K0OSBAY0NlY HAD A FEW MORE REAL BOOSTERS LIKE W. S. CHANDLER YOUR. ADS CARRYING SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising space la a newspaper, compared with tho spww used by other stores, should doffln It comparative Importance 1b tfei comimmltyt Docs your storo's vcrti.slng spneo do thnt? 1'our store-news, biiouiii nppcnr as regularly ns docs this newspaper. If n newspaper omitted mi Issuo now nntl then even for so welpity a rea son ns fenrluB Unit It might rain - (3mt It would not no n Rooi! newspaper. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED 1'ItKSS VOL XXXV Established In 1878 ns The Coast Malt MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Time. Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No.4S limns nm HH ML UUntHT IU lit CLAIM RAILWAY ESTABLISHED IN MARSNFIELD El H V Special Inspector Morse De cides to Recommend City i Carriers Here. SERVICE TO START ABOUT JANUARY 1 LEAVE TODAY Favors Additional Clerk and Sunday Closing Here Urrjes Better Roads After mulling it cnroful Investiga tion of I lie Hltiiutlou here, Special In fpcclor S. It. Morse nnnouened today tlmt he Intel (leeiiled to recommend free mull delivery Hurvlco for tho city of Maishllold, us was potltloneil by FO THE SOU Situation Between Illinois Cen tral and Shopmen Tense- Conference at San Francis co Opens. (Dy Associated PrcBB to Coos Day Times.; CHICAGO, III., Sept. 8 Reports that the shopmen of the Illinois Cen tral nmy ho ordered to strike bccnuio tho refusal of the railroad to re cognize tho recently organized f oiler Alliance Sails For Eureka With nll(m wnH revived imro today, when a , . , . "lory was circulated that -wrPlen no- Larrje List of Passengers jtico instructing the men to nik- uut North Mnnrhv !WIIH 8011t t0 lho vnr,ow" loca' br"" IMUIlll IVIOnuay. jBovcml days ago to b0 held in nboy- The Alliance sailed today for Ku-'ance until released by telegraph fvnm rokn with a good list of pnsrougors i tho ollkors of tho federate 1 body and considerable freight. She In , Inter. It Is expected that definite nc- fichoduled to rotum bore Monday and tlnu on tho strllto proposition will bo snll tho same day for Portland. i taken at Sunday's meeting of the exc- Among those leaving hero on tho,r,lt'vp coinmlttce of the liitcrnutlon Alliance were the following: lnI unions. Employes of the Illinois Central nnd allied lines to be prepared for tho calling of n strike. The men nro nearer n walkout than they have been any time during the past week, union officials Bald here today. Of ficials sny tho warning wns sent so that the men mny retrench nnd oth erwise be ready to quit work should tho strike be decided. S. CHANDLER ML 0 M FIVE STORY BUILDING SOON Gulovson Property Bought For Coos Bay Booster Who Will Improve It. Confer ut San KruucNco. (liy Associated Press to Coos Hny Times.) SAX FRANCISCO, Cnl., Sept. 8. Owing to dolnys In tho arrival of momberH from dlBtnnt points only, an Informnl meeting of tho Hoard of tho Federation of tho Shop Em ployes of the llarrlmnn linos and thy International Presidents of tho Shop Craft Unions Involved was hold to day In regard to tho refusal of Vice President KruttBchnltt to recognize tho federation. No docltdvo action Is TOGO OVER Amount of Civil Jury Business Small In Circuit Court Grand Jury Busy. CHANDLER HOTEL ANNEX ERECTED AT SAME TIME 1 ln T. .1. Marquis, A. E. Ilelton. M. A.! A warning has been sent to 35.000 I exnected until tomorrow when all the the Marsliileld Cluimher of Com- Strauss, E. M. Waller, W. (1. Thomn- members of tho Federation of Shop committeemen will bo on linnd. i "i -f mcrce. Tho oMiimlslinienl of tho sor-Json, R vice will probably bo about January 1, next, If tho people hero comply with some minor conditions as thoy undoubtedly will. It Is barely pos sible that It mny bu established silently earlier than January 1. Resides recoinnieiidlug the otttnb Italian nt of the free mall delivery fcrvlce. Mr. Morse will recommend thnt Vostinnstcr Curtis ho allowed an Additional clerk here. He will also recommend that tho Sunday closing regulation ho mndo applicable to tho Marshflcld postofllce. The cBtnbllshment of the free mall delivery will he n big boon to Marsh field people and Iiub boon long desir ed. Mr. Morse, will recommend two curriers to start -with and has map icd out the city so thnt practically every section of It will bo served. There will bo one delivery In tho resldenco sections nnd two In thu business section. Tho portion of tho city to bo serv ed Is ns follows: Hounded on the enst by the hay nnd theme by a lino running as fol lows: West on Johnson nvonuo to South Fifth street, theneo north to Hnll. thence west to Seventh, theneo north to (iohlou, theneo west to Tenth, thence south to Igersoll nnd buck to Golden, thonco woirt to Twelfth, thence north to Central, thence west to Fourteenth, thonco north to Comnierelnl, thonco oast to North Fifth, theneo north to Alder, thence east to Fourth, thonco north to Hush, tlience to Cedar nnd east to IJronilwny. theneo north on Broad way, theiKe north on nrondwny nnd akhiB In tho settled portion of Fern dide ns fnr north ns KIngwood ave nue. The two carriers district will ho divided by Central avenue, No. 1 tnk hiis that section of tho city, south of Central. A civil servlco examination will ho ordored held hero to try nnd m local men to qualify. Tho pay of mail carriers Is $C00 for tho first year, soo for tho second year and then $100 a year Increnso for tinea ywrs until tho maximum salary of li.100 per nnnuni Is renched. Mr. Morso plans to have tho car riers start by 7:30 In tho morning n the first delivery in tho business "strict which will bo bounded by he hny and n lino running south from the Intersection of Front and orth nroadwny on nrondwny to Marku. theneo west to Second street. the;-e, BOHtu t0 Curtis and theno enfit t0 nroadwny. Tho sec oml delivery in tho buslnoss section will st.,rt nlmiit 2 o'clock in the nft crnom,, i 80,.tng Ul0 mnlli tho mall-carrlerg will bo handled first so that the carriers will have it dollvor " u.v tho tlnio It could bo obtained U of a regular mall box In tho post office. The dellvory for tho resldonco sec tion Will hH . -l... n ....,. - - o... tt UUUlll il U UlUUK 111 M. Cnso, Loron O'Connor. Mrs. J. L. Miisson. Miss F. Shaw. j fll I Sin H Ames S. Johnson mid fnmlly. M. .V. ft I M Itul'l IS Stevens, Tom Thompson, L. Hurt. W. , 111! LIloU IU NOW OPPOSED J. Wilson, Dalton. Howntt and wife, i Mrs. Lucy Cook, Mrs. Welch. A. II. Eddy, E. M. Wallace, Ed. Dotlefsou, J.,H. Krnnk. filll WAV MS OF COOS BAY Author Writes Letter Condemn ing Reciprocity With United States. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times) MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada, CROP REPORT IS GIN OCT Three Applicants For Long Term Leases on Business Rooms In New Block. Announcement wnB mndo today Judge Coko returned to Coqullloj yesterday to resuiuo the adjourn-1 od term of Circuit Court which was I convened thorn TiipmiImv fnr tin, imp.. poso of clonrlng up the docltot for tho J tlml tho M" v' Oll'ovs()n corner nt regular term of court which will open j Hroadway nnd Contrnl nvonuo jvhicht next .Monday. was purchiiBud by C. S. Wlnsor ot SXlS """I "" boon acquired for been settled out of court nnd a good W. S. Chandler. It woh coupled with many continued until tho Uocoinbor. tMo miouiioti.Mt n.., m- ni,,,n term. In coiiBenuonco. tho amount ,Mo ol'co'nt that Mr. Chnn- of civil business for the jury at tho JiUor hau already taken stops to oroct coming term of court promised to ho small, 'iiiero nro several crlmliiul ensos to come up bosldos those that may result from tho Investigation of tno grnnu jury now underway. There aro no cnsoB of particular Importance nsldo from the crlm'nal cases to como up nt this term of court Government Estimate of Con ditions and Yields of Farm Products Issued. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coim Dnv Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. S. 'j no condition of spring wheat aa PronrCSS On COOS BaV and , f "t" 8 U"'lyard K1"llnK n cnu, shown In the government crop report rrogress on ooos bay ana Iottor t0 ,ocnI lmpor Blvog hlB ren. to(lny s c ho Boise Right-of-Way Ter minal Railways Stand. Nothing particularly new has de veloped In the railroad situation lo cally today. There were a number of storlos nllont, nevertheless. Pctor Loggle, who has boon out getting right-iif-wny for tho Coob Hny and Hnlso stated today that thoy had secured promises or options of about eighty por com of tho right-of-way hotwoon tho river and tho Douglns county lino. All of the big land holders have given right-of-way, tho last to promlso It being Manager Armstrong of tho Mennsha Wooden- wnro company. Mr. Armstrong nns Just returned to tho Hay nnd could not bo seen before. Ho has promised rlght-of-wny both over the Southern Oregon nnd Menasha Woodonwnro holdings. Engineer Aston of tho Coos Hay and Eastern Electric says thoy aro making good progress with their sur veys. Thoy did not present tholr ap plication to tho county commissioners this week for n franchlso over tho Mlddlo Fork rond, ns was expected, owing to tho survey not having pro gressed sufllclontly. They will mnko application Inter. E. W. Novofa of tho company who has boon nt Ho sehurg Is duo In today. Thero Is nothing new In tho South ern Pacific project of tho Terminal Railway matter today, so far as could bo nscortnlned. Ilowovor, It Is sons opposing reciprocity with tho 98 bU8llol. nll whent dcrQ yel(, , unueu amies, no saiu, "i no not tin- estimated nt 12.C buaholB. Onta con- dorstand how nlno million people , iB u,p nm, tho ncro yIeI(, can ontor Into such arrnngomonts as Cstlmntcd nt 23.0 bushols. nnrloy's aro proposed with nlnoty million condition Is 05.5 nnd tho ncro BtrnngorB on nn open frontier 4,000 yIol(, 2o.3 hushels. Potnto's condl- miles long nnd nt tho snmo tlmo tlon ls 50(S,(, nn(, tho ncro yloIl, 74o preserve their national Integrity." buBlielB, Tho tot-, ylol(1 of hny , Ten to ono nro too heavy odds. No 4C,900.000 tons nnd tho acre yield single Canadian would accept such 19 t01, wtJl Q1nltJ. of no.j,r( odds In nny private matter that was Tho totn, ,,rodnctlon of wheat In ns vital to him personally as is this 1m wn8. 8,,rB 203.41 S.C00 Issue to the nation. It Is hor soul i,1Iflllol9. nll whont cr,C,7C2,400 inai Lnnnna respects today." bushels. GIVE CONCERT RUMOR ASTOR GUILTY TODAY JUHV ItETL'HXS VKIIDICT IX NOT- El) VIHGIXIA Ml'HDEH CASH THIS AFIHHXOOX. HEATTli: IS Gl'ILTV. WED COOS HAY COXCHHT HAXI) Alt HAXGICS SPECIAL PHOGHAM IOH OUT-HOOH EXTEHTAIX MEXT TOXIGHT. Director Fonton of tho Coos nay Concert Hand announced this after noon thnt n special concert will bo given nt Front nnd Market streets nt 8 o'clock this evening. The program follows: 1. Mnrch, "Zncatecns" Codlnn 2. Overture, "Poet nnd Peasant" Suppo '3. Pilgrim's Chorus from Tnnn- Report Today That New York Millionaire and Girl Are Married. ASTOll DENIES IT. (Hy Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Sept. 8. Col- onol Astor was seen Into this nftornoon nnd denied ho was ! married. (Hy Associated Press.) CHESTERFIELD COURT- HOUSE, Vn., Sept. 8 The Jury In tho Ilonttie cnso returnod n verdict of guilty. (Ry Associated Prosa to tho Cooa Hay Times.) CIIEST10RFIHLD COURTHOUSE, Vn., Sopt. 8. It Is possible that bo fore midnight tonight, Henry Clny Heattle, Jr., Indicted for tho murder of his wlfo, will know his fate. Ho- foro Biinsot, Harry M. Smith, Jr.. counsel for tho defense, nnd T. O. Wondoburg for tho prosecution, will hnvo concluded tho bnttlo of words heforo the twolvo Jurymen who nro expected to reach n verdict tonight. Smith reviewed tho evldonco nnd sev erely nrrnlgned tho testimony nnd nt tltudo of Paul nonttlo. Ho spoke four hours, concluding Just boforc tho luncheon recess. h. O. Wendonborg, for tho prosecu tion, began his closing speech this nr tornoon. Tho lndlcntloiiB nro tat tho cnso will go to tho Jury nbout 5 or C o'clock todny. During his argument, Wendonburg told of tho bloody shirt worn by Hent tlo on tho night of tho murder nnd 4 (Hy Associated Press to thu Coos nny Times) NEW YORK, Sopt. 8. It ls re ported that Colonel John Jacob Astor lfnusor Wngnor i,.0,l Hint tho holders of tho Cooi sol' "To E'"l of Terminal Railway franchise refused World With You".... Rail n ., over to tho Southorn Pacific U' Hwnnl. that frnnchiso or nny part of It n's5- I"ot mHB' from Faust. .Gounod nnd Miss Madellno Forco woro nmr wns doslrod by Messrs. Mlllls nnd "' I3B011)0' f IIoIo ""'1 lier ' rleil either Into yostordny or todny Mlngus at tho conteronco. Thoy pledged thnt tho Southern Pacific would ho glvon tho samo sorvlco nt the snmo proportionate cost ovor tho terminals as any other railway that might doslro to uso it, guaranteeing equal forms to nil. Grays Denl.il. ' Tho Eugene Guard prints tho fol lowing In an Interview with President n.... nt Mia uiiiiinosliiOrecon: "Re- .. -.- .v m-u.iv v k ututn . viti.j ". ..v "e morning. On each trip tho car- forring to tho Coos Ray proposition I V:' .opp, v rn Tiers Will nnll4 .... ... .., . .i i. ,MM. M, nnnin nf 'SlAl'M- niUK.hU- CO. . " "n.-ti. uumoing mnn aim in coiuicwiiuu mm .....v.. i..v- -. will make n special trip between 5 the Oregon Electric has been men and G o'clock each evening to gather tloned, Mr. Gray said: 'You may de IJJlJJPlaced In tho drop letter i ny that story P0! vely "Ij0" (Continued on page 4.) (Continued on page 2.) todny Trojan Maidens. at tho home of G. n. Glover, a friond h. Entry of tho Nubian Slaves. 0f tho Forco fnmlly nt Fulrflo.d, c. Pas Soul of Cleopatra. Conn. It nlso wns reported they C. Wnltz, "Jolly Follows. .Vollstodt would snll this ovonlng for llormudn 7. Polish Dnnco No. 2. .Schnrwonkn on tho ynoht Noma. No confirmation S. March, "Western World". . .Moon or donlnl could be securod nt tho Force homo. Colonol Astor could not Duy your FRESH EGGS nt the bo found. AXOXA GROCERY. Only :n CENTS per dozen. Phono 110-J. j .lIUdXEHY OPEXIXH. ! My Fall nnd Winter millinery CHICKENS Fryers nnd stews nt opening takes place September 7, 8 nnd 9. A cordlnl Invitation ls ex tended to the Indies of Coos Day and Coos county to call and Inspect tho new styles. A TUKKlSn IJATII will do you J MRS. M. J. ELROD, GOOD. Phone 214-J. North Front street. , the gun ns "thoso muto ovldonccs of this dastardly deed" and declared the largo spot of blood on tho lowor part of tho shirt and tho nbionco of stnliiB on tho uppor parts of tho si novo showed neattlo hnd sat against tho body of his wlfo nnd did not as ho olnlmod hold hor with ouo hand while, ho drove with tho other fi5 mllos nn hour. DERBY Thru Us flavor won Its favor. Roglnnlng today the CI,.ltKK .MIMdXKHV hnvo on display nll the now FALL nnd WINTER styles In millinery. All tho nowost nnd EX CLUSIVE CHH.VHOXS In nbundnnt choice may bo seen HERE, attrnctlvo styles In tho new autumn shnpoa, thoy can't bo described In n word lu hnndsonio live-story brick block on the corner nnd thnt work on It will probably bo started this fall. At tho Bamo time, work will start on tho annex to The Chandler hotel, making nn entire solid block. Tho Gulovson comor Is DOxlOO feet, fronting tho long wny on Droad wny. Tho ground to bo covered by The Chandler hotel annex Is nlso GOx 100, tho B0-foot frontugo bolng on Central avenue. Mr. Chnndlor .today telegraphed to his son, Will, nt Snn Francisco who is nn architect to como hero nt once to draw plnns for tho now biilldlng-j. Tho building on the Gulovson prop erty will bo for stores nnd ofllco build ings. Threo locnl firms hnvo already mndo application for long term leanos on tho rooms In tho lowor part of the building. Tho acquiring of tho Gulovson cor ner has been something that Mr. Chandler linn long doslrod. It fits In well with his other holdings ami tho Improvements ho has already made here Iiiih greatly enhanced the; valuo of tho proporty. Tho nnnounconiont that Mr. Chan dler had secured tho proporty wus n welcomo nows to tho buHlncBU men and pooplo of Coos Hay generally becauso thoy folt, oven before ho In timated, that ho would Improve thfn cholco locution. Incidentally It call ed forth 8omo linudBOino bouquets In appreciation of Mr. Chnudlor's work In tho past towards developing Mnrshflold and Coos Hay. That tho big Investments and Improvements ho has mndo horo oven In advance of tho progress of tho town nnd com munity, which will ovontunlly hand somely rownrd him In dollura awl conta according to tho hollof of ovo ry Coob Hay booster, Is appreciated nnd praised, street talk today mora thnn confirmed It. ' Negotiations for some other down town business proporty aro nlso In progress but others had beon closed todny. ID CLEWTO 10 IT Authorities Unable to Find Any Trace of Slayer of Woman and Son Near Portland PORTLAND, Oro., Sopt. 8 Tho authorities today aro nt loss for n clow to tho murderor of Mrs. Wahr umn and her four-yoear old eon ut Scapooso. Ouo clow connecting n stranger and a missing pair of booto each bolng different, distinctive al- froni "10 Wohrmnn cabin has lieon most llluslvo In beauty; poems in disproved by finding tho bootB on tho promlsos. The autopsy today devel oped tho fact that tho body of Mrs. Wohrman wus not violated. velvet and ribbon. HUILDIXG SITE, 100x114. Three views. FINEST on Ray, for $(H)i ensh. P.O. nox 841, Mnrshflold. Roys' School Suits with two fwlra" of pants at the Woolon Mill Storo. THE BOOSTER WILL HAVE HIS MONUMENT IN THE HEARTS OF MEN A f .