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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. CLOTHCRAFT All-Wool Clothes "F all the clothes you have seen advertised as all-wool it is not hard to remember Clothcraft, when you know it is the only line guaranteed all-wool at medium prices If you once wear them you will novel forget the pleasing- distinctive style, the graceful comfortable Jit, the lasting shape, the close-fitting coll a r, the smooth-lying lapel, the per fectly poised sleeves, the thin" edges, the carefully worked button-holes and all the other quality marks of satisfaction that you never expect to find in any "but high-priced clothes. Wo. have he Clothcraft Blue., Serge Special No. 4130 at $18.50 advertised in Tho Saturday Evening iVjst. D Woolen Mill Store i s MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIERS. MARSHFIELD Always "tEe Busy Seasick Insurance THAT'S what MothoreilFs Seasick Remedy means. It is sold under a positive guarantee. It is not a local preparation, but is used for "First Aid" by those who travel. Try it on your next ocean trip and you will never travel without it. Sold exclusively by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phcme Main 298 Us Abstracts, Real Estate,. Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and AbstractCo. HENRY SENG8TACKEN, Mgr. CoqullJe Office Phone 1D1 Marahfleld Offloe 14-J. Farma Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General AgenU "BABTSIDB" Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 4.ND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domettle and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime Brick and nil kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. Times Want Ads Bring Results ETcal I Tow you can get them all in (Mhcra ft Clothes at $10 to $25 is explained bv Olothcraft Scientific Tail oring methods, which save time and cost without sacri ficing quality. See the results of these methods in the clothes themselves, consider the guaranty then figure for yourself the advantages Olothcraft Clothes give you in quality and price. OREGON u MONK 201 Ctfrtter 1&C2& THE WEATHER. - j (By Associated Press.) OREGON. Sept. 20. Fair to- night and Thursday. I,OCAIi TEMPERATURE 1112- PORT. Kor twonty-four houi'B ending nt 4:00 p. in., Sept. 19, by Mrs. E. Mingua, Bpeelnl government meteorological observor: Maximum 01 Minimum 14 At 4:00 p. in C9 Precipitation none Wind, Northwest; clear. Prisoners Here. Sheriff Gago and Deputy McDounld nrrlved hero from Coqulllu todny with Alvln Pierce nnd Louis Whitney whom they will tnko to Snlom tomorrow to begin serving their terms In tho stato penitentiary. Buys Tract. A. M. Ross today purchased flvo acres of tho Potter ranch from 10. W. Wright of Port land. Mr. Wright recently bought tho forty acres which Is known ns tho Potter ranch. Mr. Ross bought tho tract for a home. Cost of ProH'i-ty. M. P. (Itilovson informs Tho Times Hint tho cost of tho corner at Central and Uroadway was moro than wns given tho othor day. Ho nnd his brother, Q. R. Gu lovson, purchased tho lot together for $2,500. Later, M. P. Qulovson paid 0. It. Qulovson ?G,500 for tho lnUor'a half Interest, mnklug tho to- LOST TjihIIch' gold rlnfr, fwo BiniiU diamonds nnd opal. C. B. Shan- kiln. POK RENT 7-room Iiouho with bath, cor. No. Drondway nnd Codnr Avo. Apply to Anson Rogoro or C. J. DrUBchko. I FOR SALE IRRIGATE!) ALFAL FA and fruit land, California un dor boat irrigation Bystom In tho Btnto. 4 linos transportation. Great dnlry country. Price ?12G por aero 6 yearn to pay. Wrlto for literature to A. E. Polloxfon & Co., No. 3 Markot St., San Fran-, cisco. HeadquartorB for Coos Day people. FOR' BALK Fine Columbia phono graph nnd Bovonty-flvo rocorda for $20. Mrs. Chaa Murr, North Bond. WANTED 100 housea to niovo raise or repair. Address T. A. Freeno, Marshfleld, Oro. WANTED O oxjierleneod coal min ora Boavor Hill uompany. WANTED Two oxitcrlonced atnrch Ironora lmmodlatoiy. aiarBunoiu Hand nnd Stoam Laundry. AUTOS ALWAYS READY Two ma chinoa careful drlvora. Stands nt Blanco hotel and Ed'a Billiard par lors. Day phonos 40 and 231R. Night phono 181X. FOR SALE My Jnrin OOO ncrea In ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C. W. Sanlord, Mnrshflold. FOR SALE Double barreled shot gun nearly now, apply Times oftlco. Something New Fancy selection, (TCamona brand) Fillets of boneless Portuguese Baby Mackerel I11 Pure Olive Oil 25c Per Can Feinsto Bismarckheringe Put Up T11 Germany Entirely new on the market 50c PER CAN Lockhart,s Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 tnl cost of the lot to M. P. Gtilov 'son $C.7C0. Stnnv Bettor. Mayor E. E. Sti aw was reported rapidly Improv ing today. He Is now able to sleep and rest well and tho delirium which caused some alarm is no longer evi dent. Pastor Named. At tho annual I conference of the MethodUt cliiircu, South. In Rosoburg, llcv. C. II. Clea ves was assigned to tho Cottulllo charge and W. D. Smith and W. M. Lyons to the Myrtle Point pastorate. Kli'i'tilr Clocks. Manager Otto Schetter of the Western Union Is en deavoring to Install a number of electric clocks In Marshtleld, the time-pieces to be regulated every day by wire. Their Installation will probably oHinlnnte the discrepancy lu time on Coos Hay. Pioneer Hurt. D. P. Hoss, tho well-known Catching Inlet pioneer, slipped and full yesterday, severely bruising his side. Tho Injury Is very painful but not of a serious char acter. That he will quickly recover Is tho ardent wish of the venerable man's many friends on the Hay. Enforce Killing. Deputy Gamo Warden SI Noah announced todny that tho now ruling of tho Stato Game Warden PInloy that rccolpta for money paid for licenses would no longer bo considered a legal per mit for hunting or Hailing, ns printed In The Times yesterday, will bo rigidly enforced by him In tho near future. Ho wishes ovcryono who is now hunting or fishing on receipts to tako steps lmiuedlntoly to got their regular licenses. .Surveyor! Rimy. Tho surveyors mnklug their hendquartors nt North Dond aro busy out on North Inlot. Their operations aro somowhnt de layed by tho nbsonco of L. .1. Simp son of tho Simpson Lumber Com pnny whoso property it Ib understood they deslro to cross. Mr. Simpson wns expected homo on tho Redondo hut did not como, hnvlng decided to make tho trip overland. Capt. Edgar Simpson roturncd on tho Re dondo. Joko on Lund. O. O. Lund yca torday thought that ho wna Betting off a great Joko on August Olson, his Bhoomnkor who had bcon visit ing In Wisconsin. Mr. Lund hoard that Olson was coming in on tho Nairn Smith bo ho thought ho would havo Bomo fun by starting a roport that Olson wob mnrrlod whllo away, not dreaming that such was actually tho cubo. Whon Mr. Olson and his brldo, for ho was married In Wis consin a fow wookB ngo unboknownst to his frlonda on tho Bay, arrived horo last ovonlng, Lund almost roll dead, according to August Frlzeon. Wed Last Night A qulot woddlng took place last evening at Bunkerlllll nt which time Malcom J. Andoraon was mnrrlod to Ethol D. Ttlchnrdson, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mr8. Waltor Richardson. Tho ceremony wna norformod by Rov. G. LoRoy Hall, pastor of tho local Baptist church in tho prosonco of n fow near frlonds nnd tho Immodlnto fnmlly of tho brldo. Tho young husband and wlfo aro domiciled in their own now homo, which had already boon built by Mr. Andorson and In which tho wcddliiK took placo. Tho congra tulations of ninny friends hnvo nl rondy been received by Mr. nnd Mrs. Anderson. "THE ROSARY" Orphoum tonight. Dumb HELLS and INDIAN OLU11S Tho GUNNERY. Don't forgot tho Turkish Batha PHONE 214-.T. SPARK-COILS nt Tho GUNNERY. Personal Not es A. R. McDONALD of Ten Mile Is a Mui'fthfli'Ul visitor today. MILO Pt'.niSOX Is in from Ton MIlo on or.jlness and pleasure. MRS. .IOHERT HOPE of North Inlet Is a Marshfleld shopper. GEO. 10. PEOPLES of Coqulllo wns a Murshncld business visitor todny. MRS. 10. A. WILLIAMS of Cntchlng Inlet is a Marshlleld shopper to day. L. D. WALRATII left today for Ban-, don where ho will spend a few j wcok8. I GEO MURCII will leave Saturday for Corvallls to enter Oregon Agricul tural college. MRS. W. II. SHOOK returned yes terday from an extended visit nt California points. A. T. HAINES has returned from Co qulllo where ho hns been doing Jury service In Circuit Court. LES SMITH wns here todny on route homo to Coos River from Coqulllo whoro ho has been nttendlng court. ARTHUR McKEOWN, who went to Canada on business and pleasure tho flint of tho wook, la expected to return enrly next wook. MRS. PRED NELSON and baby aro expected home In a day or two from CntnnB whoro thoy havo bcon visiting Mrs. Nelson's parents. TOM HALL nnd J. W. Ilonnott ro turncd by auto from Coqulllo nbout midnight Inst night. They mndo tho run over In nbout nn hour. CHARLES LEMMEX left this morn ing for Eiigono whoro ho will at tond tho Blblo school tho coming senson preparatory to ontorlng tho ministry. LEO MATSON loft yostordny for Natron whoro ho will resume IiIb Job on tho Natron cutoff construc tion after n abort visit with rola tlvoi horo. REN SMITH was In Marshflold to day arranging to loavo Friday with his son nnd daughter, Tom nnd Annlo, for Philomath whoro thoy will nttend school tho coming year. MR. and MR8. W. E. BARRETT of South Broadway aro preparing to loavo for Gardlnor whoro Mr. Bar rett has a position with tho Gar dlnor Mill company and whoro thoy expect to mako tholr future homo. E. D. McARTHUR received n tolo' gram today announcing that Mrs McArthur and tho children will arrlvo on tho Broakwntor from tholr auinmor sojourn In Colorado That Binllo that E. D. woars today Ib 0110 that won't como off for ho Bays tho coming of a railway pres ident la nothing compared with his good news. Specials Pears $1 Per Box 30 lb. Box of Black Grapes $1 Leave ordor3 for prunoa for can ning CO lb. box J1.G0. The Bazar Phone 32 The TTouse of Quality. Grapes Grown at Lodi, California - -3 ARE Til 13 SWEETEST IN THE WORLD. THEY ARE BOLT) ONLY IN B-POUND BASKETS AND COME IN THE BLOOD RED TOKAY AND BLACK PRINCE VARIETIES. Your Grocer Has Them M ARRIVE ON REDDNDO Steamer In From San Fran ciscoWill Sail Friday Morning. With a capacity list of passengers and n big cargo of freight, tho Ro dondo arrived in into yesterday aft ernoon from San Francisco. Owing to tho amount of freight to unload, tho Redondo will not bo nblo to take on her cargo and got out before 11 o'clock Friday morn ing. Practically ovory berth on tho vessel had been reserved this morn ing. Among thoso arriving on tho Re dondo were tho following: C. II. Carpenter, Mrs. Hilda Olson, August Olson, 10. A. Mnsslp, Mrs. E. A. Masslp, Mrs. Geo. Murphy, G. W. Shavor, W. 11. Hammond, II. A. Boakowltz, Win. McAlee, S. Brown stono, E. 10. Fobs, F. A. Sherman, P. Peterson, Mrs. E. E. Rlggs, Miss Goldlo Rlggs, Mrs. Win. H. Shook, Miss Mary Hoffettor, Uco. M. Haw kins, Capt. 10. M. Simpson, F. Rol mtinn, Perry Lnnnlug, Mrs. Porry Limning, E. Soward, Alox Forbes, M. Madison, II. Hansen, P. Young, II. Anderson, C. Albertson, D. Danlol boii, W. llelom, C. Watt, M. Amnno, F. Nlshlno, K. Motomlmtsu, T. Tsu lol, How Sing, Chow Can, How Yee, Worn Iloey, Chlw Chow, Chow So Ing, Chow War, Fin Cnro, S. Arkaro, SatlH Soul, h Today. Tho Alliance Balled this morning for Eurekn, carrying a largo number of through pnsHongors nnd n big freight enrgo. Among thoso going from Coos Bay to Eureka on her were Stephen Barrett, J. L. Barrett, C. A. Peterson nnd Alox Davldsonr Tho Alliance will return here enrly Saturday and sail that morn ing for Portland. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho tug L. Roscoo Is In from tho Sluslaw to got Btipplloa. Messrs. HothoriiiRton nnd Loug- hoed of Mnrshflold UiIb wook pur chased tho stoamor Rita from Ru- Boll Brothers of North Bond and ara now running It. Tho Nnnn Smith which arrived la yesterday afternoon from Bay Point, Ballod at 12:40 today, having cro od in, gono to tho mill, takon on her cargo nnd crossod out to Boa agaia In twonty-four hours. Vetwel In Trouble M. Martin, who drovo over last night in nn auto from Bandon, roporU that tbree maatod schoonor nearly mot with aorloua nccldont there yostordny aft ernoon. Sho attempted to sail In and wna suddenly blown ovor near th Jotty whoro Bho struck. Tho tide was rising, at tho tluio and thoy ex pected to got hor off without bolng badly damaged. FRED LISTER BURNED. Workmen Scorched In TlimiUuicd Flro Thin Afternoon. Frod Llator of North Bond, nn omployo of tho gna company, wn pretty badly scorched this aftornoon by n blazo that threatened to start n II 10 In tho O'Coiinoll building on North Front Btreot. Thoro was a gas lonk undor tho building nnd Lis ter nnd others nttomptod to find it. Through a mlstako, thoy shut off tho water supply Instoad of tho gaa sup ply, Llstor crawled underneath and thinking tho gnB abut off, lit n match. Instantly a llama idiot up from the unenppod gns-plpo. Llstor was in closo quarters undor tho floor. He was Bcorchod around tho head, face and hands but not Borlously burned. Tho aldo of tho room wna morely blnckonod boforo tho flro wns ex tinguished, AUTOS now RUNNING botweon DRAIN and ALLEGANY. TICICET8 on salo nt tho BUSY CORNER. SER VICE will CONTINUE until rnlny sonson. Road the Timei' Want AJs.