The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 11, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 3, Image 3

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3 V
Boy's School Clothes
"Adamant" Suits, for Boys, have two pairs
of Knickerbocker Pants, both lined throughout
with Linen
Prices $400 to $7.00
Woolen Mill Store '
to locnto the body to dispose ot It
but wns unable to do so.
(By Associated Press.)
OREGON. Sept. 11. Fnlr to
night nnd Tuesday, except show
ers tonight or Tuesday In North
west nnd along the coast. West
erly winds.
O For twenty-four hours ending
nt -1:00 p. in., Sept. 10. by Mrs.
13. Mlngus, special government
meteorological observer:
Maximum , G4
Minimum 44
At 4:00 p. in. CI
Wind. Southwest: cloudy.
Coming Here. Jake Goldlo In n
letter to friends announces that he
1 h dls-oifed of his Interest in tho
buffet ' ;hi Lumbermen's building nt
Portlr1 d ad expects to eoino to
Alars'i.l.o'd this week to look over this
Hold u h a view of locating. Ills re
turn 1 ;o will bo welcomed by his
ninny lrlends on the Day,
CIIAS I. REIGARD hns roturned
from n business trip to Portland.
We have a complete line of
Tablets - Pens - Pencils - Ink
and everything needed so come to headquarters for
enythlng required,
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
Tho Excolslor will nnll from Snn
KrnnclBco Tuosdny, Septomhor 19,
for Cooh Hay with freight. Sho will
load with lumber horo.
TOIt SALE Rouble lmrreled shot
gun nearly now, npply Tlmos offlco.
i i
WANTED Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping, Bouthiddo pro
forred. Must bo reasonable. No
children. "X" enro Tlmos.
I'OIt SALE Two Mory modern
hoiiso, hurd-flnlshcd nnd nil con
veniences, lot 40x100. Threo blocks
from Chnndlor hotol. Hot nnd cold
water. Gas nnd oloctrlo light, sow
er system nnd atreot Improvements
all In nnd pnld for. Address Ilox 75
City. No ngenta need npply.
Tho Alllnnco, owing to tho acci
dent to tho Snntn Clara, mndo tho hit
ter's run from Eureka to Snn Fran
cisco nnd consequently will not rench
hero on her way to Portland until
' Tho Nnn'n Smith towed tho Wnsh
tuenn, Indon with lumber, from Dnn
don to Snn FranclBCo on hor Inst trip
down, tho Washtucnn leaving Han-
don Into Friday.
I'OIt SALE Four IoIh, one half
block from new high Bchool build
ing, ?37f each, hnlf cash, balanco
easy torms. Only vncnnt lots In
block. Address Uox 75, City. No
agents need apply.
I'OIt SAM' A modern residence,
seven rooms nnd bath-room, a
slightly location, beautiful view of
bay, fifteen minutes walk from
Front nnd Contrnl. Direct from
owner. Addross P.O. Box r00, Mild.
lOST In postolllce, silk umbrella,
silver pearl handle. Rownrd for ro-
"'' i" iiinca ouico.
Speclnl bnptlsmnl sorvlces woro
liold nt tho Marshllold Methodist
! church yostordny, seven young mom
bors bolng tnkon In by tho Roy. II. I.
vRutledge. Thoso baptised wero:
Erros Wlnonn Drows, Ermn Loulso
iWoavor, Sharold Edward Joohnk,
' Ada Cecllo Smith, Eugono Chapman
; Smith, Honry Paul ForguBon, Mllo
I.oo Savago.
WST MalteKo Angora cut. Anjono
finding It will recolvo roward by
bringing It to Times' offlco. C.
Mortenson ot Nnnn Smith.
WANTM) 100 houses to move raise
r repair. Address T. A. Freeao,
Marahfleld, Ore.
" -WriCD Competent girl for gen
eral housework Mrs. G. V. Kauf
man. 'OK Iti:T-Two nicely furnished
rooms for gontlomen or ladles. 'L'
-- illUUS,
I Irt-avo For Home. Row J. Itlchard
Olson, Hov. Helnhurdt and Hov. Sans
t.r,,it iLrm. rwimIIhIi Luthoran minis-
tors horo from Portland to nttond a
conforonco mooting nnd to nssUt in
flu, dedication of tho now church at
North Bond, yestordny loft via tho Ro-
soburg stago for homo.
Many Unite In Banquet In Hon
or of Departing Attorney
Saturday Night.
With two sroro of tho lending bus
iness nnd professlonnl moii of Coos
Hay assomblod, tho fnrowell banquet
tendered Chas. B. Solhy nt Tho Chan
dler Saturday ovonlng wns an elo
quent testimonial or tho friends that
tho young nttornoy who 1b to louvo
tomorrow for Okluhomn City to lo
cnto has surrounded himself during
Ills stay hero. Many wero tho ox
presBjons or rogrot nt IiIb dopnrturo
but aside from this, n wit, humor nnd
gaiety made it an unusually enjoyable
C. H. IVck presided ns toastmastor
nnd tho following toasts wero re
sponded to:
"In Ills own dorenso," C. 13. Solby.
"An Old Virginia Neighbor," E. E.
"His Old Dog Mnjor," John D
"His Literary Efforts," U.
"An Old Friend," C. M. Myors.
"A Now Friend," O. F. McKnlght.
"Tho Electric Thrill of Good Fel
lowship," It. M. Jonnlngs.
j "Tho regards of nn Old Timor,' E
"A Frlond of n Dog Will bo n
Friend to a Mnn," J. A. Mntson.
"Whon ho Koturns Agnln," John
S. Coko.
"An Expression From My Solo,"
W. P. Murphy.
List of Guests.
Covors woro laid for tho follow,
Ing guests:
C. 11. Solby, It. M. Jonnlngs, D
Kroltzor, J. C. Kondnll, C. H. Peck,
W. U. Douglas, C. A. Sojilbredo, F.
K. Gottlns, J. F. Hall, E. Crosthwnlt,
A. M. Ross, E. L. Hoblnson, W. R.
Haines W. P. Murphy, F. M. Parsons,
J. A. Mntson, E. 13. Strnw, A. L.
Ilousoworth, Dnn E. Mnlonoy, A. K.
Peck, C. M. Myers, D. C. Vaughn, A.
H. O'Drlon, U. F. Squires, H. W.
Palntor, E. Mlngus, A. II. Derbyshire,
II. Lockhnrt, John D. Gosa, Clias. I.
Holgnrd, Honry Songstnckon, J. M.
Upton, C. F. McKnlght, Jnmoa Wat
son, John S. Coko,
A. X. W. Club Tho A. N. W.
club will moot Thursday with Mrs.
Clins. Stauff Instead of with Mrs. W.
F. Squires ns was previously announc
ed. Improve Store. Norton & Hansen
have Just completed the construction
of nu olllce apartment In their Front
Btreet Btoro for tho bookkeeper nnd
Council Next Week. Tho Mnrah
ilold city council will not meot until
n week from tomorrow night, nd
Jnurnmcnt having been tnkon for two
weeks at tho lust meeting.
Delayed by Wrecks. 13. S. Bnr
golt and wife, who are on routo to
Nebraska, report In a letter to friends
that they have been delayed con
siderably by accidents. Their engine
broke down ono plnce. delaying them
nine hours nnd tho train uhend of
them Into Colorado Springs was
wrecked dolaylng thorn Bovernl hours.
Hearing Continued. The hearing
of Robert Jensen, n longshoreman
who was arrested late Saturday nit
ernoou, wnB continued by Recorder
Butter this morning. Ho Is charged
with drunkenness and resisting nn
olllcer. He Btruck nt Marshal Carter
nnd lnndcd slightly niul forced the
marshal to use his "hickory persua
der. " Tho nffnlr occurred on Front
Btreot nnd drew a big crowd.
this week to visit relatives in Cali
Bond wnB tho guest of Marshllold
friends today.
SHERIFF W. W. GAGE returned to
Coqulllo this morning nftcr spend
ing Sunday horo.
urday from Portland whero she
hns spent tho summer.
MRS. A. G. AIKEN nrrlved homo to
dny from n business and pleasure
trip to Sun Francisco.
MISS SELMA HOLM nrrlved homo tc-
dny from n short visit with friends
In Oakland and Borkoloy.
Acting Marshal. Lovl Smith will
take' Marshal Carter's placo tomorrow
nnd after that Walter 'Richardson
will act whllo Carter la attending
court at Coqulllo nnd visiting In Myr
tlo Point.
New Manager. Mr. Gornsedorfor
nrrlved hero rrom Snn Francisco to
day to assumo tho management or
tho North Bend Box rnctory, succeed
ing Mr. Dwlght who recently resigned.
AXTK)-o exjerlenecd coul min
ers t.. ,,.., '
"er mil company.
NTED Two experienced Btnrch
"oners immediately. Marshflold
"and and Steam Laundry.
rR SALE My tnrm 000 acres In
e lot or will cut up In parcels to
.J D- W. Santord, Marshflold.
to'ATr.i .-
' Dozen good laying hens.
,, tecona-hand 8ewlng machine.
t bo in first class condition and
t0r wah. P. o. Box 238,
BellliiKhnm Youth Killed 1J Brother
on Hunting Trip.
By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
BELLINGIIAM, Wash., Sept. 11.
Robort Slater, a youth or Boventeon,
was killed lnstnntly this morning In
North Bollinglmm by tho nccldontnl
discharge or n shotgun in tho hands
1 of a younger brother. Tho boys woro
I preparing for an early morning hunt
ing trip when tho accident occurred.
Read tho Times Want AJa.
A Great Advantage to Working Men
I J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Steub
envllle, 0 says: "For years I suf
fered from weak kidneys and a severe
'bladder trouble. I learned of Foley
Kidney Pills and tholr wonderful
cures so I began taklne them nnd
sure enough I had as good results as
any I heard about. My backacho
llt ma n..H tn nnn of T11V bllBlneSB. 6X-
pressman, that alono la a great ad-
vantage aiy iwuuujo "" ....
normal, nnd that saved mo a lot or
misery. It Is now n pleasuro to work
wnere It used to be n misery, For
Sale at Red Cross Drug Store.
Aftor tho sbow try a Turkish Batb
Phone 21'4-J.
Tlo In Unco. Tho 2:15 trot which
Bollo N, F. P. Norton's horBO, won
at Portland last Thursday waB for
a'purso of $800. Sho was driven by
Dowling, ono or Frank Alloy's drl
vora. Tho time or tho threo henta
woro 2:20, 2:24 nnd 2:21.
Sister Dead Mra. Cnl. Wright to
day rocoh'od n tologram nnuouuclng
Hint hor alstor, Mrs. R. M. Wade
whoso husband la head or tho largo
hardwnro houso or Rt M. Wado and
company In Portlnnd, had died thoro
suddenly Sundny. No partlcularB
woro given.
Ik ApiMilntcd. ProL A. L. Hop
bum, who was located horo last year
ror nwhllo giving dancing lossons, In
n enrd to Tho Times nnnouncoa thnt
ho haa been appointed dancing mas
ter at tho Army nnd Navy Post nt
San Francisco which la tho Westorn
Hondqunrtora or tho Army.
Hack From Salem. Rulph Matson
roturnod Friday Irom a trip to Port
land and Salom. Ho was to havo
wltncBBed tho Wobb hanging nt Snlom
which wna cnllod oft nt tho last mln
uto on nccount or Governor Wost
commuting tho sontonco to llfo 1m
Hort.0 Drowned. Joo Lnndrlth or
Coos River Btntoa thnt tho pnrty ln
rormlng Tho Tlmos about tho dead
horso In Cooa Itlvor bolng n nuUnnco
mlsropresonted tho matter. Ho sta
tes that one of his horses roll In nnd
wns drownod nhout n wook ngo nnd
thnt ho mndo four trips In an effort
Grapes for Canning
or Preserving
Aro nt tholr best now. Wo havo Juat received a largo shlpmont of
Black Prince, Thompson Seedless
Phono your order early to avoid being disappointed.
Lockhart's Grocery
Two Private Phones
85 and 305
Mrs. Squire Hurt. Mrs. W. F.
Squire sustnlncd alight Injuries this
morning whllo driving homo to Bun
ker Hill from Marshflold. Sho turn
ed tho corner too abruptly, throw
ing her out bo that tho wagon ran
over her. Tho horso stopped nenr
tho railway tracks. Although badly
bruised and Bomowhnt scratched, Mra
Squire did not sustain nuy brokou
Sister Dead. Mrs. Fnlres, who re
sides In the DnvlH rcpldonco nt Tenth
nnd Contrnl Saturday received word
of tho deuth of hor slater nt Jeffer
son City, Mo. Dcnth wna due to n
cnrhunclo on tho bnck of hor neck
which dovolopcd Into n tumor or ran
cor. Mr. FnlroB' husband !b ono or
tho proprietors or tho clgnr ntnnd
at tho Chandler hotol, tho family hav
ing recently moved horo from Mod-rord.
DIhciihs llnnil. A meeting will ho
hold nt tho Murflhflold Chamber of
Commerce nt 4 o'clock Tuosdny nft
ornnon to nrrnngo ror mining the
runds necoBsnry to carry out tho tem
porary Improvement or tho old Coos
Bay wagon road. In order to Insuro
Kood mall norvlco this wlntor, It was
necossnry ror tho commltteo to prom
ise the county court that this section
would dofray boiiio or tho oxpousos
and now nrrangoinonts nro being
mndo to live up to It. It la desired
thnt all who possibly can nttond do
MRS. M. J. ASHMAN returned tuU
morning rrom a visit with frloudi
nnd rolntlvoB In California.
GEO. HAINES will "leavo this wook
for California whero ho will at
tend Bchool tho coming yenr.
North Bend News
Miss Tina McKay Is very 111 nt hor
homo In North Bend.
Mrs. William Rosa, or Ploasant
Point, spout yostordny In North Bond.
Mrs. D. Morso, o! Emplro, vlBltod
frlonds nt North Bond Saturday.
Mrs. E. T. McGuIro, who hna boon
very 111 at hor homo In North Bond,
Is nolo to bo out ngaln.
Mra. Goorgo Ilnzor and Miss Frlodn
Hnzor will loavo Wodnosdny for Wnl
la Wnlln, Wnah.
Tho rour-ninsted bnrkontlno Argo
la taking on a cargo ot lumbor nt tho
Portor mill.
C. S. Wlnsnr nnd son, Joo, nnd Har
ry Conro nro biiBlnesa vlBltora In
Mnrahflold today.
MIbb Floronco Jonnlnga of Portland
la a guest ror n row days at tho H. L.
Cavaunugh homo at EaBtsldo.
Mrs. L. Lomla nnd mothor, Mra,
Jacobs, who hnvo been visiting In
Myrtlo Point, hnvo roturned.
Slg Hanson Is moving his family
from near Allegany to North Bond,
whore hla children will attend school.
C. II. Worroll loft this morning via
tho Drain routo to visit hla parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worroll, of Van
couver, B. 0.
Elmor Russell nnd wlfo and Mrs,
W. A. Jones will leave this attornoon
ror Myrtlo Point, whero thoy will
spond n wook or so.
Mrs. G. W. Sholloy nnd son, Gor
don, who havo been visiting rolatlvoa
at Gardlnor, hnvo roturnod to tholr
homo at North Bond Heights.
A TURKISH BATH will do you
GOOD. Phone 214-J.
turned rrom n visit with frlonds In
Snn Francisco nnd other southern
MRS. W. K. WISEMAN, who has
been nt Allognny ror tho bonellt of
hor health, hns returned much improved.
will lonvo Wednesday to visit at
tho homo or Ira. Butlor'a slater In
Montcroy, Cnl.
J. W. CARTER, city mnrahnl, expects
to lonvo tomorrow ror Myrtlo Point
whoro ho will spend n weok'a vaca
tion with friends.
from Rosoburg and la now IMIKI'AR
El) to do BLACKSMITH I NO and
GEO OILBEHTSON after two year
continuous sorvlco in Ekblad't
hnrdwaro Btoro, Is enjoying hit
first vacation this wook.
FAY WHITE, who hna boon taking a
musical courso In Southorn Cali
fornia, Is visiting nt tho homo of
his parents, Mr. and Mra. L. J.
children hnvo boon Bpondlng n few
dnya nt Coqulllo vnlloy points
while J. W. hn8 kept "bacholor
ary of tho Chnmbor or Commorco,
roturnod this morning rrom n row
weoka' visit with hor undo, Hugh
Brown, In Snn Francisco.
JAMES WATSON, county clork, ro
turned to his homo In Coqulllo this
morning niter sponcMng Sunday
with Mai-Hhflold rrlonds nnd visit
ing IiIb pnronts nt Coos City.
MnS. E. MINGUS Is ontortnlnlng n
Inrgo numbor or rrlonda nt her
homo in Wost MnrahtMl this aft
ernoon as n fnrowell to Mrs. 0. J.
Mlllls and MIbs Mlllls who will
loavo for Snn Francisco soon.
WILL CHANDLER arrived horo
today from San Francisco to pro
paro plana ror tho now ofllco
building which W. S. Chandlor l
to orect on tho Gulovson corner
which ho rocontly bought.
TOM COKE, who rocontly resigned
his position with tho Southorn Pa
cific with whom ho has boon olovou
yenrs, haa taken n position with
W. S. Chnndlor, bolng glvon super
vision nnd chnrge or Mr. Chandler's
buildings nnd rent ostnto on tho
MRS. J. T. McCORMAO, Fred Mc
Cormac nnd Duncan Douglas loft
this morning' vln Gardlnor for
Salom, whoro thoy will tako In tho
Stato Fair, and lator will visit n
Portland boforo going to CorvnllU
whoro tho two boya will enter Ore
gon Agricultural college
Thoro will bo a speclnl mooting of
business men nt tho Chnmbor of
Commorco tomorrow nftornoon at 4
o'clock. As business of Importance
will bo opon for Inspection to the
noss mon are urged to attend.
Chairman Executive Committed;