The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 23, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 8, Image 8

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?IMI'Wm,m aVM )
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Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
V .tr.rrJl
by MIbs Grnco Fulton wnB well ro
cclvcd. The rooms were decornted In
hlun hvilroncln nnd JnsnilneB. Thoao
Invltod wero Misses Blanche nnd
Grace Williams, Mildred and Wlnl-
frcdltood, Bessie lmmcl, Grace Murr,
Esther Imhoff, Ellen Anderson, Qrnco
Fulton, Amy Reynolds, Miss Alpha
"Wlcklund, MIbb
Florenco Jennings
Irom Portland, Mrs,
V T Itntlcnn
Mrs. Robert McCannj Ralph Coke,
Marlon Reynolds, Harvey and Harry
Russell, E. Geo Smith and Mr. Weir.
The rector and vestrymen, of Em
manuel Episcopal church have ar
ranged for an Informal social gather
ing for tho members of tho church
and their friends on Wednesday eve
ning, Soptembcr 27. Tho Swedish
Lutheran Hall, nt tho corner of Com
mcrclnl nnd Third streets, has been
rented for this purpose. I
0 I
C. F. McKnlght left today for Cor-
hi- , u,i,nrn onriv lii n-(o-
l.or ho will bo married to Miss Spang-
i n fnr,nr nni.noi mntn mul now
atinstructor In Oregon Agricultural
... ,.. , i
college, wuiiu no luiium iiiiiiumiku-
. t t tu. mi n,,ntinia imvn
h ,. fnw frinn.iB hnvo lmnn
nprirlscd nnd tho host of friends of
tho prominent young Marshnold nt-
lornoy will unite In oxtondlng boit
wishes, oven If thoy nro a llttlo oar-
ly. His mother, Mrs. McKnlght, nnd
Tils alstors, Mrs. F. A. Hazard and
Mrs. Geo. W. Logglo, wlll-como down
from BolllnKhnm to attend tho cere-
Tiinnlnn Mm. C!. A. Mnflln. nt
Jlnrshnold, anothor BlBtor, will also
bo In attendance.
Mrs. A. T. Unities Is expected homo
next weok from Sun Francisco whero
lins been visiting tho pnst few woo!;
with her son, George, who entered
school there thin fall.
Mrs. W. II. Curtis entertained tho
Ladles' Art club Friday afternoon.
-j no iioxi mooting or mo nun win oo
'with Mrs. F. M. Flyo Friday, Sop-
lemuor -o.
Last Tuosdny ovonlng nt S: 30,
o'clock, occurred tho wedding nt
Bunker Hill of Mnlcom, J. Ander-J
Bon nnd Daisy Richardson. The core-
mony wns performed by nev. O. Le-
Roy Hnll, using tho ring sorvlro. Tho I
wedding was held In tho now honw '
which tho groom had provided and In
from nago 2.)
They're Here
Just arrived from t o oast the swcllcst lino of
Clothing ever shown in Marshfield, We especially
want the young men to conic in and look at them,
for they have CLASS, aid the price, $20.00 to $25.00,
WELL, we just ask you to judge.
Our wet-weather gools are here too, Swell Eng
lish Slip-Ons, and Light Rubber Tourists Coats for
street wear, Slickers an 1 Rubber Boots for work;
so, get ready NOW for that rain.
which the happy couplo now nro at
lionio to their, ninny frlondB. Only n
few witnessed the ceremony, those
being chiefly the cIobo friends and
relatives of the contracting parties.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
1Iornmn gmlthgnll, Mr. niidMr.W.J.
c Frcd G,ovcr, Mr. nn,i 'Mrs.
,.... Ml , nnlnr..
wnuur """' " ""- , "'
IWUIIII HIUllIll uouii, ,....
,..,..!. T, IhI.m mriatn (VIII
Eloretit Richardson nnd Allco Rich
Tho Bridge Club will moot next
Wednesday with Mrs. W. A. Toyo In
West Muruhflold.
Miss Mamlo Mnhoncy Is expected
In overland In n dny or two from
n few weeks' visit with friends nnd
relatives In Portland, McMlnnvlllo
nnd Washington points.
preparation for tho fancy dancing
cntcrtnlnmcnt to bo given nt tho Mu-
sonic Opora Houso next Friday ovon-
lnK. September 20, ns a benefit for
tho Mnrshflold Public Llbrnry arc
progressing nicely. The advance
onin of tickets will begin today. A
... ..-
lnreo number of locnl chllurcn ami
womon will participate undor the ill-
rectlon or Professor Boggs nnd tho
program promises to bo mi unusuall
onjoynblo nffnlr. Tho fact that
many local pcoplo will nBslst and that
tho proceeds go ns a benolU for tho
Hbrnry will Insure n largo nuon.i
Tho progrnm will bo us follows:
OriUld March.
Scottish Sword Dance Seven llttlo
I girls.
Highland Fling Soven llttlo gins,
Highland Scottish Seven llttlo glrlft
Teildv Benrs nnd French Dolls
Twenty llttlo folks.
Mnlo Quartette Messrs. Balllngor,
Ostllnd, Richards and Jones
Skirt Dance Seven little glrlH.
Waltz Minuet.
SnlIor.H nomplpo-Seven llttlo glrlf
ml,,0 Q,,nrtetto MoBsrs. Dnjllngcr,
Ostllnd, Richards nnd Jones."
Irish TIlt-r-MIss Edna Bllvcn.
May polo dnnco Sixteen young girls
Grand Mnrch.
Mrs. Eugeno Crosthwnlto enter
tallied several ladles nt dinner Frl-
Steamship Sails This Morning
For Portland With Many
Passengers. '
The Breakwater sailed this morn
ing with a lnrge passenger list for
Portland. She had a pretty fair car
go of freight.
Among those sailing on her wore.
Frank Mather, Jno. Moon nnd wife,
Mrs. Peterson, MIbs Peterson, Mre.
Hazel Cox, Miss Florence Jennings,
MIbb N. McDonnld, C. E. Grocsbeck.
A. F. llouglns, Mae Anderson, John
Anderson, Mrs. II. M. Monroo, Vor-
me Henderson, W. W. Wheeler F.
W. Humphrey, B. M. Ilolcomb, Mrs.
M. Cnrr, F. M. Crawford, Robt. Ham.
Robt. Marsden, Sr., Mrs. Geo. Prntl,
Bosslo Pratt, Helen Pratt, Georgia
Pratt, Mrs. Roberts, B. A. Barrett,
J. Perry, L. B. Larson, Chas. John
son, Inez McFnrland, Ethel Bernard,
G. E. Pratt, Willis Martin, Miss L
Conlogue, Slgna Larson, Ed Woldoi,
E. S. Edwards, Goo. F. Fuller, C. T.
Holland, Grace Cameron, Wm Hlnks
mnn, Davo Hlnksmnn, Robt. Hiuks-
mnn, II. II. I.eep, J. Jiurrcy, J. :s.
Vnughm, Chns Marshall, G. Mc
Namara, Mrs. G. McNamnra, Mrs. A.
Grundy, F. B. Wnltc, Mr. McWhar-
tcr, L. II. Arneson nnd wlfo, A. T.
llousor, MIbs Flora Armstrong, X.
Hutchlna, Mrs. Conrad, E. B. Duffoy,
C. F. McKnlght, J. A. O'Kolly, Mrs.
Hnmmond nnd SiiBnn Marshall.
day evening. Her guestH Included
MrH. Jennings, Mrs. Peck, Mrs Fred
Dnchmnn nnd Mrs. Pnrsons.
Miss Rose Myrcn returned today
from a wcok's visit with Miss May
Peterson of Hnyncs Inlet.
Mrs. Mndgo Savagc-Colomnn Is
hero from Spoknno for it few wcokn'
visit with her pnrcnts, Mr. nnd Mr?.
A. J. Savngo.
MIbs Vlvlnn Annnn of Myrtle Point
spent Saturday In Mnrslillcld ns tho
guest of Cell u Swlnford.
Tho Progress Club will hold tholr
nniiunl picnic next Mondny at the
summer homo of Mrs. W. 8. Chnndlor
on South Coob Rlvor. This will mnrk
tho resumption of the season's work,
the first business meeting being held
two weekH from Monday at tho home
of Mrs. Wnrd M. lllako.
2:i. After in years of mnrrled
life, during which ho hns never
seen his bride, Mnnuol K. Sllvn,
n trackwalker employed In tho
snowsheds of tho Southern Pn
rlflo company, has boon granted
lenvo to return to Portugal for
his delnycd honeymoon.
"I've never seen her, nnd
we've boon married nbout 15
years now," Sllvn wroto to tho
company, nnd explained tho
mnrrlngo with n sweetheart of
his boyhood days hnd been celo
brnted undor tho contract form
recognized In Portugal.
It Is estimated ho has walked
200,073 miles during his em-
ployment on tho railroad, nnd 4
ho Is now receiving a pension
from tho company.
Social DANCE
(). F. HAM;.
Foto supplies and flnlshlng
ker Studio.
Ilealthfulness and purity nro threo
of tho qualities which make Staf
ford's chocolates so popular. Tho
purest and freshest of chocolato Is
used, as well as tho richest of cream
fillers. They have a pnlatablo flavor
nnd freshness that distinguishes
them from all other makes.
Steamer Arrived This Morning
From Eureka and Sails
The Alliance nrrlved In this morn
ing from Eurokn and sailed a few
hours Inter for Portland. She hntlj
a lnrge ntimner oi inrougn imB
gors and u big cargo of through
Among hoso arriving on tho Alli
ance wero: M. Wallace, It. P. Adl
ron, II. W. Gains, C. B. .Ink. Geo
Blnk. It. Pomery, W. R. Young. C.
R. Cook, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Wright,
Mrs. G. Weeks.
Among those sailing from Coos
liny for Portland on tho Alliance
wore: T. Houtlioff, A. Rohflcld. Mrs.
Rehlleld, Mrs. Robt. Dunham, D.
Gorlln, J. T. Brenrly, Mrs. Lizzie.
Faulkner, A. E. LarBon, W. A. Wher
ry, E. J. Petty.
Refund Money on Tickets
Miss Violet Henderson, Bccrc'tnry of
tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commerce
announced today thnt onyono holding
tickets for InBt night's banquet and
who wero unnblo to obtain seating
room, enn hnvo their money refunded
by presenting tho tickets to her.
Is IiiiprovhiR Nlghtwntchman lllll
Shout) who hns been lnld up for a few
dnys Is ablo to bo up nnd around to
tnv. Wnltor Richardson hns been
'noting nsactlng ns nlghtwatch during
Mr. Shoup'ii Illness.
Open OlHco A. S. Hnmmond of
rnmillln In nrrnnclllC to OI1CI1 U
branch of his abstract business In
MnrHhflnlil nnd Rov McClnllon of
Roseburg Is to bo mnnngor hero.
Ciiko up to Cmler. In tho nttnch
mant prcocodlngs of Jack Tawes of
Randon ovor Ilobblo Evnn'a shnro of
the gato receipts of tho recent boxlm;
bout. Justlco ronnocic lias uccinn.i
thnt tho caso must bo henrd by a Jury
boforo Marshal Carter. It will bo
tried next wcolt.
You can fnthom it man by tho cut of
his Jib,
Dy his notions, his bluff nnd hi.
You can toll htm qtilto woll by him
ebb nnd his swell,
You en 11 J ml go him somowhnt by
Ills wnlk.
There nro numerous ways you can
Judge a man,
Hut I think that the best way by
To got n right 'lino and gnugo him
down fine
Is by tho tilt of his long clgnr.
When tho clgnr points down tho spir
its nro down,
Tho drooping Ib plain to bo seen;
When it points straight out ho is
flound'rlng about
And Isn't qutto cortnln, I ween
nut thoro's no mistaking his inner
most soul
When It points to some overhead
You can easily tell that his llfo Is
"all woll"
I)y tho tilt of his long cigar.
"Lot mo wrlto tho headlines In tho
papers," seas Dean Matthews of Kan
sas university, "and you can wrlto
your sermons and sonnets." Or if
those woro not tho dean's exact words
thoy represent his Idea.
Tho peoplo don't rend tho papers
In his opinion, but tho headlines, and
theso combinations of letters ranging
from an eighth of an inch to six
inches in slzo form tho literary food
of tho present generation. Perhaps
tho dean is right. At any rate, head
writing is an art which deserves to
bo recognized.
There Is an original police Judge
In California. Because the day was
flno nnd the court room wns being
pnlntcd, Instead of holding court
within he held it without, utilizing
a vacant lot next door. Astride his
horso In full cowboy costume the Jus
tice tried the prisoners, discharged
Hub Clothing
Your money goes furthest in this store.
Because we buy and sell for cash.
AVe save you money on every purchase.
YPU are benefited by our cash methods.
AVe are here to prove it, make us do it.
Hub Clothing
and lined them, and then rode nwny,
no doubt with a hearty appetite for
dinner. Why not? Tho moro work
,i.n iu ,imin those diiya in the open
nlr the bettor for tho workers, nnd n
mnn nstrldo u horso under a blue bk.v
Is much better qualified to deal Just
ly than a man sitting In n close,
smoko-scented room with it gavol In
his hand.
Tho St. Louis Dasobnll club In tho
Nntlonnl lcaguo has a womnn presi
dent. This Is not a manifestation of
tho femlnlno Invnalon, howovor, for
tho woman In question recolvcd the
onico through tho will of tho late
president, Roblson. Her nnmo Is
Helen Roblson, and she scorns Inclin
ed to dlsposo of her propcrt ns soon
as possible being of tho opinion that
presiding ovor tho nffnlra of n base
hall club would not bo to her tnste.
Probably It wouldn't. Hut a wo
man's Influence In tho hnsobnll world,
on the other hand, might not bo such
11 bad thing.
Speaking of womnn's Invasion and
that sort of thing, hero Is a member
of tho sex who hns tho courngo to
bo a traitor. At least that Is prob
ably what alio will bo called by tho
suffragettes who listened to her ad
dress, and lifted tholr eyebrows nnd
shrugged tholr shoulders mid looked
ns mnny dnggcrs nt her as thoy could.
Trnltorcsa aforesaid Is MIbb Phoebe
CoiizIiib, who addressed tho last Illi
nois legislature opposing tho nmond
mont providing equal suffrage. Her
main contention seemed to bo thnt th
thing hadn't worked. Whatever Miss
CoiizIiib' oftoiiBo ngnlnst pnrty ethics
n woman who hns tho courngo to ad
dress tho Illinois legislature against
n measure which her sisters as a
body support deserves no llttlo cro
dtt. A gold brick was tried on n woman
In Los Angoles, nnd she called tho
police. She should be thankful thnt
they didn't try her husband first.
There wns a bulldog that followed
ench auto
And acted and whined llko no good
canine ought to;
Till nt last a chauffeur snld I'll bet
mi a dollar
I run down thnt cur; but alas, the
dog's collar
Was filled full of spikes. They'd no
thought it was loaded
Until ench one of his tires hnd ex
ploded, LADIES FAIR.
All blondes are not light-headed.
Girls with liquid voices should bo
careful not to strain them.
Somo women are a delight to the
eye, and a drug to the mind.
Never toll a grass widow that she
Is in tho hey-day of llfo.
If womnn's ago counts against hor
she knows enough to keep down tho
Tho girl who marries for a lark
often finds out that she was a Jay.
The Idea of marrying will haunt n
woman If she has a ghost of a chance
new vocalist, will sing at tho Chand
ler DINNER TOMORROW evening.
"Getting business Is lust llk
courting a girl you must offer
the right kind of goods, and
keen on calllnir." a
Read the Times Want Ads.
& Shoe Co.
& Shoe Co.
Odd Way tho Plays Wer Recordtd
Baok In the 8lxtlei.
Tho baseball public of today, accus
tomed to tho tnlnuto reporting of
games, wherein each run Is compound.
ed nnd mnny a play analyzed, is of
fered tho account of n game played In
Syracuso in 1803. Tho contestants
wero tho Central Cltys of Syracuse
and tho Athletics of Philadelphia, and
tho scoro was 41 to 12.
Tho game was delayed a half hour
by tho difficulty in finding an umpire
Then tho report goes on to ntato:
"Tho pnmo opened loosely upon both
sides, nnd nt tho end of tho first In
nlnps the scoro stood Athletics 5, Cen
tral City 4, each sldo making its tallies
promptly from tho looso playing of
tho out club. After the first Inning tho
Athletics played more carefully, wblio
tho Central Cltys grow moro careless
until tho fifth Inning, when thoy be
enmo more demoralized than was tho
Union army nt tho bnttlo of Bull Run.
"Considerable dissatisfaction was
manifested and expressed, and in two
Innings rightfully so, at tho evident
ono sided decisions of tho umpire.
"Wo will not pnrtlcularlze, but suf
fice to say that several of the players
on both sides did well, whllo otben,
especially tho Central City side, wero
not fully up to their standard efforts.
Tho following is the
Central City R O. Athletics. O.n.
Cruttrndon. 3b, . 1 9 Hnyhurst, rf.... I 8
Porter, If S 1 McDrldo. p 1 T
Uoiwell, cf 1 3 Ilndcllffo. o 1 S
Adnma. 1 2 Wllklni. is ( i
Dodge, p i
Johnson, a 1
Telford. :b 1
Yale, lb 0
Bed if wick, rf.... 3
8 Flaler, Ib 1 S
4 Berry, Sb S S
3 Cuthbort, lb.... S 1
6 Bemenderfcr, cf t
5 Bchaffor, If 4 3
Totals 11,27 Totals flU
Central City....... 4 10 1110 3 1-1
Athletics j 1 6 117 6 0 0M
Vy Italia CauBht-Centrol City: Adams.
4i Porter, 6; Johnson, 1; Cruttenden, J;
lioswcll. 1-13. Athletics: Hadclirre. I;
Pliher, 1: Uerry, 1 Cuthbort. 4; Benien
derfer, 3-11
How Put Out-Central City: Fly, Vi
first bmo, 7; second base, 1; foul bound,
4; homo base, 2-27. Athletics: Fly, U;
first bine. 8; second base. 1: third base, 1;
homo base, 2: foul bound, 2 27.
Umplre-S. E. Iladcllffe, Union Baseball
club, Camden, N. J.
Scorers Porter and BrownelL
How would thnt go In n sporting ex
tra today? Tho only familiar signs are
the criticism of tho umplro and the
German names In tho Athletic lineup.
Mmt. Sonobtrd Paid Hep Haughty 8a
clety Patron In Full.
Last year a prominent Boston society
leader, In arranging n musical surprise
nt an elaborate dinner given to tho
town's cllto, called on a singer of re
nown to engage her services for that
event. It chanced that tho singer was
naturally Independent On tho other
hand, tho caller was notoriously
haughty. As a result this was what
transpired between them:
After the visitor had announced the
Import of her coming, tho singer suc
cinct said she would sing one num
ber for $200, and that It would be a
Wagnerian selection. it
"Tho price we will not hagglo over,
said tho visitor, "but Instead of that
grand opera selection I want you to
render one of the light nnd popular
dittlea of the day!"
"For the Wagnerian song. 200; ff
tho popular ditty, 300," was tho Arm
"But, madame," expostulated tho so
ciety leader, "your classical song is
much more exacting on your powers,
so why should you cbargo more for
tho lighter and easier song?"
"Ah," replied the Independent one,
"tho harder song is all fun to me; tho
easier ono all work!"
80 the price was fixed at $300.
Just as the haughty visitor w
about to depart, ahe turned to the
artist and said: .
"Of course, I shall uot expect you to
mingle with my guests."
"Ah," was the biting retort; "I enau
throw off $50.H-Life.
new vocalist, will sing at the Chand
ler DINNER TOMORROW evening.