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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1911 EVENING EDITION i.' l W W if m RQY&L BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking- Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE JAHKSON GETS JOSEPH FERRY TWELVE 1 pub ram ; mm Wc. (Continued from pa go 1.) ors were nil In fnvor of It. In view of tho fact Hint the fill can be made by tho dredge Oregon nt a small per centage of what It will coat to lmvo It made by teams mid tbnt It will bo n better ono thnn tho lnttor, tho council (lctcrmlued to try and go nhend with It. Besides this, the council InBtrticted Engineer Gldley to try and got tho bulk-head put In between F. S. Dow'b wnrchouso nnd tho Stnndnrd Oil warehouse on North Front Btrcot ho thnt North Front street can also bo filled next month when tho Oregon begins cutting nway tho shoal at the mouth of Coob It Ivor. Other Street Work. An ordinance providing for thn levying of n deficit assessment on Donnelly nvenuo to mako up a dollclt off $93.27 wna rend. F. S. Dow was present nnd said thnt ho would like to lmvo tho city Hond an engineer out nnd ascertain If tho street had been Improved at tho established grade and thus dctermlno whether tho contractor was being paid too much for the job. Ho said thnt ho did not want to bo understood ns ob jecting to tho work. However, ho said when tho Improvement wns start ed, Engineer Sandltc-g hud iiifenn od him there wo.ild bu mi ulit-fool cut in front of liis (Dow'h) property but whon It was completed Micro was only n two-fool six Inch cut. He aides ascertaining whether tho con tractor was bolng overpaid, Mr. Dow wanted tho grade flxod for nil time no that tho planking would not bo ripped up beforo It was worn out. City Attorney (loss Informed him thin wns Impossible as tho council has tho right to ehnngo tho grade nt any time nnd tho property owners can not prevent It. Finally on Councilman Copple's motion, tho dollclt assessment was held up until tho engineer can go over the work and ascertain about the grade und the pay of tho contractor. the Merchants pntrol was appointed special policeman nt a salary of not to "exceed ono dollar per yenr." In order to give him olllclnl authority, ! the night wntch hns to bo appointed a 'city olllclnl and be paid a salary. Ills (salary of $1)0 per month is paid by a subscription by business housed so i that he does not have to live on the generous stipend of $1 per annum. A rebate of $ till. -II was declared on Flanagan avenue between Seventh street nnd Twelth Court. The city council refused to allow a bill of $1.75 from the Modern Com pany for flvo empty boxes furnished for kindling for the flro department. The council adjourned to meet Mondny, October 2. A warrant for $75 for tho support of the Mnrshllold Public Library was ordered drawn In fnvor of Mrs. H. S. Tower, tho new treasurer of tho com mittee. A warrant wns ordered Issued for the collection of tho deficit assess ment for tho Mnrkot avenuo storm sowers nnd Contractor Morrlssoy wns ordered paid $r0 thnt had recently been collected. Wntcrworku Up C. It. Peck wns present nnd wnnted to know when Engineer Richardson would submit his roport on tho wnter works situation, nono of tho coun cil know, Councilman Albrccht who had been with Mr. Richardson not be ing present. Some of tho councllmcn Jokingly suggested that Mr. Richard son cortninly could not bo expected to make his report boforo tho $300 appropriated by tho city had been us ed up. Someone stnted that Mr Rlrlmrdson had not had tlmo to com pile tho report nnd thnt probnbly Ed gar McDaulels of North Hond, secre tary of the Joint committee would re ceive It first. ' ::'. Pock represents Mr. Nolnn who Is reeking n fifty-year frnnchlso here. flNTrW lllUma i i l S SICHi 1 I Prisoner Talks Too Vtfhsn Judge Coke Is Pass ing Sentence. (Special to The Times.) COfU'ILLE, Ore., Sept. 20. Hnlph Jackson of Marshlleld by talk ing too much nt tho wrong time yes terday la believed to have uncons ciously Increased tho soverlty of his sentence before JudgeMohn S. Coko In Circuit court hero late yesterday afternoon. Jnckson wns convicted of contri buting to the delinquency of n minor, Emmii Ingram of Marshlleld. He was called beforo Judge Coko late yes terday for sentence. Judge Coke preliminary to passing sentence pro ceeded to lecture young Jnckson on tho error of his ways and pointed out the seriousness of his offense In the eyes of tho Inw nnd tho public. Jnckson Interrupted Judge Coke sovernl times with remarks that In dicated he was not taking Judge Coke's remark In tho spirit they were given nnd finally Judge Coke ceased his talk and abruptly sentenc ed Jackson to twelve months In tho county jail. Many nro Inclined to tho belief thnt Judge Coko might lmvo exercis ed clemency nnd possibly paroled Jackson If ho had shown any regret for his offense or n spirit of heeding tho good ndvlco given htm from the bonch. LS Much! Well-Known Cociuille Valley , Pioneer Succumbs to Pleu risy at Riverton. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Sept. 20. los- cph Ferry, one of tho best known pioneers of tho Coqiilllo valley anil a brother of Jas Ferry, Sr., of Marsh lleld and father of Mrs. J. T. Dyers of Marshfleld, died yesterday at his homo nt Riverton of pleurisy nnd a complication of diseases. His death waB rather sudden as up until n few days ngo he had enjoyed excellent health for one so advanced In years, ho bolng nearly eighty years old. Ho visited In Mnrshtlcld less than two weeks ago. Mr. Ferry's wife preceded him to tho Great Hoyond only n few months ngo. Ho had been a resilient of Coos county over forty years, coming hero from Cnllfornln where ho went through the gold excitement in tho early fifties. Ho lived on n ranch nonr Myrtle Point for many years. He Is survived by a son, n step-son and four tlnughters, two other chil dren having preceded him In death. Win. Floyd of Riverton is tho step son nnd Jos Ferry, Jr., of Riverton tho son. Tho daughters are Mrs. J. T. Dyers of Marshlleld, Mrs. Dar nell living near Myrtle Point, Miss Rose Ferry of Riverton and Mary who resides with her husband In California. Tho funeral was hold today, Inter ment being ut Arngo bcsldo his wife. Mr. Ferry served ns sheriff of Cooa county about thirty years ngo. COAST LEAGUE HALL SCORES. Other Business M. C. Horton appeared boforo the council nnd asked that a Jog In South Fourth street nlong proporty which ho and I. S. Kaufman recently bought bo straightened out. Through an error, tho vtrcct nlong the bloc1: In which their r.rrporty Is located is shown by tho nbstrncts to be eighty six feet wide when It wnH Intended to bo only eighty feet, tho same as it Is on each side of It. Tom Coke thought thero wns nn error In tho dedication of the street originally and suggested thnt beforo anything bo done the re cords of the matter bo closely exam ined. On tho plea of tho proprietor of tho lunch wagon nenr Commercial and Front street, the council decided thnt henceforth $r of each monthly llcensa of $10 should bo refunded to him. I Jas. Iluttz, the now night wntch f Dy Associated Press to the Cons liny Times) PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 20. Port- laud took tho opening ua'po of t'o series with Oakland horo yesterdny by n two to ono ecoro. Vo.-non did not piny yesterday btitwlllopcn today with Sacramento. Tho set rus ycsU-r-day: At Portland R Portland Oakland At San Francisco Sail Francisco Los Angeles T Uffi II 2 1 R 1 1 M !) 10 II 0 G 'THE ROSARY" Orpheiim tonight IIMI Football RULES now nt The GUNNERY. A TURKISH nATII will do you GOOD. Phono 214-J. If you have a GOITRE. WINKLER. Seo Hit. Democratic Leader Welcomed to Old Home by Boys of 40 Years Ago. (3y Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.; LAWRENCERURO, Mo., Sept. 20. Champ Clark, spenker of tho Nn tlonnl house "enmo homo" today to make a speech In behalf of tho state democratic ticket. An escort of ono hundred men who wore pupllsof Clark when ho tnught school forty years ngo, was at tho depot to welcomo him. It Is n gn'.n day for the people of Lnwrenceburg nnd tho surround ing country. Ills speech wns devot ed to achievements of the demo cratic party. Tho spenker declared the election In 1012 would bring a victory for the democratic party. "THE ROSARY" Orphoum tonight NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. We want frcBh salmon nnd nn prepared to pny tho highest cnsli prlco for them. For further parti culars seo C. Q. HOCKETT, Empire City, o' GEO. F. SMITH. Coos River Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound Still retains Its high place ns tho best household remedy for nil coughs and coldB, olthor for children or grown persons. Prevents serious results from n cold. Tnko only tho gontilno Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound, nnd refiiBo substitutes. For Snlo nt tho Rod Cross Drug Store. J C El of Mw, who havo Mm Inrentlvo ability Tmrul Vllornrj. V. Million. It. ' Ankle SUPPORTERS GUNNERY. nt The JgOFESSI ON AL L DMECTOH : Y PROF. C. DAVIDSON PIANO AND VOICE Phone 1153 North Bend MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYI) Rntes reduced to: Day 60c, 7Ec nnd $1.00: wcok $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping npnrtmentB with gas ranges $10.00 to $1S,00 por month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. NOTICE OF SALE. I will recelvo sealed offers to pur chase the Cnrrlo Nnsburg property being lots four nnd flvo In Block 27, Clement Plat at the corner of Broad way nnd Alder nvenuo, having a fron tage of R0 feet on both Rrondwny nnd Second streets and ono hundred nnd sixty-eight feet on Alder nvenuo. lllds to be opened September 25th, 1011 at noon. J. D. McNEIL, Executor. Road tho Times' Want Ads A Corner Lot Tn Marsh field sold the other day for $23,300 that was bought years ago tor $700. That seems a big in crease in value hut the values in our HIGH ART SUITS Are proportionately just as large. Let us show you. The Toggery Formerly Geo, Goodrum, Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash theso garmonts cleaner nnd better thnn tho work can bo dono olsowhere, and they nro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, even woolen garments nro returned tho Eame size as when sent us. Wo Iron the garmonts nicely, mako ordinary repairs freo of charge and you have fresh clenu, sweet under wear ready for each week's change Bundle yours up with nest week's laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PHON 220-.J DR. E. F. WINKLER, Naturopath und Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation free. Ofllco hours: to 12 a, m.; .' to & nnd 0 to s p. in. Naturopath institute Room No. 1. No. 13C Broadway, Marshflold, Oro. T. J. SCAIFE A. II. IIODGINS MarshfieldlPaint (?& Decorating Co. MARSHFIELD, Phono 14 0L Oregon r"H. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Phyolclan Graduate of tho Ainortenn school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phone 1C1-J; Marshlleld; Oregon. rR. C. C. TAGOART, Physician and Surgeon. Oftlco 209-210 Coke Building. Phones: Residence POL; Olllco K12J J. W. nENNETT, Lawyer. Omce over Flanagan & Bennett Bank larshflold Oregon D Estimates Furnished R. J. T. McCOKMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. Ofttce: Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 105-J Bw.l (m o 9 "Money Talks Clothing Weed Frora $10.00 to $25.00 Ncttleton Shoes. Stetson Hats. Cluctfc Shirts. AVe invite critical inspection on these lines and a careful comparison will prou- that. r 9 Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. M oney Tall MARSHFIELD BANDON o r i CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST . NATIONAL BANK OF COOS HAY At tho Close of Business, September 1, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts $209,710.62 Bonds nnd wnrrnnts 88,862.46 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Rent estate furniture nnd flxturcs 81,472.94 Cu-sh nnd sight exclmngo 100,031.00- Total resources 9505,070.02. Liabilities. Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 0,886.26 Circulation '. . 25,000.00 Deposit ' 433,100.00- Total llabllltlos 9803,07(1.02: OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: W. S. Chandlor, president; M. C. Horton, vice-president; Dorsoy Kreltzcr, Cashier; John F. Hnll, John S. Coko, S. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglas, F. S. Dow, Win. Grimes, W. P. Murphy. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (SB Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho close of business September 1st, 1011, Resources. Loans nnd Discounts $397,393.93 Banking Houso 50,000.00 Cash nnd Exchanges 141,546.53 Totnl $588,010.10 Liabilities Cnpltnl Stock paid In J50.000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 54,105.72 Doposlts 484,774.74 Totnl $388,010.10 "THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Sails from Coos Bay for Portland, Saturday A. N., September 23. NORTH PaJIITO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE " O. F. McGEORGE, Agent FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Saits for San Francisco from Marshfleld Friday, September 22, at 11 A. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. HEARY'S GUN SHOP Complete lino of Bicycle supplies, second-hand bicycles for snlo. Guns, bicycles, etc., repaired. Umbrellas covered mid repaired. E. HANDEL, Prop. No. (107 No. Front St. Phone 180-11 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL rhonc 3181 T It A. C. BURROUGHS, Scientific Mussngist, Treats nil diseases Office, corner Second nnd Central Avonue. Office hours 11 to 12 a. m, 2 to 5 p. m. T It. A. J. HENDRY'S -'' Modern Dental Parlors. Wo are equipped to do high class work on short notice nt the very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel. pR. II. B. MOORE, Chiropractor. Chronlo Diseases n Specialty 203 Coos Bldg Phone 81-L Office hours 1 to 5; 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to 5 equipped wrrn wireless Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 0 A. M. ON SEPTEMBER, 3, 8, 13, 10 AND 2(1 AT 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON SEP TEMBER 0, 10, 10, 23 AND 30. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 35-L FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our antos, leaving Mnrshfleld at O o'clock every morning, con nect xitli the evening train to Portland. Faro $0.00. COOS RAY ROSEBURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCnETTER, Agent, 0. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Marshfleld. Agent, ROSEBURG, Oro. PHONS 11 mauwua Ltf3J H