THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGO'N, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,191 1 -EVENING EDITION. I Absolut The Hobo HEADQUARTERS FOR SHIP CHAXDLERV St o r a g o boltory 1ms boon on tho market for two years ami tho Bales on samo hnvo gono bo fur nlicntl of anything wo nntl cipntcil that wo hnvo been put to our wit ends to supjily our tnulo. Ensiffil3B !'---- - 9 ely G uar&nteed Remember They are firsL-class, up-to-date and Thoroughly Guaranteed Price $8.50 We CREDIT account, REPLACE batteries or REFUND amount paid for batteries, including transportation char ges, if they do not prove SATISFACTORY In Round Cartons 3 for $1.00 Tho rnngo of work this battery will do satisfactorily 1b equal to any dry coll on the market. Comparntlvo tests Invited Put one of theso batteries In circuit with n Bot of another inuka, or vice versa. Amperage, over 20. Voltage, ovor 1.50. ii Pioneer Hardware Co, MAHSIIFIELR OREGON Exclusive AkciiIh on Above In Square Cratons 3 tor $1.00 S. SMITH UNDERGOES OPERATION AT CORVALLIS c. Well-Known Mtirslillcltl Mini Suffers Sudden Attack Reported liu- i proving Xow. j I. S. Smith, a well-known Marsh Held man who has been spending the summer with his family at Corvnl- i lis. was taken suddenly 111 of appen dicitis one day last week and had to undergo an emergency operation. While he wns very HI for a few days uftur tho operation, ho was recuper-. uting Tuesday when Mrs. Smith wrote to Mr. Dlndlngor of tho Unzar. Last Friday morning, Mr. Smith left home nbout S o'clock apparently In excellent health. He wns to bo gono all day. About C o'clock Mrs. Smith received a telephone from tho hospital Btatlng that Mr. Smith wns there critically 111 of appendicitis and that an emergency operation would have to be performed. This wns dono ami for n day or two, his con dition wns serious but later nn lm provomotn began. That he Is now on tho road to recovery will bo gratifying news to his many friends on the Day. tiik place to nuv your hardware Personal Notes .'. M. NYE, Jr., of Coaulllo Is hero, on :us' 'g' and plensure. S. P. U.tTLETT of Randolph l a Mn .v..ield business visitor. O. C. 313THEU of Glendnlo Is hero looking nftor his Interests. MRS. WM, CANDLIN of Coaulllo Is the guest of Marshllold friends. A. P. OWENS has returned from his summer homo on South Coos' Itlvor. GEO. QOODltUM Is expected back soon from n business trip to Port-laud. FRED HOLLISTER of North Bend wns a Marshllold business visitor yesterdny. CLIFFORD DOWNS cxpcetB to leave Saturday for Portland and other northern, points. and sedding ireful Beds, Oalc Beds, Mahogany Beds, Circassian Walnut Beds, Satin Walnut Beds. (Tl A A Beds from $05.00 to . . . . q J.lU Cotton Mattresses, Felt Mattresses, Floss Mattresses and Hair Mat- t resses. Mattresses from -15.00 to $3.50 Comforters, Blankets, Pillows, Sheets, Pillows Slips, and Spreads. The best Bedding line in the county. You Save Money Here You Get the Best Here Let us show you. Perry, Montgomery Co. WANTED To wilt on upright piano for ludellulto time. Call room 1, Dr. Winkler, Seugstnckcn building ItOOM WANTED References, dross "H" Times' olllce. Atl- FOR SALE Xutloiial Cash Register will soil cheap for cash. Enqulro R. M. care Times' olllce. C. F. McKXIGHT returned Inst oven- lug from CoqulUc whoro ho has been attending court. covered sufficiently to bo up and nround. Ho spent n few houra hero today visiting with friends. .1. ALBERT MATSON and Frank Lnl so left today for tho Sand Hills to bo one of tho advance- guards of tho reception committee to welcome- tho return of tho ducks to Snag Lake tomorrow morning. J. M. EDDY of Portland Is spending a fow dnys hero. It Is reported that Mr. Eddy Is Interested In railroad contracting and that his visit here is in that connection Although ho has not personally continued It. HARRY WINKLER roturnod today after spending n month's vacation In Portland nnd other northern points. Ho enjoyed his trip Im mensely but dcclnrcs Coos Bay looks bettor to him now than ovor before. W. C. TIPPETTS, of tho Coos Bay Home Telephone company, loaves today for Portland for n short vis It after which ho will go to Grass Valley, Cal., whero ho will spend the balanco of his vacation at his old homo. Ho will return via San Francisco. FRANKLIN C. BIRCH of tho Rod Cross, returned today from n busi ness trip to Portland. G. GILBERTSOX returns to Rosohurg tomorrow nfter nn extended visit with friends on Coos Bay. HUGH McLAIX will leave shortly for Portland nnd other northern points on business and pleasure. FOR It EXT Housekeeping rooms 211) So. Broadway. Imiulru nt Times' olllco. FOUXR Ladles' pin muikeil "Blan che." Owner may linvo samo by calling nt Times' olllco, nnd pay ing for this uotlco. FOR SALE Polntoes for clilcken or pig feed nt 75c a sack or 5 sacks j for $:i.2G. T. J. Garden, Box 270, , Marshllold. ! WANTED Position for woman ns housokeopor. Have- good rofor onros. S. J. Hnmby, Mtirshflotd. care Robt. Rooko, Coos River. FOR SALE Four lots, ono half block from now high bcIiooI build ing, $375 ouch, half cash, balanco easy terms. Only vacant lots In block. Address Box 75, City. No ngonts need apply. AUTOS ALWAYS READY Two inn chinos caroful drlvors. Stands at Blanco hotel and Ed's Billiard par lors. Day phones -1G nnd 231R. Night phono 18 IX. LEO McLAIN, John Noble, Joo No ble nnd Ed Woldor will leave Satur day for Portland to rcsumo their courso In schools. DR. W. A. TOYE, who has been suf fering from a sovero attack of stomach trouble, Is reported con siderably hotter today. JAKE GOLDIE nrrlved hero from Portland today to visit friends and to look ovor this section with n vlow of locating hero. CONSTABLE W. B. COX wont to Co qulllo today, having been summon ed there as n witness In noino of . tho circuit court cases. LEO MATSON who has boon working on tho railroad extension of tho N'atron branch nrrlved horo today for a short visit with relatives, i MRS. J. C. 'SWINFORD and daugh tor Zolla arrived homo on tho Brenkwutor today from tholr trip to Illinois nnd other onstorn points FOR SALE HO news adjoining HO opon homestead entry. Bargain. Easy tonus. Address 'E B' c Timoa DRUGS A good drug store- to trndo nt. The Busy Corner drug storo Is a good plnco nnd enjoys tho patronage of vory particular peoplo In ovory section. Why shouldn't It? Our stock Is comploto. Tho Qualities nro highest nnd tho prices nbsolutoly tho lowost consis tent with tho quality sold. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. THE IJUSY CORNER, PHONE 208 The Royal COWnOY PICTURES TONIGHT "SUE FOR SALE Doublo barreled shot : gun nearly now, apply Tlmos office. t WANTED 100 liouses to niovo raise or repair. Address T. A. Frcono, I Mnrshflold, Oro. Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would oo well to call t the Pacific Monumental WorKs, South Broadway and make selection from tho large stock nowon hand. Mr. Wilson has In his employ the only practical marble and gra- J'te cutter in Coos county. And none but tho best worK Is turned J J "Y?YiJw Tj i H" WANTED A .MAX BRAINS." "THE TRACES IX THE SXOW" Brand now today. A X O E L A M A Y In tho "COLONIAL GIRL." WITH VOW SALETwo story modern houso, hard-finished nnd nil conr venlonccs, lot -10x100. Thrco blocks from Chnndlor hotol. Hot and cold wntor. Gns and olcctrlc light, bow or system nnd streot inbvomonts all In nnd paid for. Address Box 75 City. No ngonts need apply. In Songs our mothers used to slug: "In Yo Olden Times." Illustrated Song. PRICES 15 nnd 25c. WANTED 0 experienced coul min ors Boavor Hill Company. WANTED Two experienced stnrcli I Ironors Immediately. Marshflold I Hand and Stoam Laundry. FRANK POTTER, a Portland nttor uoy nnd formorly rending clork of tho Oregon Stnto Senate, is export ed hero today to visit P. M. Hall- Lowls, J. E. SCHILLING of Gardlnor ar rived hero today to look nftor business Interests. Ho says that Gardlnor Is enjoying a great boom nnd ho Is confident thnt thero will bo at least two railways built to Coos Bay via Gardlnor. Thoy nro arranging to glvo Vlco-presl-dont O'Brien nnd party n big wel como thoro next weok. W.M. DOYLE, ono of tho Coos Day pioneers, lins Just returned from n fourteen months' stay nt War ronton, Oregon, nnd Bay Center, Washington. Ho expcctH to spond tho winter horo visiting rolntlvcs and old friends. Ho will spend n portion of tho tlmo at tho home of his sister, Mrs. W. A. Luso on Coos Itlvor. Coos Bny always looks good to him, ho says. NORTH BEND NEWS Mrs. Loulo Andorson, who wns operated on nt tho Mercy hospital several days ago, was nblo to bo re moved to her homo in Porter addition last ovonlng. "IF your STOMACH Is out of order. Sco DR. WIXKLER. NOTICE TO DIDDERS, I will recelvo sonled offers to pur chase tho Carrlo Nasburg property bolng lots four and live In Block 27, Clbmont Pint at tho comer of Broad way and Alder avenue, having a fron tage of 50 foot on both Broadway and Second streets nnd ono hundred nnd sixty-eight foot on Aider avonuo. Rids to ho opened September 2 4th, 1911 nt noon. J. D. McNEIL, Executor. GUY C. LATTIN hns roturnod from tho Coqulllo whoro ho hns hnd chargo of tho bulkhondlng and plpo-ltno work for tho drodgo Orogon. CLAUDE NASIUJRG roturnod homo todny from Portland whoro ho hns boon spondlngn fow weeks. Ho was with Mr. Clnrko during his Inst illness. MRS. PAZJK, Dr. Wlnklor's assis tant, was called to Portland to day by tho announcement of tho serious Illness of lior niothor nt Echo, Oregon. Sick headache Is caused by a dis ordered Btomnch. Take Chambor laln's Tnblots and correct that nnd tho hoadacho will disappear. For sale by all dealers. FOR SALE My form 000 news in one lot or will cut up In parcols to suit. C. W. Santord, Marshflold. A l!rtt.rnqSr,Ck , DUUd,nB' EleCtrl Kir-iffrn Heat EloGantly 'urnlshed Rooms with Hot "OTEi, .OOOS Rates- Rn ' 4MET"N, Prop. Cor nent5 a Day and Upwards. Mr0avray nn Market Marshflold, Oregon. Hero Is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long exper ience, viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan, of Wil son, Pa., who says, "I know from ex perience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is far superior to any other. For croup there Is nothing that excels It." For sale by all dealers. Dried Peppers Chili Penios A very small hot dried poppor. Just tho thing for Spanish dishes, Chill sauce, Hot Tamnles nnd any relish. PER POUND HOC. Dried Chili Peppers A poppor slightly milder than tho Chill Ponlos and which mny bo used for tho samo purposes In lesser quantities, per pound 40c. Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 J. D. HAMLIN, formorly locntod at Boavor Hill but now engnged In tho abstract business nt Eugouo, enmo ovor todny to look after bus iness Interests, MRS. B. W. OLSON and daughter loft this afternoon with Cnpt. Olson on tho Nnnn Smith for Bny Point. Cnpt. Olson oxpectod to cross out Into this aftornoon. ALBERT J. MENDEL returned yes torday from an auto trip to Curry County, Ho hroko tho record on tho downward trip making It In ono day In his Hudson mnchlno. L. C. REYNOLDS, who hns been I vory 111 nt North Bond, has re- Don't Get Excited In Any Emergency ,iv st nrxG us up AN J) WH'LL DO THE 11 EST "Husiness by Wire-" is sale and instantaneous. Call us up when in need ol any Drug Store, Goods. Wo will gladly lake your order by phone, and assure you of the same caroful and considerate dealing as if you called in person. Whenever you want any Drug Storo Goods in a HURRY JUST TELEPHONE US PHONE 141. Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists. PHONE 111, MARSHFIELD. Grapes Grown at Lodi, California ARE THE SWEETEST IX THE WORLD. THEY ARE SOLD ONLY IX 5-POUND BASKETS AND COME IN THE BLOOD RED TOKAY AND BLACK PRIXOE VARIETIES. Your Grocer Has Them -m ii ja " . "W w xX