r I THE MAN WHO IS CANDID WITH HIMSELF NEVER TRIES TO BUNK HIS ERIEND State GOOD TI1IP G 5 ARE ADVERTISED LET THE NEXT THIXG YOU KUST AT A STORE HE- AX ADVERTISED IT MEANS HHTTER SERVICE- ADVERTISING INFLUENCES PEOPLE the people who auh "half- iNCMXHD-'rO-UL'Y" THINGS AL MOST ALWAYS MAKE THE FINAL DECISION UNDER THE INFLU ENCE OH' SOMK PARTICULAR AD. (tos ARTICLE AM), IF POSSIIHiKPTMM tl NEXT DOZEN THINGS YOU BUY. MEMBER Or ASSOCIATED PHEB8 4- VOL XXXV Established In 1H7H as Tlio Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,if911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Time. Const Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 62 I mn t I fc RAILROAD STRIKE QUESTION LEFI TO II! OFFICIALS International Association of Machinists Places All In Their Hands. JOINT CONFERENCE AT DAVENPORT DECIDES President O'Connell Victorious In Clash With Socialists Faction. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times) DAVENPORT, lown, Sept. 2C. Tho International Association .of Machinists at a Joint session today -with tho heads or tho allied trades, voted to leave action on tho proposed strike on tho Harrlnian lines to the executive offlcors with full power to :ivo omcors win iuii power io .... ' ., , , , , . ., Whether tho federated shop act. employes on tho lines strike for ro cognition therefore, Is up to President O'Connell and his fellow officers. This action Is takon aB a victory for O'Con nell who roferred tho matter to tho convention, refusing to act until au thorized to do so. A faction of tho association, dominated, It Is said, by tho Socialists, has been trying to tako action In tho matter from tho hands of tho President. Chamber of Commerce Delays Engaging Promotion and Publicity Manager." The Marshflold Chambor of .Com merce last evening after a rathor lengthy discussion, decided that tho tlmo was not opportuno for engaging a high salaried man for manager of tho promotion und publicity work' on Coos Bay. Consequently, it was de cided that, no overtures should bo mado to Frank B. Tichouor now al though some suggested that next spring this work might bo taken up on an extensive scalo. It wob also decided to postpono ac tion of tho proposal to chango tho nnmo of tho organization to tho Coos Bay Chambor of Commerce un- til North Bond business men could he consulted further about tho idea of consolidating tho commercial bo dies under tho now name. R. M. Jennings, Henry Songstacken and Dr. McCormac were named as a special committee to tako tho matter up with tho North Bend' men and see what could bo done. It was decided to launch a member ship campaign now and try and en roll every business man and property owner In Marshflold as members of the commercial organization preli minary to undertaking the boosting work on a big scalo later. A commit tee of seven consisting of Henry. Seng8tacken, A. J. Mendel, A. T. Haines, Geo Rotnor, Dr. McCormac, P. 8. Dow and A. O. Rogers were na,med as a committee to secure addi tional members and launch tho mem bership campaign. Session Was Animated. Tho session was decidedly an ani mated ono for a few minutes at least, P. S. Dow, I. S. Kaufman and R. M. Jennings engaging In a three-cornered .debate that enlivened things de cidedly. During tho evening there had been more or less talk about the Income and expenses and Mr. Jen nings finally declared that be thought n man vltli tntArnatft llkfl I. S. KUUf- M U4U -" -- man should contribute more towards tho Chamber of Commerce. F. S. Dow, who had previously clashed with Mr. Jennings, instantly arose and paid that he did not like this splrltanu DISCUSSES PLAN OF. BOOSTING ILL CENTRAL STRIKE GROWS Clerks on Northern Divisions Going Out Memphis Shopmen Quit. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.' NEW ORLEANS, La., Sept. 2G. Tho striking Illinois Central railroad clerks and tho railroad officials began taking stock of tho Now Orleans sit uation today. The railroad Is refus ing freight, but assert will bo ablo to morrow or Thursday to resume busi ness. The shopmen are still at work, ... ... ...... no strlko order being yet received by them. EXTEND THE STRIKE. Clerks at Cairo mid Mounds to Go Out. (By Associated I'resa to Coos Bio Times) CAIRO, 111., Sept. 20. Tho Illi nois Central clerks at Mounds receiv ed orders to strike today. Cairo clerks expect to go out In a few days. MEMPHIS SHOPMEN OUT. Chicago ChvkH of IIIIiioIh Central Re main nt Work. .- By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay limes.) CHICAGO, III., Sept. 20. Tho pos sibility of tho strike of clerks of tho Illinois Contrnl oxtendlng to Chicago Is scouted by officials of tho road to day. At thq samo tlmo tho offlclnls are Inclined to minimize tho Impor tance of tho strlko In tho south and lndlcnted traffic wIR rosumo condi tions tomorrow. Tho clerks In Chi cago work undor n sopnrato agree ment with 'tho railroad, was tho state ment given out. Tho only plnco whore tho fihopinon struck was Memphis. . r. D. C. McCarthy Finds 406, 420,000 Feet In Twp. 28, Range 11. Tho standing timber in Township 28, Range 11, which is along the Middle Fork Roud uear Dora, aggre gates a total of 400.420.QOO feet, ac cording to tho official crulso of It just completed by County Cijulsor D. C. McCarthy. . . The total area of tho townsnip is 9.ri9.84 acres and of this, 8,179.29 Is not timbered leaving the total for est area 14,040.65. This would mean an averago stand of 27.700 feet per acre on the timbered area. The timber Is classified as follows: Old growth yollow fir... 62,455,000 Second growth fir 334,050,000 White fir 3,73U,uuu White cedar 5,085,000 Red cedar "0,000 Total 400,420,000 ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The Alliance Is due in tomorrow from Portland and will probably sail tho same day for Eureka. Tho Redondo will sail from San FranciBCo for Coos Bay tomorrow ( Thursday. Tho Breakwater Mg evenJng from Portland ear, Thursday morn- ord,DB to advices received by BIG STAND OF TIMBER FOUND Agent L. H. Keating. TRIPOLI SITUATION STILL ACUTE Italian Socialists Threaten to Strike If Plan to Occupy Tripoli IS Carried and For- eigners Leave. By Associated Press to tho Coos llay Times., LONDON, Sopt. 20. A news dis patch from Romo says n general strlko throughout Italy will bo de clared In twenty-four hours. Tho Socialists havo arranged tho move ment ns a protest against tho occu pation of Tripoli. Another news dispatch from Romo says, "It Is announced ncro inai mu Itnllan chnrgo d'affaires at Constanti nople has prcsonted to tho Porto a noto to tho effect that any dispatch of any Turkish mllltla or transports to Tripoli will be regarded as a most sorlotiB action." ARE LEAVING TRIPOLI. Foreigners Tnko Departure From There as Rapidly iih Possible. By Associated Press to tho Coos Any TRIPOLI, Turkey, Sopt. 20. For- TMtTina 1 FAMILY WALK R. R. Dimmick and Wife and Son Enjoy Novel Outing Trip to Coos Bay. CANYONVILLE, Oro., Sept. 20. R. R. Dimmick, nophbw of tho Trcns-1 uror of Douglas County, accompanied by his wlfo and six-year-old child, has arrived from San Francisco on his way to Coos Bay, to visit his fathor. They havo walked tho wholo dis tance and carried their camp outfit, tho llttlo follow carrying his blankot. Thoy continued on their way Satur day.. Tho;mnn above roferred to In tho above dispatch Is wpll-known on Coos Bay, being-n son of County Treasurer T. M. Dimmick.' Tholr novel outing trip will probably bp hampered If not forced to ' l6 discontinued by tlio wet' weather. It. has been', sometime slnco R. R. Dimmick has visited on tho Bay and ho will bo warmly wol comed back by his many friends in this section. Harry Dimmick as ho Is better known on tho Bny has always had a penchant for trnvollng and seeing tho country In different ways from moBt travoloro. Ho followed tho sea ror awhile, going to Australia and Japan, finally rounding Capo Horn and dur ing tho South African war sorved oa a British vessel. Later ho returned and was mato on a vessel plying out of Coos Bay and later moved "to San Francisco. EMMA INGRAM SENT TO ST. ELIZABETH'S HOME Judge Hull Orders fllrl Committed to Institution For Wnywnrd Girls . . .. t, .,,' 4..vnii.J at Portland. LONG DISTANCE S EltaMbi Horn.. .. Eptell Barwa tto Coo. I)y I. ruu mo,. rr'm at portta' ,or """Msr w r, on'11!" Sentence was pronounced nt tho conclusion of the hearing. The ac cused girl admitted practically ajl tho charges against her but contended that she was a year older than she 1b. Two uncles and an aunt tesuneu that sho was born In September, 1894, while she claimed she was porn In 1893 which would have made her too old for Juvenile court punish ment. ' The girl has been an orphan since about seven years old, both of her parents having died prior to 1900. ROSARY feature Orpheum tonight. Try TU Timss Wut Ads. clnorB nrc nlnmod ovcr u, 8lUm" tlon growing out of tho reported ln- tcntlon or itniy to occupy Tripoli m ueunnce of the Turkish government. An Arnb Vevolt is feared. Tho for clgnors are fleeing and every nvallablo bout leaving Is crowded with Euro peans. VIEW OK TURKEY. Says Tripoli Ih Thoroughly Moham medan and Sultan's Country. (By Associated Press to th C009 nay TlmcB) PARIS, France, Sept. 20. The Turkish ambassador to Franco, RIfnat Pasha, said today ho did not know whothor Italy designed to attempt To occupy Tripoli but that Turkey would maintain tho Integrity of tho empire. Tripoli, unlike Bosnia and Herzegovina was not divided by races and religions, ho added, "All tho Mohammedans In Tripoli nro not a colony but are a vital member of tho empire." L RE OLD PASTORS Coos County Appointments of Ministers by Methodist Conference, y Geo. Ni Bolt this morning received tho following nlBht letter from F. E. Allen, tho Iny delegato from Marsh Hold to tho annual conference of tho Methodist church In Oregon ut Sa lem: "Confcronqo closed nt noon. Tho appointments of Interest to Coob county follow: Marshflold Rev, H. I. RutledgO. North Bond Rov. A. S. Hlsey. Coqullto to bo supplied. Bnndon Harry Loo. Myrtle Point Rov. F. E. 8choflold. Estncada Rov. W. R. F. Browno. Saginaw Rov. J. L. Beatty. "Rev. Rutledgo will bo homo on nrenkwntor." Tho news contained In tho messago nWo will be very gratifying to tho Methodist denominations In Coos county as It means that thoy will re tain In nearly nil instances their old pastors as thoy desired. Rev. W. R. F. Browno was located In Marshflold thrco years ago and Rov. J. L. Beatty who haa been residing on a rancli near Cottage Grove during a leave of absence for his wife's health for merly had charges hero and recently visited on the Bay. LEFT TO COMMITTEE. Subscribers Jo Fund For Speedboat Coos Ray Hold Meeting. At a meeting of subscribers to tho fund for tho speed boat Coos Bay last night, tho question of what shall' bo done with It wbb left to a committee consisting of A. II. Powers, Tom Ben nett and R. M. Jennings. Messrs. CavnnaiiKh and Evans explained that hard luck had prevented them get- tine the boat to Astoria and denied tests. The committee finally decided 1I11U I .. . .. - - - to ask MeSfirs. Cavnnagh and kvans to get the oat out some day before lone and steed It up for an hour and If it shows sufficient speed, tho stockholders wlll agree to carry it over until next Benson to enter It in some of the races then. jtOSARY feature Orpheum tonight If you have APPENDICITIS. DR. WINKLER. t MVMMMBSMaB See l r A TURKISH BATn will do you XUarf the Times ""Ant Afls ML TIN NUMBER OF DEAD IN TOULON DISASTER Take Prominent Part In Pro gram at National Meeting In Kansas City. By Associated PresB to tho Coos Bay Times. KANSAS CITY, Sopt. 2 C Women hnd nn Important part In tho Third National Conservation congress hero today. Mrs. Philip N. Mooro of St. Inula nrnalilnnt (if flm flonornl Fed- orntlon of Women' chlbs, dollvered un' nddress on "Tho Community Club" . nnd "Tho Parmer's wlfo" was discus-1 sod by Mrs. Harriet Wallaco Ashoy of Dos Moines, Iowa. Mrs. J. M. Lewis, of Kinsley, Kan., discussed plans for mnklng country llfo more nttrnctlvo. OthorB on tho program today woro Professor C. G. Holdon of lown 8tato College, Herbert Quick of Madison, Wis., Dr. Warren II. Wilson of Now York, nnd Dr. Fredorlck B. Mumford, dean of tho University of Missouri. ,T BALL SCORES (Ry Asioclatcd Press to Coos Bny Times) PORTLAND, Ore., Sopt. 20. Only ono gnmo was played In the Const League yesterday, It being moving day, and Vernon won It, reducing Portnlnd's lend In tho pennnnt raco to a fow points. Tho score: At Los Angolcs R II E Vernon 4- 0 3 Sncramonto 1 10 2 Tho new sorles opens todny with tho teams playing as follows; San Frnnclsco nt Portland. Sacramento nt Oakland, Los Angeles nt Vernon. GETS PART OF RELIEF F Long and Able Service of Arch deacon Horsfall to Be Re cognized by Trustees. Archdeacon Horsfall of Bnndon, but formerly of Marshflold, will par ticipate in the distribution of tho pen sion from tho Gonoral Clergy Relief Fund, October 1. JuBt what tho ap portionment will bo, no ono hero Is awnro. Concerning thq mattor, an Epls copal church publication recently snld; "The trustees of tho General Clergy Relief Fund nt a meotlng held; In Now York City, passed n resolution direct ing the treasurer of tho fund to dts- -.-n tribute ns a pension Octobor 1, 1011, to all clergymen of tho church who havo reached tho ago of 04 an equal share of tho Interest which has ac crued upon the Investments of the funds collected by tho Five Million Commission and tho fund known ns Automatic Pensions at 64, establish ed ten years ago by tho trustees of tho General Clergy Relief Fund. The beneficiaries in Oregon .will bo Rov, Wm. Horsfall, Rev. Wm. R. Powell and Rev. George R. Rosenmueller." It's n little RETTERl 'Haines FLOUR. ROSARY feature Orpheum tonight. WOMEN TO AIO CONSERVATION GOAS LEAGUE UND IS FIXED AT 23! Eighty-Eight Others Injured and One Missing of Sunken Battleship's Crew. EIGHT INJURED ARE RESCUED OFF VESSEL Seamen Penned In on Partly Submerged Vessel For Over Twenty-Six Hours. (By Associated Press to tho Coo Ray Times.) TOULON, Franco, Sopt. 20. An official statement of tho casualties oa the Liberie places tho doad at 236 nnd tho Injured at 88 with ono man missing. Tho search or tho wrockago or tue battleship continued throughout the night with tho nld of groat torches, During tho night fifty bodies were recovered and eight wounded rescue from that pnrt of tho vossol that re- malned exposed when tlio nun same. Tho seamen hnd been penned In tho ruins from ulxtoen to twenty-sir hours. Most of them wero Insensible from pain. PRIEST 1KB Bandits Blow Safe In Idaho; 1 Town and Escape With $9,000. By Associated Press to tho Cfcos-Bujr BANK ROBBED: limua. , ' SPOKANE, Wash., Sopt. 20i Two ' robbers early today broke Into !hK.' National Bank nt Priest River; Ida., ,' and dynamited tho safe nnd ftabwtfce' money and wnrrants ntnountlugr J i ju.uuu. tiio report oi tno oxdiobkhia i vnn mnflletkwlth blnnUcts stolen frow M tho store or nanspn wo. OF COOS BAY Sumner's Party Arouses C( - p lW ment Old Question of Bridging Bay. After sovernl days during the Southorn Pactflo has ratho occupying tho center of tho linn in local railway gossip, owing I visit of Vice-president O'Brlon te t 4UU ' party, gossip turned todny to other projects. Engineer Sumnor and party of surveyors who havo boon occupy ing quarters In the First National building nt North Bond have arous ed considerable commont. VnHe nominally Mr. Sumnor is representing RAILWAY NEWS ,. M -...A T1--IJ1- 1 .I.A.A mo ureni weiuerii rumuc aim m - North Coast lino, which apparently are ono project, local parties har beon endeavoring to got a lino oa. "who Ib behind It." So far thoy haT; not succeeded very well. Ono local man who has had a pre-, vloua acquaintance with Mr. Sumner quotes him ns admitting that ho whb' representing the Hill lines. Auother says thnt ho Is for tho Western Paci fic, the Gould line which haa ben building from San Francisco to Ham-, ooI(it Bay. Tho North Coast Hno " incorporated to build frpm Humboldt Bay to Portland via Coos Bay while' apparently the Great Western I'ade has been working on a project wwwrf"- (Continued on page 4.) tv ym 1 3 ' (Continued oa psgo i.)