The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 27, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 2, Image 2

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C;i3Ri ,sa 7-A
Logged-Off Lands
(iowiimient Itsiu-s Ititllutin
Concerning Scientific
Eureka Clergyman Under
Arrest For Taking Money
From Cash Drawer In a
II a rd wa re Slo re Pleads
P overly As Cause.
EUREKA, Calif., Sept. 27. Why
did tho Rov. H. T. Adams, rector of
tho St. John's Episcopal clmrch, of
Areata, stcnl money from tlio cash
drawer of tho Areata Hardwnro Com
pany? This Is tho question which Is the
uppermost topic of discussion with
tho hundreds of Humboldtors who
Iravo known tho minister and heard
lilm preach and pray.
"I was strictly up against It. The
church owed mo $150 and Ihad to
liavo somo money or stnrve," Is the
oxplanatlon given by tho pastor.
But It was learned that the Ar
cata church pnld Mr. Adams $75 in
Bold coin last Tuesday and ho sta-t-cd
stenlliiK from tho hardware stow
on Wednesday. What became of the
$75 he received Tuesday to mako
preacher-thieving a necessity on
Wednesday has yet to bo explained.
Also It Is denied that the church
owed tho ni'iilslcr $150. This
amount would not have been due un
til mo iasi oi uiiH nimuii. auiiiiw . t(on Ir niiowd to To limiBOd thft
was paid $100 por month 75 by mA umm dHCCB ft ,,,,, Rrowt
tho Areata church and $25 por month of llI1lor,rtllfIl nl, yollllB trees. In
ly tho diocese. Tho diocese end o . w tho c08t ()f c)cnrnR tho ,,,
tho salary was pad up to dato and IncrcaH0 from yenr to yenr.
tho church had paid tho July salary Tjo mogt md c)lmnt0 6rv.CBrn
leaving only tho August salary duo l0 n(, WC8torn Washington s
Having reco'ved $75 from '" Ul,inlrftl,,y n,,n,)tet, to the growth of
churuch on Tuesday and stolon 2'8tm.0 fornK0 nutl 8tock niny he
rnoVo from tho hardwnro store on BrMC dlirlnR moBt of tll0 year.
Wednesday. Thursday, V rlday and Th(j ln,lorbrHIh ,llny bo k0)t unilcr
Saturday It would appear to tho 1ny-c0tr0, (,f tloBtroyo(, 1)y propoliy ,lt
mnn that It roaulres $117 per weok 1zlnR Hicbo lnm,8 for m9turo
to keep this preacher from starving Whon tMQ ,)ruBh g kod ,)y tho ,W
lo death. 'of Angora goats, tho cost df clear-
It was dee'ded o hold tho prelim- , Ujo Iim, fj ,,,.,,. redlcodi
'Jnary hearing n Judge lieor n court-, Tjo uro of , ,.,, ,limlB for An
room in the Areata city hall. Tho o fl R ont
charge agnlns tho clergyman Is Umj nBt foregt ro9
burglary. In tho second degree nnd Logged-off land Is profitably used
'tho penalty for an offonso Is not riinro fof (ro M foUow8.
than flvo yearB In tho pontltontlary. , , .
The United States department of
Agriculture has recently Issued a bul
letin on the "Utilization of Logged
off Land for Pasture In Western Ore
gon and Western Wnsh'ngton!" Tha
bulletin was prepared by Byron Hun
tor, agriculturist In tho office of fnrn
management, and Harry Thompson,
expert In tho ofllco of farm manage
ment, both of whom havo made nit
oxhaustlva study of tho land condi
tions In tho Pnc'flc Northwest. !l
lustrations wore used Bhowlng logged-off
lnnds In tho various stages
from tho time the timber was remov
ed until seeded down In Italian ryo
Tho bulletin contains tho follow
ing siimary of tho method recom
mended for treating logg-off lands:
Land Well Adapted
There aro approximately 3,000,
000 acres of unimproved logged-off
land In tho western part of Oregon
and Western Washington. The area
of such land Is Increasing very rap
Idly. Much of tho logged-off land lu
both Oregon and Washington Is well
ndaptod to cultivation. Some of li
Is rough mid should bo reforested.
Owing to tho h'gh cost of romo
Ing tho stumps It will bo many year
boforo tho bulk of this land will he
cleared and brought under .cultlvn-
Vhon burglary Is committed In tho
complotoly as possible during Aug-
,t.A I. I t 4 .,. ...lit. l. """""
n.Kiu u . ur uukiuu ... - i- Bt or onrly soptomber. whon every.
alty of not moro than 15 years In tho tJi. (g .
jionltontlnry, but for tho daytime, ,,. ..' .. nf rnRfl nrfi oll
or second degree, tho penalty Is not tn,nc(, by gownK tnQ BC(jd , Uu
moro man nvo yeura. .. mr. m. ,oof)0 ,, boOTQ th(J , ,., bo
Is hold to nnswor boforo tho suporlor .
court for tho crlmo, tho case will bo
(3) Tho pasturo Is dtvldod Into
hold In this city mid his first plea of govorft, nodB n ordor thnt th(J Btock
"guilty or "not gumy win uo ue
ioro ono of tho local superior judges,
Tho Rov. John T. Shurtloff. rector
of Christ's Episcopal church of Eu
reka, visited Areata and It Ib said
may bo shitted from ono oncloiuro
to anothor as tho food becomes scarce
or plentiful. '
Winter Posture Provided.
(4) Winter pasturo Is provided by
that ho was consulting tho Areata romoW tho Btock from an ,ncl0l!
wImIbUw VAft-nrfllniv Hw naon if nnn. .. . .
.mnrprunp,Huu.. .u - 1ro ,n oftr, 8(lmmor. , tho lato
wlctod, tho Episcopal church will ... ,. . . .lirnm, . tn ,,
probably toko steps to disrobe Adams upon thfl forng(j nroducej durnR thP
lato summor and autumn. A good
and tako from him tho right to pre'
arido in an Episcopal ohurch as a rec
tor. Funrral lletMen Strain
Tho pilfering parson stole $5 from
tho hardware storo Saturday moru-
winter pasturo lessons tho necessity
for winter feeding.
(5) Because of tho difficulty of
renewing or Improving tho stand of
rwrnaa Auflnrr in thn atlltrinB nnil t-.irt
lnB and J7.B0 more Saturday aftf-l.opg 'nmnMaK on tno Innd, ,t
necessary to guard cnrofully against
(G) Because of tho undergrowth
noon. Iiotwoon his visit to the stoio
ho offlclntod at a tunoral, praying for i
jb heavenly flight mid preaching a
strong funoral sermon.
Churrh is Dark
Sunday tho Areata church wns
"dark," to use a thoatrleal term.
No BorvlccB woio hold during tho
Sabbath and It Is said that none will
ho hold until a now rector Is secured.
Tho Sunday was a sad ono for inom
horH of tho Areata Episcopal parish
am d tho many fronds of Adnms In tho
trnns-bny town spent tho day griev
ing ovor tho downfall of tho sp'rlt
nal loador.
T. L. Lee of Looking Olass, loft
Saturday ooulng fro Josephine and
Jnekson counties, where ho will or
KHiilio Clrnnges. Whllo In Coos coun
ty last week, Mr. Leo camo across au
old liorso power threshing machine
that has considerable history connect
ed with It. Tho ninchlno is now own
ed by Chas, Warner of Myrtlo l'oln,
nnrt Is probably tho oldest threshing
outfit In tho country, having been
brought Into the Looking Glass Val
ley, Douglas county, by Sol Brady,
forty yours ago. Mr. Warner bought
It Booral years ago to thresh his own
nrnln, but It Is still doing sorvlco on
a number of places on tho crook. It
Is nn eight horso power affair, and
whllo n little out of dato, It is In good
Topalr nml doing good work. Hobo
burg Hot lew.
that porslsts In growing on uncloarod
land and because they feed largoly or
browso, Angora goats should bo wide
ly tisod on logged-off pasturo land
either to control or to kill the brush.
I (7) Whon the Innd Is proporlj
burned ovor nnd seedod, moro forngo
should bo produced than tho goats
Wan consume In addition to their
browsing. Somo other kind of stock
should bo run tn with tho goats to
consume tli's surplus feed. Cattbt
aro most satisfactory for this pur
pose. Copies of tho bulletin, which Is
known as "Farmers' Bulletin No.
I til'," may bo had upon application to
the United States department of ag
riculture, Washington, D. C or by
writing to oither or tho United State?
senators or congressmen from thl3
"W 11 I Hill I ill WJW7
a Man's Store
As Well As a Ladies'
Do not think because we carry a large line of goods for
Ladies that the wants of the men aro neglected.
Our men's clothing and furnishings department is as
complete and with a larger and more varied slock than
many exclusive clothing stores. Wc carry all and only
standard makes in all lines and all of the very best. It
includes the Pamous
Slcin-Bloch Sails
Walk-Over and Hunan Shoes (
Faultless Shirts
The Famous Phoenix Guaranteed Hose
AVc have just received new shipment of
Al the Latest Fall and Winter
Styles and Patterns
Faultless Shirts
The very latest patterns.
The best shirts made The
best that the best makers
could make from the best
shirtings. They arc true to
their name "Eaultless." The
price from. . . .$1.00 to $3.00
Walkover Shoes
Every man is Familiar
with this Fatuous Shoe com
ing from one of the largest
and most modern factories
in tho world. "Wc have tho
Exclusive agency.
See the new Overcoats in Browns and Grays Diagonal
weaves with convertible collars.
Magnes Matson
At the Closo of Business, September 1, 1011.
Loans and Discounts 209,710.62
Bonds and warrants 88,852,46
U. 8. Bonds to socuro circulation , '26,000.00
Heal estate, furniture and fixtures , 81,472.94
Cash nnd sight exchange V 10,031.90
Total resources ' , . ,' fM5,7ti.tKI
Capital stock '..,. flOO.OOO.OO
Surplus and undivided profits 6,886.28
Circulation 25,000.00
Total liabilities ..... 9509,070.92
W. S.'Chandler, president; M. C. Horton, vice-president; Dorsoy Kroltzer,
Cashier; John F. Hall, John 8. Coke, 8. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglas,
F. S. Dow, Wm. Grimes, W. P. Murphy.
A TURKISH RATH will do you
GOOD. Phone 214-J.
IF your STOMACH Is out of ordor.
Sco l)lt. WINKLER.
Cstt The Times' Want Ad.
Have Us Launder Your Underwear
Wo wash theso garments cleaner
nnd hotter than the work can bo done
olsowhoie, nnd they aro not worn so
much. Wo do not shrink thorn, ovon
woolon garments nro returned tho
samo size as when sent ifs.
Wo Iron the garments nicely, mako
ordinary ropalrs fioo of charge and
you havo fresh clean, sweot undor
wear ready for each week's chango.
Ruudlo yours up with next week's
laundry bundle
Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry
PHON.. 220-J
Don't depend upon a sign in the window letting
your vacant room or house. Only the few people who
pass each day will see it. A small ad in The Times
for three days or a week is more likely to find you a
tenant. "Why? Because the person seeking a room
or house naturally turns to The Times' For Rent col
umns for information.
Tho cost is reasonable.
The Best Bread
Is Baked With Gas
Whether tho brqad comes from tho bakor'a
or is made at home, results from halving
with gaa are the same.
With a gas flame and modern ovon, the
bread is baked evenly and quick I y top,
bottom, sides and center.
The majority of largo bakeries now use gas
exclusively. '
Most up-to-date homes havo gas ranges in
the kitchen.
Satisfaction and economy arc handmajdens
of gas cooking r
Ask us to send a representative to giye you
tho details of our gas r a n g o proposition.
Telephone 178 v
Oregon Power Co.
A Modern Drlck Building, Electric
Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly
Furnished Rooms with Hot
and Cold Water.
C. A. METLIN, Prop.
Rates: 50 cents a Day and Upwards.
Cor. Broadway and Market
Marshfield. Orogon.
Heal Estate Bargains
In Bunker Hill and Bay
Park property.
For particulars see
OS Central Ave., Marshfield, Ore.
Flanagan (2b Bennett Bank
At tho closo of business September 1st, 1011.
Loans and Discounts $397,393.93
Banking House 60,000.00
Cash and Exchanges 141,546.53
Total 9588,010.40
Capital Stock paid In J50.000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits. ...!!!!!!!. .!)'.!'. . 54,165.72
Doposlts ....'.'. !,,'.'.'. . 484,774.71
Total $588,010.46