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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1911)
to inow he mm woi w smnb inow the players you play with YOUR. ADS CARRYING your store-news, should -appear s rculnrlyas docs Ulo ncvrtipnper. If a new simper omitted nn tissue mow nnd then even for o .wolgiUy.-ivroii-gan ns fearing Hint It nilfllit -rain-It would not bo 4to& mowspapor. Wimtst I SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising space In a newspaper, compared with tlio np tiocil by o'her stores should delta It., comparative linportnnco In t community! Does your storo'a vertlslng spneo do tlmt? udfiUl (r ASSOCIATED P ltK-sSK Bstnbllnlwd' inHTWH .ns Flio Const Mull VOL. JCXXV MARSHFIELD, QREGQM. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. SSAir-rEUENING EDITION. A Onisolldtr.tlon of Tinira. Const Mnll nnil Coos Hnf Advertiser. No. 56 mm 'HB (KJ Mk2mM. '"WWMlWWWWlWMMWMWWi,laWWMWWMMMtjWMMMtWW II UN TOOK PAI 1 MBIT UK PO si i FFER SHE lill ho me 1 1 uw is iei jrfo Delectus Finally 'Discqwf Clew "That May 'Leail to Arrests In Case. I 1 k n X I it W UDL LliV iDULHil SHE MAY HAVE GOT INRDRMAT10D1 .FOR'MEN DARROW SB bt fLbt Stranger '.Who Was Wery Active Depositor Finally Arousus Suspicion. inv Assachttc Press totthavCuo Day 7'flines) XEW VrnOTMINSTKU.TS. C.,fopt. 19. Dotitlvv oxprcs ttho ojJrnlon that n wociimn wns Inviilviil In tho robbery to abet if ranch Builk oPlltmt real here. TThoy linvo dluuivvorod'tont a certain umuu cnrrkill m in. mry nctlfe nccoKWtvJeccntly :nnr In 'Imr many visits toitho ban3c itaiforwid bcrfilf of Hi cuotoiltlons anil ttho pre cautions taken-. 't guard the ffutnn. The robbers atruibelloTcd :ti) Mtano rented a honor .Hiding thctrjlti-y'liw.i and perfected idiom for tho rdbbery- It Is' believed -titty effected nen en trance to tlio bmi'K through ithu front 'Chief "iCounsel of MaTSatnara Broitiors Answers Coniercpt Procectlfnrjs. ftBy AftUMlM d Utevt to thcOoociBay TlmoG.) LOSvMJOELKSnCSil., Sera, un 'Clnrcnur Oarrow. .Chief cohuhOI tfor the' Mc&nnarn brtu3!rs' deSvtisu, do dry trltrn ilriiud A.virncy Jldim 'L. BurrliiRttn to retun. nnd sjumllttto nryest on !tho wnrntnt churning .con tempt uf-cwiirt Whlcavwas IsntniU yw teflday by iio dtstrlctr&ttorncy. Dnr iiowssal:'"1.Niura biri&otiilng fin tllb; chtogo nfPbhist Harrington. HemuYUT' otfaed Mr.UnKrnol3 n her kiiHlmnu $6)C.'I0. "Wtof'Jo not iiit tlio vtmiuii na-a 'wltnen1 In 'tlio caso nnd ttf tihu. tetnties for'Uno proNnW'tloii uicnii dlspmvo hen tcfltlinoio Thcmiloro, why whoiild nmrrliiRtrii neck &i Iih mffitters smtl Direclors rand iXompany Indicted by.Boton .Federal Grand Jury .Tdday. (By JVssoctCcd tl'rcBa tc Coon Unj Times.. 1J0 3TON;Iusii., SsjcL aa. An itldlcnnent vub rctund today UKtilntl thu).nllcfj-s I .tho UxUcd Stntw Shoo MnehJnerj- cimimn mid tlio fctcoiid hiillctmont tfounll nunliiHt thoi cRiipn-n'V'soIf It iCIi" .Ur.tod 'Shomiiri ncU THROUGHOUT SPAIN T0DA1T States rnn d Jwj.. Tin dettn lants ure tltarRO' 3 -n-lth A-ontlcctlui-' busl ness In rest jj) irt-tnilU. 'ftit Jndl 'Idmuls hdllctiill nioTPres-kli-ni6trtucr W. WIbhIok. lMwjrrd P. Ilurfl,. Moor-RP W. Urown. James .1. ritorrmv. Wllllnif. Ulnv)iimi,"2luirf' P. ilmvo, .dire ctors. lloth 'indictments chnrsfctt tin drlinilBiiits ivlth nwork Ing llnough. inkxriiiacutiUtU'Of tho Unlteft 3tut cs Shut IMnOllmerj mm pnny in u my to ntike them ns In dividuals, crlmlxmll lhthlu under the in to BE i m sun isl mm Fii i MU F I door with a dui.1l.nilo key. T nb- '"'"" r unrjow nn jiihi rcruiucn icriini Fresno whorc'iuo was lu confewncu with 611111110I Cioiiipers, iroRldcnt if 03iie SSto'ckNoWer In Cwm.pany fReporb'.d to Wave CaraEnrmrt RBurrwn Deal. wnce oMhe clert irnd wntcihnibii wi the night of the Tfttibory 'jinlfitbly tiaved bin from I'J-ry nnd' ipntstlblo death. TVio police hollo vo tlio rob bers nnd lMJt nre ntUl 1n this tflilli'.tty. . t M F1HS TOR TWO MEN ,J.CK '.MAKSIMLX AND ItAMMf;.v to hi: hikvj-jxchd iiv .nuKii-: etwen at cwjjl'im,!? LTi: I'ODAV. COQl'lhMJ, Oreu.Scpt. 1- JiiiIko Jonn S. Cuko In Circuit Conn horo about -I o't lock (Wi. ufturnotv will prguonnce niitence fin John ilnrs lieu, convlrUd of ntniuiltiUK 2. W. Benn.'tt In .MiiBlidold with n dn4.;or ou Haiion, tJid IlaliA Jnckson of Slarsliileld, coivlcted ol contributing o the ilclliuiutiiicy of n inilnor. It Is undorstvod thnt n Btrong i' Jwt U Irflng mido to bm'o Marsdtti paroled .tind n .nillnr rtfiuest will I mndo In tho Jtckson ,6o. The penalty provided under th tatutes l8 n lino of $5,000 -r Imprl- lonment foi ono yir or bo&i. Tho lx H'lfendau'.s probably will plead Vthlr tho jixt ton tloys. SOMP. COJL'HT DKjCIHlONft Number of Cu.s l)j.Hi'd of In cir cuit Court f Intent! Here. A CoqUUo pnior gives ho follow er, resum,. of the Circuit Court pro Wedlngs tUore. Harriet IJ. Itabttson vs, Johann Rtbertson mul Coo County of tho 6"W of Oregnn. Suit in oqnJty set tled out of court. Mile WinkWr vs. Androw -Wink-'i Jt for divorce awarded to Jtollle wiakler by dofnalt. An1e L. McDurfeo vs. Burton Mc- "ee. Bun for divorce dlsmlswd c Plaintiffs' motion. A. MiCormach ve. Coos Hay En tering company suit for Jjijunc "oa dismissed. North Rend Manufacturing eom WV vs. Den p, Diney, Anna Dllley " lfe, C. C. Knight et al suit lu Wty. plaintiff adjudged In default. p A. Sandborg vs. M. B. Whlt mo'e motion for new trial denied. E. Golden vs. Claude Nasburg otIn for now trial dismissed. ' h Rees vs. J. virgll Pugh, Odo U8n nd North Bend Hardware Supply Co. suit In equity dismls " n Plaintiffs' motion. ZjlL " & E- " R. & Nav. Co. tho 'Aiuorlciurtn :denttlofiof Ijilrur e-'gardliii; tho raising of Sfcrnls to 'b nnni'o tli dcfewio of the WcNnmtti.Ti Imothors. AccorClng to ru-rrow, Ien than H,000 hhi boon ttmlrlbutofl mi fnr to tho -drfenso (utnl nnd nti hiikt two r threoihundrcd liouBnnai tloitirs Is tirgtinth noodrti Some pliiu of roiitiibutloiu or rutH-rihrncnt upnii tho Inlor unluam, it Is mjfd will lmvu to bn tievlHOtl ut once. SiSSCUP TO IT BENCH Chicago Mera"! Judge Decides, to IRetire to Enjoy Citizen .'Freedom. (Dy Associated Pressilo tho Coos Hay limes.) CHICAGO, illl., Sopt 19. United Stntos Circuit 'JiiIbo Ifnter S. (jross- cup announced today ho mould rtitiro Ifrom tho bench. itUo nwttsveok r Oc tober. Grosscup has wrvert ninety n years ns a nienrjier of itlo fede,.l Judiciary of tie lmrAhorn district of Illinois. Ho nttractcd publM notice, when the United Btoi Court of Ap peals of which he is . monitor, re versed the action of Judgo 1C M. Lnndls who fined the !tnmln.rd Oil company f 29, 000,000. Ho will isond his resignation to Tnft hartly .aiter the meeting of the Unitwl Stores Court of Appeals Octobor 2. Ho de sires to enjoy more freely Wis ire devn as n citizen nnd to reuwne thf practice of law wero given is his roaswis for hlr decision. XIK.V1KS W1E ItKl'OItT. .Spain Ha X't Cediil Geiinnny n Vvrt Ju the Cnnirles. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) MADRID, 6ept. 18. Premier Ca nalejfls categorically denies tho re port of Spain ceding a port or Island of the Canaries group to Germany. I-'OWLKU GETS HEADY. AViicatdljjT' ta cmo of tlt ultirtt-,- n .the Civs, Bay TirWi Klal com.'nuyKij!dilers jt(t tho lslai0 ifonui tfdlii. Coos jHiiyii by tho dJaauuilui; tutiibis pfcCpps lUwr, that jnsijmfty wuh hoM latr lust; Saturday afttruoon :to nan eimtntn party who wJII ,iiuit illvulxii whoSho repiKHontB na0 Vha bus kevit his Identltraoncenffifl I'.roin tall emvpt one, jor twotit the ctRUmrn Cttheci!Oiui)ftt ' who mill not revent IiIh seen t. TWdonlnl f tho det.1 bji C..S. Wbispr yoitQrdny lei said to lao ret ultud .frum.iiv'onilscf windo to Hie lPiiChus'. iUiiwotvr ncwrdlng mi tho 'Mat' HtiMi'hoWcr,, tlio.plrst, $5,i000 of 3ie ,$100,000 purchnw prlco (if tho 1,10 neojb was jmld in Into Saturday arJ lias Uoeii. divided up juunug tbe toi)kl oldvn. The: other J 0.000 li vj 'he paid mi or Wore J&nimi'y 1, 3S L2, Avlion tho HtUo will i,iss, ac i:r(llir to Mho waj In wilch one i.Vjklu)der Ih quotttl. Tho irtonptod seuwoy of ilio dcnl Is Uikon by weny-to(lt.O: further con- flnicutliin of tUo rop(ii,t that ikt has been bnucht;fM n ralrVond coin;nny nnd iJint :Uio Sirjithor.n (Pacific in tho prolalily iiirc)i.vior. Howovor, ono MnrsbileUI .-uinn itUI mnli. tains it ir. ns bought Jor Jtho Uiios Da and Hoilsc by the Jtontciylviir.lii Trurt conipxc y which is unoerwrhlug tin- bonds tit iJio road- There orltiiuully yna il,:i00 acren 'h. tho trai:t Uni sonici of It .was soldi in tho Sultli-rOWQia Iogghig com VW for & lop iboom. Bcsltles this titict, it is Also repotted on. good authority tbat a itrlp ;f tlde-llat ex tenttyng from Cmtiton sbouth ti con nnct ,p with the iblg ilioldlngH has bctii'Jought or Boirtrcd on nn option. The stockholding Jin -tlio Coos iBay Tide J(,'at compiuiy .nee nuidorstuod to bo C. S. Wlnsur, 1. F. rVJkeurtmn, Geo Uenki, F. B. Watte, A. Van 2U, Carl Allnecht, G. W, Teinpjo, Wa Vnughnu.tand T. G. v1(1q. Tho efrUipany bought tho trnct from tho State of Oregoji a few .yenrs nso at a vmy low figure, profciably non. moro tbiia $2. CO ier nere so ihnt they will mtcj.0 a big prcflt on the deal. Tho Port of iCoob Bay Cnomisslon which has been tfgurlng on utoulrlu or galking tho eoptrol of nil tlu) tidal .area, 'lu conformivy with the recom tnendntiwns of Cayu Polhemus' plans or tho future harUr, Instituted eult somo tlmo Ago to aseertnln Just whnl rlglits they have in tflio tidal prop erty. In this test feidt, which has been heard Wore Judgo Coko but which has not yet been decided by Mm, the port contends tlwtt the State of Oregon had no right U dispose of this land for private purposes be cause It Is essential to narration on Coos Bay. asTERn imp Wm. iTJfimes.and Wife IHome After: Extended ITmtriOf iSn.uth.-.aiirJjE3sl. Original Incorporator o? .Hail way Will Accompany J. I?. O'Brien Here. Strikes and Labor Troubles and Rioting Lead to , Declaration. ' CLAIM IT REVOLT UNDER OTHER GUiS'E: G. X. nVeiiLlliig, tho original In corporatttv or tlio Hiilislilliiry com pany of ilie Swiithurn iPacMe Oilch Is 1 to boJld tho Eugene-Coos Day line Twenty-Six Seriously Hurt When Troops Fire on' Popu lace at Bilboa. win acwnirpitny 'vice-president J. P. O'Brien's -purcy 'here on tho Urcnk wntor. Tlds-wnB the 'information re ceived by Surit. tV T7. sillier Inst 4)vcntnir. Ir. OMlrlsn In th nln. font in Blattnl tlint tho party would Ifciilnrini; thnt Coob Jlay hi tho consist ot TrvfTle Tbnnncor Jllllf.r. IB , 4A. ,, J MAXY AUK WOUXDICI). (Dy Associated Pross.) jjiuau, Spain, Sept. 19. bent iiur,Vin. .QrlsieB umtutimfl Inst oveulns: .ftxnn nn cttunttrjil nejrttorn nnd Kuulliem trip. Sirs. iGrlmoi re turned. nVlUr .him. jTlnjy itsinio Iii by Drnln uaiil .vIllegnnyrby uiutn,rriic)i- ini hentt 119 o'clock luiit-wimtiir. de plto 1hn 'ni.uCidy, rpadn. KoIiiihuittoftdK thlcB,;fir hotttiy. Mr. Grinum -sulld thnt liu line no now nformaJUan :h Jio had iiiun (!lr;t ifrom Lbieoln, s'ob., )ro .nnd hud lunly Btujijiiill n .n. few days t lliu- Aiiln en Mm to trom Ohio whsro ho mid .Mrn. GtIiiivh vlslJcd rehtJLhi2Bi"jruT ifji? greater inuutr.pCilJio sojuumtr. JJoth ,a;) lu cxeiU(!Ut'n1wiiU1i. "EverythtuK looklnjg rnlghtj Xlnq miti Coos liny lHa1ioiit to cmuv into ftwown," nald .Mi'.filrlines this inorn- Iiir. "I didn't .uo'(i ulnco while xny thnt compared ui it- -There arc moro oppurtunltlcB liero ojkI there will b ai Rvtuttcr derelwinueui here than nn onordin realize. It vio seeniH flno' to 4tnt bnck here." Iti'lurn From Xr!h. Vctxr Scott, Sr. ainil fti( returned via Allpgnny last jilght from a fow ivKhK' 'Visit In Portland .mid Wash ington )oIntn. This Is Mr. Scott'H first ti'jp from tlio liny In .eighteen yenre nird tho retnai'knblo growth nnd trnnsoriuntioii wf PortViml In thnt Ume was samrthltitf idnittHt be yond conrpi ohonslon. "I want to tell yon flint Coos Bay looks betiei , to mo than jiver," bald Mr. Scott linlny. "When I saw tho way thoie otqr places are growing juid JcnovricK ilhnt they Jiavo not otie-Iralf the Jvdources of tbte sec tltui, I made u my mind that there wa no limit to what would bappoa on iCoos Bay wJwn It get started. And wo nro goitif to got more tlinn one tIlrond. 1 got some inside in formation thnt convinced mo of this." Air. pjcott also t'lnns to make n trip to 43nn FrnnclKp in tho near future Air. Stanley, G. 7C. WVouUIine nnd Ibinsolf. Mr- Stanley Is presumed tv bo nn oEWI-ce.r (ill ttho 'BitlitlUInry coaipnny vlilclx Is to build tho lino foi tho Sonthorn "Pndllc. Vhother tlte Brciilkwntur -will ar rive -in Wednesday -night or Thursdny mortdng will 1ms -nscmtilnua tomor row. '-It will depend tm tbo time sho Is nUie- to got out frora Aatofla. Tritons ffred Into n crowd thnt was endeavoring to freo prison- orB,- iiicludlng tho strlko bonders who woro being tnkon through tll'O. SttOOtB this nflnrnnntt A. Twenty-Blx woro wounded. Tho sltimtlon' Ik grnvo. 4 4. By Associated Press to tho Coos Bar Times) MADRID, Spain, Sopt. 19. Kins Alplionso today signed tho docroo Buspondlng tho constitutional gunr nnteea throughout Spnln. This is Cm.1- T. J. MncGenn of tho Brenk-l0""rVn,0nt t0 ,,ocInrl"K tho country water '1h anxious to -mnlm ,. T,,"uur ,,",""u "lw- 'b net. whlcli down o that they can get In bore' a" bcen uni,or con"wittlon for Wednestmy evening nnd it 1s T,resi.,-;S0"10 ,lnys' wns tnkon to 8vo th ed thnt tic will find a wny to get ' poviorn,not ,0WrH to deal Bhnrply horo byttJbat tlmo. lnmI l'ro'l'tly with tho revolutionary (agitation now formontlng In nmiiy (parts of Spain, ospoclally In tho cltfc- ana industrial districts whoro ropnb llcnn nnd revolutionary plans nro ho ling furthored under tho covor of worklngnion's Btrlkea. Woll known republican parllamontnry lendont stand nsldo from the pr6sont movi ment which Ib Boclnllstlc In charactor Tho Gonornr Union of'InlJor today decided to call n gonornl strike throughout Spain pn rt (rnt)j to b fixed Inter. 8 1C EfflL inr Steamship From Port land Will SaTJ Tomorrow For Eureka. CANADIANS REPAIRS HTfGINE. I By Associated Press to the Cops Bi.v (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) Times.) COLFAX, Cal.. Sept. 18. Fowler hopes that he will be able to resume his flight to the Atlantic coast to morrow morning. TO, (Continual . ., vo fimp WaAt Ada VVS)--".ubu uu putiU . it-nu " .-- - - ,- COnNING, N. Y., Sept. IS Avia tor Ward arrived heer at 11:31 o'clock. His engine requires repairs and ns soon as they are made he will proceed TO WELCOME TAFT Many Cross From Dominion to See "Wan Who Would Annex Canada." Coos Bay Tho AlUmco niTlved Uu this morn ing from iPnrtliind with n capacity cargo and a full list of pnBsongors. Many of rim ipnssongers -wro bound through to Eurekn. Owing to the lnrgo nmwunt of freight to discharge here, tlio Alli ance will not be able to sail for Eu reka until 9 o'clock Wcdnmlny nnornliig. Among thoso arriving on tho AJ llanco woro: Mrs. Culbortson, Mrs. Idn Hudson, Karl Imorson, Nil Ericsson, Ednn Vandtrnool, J. E. Vnnderpool, F. E. Monotb, S. A. Crawford, J. Gorstol, Miss Rora Bny, J. V. Larson, J. For guson, liana Wnbby, J. H. Anderson, W. McLeod, Minnie Arthur, H. n. Foster, J. Hunter, Matt Holmes, W. N. Stevens, F. K. Footo, S. Blach, C. W. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs Temple, A. Scddell, Robt. Copland, Mrs. N. Bresham, H. L. White. rtTRHTES- IX SPAIN.- Trouble Wld.-spreml ami Giianuiti-eti .iIiiIn KusiH'iidisl. By Associated PresB to tho COosliay Tlmes. MADRID, 8pnln, 8opt. lHTlio Bovornmont Is conBldorlng n suspen sion ofi tho confltitutlonal guarantees throughout Spain. Strikes nro gen eral at Bilbao, Sarngossa nnd par tially successful nt Cadiz, Huolvnv Valencia, Sovlllo nnd DIJon. It is expected tho workmen will Bo out att .Barcelona, Corunna and Forral. A revolutionary plot wa dlscovonsd. at: Barcelona. V DAMAG 4 XO SIOXB EXCEPT (By Associated Press to Times.) SAULT STE. MARIE, Sept. 19. In tho presence of a cheering throng President Taft was formally welcom ed hero today. Such a crowd had never been seen In the Soo before N'UMIU'KS OX AUTOS SALEM, Ore., Sopt. 19T-Thnt it Is a violation of the law to paint signs on nutomobllcs Is tho interpretation placed upon tho law by Secrotnry of Stnto Olcott. Only two numbora nre allowed, and one must bo In front and ono In renr. To paint other numbers would therofore bo ullegal. Practically every auto owner In applying for numbers wants his old numbor nnd many had come on special trains' or somo particular numbor. This Is n request which enn bo granted to no ono, as It would completely confuse nnd dlsnr- range the records In tho oillco a long distance. A noticeable ele ment was the number of Canadians who had crossed the Hue to see "Tho Man Who Was Going to Annex Cana da" as they humorously put it. A TCItIf.1811 HATH GOOD. Phone 214-J. will do you I Have your Job printing done a' ' Vhn T!men office EOF HIE11BB Kansas Charge President Taff With Permitting Indorse ment of Brewers, By Associated Press to the Poos Hay Times) TRENTON, N. J., Sopt. 19.- TJiu Buckoyo Powder company which for- tnorly manufactured powder at Peo ria, III., today brought ault In tho United States Circuit Court for ubout 15,000,000 damages against tile BK I. Dupont, Deuomniira Powdor com pany nud a numbor of Its subnldlary concorns familiarly roforred to aa the "Powdor Trust." Tho Buckayo company claims Its business was in jured by tho prnctlcos of tho bo-cuII-od powder trust and places Its actual damages at $1,119,957 and also nska for $500,000 punitive dnnuigfls. The plaintiff asks that thoso dam ages bo multiplied by three- ax uu- ''wl under tho Sherman act. . IF IT'S NOT POLITE TO CUT THE CARDS, CUT THEM AND EXCUSE YOURSELF