THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFlELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1911 EVENING EDITION. b ' i : i ' I! V ,1 :. i v COOS BAY TIMES 01. 0. MA LONE Y Killlor mill Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor Entered at tho postofneo at Marsh field, Oregou, for transmission through tho malls as socond class mall matter. Aiirlronn nil communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. I MMi-flhtli-hl : t: Oregon ' Dedicated to tho sorvtco c( the peoplo, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed. 8UWSCHIPTION KATES. DAILY. One year $6.00 Per month 60 WEEKLY. 40ne year $1.80 (,n' secure the necessary land be When paid strictly' In advance tho ' I'irl, Eighth and Charnolton streets. inscription prlco of tho Coos Bay Tlmcs i. .r nn ... . o r.A m. m fiiiuu iri i vti ui i-tuv iui nix months. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OK MARSHFlELD. Ofllclnl Pnpcr of Coos County HACK TO COOS HAY. (From Eugono Itoglstor.) Carl R. Grny, presldont of tho Hill lines In Oregon, Is n very npproach aiblo man and Is frank In his stato xnontii both to nowHpnpor man nr:l to tho Liubllc. Ho did nut Iwrtllute to toll tho Roglstor In an Interview Tuesday that ho was absolutely sin coro when ho said tho Hill people nro Sn no wlso Interested In a rond to tho coaut from Eugono or from any other nnd wlfo bolow tho mouth of tho point In thjs valloy to Coos Uuy Mr. Wildcat crook, overthosumniltof tho Cray wanted It impressed upon tho Coast mountain. Englnoor Hunt rpubllc mind In I'bcli a mnnnor that Is now In tho city, hnvlng arrived out rttacro could ho no nilsundcratnnilliiplfroni Mnpleton n couplo of days ago. jilniux It that tho Hill lines are not to Ho hns nothing to say for publication "bo extended Inwii.'du Coos Hay, nt nt tho proscnt tlmo, but It Is believe! Unnst at tho pr'-b":! nor for yitiuu that an Important announcement In time to como, If eor. regard to this enterprise will bo forth- One thing President Gray did say coming In a short time. It Is known Impressed tho Register and Indicated that this compnny hns bought largo his foresight waH that ho hoped tho traclR of land outright on tho lower Southorn Pnclllc would build to tho .const, ns such it road would muko n rRood feeder for tho Oregon Electric. -at ono tm.B to think of tho Ininnrt- mnco of that statement, ho sees nt onco that Gray known what he Is talking nbout. A road to Sluslnw and down to tho Coos Uny country, bring inn traffic Into this city, would fur- mlrti nn Immonso amount of buslnosi for tho Oregon Electric that It would not Iiavo 10 mum worn aim huiuii m ot. No wondor tho Oregon peoplo would like to bqo the coast Toad built by tho Southern Pnclflc or omo othor big compnny. It would 1)0 highly prolltnhle for tho Oregon ISIcctrlc. Somo tlmo ngo tho Register mon tlonod tho fact Hint a big company, not tho Grent Northern, was figuring Btrongly on n roast road and mat ii,m , rom. tho ,n01, wno nro opcrnt. wnB tho Roglster'H opinion that It .,,,,, , tl,8 r,.(,nT. very unturnl--vvns this enterprise, hugely, tliutj,y j,,.t ,nn woui,i know nothlns ahni't cnnwi! tho Southern Pacific to net t nnd tho newspapers wore wrong liusy with tho coast project. We hnvo ln j,n,,K t the conclusion that ho "boon rellnbly liifornied that tno ran - Timil tinturprlso above mentioned hn3 thirty millions of money behind It, la nlrendy securing right-of-way long tho coast from Tillamook to ward Eugene nnd has In Uh general Vlan outlined a Btrelch of road ISO mlleH long. Following tho Register's "brlof nnuoiincement of tho possibility of such a corporation bolng In tho field against tho Southern Pnclflc. the Tortland Tologrnm referred to tho -jiaino organization Inter and It Is he llovod In Eugene thnt this company, which has W. J. Wllsey at tho hond at It, bo far ns locnl Interests nro con cerned, nnd Is backed by London nnd PnrlB capital, hns hoen In communl cntlon with tho Hunt project and Is. probably, back of tho buying of right-of-way down nt Mnpleton nnd In connected with whnt Is supposed to lie Hill surveyors In nnd around Gnr tllunr. Wo enn confidently look for boiuo Tellable tnforniutlon with regard to these matters before very long. Tho Southorn Pacific coast project cannot ot far along without this company, whoever tlioy may be, showing tholr band. Tho Register yet believes there will he a rnco for tho business of tho const country llng between Eugene nnd Coos Uny and that thoro Is still strong possibility of there bolng twoj roads Instead of one. Tlmo will urliml Us dovolopmonts. Light, White Always Right Sperry's Drifted Snow Flour RftlLWM NEWS OF COOS HT (Continued from page 1.) t,cn,'- Thcre ,s nothing In It, and It hns novor hcon seriously conslder- jcd by us." WILL hasten work EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 8 Efforts to complete tho Oregon Electric through from Salem to Eugene this winter began this week, following tho action of tho city council when, by Informal voto It gnvo President Gray nssur nnco that n franchise would ho pnssod nt tho regulnr monthly meeting Mon- "K' l w in omcr "" ""'" ,u uny to scure uio necessary lanu bo- Jtwpon Eugene nnd Albany, whoro work hos not progressed further than tho mnklng of the surveys, nnd Judgo Carey will go to Junction City nnd Hnrrlsburg to confer with tho city councils of those two places In regard to franchises ovor their streots. OTHER LINEHUSY EUGENE, OreTTsept 8 An Indica tion that tho Pnclflc Great Western Railway company, for which II. D. Hunt, tho well-known locnl civil on glnoor, Is securing right-of-way bo tweon Eugono nnd the const, intends to begin construction work soon, was tho filing In the circuit court or a suit to condemn right-of-way through intul owned by Hans. G. Chrlstensvn Sluslnw, In tho vicinity of Floronno ' Olenndn. and aro pnylng cash for "" rignt-or-wny. Tiioro nns neon m" tro"''' '" Hccurlng tho deed for ,"0flt of th right-of-way west of " mountains, but some owners, ns ' tno cnB0 of Chrlstenson. refuse to floll, and tho land will bo condemned. It Is though that no work nn thn'nv him linnn tlnnit nn Hiln ' r,y08it . POLICY OF HILL LINKS (Prom Eugono Guard) Of course It wns wrong to refer to nnn of tho proposed railroads from Eugene to tho const ns a Hill lino. Porter Ilros., who built tho Nortn Runic rnml for I X 111 nnil nroinntod nnd ,)0Kn tho Deschutes lino, nro Bald to ,,., Are You Worrying About Your Fall House Cleaning? If ao, call up Phono 190 The Pneumatic Cleaning Co. Cleaning done by tho NEW VAOUl'M PROCESS Demonstration nt (JOINT, V HARVEV SATl'R DAY. Come nnd let us show you how well and how cheap ly wg can do It. REARY'S GUN SHOP Complete lino of Ulcyelo supplies, second-hnnd bicycles for gale. Guns, bicycles, etc., repulred. I'nibrellns covered and repaired. K. HANDEL, Prop. No. (107 No. Front St. Phone 180-lt LOCAL OVERFLOW. Will Leave. Chas B. Selby, who has been engaged In the practise of law hero tho part two years, has de cided to return to Oklahoma City to locate. Mrs. Selby has relatives and friends there and It Is for this i fa- son alone that ho Is leaving Ooo. I3ay. His deivtrturo will bo greatly regretted by tlu host of friend thut ho has mado during his stay on the Day. Aids Boulevard. W. U. Douglas and others have taken up the plan to promote the boulevard between Marshlleld nnd tho beach. Mr. Dou gins hopes to he able to nrrnngo to hnvo a trail cut over tho proposed route so that citizens enn have an op portunity to see tho ndvantngo of it. Estimates will also probably bo pro cured as to tho cost of constructing tho rond. NORTlfnENI) NEWS. Misses Minnie nnd Grace Shcrldnn nnd Mrs. T. R. Shcrldnn nro hero from Rosoburg to visit George Shcrl dnn nnd Mrs. C. F. McCollum nnd other relatives nnd friends on tho Uny. Mrs. Louis Anderson, who recent ly underwent nn operation nt Mercy hospital, is getting along nicely. ALERT will STOP KT NORTH HEND at about 8:30 Saturday eve ning for parties desiring to go on oxcuralon. ' t 'Wl Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound Still retains Its high placo as tho heat household remedy for nil coughs and colds, cither for children or grown persons. Prevents serious results from n cold. Tako only tho gonulno Foley's Honoy and Tnr Compound, nnd refuso substitutes. For Salo at tho Red Cross Drug Storo. Dance and Crab Bake Saturday Evening September 9th 1 nt tho Life Saving Station . Glvon Dy Tho Life Saving Crew Evoryono Invited' nriti ovoryono wel come Tho steamer Alert will lenvo Marshlleld at 8 o'clock returning aft er danco. Tho cost of repairing tho wiring in our building In Mnrahfleld was nlno, dollars. Tho owner at onco got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year In tho Insurance. Think it over. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 2370 HARGAINS IN DWELLING. nUY NOW 6-Room houso nt Day Park. Prlco $700. Cash $150 G-Room houso, lots 100x100. Eastsldo $1,200 Dwellings In Dunkor Hill, West and South Mnrshflold, Forndalo and North Dond at bargains. AUG. FRIZEEN, Real Estate Insurance and Rentals OH, Central Ave., Marsh field, Ore. Closing Out ! I am closing out my Front street store, and will sell everything at great reductions from former prices. Especially low prices on HRONE AND IRON HEDS AND NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE V. K. WISEMAN Hroailwny anil Front Street. Two Stores. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 8131 UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Wo are export dyers aud cleaners. Hat work of all kinds. Our work will please you. Suits mado to order. 250 Central Ave. Phono 230X ROSS (b PINEGOR PROPRIETORS The Bathtub and the Cas Water Heater Are Twin Brothers The bathtub is only half equipped for useful service until the gas water heater is added, The gas water heater is the only practical de vice on the market for heating water in the household quickly. Turn on the gas, light a match, and ample hot water is a question of only a few minutes, Let us show you how simple these devices are and how necessary for home comfort, Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company Your Sunday Roast Wo havo it Sweet ROAST HEKF ROAST Union Meat Market Phono Ua Your Ordor. Phone 68. CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS HAY At tho CIoso of HiihIiichM) September 1, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts , $209,719.02 Bonds nnd warrants '. 88,852.40 if. S. Donds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Rcnl ostato, furniture nnd fixtures 81,472.94 CiuhIi nnd Night exchange lflO.OIU.DO Total resources $305,070.02 Liabilities. Capital Btock .- $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 0,880. 20 Circulation 25,000.00 Deposits 4 :t:J,l 1)0.00 Total liabilities $.mt,070.02 OFFICERS: W. S. Chandler, M. C. Horton, Dorsoy Kroltzor, President. Vice-President. . Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. S. Chnndlor, W. U. Douglns, John F. Hall, F. S. I)ov, John S. Coko, Win. Gi lines, S. C. Rogers, W. P. .Murphy, M. C. Horton. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (Sb Bennett Bank of MARSHFlELD, OREGON At the closo of business September lnt, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts $397,393.93 Ranking Houso 50,000.00 CaBh and Exchanges 141.54G.53 Total $388,040.10 Liabilities Capital Stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 54,105.72 Doposlts 484,774.74 Total $388,010.10 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phono 191 Marshfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Genaral Agents "EASTSIDE" COOS. HAY TO DRAIN Quickest tlmo possible llolden Auto Lino via Allegany. Through Faro $8.23. Stage, steamer and auto via Gardi ner. Through ln one day $7.50. Drain, Coos Day stago lino. Through In two days $0.50. 50 pounds of baggago freo, Norton & Hansen, agt. ALL KINDS.0F JOB PRINTING ready for you and Juicy. MUTTON ROAST PORK MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. DONE AT TftE TIMES' Of FICE Notice to Fishermen Alice II will make dally trips from Coos River to Pick Up Salmon and will stop nt any landing. Fishermen shipping fish by Allco H can travel freo during fishing season. Cash will bo paid for fish at tho dock or nt tho Allco II nny time. Lower Bny fish will bo taken caro of by launch Mnwmell. (Signed) J. J. REYNOLDS. Mgr. nnd Solo Owner IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF T1IK STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Plalutlff, vs. SEAPORT LAND CO., a corporation, J. N. Shahon, F. D. Waito, Annio M. Walto his wlfo, E. M. Ward, L. D. Kinney ntid M. G. Kinney his wife, Goorgo M. Evcrott nnd Llzzlo Ero rott his wlfo, J. Virgil Pugh and Adorn Pugh his wlfo, Dolt Line Rnllway Co., a corporation, J. H, Sommors, A. W. Moyors, W. J. Rut, Charles Stauff, John Swonson, Hulsi Drndford Co., a private corporation, Armour & Co., a corporation, P. X. Roborg & William J. Smith co-part-nors, ns North Dcnd Hardware Co., 8. C. Giles, E. Don McCrary, Port land Iron Works, a corporation; E. L. C Farrln, Honcyman Hardware Compnny, n corporation; E. C. At kins & Co., a corporation: II. D. Ilea cock, II. O. Potorson, F. T. llarton, R. D. Fry. North Bond Hardware Co., n corporation, nnd Coos Da; Manufacturing Co., n corporation, Defendants. To J. II. Sommors, John Swcnson, Hulso Bradford Co., a corporation; II. B. Hcacock nnd II. O. Potorson, dofendnnta In tho nbovo nnd for going entitled causo: In tho name of tho State of Ore gon, you nnd each of you are licrebr required to appear and answer the complaint filed agnlnst you In the abovo entitled suit within six weeks from nnd after tho date of tho An: publication of this summons, thi samo being tho tlmo prescribed In tho order for publication hereof, anl If you fall so to appear and answer for want thoroof, the plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for and domnnded In plain tiff's complaint filed against you In this cnuso, n succinct stntomont of which Is, thnt thoro is duo nnd off ing to tho plaintiff from tho defend ant tho Seaport Land Compnny, on a promissory noto nindo, executed and delivered by said Seaport Land Co, a corporation to said plaintiff on tho 11th day of Janunry, 1900, tho sura of Four Thousand Dollars together with Interest thoreon from said date at the rato of 0 por cent por nnnura. for tho foreclosure of that certain mortgago glvon by said Seaport Land Co. on said dato for tho security of tho pnymont of snld sum of nionojr, Interest, and for costs, attorney feaj and exponscs in enso of suit for the collection of tho samo, and the sal of tho premlsos therein described, to wit: All of Holt Lino Railway Addition to Empire City, Coos County, Oregon including all of tho lots and blocks thoreof. accordlnK to tho plat thereof now on record and on fllo In the of flco of tho county Clerk for Coos County, Oregon. Also tho E of tho SEVi of SJ tlon 3 nnd tho W of the SWHMH Section 2 all in Township 26 Soufo Range 14 West of Willamette Meri dian, ln Coos County, State of Ore gon, that the samo bo sold In the manner prescribed by law In fore closure sales; that the proceeds of snld sale be applied to tho payment of tho costs and expenses of fore closure nnd sale with reasonable at torney's fees and then to plaintiff demands and tho balance If any to whomsoever may be lawfully entitled thereto and that defendants and each and nil of them bo forever barred of .all right, title and Interest anu equity of redemption in the prem ises described herein nnd In the complaint of the plaintiff herein, or any part thereof. This summons Is published W order of the Hon. J. S. Coke, Jud? of the Cirmilt Court of the State Of Oregon for tho 2nd Judicial District. In said State, dated August Ul 1911. Tho date of the first puWW' tlon of this summons is August A. D. 1911. CHAS. B. SELBy. Attorney for PWW- After the show try a Turkish W Phono 2 14-J. hi I 4MWW" i 5 rfpromiu.fct V "!". saaaartyy -imp.- - .