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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1911 EVENING EDITION. 3 1 Distributors ol' tho celelmitod "WEAlt-EVEH" Aluminum. Fruit Jars Wo have a largo stock of Mason Fruit Jars, Caps and Rubbers And arc soiling at the following prices: Half Gallons at $1.10 per dozen Quarts at 75c per dozen Pints at Goc per dozen Jar Caps 25e per dozen. Jar Rubbers r Pioneer Hardware 3 doz. for 25c ii 10c nor doz. Company Portland on the latter's return to her homo In Kingfisher, Okla. from Camas Valley last evening for 'a short outing on the beach and also to visit friends nnd relatives on tho Uay. Messrs. Ireland report that con- jnSS MAMIE GULOVSON left Sun dltlons were never better In the IXy f0P Portland and Salem nnd hort grass" nnd "tlcklo grass" sec- oti,er northern points where sho . n s '! I Camas nnd that every- wm visit for a few weeks. I:. nly . r.-.xlously waiting for tho' rallri d. THE WEATHER. v J (13y Associated Press.) OREGON, Sept. 12. Fair In ps Vvy a " WEAH-EVUI!" Aluminum Preserving Kettle. east with occasional rain In west tonight ntul Wednesday. South- ' erly winds. ' , ! Si'lN Auto. I. It. Tower today sold la llve-imssonger Hulck 40 to Rudolph Lnxstrom. It Is one of tho finest cars the Dulclc people turns out. Recovers Knife. C. II. Lucia the othor day lost a pocket knlfo that ho valued as a keepsake, lie lnsorted a lost ad In Tho Times nnd as a result ho recovered tho knife. Evuns Leave. Bobble Evans, tho Portland pugilist who wns dofentcd here by llurnH Saturday night, left on tho Roseburg stage this morning. Tho attachment proceedings Involving Evans' shnro of tho fight profits hnvo not been heard before Justlco Pen nock yet owing to tho absence of John Herron. Cio ..i Show. Dr. Schenck nnd wife Mill nbout forty other members or tho faculty and student body of the niltinoro Forest school, will at tend tho show to bo given at Tho ltoyal tonight by Angela May, u spe cial program being arranged espe cially for their benefit. MRS. II. II. McPHERSON and son, Howard, will leave tomorrow for San Francisco whero they will mnko an extended stay with Irg. McPheraon's paronts. ('apt. Simpson Alive. It was re ported hero this morning that Cnpt. A. M. Slmnson. who Is very ill nt his homo tu Sun Francisco, had died. At tho Simpson Lumber company's of llve In North llend, the report wns do clnrod to bo absolutely without foun dation. Tho last advlsoB tho olllco had was that Cnpt. Simpson was somowhat Iniprovod. Who started the report Is not known. A few yenra ago, whon Mrs. A. M. Simpson who wns very 111, It was erroneously an nounced hero that sho had died. Sho subsequently passed away. . D. JONES of Coos River, doputy flro wnrden, Is In town today on business nnd pleasure. Tho recent rains hnvo ovorcomo tho danger of forest (Ires In this section. 'Andrew McClelland, who im been visiting nt tho homes of Alva nnd Geo Doll, his nephews, will leave tomorrow on tho Itcdondo for his home In Pueblo, Colo. T. E. DOW will leavo tomorrow for his homo nt National City, Cnl., aft er a few weeks visit with his son, F. S. Dow, in this city. Ho Is more onthtisod than over over Coos Hay. Convenient and Economical If you Hhavo yourself you will find Colguto's shaving stick conve nient mid economical bccniiso all of tho soap applied Is worked up Into lather. There Is no waste It is n triumph In modern chemis try. Is nntlHoptlc. Tho nbsorbont paper which lines tho box hoops tho soap mid box sweet mid clean. Tho box Is nickeled and easy to keep bright and Hhlnlng, It has a scrow top that cannot shako off, which meatiB comfort in traveling. Lockhart-Parsons Drag Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. THE HU8Y CORNER PHONE 208 Skule Suplies Duck Season. Tho open Benson for ducks begins next Friday, September jir, and already ninny of tho hunters 'are preparing for tho first day's shoot ing. Mnny ducks havo been scon In the Snnd Hills section mid In tho surf 'near the lighthouse recently and It 1 Is bolleved thoro will bo good shoot , lug. Tho open season for snipes, j gooso mid wading birds does 'not begin until Octobor 1. Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected (" rpi. Would oo well to call at tho Paclllc Monumental Worna, South Broadway nud mnko selection from tho largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson hn8 in his employ tho only practical mnrblo nnd gra nlto cuttor lu Coos county. And none hut tho best wont Is turned School will open Monday noxt. You I ,ulo Line QiiIIn. Tho Coos Bny wlll nend supplies J r)rn Auto Lino company has quit Pencil tnlilctH He ' business, tho compnny bolng dlssolv- Inl: ami Colours .1c oil. Weather conditions mndo It Im- Itoolcis n nnd 10c , posslblo to inrry on tho sorvlco mid Urnwln Pads 5 mill 10c differences between somo of the men- Pen holders 5 nnil 10c bora of tho company lend to tho oc- IViit 10o tlou. Whether somo other nrrnngo- Penciled lc, 2$c anil rtc inont will bo mndo to contlnuo fie KiiicciM Re pnssongir business via Allegan1' from Pencil Hockcs Ou now on liii no. boon niuouuctl. Cratiim 5 anil 1 Oc llooko Strops .no ; To SKnk Hero. P. M. Ilall-Lowls Pencil clips nc.has rccolved word that F.' A. Sykes, Any child bringing this ndd and 'state secretary of tho Farmers Na tional Educntlonnl and Cooporatlvo union will bo horo Snturday. Ho has arranged for a public meeting of nil tho farmers In this section to bo hold nt tho Marshflold, Chnmbor of Com morco Saturday morning nt 11 o'clock to meet Mr. Sykes nnd hnvo him ox- plnin tho cooporntlvo movomont. Finds Dog Demi. Major, tho pot dog of CIidb II. Solby, was found dead Inst night on Anderson nvonu-3 Just off Drondway. Mr. Solby mlssml him Sunilny but thought that .hc dog had got on ono of tho launches and would bo bnck scon. Almost ovoryono know Mnjor nnd tho eniilno would octn- slonally go with them for n trip Yesterday Mr. Solby. who wiih plan ning to tnko tho dog back to Okla homa with him bognn to search for Major and finally found him dend. Thoro were no slgiiH of poisoning and It Ih bollovod that the dog with run over by nn automobile. Mr. Solby wiih very much attached to tho dc and Is deeply grieved over the )ma of tho pot. Persona! Notes G. W. CHAMBERS mid mother have moved from South Marshflold Into tho residence on Commercial nvo nuo, recently vneated by F. A. Sac chl, who has moved to South Marshflold. MISS ALPHA MAU55EY will leavo to morrow to visit fiicndB nt Ashland, Oregon, and also to visit at tho Jub Hlhbard homo In Yrekn, Cal. Sho will return via San Francisco nnd expects to vlBlt Uosslo Coke nnd Slgua Holm nt Berkeley, Cal. CHAS 1). stLBYnndC.M. Myors will lenvo this nftornoon vln Myrtle Point nud Roseburg for Oklahoma City. Mr. Myers has boon visiting hero for a few weeks with frlondi and Is grently enthused over this section. Ho Is Interested in some inlnoral claims abovo Myrtlo Point. It. II. OLSON of Emplro 1b a Marsh flold visitor today. S. B. QUTLIP of South Coob Rlvor Is In Marahflold today. with nil errors mnrked will got n Pencil FREE with each purchase COOS BAY ASH STORE Tho Rtoro That Saves You Money. GEO. N. HOLT, - - Mnnngor. Front Street, MorahfleliL Front nud Central. Direct from ownor. AddroBS P.O. Box COO, Mild. "WANTED Competent jlrl for house work Mrs. II. S. Tower. AUTOS ALWAYS READY Two ma chines careful drlvors. StandB at Blanco hotol and Ed's Billiard par lors. Day phones 40 nnd 231R. Night phono 18 IX. 1 I'Olt SALE HO acres adjoining HO open homestead entry. Bargain. Easy terms. Address 'E B' c Times FOR SALE Double bnrrolcd shot eun nearly now, apply Times office. FOlt SALE Two story modern houBo, hard-finished and all con veniences, lot 40x100. Three blocks from Chandler hotol. Hot nnd cold water. Gas and olectrlc light, sow er system and street Improvements nil In and paid for. Address Box 75 City. No agents need apply. tfOR SALE Four lots, one half block from now high school build ing. $375 each, half cash, balanco easy terms. Only vacant lots In Wock. Address Box 75, City. No nsotts need apply. H SALE A modern residence, seven rooms and bath-room, a slightly location, beautiful view of ay( fifteen minutes walk from LOST In poslolllce, Mile umbrella, silver pomi handle Rownrd for ro tum to Tlinos' ofllco. WANTED' 100 houses to inovo rnlso or ropnlr. Address T. A. Froeso, Marshflold, Oro. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for gontlomon or ladles. 'L' care Times. WANTED 0 experienced coal min orsBeaver Hill Company. WANTED Two experienced starch honors Immediately. Marshflold Hand and Stoam Laundry. FOR SALE My furm 000 acres In one lot or will cut up in parcels to suit. C. W. Santord, Marshflold. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J Tire "Candy Kid" Cannot got enough of our delicious Cnndy. You can lot tho children ent all thoy wnnt of theso dollghtftil con fections, for all of tho ingredlonts nro pure, wholesomo nnd nutritious. If you hnvo nover tnsted Stafford's Cnndy, you can got no Idea how paln- tablo and delicious It Is. Mndo In ono of tho clonnost, neatest, mosjt hy- glonlc cnndy kltchoiiB In tho coun try. ' Hero on Trip. Will Irolnnd and wife, Honry Ireland, John Davis mid Clnronco Prock nnd wlfo arrived hero (Mffon TWO STORES. If you know of tho real valuo of Chamborlnln's Liniment for lamo back, soreness of the muscles.spralns and rhoumntlo pains, you would nover wish to bo without It. For snlo by all dealers. California Peaches for Canning $ 1 .00 a Box Alargo lot of Watermelons from 2.1c to il.le. (llllK'S Hlnck Prince n basket. Tokays nt Me n biodset. Sweet Potatoes .1c per pound. Cranberries 2 iiunrtK 2.1c. Gravonstoln Apples nro In tholr prlnio and wo nro selling thorn from 7Cc up. T. M. COLLVER of Catching Inlet Is a Marshflold visitor today. ROY SUMMERS was n passongor on this morning's Btugo for Rosoburg. CHA8 THOM of North Bond is n Mnrshflold business visitor today. L. D. SMITH of Coos River Is n Marshflold buslnesB visitor todny. OEO ROOKE'wIll lenvo tomorrow for San Francisco nnd California points. nUDOLPII LAXSTROM has roturnod from Allegnny nnd Drnln whero ho hns boon operating a car lu the nuto pnssongor sorvlco nnd will' es tablish n city auto sorvlco with of fices nt tho Blanco and Ed Rich mond's bllllnrd parlor. Ho Iiiib two machines now, having ibbught a Bulck, and will have an oxcollont sorvlco. F. K. MONROE, who Is now in the roal ostato business nt Floreirct, ar rived hero yesterday. Ho reports tho activity of survoylng pnrtles tilling tfco Sluslnw nnd south to th Umpiiua has not diminished. How- over, ho snn that Englnoor Hunt, who Is working. on a rlvnl lino ot tho Southorn Pnc.lQ, Is tho only ono buying right-of-way in or noar Floronco. EUGENE CROSTHWAIT arrived homo todny from a business trip to Myrtlo Point. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. Don't forget the Turkish PIIONE 214-J. Baths. QUINCES Are arriving in fine shape for canning. These are of extra good quality and are packed in fifty-pound boxes. Per Box $1.85 Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 JUDGE JOHN F. HALL la oxpcctoU homo todny from Couulllo whoro attend Ing court. ho lias been MISS EDNA LARSON loft Sunilny for St. LouIb whoro bIio will spond n year or so studying music. JOHN IIERRON hns gono to Coqull lo, having boon suinmonod thoro ns n witness In somo or tho litigation In circuit court. WARNER TUNES PIANOS RIGHT. (STILL UUSY) Tho Times hnd somo nlco thing to say nbout mo somo days since but thoy lod rondors to Infor my stay would ho for only fow dnys; however, n postal with reiiuest to call nud tnko oaro of that piano would incot rondy respnnso. Going to Couulllo Rlvor points for fow dnys nnd, returning, Intend ro malnliig for such ordors as may como. WARNER. MISS LUCY HORTON will leavo to morrow for Soattlo whoro sho will attond tho University of Washing ton tho coming yonr. Famous Since 1842 MRS. A. T. HAINES Is spondlng a fow weoks In Portland nnd San Francisco, hnvlng nccompniiled hor Hlstor. Mrs. Brownloo. ns far ns ' AVIilow Tnlnmniiles. Appoara at tho Orphoum tonight In n production portraying a truo Incldont of tho lato Moxlcan revolution. Mexicans nnd Indians perform tho prlnclpnl parts. "Satan on n Rnmpago" Is a trick picture donllng with a trip to Paris introducing novol situations. "Ama teur Skator," somo vory comlo stunts on roller skntos. Laugh nt tho Or phoum tonight. M -y-v l m VcHOCOLATES AND fyCONFECTIONSyf,, A Great Advantage to "Worklne; Men J. A. Maplo, 12D S. 7th St., Steuh onvlllo, 0., Baya: "For yoara I suf fered from weak kldnoys and a sovoro bladdor trouble I learned ot Foley Kidnoy PUls mid tholr wondorful cures so I bogan taking thorn nnd sure enough I had as good results as nnv I heard about. My backacho loft mo and to ono of my business, ex pressman, that alono 1b a groat ad vantage My kldnoys nctod froo nnu normnl, and that saved mo n lot of mUory. It Is now a pleasure to work where It used to bo a misery. For Sale at Red Cross Drug Store. A New Fresh Assortment Just Arrived Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists. PHONE 111, MARSHFIEIJ). I 1 ? -su J- .