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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1911 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAYTIMES fll. O. MALONEY Editor unci l'uli. PAN K. MALONEY Nuus Editor Watered nt tlio poatom.ce at Marsh flcld, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails us second class mail tnntter. m. itsi io PLAN ACTION WFlCfAL I'APEK OK THE CITY OK MAKSUFIELD. Ofllcinl Paper of Coos County Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. Manliflclil :: :: :: '.' Oregon Dedicated to tho sorvtco of the people, that no good cauBG shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. SUBSCItlPTION HATES. DAILY. One year $6.00 Per month 50 WEEKLY. One year $l.b0 When paid strictly In advance the subscription price of tho Cops Day Times Is $5.00 pr year or $2.50 for x months. Au Indopondont Itopubllcan news paper publlshod ovory evonlng oxcopt Sunday, and Wcokly by Tlie Coos liny Times Publishing Co. T WOltMY APPLES. CUt"" appiCH mill are lliu nmiur i pick nro the ones that lie on tho ground. You havo only to gather them up. without taking tho tlmo or trouble to climb tho tree. Unless you nro familiar with per fect apples, those on tho ground seem ns sweet and sound uh those which iiro harder to got. n'ou can quickly lilt your poeketH -with them, and Imagine you havo struck Bomcthlng easy nnd so you Iiavc. Hut you haven't got good tipples. Dlto Into one or them, mid you army llnd that your teeth have cut ci worm lu two. Put them nwny for tho winter, and in a week thoy will bo rotten. What you havo got by merely utooplng and picking It up wasn't worth tho more stooping. And all this Is true of many other things bosldos apples. It Is truo of almost everything In life. , If you would fill your pockets with tho good things or this world, don't -waste tlmo on tho windfalls. Tho apple that rails at your rout has a worm at its coro and a bruise oh Its face. Doth will dovelop in tho eating. To patiently cut them out takes jnoro tlmo and trouble than to climb the troe and get apples that aro ssonnd. True, thero is a lot or talk about duck, but it Ih all tulk and no luck. He who only picks up tho wind falls or II fo novor knows luck, and lio who climbs tho tree novor noods JncJf. Thoro Is no lazy way to truo achie vement In any line or endeavor. LEGISLATION KOIt GOOD ItOADS l OltEGON DILUTED 11Y SPE ClAli COMMISSION". PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 19. A speclnl session or the Legislature to enact good roads bills has been re commended by Governor West's commission, named some time ago to outline needed laws on this sub ject. The commission, representative or all parts or the state, has Just met In Portland and determined whnt Is needed In the way or good roads laws? Tho matter was declared to be so urgent thnt n special session Is nccessnry. Harmony marked tho sessions of the good roads promoters, although expression or Individual opinion was at times rather spirited. The com mission members realized, however, that it much is to be accomplished, there must bo unity or action, nnd nit this was kept In mind. Tour bills wcro recommended by tho commission for pnssnge Into law. One Is an act establishing n Stnto Highway Department and appointing n state highway commissioner. This olllclal must bo a skilled road engin eer nnd will be named by the gov ernor. All roads built by state aid will be under his supcrvlslo,u. Another bill provides for tho es tablishment of a stnto highway fund, making provision for nu annual levy Tor the purpose, which will bo sup plemented by a portion of llconso tnxes. Another proposed measuro Is the net providing for the construction of stnte-ald roads out of the Btato high way fund. Whether the maintenance or these roads shall be loft to tho state or tho counties was a point that provoked debate. The fourth bill Is an act enabling tho counties to avail themselves of the provisions of the state constitu tion permitting tho Issue or bonds for tho prosecution of road work, upon a special olcctlon being called by tho county court upon petition of ton per cent of tho voters or tho county. NINE KILLED HY AUTO. WITH THE t TOAST AND TEA I - GOOD EVENING. - Tho moro honenty a man has tho loss he nnYi'U the air or a - ttalnt. Lnvntiu'. a fine coi'xruv. Ko room In this bright country for the solemn outw that nay: "She's had her tlmo, I reckon, sho's Been her brightest day." For tho bloom is bunding brightly 'mmth the gold-weight or the beo; The rivers thoy aro singing ns thoy ripple on to son, " .And tho country Is as Joyous ns sho's beautiful and free! II. No room In this glad country for a dreary hall of sighs "When tho Morning wakes us, sing ing, whon the light Is In the Hkios. Tho light that comes n-thrllllug where tho shadows usod to be: The wllderiiuss Is waking, and tho glory It shall boo In the country that's as Joyous as she's beautiful mid free! Selected. OIKSTIOX KOIt THE DAY Did you over boo two left liiuuUd persons shake hands? PUNCHING BAGS $1.00 to 17.00 nt The GUNNEHY. Olllclnl BASKET 43UNNUKY. Many Onlookers Victim of IUcIng Auto nt SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sopt. 19. Nino woro killed, 14 Injured, somo seri ously, as tho result of an accldont In tho closing miles or tho 60-mllo au tomohllo raco at tho Btato fair Sat urday when a Knox racing car driven by Lee Oldflold leaped from tho track and crashed through fences and plunged Into tho throng that lined tho side of tho speedway. Tho nccldont occurrod but a short tlmo after Tart, tho honored guest or tho day had loft tho grounds. Just beforo ho left, Tnft took a rldo In nn niitomobllo on the track, which )was wot to keen tho dust from an noying the presldont nnd his party. This causod competitors In tho SO mile race to protest, and when the rare was called Ralph DePnlmn and Dob Hiirninn refused to start, de claring that tho wet track nindo It dangerous. Later, after the track had been dried somewhat, thoy, with other drivers, started in the rnco. Tho accident occurred tu the 13rd mile. Tho big car was traveling 75 miles per hour. Suddenly Oldlleld's ear leaped Into the air, swerved and dually crashed through tho fence. The runaway enr left victims piled togother several mangled utmost bo yonil liopo of recognition. It is claim ed that for more than 20 mitos Old Hold drovo his enr with ono of his shoos (lapping. Oldlleld is lu tho hos pital suffering with serious Injuries. lie will bo arrested as soon ns ho Is able to ho about. BONING GLOVES ?1.7G to $1.00 at The GUNNEHY. The world has never known n family so well-behaved, properly regulated and elegant that thoro woro not two things to disgrace It; the family clock, which Is never right, mid the family piano, which Is novor In tune. Koothall SIIOKS, SPITS and STOCKINGS at The GUNNEHY. HALLS nt Tho A Great Advantage to Working Men J. A. Maplo, 12C S. 7th St., Steub envlllo, O., says: "For years I suf fered from woak kidneys and n sovore bladdor trouble. I learnod of Foley Kidney Pills nnd their wondorful cures so I began tnkluf, them and suro enough 1 had as good results as any I heard about. My backache loft mo nnd to ono of my business, ex- pressmnn, thnt alone is a great ad vantage My kidneys acted free nnd normal, and that saved mo a lot of mlsory. It Is uow n pleasure to work where It usod to be n mlsory. For Sato at Rod Cross Drug Store. I ' Wees' - Kj i&sfe2u3F , yo JafflfeSHWBSHB HP"- A Unique Touch That gives distinction and daintiness to our merchandise is the mark our buyers aimed at and hit when they chose the line of Ready-to-Wear Garments we offer this week. Select Your Fall Suit Now and get a full season's wear. This is economy We carry many exclusive stales of goods that you cannot find in other stores. Our Suits Haven't That Readv-Made Look MAGNES . MATSON Rugs Lot us show you Hugs. The New Fall Styles Are In We promise you ranny surprises. The rcnl beauties of our line are beyond comparison. They aro entirely different from any other line shown. We have the new things and the exclusive things when it comes to floor coverings. And the Prices Let us say this about our prices. Simply compare them wherever you like. "Wo invito COMPARISON because COMPARISON tells the STORY. Perry, Montgomery (Mb Co. Real Estate Ruryuins Tn Bunker Hill and Bay Park property. For particulars aw A UG. FR1ZEEX G8 Central Ave., Marshflchl, Ore. Prof. A. Richards Will teach a short niothod for piano, consisting of n nino months coune, giving technics and sight reading. Ha has porfoctod and taught this coune for tho last sovon years very succcsi fully. This la tho only short course taught In tho wont, nnd Is vory Inter esting For adults only. Call at Dr. Winklors, No. 130, Broadway, Songatackon Bldg. UNIQUE PANTATORIUM We' are expert dyers and cleaner. Hat work of all kinds. Our work will please you. Suits made tb order. 50 Central Ato. Phone 2301 ROSS (Sh P1NEGOR PROPRIETORS Nothing Is Simpler to Operate Than a Cook Stove Some people who have not investigated imagino that gas ranges are full of queer valves and levers. This is not true. One turn of a valve sup plies the ejus; another turn outs it off. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry UJIONE MAIN 57-J rp rhero is not a fraction of the quirks and combinations necessary to make tho old coal rango "draw well." Children, old ladies and even men can uso a gas rango where they could not got a lire started in tho old fashioned coal stovo at all. Lot our New "Business Department explain. Telephone 17S Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tho livery busi ness nf Tj. TT. TTolunr... ni.,1 . .. -- . -.. ..W.M..U. u,m lo jjj-jj. pared to rondor exco.lont sorvlco to tho nennln nf Cnn n,. n..i. i drivers, gooa rigs and everything innt win mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed in tho livery lino. Wo also do truck . g business of all kinds. ALANCIIAR1) IIROTIIEHS Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streots Phono 138-J WILL EXCHANGE My 32,100, equity lu a 5-room bungalow, lot 80x92, Woodstock Add., Portland, Ore. Valued nt $3,000, for acreage noar or proporty In Marsaftoid. Or. I am tho ownor of this bungalow, and shall only deal dlrwt with ownor of property. If you Ica'iw of any ono wishing to exchange have thorn write L. J. Justen, IH Morrlsson St., Portland, Oregon. A Modern Drlck Building, Electric Lights, Stenm Heat. Elognntly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. II O T EL .0 0 OS fV A MT71TT.TN. PrOO. Rates: 60 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and JiarKei . Mnrshfleld, Oregon. Oregon Power Co. Housewife, Don't Worry Havo your Fall cleaning done by the PNEUMATIC CLEANING CO. Wo remove tho dust, dirt nnd germs from carpets, upholsterlnc. draperies, mouldings and hardwood floors quickly done and without raising dust or creating confusion. Pianos, also cleaned by this pro-cess. Leave Your Order For Cleanlug at uvunu jiahvev .PHONE 100 Tho cost of repairing the wiring lu our building In Marshfleld was nine dollars. The owner at once got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year in tho Insurance. Think It over. Coos Bay Wiring Co. rnONE 237-J Good Livery Service ' . . nl rancy now rigs, gooa " l3. careful drivers aro now at tine u posal of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready iw .. il ilnin IlOlSC any inp nnywnoro uuy n" boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special ncm. S W. L. CONDRON'S T.TVTCirv Aim wred STABLW PHONE 373-J v Crss ?Jl?. JOKT