vjiSI 4 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. y i m COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONEY Editor and PubllBher DAN E. MALONEY News Editor Entered at tho posteffleo at Murshflold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COOH COUNTY. RAYR I INF WJi I UU U UK (Continued from pago 1.) AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, AND WEEKLY BY THE COOS DAY TIMES PUHLISHINO COMPANY. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. AT THE END OF THE WEEK AT THE end of tho week, when anothor soven days have gone by Into tho past, nover to return, thero ought to come Into tho life of every man and woman a llttlo period of quiet for rest and calm reflec tion. Tho days Just gono havo boon so hurried, so filled with activities of all kinds, thnt it wns not easy to get tho full moaning of ovents as they went racing by. It was not altogether apparent why othor men did xvliat they did; It wns not clear what prompted our own conduct, wo acted on Impulso bo often. Perhaps wo did not understand tho motives of other men's deeds. Porhnps wo did not fully sco how Belflsh wo our selves woro, or how generous, how small or how largo. Perhaps wo Old not amid many distractions appreciate that this was wrong nnd that right, or that this deed added Just a llttlo moro to tho world's unhnp lilnres, while tho other might havo Increased Its Joys n llttlo. 'n an hour of calm and quiet the week's Hfo may bo scon as It really fo. Then It may bo Judged whothor It has meant gain or loss, growth or decoy; thon It may bo Judged which things arc worth whllo and what nro vain; then It may bo determined whore the mistakes havo boon oiid whoro tho right; then it may bo ou'tlmated how much has boon true mil how much false With such reflection there will como a clear light upyn tho n.is, but, bottor still, also upontho nnv veok ahead, and an 1inor volco of counsel nnd direction. For tho weariness of tho flesh that comes with d;yn of work thero Is no balm llko thnt of tho rest nt tho weok'B end. Mnn owes It to hlm ralf lo tnko It. If ho works tho sovonth dny as ho did tho sixth and tho olghth as ho did tho seventh, his toll becomes hard to bear bocnuso St HooniB to hnvo no end. When ho resin, thoro comes tin end to It; when tho eighth dny comes, thoro Is u new beginning nnd thero Is n now Interest. Tired body and tired mind need tho cnlm of tho week end and tl'C rest. When It .was written contnrlcs ago, "Romombor tho Sabbath day to Jiceji It holy," that was no moro religious command. It wns n command thnt touched tho wholo llfo of mnn physical and mental nnd social ns well ns spiritual. hotel, brick buildings nnd fine homes which I hnve seen nro some thing thnt a city of 25,000 or 30,000 people could bo proud of. In fact, had accomplished In tho last thrco years. Ho said that it had outgrown the little villages nnd that the time Is when nil the towns on the Bay should bo consolidated into tho city of destiny "Coos Day." Ho then olfcrod n motion that tho meeting ox press itself on it nnd on n standing vote, It wns carried unnnnmloualy. M. C. Moloney spoko briefly and read a llttlo poem on tho necessity of a railroad to Coos Bay. Port Commission Dr. E. MInguB responded to the toast "Tho Port Commission." Ho said that unfortunately tho commlBS' THERE IH GREAT NEED OF LOVE IX THE AVORL1) THERE Is nothing to do with men but to lovo thorn; to contomploto their virtues with ndmlrntlon, tholr faults with pity nnd forbearance nnd tholr Injuries with forglvouoss. Task nil tho Ingenuity of your mind to dovlBo hoiiio othor tiling, hut you can novor find It. To hoto your ndvorsnry will not hollTyoii, nothing within tho compass of tho unl vcrso can holp you but to lovo him. But lot thnt lovo flow out upon all mound you, nnd. what could harm you? How many n knot of mystery and mlsundorstnndlng would ho untied by ono word Bpokon In simple and confldlng truth of heart! How mnny n solltnry placo would bo mndo glnrt U lovo woro thero; nnd how mnny a dark dwelling would bo filled with light! Orvlllo Dowoy. I' THE Initiative nnd Roferondum lenguo, nnd'tho Slnglo Tax leoguo of Missouri fliicceod In tholr pres ent Intontlons tho voters of thnt eUito will havo nn opportunity nt tho iat election to adopt or rojoct Hen ry Ooorgo'a theory ns a bnsls of taxa tion. Tho amendment has boon drawn up and will bo circulated in every congressional district for sign aturou asking that tho mattor bo put nnon tho Fallot. Tho leagues havo wrgnrilaod In sovornl of tho largo dittos nnd many of tho smnllor towns. HINOLE TAX IX MISSOURI" prlco It would bring nt n voluntary snlo, and n lovy on ono-hnlf that vnl uo Is to bo mndo. But whonover theso corporations nccopt regulation of tholr charges and tho values of tho franchises bo so reduced that tho companies shall mnko only n rea sonablo return on tho actual valuo of tholr physical holdings, furthor exemptions may bo made It will bo soon that tho, amend ment contains somo variations on tho Goorgo theory, vnrintlons mado necessary by modorn conditions of 'Tho umendmont proposes to put business and tho rolatlon of corpora- property into four classos. Tho first Includes ovory kind of porsonal prop erty which does not belong to publlo twrvlco corporations. No proporty of this class will bo subject to taxa tion nftor 1913. All Improvements on real ostnto nro Included In the second class. Aftor 1913 all own era will bo outltlcd to tin oxomp tlon of fS.OOO on tho valuo of their improvements, nnd by 1922. a sliding mcalo will rut off taxation on nil Im provomonts. All lnnds except thoso now oxompt from taxation or the rights of way of public Borvlco cor Storntlmis go Into the third class. No proporty In this class aboil ovor go nntnxod. Tho proporty of public Borvlco cor porations comprise! class four. Thld prporty, roal and porsonal, Is to bo svssoHHOd at Ub true value nnd tho tlona to tho stnto. Tho poll tax Is abolished nnd no llconso Is to bo col lected from any buslnoss not requir ing pollco regulation. Tho stnto board of equalization Is to give way to n Btnto tnx commission. Tho Georgettes nro said to havo dono a great doal of missionary work In MlBsourl In tho Inst year, and thoro Ib llttlo doubt that they can got tho nmondmont on tho ballot, but n mooBiiro embodying such radical changes In taxation methods will not bo hastily adopted by nny commun MUSIC nt tho niAXDLER on Sl'XDAV evening. Arrango to take YOUR Sunday DIXXKR thoro. Use Tho Times' Want Ad. New Wheat Flour At this time the housewife's troubles begin. New wheat flour always makes trouble. Drifted Snow Flour carried in this county is made from old wheat. LIGHT, WHITE, ALWAYS RIGHT mill nnd I want to tell you that It hasn't nn equal In tho United Stntes or in tho world. It is tho finest 1 evor laid my eyes on. It was a sur prise and revelation to mo nnd I think It would bo to anyone else 1 hnvo visited somo of tho reputed modorn mills elsowhero but thoro Is no comparison to tho Smith mill. "Today, I visited tho Coqulllo val loy nnd wns surprised in tho coun try I Bnw. Whllo timber will prob ably bo your big nssot, It struck mo thnt thoro Is a great chanco for dai rying as tho land seems particularly adapted to It. Tho beauty of dairy ing is thnt tho profits from It are scattered among n great numbor of pooplo nnd that It brings foreign money into n community. "Scolng what Coos Bay lino accom plished in tho past with its limited trnnBportntlon facilities, I can sco n very bright futuro for It whon this railroad comes nnd tho othor lines thnt no doubt will come. I nm glnd to sco you nil pulling together for thnt moans getting results. When I como again, probnbly next spring, I wnnt to sco n further continuation of this progress In evidence." At Mr. O'Brien's conclusion ho wns warmly npplaudod and a toast was drunk to him by those nssomblod. Other JtosiKHisea. II. E. Lounsbury, nsslstnnt gonornl freight ngent, In responding said that he enmo In tho plnce of Traffic Manngcr Mlllor, who hnd been unex pectedly detnlncd nt tho last moment. Ho spoko of Mr. Miller's work In bo half of ngrlculturo through tho dem onstration train nnd said that ho was now advocating tho dovoolpmout of hog raising In Orogon, most of tho pork now having to bo shipped from tho enst. Ho said that conditions In Coos county struck him that this ter ritory was particularly suited to this Industry nnd thnt tho coming of tho railroad would sco It dovoloped. Ho Halt! that Elbort Hubbard had cited as tho flvo most Important Indus tries ns agriculture transportation, manufacturing, distributing nud ad vertising. Ho snid this was his third visit to this section nnd ho hoped to como many times in tho futuro. Cnpt. T. J. Macgonn spoko brlofly of tho Coos Bay harbor. Ho said that naturo had ondowod R with more advantages than any othor on tho coast oxcopt Goldon Onto harbor. Tho natural Jetty oxtondlng two nilloa on tho southward, ho said was nmplo with tho possible necessity of building a fow hundred foot to direct tho current nnd thon tho north Jotty. Ho said ho had constantly urged it and tho Unltod Stntes ongtneors hnd told that It could bo secured whon tho railroad camo nnd now ho hopod It would soon bo hero. Ho also told of tho dopth of wntor on tho bar nnd tho Innor chnnnol nccordlng to tho last soundings. NimmI of Confidence. J. W. nonnott spoko on "Confid ence" Ho declared that confidence Is necossnry nlwnys and that tho poo plo should stand together and uphold any projoct for tho boneflt of tholr community. Ho roforrod to the ills nppolnted hero ovor tho fnlluro of tho Drain lino to materialize but ho explained tho fnlluro of it to be com pleted was duo to conditions that no ono could provont nnd ho dec'arod thnt tho expenditure of about ono million dollars on It showed that thero was no Insincerity behind It. IIo snid that oven If tho Willamette ami Pnclflo hnd tho greatest story tollor that over visited Coos r.unty (Mr. Wondllng) nt Its head tho poo plo hero bolloved It would come Ho snid this was fully corroborated by tho big advance In tho price of real estate on the Bay aftor tho announce ment was mndo. Ho snid that Coos Boy wolcomed nny nnd all lines nnd to Insuro all on equal Bhow. the city council had recontly granted n fran chise which would mean Hat a ter minal road would bo ready to handlo nil business ns soon ns tho railways get ha. Mr Bennitt praised tho advantages of tho harbor aal tho natural resources of the c'.ty, also. City of Coos liny C. F. McKnlght responded to the toast "Tho City of Coos Bay." He recounted tho development of Coos Bay nnd Its towns In recent years and pointed out whnt concentrated effort , . . . ,, ., . , , isaiu inni niuuiiuiiiui .... ..- I want to tell you thnt 1 Imvo never', , , , . ,,, . prntrinilsh , ,. , , , ..... ,L ionn had not boon able to ticcompnsu v sited a more model llttlo city on Bd tlmt BOon nttcr lts the Pacific coast than is Marshfle Id. ,, tho commission hnd do- "This afternoon I visited tho Smith h t ,t wou,d bfl bcst to try to eliminate technicalities nnd litigation by Instituting test suits on tlto ques tions rnlsed. This would have worK- ed all right ho snid as it was mu Bhortcst route to direct accomplish ments but they met n "bear" on thr wny. Ho likened this delay to tho fighting bull who nttneked an oncom ing locomotive. Tho owner when when viewing tho remains of tho hull nftor tho train hnd passed remarked, "Old follow you had great spunk but you used poor Jugdmont." Ho Btild that tho $300,000 bond Issue recent- I John F. Hall Chas I. Rclgard J. A. Ward ly voted would cnnblo tho port to ox- j Peter Logglo pond $50,000 for public docks and, A. P. Williams wharves, $ 50,000 In Improving Inlets j J"" and rivers nnd $200,000 for lmprov-1 CaB8ll8 h. Peck Ing tho harbor chnnnol. In conclus-. u. S. Edwnrds Ion, ho said that thore was oho thing C. P. McKnlght necossnry for tho pooplo to do nnd . Ooo I'rK"nr that was to arrango economic condl- : , n ffv tions hero bo that Coos Bay would Wm s chandler offer Inducements for traffic to pass m. C. Malonoy through this port by mnklng tho Geo P. Murch hnndllng of It through horo cheaper ' K. K. WHjjon thnn nt compotltlvo points. ' .,' rrichonor C. R. Peck respondod to tho tonst , r, l. Rood "Community" nnd showed tho neco?- m. C. Horton Blty of conccntrntod nnd united el- C. W. Towor fort to build up. In conclusion he II. rB Bald that tho Marshflold Chamber of Miller Commerce nnd the Port Commission c'pt, V. J. Mac would soon send a delegation to Port- j gonn lnnd nnd Washington to secure nn O. X. Wondllng npproprlntlon for tho construction of "' t" McConiinc' tho North Jotty nnd they wnnted j p.'o'Urlon Vice-president .7. P. O'Brien to havo j.f, y, Covers tho Southern Pacific extend Its In- .las Bnlncs fluenco In behnlf of tho project. Fine Exhibit P. B. Tlchonor who had ehn"rge of tho Coos County exhibit tit tho Ore gon Stnto Pair was tho noxt speaker. Ho told of tho winning of tho first prlzo with Grnvenstoln apples nnd tho firth prlzo with tho full exhibit, nl thouch lin did not hnvn time (n crnMi. er it. Ho snid that with n llttlo I David Nelson offort thoy could go back noxt yenr j ion" c- 'i0'1!"11, n.i .i n.. ...t. ...,. .. .... J David Y. Stafford ...u ..... .,. , .run. in." Dncnn Ferguson iiu raiu iiu niiiiiuu uj urRO W10 nee-i f, gt Dow LIST OF ATJIiQUET ATTEXDAXCE AT EVEXT IX HOX OIl OP .7. P. O'URIEX AXI) PARTI' AT CHAXDLER liAST NIOIIT VER1" REPRESEXTA TIVE. With 119 seated at tho banquet bonrd and n numbor of others unnblo to bo occommodatod but wlio re mained for tho program of addresses, tho banquet given nt Tho Chandlor last evening by tho Mnrshflold Cham ber of Commorco In honor of VIco presldcnt J. V. O'Brien nnd party was ono of tho most ropresontntlvo gath erings witnessed on Coos Dny In n long time. Tho complete list of those nt tho banquet excepting thoso who could not bo seated, Is as follows: Tom T. Bennett Ceo II. Rotnor H. A. Wells W. T. McEldow- lioy A. Y. Meyers Geo Goodrum W. H. Kennedy Honry Sengstnc- kon Dan E. Malonoy Arthur R. Pock osslty of building n good wngon rond . H. E. Burmlster to Coos Bay which would onnblo nu-iP- II. Brlgham tolsts to como to tho finest Biimmor cllmnto In tho world. Wenilllng Tells StorlcK G. X. Wondllng wns tho final spoakor and dovoted most of his tlmo to story tolling, rolnting tales with morals which ho sold might apply to Qoos Bay. Ho concludod with urg ing mutual (aid and confidence Ho oald that In regard to tho railroad, Mr. O'Brlon's promise that It would bo built was bottor than a elguod agroomont to that offect. During tho evening In Introducing tho various speakers, Dr. McCormac added Immonsoly to tho program by Interesting remarks on various phas es of Coos Bay. Ho told of tho or gnnlzatlon of tho Chnmbor of Com morco four years ngo by Tom Rich nrdson and enumerated somo of Its accomplishments. Ho snid that In tho last four or flvo years, about $15,000 had been oxponded through nnd by tho Chamber of Commorco. In tho connection with tho develop ment of Mnrshfleld, ho said great credit was duo to Mayor E. E, Straw for tho Improved stroots especially, j Tho mention of Mnyor Straw's namo and his accomplishments brought a! round of hearty npplausq from tho uudlenco. A speclnl orchestra furnished mus ic during tho onrly part of tho even ing nnd tho menu wns nil that could bo desired. Eugene Crosth- walt W. Rufus Hnlnos P. M. Parsons Prod Bachman A. A. Kondrlck P. G. Horton A. T. Haines Frcdorlck E. Lcofo Hugh McLnln J. W. Bonnott John G. Mullen J. D. Moreen R. S. Wornlch Clnudo Nasburg E. M. Simpson Herbert Lockhnrt Job II Planngnn C. C. Tnggart A. L. Barkor P. A. Tledgon Goorgo Doll Dr. G. W. Lcsllo C. C. Going W. P. Squlro J no D. Jones J. C. Jones Edgar McDanlol Jnck Guyton Thnyor Grimes W. J. Conrnd Henry HuggliiB W. E. Best II. G. Kern C. P. McCollum J. W. Gurdlnor A. G. Rnnb John D. Goss I. J. Reynolds T. C. RiiBsell W. U. Douglns E. MlngiiB Jens Hnnsen C. J. BruKchko Virgil E. Wnttors J. T. M. Knox II. J. Linden C. E. Powers Prod HnrrlB W. S. Nicholson I. S. Kaufman Alva Doll A. S. Hammond H. S. Tower Mllo D. Sumner Geo N. Bolt E. P. Morrlssoy S. C. Smnll P. E. Rogors P. C. Birch W. T. Morchnnt L. A. Sumner J. A. Jncobson W. B. Lambo A. F. Douglas J. H. Lovers A. E. Seaman G. A. Bonobrnko I. Loo Brown R. E. Knorr C. E. Groosbcck R. M. Jennings L. W. Travor II? OF NORTH 61 Vice-President O'Brien and Party Spend Forenoon There Leave Sunday. VIco-prcsIdont O'Brien no J pmtr this forenoon woro guests of Norih Bond nnd at noon woro un3ts r hon. or nt a luncheon given by tho Xorlh Bend Commorclnl Club. This nvirn. Ing thoy visited tho factories m,j mills In North Bond nnd tho city g.n. orally. This nftomoon, thoy woro gaojtj of A. H. Powers on a trip to Coos City whoro thoy vlsltod ono of tho Smith Powers Logging company'c camps. Mr. O'Brlon nnd pnrly vUl leave nbout 11 o'clock Sunday moriilnu In a prlvnto lnunch for Ten Mllu from whonoo thoy will proscod over the routo of tho Eugono-Coos Hay lino to Eugono. Tho Inst part of the (rip from Ploronco to Eugono U to 1)8 mado by tiuto. ! BOOSTERS TO MEET MONDAY FATHER SHERMAN INSANE CHICAGO, 111., Sopt. 23. Father Thomas E. Shorman, son of Gener al William T. Shorman, who was commlttod to tho Stnto Hospital for tho Insane nt Agnow, Cal., was well known from const to coast, ns n loct uror boforo Protestant nudlences on tho Cnthollc church. Ho attempted stilcldo nt tho Jesuit novltlnto at l.os Gatos. Chamber of Commerce to Ar 1 range Plans For Coming Year Then. Dr. J. T. McCormac, president of the Marshflold Chamber of Commorco hns colled a mooting of that organi zation to bo hold noxt Monday even ing for tho purposo of discussing and nrrnnglng plans for tho coming yoar'i work. Tho organization hns for flomo tlmo been comddcrlng meani of mnklng n moro active boosting campaign nnd doing considerable publicity work. In this connection, It bus boon nng gestod thnt Prank B. Tlchonor of Portlnnd, who mndo such a auccou with tho Coos county exhibit at the Orogon Stnto Pair, bo cngnBcd ai mnnngor and publicity director. Mr. Tlchonor hnn boon on tho Bay for c. fow days nnd oxpects to bo In Com county for n wook or bo that nn op portunity mny bo nffordod to taHo the matter up with him. Consequently thoso favoring tho eocurlng of a pub licity mnn and mnnagor would like to havo It tnkon up now. Tho Idea of thoso favoring the moro cxtenslvo boosting campaign li thnt tho manager and publicity rcia linndlo this work oxcluBlvoly and if voto his ontlro tlmo to It. HI w&tk will bo mndo Indopondont of that of tho socrotary, MIbb Hendoraon, ho will continue In hor prosont capacity. In which aho has demonstrated iucb otncloncy. As a salos-makor and a oual- noss-bulldor, do you know of anything bottor or euror than advertising. Try Times' Want Ads. A PACIFIC HIGHBALL (Wrltton for Tho Times) ""hero's n fragrance in tho rosebud. ' In tho morning wet with dew; But nn old Crow Glngon highball, Will refresh you through and through. ' Don't drink them In tho morning, Tho day's for work not fun; But when the toll Is ovor, It's time tho play begun. G. X. WENDLING. IP your STOMACH is out of order. Seo DR. WINKLER. After the show try a Turkish Bath Phone 214-J. RAILROADING Is the Talk of the Day Until tho railroad is hero and aftor it comes you will need Drugs, Medicines and other articles in 'that line. Wo always have and always will careful ly cater to our customer's wants in delivering Pure Drugs of highest quality. Our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT is especially equipped with tho finest products and best facilities for compounding your medicines and every safeguard is used to assure yon of accuracy and purity. All compounding and selling 'of drugs and poison is done by duly quaUfied Registered Pharmacists. RED CROSS DRUG STORE PHONE 122-J.