"-WWK yBgfrr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1911 EVENING EDITION. "'MhI rri t 4 I i B r . i I II II JM ' tw H PERSONAL notlcca of visitors In the city, or of Cooa Bay people who visit In other cities, together with notices of social affairs, nro gladly received In tho social de partment. Telophono 133. No tices of club meetings will be pub lished and secretaries nro kindly requested to furnish same. I DISAPPOINTING 8TUDENT. HAltOLD'8 through with col lege. Fa tli or 'a dlnnppolnted: Harold' tilled with Knowl. edit. Drain In double lolnted. Out that's not the oddest Feature of our Harold; Ho t very mndrsl. Quietly appareled. 'Father's voxad completely. lie was fairly yimtnltis To deliver swpptly Bomo remarks on learning;. 'Ho oxpectcd Harold To comu homewurd bringing Books or songs hu'd enroled. Thinking ha was sltiKing. r' Ho oxpectcd nlo Harold would be yelling Things tho students on v. I so, Which derv nil opt'illnc Harold's tils' dipliinm Simply threw his father In a statu at enmii, Causing lots nl but her. Father had soma roasting Heady to deliver To stop Harold's boasting And to inuku him shiver .Sentences xnrrnMic Would his thoughts betoken ;In a munner drnstic. They romalned unspoken. l' lllnrold's through with college. House Is In n pother. J1o'b come bark with knowledge Mora than that or fatnur. T i Still, ho s very modest. you would scorrrly i:now It. uFor, you sco, tho oddest Thing -Is ho doesn't show It. Chicago Post. WE ALL know what llttlo respect Is duo to the man who cheats at a horso trade, a la David llnrum to the follow who dumped Ji fnrhitin'n wnrfli of nlnit u'nml tint .megs upon mi unsuspecting public. Wo nro over on tho lookout for their kind, but we do not know how to guard against tho slick Individual, who cheats In love's gnme Janrn Jean Llbbey. wrltoH 'Tho innn who protoudH to (tirmiH nnd kind during the eo try out nnd Is found to bo penurious nnd unsympathetic nfler marriage Is .. ..,Bl ....... u. ., ,.-., .u .uiu is sue t'uuuoi ui'iimiiico nun mr what ho Is and demand that fate flhull give lier uother opportunity to try lo win In life's game. It has Jtfl serious side iih woll hh Its coiiilc. Wlion two puoplu wed each other for money and both find that they have lieou cheated It should not bo called ji mlHdeal by any uiauuer of iiieaiis; it Is u draw game. Tho man who marries u woman, promising her love ami protection, nnd ull the affection of it n honest heart, giving her neither the one nor rtho other, is the menuost kind of a trickster. Ho should bo plared at rtho head of tho list and have tho longest and blackest mark. Ho Is rtisunlly tlio "meok ns Moses" ninn to tho outBldo world, reserving tho Ontnnlc sldo of his nnturo for his 'Jionio folks. Ho sighs among company, tolling "how his wife abhors socloty, whllo xlcep down In his heart ho knows she 'loves It, longu for it, and tho only 'reason oho cannot respond to Invi tations Is save, scrapo as much as ho may sho cannot get togothor the wherewithal to presont an np pearnnco. Thoro nro wives as happy as tho tiny Is long, but this ran never be isald (o bo tho case of tho wife of tho trickster In love. He hns novor been known to turn over a new leaf. Tho best you can say of lovo'i Kunio is that it Is a game of chance. "For some there are losses, for others nlns. It Is neither wUu nor best to play for a prize. Happlext are thoso who have Kono into It blindly, (taking what fate has alloted them, l.ovo is a game which has no rules, as I have eald. Were It othorwUo thou1 would bo as many sots ot rules as thoro ate lads and lusslod, ao, and iiittturt) playore as well. Ono should novor attempt to piny the name without tho llrm roolv flint lie or iht will bo satisfied with l roaultu, and to niuUo tho best of them. Mrs. It. T. Street was hostess nt n delightful luncheon and sowing TueBdny as a compllniont to Miss Mnble Olaro Mlllls whose marrlago to tho Rov. Henrv Shires, nn RnlKponnl . -i dlvlno of Now York, Is to tako place sw" u; fc lNi& i; e- - .,., -v,T, . w (CML ml IllflHi n,l tfcWI- liifci ill CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication in the society depart ment of Tho Tlniea, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not later thnnG o'clock p. m., Friday of each wcok. (Exceptions will bo allowed only in cases where events occur later than tho tltuo mentioned.) In the Into fall or early winter. Pink roses and carnations predominated in the decorations whllo a largo bou quet of brldnl roaes nt tho plnco of)Mr8. Ci Ui Peck( Mr8 tho brlde-to-bo and henrt-shnped place cards was a feature of the tablo decorations. Among the guests wcro Miss Mlllls, Mrs. Mlllls, Mrs W. F. Miller, Mrs. M. C. Horton, Miss Lucy Horton, Miss Nellie Tower, Mrs I. S. Kaufman, Mrs. D. Y. Stnfford, Mrs. M. C. Malonoy, Mrs. E. Mlngus, Mrs. J. T. M. Knox, Mrs. T. C. Ilus hcII, Mrs. J. M. Upton, Mrs. A. II. Powers. W. S. Nicholson nnd family arriv ed here this week from Spokane. Wnsh., to mnko their future home. They tiro occupying tho Noble house on First street. 0 Mrs. W. W. Greenwood will lenvo the first of tho coming weok for her homo In Spoknno nfter a few weeks' visit nt the homo of her niece. Mrs. 0. W. Knufmnn. Mrs. L. M. Noble and MIbh Maude Bowro'n lenvo today for Portland where Miss Iiowron will re-enter St. Mary's school. Mrs. Noble will visit thoro nnd other northern points for n short time. 0 On Thursday, Mrs. II. T. Street was ;,IMU nt ,l fbp,,,u luncheon which W,,B n mo1 ",0.nHa! !,,Tftlr- M.rHl "' s. rower unci mo ingn .score, Among Ithosu Invited were tho following: m.... i i. t.'f.i.rtiiii.i ftu ft. in i.' v.. Murch, Mrs. Eugene Crosthwalt, Mrs. is. I. Humor. Mi-h. .1. M. Hilton. Mrs. '. lm(KMil- A' 8l","K. Mm- A. II. Haines. .'iiiirlHlilp ., ,, n i,-,..,.,,!.,., Ml.u viu iinu. HHon Mr8. w . Konnci,y, Mm. R M Jo1Ill1KH Mr8. ,,. Tt McCorII1Ilc, i-,MrHi J w iionnott, Mrs. F. E. Leefo, Mrs. 0. R. Peck, Mrs. F. 0. Horton, Mrs. II. S. Tower, Mrs. W. A. Toye, Mrs. W. T. .Merchant, Mrs. W. M. Illako, Mrs. W. F. Miller, Mrs. A. Itnlphe O'llrleu, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. A. O. Rogers, Mrs. J. C. Ken dall, Mrs. F. 1). Cohan, Mrs. II. W. Painter, Mrs. Win. Ilorsfntl, Jr., Mrs. .1. A. Matsou, Mrs. E. G. Perhaiu, Mrs. C. K. Perry, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. F. K. Gottlus, Mrs. Dorsoy Kreltzer, Mrs. E. F. Morrlssey Mrs. Chns Van Duyn, Mrs. J. C. Roberts, Mrs. II. Sengs tackeu, Mrs. W. W. Greonwood, Mrs Hunter, Mrs. Ellio Farrlnger, Mrs F. M. Parsons, Mrs. ltobt. Drowning. Mrs. A. E. Adolsporgor, Mrs. II. II. Mc Pherson, Mrs. S. C. Small, Mrs. Ktiin merer and Mrs. Chns. S. Hoftmnu. Tho Chamlundo club will resumo Its regular meetings after tho Hum mer vacation next Thursday whou they will be entertained by tho dir ector, Mrs. Horsfnll. Tho club this year will tako up tho study ot German composers. Plans for tholr concerts will bo made later. 0 Mrs. J. T. McCormac and Mrs. 1. S. Kaufman oxpect to loavo enrly noxt weok for Portland from whero Mrs. Kaufman will go to Helenn, Mont., to visit at tho homo of her sou. Mrs. MrCoruinc will also visit at Corvallls whero her son, Fred, will enter tho Oregon State Agricul tural college this year. Mrs. E. D. lirowuleo and children plan to leave Sunday for their home In Klugllsher, Okln., after a very pleasant vUlt at the homo of Mrs. A. T. Haines, a sister of .Mrs. Drown I oo. 0 Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr., was hou teM at one of tho mobt delightful so cial events of the season on Coos Day lust Weduokday ufternoon when she ontortuluod nt Bridge. The beauti ful Horsfnll homo was converted Into a veritable bower, nindronos, cnt talls, huckleberries and autumn lea ves making an effective background for dahlias, whllo geraniums, scarlet Dowers, sweet peas and other autumn blooms. At the door, tho guests wero met by Miss Marlon Horsfall. I The afternoon's play resulted In Mrs. J. J. Reynolds winning first prize, Mrs. Elllo Earrlnger second prize and Mrs. Henry Sengstncken receiving the consolation. Refreshments were served, those serving being Misses Frances Gordon, Frances Williams, Grace Kruse and Nora Tower. Music also added to the afternoon's pleas ure. Among thoso Invited wore Mrs. J. A. Lusc, Mrs. I). Vnughnn, , Mrs. Chns Stnuff, Mrs. It. 0. Gal.i, J Miss Evelyn Anderson, Mrs. J. W. j Dennett, Mrs. E. S. Downing, Mrj. 1 M. C. Horton, Mrs. Nols Rnstnussen, Mrs. F. P. Horton, Mrs. A. Ralphu O'Brien, Mrs. J. J. Reynolds, Mrs. Ward M. Blake, Mrs. It. E. Drowning, Mrs. W. S. Chandler, Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. M. C. Maloncy, Mrs. H. Na burg, Mrs. J. T. McCormac, Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Mrs. EffloFarrlngor.Mrs E. O. Flnnngan, Mrs. J. II. Flnnagan, Mrs. C. M. Dylor, Mrs. L. J. Simpson, MrB. F. K. aottlns, Mrs. F. A. Gold en, Mrs. A. T. Halnos, Mrs. E. D. Drownlco, Mrs. S. C. Small, Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. DorBcy Kreltzcr, H. II. McPhor- i son, Mrs. It. M. Jennings, Mrs. E K. Jones, Mrs. Herbert Lockhnrt, Mrs. Etigono O'Connoll, Mrs. G. "W. Kauf man, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs. John Lafon, Jr., Mrs. F. E. Leefo, Mrs. E; G. Pcrhnm, Mrs. A. O. Rogers, Jr., Mrs. L. K. Dnlllngcr, Mrs. Otto Schettir, Mrs. A. E. McKcown, Mrs. Henry Sengstncken, Mrs. Colby K. Perry and Mrs. II. S. Tower. Mrs. P. J. Pernlto left this week for her homo In California nfter a short visit at the homo ot her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Laugworthy. 0 Mih. E: Ryan, mother of .Mrs. W. S. Chandler, and Miss Mary Cox, u niece of Mrs. Chandler, left this week for Portland after spending several wcukH nt the Chandler nununcr homo on South Coos River. 0 John A. Dlntt and wlfo nnd Miss Dlntt returned to their Mnrshllcld homo this week after upending tho several months at their South Coos River summer home. 0 Louis Gorr and wife returned this week from a visit with relatives In KhumntlL Fulls unii other Central Oregon points. Mrs. O.. O. Lund: and tho children loft this week for Oaklnnd, Cnl whero tl)y will sprfnd tho next nlno mouths, the children taking commer cial courses there. Miss Myrtle Downer nrrlved hero this welc from Condon, Ore, to vis It relatives and friends, llor parents may cmno later nnd tho family make their homo tin the Buy. 0 The Eastslde Sunday school gave a dollgtful picnic. September 7, at Enegren's grove. About sixteen left Murshllold at 1 1 o'clock and arrived In time for lunch. A campllro was soon binding nnd coffee browing while tho Indtcri prepared delicious refreshments. After luncheon, tho young folks played games and had n real picnic. During the game of "blackmnn" O. LoRoy Hnll collided with a planet, but escaped with only tho loss of tho lawor part of his swoator. Mr. Cooko thought ho was trying to swim ncross tho pond but discovered It was only n dry Irriga tion ditch. Tho music in tholr souls would not allow tholr foot to keep still so tho young folks adjourned to tho dnnco platform, but not to dnnco only skate n llttlo bit. Clnr enco Monro received favorablo men tion being tho most graceful of tho awkward squad. At about 5 o'clock tho roll was called nnd nil started for homo." 0 Mrs. W. F. Miller has Issued In', vltatlons for noxt Thursday aftor noon complimentary to Mrs. C. J. Mlllls and Miss Mablo Claro Mlllls, who will leave shortly to mnko tholr Stafford's Chocolates An "irresistibly delicious" confec tion made In many delightful flavors. Our latost Is a whipped croam center with n bitter chocolnto covering. Wholesome, nutritious, dainty. Tako home a box to your wlfo tonight or send ono to your sweetheart. Thoy will each thank you, and wish for. more. Made In an up-to-dato fac tory whoro only puro, fresh Ingre dients nro used. TWO STORES. W6& home in San Francisco, Mr. Mlllls having been transferred there to a new position by the Southern Pacific. 0 J. Lee Drown nnd wife returned yesterday from a delightful two weeks' outing at Bastendorf's bench. 'pho movomeent for the recall of They camped near the J. T. Mer- jll(K0 coke, which was Instigated chant sununer home and enjoyed , ahtirtly after tho McClellon murder tho pleasures of the simple life. Mr. ! trlnl last May, seems to have lost lu und Mrs. Merchant will return from J torest. Although shortly nfter tho there Sunday. movement was Btnrted It was tho so'e 0 I topic of discussion in this part or the .Mrs. Harry Hunter of Portland Is 'state, It Is now seldom mentioned and tho guest of her sister, Mrs. W. II.. Ib probably discussed more In Iort- Kennedy, ntwt ntlini- rolntlvpa urn friends on the Day. Mrs. W. S. Chandler will entertain the Drldge club at her siiinnior home on South Coos River next Wednes day afternoon. Tho regular meeting of tho Ameri can Woman's league was held at Mrs. William M. Homnto's homo in Cooston nnd was well nttended. Aft er tho usual business meeting, n so cial bour was passed. Mrs. Hom nio served refreshmuats. Tho ploaB nnt trip ncross tho Dny added to tho aftornoou's enjoyment, 0 Thursday, August 31, wnB tho fourth birthday of Arnold Robert son, tho young son of. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Roburtson of Enstsidc. Ho In vited it member of his little friends nnd tho afternoon was spent In plny- Ing games. Refreshments wero served by four of tho young Indies that worn presont. The following were invited: Otto uison, wiiuor Humbert, Elinor Peterson, Prlcln Ol son, Willie Kittson, Elvoru OIboii, Tommy Lcnton, Farrls SwniiBon, Ralph Humbert, Archo Show, Robert Hackland, Levclle Cllnkiubcnrd, Carl Poterson, Thelo Steckel, Metlnrd Lti Pnlmo, Anna Hncklnnd, Chester Mc Clngan, Rerthn Vineyard', Donald Mc Clngan, Mary Whltty, CInrenco Lea- ton, Mbirft?! Cnvanagln CUrenco Po terson, Robert Cnvnnngh, John Whot ty, Georgia Thrush, Gladys Mnjor, James Humbert, Edeth Steckel, Edna Vineyard',. Lillian Humbert, Allco Muthlson, Chnrloy MUgjiry, Clydo Magary, Ethel Cavanngh, Miss Corn Mnthlson, Irene Iiimitert, Ruth Magary nnd Magglo Robertson. Mr; nnd Mrs. Roy PfRw of Cincin nati lltiw been spendlhK the wo?k ns guests r.f Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Simpson of Nbrth Bend. Mrs- Pfko wns for merly Miss Edith Simpson of Sun Fnu.c'co, a sister ut L. J. Simpson. Mr. R. G. Giite, who has beo.i visiting friends liv North Rum! will be th.i guest of Mrs. R. Wornloh the coming week. She will leave Hlinrtl; to visit In Medford bofore Dr. Onto, who Itr now located In San Frunclvo O In n i wont write-up of the Woman Clirlslttn TVmpomnro Union's De partment of labor In the Portland Jourunl, Mrs. fiarnh A. Evans, pres ident of the Oregon Federation of Momon'h clubs, Bays: "Hero In Oro gen the state department this year was f oi tuna to In securing for Its su porlntoti lent Mrs. Muudo Raker Wat kins of M.irshfleld, who brings to the win It u zeal nnd enthusiasm that Insures success. llor circular lottorn soiu out to every qunrtor ot tho stato should ituplre tho workers and sot In motion much activity that will bo telling in good results. Mrs. Wat kins Is a now woman In tho work and Is nn acquisition that tho causo ot womanhood may well be proud ot" 0 Tho A. N. W. club hold Its first meeting of the year nt the home of Mrs. W. P. Murphy Thursday aftor noon. It being tho Initial meeting, tho nttendnnco wns small. No busi ness of Importance en mo up. Tho noxt meeting will bo held with Mrs. W. F. Squlro at Bunker Hill. 0 Mrs. II. H. McPherson, Friday aft ernoon entertained tho Brldgo club at Tho Chnndlor. It wns rathor In tho nut nro of n farowoll as Mrs. Mc Pherson leaves Boon for Snn Fran cisco to mnko her home. Nasturtiums predominated in tho decorations and tho color schemo was yellow. At cards, Mrs. E. G. Flanagan won llrst prlzo and Mrs. E. K. Jones second. Thoso presont wero Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. E. G. Flanagan. Mrs. J. II. Fla nagan, Mrs. E. K. Jonos, Mrs. W, S. Chandler, Mrs. W. A. Toye, Mrs. W. S. Turpen, Mrs. J. Albert Mntson, Mrs. II. S. Tower, Mrs. Win, Horsfnll, nud Mrs. J. W. Bennett. 0 Mrs. L. W. Jncobs and llttlo son expect to leavo today for tholr homo In Portland after a pleasant visit nt tho Jns Ferry home. Last Sunday, Master Jncobs was christened by Rev, R. E. Browning nt tho Marshfleld (Continued on page 8.) JiAST ECHOES OF RECALL .Movement Against .ludgo Coke Drop tel iih Interest In II Lugs A Roseburg dlspntch to n Portland paper says: lann man uuiu "Judson King, who wns hero re cently Investigating tho recall, found that, while many bollovcd Judge Coko erred, it wns considered a conscien tious blunder without ulterior motive, therefore not a enso that would Justi fy a recall. A lnrgo percentage of tho citizens of tho district hnve taken this attitude. "Tho work of circulating tho peti tions has been temporarily suspended" bocniiBc of the illness of Attorney E.L Cannon, who Is mnnnglng the cam paign. Mr. Cannon hnB boon con fined to his bed for some tlmo with typhoid" fever. "It is said tho petitions contain about 3,000 signatures at present. Over 4,000 signatures nro required before nn election can bo cnllod. Lack of funds with which to circulate tho petitions , It Is said, Is not tho cause of tho present inactivity, but the movement osomB Just to hnvo lost In terest. "The excitement from the McClnl- lon trial having died down, the peo plo hnve had" time (o think the mat ter over thoroughly, and have appar ently decided that the recall is not! Justified In this cnRC." DUTY OF NEWSPAPER. Editor Otis of the Los Angeles Times In a recent talk on u newspa per's duty said in part: "Tho contract: which n nowBpnpor makes with its reader is to give him tho news. Niit merely Hiich nows iih Is agreeable but 'all the nows nil tho tlmo." That such nows should bo couchtid' fit proper language, goes without saying. But It should not bo suppressed" becutisu Kb publication might offend tho manufactured taste of dllletnitte renders. "The fact that Manuel lost the crown of Portugal because of a liais on with it dancer ought to no nioro bo cut out of tho ruble dispatches than tho orgies of Nero should be excluded front' ihe history of tho Ro man empire. Thu particulars of a revolting murder should no more Ins withhold from a dally newspaper than the story of tho crucifixion of the Savior should ho eliminated from the New ToBtuinent. "Considered on ethlcnl grounds," Otis concluded, "It Is the I'xpciienco of mankind that publicity Is n deterrent of crliuo rather tlinn an Inventive to Its porpotrntlou. Tim lesson Uught by publicity Is that tho way of the transgressor Is hard; that detection Is always Imminent, nnd that punishment follows perpetra tion. Beginning todny tho CLARKE MILLINERY havo on display nil tho now FALL and WINTER styles In millinery. All tho newest nnd EX CLUSIVE CREATIONS in nbundnnt cholco may bo seon HERE, attractive Btylea In tho now autumn shapes, they can't ho described In a word each being different, distinctive nl most illuslvo In beauty; poems In volvot nnd ribbon. A FULL LINK of ARTISTS' MA TERIALS at NORTON & IIANSK.VS. Two stores. Front 'iri "MM M IVHTW I'EAH NOT -ALL AVILL HE witti, Editor Times: I send this piece of philosophy fn, the poet's corner, merely remarking by the way, that the last verso Is en tlrely new, and written on Satunlnr the llrst Inst. uay' Respectfully Kobert Starkey. I roam nmld the meadows green Or wander In tho wood; ' I seok and find in each bright sef, A lesson thnt Is good. m In Nature's work-Instructive sclinni But study nnd 'twill tell Of real progress; obey the rule Bo true all will bo well. I stray along tho snndy shoro And gazo upon tho sen; With solomn thoughts I hear the roar Of brenkors running free. I pondor on tho work nnd stand Enchanted by tho spell. I henr n volco nB In command: "Bo Just all win bo well." r travel on nmld the throng That bnttlo here for Hfo; TTiosoIfl8h, vnln, thowcarcandstronc A constant scono of strife. And Btlll thnt volco I hoar whence UFMUMIUIi BL'UIUB 10 qUCII Tho wlsor thought: "Bo firm, bo fair Fear not all will bo welt." ' r search nmld tho planota nnd Tho stars thnt onward" gffde, That bright array roveals tho hand Of an eternal guide. HnrmonloiiB lnw, no conflict there Mankind may mnrk It well. To do the right lot they who dare Fbnr not all will bo well. IENVOI. Wo nro nothing moro, they tell us Than nn nnlmntcd clod; ' A transient atom in tho plan Ordained by a Just God! That given iih strength to shim des pair, If with thin text wo dwell "Bo true, bo Just, be firm, hP fair; Fenr not nil will bo well " ny Citr. star Kfy DERBY Thru Us flavor won Its favor. AH Children's Eyes should be oviuiifru'il iM'foro Hcmllng I hem to Hctkjot. A chilli's eyes nro delicate things. Iliinco It Is only by the rarest "kill, are children eyes fitted' with glnssej, which nro In accordance- with their requirements. Years of experience enables me to guarautve sutisfnctloa In- such cases. We Do Our Own Grinding Olllco over Norton (& Hansen's Storek V. J. HAYES,. OptomctiM Optometrist. THE CLOSEST INSPECTION', i By tho most professional faulftmler. will fall to discover nud flaw la our superior Laundry work. Wo bare a system of washing, rinsing, dryloj. and lronlug which cannot bo excelled Wo do tho host work nnd do It thor oughly, delivering all orders prompt ly when promised, nnd charging onlr rea8onnblo prices. If you are not yot a patron of ours It will py "" to become one. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRf PnONE MAIN 5TJ See Our $10 and $15 Special Suits Like You Pay $15 and $20 At Other Places FI StOpp. Breakwater Office XUP jflSHttaKgarrtTrf-A Vrr-23is rtst-