombnnknicnt on the east slilo of Isthmus Inlet. Some trouble Is being encountered In securing elec tricity to work it to Its maximum power. So far, though, the experi ments 'have been very successful. ditches Big Salmon. A. P. Owen, who Is down from his South Coos Hlver home, reports that the other day ho Anally caught a thirty-pound 'sllversldo salmon thnt got away with I about 130 feet of line. The salmon I was hnnkni! woll with tln troll, find , J Mr. Owen watched for tho lino nftor ho lost tho big fish and pretty soon ho was able to get hold of tho end of It. The Balnion towed him 200 or 300 yards and got tired, and Mr. Owen worked In near tho Island and got ashore and dually landed tho big fellow on tho sand. r Personal Notes L. J. CODY of Bandon Is n MarshHcld bustuess visitor. MISS OLLIE RICHARD of Sumner Is n Mnrshdeld shopper today. II. W. PAINTER returned today from n business trip to Gold Bench TIIEO. BRADLEY Is hero from San Francisco on ono of his regular trips. ALFRED STORA of Allegany is In Marshllcld today on business and pleasure. MISS BLANCHE TELLEFSON has resigned her position In tho Mnrsh flold telephone olllco. MISSES BLANCHE JEFFREYS nnd Esther JohtiRon of Coqullle nro visiting friends In Mnrshllcld. C. BALDWIN, J. O'Brien, A. F. Mc Carcy nnd A. Killing left on this morning's stage for Rosoburg. M..A. SWEETMAN returned last ev ening from an extended business trip through Coos nnd Curry cduu- lot. STATE BANK EXAMINER BEN NETT Is hero making his regular examination of tho banks ot this section. MRS. ALICE KRUSE ot Isthmus In let Is spending a fow days at tho ' homo of her daughter, Mrs. J. A1-. bort Matson. V. S. CHANDLER and wlfo and Will Chnndlor came down last ovonlng from tholr summer homo on South Coos River. v WM. DUNGAN arrived homo today from a business trip to Bandon nnd Coqulllo points. Ho states that no oil has been struck yot In the Bear Creek well. REV...G. LER.OY..JIALI e oxpectod homo tomorrow on tho Broakwator after spending a week visiting friends In Portland and vicinity, In company with Mr. Ell Cooke. CHAS GETTY and wlfo of Emplro wero In MarahUeld today. Thoy nro arranging to lonvo Snturday for Portland to visit-nt tho homo of tholr son, Georgo Getty. JACK ACKERMAN hns reslgnod his position with tho MniHhlluld Hard ware compnny nnd will lonvo Mon day for Bandon whoro ho will work. FREDERICK 13. LEEFE nnd wife lenvo today on tho Nann Smith for San Francisco and California points whoro thoy will 'spend u week or ten days. MAX HOLMES, tho Portland travel ing man, who has boon confined to his room nt the Chandler by nu attack ot toiiBllltlB 1b nblo to bo up nnd around today. F, L. AJIMITAGE of Engono Is spend ing a fow days on tho Bay on busi ness and pleasure. He says that Eugeno Is enthulastlc ovor tho prospect of ono and probably two railroads to Cooa Bay, ROY McCLALLEN loaves next month for Marshflold to tuko tho mauugo nient of n' brunch abstract ofllco to bo oponod In 'that city by A. S. Hammond of Coqullle. Rosoburg Review. I JOHN MOTLEY will leave hs posi tion at tho Flanagan & RonitcU Bank October 1st and will probab ly tako up tho study of law in tho ofllco ot Harry G. Hoy under whom JACK HEARS TRIAL CITY MARSHAL OF MARSIIFIELD HAS FIRST EXPERIENCE AS JUDGE TODAY IN EVAN'S' AT TACIIMENT CASE. Marshal Jack Carter is today occu- pylug a scat on tho bench for tho llrst time In his official career. Ho Is presiding at the trlnl of tho at tachment proceedings of Jnck Tawes of Bandon to'rccover Bobblo Evnna' shnro of the gate receipts of tho re cent fight nt tho Murshilcld Skating Rink. Under tho Inw, tho phnso of tho enso now In controversy hns to ho tried out before tho ofllcer sorvlng tho attachment. The ense Is being heard In Justlco Pennock's court room nml E. II. Joohnk nnd Tom Hall are tho contending lawyers. Tho Jury consists of John C, Mor chant, Fred K. Gctttns, C. A. John son, J. II. Mllnor, W. N. Ekblad nnd Milo Sumner. Only about $19 is Involved and tho costs up to dato far exceed that amount. ho hns been studying at spare In torvnls tho past yonr. - Ih Improving Gcorgo Hanson who sustained sovoro Injuries by n fall from n plank walk nenr his homo in Hay Park Is reported getting along ns well ns could bo expected. Be sides n broken arm ho sustained so vero Injuries to 'Ills head. II. L. BARKLEY nrrlved hero yester day from Portland for n short vis it nt tho lioiues ot Anson nnd Stephen llogora on Coos River. Ho represented Mnrlon county In tho Oregon legislature n few years . ngo but subsequently moved la tho Roso City to mnko his homo. ARNO MEREEN nnd his two slstorfl, Mrs. Gutcholl nnd Mrs. Barry, who havo beon visiting him horo for n fow days, left today 'on tho Nann Smith for San Francisco, tho la dles roturning to their homes In tho stnto of Washington. Mr. Me rcon will bo nbsont for n law wooks. WARREN REED nnd Ed. Franklin of Gardiner aro In Mnrahllold on business and plonsuro. Thoy re port that everything there U booming as a result of tho prospect ot gottlng two ratdroads through thoro to Coos Day. They did not havo any now phnso of tho sltua- tlon to offer. ' MRS. MATTIE BLAIN will leave Sat urday for Missouri, hor old homo, whoro alio will spend tho winter with relatives. Sho oxpecti to return to tho Bay in tho spring ac companied by . relatives. Thff Thomas Blaln ostiue, ot which she was ono of the'prlnclpal holrs, wu ' Bettlod In probate court at Coqullle this week, MRS. McELDOWNEY, who has been suffering from a sovoro attack of asthma Ib roportod Improving. She recontly enmo hero from Spokane to Join hor husband who is con nected with tho RoynoldB' Devel opment company. Thoy reside Id tho lioiiso In South Marshflold which Dr, Ingram recontly vncnt ed. North Bend News J. A. Jacobson left for San Frnn clsco today to enter hla sou, Melvln, In u business cullogo In Oakland. J, P. Morris, W. A. Davenport nnd F. W. Wood ns nppralsora of tho property of Win. Dlngman, who ro contly filed n petition In bankruptcy llxlng tho valuation ot his assets at $800. NOT OUT OF SERVICE. Engineer Claudo Stutsman of tho Mlirahfloltl Flro Department anya tho old flro euglno Is not ruit of Borylco on account of cemont getting In tho valves from pumping out tho Sagi naw. Ho says ho has the engine clqaned up In flno shnpo. Later on, It will bo necessary, ho says, to replace soma of the worn parts on tho old onglno with new parts. PROF IlEGGS will give an exhibi tion of Fancy Stage Dancing at thff MASONIC OPERA HOUSE Friday ovonlng. ik. j,jui .