- THE COOS BAY WARES, MARSIHFIBUD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER-23, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 2555 Constant Efficiency of Electric Motors Surprise Millworkers Tne electric motor operates to its maxi mum capacity without flinching. It grabs a quickly added load without a second's pause and proceeds with the work Workers in sawmills arid factories are always surprised at the constant effi ciency of electric motors, compared with the performance of steam engines Where the engine responds slowly to the Visible power demands of the plant, the electric motor responds instantly This means greater output per hour and greater output per day In the above statement is ope of the reasons that a?re making the application of electric power universal OREGON POWER CO. Phone No. 178 COOS BAY AS GREAT CENTER (Continued from pngo 1.) l)08o as Is demonstrated by the Por ter Mill of the Simpson Lumber company furnishing the fuel for tho Oregon Power company's plant. This waste through the Oregon Power company lights out cities and homes, furnishes power for pumping our water supply aiitl runs many facto ries and the company has more wait ing for ubc There are two essentials to tho success of .factories. One Is tho na tural resources an'd the other the means of distribution. With tho harbor developc'd properly to admit tho largo oceangoing vessels and with railroad facilities affording n means of distribution and with these great natural resources and the vol ume of cheap power, I think that God has intended Coos Bny to become n grent manufacturing center. Ho hns 'done his part nnd it Is now up to us to utilize Ills dtt. MUSIC at tho CHANDLER on SUNDAY evening. Arrnngo to tnko YOUR Sunday DINNER there. COS BAY IS T FREDERICK E. LEEKE OK UN' IT ED STATES ENGINEERING DE PARTMENT GIVES FACTS IN SAYS LINE IS S. P. PROJECT PECULIAR STORY RELATIVE TO IIAHRIMAN LINE AN'D PACIFIC GREAT WESTERN STARTED AT FLORENCE. ff NOTICE OF SALE. I will receive scaled offers to pur chaso tho Carrie Nasburg property being lots fonr nnd flvo In Block 27, Clomont Plat at fho-cornor of Broad way nnd Alder avenue, having a fron tage of 50 feet on both Droadway nnd Second streets nnd ono hundred and slxty-clght feet on Aldor nvenuo. Bids to bo opened September 25th, 1911 at noon. J. D. McNEIL, Executor. Trr The Tlran TaatAA'da. FHave Just Opened AT 324 Front StwttUio Marshfield Cash Market Tho following from tho PortlnntI Journal under n Florence dnto lino will bo of considerable Interest on Coos Bay, as this section Is vitally Interested In tho mnttor, Engineer Sumner of tho Pacific Great West ern being now on Coos Bay as woll as nro Vice-president O'Brien and the other officials of tho Southern Pnclflc: "Tho forthcoming visit of Mana ger J. P. O'Brlon and other South ern Pnclflc ofllclulB gives rise to con jectures whether Bomo Btntomont will bo given out regarding tho build ing of a rnllrond from Eugono to Mnrshflcld vln this port, and mora especially as to the rolntlon of tho Southern Pnclflc to tho Pnclflc Grent Western, which has been purchasing rights-of-way west of tho crest of the coast range, nnd waterfront proportjj nt Mnplcton. "Statements have been published In tho Portland pnpors nnd olso whero thnt tho Pacific Grent West ern 1b blocking tho Southern Paci fic's plans for a coast road; In- thnt: It has bought rlghts-of-wny In a atim bor of tho strategic points In tiro mountains, especially two tracts (fiat control portals of tho main tunnel on: tho Southorn Pnclflc nurvoy. "Still tho story that tho Soutliorrr with I Pacific Is being blocked Is not con vluclng horo. For ono thfng; ffie Wuoro'Iwlll carry n full mnd com plete stodc of FRESH 'AND SALT MEATS ,AND POULTRY'. I will ennry only tho meet health ful nnd who'lesomo meats wli&h Wlll bo eold nt rt-asonnblo prices. .Givo mu-n Atrial order. II.IFOURIER, Proprietor. Ml Children's Eyes sliould bo cxiitulfWitl .I)C,f0W scmllie .tUctu to choal. A child's eyes nro dollcnto things. Heiico It Is only by tho rarest skill, are (children yes fitted with glasses, whlv'h nro in accordance with their requirements. Years of exporlonco enables me to guarantee satisfaction in nidi cases. We !) Our Own Grinding Office over Norton & HanscVs Store. F. X, HAYES, Optometrist Ojrioiurtrist. r i'V You Will Find Solid, comfort and satisfaction in OUR FURNITURE made by the best manufactur ers it combines elegance dura bility: and comfort. Our goods being substantially made will retain their fine elegant finish and last a lifetime and always prove n source of satisfaction. Another important fact is that our prices are no higher than for poorer quality and trashy goods. Let us figure with you when you want anything from a kitchen cbalr to a complete, outfit G. A. Johnson, "Oldest Furniture Stare ' oa Ooos Bay ABLE ADDRESS HERE. Fredrick E. Leefe, tho engineer In charge of tho United States Rhcr and Harbor Work In this section, Inst evening wns ono of tho principal speakers at the banquet given by tho Marehllcld Chamber of Commerce in honor of Vice-president J. P. O'Brlon nnd party. His topic wns "Coos Bay Harbor and Its Possibilities." On nrlBlng, ho remarked that ho could not do the subject Justlco even In n whole evening. In part Mr. Lcofo Bald: "I have beon on the Boy for about ono year, nnd am glad 1 came. When I came thero I failed to see why there wns no railroad, and 1 still fall to seo It. 1 hnvo never heard nny satis factory Tenson --possibly this place Is ono of thoso garden Bpots thnt goes on unobserved lor a long time, but when onco discovered and developed readily IrioBsoms forth Into full bloom. "It Is not necessary for mo to even make mention of the undeveloped re sources, nnd future possibilities of this country or of the manly lot of men to "be found here. Thoso thing nro so self evident thnt I can add nothing to thvlr sterling qualities. "I will ns1 you to kindly listen to a few statements I hnvo prepared concerning Coos Bay '"Harbor which you nre nil familiar: "Tho hnr ntlho entrance, llko oth. accredited Southern Pacific agent or Pacific Ocean bars, Is tho result, has kept cast of tho pnss ontlroly,. of n formntlon ot n sand shoal, which and no known representatives of tho outflowing ebb-tides nro not tho Southorn Pnclflc comnanv havo strong enough to scour suHlclontly been in tho Sluslnw valloy. At thu without tho assistance of Jetties or "amo tlmo, the Pnclflc Qront Wcst- drcdglng. Tho T3ny channel from em hnB been buying rights-of-way tho bar to Marshfield Is ahout thlr- for tho past 10 days or two weeks, to. teen mlleB long, making n very sud- tho public's knowledge nnd it dons den bondnt North Point, Jnst holow not seem rcnsonnblo thnt tho South tlio City of North Bond. Tho hot- orn Pnclflc company would sit Idly torn of tho bny consists of Band nnd " and nllow Important points to bo? mud, being sand from tho entrance gnthorcd up by tho cnomy." to North Point, nnd mud nbovo North Tho Etigcno Gunrd snys thnt vory Point. This mud overlies n doposlt Httlo crcdonco Is given tho nbova of oyster sholls -which together with story In Eugene. tho mud Ib very enslly removed by n suction dredge, ns much ns 100,000 cubic yards hnvlng been removed by tho U. S. dredgo "Oregon" during ono month Inst winter. I do not know of any material In tho bottom of tho hay but what can enslly bo removed by dredging, 'which fact goes to demon strate with what ease and economy tho Ilnrbor of Coos Bny can bo read ily dredged to nny prnctlcnblo depth for tho benefit of navigation. "Tho present government work on Coos Bny consists of dredging by tho U. S. dredgo "Orogon," nn 18 Inch suction dredgo. Tho project extends from tho O. A. Smith Mill nonrly to North Point, nnd 'nlso Includes thn 'romovnl of tho North Slough, Pony Slough nnd tho Empire shoals, it 1s generally 200 foot wldo, except for ntrotches In front of Mnrshflcld nnd North Bend whoro It is 300 feet nnd over In width. Tho dredging Is to bo completed so as to leavo 18 feet ho 1owsuenn lower low water. Over one half qf the work Is dono nnd ut mairy places whoro tho dredging wns carried to nbout 18 feet, ovor 20 feet of water below mean lower low wat er Is found, which confirms tho theo ry of tho eaBy scouring as tho result of strong ebb tides, In tho inner har bor of Coos Bny. "On Tnesday this weok tho Nann Smith passed Mnrshflcld on Its way to tho, C. A. Smith Mill, at about 3:30 In tho afternoon, nnd on the follow. Ing day, Wednesday, nt nbout 1120 In tho forenoon, It ngaln pasted Marshflold on Its way to Bay Point, California, with a 'Jargio cargo of lumber, nnd drawing nbout 18 foot. This ono thing Is very gratifying nnd goes to confirm the possibilities of J this harbor nnd to provo how easy It can bo Improved to accomodate heav ily laden ocean-going vessels. "There hns been appropriated $350,000 for a Hydraulic Sea-golni; dredge which when completed will bo operated on the bar, and will, in my EUGENE VIEW OF IT (Prom Eugono Roglstor) Whllo rlght-of-wny mon nro qu'et ly securing and pnying cash for right of way out of Eugono for tho South ern Pnclflc extension to 8luslaw nnd on down tho const, getting rondy for Immcdlnto construction on tho first twonty-flvo miles out of Eugono, officials of tho company- hnvo gono down to Coos Bny country to look ovor tho routo down tho const from tho Wcstorn end of Lnno. Them can bo no longer nny speculation nit to what tho Southorn Pacific liiteuda tc do In tho mnttor of n rond to -.'iiu coast. Tho pcaplo hnvo confidence enough In tho word" of .1. P. O'Brinu to bollovo thnt when ho Bays tho road? wMl bo built It will bo built. I bollovo that for tho present com merce thnt tho liar dredge, as onr nuxlllary to tho present North" Jotty will answer, but should tho coru morco of this bny suddenly onlnrga mntorlally, tho Jotty systom would ro- colvo further nnd possibly early consideration. Tho following fs n comparative Btntomont of traffic, or tho commer cial statistics for Coos Bay f&r the past ten years: 1902 122",233- tons. 1903 135,178 tons. 1904 130,958 tons. 1905 178,945 tons. 1900 184.4G5 tons. 1907 107,562 tomr. 1908 210,031 tons. 1909 281,008 tonn. 1910 Hnvo not soon it vet. but nro. bably grenter thnn' prevfous yenr. 1911 At the rnto so far, this year will ronoh over 330,000 tons, or In other wordB tho commorco that crossed tho Coos Bay Bar In th last 10 yours has Increased nearly three-fold. 'Tho abovo dnta portafnlng to opinion, as an nuxlllnry to tho pres- commercial statistics of Coos Bay is ent North Jetty do considerable good,la recommendation In Itsolf nnd goes but it Is possible that If a great depth l0 B,I0W w,ltu maV "o expectod In tho- boyond the outer end of tho North. Mure. There Is no question In my; Jetty Is to bo obtnlned nnd mnlntr.ln- mind--but whnt under tho present ed, that It may become noceBsnry to i conditions tho commorco on Coos Hay will continue to Increaso, and xtond said Jetty further seaward and perhaps also build a South Jotty. that In tho future tho North Jetty will be rebuilt or extended seaward. The Implicit confidence that many r the purpose of providing water peoplo have in Chamberlain's Colic, ifor deeper boata than thoso now unoiera ana uiarrnoea uemeuy iBw"00"f u "i I" uumen rani founded on their experience in tho tcrs, In fact to hasten thom at ae use of that remedy and their know- early date, there appears to be ana ledgo of tho many remarkable cures Principal thing neceBsary, which this of cpllc. cholera and dysentry that It country Is well worthy of, and hat nas effected. For salp by all dealers.. rnuroau. -fArf iKii.T.Mi ii ,j -fik-uMirtiltilttitltli. i