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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1911)
i ; K - t S3 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 191 1 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAYTIMES M. C. MALONEV tAN E. MALONEY Editor ji nil Pull. News Editor In the schools. During tho years flint ore fmst seoies of dlplomns have been handed out as class after elnss of young people have stepped otit of school Hie Into life's school. ESte7M!at tho postofncenl Marsh-! Our school home! What words i , ,,.1, o mi, nil nilloll transmission '" ""'" - '" "" "" - , In tholr cadence as tnose wnicn re call the scones of school days now numbered with tho memories of the Address all communications to I past? intervening years have not irons HAY DAILY TIMES, i dimmed tho vivid colorings with Deld, Oregon, for through tho malls as mall matter. second clasB Rfarshflold ? : Oregon i which memory has adorned those Joy ous days. While we all graduate In Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho imicn tho samo mnrflier how different peoplo, that no good causo sunn me a champion, nnd that ovl) shall not thrive unopposed, " SUBSCRIPTION KATES. , DAILY. One year Q.QQ Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono yoar $1.60 When paid strictly In advanco tho pubscrlptlon price of tho Coos Bay Times is $5.00 irr yoar or $2.60 for elx months. Au Independent Uopublkan news paper nubllahod every ovonlng excopt Sunday, and Weokly by Tlio Coos liny Times Publishing Co. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THK CITY OF MARSHFIELD. Ofllclnl Paper of Coos County has tho wheel of fortuno turnnn. Somo with plaintive tongues have had to walk In lowly vales of life's weary way, others in loftier hymns, have sung of nothing but Joy, as they have trodden tho mountain top, but no matter how near tho summit or bnse of the mountain of fame you meet with a graduate from our school, you moot with ono who is a credit to boc lety. "As the twig Is bont so is the treo Inclined," and habits were form ed undor tho moulding powor of a moral atmosphere which scorned to pormeato tho schools of this city which stays by ono through life. Our school lifo Is Indeed tho golden link thnt binds youth to ago, and ho In stilt hut n child, however tlmo may have furrowed his cheek or silvered his brow who can yet recall, with n softened heart, the happy school days '.passed In fills city. OHEBON WILL RETURN 5 i TEACHER IS SLAIN. . good evkm.mj. My own hope Is, a sun will pierce WmnH11 j, ,,,,.,.,.,, Mimllolm School Tho thickest cloud earth over, limiw Yv-lfiilny. stretched. Aoclnt0ll Press to tho Coos Huy . Hi owning. ' Times) l ,ii'oi v t niw Mntiltiilm. Runt. utlliliau vi . , ....... ,.-. i". Minn Illnko. n teacher reiiuiln- 'ing after school hours In the Rlvor dnlo school house, was murdered , 'J'JIE PASSING OK FUAXCIS II. CLARICE. I last night. Tho body Is missing. I'OU CITY WATER SYSTEM -.yOT IN yours has tho entire com-i p TO miiiilty been shocked hb it wis U'itoillnnii Votes BoihIm t PuitIuh" A by the annouiiconiont yesterday j Old Plant thnt Francis II. Clarko had past-oil w0ODBlTRN. Or., Sept 11! Munl nway In Portland. Wlillo a few l,lt-'ri,,ai ownership of tho local water sys imito frlondB had been apprised of (uji c,m.t,ti )l(,ro at H,,pClnl issuance lilii Illness, to tho city at largo it cam.) . .,, nftn limi.iH , nurchaHo the iih n "bolt from tho blue." Ho was nnpposcd to bo In tho east on litisl jicss connected with his railway pro ject whon tho sudden tidings of his death camo with a startling shock. plant, now In operation, and mnk.) Improvements nnd xotonslons. There wore MO votes cast, of which 218 were for tho bonds nnd 21! ngnlnst. Immediate steps will bo tnken to car Thoro aro times whon tho heart Is yy (mt t,l(J J)ln18 )f Ul0 clty C()ncii too full ror iiuoranco ami mo pen fnltorn In Its task. Borne day tho for n more elllclent wntor system. MVRTLE POINT NEWS. ivrltor hopos to pay n trlhuto to Fran-1 "Wis II. Clarko that is worthy of tho . t I 1.1... 1... !. tlttt.i r" . ' "r ,.." ; : .r: M;m. mm Kn.oi. opened .,..;""...., ....., f it ,- for the 1011-12 term last Tuesdaj III, .with the following corps of Instruc Francis II. Clarko was a remark- tors: Primary, Mrs. Daisy B Shor ; -,., u- , ,i. .!....,.,.. ,, second grade. Mrs. J. S. Whltakor; and practical man of affairs. Ho was third grade. Miss Susie Near; fourth n man of high character, scholarly ""l " grades, Florence ' .,i..i.........i. r,..........-.'li i.iiuriii! and sixth and seventh. Floronco McGruolc- aictlvu nmbltlon. Coos Bay novor hnd n; eighth grndo. Mrs. A. T. Park. ' bettor friend than this man who principal of high school, Claude II. nw Its possibilities years ago and Olios; superintendent, A. i. iiuk. who has over been actlvo In promot ing Its Interests, Ho was of the men who cannot well bo spared at this jtliuo because of tho untisnnl Impor tance) of his work which marked hint At tho regular monthly meeting last Monday evening, tho city conn ell In passing upon the matter of liv LiLimlnir the monthly water rout to jib n progressive and public spliltod those who uko water other than or cltl'on. . dliutry family purpones. authorized an Thoro nro timed whon tho tangible oxtra I'liarge of 2Ti contu por year for work of men Ik made to shine nut In bath tubs, 25 cents fortollots nnd 50 n form which U a splendor, thoimh the men lovo their Individual per sonality In porformltiK that work and the work lUolf takes on a peroual!y j of lt own. Frauds CUike' life vnr: ceutu for water power washing much liuM.M.vrtU Point ICntorprUe, IdltltAltY NEWS. It U honed that the new window lit later imr was all for tho glory of slmi will save future patrons from the Coon ittty. Ills voice nnd pen and dlllU'iiltles that some havo hud lit tho HMst. In IlitdliiK the library. A lnrt or the prlr of this work was kindly donated by Mr. Hoy l.awhorno. lime wore sll given to urging II KientuMM. Ills chief effort has bwn xpouded for the past year In pro moting the Con Pay snil UoUo lino of railway and Hist death should conto just as ho was to realle his life's ambition and the fruition of his fondest hopes seems doubly sail. (treat as his loss Is to the commu nity ho has served so well, It is In tho lmsmn of his family and among ttlft Intlmntfl personal friends that tho . jouN JOHNSON nnd wife and Miss Expect to Bring Dredge Back Here Thursday Must Rush Bulkheading. If the weather will permit, tho dredge Oregon nnd the pontoons and plpo used by her on tho Coqulllo, will bo brought to Coos Day Thursday morning by tho tugs Olcnner and IClyhlam. Captain Cornwnll has taken the contract to bring them all over for $500 and will go after them tomorrow. Engineer Leefe and In spector Charleston have overythlng lu rendlncss for the trip. On her return to tho Uny, tho Ore con will bo clvon a thorough over hauling so thnt sho will bo In shape for n long steady run again. It will tnko two weeks or less for this work. As soon ns this Is done, tho Oregon will go to tho Pony Inlet shoal and cut that down again. Tho plan this tlmo Is to cut tho channel through tho Hhonl to n width of thrco hundred feet nnd to a depth of twenty feet which, it Is believed, will prevent It shonllng for a long tlmo again. It Is hoped hy Engineer Leofo, In chnrgo of tho work hero, that tho Simpson company will hnvo Its bulk head completed and tho Bhoro pipe line completed so that tho drcdglngs front this shoal can bo pumped over there. Mr. Leofo Is now Investigating the conditions at tho mouth of Coos Riv er wlioro tho turn In tho channel at tho Cold Storage has lately been causing big vessels llko the Nnnn Smith nnd tho Hoston to touch. It will probably bo recontmonded by him that the Oregon ho brought di rect fro mtho Pony Inlet work, about November 1. and cut tho chaitnol to n width or four hundred feet oppo site and north of the Cold Storage plant. It Is believed this will give ample room so that tho turn can bn made without tho current swinging tho vessels ovor onlo tho shoal. If this Is clone, tho North Front street fill enn then ho mndo If tho bulkhead and other arrangements aro In rendl ncss. IJosldes this, thoro Js short stretch south of the Stnitdnnr Oil warohouso that should bo bulkhead ed. A lnrgo amount of dredglngs will bo taken out, if tho Improve ment Is mndo In tho channel ns now considered, and bosldes filling north Front street dirt can bo furnished for lllllng pnrt of tho soctlon In front of Forndalo that Is now being enclos ed with n bulkhead. As soon ns this cut Is completed, tho plnn now Is for the Oregon to stnrt at a point on tho cast sldo of the channol j(iist south of tho South ern Pacific c'oal hunkers and widen tho channol 100 foot to tho Smith mill. This will make the chnnnol 300 feet wide and will grontly bonollt navigation. This work Is pnrtly out side of tho original government pro ject and the doing crr It Is condi tional on tho Coos Pay Port Commis sion or somo one else gimrantimlng the cost or tho work outside of tho project. The Idea is to use the dred glngs to llll In tho lowland west and south side of the'llay. The Port Commission now has tho matter under consideration. There Is upwards of 100.000 yards or dirt to be romovod ir this cut Is niado. DEMOCKATIO KlVALS COKIMAL IN C3KEETINGS (Uy Associated Press.) SPKINQ LAKE. N. J., Sopt. 12. Governor Woodrow Wilson or New Jersey cnlled the third nnntinl conference of governors to ordor hero today. Nineteen took their seats in the conven- tlon hall. For tho first tlmo in a year or moro, Governors Wilson of Now Jersey and Judson Hnr- O mon of Ohio faced each other today. The greetings wero very cordial between tho rlvnls for tho democratic nomination for president next year. MltS. A. !. AlKEXS has just HE TI'KXEI) from SAN I'KAXCISrO with a COMPLETE STOCK or fall and WINTEK MILLINEUY which will be mien for Inspection of tho ladles of Coos Hay on Thursday, Sep lember 1 1. Krlnf will bo greatest. Ills death has brought tho bitter cup or sorrow o the lips or friends nnd family. Ills wns a heart of gold. He was one of nature's noblemen In Its truest senso a hrnve. generous and courteous MtMitlomnu. Ills was the soul of honor .mil his friends and friendships were fttirred to him. To his devoted wife lite will never bo the same again. Her cup or sorrow Is overflowing. It Is Utile comfort to her to know thnt tho warm syinpnthlcs of the whole city wre drawn around her. ror they do not reach up to grler like hers. God pity and sustain her In her sorrow. Jonnlo llosson of Mnrshlleld today. llandou nro lu hows rms Wo offer om Itu.nlrivl Inlliir. ltonrJ for Hiiv.iiM'of c'uinrrli Unit ciilinol lo iiiriM by lUU'M'iimrrn euro . . I' J c'HKN'KY A CO, Till. O. Wo. Hie uiiili'r.liinoil, livo k'irmii r' J. Che iiy (or i ho lul l.i )vAr. mid holleu" lilin )or- 1.1.1 li.iii.irRlilu 111 nil tllll!U ImtlMtl'lllIM timl 'tliiiinvUllt utile to curry out any oultk'- J linn, mime in nriu. MilNO, ll .iihvi. i Inn NOTICE TO FISHEKMEN. Wo want frosh salmon nnd aro prepared to pay tho hlghost cash price for thorn. For furthor parti culars seo C. G. HOCKETT, Empire City, oi GEO. F. SMITH, Coos H I vor After tho sbow try a Turkish Hatb Phono 214-J. Have your calling cards printed a' Hie Ttrans office. Whon you hnve a bad cold you want the best medlclno obtnlnnblo so as to cure It with as little delay ns I lUlbMUIl'. IIUIU IO 11 lil llft(i' "I1111' Hello! Hello! Housowlvoa of Marshflold ubo Marshfield Creamery Butter If your grocor docs not keep It call up PHONE 73-J. Frcn dollvory 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. also STEUILIKED CKEAM A MILK ICE, HUTTEKMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE New York's High Pressure Mains Are Operated With Electric Pumps Several years ago tho City of New York Installed high pressuro wntor mains for fighting flres In congested f. districts. Special pumps wore manu factured great powor nnd reliability bolng tho big fac tors.. Every pump wns nnd is drl von by Electric Motors. Tho system has boon a wonder ful success. For pumping purposes of ovory kind Electric Motors nro elllclent, economical and reduce tho investment ox 1 tense. Oregon Power Co. Telephone No. 178. Have You Seen Them? Those $10.00 and $1 5.00 Suits At the FIXUP The Same You Pay $J5 to $20 For Elsewhere FIXUP Opposite lircnkwntor Olllce. Prof. A. Richards A Graduating Teacher Pupil of Carl Chrlstonsen, the welt-' known Now York concert pianist, will take a limited number of stu dents for prlvnto lessons. Applicants call at Dr. Winkler's Room No. 1 Songstnckon lildg. No. 130 llrondwny. Tho cost of repairing tha wiring In our building in Marshflold was nine dollars. Tho ownor at onco got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year In tho Insurance. Think It ovor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J WATCH! NOTICE! Homor Mauzcy, ono of tho drivers and tho solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Watch him! ho la llablo to stop you on tho stroot and oxplala nil dotnllB of Laundry nnd also to be at your homo nny tlmo. He knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PHON SJ20-J Union Oils GASOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE KEBOSENE SAMSON A8 ENGINES mil! CENTBIFUtJAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Mnrshlleld, Ore. PHONE 30U-J Mall Orders Solicited. WILL EXCHANGE- My ?U,l0l), equity In ti C-room bungalow, lot 80x92, Woodstock Add., Portland, Ore. Valued nt $.1,000 for acreage near or proporty In Mnrshllc.d. Or. I inn tho owner of this bungalow, and Bhall only deal dlroi.t with owner of proporty. If you ki'nv r,f any ono wishing to exchauo have them write L. J. Justen, 191 Morrlssou St., Portland, Oregon. WIuiIohIo nnuni.tK.Tiilitlo. o I IUI I'.Culrtrrli t lire l tiikoii liitoriuiiy, ui'l litiiillri'itlv upon tliu IiIimhI iiml iiiiu'oin. uiv fmt'i. of tliu tent. 'IYllmontiil niil fri'v 1'rli' 7.1 1'l'MU 1'iT liuttlo SoM Ii nil iItukkM Till.. Hull' Kamlly I'llUf.HiMii.lli.atloii "I have sold Cliamborlnln's The Implicit confidence thnt many peoplo havo In Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholora and Dlnrrhoon Remedy Is founded on their experience In the use of that remedy nnd their know Cough Remedy for fifteen years." says ,edg0 of tne mnnv romarknbIo cures Enos Lollnr of Saratoga, Ind "nnd f .. cholora nnd dvsentr- thnt it .,0i,i,i,. u i,n i,na nn i,n mnrifnt " ol cone, ciioiern aim ujsenirj mat it wiietit. tv tv kvv " Kor sale by all dealors. has effected. For sale by all dealers. om SCHOOLS. 'llll.K The Times has always been a warm friend to tho schools of this city and sec tion It Intends to take a deeper In. terest In them during tho ensuing year Wo bollovo It Is tho duty or vory cltlzon to take n llvo Interest w Blanchard's Liverv Wo have secured tho llvory busi ness or L. 11. Heisner and are pr pared to render excellent service to' the people or Coos Bay. Caret il, di Ivors, good rlss and everyth'ns. that will menu satisfactory sorvlco to! the public. Phono us for a driving) horho, a rig or anything needed In the livery line. We also do truck- g business oi ail Kinus. niiANCIIAUl) BROTHERS Livery, I'evd unci Sjcles Sonice. HI First and Alder Streets Phono 138-J CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK COOS HAY At tho Close of Business, September 1. 11)11. BcMiiirccs. Loans and Discounts $209,719.62 nonds nnd warrants 88,832.46 U. S. Uonds to socuro circulation 25,000.00 Ron! cstato, furnlturo nnd fixtures ,' 81,472.94 Cash and night exchange .' ,....'........ .100,0:11.00 Total resources $3(l8,n7U.V2 ' Liabilities. Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 0,886.26 Circulation 25,000.00 Deposltt I :i:, 100.00 Total liabilities 93(13,070.02 OFFICERS: W. S. Chandlor, M. C. Ilorton, Dorsoy Kreitrer, President. Vice-President. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. S. Chnndlor, W. U. Douglas, ' John F. I lull, F. S. Dow, John S. Coke, Win. Grimes, S. C. Rogers, W. P. Murphy, M. C. Horton. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan 8b Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho clne of business .September 1st, 1011. Resources. Loans and Discounts $307,393.93 Banking House 50.000.00 Cash and Exchanges 141.54C.53 Total S388.OIO.10 Liabilities Cnpltal Stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 64,105.72 Doposlts 484,774.74 Total S3Hfi,OIO.40 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offlje Phone 191 Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. uensral Agents "EASTSIDE" Light, White Always Right Sperry's Drifted Snow Flour Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO ND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domeitle and Imported brands. Pl&ster, Llmo, Brick nnd all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, BOUTH BROADWAY. PHONB Wl itn lii v)&iit' i