w THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 1 AGENTS "W-E-A-R .- E-V-E-R" ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS Personal Notes ICM W TWICE THE HEAT WITH HALE THE FUEL We are showing the largest and most complete line of Heating Stoves in the city. Price ranging from $1.50 to $18.00.1 PIONEER HARDWARE CO. a.io front st. Always "TiTe Busy Corner" ENTERTAINING? Along with a splendid line of Stationery, we have a large variety oi! Tally & score cards. The assortment is large and the designs are novel and out of the ordinary. You will also find here many interesting things to pick JL'rom i'or your prizes. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main 298 Us TEe Royal "THE SAGE BRUSH PHRENONO GI8T" 'Ono of tho grcatost cowboy tures over ahown) llc- "ELOPMENT AT DOUBLE L" I "AS YE SOW" '(Tho Mother's Appoal) ILLUSTRATED SONG. "Wlillo U10 Leaves Conio Drifting Down" SUNDAY 'FOOLSIIEAD LIFE INSURANCE AGENT" i '(A great comody) "A IIALF-UREED'S COURAGE" KA thrilling Indian and Cowboy pic ture) I ILLUSTRATED SONG ' "Morlno Maureen" B AND 10c For Everyone Clothing From $8.50 to $25.00 Cravenettes $10.00 to $25.00 Every Garment Guaranteed F: m.up tOR SALE My farm 000 acres in one lot or will cut up In parcels to ' Bult G. W. Santord, Marshfleld. i . r tfOR SALE Double barreled shot 1 Bun nearly new, apply Times office. Qothing AGENTS "H-E-l) - S-E-A-L" 1)KV BATTERIES . NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. TImoa subscribers who do not rocolvo tholr papors regularly aro requested to notify Tho Times offloco of any Irregularity In dollvory. This to tho only moans The Times has of know- lng whon subscribers miss tholr papers, and consequently tho only moans of romodylng tho trouble. POSITION WANTED By experienc ed young woman, at ofllco work. "B" Box 717, Marshlleld. LOST Largo black silk handkerchief near Market and Second streots Friday. Flndor, ploaso, return to Tlmos' ofllco. FOR SALE Anderson CHEAP Plnno, Avo. 107a FOR SALE IRRIGATED ALFAL FA and fruit land, California un dor best Irrigation Bystom In tho Btate. 4 linos transportation. Great dairy country, rnco uu por ncro 5 years to pay. Write for literature to A. E. Pollexfen & Co., No. 3 Markot St., San Fran cisco. Headquartors for Cooa Bay people. FOR KENT Nicely furnished room In prlvato family. Inqulro 1044 Central Avenue. FOR SALETWO choleo 20 ncro tracts, close In. $,1500 each, ouo third cash, long timo on balance. Seo J. C. Donne, phono 314x2. FOR RENT 7-room house with bath, cor. No. Broadway and Cedar Avo. Apply to Anson Rogers or C. J. Bruschko. WANTED O experienced coal min ora Beaver Hill Company. AUTOS ALWAYS READY Two ma- nMnna careful drivers. 'Stands at Blanco hotel and Ed's Billiard par lors. Day phones 46 and 231R. Night phono 18 IX. X MAHSIIPIELD, OREGON CATCHING INLET NEWS. B. F. Ross Is slowly recovering from his painful accident. Miss Ida Mntson wna n caller at (he B. F. Ross homo yesterday. T. W. Hlgglnsou and son aro Mnrshflold business visitors todny. C. W. Crawford wub tho gupst of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hlgglnsou nt dinner Friday. Mrs. -William Ashman mid nlcco, Mrs. John Swnnson, visited Mrs. Chris. Jackson Friday. Gcorgo Ross, II. S. Bonobrnko and Will Hlgglnsou returned todny from a twolvo day's hunting trip. Three ilcor mid a cub was tho result nf pleasure. Master Vorl Bonobrnko'B horso bo enmo frightened Friday, whllo croBs- , lng a brldgo near B. F. Ross' placo mid leaped Into tho Inlot. Vorl 'jumped from tho horso onto tho brldgo saving himself a muddy bath and possibly a serious Injury. E F. E. Allen Named Among Dele gates to General Conference M. E. Church. Goo N. Bolt this morning received a prlvato tologram from Salem giv ing tho names of dologatos aud nltor natos to tho goneral conforenco of tho Mothodlst Episcopal church. Tho dolegatcs woro elected at tho Stato conference of tho church nouo bolng held In Salom. Tho tologram Is as follows: "Tho delegates olected to gcuornl eonforonco aro: "Rev. Flotchor Homan of Salom, Rev. Bonjnmln Young of Portland, Rov. James Mooro of Salom. Tho lay delegates aro A. M. Smith of Portland, A. A. Leo of Salom, It. A. Booth of Eugono. "Alternates: F. E. Allon of Mnrshflold, A. F. Flngol of Portland, G. F. Billings of Ashland. If you have a GOITRE. WINKLER. Seo DR. MUSIC at tho CHANDLER on SUNDAY evening. Arrango to tako YOUR Sunday DINNER there. Don't forgot the Turkish PnONE 214-J. Baths. A Great Advantage to Working Men J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Steub envllle, 0., sayB: "For years I Buf fered from weak kidneys and a Bovoro bladder trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and tholr wonderful cures so I began taklnt them and sure onough I had as good results as any I heard ubout. My backache loft mo and to ono of my business, ex pressman, that alono Is a great ad vantage My kidneys acted freo and normal, and that saved mo a lot of misery. It Is now a pleasure to work where It used to bo a misery. For Sale at Red Cross Drug Storo. MARSHFIELD M A e? TIIK WEATHER. J (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Sept. 23. Fair to- night with light frost In west nuil heavy In east. Sunday fair. LOCAli TEMPERATURE RE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:00 p. m., Sept. 22, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum ,. . G2 Ml ill mum 42 At 4:00 p. .111 GS Wind, Northwest; cloudy. Child 111 The llttlo daughter of Judgo mid Mrs. J. S. Coke Is reported qulto Blck at tholr homo today. Fancy Sheep. John Yoakam re ceived on the last Alllanco a shipment of high grndo Shropshire sheep for his Coqulllo Valley ranch. Vessol Movements Tho Excelsior arrived In today with freight from San FrnnclBco. Sho will load nt tho C. A. Smith mill. Tho Tramp sailed today for Gold Beach and Port Or ford with a full cargo of general mer chandise Gets Pocketbook. Through n Times found nd, Miss Jennie Joiicui recovered a pockotbook which sho lost a fow days ago. Gcorgo Watklns Jr., picked It up on tho Btrcct mid brought It to Tho Times' omce, a found nd was Inserted, Miss Jones read It mid cmuo mid secured her purse. Now nt KiiKciie. F. P. Norton Ift at Eugene with his string of horses, taking part In tho Lmio county fair which Ib In progress this week. Ac cording to n lottor John Snydor re ceived from htm, Mr. Norton Is highly plcaBcd with tho showing his horses hnvo mndo mid ho expects to land Bomo mora winnings before tho cir cuit closos. Piivh Fine. Robert Jonson, tho longBhoromau who got tho womt of a ouo round bout with Marshal Carter on North Front street a fow wooks ago and who at first nnuouucod Hint ho was going to fight tho charge against htm, yostordny nppoarod be fore Rocordor John Butler and plo.id guilty to a ohargo of drunkodnoss and paid a 15 lino. Change Mall Schedule. Beginning October 1, tho wlntor mall schodulo will go Into offoct and outgoing mall will loave horo In tho ovonlng Instead of In tho morning, but will contlnuo to arrlvo botweon midnight and morning. Tho contractors aro on donvorlng to havo tho mall Idavo at 0 o'clock P. M., lnstoad of 7 o'clock na laBt year, desiring tho additional timo as a precaution against bad roads. Joko 011 Hunters. J. O. Stommlor, who was ovor from Myrtle Point Inst ovonlng,, was tolling a good Joko on a party of Marshflold hunters who woro aftor big ganio near Myrtlo Point this weok. Tho party consist ed of Harry Wlnklor, Harry Mc Keown and W. R. Hnlnos, and thoy woro hunting near tho Joo Knight placo. Mr. Knight know them well and nftor they had huntod In vain for a buck, Mr. Knight got a Blurted hond and Bllppod out and put It up near tho trail whoro tho huntors bold would bo sure to seo It. Suro onough thoy camo along and saw tho big buck's head sticking out of tho brush. Volloy aftor volloy was fired but still the buck did not drop. Fin ally tho hoax was discovered, accord ing to Mr. Stommler but whether thoro woro any bullet holes in tho stuffed head ho did not Bay. Thoy did got ono nice buck which partly mol lified tholr feelings. WARM today, COLD tomorrow, MERCURY on tho TICTElt on tho Jump. WARM UNDERWEAR may mean LIFE saved. It will aurely MEAN BETTER HEALTH and moro COMFORT. Tho MYERS' STORE Is tho RIGHT PLACE to got It. Steamer ALERT will leave Marsh flold at 7:15 SATURDAY ovonlng and NORTH BEND at 8:1B with spe cial oxcurslon for DANCE at EM PIRE HALL. QUICK relief from poor BREAD buy your FLOUR of HAINES. Read the lima Want Ads. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos River was u Marshlleld shopper today. GEORGE BEALE of Coos River Is a Marshlleld visitor today. MISS C. CARLILE will leave Monday for Rosobtirg to visit frlonds. MRS. JAS. LANDRITH of Coos Riv er was shopping In this city today. MISS ANNA CLINKENBEARD of Coos River was n Mnrshllcld tsl tor today. ED NOAH of North Coos River wan In Marshflcld on a short business visit today. GEO. STOUGII will leavo tomorrow morning for Rosoburg nftur a few month's stay on the Day. MRS. JOHN MESSERLE and daugh ter of Catching Inlet woro shop pers in Marshflcld today. MRS. A. S. HAMMOND of Coqulllo passed through hero today enroute to Portlnnd for a short stay. R. C. LOUCKS, S. L. Wecsner and Irn B. Rlddlo woro passengers on this morning's stngo for Rosoburg. CIIAS. MERCHANT will leavo on tho next bont for San Francisco whero ho will attend business college thin winter. MR. AND MRS. GEO. PRATT mid family left today for Kansas whoro they will visit nt tho homo of Mrs. Pratt's parents. FRANK B. WAITE left on tho Rronk- wutor this morning for Portlnnd mid Sutherlln. Ho plans to return horo about October 1 for nn ex tended stay. MRS. R. J. DUNHAM, widow of tho lato Capt. Dunham of tho Roanoke, returned to her homo In Portland today after a short visit nt tho homo of Mrs. A. G. Atkon mid oth er Coos' Bay frlonds. MISS MncDONALD who has bcou making hor homo with hor stater, Mrs. Albort Merchant, loft today for Portland whoro sho will outer tho Training School for uuraos tit St. Vincent's Hospital. W. W. WHEELER, head of tho Whoolor Lumbor company nt Dos Moines, loft todny for Chohnlls, Wash., aftor a short visit on tho Bay. Ills company Is ono of the largost retail lumbor companies in thnt state. Ho Is vory much Im pressed with Coos Bay and may docldo to mako his summor homo horo at loast. Ho always sponds his Bummers In tho west. GIRL AND SIRE WED SAME DAY. FREEWATER. Ore, Sopt. 23. Ono of tho most singular of weddings took placo Sunday morning, whon C. II. Barnes marrlod Mrs. Edna J. Morris, of Sioux Rapids, Iowa, and at tho samo timo his daughter, Nora Barnos, wed Luther Crowloy, of thlB placo, whllo Mrs. Crow- Iov'b uncle. Elder J. T. Bnrnos, of Touchot, performed tho coro- mony. Sixty guests woro presont, and a picnic took placo In honor of "Grandfather" Barnes, who is 83 years old mid leaves this weok for Missouri. Ono of tho most nctlvo guosts presont was "Grandma" Korr, who will bo 90 yoars old In No- vombor. Pork and Beans Horo ts nnturo's choicest food 84 por cont nutriments. In ono way it .is ruined mado soggy and lndlgoatiblo. In tho other way It becomes a dish which ovorybody likes. Van Chiup'b Bonus Aro nut-llko moalyhnd wholo. Nono aro crisped, nono broken. Thoy aro baked for hours at 245 dogroes. But tho baking U done in Bteam ovons. Wo aro Belling thorn at Be, lOo and 20o per can. HEINZ'S as good and wo aro Aro equally por can. There aro millions of housowlvoa sorvlng these famous brands of Pork and Benns. Can't wo Induce you to Join them? Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 11 END Mrs. Christine McKay Suc cumbs to Long Illness1 Funeral Sunday. Mrs. Christine Cameron Small-McKay, a well-known Coos Bay woman, died at North Bend yesterday after noon after a lingering Illness of tu berculosis. Mrs. Christina Cameron Small McKay was born at Westvillo, Nova Scotln, July 28, 1SS1. Sho was the mother of Eliza McKay of North. Bend, Ore., and daughter of Mrs. Caroline SnuiH-IInrrls of Mnrshflold and tho late Andrew P. Small Of Westsldo, N. S., and a slstor of Mrs. Wm. Shrock of North Bond. Be sides these bIio lenves numorous oth er relatives both horo and In Can ada to mourn hor death. Tho funeral will no hold from th Wilson Undertaking parlors in Marshlleld, Sunday afternoon, SopU 24, at 2 o'clock. Intormont I. O. O. F. cemotory. Rov. R. E. Brown ing will conduct tho sorvlccs. North Bend News C. E. Mathor loft yesterday tor Al legany on a business trip. Tho sash mid door factory rent a consignment of Port Orford endar on the Breakwater to Portland. Miss Dorothy Klbblor arrived till week from Floronco mid will spond tho wlntor In North Bond attending school. L. C. Reynolds hns gone to his old homo In Floronco nttcr n long and serious Illness in North BvMtd. Ho" is now almost complotoly recovered. Mrs. Leonard Mastors mid Miss Olllo Rlchnrds, of Sumnor, wcro In tho city todny to attend tho Granga mooting mid say farowoll to MUi Florenco Jennings who loft for Port lnnd. When the Railroad Comes "We'll still bo horo dis pensing prescriptions in accordance- with mod orn scientific pharma ceutical methods, and selling 'drugs of tho highest purity and freshness. In tho meantime, it will ho to tho advantage of all tho people of tho city of "COOS BAY" to bring all prescriptions to us and to come here for all drug storo wants. Remember, we're "in business for your health." Our "quality service" is yours when you need anything medi cinal, and it costs you no more than the doubtful kind. Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists. PHONE 111, MARSHFIELD. BEANS soiling thorn at 10c, IS mid 23c M .Ul