THE CljfOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 3 M 1 ill J Constant Efficiency of Electric Motor: Surprise Millworkers n i a, Tae electric motor operates to its maxi- ' mum capacity without flinching. It grabs a quickly added load without a second's pause and proceeds with the . work i Workers in sawmills nd factories .are "' always surprised at the constant effi-. ciency of electric motors, compared with ; the performance of steam engines Where the engine responds slowly to !J,' the visible power demands of the plant,, J- i ty i e electric motor responds instantly This' means greater output per hour and . greater output per day In the above statement is one of the reasons that are making the application ' of electric' power universal ,.. f OREGON POWER CO. Phone No. 178 THE MAN PRESIDENT TAFT HAS VINDICATED POSTAL BANK" ". J DEPOSIT $8,008 ; Copyright by American Preva aiouciuuoii. RECENT LIKENESS OF DR. WILEY, PURE FOOD CRUSADER WHEN It was tundc known recently tlmt President Tuft might request the resignation of Dr. Hnrvey W. Wijey, chief of the bureau of chemistry In tho department of agriculture, because It was alleged tlmt liu had employed nn expert lit higher ny thnn tho law nuthorlrcd, the White Howe was deluged with protests against the rctlremont nf the famous lighter for pure food and drugs. Dr. Wiley for ninny jours, him lcen the Nctnouls of the mnnufoctilrprs who have violated the laws by adulterating their products. He linn brought about the trlnl mid conviction of mnny Arms nnd Individuals whose ndulterated products Imperiled tho health of the people. For that sorvlce the people of the United BtnteH hold him In high esteem, for It Ir much mi for to cat and drink thlnpB nowadays than It UKcd to be, thanks to Dr. Wlloy. Tho distinguished chemist has mnde tho study nnd prccntlon of food adulteration his llfo work. Ho Is n native of Indiana, In hla sixty-seventh year. XKW SAVIXGS DIHWKTMKNT on MUlSHI'IKM) POSTOFFICK HAS MANY IIIIPOSITOHS WITH LAIUii: A(i(JIti:(JATI) DEPOSITS. The deposttB of tho Postal Savings Department of tho Mnrshllold Po3t offlco hnve renched n total of nearly $6,000 nnd unless tho locnl banks quickly succeed in securing mora bonds to comply with tho govern ment's requirement of gunrantcolp'p Its deposits, Postmaster Curtis nf r temporarily lmvo to censo rocolvj J deposits. Howover steps hnvo bfeeta taken to prevent this occurrence. Heretofore tho First National Dank In Marsh Hold has been handling the deposits, but now the Flanagan & Dennett bank has mudo application to also net. Under the Postal Savings Bank law, tho postmasters deposit tho de posits' of tho Individuals in a local bank or banks that nro authorized depositories, the government bolBK responsible to tho Individuals. The amount that the baukB can rocolvo la regulated by bonds. Poqfmnster Curtis says that the bu'k of the dcposltois aro forolgnora. Ono mnu catuo In the other day and wanted to deposit $!i00 at ono tltnu. The law prohibits tho receiving of mote than $100 In ono month from any depositors so that ho will have to deposit nt tho rate of $100 pur ninnMi until his snvtngs nro placed la safekeeping nccordlng to his vlow. When nny Individual's dopoaltts reach $500, they nniBt censo or thoy hao tho prlvllpgo of Investing this nmount In government bonds nnd opening n new deposit account. ' Mr. Curtis Bnys that tho poatnl Bar ings bank Ib proving a great biiccoss, reaching the class who hnvo hitherto been Bonding their savings back to foreign countries. COP OF COFFEE I OS S IX Tin: KITCHKX I often drop my helpful book to watch fair Arabella cook. No weary kitchen drudgo 'b hIio; eho cooka with gladsomo ccKtncy. I'vo scon her take some Hour nnd grenBo, nnd then pro duco n ninstorplecc. With soul In spired nnd glowing eye sho mnkea tho pudding nnd tho plo; whon frotn the oven Eho will tnko Bonio lovn'y nnd tr umphnnt cake, she fools tho rnnturo that Is known by gonluses,' nnd thoy nlnno. And when wo gath er round the board nnd view with oy tho tempting hoard of things tlut make our stomachs gay, wo hand the cook a largo bouquet. Jemima has n't learned to cook; sho paints Inigo pictures of n brook; nnd pea greon cattle stand thoro n, 'neath bug houso trees with leaves of tin; and crimson crows nro sonr'ng by, be neath n stretch of brlndlo sky; tho sun that shines on bird nnd boast, Is s'nklng slowly in tho enst. Wo turn nwny, with sinking heart, from fair Jemima's stunt in nrt, givo her the jolt that .sho deserves, nnd watch sweet Arabella's curves, WALT MASON THH Old) COST WI IjTj soon iim JjUXUItY. as i:i noun si:i:s it. . Tho tiling that a woman dors around tho house that annoys a mnu most, Is to dust. After a man gets married, ho ex pects peoplo to tnko him more ser iously, '-Hru It Is n hard lesson to learn, but your friends do not think ns much of you as you bol'ovo thoy do. A man's word in business Is bet ter thnn his word In a love affair. Everything the Markets mbraces for Our Saturday Trade Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Seedless Tokay Black and Malaga Grapes Pears Peaches Bananas Orauges Fancy Ornvenstoln Apples Cnntnloupes Casabas Watermelons Blackberries Cranberries nnd Huckleberries. Clro?n Corn Fresh Tomatoes Bleached Celery Rutabagas Beets Carrots Caulluowor Cabbage Green Onions Kentucky Wonder Green Beans nnd Sweet POtntoes, Try our Coos niver Honoy It Is puio honoy and tho best on tho market. Wo also have H. J. Heluz's Puro Barley, Malt Vinegar In barrels, for 15c per quart. We hao Just received a shipment of Tillman's High Grade Pre serves come In and try them. '. Phone us your order. OLLIVANT WEAVER The Pure Food Groccrmcn. A Good Place to Trade. Phone 275-J Corner 3rd and Central who ma josaoio? !. 1 lil u l 1 ADVAXCi: IX PHICK OF HUGAIE I AXI) COFFKK MAKIC8 IT TViCH I CHICAGO, III., Sept. ..J.'?. Willi tho further IncrcnHo of a quarter of n cent n pound In sugar. It dawned on .Chlcngo that a cup of. coffcu now costs twice as much us It did a short tlino ago. Tho Brazilian borry now costs 1C cents n pound, as against 7 cents a short ttmo ugo. Tho prtcn of sugar also Is doubled, tho prlco to consumors being 8 cents n pound. Tho Increased cost of coffee f duo .to tho action of tho Brazilian govorn- jmont in placing nn urbltrary value upon lto principal product, instead of an economic valuo based an tht cost of production and tho domand. 1ILOWKK IS FOUND II UT NOW III6 j WANTS TO FIX!) WHO WAff J SUAItCIIIXa FOIC HIM ASICS- 1 Till: TIMKS FOlt HKLP. I Who wns looking for Joseph Blowr- er on Coos Bay? Josoph Blower, who viaa haln searched for, has boon found but now ho Is unnblo to find tho man who was looking for him. Tho Times today received tho fol low ng self explanatory lottor from TnSEoph Blower, who lives ttt Va qulnn, Lincoln Cqnnty, Oregon: h Mr. Editor. My son Is koeplus a meat market nt Newport. A man from Marshflold saw his a gn aiuT wont In and enquired It ho canto fninr Iowa, as you had an nd 'u your iwKr Inquiring for Joseph Blower. That is my nnmo nnd I lived in Dyeravp, Dubuiiie county, n no yenra. I hffvj? relatives thcro, onn nn aunt who yvji well off. then there was a man vrhn owed mo over $300, Now r wuW bo pleased if you would send' mt) tflu ad that I miiy find out it I am the man wanted.". r. H -L uii i.innnw UHUm.11 v ."iy