Z.M 1gT- tij.'i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1911 EVENING EDITION. V & II . n ii COOS BAY TIMES W. O. MALONEY IAN IS. MALQNEY Editor tinil Pub. News Editor Address all communications to COOS 11 AY DAILY TIMES. Bfnrshflcld :: :: ::' t: Oregon Dedlcatod to tho sorvlco ef the poaplc, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovl shall not thrive unopposed. Coos Bay Got 5.44 Inches Less Last Year Than the Nine Year Average. The total precipitation to.' tho past twelve monthsendlngSeptcmherl, on Coos Day, was 01.60 Inches, accord ing to tho ofllclnl records kopt by Mrs. Au Independent Ropubltean news- E. Mlngus, government wept nor ob- poper publlshod ovcry ovonlng except server. .Entered at tho postonlco at Marsh Cold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall mattor. IFSLL IS E: i r- r71 Sunday, and Weekly by Tlio Coon Day Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year - $6.00 For month 50 WEEKLY. One year $1.50 Whon paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlco or the Coos Day Times la $5.00 pr yoar or $2.60 for elx months. OFFICIAL FAl'KIl OP Til B CITY OF MAIISII FIELD. i -- Ofllclnl Paper of Cooh County ;8CIIOqL DAY8 NEAltLY HERE. N"EXT Mondny schools will open their doors and bid you come for all things nro ready. Tho high school Is specially propared to iglvo you n practical courso of train ing In tho shortest possible tlmo. If your tlmo la limited, special pains mill bn taken to ennblo you to got Itlio most out of It thnt will bo of real practical valuo. The high school Is lho host equipped of any graded (dchool In a-plnco of like slscu In the ntatfl, nnd thoro aro but fow places of threo times its size that equal 'it. Doleful Danny! 8nddoned Suol Ovor me tho long morning tand tho ondloss nftornoons whon llfo iwjis ono golden dream to play from -inorn to ilowy ovo nil tho Hummer dny. Dnn his trout rod nnd whhitlo to ' Ulium," Ills lour-iotmm inuuu, m ko llshlng nnd Bwlmming In tho river, fluo will no longer piny hldo-ond-seek Tho avorago precipitation for tho provlous nlno yonrs was 07. 5G Inches so thnt tho precipitation tho pnst year wns 5. 89 Inches less than tho average In Jnnunry, tho annual summnry of wenthor conditions for tho year will bo compiled by Mrs. 13. Mlngus. Council Tonight. Tho Marshflold city council will meet this ovonlng to tnke up various matters. It is oxpect ed thnt tho boulevard plan will bo ono of tho mnttors to bo discussed. Present Hnlu Good. Although tho rainstorm of Mondny nnd Tuesday hna put n crimp In tho oporntions of tho auto stago lino bo- tween Coos nnd tho railroad, It Is gonornlly nccoptod as very bonoflclnl. Tlmbor ownors, loggors nnd woods- inon generally think it n Godsend to ward oft dangor of forest flros. Not only will It extinguish tho fow flros now burning, but It will rcduco tho dnnger from futuro flros this fall. Rnnchcrs nro gonornlly pleased with tho rain, providing It does not Inst too long. It will not hurt any crop but will make good fall pnstur- ago. CATCHING INLET NEWS. Mr. Rouburg was tho guest of Will Higglnson Sunday. Mrs. Hall Lewis was tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Doano Friday. tho Hue. Tho loss Is hard on tho old man who is somewhat of a re-cluso. II. 8. Donebrako and Will Hig glnson nro Marshflold business men today. TROUBLE IN EUROPE Germany mid Franco Mny ClitMi Again. Ily Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times) BERLIN, Gor., Sopt. C Post, or gaii of tho consorvntlvo party, in r.n oxtrn tonight says tho Morocnn ngt tlntlons with Franco hnvo boon bro ken off. It Is not oftlclnlly confirm ed. WAU IN SOUTH AMERICA EK'i Crush Ht'lWWII Pom. ltollvu and ! Aonnnlntnil Tlciimi ( lis Pilllu 1 1 M ( whonovor bIio wuntH to nnd grow ns "nn"1'""1" ',"" ",v yj""" "" WASHINGTON, Sopt. f. .A rtlfi- patch to tho Stnto Department Intll catcB thnt thoro Is n grnvo crisis bo- OPEN IMG GAS WELL. Tirown nB Mlnnohnhn or Pocnliontas. Doth must on with prim nnd proper olinivo nml nlnrldni'H. nnd tlo tllOIll , .- ... in iimn tweon llollvln nnd Poru thnt wnr mny on morning after morning in HmoM,Bl Bt nny tlm0i Tho troom httV to roach school nt 9 o clock. jnlrendy clahod on tho border nnd n Ot In n BUddon shock una n mini iioiivinu inou wrccKou mo roriivinii nnt in niiimi?n from nil nlnv and uoi M'gnnon nt lJn rns. school to murh sohool nnd little piny. Tho four wnllH of tho schoolroom are an Indifferent Hubstltuto for nil out-of-doors. It Is no wonder Hint tho spncloiiH Vlnyground nnd tho Jolly gnmos with ciiiikoiiIiiI eninrndo pall for n tlmo on lyn and girls who hnvo ronniod tho woods nnd Mil and hwiiiu the TlvorK nnd lakes. If tho children chnfo ns tho yoko Balls thorn, lot us bo patient. It will not bo long Iinfnro tho ln lomltnblo ohoorlnoiw of childhood reasserts Itself, nnd lessons nro welcomed In tho spirit of piny nnd Jmskot lmll Is played by tho girls with tho snmo r.oHt iih tho free sports of summer, whilo fontbnll takes the lilnco of bnBebnll In tho boys' nffec-flons. Grout Thing EmtIi'iI of Well Xi'iir Cnlgiuy. (Hy Assoclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) OAI.OARY. Albortn, Cnnndii, Sopt. 0. A gns well butt boon opened up nt How Inland which oxporta ostl inale will produco twenty-eight mil lion foot ouch twonty-four hours. G. McNamara of Portland was in this vicinity Saturday taking scenic photographs. Mrs. Ellen Crawford visited with her sister, Mrs. Higglnson from Sat urday till Mondny. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Doano and sons wero tho guests Friday ovonlng of Mrs. Thos. Higglnson. Messrs. C. II. Jackson Charles Cox nnd Mnster Guy Iloss woro Mnrshflcld business men Friday. E. R. Jones nnd family moved to Ivan Hodson's place Saturday on Coos Itlvor to bo gono till spring. O. O. Floss of Spokane, nnd Wnl tor Arnold of North Ynklmn, were In Gardiner last week looking over tho proposed route of tho Eugeno Gardiner and Coos Day railroad, with tho intontlon of taking contrncts for building tho same Rev. J. S. Green will leave on September 18 to nttend tho Metho dist state conference which will be held nt Salem on tho 20th ot September. Tho Umpqua Co-operatlvo Packing company under tho management of C. A. Porklns, Sr., Is prepnrlng to do a big season's work. Thoy nro now packing fish in cold storage, but will begin In n few days to can, as they expect tholr crow of Chlnoso 10 nrrlvo soon from Astoria. The fish ermen nro having somo trouble with tho snags thnt nro In tho rlvor, ns thoy Interfere with tho drifting ot tho nets. Mr. Carl Hollonbeck, Mr. George Ross nnd J. C. Doano went deer hunt ing tills week and Mr. Hollembcck shot n deer and has been nil smiles over since. Miss Efllo Church acted ns super intendent, organist, secretary and tcachor In our Sabbath school Sun day, filling each placo with modesty nnd grnco. EDDIE SMITH DEAD. Don't forget tho Turkish VHONE 21 l-J. Bnths. l'Ndoy's Honey and Tar ConiOHid Still retnlns Its high plneo na tho best household remedy for nil coughs nnd colds, olthor for children or grown liorsons. Prevents serious results from n cold. Tnko only tho genuine Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound, nnd refuso substitutes. For Snlo At tho Rod Cross Drug Store. San FriuielM'o Sport Writer nnd Re feree Passes An ay. (Hy Associate! Press to tho Coos liny ''linos) OAKLAND, Cnl., Sopt. (!. Eddie Smith, the well-known sporting wri ter nnd fight referee, died toduy. HriUn trouble had bothered him for sovornl weoks. WILL BOOST WILSON. (By Assoclnted Pross to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, III., Sept. C Tho first club In the west to further tho enn dldney of Woodrow Wilson for tho democratic presidential nomination wns organized hero last night. Do YOU Want Plums or Prunes FOR CANNING Buy Them Whenever You See Any for the Crop Is Short and They Will Not Last Long. Wednesday, Mrs. Clins Hlckox and Mrs. Suslo Howsor of Marsh Held walked over to Ross Inlet to spend tho dny with their old tlmo friend, Mrs. Chns. Jackson, taking her a number ot homo mndo dulntlos. Fri day, Mrs. Whorent nnd Mrs. John Nnglo of So'uth Mnrshfleld wnlked over nnd spent tho afternoon with Mrs. Jackson each ono ot thorn car ried u basket filled with good things to cnt propared by thomsolves nnd n number of othor Indies of tho Bnp tlst church. Mrs. Jackson snys sho Is siiro thoy woro mnglc baskets as they wero full ot nil kinds of dnln tlcs. Ico cream as firm nB If sho was eating it in nn lea cronm parlor nngelcnko,cronmpuff8, chicken, straw berry preserves, n bag of poars, an other of grnpes, another of choice candles, nil prepared by loving liiindj, also Saturday morning. Ho v. Hall on his way down from Sumner, where he held church sorvlco Friday night, got off tho boat at Ross Inlnt landing, wnlked up to call on Mr. Jackson, then walking on over to MniHlilleld by way of Uny City In this way Mrs. Jackson's heart has been mndo glad by kind friends nnd neigh bors through her eight long weoks of Illness. CULLINGS OF COQUILLE. Cows County Sent News as Told by Tho Sentinel. Born To Mr. nnd Mrs. Poto Jacob-" sen, Friday, September 1, 1911, n son. Mrs. Clydo Gngo Is moving this wock from tho court houso to tho R. S. Knowlton house in the north part of town. Novn Landroth nnd fnmllv will occupy tho bnsomont of the court house nnd ho will look nfter tho pri soners nnd Janitor work nt tho court houso In future. F. L. Grconough departed for Port land mid Astoria Wodnosdny nnd whon ho returns will bo nccompnnlcd by Mrs. Grconough whom ho will nc qulro whilo In tho lntter city. Tho wedding day Is set for Tucsdny, Sop tombor 5. Tho young couplo will mnko their futuro homo nt Dnndon-by-tho-sen. Edwnrd E. Dyer, who has chnrgo of E. G. Porham's crow of men who nro nt work on tho tldo gtos for tho Fut Elk Drnlnngo District, staled thnt tho work is progressing in flno shupo nnd that unless n heavy rain cornel within tho next fow dny they will hnvo tho work far enough advanced so thnt no dumngo would be done. Tho gates tit tho outlet of tho luuiver Slough canal wns completed u week ngo. $ NEWS OF GARDINER. GARDINER. Oro,. Sept. I. Tho body of Frank Dohlnrlug, who wna drowned, wns found flouting In tho rlvor, nnd wns tnkon chnrgo of nnd burled Friday by Justice Hiiskel. Tho deceased wns u nntlvo of Swed en, nged 2S nnd n member of tho Owls, nt North Pond, Coos county. Tho public schools opened Mon dny, Septembor 4th. Tho 9th grndo will bo ndded nnd probably tho 10th. Prof. J. H, Austin will bo the prin cipal nnd Miss Anna D. Romlg assistant. J. II. Lundors, ot this placo, has bought n residence nnd flvo lots In Roseburg nnd will shortly move to thnt city. Tho Coirulllo city fathers met In special session culled for the purpose of nctlng on the resignation of wnter Superintendent Leo (loodiiinn. Th roslgnntlon was presented to th council nnd was nccoptod. The mayor then rocommendod W. D. Rowland for tho vncant position. It wns mov ed thnt tho nppolntmont of Mr. Row laud bo approved but tho motion was lost. The mattor of tho appointment of n wnter superintendent wna then laid ovor until tho regular monthly meeting. Leo Goodman has boon omployod ns janitor of tho main school build ing for nnothor yenr and will begin nt onco to got tho rooms ready for tho oponlng of school on Soptembei 11. Tho Acndemy hna bcon rented for nnothor yenr nnd will bo used for tho first threo grades. Mr. Fulton will do tho Janitor work for that building. Miss Partridge has resign ed nor position in tho high school on account of n serious Illness of an aunt In Nebraska. It Is probablo that n man will bo secured to fill tho va Tho threo miiated schooner "Lucy" finished tnklng on n cargo ot 325,000 feet of lumber nnd sailed for Snn Pedro, Cnl.. Wednesday under the command of Captain Hanson. Dr. Field has moved his family out to his fnrm, about six miles up tho Smith river nt tho mouth of Otter slough. J. A. Emmltt of Drain, has bought tho harbor shop from Lloyd Mynott nnd is moving into tho Gardinor ho tel. Mr. Emmltt Is fixing his new qunrtors up In tho flno stylo, nnd will hnvo two chnlrs, Fred Miller having chnrgo of ono ot thorn. Tho houso and blacksmith shop of Horace Meade, near North Fork, on the Smith river was burned Monday. ITho flro was caused from a dpfec-l HAY CITY NEWS. Mr. D. Major Is with us again. WATCH THE MARVEL The Motorcycle That's Up and Coming For Particulars See ROY E. LAWHORNE, Agent No Smoking Wax With Electric Flat Irons The smell of smoking wax is not agreeable and the fumes injure delicate throats. Wax is not necessary with hlectric Flat Irons is not used at all. The wax-fumes danger of catching fire occa sional damage to the article being ironed arc all eliminated, The surface of the Electric Iron is always smooth. Electric Flat Irons, $3,00 Ironing Done In Half the Time With Half The Labor . Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company ME ' jfij n Vyr "gjea ' "O'J'f I II rrW Wmirmlr' i Abstracts, Real Estate,, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIENHY SENCJSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Offljo Phono 191 Marshflold Offlco 14-J. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Qonarnl Agents "EASTSIDE" Not Mma, whohatomma Invontlvo ntillitv pSiuduwrltiKilllXl.r.V .1 Mel NT I III'. I'mrnl Mturmj.. Wnahlnalon. II. l V, .iili. Co-dooea br lb. MSUR3 OF lilt HOLY nnmiB ut JISUS ANU HAIIY. Cm',, Ati -rln-i OlUiUit Ciuruu Muilc. Alt. Uvxntion rd Ccnrrrf clilI)cpt,.R,.(,p.iJ)jJnjJi,,KcJrcJ)ilorUrJ lllctilTrlilni,WilielofAnoouKroiDLAil4rca VtTERIVnRlOR. t).H,r,',A,ilm,, fnU.J .HHHiHHiHmnua Tho cost ot repairing tho wiring In our building In Mnrshfleld was nlno dollars. Tho owner at onco got a re duction of Fifty Dollars per year In the Insurance. Think it ovor. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PnONE 237-J We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers nro now at ttho dis posal of tho Coos Day public nt ItEASOXAIlhE HATES Ulgs or rigs with drivers ready for nny tr.p anywhere nny tlmo. IIore bonrded nml rigs cared for. Now henrso and special ncommo dntions provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S MVEItY AND FEED STANCES IMIONE 27JI-J A Modorn Brick Building. Electrle Lights, Stonm Heat. Elogantly Furnished Hooins with Hot and Cold Water. II O T E Ij .CO OS C. A. METL'IN, Prop. Hntes: 50 conts n Dny and I'pwards. Cor. Broadway nnd Market Marshflold, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mcintosh visited nt Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Weaver Sunday. Lunibor Inspector thru tho mill horo spectlng lumbor. Morrison was yesterday In- Mr. and Mrs. Marhoffer visited Mrs. McNeil nt Bunker Hill yesterday. KILLS ELK IV OUItRY. Only a few days ngo a large buck elk with tho hide on tho nock, with the horns and a small piece out of one ham was found by Wm. Mooro's near Lone Ranch. The offender has not been caught. Gold Beach Globe. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHOXE MAIN B7-J WILL EXCHANGE My $2,100, equity in n 5-room bungalov, lot 80x92, Woodstock Add., Portland, Oro. Valued at $3,000, for acreage near or property in MarshJle.d. Or. I am tho owner of this bungalow, and shall only deal direct with owner of property. If you Icumw of any ono wishing to exchange have them write L. J. Justen, 494 Morrlsson St., Portland, Oregon. COOS. HAY TO nilAiv n..i.i... tlmo possible Hnldon , ij via Allegany. Through Faro $8.25 Stago, steamer and auto via Gardi ner. Through in one rinv 7 n Drain, Coos Bay stago line. Through in two daya $6.60. B0 pounds ot BARGAINS IN DWELLING. BUY NOW B-Room houso at Bay Park. Prlco ?700. Cash S'50 6-Room houso, lots 100x100. EasUldo 31"200 Dwellings In Bunker Hill. w nnd South Mnrshfleld, Ferndala North Bond at bargains. AUG. FRIZEEN, Real Estnto Insurance und Rental' 08, Central Ave., Marshfleld, Ore. WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, one of the driven and tho solicitor tor us is out tot Laundry. Watch him I he Is H"18 to ston von nn th street and expllB all details of Laundry and also to b at your home any time. He Kno" Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PHOJC- 220-J MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL Rates reduced to; Day 50c, ' $1.00: weok $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gas "H $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FK'" baggage free. Norton & Hansen, agtjBATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Pr0P' --' ( " T- 'fi Wflini.iii.1,. -.-, ,:i Afc JMnMlfi -.,. ,. i ,. , trw-Ttyywrs: UJimHWmtlW'WVrz