&M&MuwqMrt$njjmfm0!uitt i i a ft UNCLE SAM'S EXPERTS ON FARMING IN COOS AND CURRY SOU- SUKVKV OK THE MARSHFIELD Alt HA ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL (SOVERXMEXT REPORT OF C. W. MAXX AXI) .IAS E. FERGUSON. (Continued from Inst Sntunlny) EMPIRE FIXE SAXD Tho Empliu flno sand consists of light-gray, light-brown, or rqddlsh brown sand of medium to flno tex ture. It 1b usually of great depth Tho Biirfnco soil to n depth of G to 10 inches Is discolored by tho romnliiB of vegetation, and appears slightly heavier than tho underlying material. It contains many small nodules or pellets resembling flno gravel, which liavo been formed by tho comcntlng together of tho sand grains. Whon exposed In deep cuts, tho vertical sur faco nssumes a characteristic colum nar structure, unlike tho moro recent, typical Dunesand of tho coast. Tho surface- soil nssumes a moderately compact condition whon wot, though, owing to tho lightness of tcxtiiro, cleared areas aro subject to consider able damago by wind erosion. Tho principal body of this typo forms a frlngo along tho south shore of Coos Dny, extending from Pony Slough to a point about three-quarters of a mllo west of Yoknm Point, and for a short distance up South and Pony Sloughs. A separate body of tho soil Is found on tho north sldo of tho Coqulllo River, near Its mouth. Tho topography Is undulating to ntcop and hilly. Tho surface Is often marked by ridges or hills 10 to 30 feet or moro In height. Tho Empire flno sand owes Its ori gin to nn earlier duno formntlon nenr tho ontranco to Coos Hay. With pro tection from subsequent oroBlon, weathering has altered tho toxturo and structure of tho material. It beam a close rcscmblanco to tho re cent Dunesand of tho coast In tho aurfaco topography and In tho char acter of tho sand granules. Tho ago of tho deposit -Jo-shown by Its forested condition. On tho bay sldo tho ma torlal haB boon subject to consider able erosion. Tho vegetation consists of a donso growth of cedar, flr, spruco, and an undergrowth of other plant species. Parts of tho typo aro covored with tho blackened remains of trees and bniBh which have been burned over by forest fires. Tho greater part of tho Emplro flno -sand Is too rough for cultivation and It 1b. hotter adapted to forestry than for farming. Tho soil of tho Emplro flno Bandy loam is a brown or reddish-brown flno sandy loam containing a consldornblo amount of medium to coarso sand nnd having a depth of 15 to 18 inches. Tho subsoil Is n loose flno sand or light lino snndy loam, which U uhu ally distinguished by nlternato strnta of brown nnd gray color to a dopth of 30 Inches or moro. In certain places tho Burfnco of tho typo lias Tccolved a shallow deposit of loamy material, which has boon washed In from higher elovntlons. In tho first matter has produced a dark discolor ation nnd modified tho nppnrent tox twro, tho material seeming heavier 6 to 8 Inches of tho soil tho organic than It really Is. Scattered through tho soil aro mnny small nodules, re Bombllng lino gravel, which have boon formed by tho cementing to gether of tho sand grains by Iron salts. This comcntlng process has In n fow Instnnces resulted In tho formntlon of a thin hnrdynn at n 'depth of about 9 Inches. Tho area thus affected, however, Is of smull extent, and mado up of small tracts within tho larger body of tho typo. Such tracts aro usually easily dis tinguished by tho scrubby appearanco of tho vegotntlou, Tho Emplro flno sandy loam is well dovoloped on the Constnl Plain north and for some dlstnnco south of tho Coqulllo river. Some small bodies of tho typo nre found also In tho vicinity of Port Orford and Lan glols. Tho surface of tho typo Is comparatively flat or slightly hndu- lattng. Low saud ridges have boon forced In many places by tho action of tho wind or water nnd the surfneo is cut by shallow stream courses, which find their outlet In tho larger Btreams crossing tho plain. Tho soli material represents old beach sand which was deposited as a marlno lerraco forming tho narrow plain along tho soacoaBt north of Port Or- " ford. The texture has been somo what modified by colluvlal and allu vial matorial dorlved from the up lands. In many places a finer tox turo of the surfaco material has re sulted from the deposition of ellt and Sno' sand. Only a few small areas of Empire ne sandy loam havo been cleared THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. of the forest growth nnd underbrush. Tho native vegotntlou consists of n light growth of flr, cedar, Bpruce, aider, with mndrona nnd other shrubs. Ccrtnln pnrts of tho typo were originally covered with valu able forests of cedar, which was ex tensively used as shipbuilding ma torial. At present only a small amount of tho original forest re mains. Probably less than a half section of this soil typo In all has been clear ed and planted to crops. Tho Em plro flno snndy loam Is better ndnpt- cd to crops requiring a largo amount of enro nnd cultivation than to gen eral field crops. The production of Btrnwbcrrlcs, vegetables, and bush fruits should bo successful on areas of tho typo that aro on too loose nnd porous In tho subsoil. Tho unclear ed portions of tho typo arc hold at $G to $20 an aero. Empire Clay Loam. Tho Emplro clay loam conBlstB of a light-brown clay loam, free from gravel and extending to tho dopth of about IB Inches, although tho depth Is subject to considerable variation nnd may bo 3 or moro feet. -Tho ma terial Is usually of frlnblo Btructuro and cnpablo of being maintained In n favorablo condition of tilth If hand led whon In a proper condition as rognrds moisture It Is undorlnln by a sandy subsoil of llght-grny or rcddlsh-gray to light-brown color, In which small pellets caused by co- montlng of tho soil particles by Iron jsnlts aro of common occurrence. I This soil typo occurs In Bovcrnl .scattered bodies In tho Constat Plain ,from Bnndon southward to Port Or- fonl. The tononrnnliv Is flat to un dulating, tho areas representing mn- rlno terraces. Thcso roach an olcva tlon of Bomo 22B feet nbovo sea level ' nt Capo Ulnnco nnd aro traversed by J occasional broad, shallow vnlloyn cut J by tho larger streams. Thoro Is nn abrupt, rlso of 20 or 30 feet from tle vnlloys to tho lovol of tho torraco. I Llko tho other members of tho Empire series, tho Emplro clay loam owes Its formation to tho transpor tation, deposition, nnd mortification of sedimentary mnterlal by waves and shnro currents. Tho materials enmo originally from tho rocks of tho nd Jnccnt mountains of tho Const Rnngo, I whonco thoy hnvo been eroded nnd transported to tho sen by streams. In tho caso of this typo, howover, tho soil mntorlal Is heavier and fined thnn tho most or tho Constnl Plain 'dcposltB, nnd tho soil has been sub ject to grentor modification through nddltlnn nnd ndmlxturo of material washed from ndjacont slopes nnd do- 'posited from flood wntora of foothill streams than tho other types of tho Emplro series. It Is In Its ortglnnl condition hea vily forested, and but smnll nnd ro latlvely unlmportnnt nreas havo as vol boon cleared and cultivated. Fa vorably situated bodlos will probably bo found suited to tho production of apples, berries, small fruits, and hay crops. Tho Dunesnnd consists of medium to flno texturo buff or llght-grny sand. It varies from less thnn 2 feet In depth upon tho higher lands nlong tho Immedlnto const, whoro It forms n shallow surfaco covering, to many feet in dopth In tho Inrger areas on tho lowlands. Tho mnterlal Is essen tially pure sand, free from tho finer particles of silt nnd clay and of uni form texture. Owing to tho continual movement of the surfneo soil It Is usually bare of vegetation, nnd tho whlto, undulating surfneo presents n striking contrast to tho thickly wood ed slopes which border tho areas on the landward side. Tho Dunesand occupies a narrow belt along tho sencoast for practical ly the entire length of tho nrea south of Twomllo Creek. North of Bnndon, and botween Davidson Lake and Now Lake, It reaches a maximum width of one-half to three-fourths mile, though nlong tho greater part of tho coast south of the Coqulllo river It forms a thin strip along tho boach or capping tho headlands or bluffs facing the ocean. Northward from Coos Bay an ex tensive area of Dunesand mcloses tho bay on tho west side, and between North Slough and the ocean attains a width of 2 miles. Tho surface of tho type hero is thrown Into low mounds or prominent hills and ridges which extend In a direction nearly parallel with tho coasL During eovoro wind storms tho eand drifts and tho form and even the position of the ridges undergo more or less change The COAST LEAGUE BILL SCORES (By Associated Press to Coob Bay Times.) . PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 23 Port land won again yesterday and Vernon lost, thereby lncrenslng McCredle'q lead for tho Coast League pennnnt. Tho results of yesterday's gnmes were ns follows: At Portland R H Portland 13 Onkland 3 7 At Snn Francisco R H San Francisco 2 9 Los Angeles 5 IB At Los. Angeles R H Sacramento 6 IB Vnrnnn 3 8 PLAN WORLD SERIES Givnt IliiMibnll Contest Will Open on Octoler II, Prolmbly . PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 23. No announcement regarding the world's scries will bo made for three or four weeks, but It Is known thnt tho mem bers of tho Nntlonnl Commission hnvo their plans In shape for a quick de cision on several of tho important points. I Although tho American Longuo sonson will wind up In tho East Sat urday, October 7, nnd In tho West,' Sunday October 8, tho Nntlonnl Lon guo will drag Its campaign nlong un til Columbus dny, October 12. Pres ident Ebbotts, of tho Brooklyn club, has an Idea that Columbus day will I eventually become n big holiday, nnd thnt It should bo tnken ndvnntngc' of by tho baseball clubs. This year his theory will bo given n test. Tho earliest dato, thorcforo, thnt tho world's sorlcs can Btnrt Is Satur day, October 14. This will bo earl ier than In 1910, when tho first game between tho Athletics nnd Chicago CubB wnB played Monday, October I 17. i Tho scheilulo of gnmes will depend entirely upon what teams will meet. If Now York wins tho Nntlonnl Lon guo pennnnt It Is expected thnt tho schemo used In 190B will ngnln ho followed. Then tho Athletics wero given tho opening gnmo nt Coluni-' bus Park with tho understanding thnt tho Saturdny gnmo should b played In Now York. GOLD REACH NEWS. EvciiIm at Curry County Seat as Told by the Glolx. School started nt Port Orford few days ago with W. II. Moredlth and Mrs. Loncy ns teachers. C. II. Penreo received tho contract to build tho flvo thousand dollar school houso nt Port Orford. The Incol mills there will furnish tho lum ber. Tho houso Is to bo finished by July 1, 1912. Men with families looking fat homes should not overlook tho fact that Curry offers good opportunities for men of small means raising hogs Tons upon tons of ncorns goes to waste each year In Curry, which It fed to hogs, would yield thousands of dollars In pork, and bo a smnll for tuno to thoso thus engaged. creep of tho sand hills Inland is plainly seen along tho west sldo of North Slough and in other places whero lnrgo trees havo been partial ly buried, and, In exceptional cases, wooded areas havo been completely covored nnd tho trees killed out right. Tho larger part of tho typo tn this section Is held In homestead tracts of 160 acres. Several small deposits of peat occur here in tho beds of old lakes, nnd In some In stances attempts hnvo been mndo to utillzo such areas, though as yet but little success has been achieved in cropping tho sandy soil. WNS (To be continued rwxt Saturday) DR. WINKLER uses NO DRUGS or knife. It you knew of the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back, soreness of the muscles, sprains and rheumatic pains, you would never wish to be without It. For sale by all dealers. M A Better tttP m Baking Powder tM COXDEXSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS MAY At the Close of Business, September 1, 1011. Resources. . . .... $209,719. G3 Loans nnd Discounts ... irt Bonds and warrants U. S. Bonds to sccuro circulation 01470 04 Real estate, furniture nnd fixtures .,,',. Cash and night exchange Totnl resources Liabilities. ..,,. $100,000.00 Capital Btock ' .. Surplus nnd undivided profits Circulation .....' Deposits Total liabilities OFFICERS AXI) DIRECTORS: W. S. Chandler, president; M. C. Horton, vice-president; Dorsoy Kroitzer. Cashier; John F. Hall, John 8. Coko, S. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglas, F. S. Dow, Wm. Grimes, W. P. Murphy. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho close of business September 1st, 1011. Resources. Loans and Discounts $397,393.93 Banking Houso "'J!.'!!. Caeh and Exchanges 141,546.53 Totnl 588,040.40 Liabilities Capital Stock paid in 'All'll Surplus and Undivided Profits 64,165.72 Deposits 484,774.74 Total 9588,040.40 Your Sunday Roast We have it Sweet ROAST BEEF ROABX Union Meat Market Phone Us Your Order. Abstracts. Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and AbstractJCo. HENRY SEXGSTACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phono 191 Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Qonaral Agents "EASTSIDE" "THE PRIEXD OF COOS BAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Sails from Coos Hay for Portland, Saturday A. M.f September 23. NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 C. F. McGEORGE, Agent FAST AND Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for San Francisco from Marshficld Friday, September 22, at 11 A. f. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 44 0. F. McQEORQH, Agent. EQUIPPED Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME BAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON SEPTEMBER 3, 8, 13, 10 AND 20 AT 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS MAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON SEP. TEMRER C, 10, 10, 23 AND 30. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 85-Xj FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Onr autos, leaving Marshfleld at O o'clock every morning, cob noct with tho evening train to Portland. Faro 90.00. COOS BAY ROSEBURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, O. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Marshfleld. Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore, PHONE 11 The Times Does Job Printing Sr05,07O.02 6,886.20 " 26,000.00 433,100.00 8r05,070.02 ready for you. and Juicy. MUTTON ROAST PORK Phone 58. COMMODIOUS WITH WIRELESS What's the Use? To tnko chances on hnvlng your clothes spoiled by lnexporlonced men. Give us your work. Wo do everything nud do It first class. Our work will excel any work on C003 Bay. Mnko us provo it. We do dyeing, cleaning nnd pressing, alter ing and repairing. Wo mnko old hats now. Wo Cnll For nml Deliver Your Suits UNIQJUE PANTATORIUM HONE U.-WX U.-0 Central Ave. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tho llvory bust. ness of L. II. Hclsnor nnd nro pre pared to render excellent Bcrvlco to tho people of Cooa Bny. Carotid drivers, good rlgB and everything hat will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono ub for a driving horso, a rig or anything needed In tho llvory lino. Wo nlso do truck--g business of nil kinds. ilLANOIIARD imOTHERS Livery, Feed nntl Sales Service. 141 First nnd Aider Streets Phono 138-J cSSSE ESSIIDNAL Dl RECTORY PROF. C. DAVIDSON PIANO AND VOICE Phone 1153 North Bend T-R. E. P. WINKLER, ' Naturopath nnd Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation free. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. ni.; 2 to G and 6 to 8 p. m. Naturopath InBtltuto Room No. 1. No. 130 Broadway, Marshflold, Ore. DR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho American school ot Osteopathy at Klrksvlllc, Mo. Offlco In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 161-J; Marshflold; Oregon. DR. C. C. TAGGART, Phynlclnn. nnd Surgeon. Offlco 209-210 Coko Building. Phones: Residence 00L; Olll Co 102J J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offlco over Flanagan ft Bennott Bank larahflold Oregon D' R. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Jfflco: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office. Phono 10S-J DR A. C. BURROUGHS, Scientific MoKsaglst, Treats all dlscasea Office, corner Second and Central Avonuo. Ofllco houra 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. AVo nro oqulppod to do high class work on short notico at tho very; lowest prlcos. Examination freo. Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotel. DR. H. R. MOORE, Clilropractor. Chronlo Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos Bldg Phone 81-L Offlco hours 1 to 5 8:30 to 7:J(r Sunday 3 to 5 MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reducod to: Day GOc, 75c and $1.00; weok $2.00 to 5.00. House keeping apnrtmenta with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREB BATHS B. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. , Have U Launder Your Underwear Wo wash these garmonts cleaner and bettor than tho work can be dano elsewhere, and they are not worn w much. We do not shrink them, eTen woolen garments aro returned the same bIzo as when sent us. We Iron the garment nicely, make ordinary repairs freo of charge and you havo fresh clean, sweet under wear ready for each week's change. Bundle yours up with next weeks laundry bundle. Marshfleld Hand & Steam Laundry PHON-.. 220-J A. H. HODGINS T. J. SCAIFB MarshfieldlPaint (SDecbratingCo. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 140L Oregon Have That Roof FixW NOW See CORTHEU- ftie'fii BHABVi GUN SHOP ' Complete line of Bicycle WPP1 aecond-hand blcyolea for Bale. GB, bicycles, etc., repaired. Umbrella covered and repAlrw B. nANDHL. Prop No.' t7 H'o. FU". P '" EUSaDfU)Ug4g.(gj gaEHw