THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, &&HJRBAY; SEPTEMBER j$, 1911 EVENING EDITION 8 i) If m w IA Oil AN PARTY HHEI (Continued from page 1.) most vcrsntllo of men, In fact a gen ius ns thoso who enjoy his compan ionship for awhile declare. Mr. O'llrlon refused to discuss any other projected lines to Coos Day. Ho Id that he understood that somo them crosfcd the proposed route of the Southern Pacific hut he said . that any such conflict could bo easily 'adjusted either direct between the companies or through the courts. Parties who had talked with Mr. O'Jlr'fii stated that he had expressed 10 INDICT 10 VOTE SELLERS Brookhaven Grand Jury Will Return True Bills For Election Frauds. n much better Improved town than 1 tinrl nnHn'nnfoil. "I have always wanted to visit a "Pcclil dcslr0 ,to " alnsB0,w' ''' tttiipn flint u'nii tiliittiwl ncrnas tlio fiiiv hero but 1 made up my mind that I ,rom Nortli I)on(, R numbor of yoMr8 0y Associated Press to the Coos lift) Tvould not como until I was nblo 10 ng0( nn,j Hnngor. Somo tnferidd Times, j definitely assuro the peoplo hero that from this, that perhaps one of thorn MtOOK HAVEN, Miss., Sept. 21. wo wore going to build in. I favor- was considered aB a tormina! oC the It becamo known today thnt at ed it from the first and when our projected line. Icnst ton new Indictments of Llcoln recommendations for the construe- Portland View of It. county farmors for selling votes at tion of the lino to Coos Dny wore .'a- A Portland paper tolling of Mr. the democratic primaries In August vornbly acted upon by the board of O'Urlen's proposed visit to Coos Say aro to bo returned today. Seven directors, I assuro you It was greatly has the following: arrests have been made. to my snt'sfactlon. "It Is roportod that numerous m- "As to tho Drain project, I havo torprlslng firms nnd Individuals In little to say. That was projected or .the last few years, have obtiltind determined, upon before my time." "street railway" franchises from t!'o "lly personally going over the Marshllcld city council In antlolpn- ground, sizing up tho sltuntlon and tion of the constriction of a line by conditions, orio Is nblo to comprehend tho Southern Somo of thoso tho country better than when muroly concerns, It Is said l:nvc bad mi In- going ovor datn and mnps furnished tontlon whatever of using their fran- by othcrB. I Intend to see ns much chlses by constru'li.n of stv" rail- of tho country around Coos Hay ns, but plan to bell them to tho posslblo during this trip. Wo hnd steam rond. hoped to como In overlnnd nnd seo "Menuwhlle Southern Pnriflc tho whole ronto but weather condl- ngonts hnvo been obfalnlng leJiinbl AFTER TACOMA PAIl)ERS tlons mado the plan Impracticable " Personnel of Party Resides Mr. O'Urlon, fl. X, Wond llng, of tho Wondllng Lumber com pany nnd "father of tho Cons Hay Eugcno lino" subsldnry company of tho Southern ' Pacific, and H. E Lounsbury, nsslstant gcnornl freight ngont of tho Southern Pacific Unci In Oregon nro In tho party. It. II. Mill er, general freight agent of the Southern Pacific lines In Oregon nnd .Freight Trnlllc Mnnnger of tho 0. V It. & N., Intended to como but wn detained by a slight illness. Iln hni been very busy with tho readjust ment of rates and this coupled with his physical condition resulted In his physician forbidding hltn to make the trip. So ho hnd Mr. Lounsbury como as his porsonnl representative. Mr. Lounsbury visited hero n year ago nnd so'Jb fairly fnmllnr with con ditions hero and then made many friends horq who nro welcoming him back todny. They hnd a delightful sea trip, ihi ocean bolng'aB smooth ns a mttl pond, possibly In nnswor to Cnpt. Macgonn's prnyor. Not ono of them hnd n touch of senslcknesH although Mr. Wondllng Is Just gottlng over n eovoro cold. Mr. Wondllng Is of n literary lent Jind has written somo very clover proso nnd poetry nnd during the trip, ho nnd Cnpt Mncgenn ontor tnlned tho pnrty by quotations 'nnd llofles. Mr. Wondllng Is declnred to bo ono of tho best story-tollers on tic const nnd these faculties with his marked nb'llty ns n lumberman nnd business mnn nvnko him ono of tho J property, with tin result thnt the Unrrlman 'ond Is comfortably ltua ted In tho wny of tormlnnis. The Coos Hny & EuBuru railroad, w! 'eh I a Southern Pacltlc proporty opera ting 28 miles of hotwon Marsh Peld nnd Myrtlo Point, llkowbio hns jmfaulrcd Vojlunb!". '.tormina h. nnd tiieiro will bo usi'l by tho now load t i will glvo Coir Ilay its Urs' mil vrnd connection with the inn do world." Government Sends Data For .Prose cution of Census Enumerators By Associated Press to tho Coos I3aj Times) TACO.MA, Wash., Sept. 21 -New Investigations of the Tnconin coiisua padding will be brought before tho fedornl grnnd Jury In n more compre hensive ninuucr thnu ever before Is believed iirolmble from tho nrrlva from Washington of sovcrnl hundred portlfollos of tho Tncoma census. It 1b said the present probo will Involve higher ofllcIalB who gave orders to tho onumerntors. The Highest Type of Ready othes in the World toWear CI limiHMIdJulubl I s OREGON POWER CO. OFFICIALS ARE HERE rouur ihaimoi;u!-:i). .September Term Mulshed ftt Coqullli VcMcrdny Hear Cases Here. Tho September term of circuit court was adjourned yostordny In Co qulllo by Judgo John S. Coke. All tho business on tho cnlendnr was cleaned up much better thnn usual. There aro a few discs to bo heard by Judge Coke In chambers and theso will be taken up here'. Court Reporter Ira II. Ulddlo enmo ovor with Judgo Coko last evening to re port tho hearings horo. NOTICK TO FISHERMEN. We want freHii niIii.oh and at irepnrod to pay tho highest cac prlco for thorn. For further part' eulnrs seo C. Q. H0CKETT, Emplro City, o CEO. F. SMITH, Coos Rive- Don't forget tho Turkish PHONE 21 1-.T. Bath ff you have anytning to sell, trade rent or want help, try a want no. Vice-president (SroeslK'ck and A. F McDonald kVlslt Coos Hay to In spect ProiK'rtles Hero C. E. Groesbeck, vice-president nnd Western Maungor of II. M. Dyllesbj and company of Chicago, owners of the Oregon Power compnny, which operates the gas and electric plants on Coos liny, nrrlved hero todny to confer with It. M. Jennings, tho lo cal manager. Ho was accompanied by A. F. McDonnld, mnnnger of tho New Business Depnrtmont of tho compnny. This Is Mr. Orocsbeck's first visit to Coos Hay nnd nfter looking It ovor n little ho said that ho was now ready to fully believe nny nnd every thing thnt Mr. Jennings could possi bly tell him about this section. Hitherto he might have been n little skeptical of somo of Mr. Jennings' anticipations and thought him boost ing possibly n llttlo too much. The compnny hns a numebr of Im provements In tho locnl properties under consideration nnd Mr. Groes beck will go ovor these with Mr. Jen nings. Ho will remain hero until Saturdny. -13 lllllttiiiltiitliiiii mini i tin nil IIHIJII t 3 imuummllilltwIIIHlMIilllllm sc 13 111 ua 111111 1 uui l tiiiMiuwiuuw w. 51 t ,M Hit t. n.i.. f- fcnjarrin Clothes We Are Sure of Our Ground and know that our assertion is correct Suits and Over coats from $1000 to $45,00 that combine the most skillful tail oring, dependable fa brics and authentic styles Full assortments of newest colorings. By all means see them now while we have your size Remember "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD BANDON IF your STOMACH Is out of order See DR. WINKLER. M'llERE will the PEOPLE go for 'lour? To HAINES, of course. Will Mr. O'Brien Say the Railway is a Sure Thing? -KfZQPfc w$$s. CATCHING INLET NEWS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilyron Hodsoit ro- turned from Dig Creek recently. ItlSifiS "We wish it was ns sure ns we nro sure that we have the Niftiest Line of Men's Togs on Coos Bay Everything for men from the orown of their head to tho soles of their foot KINGSBURY HATS CLUETT SIITKTS KAISER TIES man ART SUITS rcVKRWEAR HOSE PACKARD SHOES Mrs. C. W. Crawford left Monday for Marshllold. NEIGHBORS ' TOWN&405mg North Bend News Mrs. 11. L. Cavanaugh and little daughter, Muriel of EautHldu, spent Wednesday with friends here. Mrs. D. Mnjor nnd family nnd Mrs. Carter Returned Tuesday from 'nn outing nt tho Sand Hills. C. W, on tho land. Crawford, of Senttlo, arrive.! Alliance Tuesdny from Port- T. W. Hlgglnson went to North Uend nnd Mnrshflold on business Wednesday. Mrs, Mary Flaiagau of Empire Is visiting her niece, Mrs. Thomas lion-nlo. Ilev. Dr. Knox and Mrs. Knox of Marshllcld visited friends horo Tuesdny. NEWS OK ALLEflANV. Mrs. nolster of Emplro Is visiting her brother, a. W. Stomiucriunii, and Bister-ln-lnw, Mrs. A. J. Steinmcr- IIUlll. Miss Mabol Noah is keeping houso for hor brothers, Noel and Ivy, In North Uond wbllo hor brothers aro attending school. All at reasonable prices. Can You Beat It? Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Hollenbeck nnd Master Verl Donebrnko wero in North Demi ono dny this week. .Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Chns. Cox nnd 11. P. Ross wero callers at Mrs. Chas. Jackson's homo this weak. Oeorge W. Jnckson visited his brother, C. W. Jnckson, ono dny this week. Miss Florence Jennings of Port laud is spending a few days with triouds on tho Enstsldo. Mrs. Pearl Butters, who Is quite HI In Mnrshflold, is said to bo Improving. Mrs. Fred Noah spent last Satur day on tho Bay. HltlEKS OK 1IANDON. A. A. Simpson nnd family and Miss Zell Wnllnco returned recently from Hnsenborf Ilench where they camped for a week. n. F. Hoss slipped and foil Tues dny striking bis side on tho edge of a box, nnd it becamo so painful Or. Mlngus wii8 called by phono Wednesday. Xewi. of as Told by Itecorder. Tho Dandon public schools opon od Monday,' September 11, with 414 pupils anil 13 teachers, but slnco thnt tlmo thero hns been a constant Increaso In nttendanco so that tho present nttendanco is 450 or more. v Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns Smith nro visit ing Mrs. Smith's undo, Cnpt. C. B. Edwards and family. They expect to keep Mr. Gray's ranch a fow days wbllo Mr. Gray's family tnko an out ing near Elks' Peak. THE TOGGERY (let ready for Win tor English Slip-Ons, Rulib or Goods of all kinds. Mr. nyron Hodson nnd son Clyde, Virgil Hodson. Mr. Wallace and sons James and Wnltor nro going to Sun- jsot nay today fishing and hunting ' for n few days. Tho Dandon Grange will hold a fnlr on Saturday, October 7th. which will bo tho dato of tholr next reg ulnr meeting. Plans for tho fair nro not nil completo ns yot but thoro will bo a big llvo stock show, as well ns a fine display of grain, fruit nnd vegetables and nil farm products. Miss Ebba Wlren Is teaching school at Randolph, having com menced .Monday morning. This is Miss Wiren's first term of school. I. S. Daniels nnd daughter, Miss Pearl Daniels of Whlttior, Cal., who hnvo beon visiting during the sum mer nt J. II. Price's plnco, started on tholr roturn Sunday morning via Drain. Mrs. Jack linker of Loon Lake, has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. G. A. Gould and Miss McCIay. Mrs. GllardI of Coos River has been visiting in Allegany for a few days. "Gottlng business is Just like courting a girl you must offer tho right kind of goods, and keep on calling." Mr. Glbony nnd wlfo came from the CoquiUo a fow ldnys ngo to lslt with Mrs. Gibony's parents. Mr. Glbony accepted n position as engineer In tho Smith-Powers' camp. Messrs. McKInnls Sweneol mi Osborn hnvo returned from their J t , , , ,, hunting trip in the mountains anJ, ' Ddge' Wh has be" WrW 5 are displaying n nice ,ot of deer S ' ?nW. Cam. T? --ius luiuuy irom ainrsniiem 10 "- iny.Knnv. norns nnd Jerked venison Kiuea twelve deer nnd could havo killed two or three times ns many If you knocked out, don't give If they hnd been ant fnr ninnni.,.. .. .. .. .. . ... . u...t,,iiiri 1111 rnn anoi v I nir r nver. They saw 35 deer tho ,inv rh 1 i.l4l.-. ....' . . : , . . . . ' "v' "iuiju mere is anotner light in you, 11 "" camp, which is certainly going some, will cut out your fool ways. L ' r; 1 USJXSiZS. -& J3U ''"