THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6.1911 EVENING EDITION. THE HIPPO 55 & Qs The Hippo Woolen Mill Store Home of Mnrahfield Druggists' Sundries Buporb spices. During tho canning and pickling season you will need spices. It Is Important :hnt tho splcoa used bo ptiro and of tho most dollcato flavor. Wo havo a lino thnt arc suporlor In ovory way. Thoy go farther Chan ordinary grades bccnuBo thoy aro puro and of Bolcct grades becauso of tho dollcacy of their flavor. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. TIIK IIUSV CORNER Beaver Hill Goal MOUNT DIABLO 4ND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho boat Domestic and Importod brandB. Pinter, Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICK, SOUTH BROADWAY. I'HONK 201 FOlt SALE IRRIGATED ALFAL FA nml fruit land, Cnllfomla un der best Irrigation uystom In tho stato. 4 lines transportation. Great dairy country. Prlco ?125 per ncro C years to pay. Wrlto for Hternturo to A. E. Polloxfon & Co., No. 3 Mnrkot St., San Fran cisco. Headquarters for Cooa liny people. 20-FT. LAUNCH- At n bargain. Al shape full equipment. Inquire Box 327, Marshflold. roit SALE 18-ft. launch M5 "'l'- boat, Just painted, also boat houso. Everything In good condition. Cheap If taken soon. P. II. John son, Smith's Rotall Yard. WST, STIUYK1) OH STOLEN Hed Irish setter pup. Roward for re turn to Quy w. Charabors at Al Hanco Warehouse WST in postoftice, silk umbrella, 8'tver pearl handlo. Roward for re turn to Times' office. wit SALK S.passengcr uuto nearly new. Would consider good prop erty In exchange. Apply room 204 Coke Dldg. ANtki) Competent girl for gen eral houseworkMrs. Q. W. Kauf man. WANTED To buy or lease dairy raCb, with Stock. fJlvn full nar- "culars address J. M. P., 210 S. School St.. Lnrtl. ni -,., vMt WANTED o experienced coal mln erBeaver Hill Gommnv. 11 8AL Comfortablo home com- just out of the jungle. We can fit you in th6 style you like whether it is "the latest shape" or "just a nice shoe." A pair of SHOE we know will please you. ACompktc Showitigat$5.00 Good Shoes ;jsc Oregon PHONE 1108 plotoly furnished; two lotB nt Day Park. P.O. Box 432. FOR RENT Fiiinlhhcd room In Sac ehl Hldg. Apply on promlsos. WANTED Two evperleuced sturcli Ironors Immediately. Jlarshflold lluud and Stenin Laundry. j.OST A cat's licml stick pin. Finder will bo rewarded by returning to C. A. Howard, Blanco hotol. FOR ItKNT Furnished flat, modern conveniences. Phono 233-X. 'FOR SALK Two team horses; one pair with wagon and hnrnoss. cheap. T. J. Gardner, Llbby. WANTED A comjMJtPiit girl for pen oral housowork to go to San Fran cisco. Apply to Mrs. II. H. Mc Phorson, 334 Pino St. FOR SALE FirsUclnss horso and buggy. Cheap If taken Immedia tely. Address 'N. B. caro Times. FOR RENT Furnished flat of flvo rooms, modern conveniences. Ap ply 703, 3rd St., John Ellorby. FOR SALE My farm flOO acrea In ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C. W. Santord, Marshflold. M DEARY'S GUN SnOP Full lino of Bicycle supplies. Qun, bicycle, machine lock repair ing, Keys made and fitted. E. DANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phono 180-R ALICE JI Tho Popular Plcnlo Boat Now makes regular schedule on t, HnnMi r.nna nivor run. Leaves Marshflold weok days at 4 p. m. Ar rives In Marshtieia ai o;o u. w. Sunday, loaves Marshflold at 8 a. m. Returns at 6 p. m. After the show trr a Turkish Bth Phon 214-J. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON, Sept. C Showors tonight and Thursday. Will Give Dance. Tho Mllllcoma has Issued Invitations for a dancing party to bo given there Friday ovo nlng. Sells Auto. Dr. Geo. Dlx today sold his Hudson runabout to A. J. Mondcl who will utilize It In look ing utter his business In tho varlouB parts of tho county. Duck Season. Tho open senson for ducka hero commences Septem ber 1G, but geese, snipe and other wndlng birds cannot bo killed bo foro October 1. Is Better. C. S. Hllborn, tho Mll llcoma pioneer, who has been quite 111, Is roportcd Improving, much to tho gratifications of tho many frlonds of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hllborn. Mndo Good Tlmo. In a letter to Thr i'lmes, F. P. Norton Bays Zelma Z, his now trotter, went threo heats at tho Scio fair In 2:14, 2:12 and 2:10. Mr. Norton will start Bollo N at Salom Friday. Raises Peaches. Mayor C. E. Jor dan of Eastsldo today brought ovor a samplo of some poaches grown thoro by John A. Olson. Tho troo producing thorn Is only four years A Great Advantngo to Working Men J. A. Maplo, 12G S. 7th St., Stoub envlllo, 0., says: "For years I suf fored from wenk kldnoys and a sovoro bladdor trouble I loarnod of Foloy Kidney Pills nnd their wondorful cures so I bogan tnklng them nnd suro enough I had as good results as any I heard nbout. My backache left me nnd to ono of my business, ex prossmnn, thnt alouo Is a groat ad vantage My kidneys acted freo and normal, and thnt saved mo n lot of misery. It Is, now a pleasuro to work whero It used to bo u misery. For Salo at Red Cross Drug Storo. Notice to Fishermen Allco H will mnko dally trips from Coos River to Pick Up Salmon and will stop at any landing. Flrthormon shipping fish by Allco II can travol froo during Ashing senson. Cash will bo paid for fish at tho dock or at tho Allco II any time. Lowor Bay flslt will bo taken caro of by launch Mnwmoll. (Signed) J. J. REYNOLDS. Mgr. and Solo Owner. Peaches! We huvo had tho unusual good fortuno to get an unexpected shlpmont of FINE PEACHES, and wo nro going to shnro our good luck with our customors. Wo have somo oxcoptlounlly fine Ashland Yellow Crawfords and Albertas Also Wenatchee Muirs Wo will sell these at tho following prices; Wenatchee Muirs, per box, . $1.00 Albertas, per box, . . . . $1.15 Ashland Crawfords, per box, $1.20 Lockhart's Grocery Two Pivate Phones 85 and 305 old but It will produce between ten nml twelve boxes of the Inrgest, hlgh 1 colored tind Hue flavored ponchos that ono ever saw. Begin Work on Plant. Tho C. A. Smith comprfny today started driv ing piling for tho foundntlou for the resnw or roninnufncturlng plant which they arc Installing near their big mill. Tho details of It wore outlined In The Times last weok. It will tako about six weeks to put In the plant. Finds Old Check. Yesterday, Wm, Cox while checking up his cash reg ister found a check that was thir teen years old. It was for flvo dol lars and waB lBsucd by Wm. Duebnor to Robert Mnrsden, Sr. It got dou bled up In tho cash register and was not missed by Mr. Marsden. Mr. Cox turned It over to Air. Mursden who will now cash It. Change City's Name. Somo Marshfleld men nro advocating thnt tho Marshflold city council bo nBkcd to chnngo tho namo of tho munici pality from Marshflold to Coos Bay, their Idea being to havo tho chango In namo made before tho cities on tho Bny aro mergod. Doflnlto steps In tho mattor mny bo taken soon. Prosect Good. II. J. Froar of tho local water and light ofllco has roturnod from Marshflold and other const cities whero ho spent a few days attending to business Interests. Mr. Frear reports business brisk on tho const, presumably in anticipation of tho several "railroads" which pro mlso to build Into that soctlon dur ing tho next fow yenrB. Rosoburg Nows. Asks Subscriptions. C. M. Man pin, tho California oil expert, who has been looking over this flold, to day Is endeavoring to securo stock subscriptions to tho Coos Bay Oil and GnB company which Is going to orgnnlzo with $25,000 capital to drill for oil. Ho stated that ho was mooting with good success, having about 111,000 of tho amount sub scribed or partly promised. Twonty- flvo por cent of tho stock subscrip tions is pnynblo on demand nnd tho baluncn nt tho call of tho directors. DERBY Thru Us flavor won Its favor. Try Tho Tlmoe Want Ada. Underwear Have you noticed our now lino of undorwenr? Bettor do so for It will savo you monoy nnd mean comfort to you. Tho prices rnngo as follows: Union Suits From $1.00 to $3.50 TWO-PJECE SUITS, A GARMENT ftOc to $iMJO. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. Peaches! Personal Notes A. McADAMS of Beaver Hill Is In ' Marshflold on business. tlQ J VnAl'AM nt rina Utvnt' Is . YnrBhllcld visitor today. E. L. C. FARR1N roturnod today from a b..dluoss trip to Coqulllo. MRS. T. M. COLLVER of Catching Inlet Is a Marshfleld shopper. GEORGE ROSS of Catching Inlet wus a Marshfleld visitor today. EDGAR MCDONALD of North Bond Is a Marshfleld business visitor to day. REV. FATHER KERNEY of Bandon Ib spending the day with friends here. BENNETT SWANTON returned to day noon from a business trip to Coqulllo. SHERIFF GAGE pnssed through hero today en routo to Plat B to sorvo papers In cases to come up at tho coming term of court. MRS. E. D. BROWNLEE and chil dren oxpect to. lcavo Sunday for tholr homo nt Klngflshcr, Okln., aftor a pleasant visit nt tho homo of her sister, Mrs. A. T. Haines. P. A. PETERSON and wlfo of East side wcro Marshflold visitors to day. Mr. Potorson has rccovorod from his recent Illness. Ho Is nearly eighty years old and has been a resident of Coos Bay slnco 18G2. MISS MYRTLE DOWNER, n former rcsldont of tho Bay, arrived hero yesterday from Condon, Oregon, whore sho has been residing re cently. Her paronts will como lator and tho family may locato horn agntn. II. E. MORRISH, formorly with Tho Times but rccontly located In Portlnnd, arrived hero last ovo- nlng from Portlnnd to tako a posi tion on Tho Times. Ho came In via Gnrdlnor nnd reports tho roads In bad shape. MRS. II. V. MOFFAT of Suornnionto, who has been spending the sum mor with hor sister. Mra. O. V. McCulIom, of North Bund mid other rolntlves on tho Bny expects to leavo next Tuesday for hor homo. Sho was tho guosc of Marshflold frlonds today MRS. O. O. LUND nnd chlldron loft yostordny for Oakland, Cal., whoro thoy will remain sovornl months so that tho children, Penrly. May and Myrtlo, enn tnko commercial coursoa. Tho abolition of tho com morclnl course In tho local high school uccossltntcd tholr going nwny to got this work. F. P. BAUMGARTNKR, formorly ngont for tho Alllnnco nt Portlnnd but now contracting ngont for tho Nohnlom nnd South Const Trans portation compnny, Is horo from Portland on business nnd pleas ure. Ills compnny Is now operat ing tho Anvil botweon Portland nnd Bandon and way ports. LIBRARY NOTES j During tho Inst fow months tho 11 ibrary has recolved gifts of books from I tho following porsons, who havo our thanks: Mrs. J. T. McCormnc, Mrs. Q, F. Avorlll, Miss Ellon Ruduns, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Rov. Robt. E. Brown ing, Mrs. McEwnn, Stnnloy Peters, Mrs. W. B. Cox, Mrs. Besslo O. Llbby. Tho report for August shows unus ually good circulation for n vacation month. Tho children havo taken out 33G books, tho adults G09, making a total of 944. Tho numbor of volumes In tho library Is now 18G0, nnd tho total number of registrations 845, LU.MBER ALL GONE. Big Exporters on East Coast Retlro From Business. By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny TlraoB) SAVANNAH, Ga., Sopt. G. Tho firm of Granger and Lewis with of flcos In Savannah, Baltimore and other cities will, retlro from tho lumber export business. Thoy havo boen doing an export lumber busi ness of $GO,000,000 yearly. Thoy ro tlro becauso tho lumber supply of Its territory depleted. MISSIONARY IS SLAIN (By Associated Pres3 to the Coos Bay Times.) GEORGETOWN, British Guinea, Sept. G Rov. E, C. Davis, suporln tondentof tho Guinea Mission of tho Soventh Day Adventlsts denomination the headquarters of which are in Washington, D. C was murdered for proselyting among tho natives. ASSAULT CASE 1 BID Fred Lund In Jail at Coquille Charged With Statutory Offense. COQUILLE, Ore., Sopt. G Fred Lund, a inlddlo aged man, was broughtt hero from Bandon last night on a warant charging a statutory of fense. But llttlo particulars could bo secured of It today as Sheriff Gage and Deputy Sheriff Gngo aro both out of town. tl Is alleged that Lund picked up n lltlo live-year old gtrl and started to carry hor bodily Into n clump of timber In tho edgo of town. People heard her cries and somo men started In pursuit Lund was knocked down by ono of tho pursuers but got up and started again but was flnnlly caught. Nothing Is known of him and oven tho namo of tho chlld.who wns evi dently his Intended victim, could not bo secured. Tho old grand Jury Is In session In vcstlgatlng n numbor of mnttora but hns not returned any Indictment yet. Among tho enses brought be fore It wns that of Ralph Jackson and a Mis Ingram of Marshflold who woro brought hero by Marshall Car tor yesterday. THREE SALOONS E Only Six Left In North Bend Bert Rush's License Is Re voked For Offense ' Burt Rush, proprietor of tho Bank saloon In North Bond, was flnod 960 nnd costs and his Uconso declared forfoltod by City Rccordor Derby shire of North Bend this week. Tbl action followed Rush's arrest for al lowing a woman to remain In his saloon In violation of tho North Bond liquor ordlnnnco. Rush's place Is now closed but It 1b expected ho will mnko applica tion to tho North Bond council nt It next meeting, Tuesday, September 12, for n now Uconso. Tho North Bend council did not meet last night or tho nppllcntlon would probably hnvo boen mndo thon but possibly not In Rush's nnmo. Two othor saloons In North Bond closed this weok becauso of lack of business. Ono was Woathorly'a Owl saloon nnd the othor Chns. Hnnrson's plnco nenr Old Town. Tho prop rietors declared that thoy woro not nearly making expenses. Tho closing of tho threo plncos only leaves six saloons In North Bond operating now. Public Schools There Will Open Monday, September 18, For Coming Year. Tho North Bond Public schools will open Monday, Soptombor 18, a week from rioxt Monday. Plans for tho coming yonr havo boon complotod by Supt. Rnab who has secured his on tiro corps of teachers. Only a fow changes hnvo been mndo In tho teach ing staff. Tho courso and work will bo prac tically tho samo as last yoar. Tho teachers for tho coming yoar nt tho two buildings will bo as fol lows: High School Principal J. F. Grubbs, History and Mathomatlcs. Miss II. Josephine Griffin, Langu age and Literature. E. IC. Goettel, Sclenco and Matho matlcs. Mr. Goottol Is from St. An tony, Idaho, and takes Prof. Beau mont's placo. He Is a graduate of German Wallace college at Borea, O, Supt. A. G. Rnab. History. Mrs. Ulysses C. Woodbury, eighth grado. Mrs. Wilbur Chapman, primary Central School, Sovonth Grade Miss Winifred Rood, graduate of North Bond High vchool and of Albany collego normal. Sixth Grndo Miss Grace Williams. Fifth Grado Miss Berdlnah Hlok oy. Fourth Grado Miss Besslo G. Im wol. Third Grndo Miss Lilly Butlor. Second Grade Miss Penrl Hoath. First A Mrs. Matilda IC. Sloop. First B Miss Bornlco Illckoy. NORTH BEND NEWS. B. Ilunsakor, who has boen the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Stowart, tho past few months, left today for his homo at Baker City. Ho Is past olghty years old but Is vigorous aud expects to como back next year te spond tho summer here. DOORS NEW TEACHERS AT NORTH BEND a