THE LOSERS END Of IT IS NEVER EXHAUSTED BY TIRESOME EXPLANATIONS WVK ADS CARRYING Your store-news, should nppenr as regularly ns docs this nowspnper. If newspaper omitted mi lsstio now j limn even for so wclg.ity n rci .0 ns fearing tlmt It mlKlit rnln t nld not bo n good newspaper. C000 SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spnoo in a newspaper, compared with til tpnot used by other stores, should deflw lit. comparative, importance In fifee commuiiityl Docs your storo'o a vertlsing space do that? mmtB 1 MEMBER OP ASSOCIATE!) PRESS Established In 1878 ns Tho Const Mali VOL. XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of TIiuca. Coast Mall mid Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 4? mn FINAL PLEAS IH BEATTIE CASE BEING MADE TODAY Strong Evidence Against Ac cused Virginia Banker Pass ed Up by Prosecution. DEFENDANT SCORED AND PRAISED ALTERNATELY w w - w--w WWOW -WW BANDITS KILL AND ROB 10 PREACHERS TORN COL. ASTOR DOWN Condemned For Relations With Blnford Woman Defense Relies on Father. TJIEIU XOTOIHETV. (Dy Associated Press.) T RICHMOND, Vu., Sept. 7. Paul Hostile suya ho Is going t to Now York to pose for moving picture productions (Dy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) CIIKSTKIIFIEU) COURTHOUSE. V., Sept. 7. -Casting iiHldu s un necessary the oloventli hour Infor mation from tin alleged o.vo-wUuobr, the coniiwunvonlth or Vlrglula today began the flnnl nrgtinient ngulnst Henry Clay Jtonttlc, Jr., indicted for ltlfe murder. Two lawyers, .1. M. Gregory (or the prosecution, and Bill Carter (or tlio defense measured rhetoric at the morning tv-sslon I it j iltcrnatcly condemning and InuuJng Ac character of tlio licensed. Grt'g orr'i speech occupied Hourly an hour tad a half mil was nvrathlng denim tlatlos o( the prisoner, linrlleulnrly ol his rontliuied lohitlons wJUi it jbi ) ol preniiptlnl fancy, eiru lu itJio sub- teqttent months of IiIh murringo llfo. Appealing tor.lm religious and moral ionic of tlio Jury. Gregory judaitod x picture of liimornllty, revolting Ic details. Then ho einphaiized tlio cu aulatlrc evidence of tlio common- tealth, polntefc to what lio unllofl the salient, Imoutrnvortuhle Ministers Refuse to Marry Di vorced New York Millionaire and Girl Fiance Ceremony Postponed. (I5y Associated Press to Oooa Ba Times.) NEW YORK. Sept. 7 Colonel Astor called on Miss Force todny be- m nraiirn Pennsylvania Mining Contrac-. hfjLj j j fjH f rj tor anti uriver siam by Unknown Thugs. Dy Assoclntod Press to tli Cons liny Times) POTTST1LLE, l'a., Sept. 7. Shot fltttd nfler being robbed of n hirga, ti:in n,.nr.n n..n ... , ,uiiio uiuyuu nciJi u&diiuuivt; Says No Extension to n b i i i 01 R fore departing for Rhlnobcck, his country cstnte. The declination of two ministers to perform the mar riage ceremony, It is said, linn com pletely disarranged tlio wedding plans nml cnused nu indefinite post- ( ponement of the marriage. Justice ' of the Peace Frederick H. Force of Netcong, X. J., who claims to be related to tho Force family has vol unteered to perform tho ceremony. SAYS DENIAL ESI NEWS WOMAN AND CHILD NEAR PORTLAND FOUND MURDERED IS SNOT DOWN BY ft WOMAN miner ami a driver iinmcd Hoplns wore the vIctlniH of bundlu today Ion n mountain road nmi Nosqitchnn- j Ing, Pn. Tho money stolon was for paying Aiihr'tf miners. There Is no itJuc. Until wero Hhot uvldontly from ant V 1 1 h 1 1 . Tlio box contained $3,000 to 7ny about sixty lmndH. Armed men aro seuixlilng for the Uugltlvos. After u Hcaroh of .ehnor's carriage llic .box 'containing S'J.SOO pay for Ills moil was found lntiict. Two Ita ItniiH wen- arrested ox suspicion. Coos Bay Now. PLAN TO BLOW VY a.votji'eu .ukhsio.v. Local View of President Gray's Alleged Statement Rail way News of Coos Bay "That Is tho best news that 1 ; luive heard In a long time," said rt i well-known Marshlteld mau who Is A Eugene dispatch to the Portland .louruul telllnt: of the visit or President Gary of tho j llro"" ,,OHol ' t0,,ch w,th tl10 rn" Hill lines In Oregon to Etigono jrond tltimtion, when told that Prosi- snys, ".Mr. Ourj' did not deny or iilllrm that the Hill people wore buhlud the .surveyors, who are very jietlvo between this rlly Jinll the const, vlowlng n line to 'Coos liny." ! dent Gray of tho 11111 line in Ore gon denied that tho II 111 pooplo nro interested In Coos Hay now. "Ibdlronll olllclnls never admit any move until thuy have everything they need or desire completed," he v w v ', loimllliimil. ''UMmil 111., nntvu nf tllolf plans leak out. they nlways deny It. They do not doBlro to flollboratoly Allnged Scheme to Dynamite Guvernment Plant Near Bos ' ton Is Thwarted. Dy Associated I'ress to the Cooj Ui.y Times) liaSTO.V, "Mush., Sit. 7. - The politic tiro Investigating what appears to lime been nn nttompt to blow up facts !'tno Cbnrlostowii Nnvy 3'nrd with dy- la th cue, nan." j tho pwchime of u i nuinlt. Thw large sticks wore iboisun Iy Pnu lleattle which four,'0""'! " yoBterday wmToted nbout lU'er kllh'd the wire or his c-ou-j''0 fiamowor). or n huge lloatln? !n. Ilenn Clny Jloattlo, Jr." .iUuriok. OHIuIi.Ih doclrr tho plot to Carter argued there" was no mo- wreck tho plant might have resulted ve (or joung Jjunttlu to kill his'1" l ,,'1t )f in,,ro ,hv" two '",n" lle and nrrnlgntid the dotccthOH illt1 m,iU- ho liad - mercllmsly worhod tin1 theories anA cast nisupportMl siisn'i-' lo." llttr'ntedlj pointing to th.i f"tructlons to tile lurv rocni-dlnt: flrcunistanibl evldnico nnd Tcnsou-; Meoubt," Carter nssnllod the) 'fraclty of PnI nentn.i, and pointed , 10 Ihe unsiilIWd chnmcter of tlio j lther' testlmjiv in Me mn'i ..inf! he death at lil rir, n, .n,,.l r a ri ' ii i r r UNTIL SUNDAY EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 7. The Ehgeno lleglstor Tuesday printed tlio following: "With -the statement that' misrepresent but they have to pro he hnd come "to look nround and getjtect thuinselves against rpeoplo who uenuiilntud with Eiigono," Carl H. ' would hold thorn up on right-of-way, Gra.v. if the Oreuau .Electrlo com-iOtc Former City Architect of Chi cago Victim of Mysterious Crime Today. 1 11 Associated Press to Coos Uay Times.) CHICAGO, III.. Sept. 7. Robert Hruce Watson, one of tho best known young architects and contrac tors of Chicago, was shot In the head by n mysterious woman In front of his resldonce today. Watson Is In a hospital. The womnii was arrest ed. The woman gnvo liar nnmo ns Mrs. II. II. Coney nnd ndmltted she llred tho shot. Sho Is :t5 yours of age and hns been living at n woll-known down-town hotol. Wntson has been city architect and state architect. Wntson wns shot twlco over tho right ear and right thigh, ills con dition Is not serious. puny, mopped from tho nine o'clock train evening after hnvlng hnd to give up at Albany his intended automobile trli from Snleni to Eu If ynu recall tho history of the Hill operations In Oregon, I bellovo you will noto thnt they denied owning or hnvlng nny Intention to own tlio Orc- pi-iio, tlio rnln makliiF going on thejgon electric rnllrond and they oven highway too Mlllcult. lr. Grny tlltZ not caro to toll his purtlciilur purpose In visiting Eugene nt this time, but when nuked regard ing toriillnnlH anil llopotii for tho Oro denied any connection with tho Dos oIuiKh rond oven nRor Port or, Uroth ers hnd started construction." Cliuuge In Terminal Hallway. H Is undoi-stood thnt C. S. Winner gon Electtlc ho hnld the pooplo horolhns tnlion nn eighth Interest lu the sooined "to have It all doped out" just whure tho depots were to bo lo- Term Inn I , railway, tho orgauUatlou which Is to build the tnrmluiil Hue WILL IMPROVE SUMNER RID eatefl. Wten tin tract or land on jnnd streot-car linos In Micrnlillohl nml w'r th death or his wire as con "Wktln "whnt othor n'Jtnosses say "Vk of mnnirstntlon on the part (tbeaccsedof ,g Br0f.- DJino'is Central Employee Will Not 5e Called Oiit Before Then, Probably. (Dy Asaoeinted Jress to Coos .Bay Times.) CHICAGO. III.. Sopt. 7. sentatlvos of tlio Iniernntlonal Unions resumed their conference today. Ho roro th meeting C. V. ConJnii, vlc prosldeni or tbo Intei'iiatlouvl Mnch Inista Union, e.xproswd tho opinion r Prosecutor Wendenhurg do- t " aCtl" W,M tftUeB "', the commonwe" h Z a "el U' lueotlag f tl10, "T ? ,r0llS case wtt,inil, .,..." "committee or tho International bt hs had R.kod the man J lll "'" a tell big gtory. 'ce Information about the now 1 ' saiim r,, ...... : " '"wnays mnu "riier deolaroii ti,.t i ,..i .i ' ..fc ,ij ,iJt,.jii MOHK iA'IDEVt'E FOUND. CHESTERFIELD COURTHOUSE, -. Sept. 7 Propwiitor Wendon "I dtelared todny ho had nodded to request the rooponlng of tho little ase on amount of tho dlusov r ol an alleged oye-wltnoss of tho a . ... "arm near tl. .. , .,.. r Until n fo,., ,,,.... Hfnl. " " luier tno crimo ""he wa8 pi.,.,, ,.. ,. Tl it iu ami iuon- ', '" l,av "enttio to leavo r y ,ne contry. He do m he was h,,i .' .. . ui loe miirin. ...i . ntiM . ' w,lwn no w"8 H t- " to tlia .mho niongsido the "e saw rtnnMi , ,. ,., S fron, ,. " niioen mi ''Oni tho rni. ...ui. ...... (it Z from tl10 )Utt.end of a W..?nd then sw Win shoot 4 Seat. 0man' The Informant tQuwLV . ",.",manrt l,llU m Wtet because ho w as afrall he Is Wtlllnr. nunn .. .. o "oiiiy. a uer caeo, nu .v..-. 'nnn'a letter Is corro- day by order of Judge Watson testify, horated by th fin w or for whom h worked. Tho declaration thnt Utmttlo club hnd hi wife beforo the shooting 1 consldorod or muoh luterost. It Is snid thnt physlclsiis who oxamlned the body roportod tho rrontal bono on tho right sldo of tho skull was probably broken. Tho lottor of the alleged eyo-wltuosu goes Into tho case In grant detail. TWO ARE RELEASED. Ileulnh Dlnfoid, Paul lleattle i.iwj Her I'm-dom by Judge Wat-ou. DANCE and CRAIJ HAKE Satur- RICIIMOND, Va., Sept. 7. Heulah (ny evening, September 9, nt tho nlnford and Paul Beattlp. detained ufe-Savlng Station, given by the Lire-Saving crow. Everyone invitcu and everyone welcomo. The steamer Alert will leavo Marshfleld at S o'clock returning after dance. Firth Ktreet from Wlllniuttto to Ponii wiib imlnteil out to him as that which had bean bought up tho past week ho roimiAted: "Some one seonifl to hnve beon got tlng n lot of proper y Intotono piece lor us. Perhnps they are going to ircako lit a pverient 'Ul It. . "Oh. It doeun't matter )f It did toMt ?1W),00Q. WO'ni more or less ustnl to .gottlnr prestntH 11 to that W'hr. ovtr at Htnd n short time ago the people guvo u banquet or llowors to ino nnn to Mr. KIHctt (of the NortlMirn Pncillo " CoAccrufKg the building of the Oregon Eearlc euenslotj, Mr. Cirny snid tluit thv comvnny hid onttired Into a tnutrutt ror tho lint from tal oni to Albany nnd hoped to have the grading 'lono u good deal Vorore tho first or .iMiuniT, for If It Is riot dot bororo the wlnttr sets in It will hnvo to go over until spring. On tho othor Jinnd, contracts ror building heiwcon Albany and Hugono havo not been lot, -as tho company has not taken up yetevon tho nuittor ol Mfcurlng the nocesinry tlght-ol.way nnd until that Is dooo contracts tan not bo lot. Not Inter Ifrt In Coos Ray. Mr. Gray denied omphatlcully that his company Is In nny way imarostod In roachlng Coos Hay at this time. Ho would not assumo responsibility for surveys that aro olalmed not to belong to tho Hnrrlman system, and said that tholr Interests do not ex tond beyond Eugone at this tlmo, Accompnnying Mr. Grny aro L. I.. Wickorshnm, chlof ongineer lor the Oregon Electric, nnd Judge Cary or counsel for tho company. ... it.- .ncnwpnUh ns witnesses ior me tu...,.... In the Henry Clny Deattle. Jr.. mur der case, were released from Jail to- North lieuil. The understanding h that Mr. Wlnsor hns ncqulred oue hnlf of the fourth Interest in tho pro. Ject taken by the Simpson Lumber company. There 'bus boon no developments publicly imille known of the Southern Pacific's latitude towards the local frnnrhlHo. It Is understood thnt MoKsrs. Minis and Mlngus have boon In ronferemw with omo or all of the pnrtle-a Intorohted In If but wind transpired nt tho conference has not been made public. There were .a wholo lot of rumors In circulation about It hut little con fidence Is plnced in nny of them. One that rouchod heie from North Rend was to the effect Unit If tho Southern Pacific could not get tho terminal francblso In Marshaiold or a big in terest in It nnd were unable to get permission to bridge the bay, they would put their terminals opposite North Rend nnd lorry ucross the bu there. Another rumor Is that mnny or the pxirchasos of 15. V. Wright of Port- lat.d made hore tlio last fow months are for tho Southern Pacific Instond of ror himself or a syndlcnto ns has boen announcod. Therro havo boen no dovolopmonts in other propositions. Tlio old rumor thnt Hill was nbout to tako ovor the Coos Day and IlnUe was afloat again today but thoro was nothing horo to snhstnntlato It. Get Right-of-way. E. G. Flnnagnu and Petor I.oggle roturuod yesterday from tho uppor Coqulllo Valley whoro they hnve boon for tho past two or threo wooks securing options on right-of-way for the Coos Day and Holse lino. They report good progress with tho work and found most of the laud owners ready nnd willing to furnish right-of-way, most of them donating It outright. There Is still some to be secured on that section of tho route but they expect to be ublo to get that Coos County Commissioners Will Cooperate With Coos Bay Men For Mail Service At a conference- of reprosentntlvos of tho Murslifioltl Chamber of Com merce nnd tho Coos County commis sioners at Coqulllo this morning, tentative arrangements wero made for temporary Improvements In tho old Coos Hay wngon road which will fucllltato tho mail servlco dining thu rnlny sansnn. It wns ngreed thnt the commissioners would come horo tomorrow nnd go over part or tho rond with tho Mnrshllold dologutlon and determine what will bo neces sary Mrs. Daisy Wehrman and Sot? at Scapoose Victims of Degenerate. CRIME IS SIMILAR TO TWO RECENT ONES No Clue to Perpetrator Yet Found Dead For Day or Two When Discovered. (Dy Associated Press to Coun Boy TInu i.) PORTLAND. Ore., Sei t. 7". Tlirt murder or Mrs. Daisy Wohrninn nud? her foiir-your-old son, near Scnpooso; twenty miles north of Portland, which was discovered last nlghr, wait similar In many respects to the mur der of the Hill family horo and Mr and Mrs. Coble at Ualnlor, Wnsli. Tlia murders were committed with an ax. and revolver. The body of Mro. Wehrman was violated nftor donllr. This double crime differs from tho Hill nnd Cobles murder only In thnt u revolvor or rille wns usod lu addi tion to a liutchet nnd that the wo man was victim, although violated after the death or tho victim, al though not mlstrentcd in tho sumo Dimmer as Mrs. I Mil nml Mrs. Coble The crime wns committed between. 2:30 Suiidny afternoon when Frank E. Wolniiinii, the woman's husband, loft tho cabin to return to (lis am- ploymout In Portland and if V o'clock Tuesday afternoon when Mrj. G. Florckn nnd two chlldron saw thu body of Mrs. Wohrninn through curtailed window. Supposing tho woman wns asleep no roport wan made. Yesterday, Mrs. Florckn' again went to the cabin and seeing;' tho body In the same position- report ed tho clrciinistnncos to hor husband who Informed the authorities. The? fact that tho chickens wero locked irv Indicates the murder wns committed! Sunday or Monday night. Robbery wns not tho mollvo as Is shown by tho fact that no vnluablns except re revolver and some ammunition wero tnken. Apparently the only motlvo was tho violation of the woman'M body nftor n inniiiior or a dogeiiorato known to detectives and scloutlstn as a nncrophal. The husband of tho murdered woman was notified of tho populated. Detectives In three coun ties aro soarehliig far uomo duo to tho perpetrator of tho horrible erlttnu. Tho Marshflold delegation consist-inu,ri,or' " ronohoil tho scono In ed or Hugh McLnln, Dr. J. T. McCor-Jnn n,1, '"" PorMnnd vory Into last nine, R. M. Jennings, M. C. Horton night. Ilo Is hoiu-tbrokon nnd cam and Honry Sengstnckon. .Aftor tnlk- ,ve tllP officers no oluo. The sur- Ing tho mattor over, Mr. McLnln ns roiinillnB country Is rough and thinly spokesman of tho delegation made a proposition that if tho county com missioners would spend 1,000 out of tho road fund, tho cash for which Is now on hnnd, ror plunking, Coos nny would dorray tho oxponso or lay ing It. The plank Is to bo merely lonncd, thnt Is they will be tempo rnrlly put In nt tho worst plnces for servlco this winter and when the por ninneut grndo Is established, thoy enn be movod. In this way, It Is bollovod that tho worst plncos on tho Sumner ond of tho road will bo put In good shapo. ALLIANCE IN EARLY T A Y later, Mr. Flnungan reports thnt Engin eer Alton's survoyliig crew Is now working In tho vlglnlty of CauiHs. Wauls Union Depot. "Now Is tho time ror you pooplo to start a movomout fur a Union Depot," remarked a well-known Murshllehl man osterdny who Is oloHoly Identified with the railroad buslnoss. "The time Is now bororo Steamship Arrives From Port land and Will Sail Friday For Eureka. j The Alliance arrived lu early todny j from Portland. She hud u big ehlp mant of onus for the Southurji Ore j gon flompany's cannery ut Tfiwiili'i. and also ooiishiemble uitiKvllHjiecmR frolght. j The Alliance will sail at U o'clogk ; Friday for Hmku. j Among the Incoming pahheiiKnr Hopkins, C. E. Rukkl, Chaa U'ai'u tlin ffillriurliKv tl II l' ft iltft i-nnilu im tti .i ,1 nlv I IIqIioM fl ilnnnt ii'liorn nflinti Iltinu ntl1 " . V ' .... .... .... WIlllnniH. P. Thllnii. T. II. WoUiim, Jelr ,TS8, n , Un C0T J- C' ondin. O. Palmer. Da.h 9 lonce demands a Union Depot. and when Coos Day attains the eko Tnyor noo ,IoUIlit a fi v wa,i ft ( IU JUllO llltj IIU11U"! tors of tho Union Depot will bo prais ed for tholr foresight." DERIiY Thru Its flavor won Its favor. Sems, O. Grave). nuy your FRESH EGGS at tho A NONA GROCERV. Only SW CI-2VTS per dozen Phono 110-J. YOU WISH TO ESCAPE THE CHARGE 0E BEING A POOR LOSER KEEP STILL