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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1911 EVENING EDITION. UTIA WILL BE CHANGED NEIGHBOR. nn tnt i jt rr r r? A3t Cl'LLINGS OF COQl'ILLI TEACH HRS AT,RANDON. curry county news. WnOTHlIwrTT' SSS yBS2 (mmcm) jis C l"3TflK-l . "" ii i i i t s ' n i ...- - . l-' -rcu u J Coos Coinily Sent Svws ns Told by Harry Ii. Hopkins .Vow Principal of The Sentinel. Pulille Schools Their. Tho reunion of the Coos nnd Curry I The Ilandon Hoconlor snvs: county vctoruii and rollof Corps As- "School opens Mondny Sept. 11. and soclatlon which was billed to bo held the Inillcntlona are that there will be nt iinti.lnn t 1.1m month was nostnoned. tl largest attnndnnco In tho history No date has yot been sot for the reunion. of the Iliuiilon Public school. Miss McCarthy, tho young lndy who was elected to tho Cth grado has scut In her resignation, owing to 111- It. Wade or Miss l) outs' There ns Itccoitlod Gold Reach Globe. hy the Reorganization of Body Now I Reported Underway Men Hold Meeting. Cv.a1,.i ,.i.,1 tnlntioMti ttniM tllfl Prill- Di-.v, ,,..... ... ....,"- , i ncRB. nnil Mrs. C, tract tor RrnuiiiR a logging ram .,.., wn,frC(, McNnlr w pro,mW. tnko into a largo irnci 01 niiu umuur u Boar Crook. Tho timber Is to be got ten out for tho Handolph Lumber company. A small crew will bo put to work at first which will bo Increas ed ns tho work progresses. Dr. W. Culln hnd a very close os capo Sunday when his Ford runabout turned lurtlo with him. Ho had Just 8tnrtod up tho grade on this sldo of the Collier bridge whon tho steering gear broke. The car gave a lurch to one sldo causing tho throttle to open and speed up tho machine. As the car went over tho grade It throw tho doctor on his faro In tho middle of tho road, llo was badly shakon up and his faro was cut and scratch ed otherwise ho suffered no serious Injury. It Is expected the Coqullto Mill mid Lumber company will begin operating" In two or three weeks. Most of tho machinery has been Installed ex cept the resaws and tho planers, and will soon bo In place. The convoyor Is nearly completed. At tho Inst meeting of tho board of direc tors J. S. Lyons wns appointed super intendent, Clydo Clngo was appoint ed manager. At the present time about ten men tiro employed but this force will bo Increased to thirty or forty men when tho mill Is In opera tion. It Is expected thero will bo nil tho logs on hand that can bo used whon tho mill Is ready to begin to tho grndo for a few days until a per manent teacher can bo secured. Tho corps of teachers as they now stand aro: Harry L. Hopkins, prlnclpnl. Miss Mary I). Illchtlo of Portland, first assistant In high school. Miss Nina H. Simpson of Knlania. Wash., second assistant. Miss Vivian Hutcblns, 8th grad'n. Miss Helen Hughes, 7th grade. fith grade to be filled. Mi's. Mvers. nth grade. Miss Inez Lusk. Ith grndo. Miss Dnrnthr Gibson. 3rd grade. Miss Mary Marsh. 2nd grade. Mrs. Penslo Kopf, lt grade. Miss northn Wllklns, overflow lit nml 2nd grades. M'ss Myrtle Hodge, overflow 3rd and Ith grades. A pretty wedding occurred at the I Gold Hen eh hotel at high noun last I Sunday. September 3rd, 1911. .Judge' A number of changes In the Ore Rnllcy olllclatlng. The contracting gon Naval Mllltla are now underway, parties wore .Mr. Oscnr J. Miller and The Portland Oregonlnn snys: "Do MIss Inn M. Bailey. : sirous of choosing their own otllcors, ! 100 enlisted men of the Oregon Nnvnl Assessor Win. Tolninn who so nar- Militia held a meeting nt the Armory rowly cBcnpeil death last week on n last night and adopted resolutions runnway train car at tho Durbott j urging Governor West to order such ) mill, Is nble to be out again, appa-ian election. Action by the Governor' rcntly none the worso of tho wear, i Is requested by the enlisted men In except tho broken arm nml tho loss jaccordanco with tho provisions of tho of considerable skin from different ! law passed by tho last legislature and portions of his body. !by which the Xaval .Mllltla was creat- led. Secrecy was observed about the Elmer Miller with his pack of meeting, nml the men refused to ill tralnod dogs spent tho latter end of vulgo tho nnmes of those who called tho week here. In company with Dr. tho meeting, or of those who prosld- Greenlleld of San Francisco nmlicd." 'LOHHNCE MAX WEDS. 1 DOUBLE acting GREASE GUNS no cents nt Tho GUNNERY. TEe Royal PROGRAM TONIGHT Don't fall to seo A X (1 E L A M A V Famous Comlr-OjH'rn' Star. Comic Jokes and songs by J. LOUIS MACKROY. ACROSS TIIK MEXICAN HOHDEIP - Most thrilling and exciting picture ever shown. "Till: AWAKENING OF .L.TF.." Twenty big scenes. The Eugene Guard says: "Tho inarrlago of .lobn W. Horgnian, pro minent citizen or Floroucc, to Miss Isabella F. Kyle, daughter of William Kyle, the morchniit and capitalist, took place at the homo of tho bride on Wednesdny, September C, Itov. I. O. Knott officiating. Tho couple ar rived In Hugono this afternoon In nn nutomohllo and will lenvo this eve ning on a honeymoon trip to Port land, Astoria and other northern points. ANNOUNCEMENT TO PUBLIC. Mr. L. 8. WeokB of this city has been commissioned to handlo stock In tho Salmon Mountain mine. Those wishing to Invest In n good thing will II ml him nt tho Chandler hotel. ORVJL DODGE, Sec. and Manager DAXCK at I. O. 0. F. Hall TONIGHT some of tho local sports, have been making war on the bear in the Hunt ers Creek country. Tho first day out they succeeded In treeing ami killing mi exceptional large fat one. Tho next day they got another ono nml tho third day thoy killed the third ono. nio Doctor is ueiigutuii wmi this country as a sportsman's para dise nud says he will sure spend his vacation hero noxt summer. KOSKHUHG MAVOIt TO QUIT. .1. SOXO I .OP IS MACEVOY. ADMISSION l.t ami 2.V Don't Miss This Chance $11.75 hu.xs ail) of our $20 to $r. suits. $17.50 buys any of our $25 to $35 suits. The Famous High Art Clothing Mario by Stroiiso & Uros., Ballitnore, Mri., absolutely guarautoori to bo of tho bost ou tho umrkot in stylo, lit and quality. 13 von if you liavo a now suit, vou can't altonl to miss this bargain. AVoar a suit of quality for what you would pay for a ohoap shoddv working suit. Also a fow from $23 to $;K). Overcoats While They Last $17 50 TELLS THE CAUSE OF APPENDICITIS Lockhnrt & Parsons Drug Co. stn- tes that much appendicitis In Marsh llold Is caused by constlpntlon, gns on tho stomach or sour stomach. Theso troubles nro nlmost INSTANTLY re lieved and appondlcltls gunrded against by taking n SINGLE DOSE of slmplo buckthorn hark, glycerlno, etc., ns compounded In Adler-I-kn, the now German appendicitis remedy. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J") II. Ii. F. WINKLER, Naturopath and Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation free. Ollieo hours: 0 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and it to 8 n. in. Xaturoputh Institute Lndy ussUtiiut Room No. 1. No. 135 Hrondway. Marsh Held. Oregon. ryt. c. v. lksukT - Osteopathic Phyolcluu .Iraduato of the Amort .'mi school o( osteopathy at Klrksvlllo. Mo. Office In Eldorado III U. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to I; Phone 161-J; Marsiulolil; Oregon. Fred Ilaynes Not lo Hook Place Again City Thrives Under Him. HOSERURG, Ore., Sept. 11. Al leging that the duties of Mayor of lloseburg have so multiplied that he Is unable to give the office tho time It deserves, Fred Hay lies snld that he would not consider re-election. Mayor Ilaynes' friends were hopeful that he would accept the office for another term, Inasmuch as tho town has en Joyed unprecedented prosperity dur ing his administration. Joseph Mlcclll, who served six years ns councilman and chairman of the street Improvement committee, Is Indorsed by heavy taxpayers to suc ceed Mr. Ilaynes. Tho "wet" and "dry" elements have apparently burled tho hatchet nud henceforth, It Is bollevcd, will conduct elections along moro sub stantial lines than heretofore. Tho election will be held hero October 2. ODD UUTTF.HFLY STOHY. Myriads of Them Block Autos In Iiko County, Ore. SILVER LAKE, Ore., Sept. 12. Flying In swarms so thick that at times they obscured the sun. drove range riders from tho trail and stop- A Salem dispatch says: "Unless Indications fall It Is probable that ( some substantial changes may be made In the government of the Ore gon Xaval Hesorvo by Governor West In the near future. From Intimations , that have boon dropped In tho exe-j cutlvo olllces It Is understood that the present Naval Hoard of five com- missioned otllcors, which governs tho affairs of tho Reserve, will see an en-1 tiro change of personnel. "It Is understood that some of tho i nccounts which have been sent In under theso conditions may hnvo ill 111- culty In passing tho censorship of tho auditing department In the olllce' of Secretary of State. Whether such things ns trophy cigarettes, cigars, sandwiches and various other obvious moans of entertainment will bo made tho Biibjcct of warrants Is a question which probnbly will come beforo Sec retary Olcott, and If his actions In tho past In this respect nro nny cri terion for tho future, It Is probnblo tho Hesorvo will hnvo to pay somo of Its debts In nnother manner than through tho appropriation for Its up keep. "It will bo tho Intention of the exe cutive, from what can now bo gath ered, to merely ask tho commissioned ollloors who now constitute tho board to step down and out In their capac ity as members of that hoard. In this event tho governor will nnmo nu entlroly now board of men who nro not connected with tho Oregon Nnvnl Reserve. As tho law provides thnt tho members of tho board shnll be commissioned officers, It Is barely possible thnt tho governor will coin mission enough men to servo out tho four-year term. "Recent difficulties which hnvo nrl sen, particularly following tho cruise ped automobiles, thousands upoiiiof the Boston, probably will bo lnr thousands of brown buttorllles orjKely responsible for tho rumored moths recently finished their mlgra-j prospective action of the executive to-, tlon to tho south across tho hills Wnrd tho Naval Hoard. The fact that I southeast of Silver Lake. I somo of the otllcors wore accused of misconduct nud that tho officers of the Reserve aro members of tho board nnd were called upon to pass upon those allogod charges of nils, conduct, make it appear to tho execu tive that poslbly It would bo hotter If commissioned otllcors entirely out side of the Reserve were nqiueil to rR. l TAGtJAI Pliy.slclim m ART. ml Surgeon. Olllce 200-210 Coke IJulIdlng. Phones: Residence (MIL; Office KI--I J. W. IIK.VXHTT, Lawyer. Whence this myriad of little in sects came Is as much of a mystery as where It was going, ns none of the trees or other vegetation of the valley has been attacked by caterpil lars this season. The -insect appa rently wore entorplllar larvae. F. M. Chrismnu. a local morchnnt and George W. Murvln. secretary of j imv charge of such Investigations. the Silver Lake Commercial club I'ml-o I'm- llaudoii wore crowing the hills lu an auto. , Portland paper has tho follow.,' mobile when thoy encountered tlulj,,K: Portland divisions of the Ore-1 elouil of butterllles. The Insects were KOn Xnval Mllltla have been set ai Hying close to tho ground and so'now pace by 2S mombors of tho Ran-' dense was the swarm thnt the ron.l j don division, who drilled on thoj iiw uitiuoii mm mo niuoisis sioppou j milsor uoston nt Marslitleld, no their machine and waited for tlio j conllni? to Chief Gunner's Mate Ga drove to pass.; It was more than an Vn, of tho Philadelphia, who Is In hour beforo the machine could pro-jcimrBo of caretakors on tho cruiser Roston, and Chief Mnster-at-Arms Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. "Money Talks" That you oan buy horo J'or cash cheaper than else where is evinced by our increasing patronage. De pendable merchandise, small prices and cash arc the levers which merit your patronage. Others enjoy this saving, why not you? Everything new in srrrs oveugoats haix coats, SHOES 11 ATS ami FUliNrSlUNUS. "Money Talks"- Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIISLD BANDON FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for San Francisco from Marshfield Wed., Sept. 13, 1 o'clock IXTIilt-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono U O. F. McQEORGB, Agent. iTIIE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WIT1A THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Sails from Coos Bay for Portland, Wednesday, Sept. 13 NORTH PAJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 O. F. McGEORGE, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT I) A. 31. ON SEPTEMRER SI, H, J SI, II) AND 2(1 AT 8 P. M. SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON SEP TEMRER fl, 10, 10. Ji:l AND 0. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN Mi-h FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our antes, lcavInK Marslillelcl at O o'clock every inornliiR, con nect ,iltli the evening train to Portland. Faro $0.00. COOS RAY ROSERIRG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCHETTER, AKent, O. P. IIARNARD, , 120 MARKET AV., Marshllelil. Agent, ROSERURG, Ore. PIIONS 11 Offlco over Flanagan & Bennott nank inrshlleld Oregon D R. J. T. McCORMAC. Physlclnu and Surgeon Marslitleld, Oregon. Jfllco: Lockhirt Dulldlng, opposite Post Ofllce. Phono 10S-J Call early and got your piolc ijtA.oo mid til.ftt) Packard Shoes $.-1.03 $2.00 nnd Cluett Shirts. .tjtl.sM $2.00 and SI.0() Kingsbury Hats $2..Ti Rig reduction on other goods too nuniorous to mention. The Toggery Comer Broadway & Central ( r R A. C. lU'KKOUGHS, Scion title Mnssaglst, Treats all diseases Olllce, corner Second and Contrnl Avenue. Otllco hours 11 to 12 a. m. 'i to 5 p. m. coed safoly. In tho center of the swnrm, Mr. Marvin says, the heat was stilling nml the stench so nauseating thnt the mo torists lay Hat on Ihe ground nnd tied oll-sonkod handkerchiefs over their faces. Following the automobile a fow miles, back wns Richard Sherlock, an olil-tlino sheep raiser of Centrnl Ore gon. When Sherlock encountered tho tllght his horse became bewildered, lost tho trail and wandered off Into the wooded foothills. T-R. A. .1. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high class work on short notlco nt tho vory lowest prices. Examination free. Lndy attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotel. TR. II. 11, MOORE, Chiropractor. -' Chronic DUeases n Specialty 203 Coos Dldg Phono 81-L Otllco hours 1 to 5; 6:30 to 7:30 Suudny 3 to 5 Norrls, of the Roston. They say that In three days tho Dniulnn crow exhib ited a proficiency In collision drill, flro quarters, abandon-ship drill and other work required aboard tho ves sel that surpasses any drill gono through by tho Portland mllltlnmon Tho showing wns moro remarkable because the Rnudon contingent hnd not been aboard a nnvnl vessol before." A Modern Rrlck Rulldliig, Electric Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wntor. II OT E L .CO OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day nnd Upwards. Cor. Rrondway and Mnrket Marshfield, Oregon. M U Ei il S? '''' fha hllv ome Inventive ability """ '' .Wloracra, Wblaln, II, U A DANCING CLASS will be formed In tho I. O. O. F. hall on Tuesday i bicycles, etc., repaired REARY'S GUN SHOP Complete line of Rlcyclo supplies, second-hand bicycles for sale. Guns, night, Sopteinber 12. All thoso wish ing to learn to dance will find thU nn excellent opportunity. Hours from 7:30 until 0:30. DANCE nt I. O. O. F. Hall TONIGHT Umbrellas covered and repaired. E. HANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phone 1SO-R ALICE JI Tho Popular Picnic Ront Now makes regular schedule on tho South Coos River run. Leaves Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers aro now nt tthe dis posal of tho Coos Bay public nt REASONARLE RATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rlcs onred fnr New hearso nnd special ncommo- 250 Centrnl Ave. dntlons provided for funeral parties.1 RARGAINS IN DWELLING. DUY NOW 5-Room house nt Bay Park. Prlco S700. Cash $18() 6-Room house, lots 100x100. Enstsldo 9tfi09 Dwellings In Bunker Hill, West nnd South Mnrshflold, Ferndale and North Bond at bargains. AUG. FRIZEEN, Real Estato Insurance nnd Rcntfth) 08, Central Ave., Mnrshlleld, Ore. UNIfiUE PANTATORIUM We are expert dyers nnd cleaners. Hat work of all kinds. Our worfc will please you. Suits made to order. Phone 250 Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound SU11 retains Its high plnco as tho best Mnrahflold week days at 4 p. m.'Ar- iiiiu.uuuiii iciuiuj mi in i kuiiKUB iin'l rlvna In ATnrahOnlri nt S'AK n . colds, either for children or grown Sunday, leaves Marshfield at S a! m! persons. Proven s serious results Returns at G p. m. from a cold. Tako only the genuine -1 Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound.! W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J ii nlflii'imf and refuse substitutes. Fop Snln at r iX nna the Red Cross Drug Store. (GOOD, Phone 2 MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to; Day 50c. 75c nnd 11.00; week $2.00 t is nn i RATH will do you s?nPng nP,rtomnennt8 w,th Bas ra,ses H-J. lB1ATH!?w,;00?.ef.5!??.th- PRBE ROSS (b PINEGOR PROPRIETORS Have That Roof fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone S131 " " vvuuivAN, Prop. WkA ,Uiu